Ease the crc hack and skip less effects, makes shadows and some other effects work properly.
The game experiences a bit more upscaling issues which can be resolved with Merge Sprite and Wild Arms offset HW hacks.
Purge Hw hack fixes for Spyro New Beginning and Eternal Night that fixed
HUD and menu display.
They will be replaced with EE patches in GameDB that work for both
software and hardware mode. A much better alternative and less GSdx
Port from commit b0af54d3
Fixes shadows in Star Ocean 3.
Note: It works properly on native res only just like on GL.
Upscaling will cause some issues.
Only Direct3D10/11 supports it, D3D9 doesn't support integer operations
so we can't reuse the code.
Revert merge of Spyro Eternal Night / New Beginning hw hack.
Update Spyro New Beginning hack - fixes menu/hud flicker in HW mode.
SW mode still has issues with the menu/hud elements.
Improve #1490
The following games in the crc list are not used anywhere so
we can clean this list up. If some are needed in the future then
they can be re added.
List of removed games:
The crc hack broke graphics ingame, causing flickering/transparent
textures and other similar issues.
On a side note the game experiences upscaling issues that can be fixed
with Half Pixel offset hack.
Update it to the version found at
https://github.com/Microsoft/Windows-classic-samples , which is in an
MIT licensed repo, and add the LICENSE file (edited to remove the SIL
Open Font LICENSE part since that doesn't apply).
Some modifications have been made to reduce the diff/stop git
complaining (not including any file that wasn't in the previous version
and removing the related header includes in streams.h, and fixing some
but not all of the whitespace issues).
Move CRC hacks do DX level.
Hack that fixes shadows:
Shadows/glitchy black ground textures can be fixed with Preload Frame Data.
Hack that removed vertical stripes:
D3D10/11 correctly emulates texture shuffle but also needs depth support.
Don't skip draw calls on Jackie Chan Adv and SVC Chaos,
fixes regressions on Jackie Chan Adv and SVC Chaos.
Gregory: The correct fix would be to trace all textures writes to
be sure of the source. But it is a much bigger work.
Purge Sengoku Basara crc hacks. Texture shuffle is emulated correctly on
d3d11/ogl. d3d9 skips the bad draw call.
Move Eternal Poison crc hack to d3d level. Not needed on ogl since
the game is emulated correctly.
Move hack that removes texture shuffle for Demon Stoneback back to ogl level,
half screen bottom issue remains.
Extent CRC hack for The Getaway and The Getaway Black Monday to work on
EU regions.
Move CRC hack that removed shadows to Aggressive, shadows are misaligned
when upscaling - can be fixed with HPO. We can use the hack as a
speedhack for Aggressive state.
Add correct FBP code for Sly 2 E3 Demo. CRC hack should work properly now.
Purge God of War 1/2 CRC hacks that fixed/removed the vertical red lines.
No longer needed since the issue is fixed accross all renders.
Also useless to be kept for speedhacks.
Texture Shuffle changes:
Always Enable Texture shuffle on D3D10/11.
Previously Texture shuffle was enabled if CRC hack
level was below Full, this was kinda not good since
D3D also relies on CRC hacks on Full so you could either
stick with texture shuffle or crc hacks.
Texture shuffle is not supported on D3D9, however we can do a partial
port where instead of vertical lines with the effect we get the effect
on the entire screen. Better than nothing I suppose.
Ported some of the code from OpenGL to D3D
( just a copy - paste job :) ),
part of the code misses a dedicated shader but we can still
use it to fix various issues on many games.
List of affected games tested so far:
The Godfather, Final Fight Streetwise, The Suffering Ties that Bind,
Urban Chaos have their vertical lines issues fixed
(highly possible for other games as well), MGS and Stolen see an improvement
but they are still broken without crc hacks. Other games that suffered
similar issues are probably affected as well.
