Using D3DX11 requires the end user to install the DirectX redist files.
Switch to using D3DCompile, and distribute D3DCompiler_47.dll for
Windows Vista, 7 and 8 users (Windows 8.1 onwards supplies
D3DCompiler_47.dll with the OS).
It actually removes the previous hack that read the full target.
Unfortunately snowblind engine game uses big target so the read is very big too (1280x448)
which is killer for the perf. Whereas the game requires only 24x12 texels
Give a 2x speed boost on Champion of Norrath !!!
Games uses very special texture with a lots of repeating.
It is much faster to send the full texture rather than trying to partially invalidate it.
On my gs dump:
FPS: 29 => 68 !
ReadFile reports that the DVD is reading from the end of file when
attempting to read any layer 1 sectors.
Use the FSCTL_ALLOW_EXTENDED_DASD_IO ioctl to prevent the file system
driver from carrying out boundary checks.
cdvdgigaherz only determines whether there is no disc, a CD, a single
layer DVD or dual layer DVD in the drive. It does not detect whether a
CD/DVD is a PS2 CD/DVD or not.
Fix the missing TOCs.
The calculated size values were off by one for single layer DVDs, off by
two for dual layer PTP DVDs, and just wrong for OTP DVDs.
Usually the IOCTL_DISK_GET_LENGTH_INFO ioctl will have succeeded already.
Only 1 IOCTL_DVD_READ_STRUCTURE ioctl call is necessary for determining
the DVD media type and layer break address. All the necessary
information is already present in the layer 0 physical descriptor.
For dual layer DVDs, CDVDgetDualInfo() should return the first layer 1
LSN, not the last layer 0 LSN, which is what GetLayerBreakAddress()
returns. This matches what the internal ISO reader returns.
Also, PTP DVDs should return a value of 1 for the media type, not 2.
Finally, adjust the CDVDgetDualInfo() return value so PCSX2 correctly
recognises dual layer DVDs.
Basically I ran
find . -name "*.vcxproj" -exec sed -i -e 's/_xp//' {} \;
This will likely break XP, but it paves the way on Windows for a PCSX2
that does not require the DirectX redistributables to be installed for
Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 users. Windows Vista and 7 users will still require
the DirectX redistributable files for XInput and XAudio, though PCSX2
should still be capable of running if a user does not actually use either
of them.
All GL4 extensions supported by DX10 class GPU will be soon mandatory
* GL_ARB_copy_image
* GL_ARB_texture_barrier
* GL_ARB_clip_control
* GL_ARB_direct_state_access
* GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects
* GL_ARB_buffer_storage
There are likely few games (RE4) which constantly change the FBW register value causing the framebuffer width to be updated at every interval. Adding a safe limit (512) similar to frame buffer height would prevent such constant changes of the framebuffer width when FBW changes once again to an even lower value.
Valid values for png_compression_level are from 0 (no compression) to 9
(max compression). The default is 1.
v2: Use zlib Z_BEST_SPEED (1) and Z_BEST_COMPRESSION (9) defines.
So let's not specify it as a build dependency.
Also remove some unnecessary manual library linkage and remove the
wsWidgets GUI property sheet, which does nothing useful.
Feedback fix, when more than two gamepad are used simultaneously.
Change all 'this->' by 'm_'
fix on the hack sixaxis pressure
Modification of the size (1000x760 -> 1000x730)
Can set all buttons. Buttons labels are not printed correctly in spite of update and refresh
The cause of this problem come from the while in the config_key function which monopolise ressources
Add arrow pictures implementation
OnePad : bug fixed (assert failure)
Modification of copyright
It's been available since XP and it's not special like XInput (where we
might have SCP in the middle) so let's have the linker resolve the
functions at link time.
The following patch uses the height value of the display rectangle rather than make an estimation of the Frame buffer height when the game uses a non-referenceable height (or) width.