Channel Shuffle changes:
Update Channel Shuffle detection. A lot of games should see an improvement,
MGS, Urban Chaos, Stolen have their top left corner issues resolved.
Other games should be affected as well that use similar logic.
They still miss a shader so some effects are still broken/show glitches
but it's a nice improvement for D3D users.
Shared changes:
Texture Shuffle and Channel shuffle have been moved to their
own dedicated functions. Should make things a bit cleaner.
Move part of the code for Texture Shuffle to GSRendererHW to be shared
across all HW renderers, should aboid copy paste/duplicate code.
Replace/remove an old crc hack that was used to fix the red vertical
lines issue, the hack is no longer needed. The new hack removes depth
effects on D3D only.
Note: The game has another vertical lines issue that can be fixed with
texture shuffle on D3D.
Add comments to Simple2000Vol114 explaining what the hacks do.
Merge identical code for Spyro Games in to one to avoid duplicate code.
Rename hacks name for Jak series from OO_Jak to OO_JakGames since there
are multiple games added.
This follows PR #2330.
Add some missing regions: Tomb Raider Legend JP,
StarWars Force Unleashed EU, SuperMan Returns EU, Valkyrie Profile 2 FR.
Rename GT3/Concept titles, they were incorrect.
Adjust Harley Davidson region id from NoRegion to US.
Add some missing regions to automatic mipmapping:
Reformat a few comments.
Add "Default" nametag for default list options for the hacks: Sprite,
Round Sprite, GL Advanced settings, HPO.
Should help users know which options are the default ones with less
Add CRC id for FFXII US, SFEX3 EU,
GT4 CH and GT4 Online Beta US.
Adjust BullyCC region from US to EU.
Add Missing regions for Ratchet & Clank,
Ace Combat, Destroy All Humans and Soul Reaver
series to Automatic Mipmapping.
Removes GT4/Tourist Trophy CRC hacks. The hack had already been moved to
aggressive due to VRAM spike issues, but is no longer necessary at all
due to the in-game brightness/contrast setting issue being moved to
behind the frame buffer conversion hack for Direct3D and being resolved for OpenGL.
Move hacks that disabled shadows to DX level since OpenGL renders
shadows properly with Depth Emulation.
Some other upscaling issues appear with the disabled hack like a small
black border on the bottom of the screen or some ui elements but those
can be fixed with TC X,Y Offset hack.
Previously, the calculation for the size of data to be loaded was done
based on the rendering target buffer size and scaling multiplier, which
was totally wrong. This led to different resolutions having different
load sizes while the size of the real GS memory is common regardless of
the scaling variancies.
Hence use the default rendering target buffer size for the load size
independent of the scaling values. I've also removed a buffer height saturation
code which seemed unreliable.
Note: The accurate version of the code can be enabled using the macro
provided in config.h (which is more intensive on resources), the current
code goes along with the approach of maintaining a decent performance
level along with a formidable accuracy.
Adjust region id for BT2.
Move the sky texture(depth) hack back to Partial level only for the EU
regions. Effect is still not rendered correctly and causes a half
screen bottom issue.
Add R&C3 EU to Automatic Mipmapping.
Previously the limit was 1000, now 10000 in the GUI. It should help in
some rare cases where a higher number is needed without the need of ini
editing and value reset issues caused by the GUI.
Previously if HW hacks were enabled Merge Sprite was active(if checked) on
native resolution even if the GUI option was disabled, which in result
caused glitches in games on native resolution.
This should address that issue.
Remove Aggressive CRC hacks for SSX 3. Was used to remove the red lines
on older versions but no longer needed since the issue has been fixed.
Offered 1fps or less speed bump but it's not worth keeping for such a
minimal increase.
Merge all FFX CRC hacks in to one. They share the same code so it's
better to have one to avoid duplicate code.
Move CRC hack for Bleach Blade Battlers to Aggressive. It removes the
character shading. It can be used as a speed hack since the gains are
quite good from it. Around 15-30%.
Add missing CRC ids for Soul Calibur 2 and 3.
Move CRC hacks to DX level. They are not needed anymore on OpenGL since
Depth Emulation fixes depth issues (shadows).
Move CRC hack to Partial that fix the half screen
bottom issue since the effect is not rendered correctly.
Move CRC hack to Aggressive. These hacks are only
needed when running upscaled resolution. They skip the
blur effect which cause ghosting and some other screen issues.
Side effect is they also remove the channel effect on OpenGL
which is emulated correctly so let's put them on Aggressive.
Comment out a hack, it's unknown what the hack does atm.
If there are new issues then it will be added back.
Added comments what the hacks do.
Partial port for channel shuffle effect to Direct3D for Tekken5.
The effect is skipped and not rendered but now the top left
screen glitch has been resolved.
Note: At least Minimum CRC level is required for this to work.
Add hidden option "UserHacks_DisableNVhack" to disable
the Nvidia hack on Direct3D which added black lines on the right
and bottom of the screen. Could be useful for Intel and AMD GPUs.
A better solution would be to add Vendor Id detection instead,
but this will do for now.
To disable the Nvidia hack add UserHacks_DisableNVhack=1 in GSdx.ini
Fixes glitchy water in Rogue Galaxy in Direct3D when the hack is
Fixes Test Drive car reflection in Direct3D when the hack is enabled.
OTher games are affected as well.
Adds automatic HW mipmapping support.
It relies on CRC ids so if a game does
not have their CRC id but needs mipmapping
it will not work until the id is added.
Add GUI menu and tooltip for Automatic mipmap
"Automatic (Default)"
This option will be default option from now on.
Rename "Very Slow" text option to "Slow" for full mipmap
as it caused the text not to fit properly in the menu.
Credits also go to @RedPanda4552 and @ssakash for helping
with the code.
Rearrange the two columns of HW hacks, new arrangement
is done in alphabetical order on Windows and Linux.
Rename some hacks on Linux to match the windows version.
Some other minor tweaks as well.
The following patch grays out the configure button when there's no
configuration dialog available for the selected codec. What's the use in
clicking it when no dialog pops up? :P (I've been tricked by it lots of
Add HW Hack that enables Framebuffer Conversion on the CPU instead of the GPU.
Can fix broken textures on games but at the cost of slower performance.
List of games: Harry Potter games, FIFA Street games.
Games like Call of Duty, Kung fu Panda might also be affected as well as others
especially on Direct3D.
Add HW Hack GUI option on Windows/Linux for 4-bit and 8-bit Framebuffer conversion hack
named "Frame Buffer Conversion".
Regression was introduced in #1954
GSdx caused the emulator to crash when the renderer was restarted.
It may have affected older gpus from nvidia/amd
with older OpenGL support as well.
The swap interval function must be called on the same thread that
rendering takes place on. This fixes an issue where the turbo speed and
frame limiter hotkeys fail to disable vsync when the OpenGL renderer is
Using range loops where possible (correctly).
Using auto where possible (minimize code changes whenever it's decided to change back to a std container).
Use more efficient erase pattern (where possible).
Minor code tweaks.
PCSX2 sends a negative value (-1) to GSdx when adaptive mode is
specified for Vsync, this mode is exclusive to OpenGL at the moment
and is unimplemented on the D3D11 renderer. Also the present function
of swapchain only accepts values from 0 to 4 as parameter, hence
passing negative values to the function is undefined behavior.
So let's fallback to standard synchronization method on D3D11 when
PCSX2 requests for adaptive mode.
Fix CRC hacks on PAL version.
PAL version will no longer experience very high brightness/contrast
issues on stages in hw mode caused by an incorrect CRC hack.
Moved a CRC hack back to OpenGL mode only for the PAL version
because texture shuffling does not work properly on PAL games.