Don't lookup a depth buffer if depth test is always pass without write
Boost performance on Tekken5 when depth emulation is enabled in openGL
(Tekken5 sets same address for both the RT and the depth but depth is disabled)
Keep ds if DATE is enabled (some implementation uses a stencil buffer)
Be more aggressive to avoid an useless depth lookup
Texture coordinate could be dummy/float/int integral/int normalized.
Old behavior:
* VS was in charge to select the texture coordinate
* int integral format wasn't supported
New behavior:
* Always compute all formats
* FS will be in charge to select the good format
* VS will be slightly slower but it reduces shaders permutation from
little to 0 (won't be bad for CPU)
* FS speed isn't impacted as 2 separate code paths were already required
to support both format
* Rasterizer will be 33% slower but unlikely to be the limited factor of
the GPU
* In future we could directly use the integral format in the FS.
V2: remove useless PSin_t
It would be on by default. Unsafe & fast path.
The hack is a security if someone encounters any issue
v2: update Windows gui file
v3: fix typo in tooltip and linux gui
Buttons done, configuration initialization done.
Still need to add Gamepad and Joysticks configuration frames.
Require png file for the moment (the embedded picture will be fixed after).
New Onepad GUI based on wxWidget (Main frame almost finish)
Background picture is now embedded
Button binding works
Loading and saving works
Need to add feedback and gamepad, joysticks configuration frame
Modification of the onepad CMakeList.txt
Automatic generation of images headers using perl script
Modification of the test feedback function
Visual Studio Find and Replace can only be trusted if all the files are
included in the project. I suppose it's time to add any missing files
to the relevant projects...
The old implementation saved the current value of a GSSetting as uint in
a field called 'id'. The implementation of GSSettings suggests that
GSSettings could be saved in a database with id as primary key. This
would require a translation look up from id to value but could have all
advantages of a database. However the interface to GSSetting was never
implemented like that.
In the new implementation GSSetting has a 'value' field that stores an
int representative value of the desired state. Additionally the
constructor is 'overloaded' as template to reduce casting in the
consumer code. However all consumer values need to be castable to int.
Accordingly combobox initialization was adjusted.
Initially it was free to do the SW blending because safe fbmask
will already do a sw blending.
Unsafe version uses a fast path with a limited blending. Therefore
SW blending isn't free anymore.
Improve the speed of the previous speed hack (xenosaga 1)
The hack relies on the undefined behavior of the hardware so it can
potentially generate rendering corruption.
This new hack drops the cache flusing when only the alpha channel is masked.
Alpha is a direct copy of the fragment. Normally masked bits will be constant
everywhere (RT, FS output, texture cache) so it would likely work.
Just in case, code is only enabled with the new shiny hack
The previous behaviour loaded the saved renderer config whenever the
adapter combobox was changed. The renderer will now only change if the
new adapter doesn't support the currently selected renderer (i.e
Direct3D11 might not be supported, so it'll revert to Direct3D 9).
The Wild Arms Offset text was slightly cut off due to the label being
too small. Make the dialog slightly wider so the full text will fit.
Someone should probably make the dialog look nicer at some point.
Avoid a crash on Onimusha3 (PAL 60HZ)
In theory it will be better to find the root cause of overflow. I.e. somewhere in this
code below. Dirty rectangle is too big.
if(rowsize > 0 && offset % rowsize == 0)
int y = GSLocalMemory::m_psm[psm].pgs.y * offset / rowsize;
if(r.bottom > y)
GL_CACHE("TC: Dirty After Target(%s) %d (0x%x)", to_string(type),
t->m_texture ? t->m_texture->GetID() : 0,
// TODO: do not add this rect above too
t->m_dirty.push_back(GSDirtyRect(GSVector4i(r.left, - y, r.right, r.bottom - y), psm));
t->m_TEX0.TBW = bw;
So as a temporary solution (that will likely stay for a couple of
years), buffers were increased.
Height of the dirty rectangle must be the GS size of the RT. Of course
RT doesn't have any height so we compute the max safest value.
Fix issue #987
Candidate for 1.4 release
15ms latency is too little most of the time, but if the stars align (light game,
fast system, the correct audio output module - portaudio comes to mind), it
might work well/reasonably, so allow it.
Watch the console for stretcher related messages. If you hear bad audio (clicks
etc) or notice reset/underruns messages, it means the latency is too low. The
optimal behavior (stretching is locked to 1:1) is when a message "stretch: None (1:1)"
shows at the console, which isn't followed by a message "stretch: Dynamic" or
resets or spu2 underruns.
I'm pretty sure such low latency with good performance (mostly locked to 1:1)
was not possible in the past, but it seems possible (sometimes) now. Maybe the
previous "black magic" commit helps
The default is still 100ms which is still fine for most cases.
This commit affects Windows. Linux still has a different minimum, probably
mostly due to UI/constants. Maybe someone should test and change that too.
I don't have a fully scientific explanation here, but it seems that with big
buffers (~200ms and up), the stretcher adjustment can overshoot the target
equilibrium back and forth, in effect never stabilizing.
This commit makes it change slightly slower which somehow seems to improve its
behavior. Sorry for not having a better explanation, as at this stage tuning the
stretcher has become somewhat of a black magic.
But hey, if it works...
Tested with buffers from 30ms to 1000ms, and with playback speed and speed
changes between 30% and 500%, and as far as I can tell it only makes it better.
Fingers crossed.
Both the Linux and Windows config dialogs now have a TV Shaders combobox,
so the F7 toggle can be made temporary. This makes the hotkey behaviour
consistent with all the other hotkeys.
Fixes the PadNull crash when any window event occurs due to mixing and
matching Unicode and MBCS window handles. Thanks to Volkanite for
figuring out why it was broken.
There's already a SysMessage definition, so a second one is unnecessary.
Cleanup some headers as well. I wanted to remove the about box as well,
but that can wait.
By doing more copy/pasting.
The directory creation code was removed - it doesn't create any
necessary parent directories so it's not all that useful.
It would be great if all plugins shared config code, but it's probably
to have all the plugins use Unicode on Windows first.
I don't understand the magic but sometimes pad buttons are detected as buttons
sometimes as axis. Create an option so people can test both and hopefully find a working solution
Note: you need to restart the plugin to take the option into account
Note2: fix dual pad init too
Related issue #938 and #414
Previously the sound touch configure caption box will still have the outdated value of the sliders when using the restore defaults function, update the caption text also during restore defaults. ( use the first slider value for caption since that lies closer to the restore default box )
The old one isn't working. I don't think there's a URL that redirects to
whatever language the user is using (unless my browser settings are
wrong), so I've just used the English US URL.
1. Add GS_Renderer Enum
Replace all instances of int/uint32 renderer identifier by a strongly
typed enum and appropriate casts.
Only instances in GS[*].cpp/h classes were touched. GPU[*].cpp/h classes
do not to follow the same convention.
2. Add default renderer according to OS
The default renderer is OS dependent (Win -> Dx9HW, others -> OGLHW).
Consequently one should always check againt the appropriate default
value on config load.
The old behaviour was only - if a at all - problematic if the respective
element in the gsdx.ini was missing and probably even then didn't create
issues. The current implementation is still more stable and does not
depend on the implementation of GS.cpp -> GetConfig()
The following patch adds Mipmap option (software mode exclusive) and Preload Data Frame (Hardware mode exclusive) to the GSDX plugin settings for debug purposes.
When X autorepeat is enabled, it will generate down/up, down/up, ... sequences
So it was decided to disable it. Unfortunately the configuration is for
the full system which is very annoying (state isn't restored after an
Initially the plugin handles the event from the X loop. However since
the GSopen2 switch events are already intercepted by the WX core GUI.