Forgot to replace `IDC_TEXT` with `IDC_VALUE` macros, due to this the
text containing the name of the options was being updated with the
current value of the option instead of updating the text designated for
holding the values.
DBY isn't an offset to the frame memory but rather an offset to read
output circuit inside the frame memory, hence the top offset should also
be calculated for the total height of the frame memory. Fixes software
mode regression in Beyond Good and Evil.
Also handle cases when GetFrameRect() is called without any paramerer to
avoid an illegal value access violation on the DISP register.
output 1 strip of 2 triangles instead of 2 strips of 1 triangle.
Potentially it would reduce the geometry shader overhead. And it
might avoid a middle line in sprite in some AMD GPU/driver/OS
bad combination
GSdx-ogl: Console messages v2
Follow up to
Add intel broken driver wiki link message in console (OpenGL).
Print intel / amd buggy driver message once in console (OpenGL).
Pring texture barrier and viewpoint array info once in console (OpenGL).
Enables character outlines to partially work on Full CRC.
DX9 has a small issue where a small black line at the bottom shakes when outlines are enabled.
You can either use Aggressive crc or x,y offset to fix the issue.
Removed unnecessary crc hack that caused shadows on stationary objects (trees) to move on Direct3D in a weird
motion blur type way when the player moved slightly.
* Cast return value of IsEof() to bool. (Avoids int -> bool performance
warning error)
* Cast field and index to the required parameter type of AppendRawData.
The sprite geometry shader was still being used even if the sprites were
converted on the CPUs.
Convert all sprites using the GPU - the fix isn't ideal, but it'll
likely have to do unless someone feels like porting over more of the
OpenGL changes to the D3D11 renderer.
Class member variables are initialised in order of declaration in the
class definition. Move native_buffer to the top of the class definition
to avoid initialising m_width and m_height to random values.
Move the custom resolution scaling code to a separate subroutine and
allow future RT buffer resize calls when the buffer size isn't enough.
(Example: when a game's CRTC/Framebuffer size changes. The older code
didn't consider such cases)
Added a more robust buffer size calculation mechanism for custom
resolutions. Improves performance in higher resolutions for games
which don't need a big buffer. There's a great boost in performance
at GS limited scenarios.
I don't even feel there's a need for the large framebuffer option right
now, For future - I plan on making the large framebuffer enabled version
as the default as the overhead is there only at situations when it's
necessary. Until then keeping the original code just to be on the safe
side in case any issue pops up.
An EOF only occurs after attempting to read past the end of the file.
Account for this correctly, which fixes a potential infinite loop when
reading back an xz compressed GS dump.
Add the bitfield structure of the undocumented SYNCV register,
potentially might be useful in proper height determination of the output
circuit for some weird games which still get it wrong but still haven't
figured out how it might be useful. Maybe some sort of black magic
formula with the vertical synchronization values?
The differential phase value seems to closely resemble the display
height value of the video modes (480 for NTSC, 576 for PAL) but after
some investigating into the differential phase, I have no clue on how
they might be even related. Hopefully the mystery will be unveiled in
the near future.
Reduce disk space. Easy to share.
It would be nice to port the code to Windows.
libzma code was taken from https://git.tukaani.org/xz.git
Note: only short dumps are supported so far. Big dump will freeze the interface during the compression.
Or will suck all the RAM.
Note2: a multithreaded encoder would badly impact the compression ratio
Thanks to Turtleli for all review comments
* replace gtk_table by gtk_grid
=> it still misses some paddings
* Use 3.22 monitor API to query screen size
=> need to be tested
* directly add scrolled windows into a container without bothering with
the viewport.
Code compile fine but wasn't tested.
v2: disable the code until I (or someone) get a chance to test and fix it.
Thanks to @colepcsx2 (https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/pull/1896#commitcomment-21858717) for pointing it out!
I also updated the prefix in the inferior video mode detection of GSdx, I'm not even sure why we need the videomode info on the plugin side, might be useful someday.