The core will route them back to the input plugin.
Wx filters automatically generated event so initial sequence is now
down, down, down/up. No more autorepeat issue, so no need to screw up
the system.
Note: SDL_Init is mandatory oterwise SDL_OpenAudio will redo the init.
So the only sane way is to initialize pulseaudio, close everything, and finally
init the requested driver.
* ifdef SDL2 code
* use std::string for m_api (avoid issue issue with wx2.8)
* call the good function to properly close subsystem avoid crashes
The purpose is to workaround bug with default API
Code is not ideal because SDL/gui are mixed. But it would be enough
for future release.
V2: ifdef SDL2 code
Add images for the new GUI
Onepad : wxWidget GUI
Replace headers by png files.
OnePad: wxWidget HUI (Images)
Fix l2.png file (white background instead to a transparent one).
The goal is to check the impact on game that have wrong RT content.
It helps a bit Smash Court Tennis Pro Tournament 2 but the game suffers
another texture cache bug. (RT BW is 10 whereas texture BW is 8)
Note: Armored Core: Last Raven must be tested (only game so far
that rely on the option and I didn't want to add a new one).
CID 147033 (#1 of 1): Uninitialized pointer field (UNINIT_CTOR)16. uninit_member: Non-static class member ActualPaCallback is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
Typical wrong draw:
1/ draw in 32 bits
2/ draw in 24 bits
3/ Use alpha as a texure. (Must reuse the GPU data)
4/ Write alpha from EE
5/ Use alpha as a texure. (Must upload new data)
This commit fixes the step 5.
Fix#917 (Conflict - Desert Storm)
* the break doesn't get used since HANDLE_CHECK consists of a break on the function itself.
* removed an outdated comment since realtime update of configure has been done.
previously the soundtouch configure box required a total exit of the dialog to get the configure box value updated , now it's made to be done in an instant.
CID 146973 (#1 of 1): Uninitialized scalar field (UNINIT_CTOR)2. uninit_member: Non-static class member overflow is not initialized in this constructor nor in any functions that it calls.
runion/rempty/rinter requires x < z and y < w
Help issue #762 (accurate blending issue)
If you want to shine, please put better GSVector code (AVX512 is 2 instruction :p)
In the DATE42 algo, first pass must find the primitive that write the
bad alpha value. If depth test is fail, alpha value won't be written therefore
you mustn't keep the primitive id.
In theory to ensure 100% correctness, depth would need to be fully executed
(currently depth write is disabled). However it requires to copy the depth buffer.
It is likely bad for the perf.
Issue reported on DBZInfWorld
Function pointer was mangled to avoid any collision. Nowadays all symbols
are hidden so no risk of collision.
Syntax is nicer beside it would allow to put back GLES3.2. I think it
supports most of the used extension.
glActiveTexture & glBlendColor are provided without symbol query.
CID 146834 (#2-1 of 2): Division or modulo by zero (DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)9. divide_by_zero: In expression tpf * 10000ULL / ttpf, division by expression ttpf which may be zero has undefined behavior.
CID 146839 (#1 of 1): Explicit null dereferenced (FORWARD_NULL)11. var_deref_model: Passing null pointer fb_pages to UsePages, which dereferences it.
CID 146840 (#1 of 1): Explicit null dereferenced (FORWARD_NULL)11. var_deref_model: Passing null pointer zb_pages to UsePages, which dereferences it.
* Prevent a potential null pointer deference in ```void GSRendererSW::UsePages()```
+ Isolate every SDL code paths and replace any call to them by call to a generic class "GamePad" of which JoystickInfo is now a child.
+ Now backends can be added by inheriting GamePad generic class.
+ There is just one function change which is redundant with next commits but otherwise commit will not compile(which is more evil).
+ Objectify conf class.
+ Make some members private as they need to have their range checked before being set
+ Change "options" variables into an union contraining bitfield representation of it. Allows to make code more expressive/readable.