The shadeboost options text (Contrast, Brightness, Saturation) were not
grayed out when shadeboost was disabled, it was sort of inconsistent
compared to the behavior of external shader, so added grayouts to them
when shadeboost is disabled.
Also changed "OpenGL Very Advanced Custom Settings" to "OpenGL Advanced
Settings", the verbosity didn't help much in my opinion.
Split code in 2 parts
* Base class (GSWndEGL) that implement the core EGL and GL context
* Derived class (GSWndEGL_X11/GSWndEGL_WL) that implement the backend to handle native resources
Note: Most backend code is only useful for GSopen1/PS1 mode. GSopen2 only requires
the AttachNativeWindow implementation
Code is based around EGL_EXT_platform extension that allow to select the platform at runtime.
Note: I think the extension was integrated in EGL 1.5
The X11 backend was mostly converted to XCB
The wayland backend is only a placeholder for future code
I don't know if MS windows is/could be supported with EGL_EXT_platform API
Code validated on Mesa. Proprietary drivers aren't yet tested.
Moved a CRC hack to Aggressive that can cause or fix VRAM and RAM spikes.
This way people can switch between each config if they experience problems with either.
Varies on userconfig , game version and maybe hardware.
Added missing CRC game version for GT4 pal.
Note: The issue might be the same on GT3 and GTConcept , the code might
need to be removed for those games as well.
Hack was used to remove garbage data rectangles from popping up on screen when objects and characters were added to or removed from the world.
This issue is now being handled by OI_DoubleHalfClear in GSRendererHW.cpp, so the hack is no longe necessary and has been removed.
Moves Resident Evil 4 hack to Aggressive level as it is no longer
required to fix any issues, but does offer a decent speed boost.
Moves The Getaway & The Getaway Black Monday CRC hack to Full level, as the issue can be resolved
when using the OpenGL Hardware renderer.
* Windows behavior must be checked
* remove glsl_source.h
v2: fix missing include
Big thanks to Turtleli
fix indentation in gsdx-res.xml
add dependency in cmake
remove old res/glsl/fxaa.fx symlink
add tfx.cl for OpenCL support on Linux
v4, v5
fix cmake indentation
It is done automatically on Linux. Strings are much
better with this NULL char ;)
All credits go to turtleli
v2: increase resize instead of push_back NULL char
add checkboxes for the 2 "new" hacks
Wrap gs memory & merge postprocessing sprite
add tooltip for OpenGL options
v2: based on turtleli feedback
use gtk_scrolled_window_set_propagate_natural_height on GTK 3.22+
use the nicer GTK_CHECK_VERSION macro
Move GL_ARB_copy_image to optional for OpenGL SW render.
It will allow Ivy Bridge to work with OpenGL SW as it's not required.
Sandy Bridge is not yet tested , would be nice if someone could test.
Clip Control is only used for the HW renderer.
It will help Nvidia DX10 GPU on Windows. Potentially old AMD GPU too.
Unfortunately Ivy bridge still misses texture copy
Note on Linux, you can use the free Mesa driver.
Otherwise, it is time to save money for a future upgrade :)
Adds merge sprite hack to GSDx hacks dialog
And ports merge sprite hack to Direct3D renderers.
Special thanks to my keyboards Ctrl, c and v buttons for all their hard
work in porting this hack.
Ports the "Unscale Point and Line" hack to the Direct3D11 Hardware renderer.
And enables the "Unscale Point and Line" hack for Custom Resolutions with Direct3D11 and OpenGL.
Adds Windows GUI elements of the split texture filtering options.
Bilinear Texture Filtering is moved to the top section of the main GSdx window,
and Trilinear Filtering is moved to Hacks.
Adds Texture Filtering Of Display option to the Shader dialog window Windows UI.
Updates the layouts of the Shader and OSD dialog windows to more closely resemble the Linux GUI.
Reorganizes Hacks dialog window.
Adds UI elements for the Memory Wrapping and HPO v2/Special commits
Adds advanced OpenGL functions "Geometry Shader" and "Image Load Store" to the Windows UI.
Renames "Configure Hacks" to "Advanced Settings and Hacks", to more closely resemble the Linux GUI.
Adds GS Memory Wrapping hack to Windows. Enabling the hack will fix cut-off cutscenes in Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit and Thrillville.
Ace Combat 4 CRC hack removes clouds for a good speed boost, which removes both 3D clouds(invisible with Hardware renderers, but cause slowdown) and 2D background clouds.
Removes blur from player airplane.
This hack also removes rockets, shows explosions(invisible without CRC hack) as garbage data, causes flickering issues with the HUD, and in some (night) missions removes the HUD altogether.
The CRC hack has been moved to the aggressive level.
Aggressive is misspeled several times in the file, this has been adressed.
Changes to the dependencies of the generated logo files did not trigger
a rebuild of the files. Use add_custom_command instead of
execute_process so build dependencies can be specified.
Also prevent the generated files from polluting the source directory.
The pixdata format loader has been removed from recent versions of
gdk2-pixbuf, so the logo doesn't load. Avoid preprocessing the data and
leave the logo as an embedded bitmap file.
Allow the output circuit saturation to take place at cases where one of the output circuit is enabled with frame mode rendering, I'm not sure it would be safe to allow saturations when both of the output circuits are enabled with frame mode rendering. Unlike field mode rendering, frame mode doesn't use identical rectangles at same co-ordinates for output in two alternating fields and potentially they could use a much bigger output size when both of the output circuits are enabled and are separated without any intersection. So let's limit the saturation to only the cases where we detect a single output circuit for frame mode rendering.
Fixes a regression in Devil May Cry 3 and Sky Gunner.
If a user switches renderer they also have to remember to change the CRC
hack level for the best user experience with the selected renderer.
This commit adds a new automatic CRC level that autoselects the
recommended CRC level for the selected renderer, so that a user doesn't
have to make the change manually.
coauthor: turtleli
If OpenGL software is the saved ini renderer and F9 is pressed to toggle
to the hardware renderer, depth emulation will be disabled. This fixes
that issue.
GSdx ogl: SSO Workaround for AMD buggy drivers
All 2017 drivers are now blacklisted.
The BSOD/crash issue is still there so don't set Blending Accuracy to None!
Shortened the message in the console making it more appealing.
-1 is only returned when there is an encoding error, and the va_list
argument is indeterminate after being passed to vsnprintf.
Use the return value to determine the buffer length, and call va_end and
then va_start before vsnprintf is called again.
ICO uses a depth of field effect for the fog. Depth is extracted
into the alpha channel of a texture. And then used as blending factor.
You need a 1:1 texture/pixel mapping otherwise you will line at boundaries.
In order to extract the DoF, ICO moves the depth buffer around the GS
memory. Memory moves are implemented in the not-scaled world. It means
that we can't have the above 1:1 ratio. And we don't know anymore that
data are coming from the current depth buffer.
The solution: I reused an HLE channel shader to read the depth buffer directly.
This way I have the guarantee that pixel/depth are aligned.
Otherwise you have a write before read typical race condition. It works
most of the time because textures are stored in temporary buffers (aka
texture cache). So the race condition requires texture invalidation in the mix.
I hope the perf impact will be small enough.
Blood Will Tell: gray scale effect description
Frame is renderer in 0x700
Sync 0x700 (RT will be used as input)
Foreach page of frame
// The missing Sync was this one. You can't copy new data to 0x2800
// until you finish the rendering that use 0x2800 as input texture
// (AKA end of this foreach loop)
Sync 0x2800 (not the first iteration, texture will be used as a RT)
Copy page from 0x700+offset to 0x2800
Sync 0x2800 (RT will be used as input)
Render Effect line1 from 0x2800 to 0x700