* Keep the state of the draw buffer (save few opengl call)
* AMD fix the shader unloading (12.2 and above). So disable the workaround
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@5137 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* Use the new map interface/separate texture coordinate inside shader
* support new format on texture
Note: it is quite instable with various crashes and GL error but at least it compiles now :p
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@5094 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* implement some missing shader for DATE, invert coordinate like strech rectangle
* Use glCopyImageSubDataNV nvidia extension to copy image (you need latest AMD drivers)
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@5086 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* Fix some issue on wnd management, mix between sdl/ogl render
* create new gsdx option for ogl debug
+ debug_ogl_dump: start frame to dump when not 0
+ debug_ogl_dump_length: length of the dump
+ debug_ogl_shader: print shader debug
Note current dump option must be fixed to use linux path.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@5067 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* fix bad setup issue for constant blend factor
* Use a read framebuffer to read back the texture (less disruptive)
* cmake separate the loader to the main plugins
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@5064 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* add some define to enable/disable SDL so we could build gsdx without SDL
* debug: dump data based on frame count rather from draw count
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@5044 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* move all vertex buffer stuff into the class
* Bypass FIFO2 because of multithread issue with OGL(temporary workaround until we found a nicer solutions)
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@5035 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
- 0: no multi-threading
- 1: gif packet processing and texture uploads run parallel with rendering, the slowest decides the fps, dual-cores can still suffer by the spin loops, I'll check that when I compile pcsx2 on my notebook
- 2: two rendering threads, on a decent cpu packet processing is going to be slower now, this is probably going to increase fps the most on quads
- 3: small fps increase
- 4+: even smaller.
If you have a quad cpu with HT, 6 is the max, 1 + 1 is needed for pcsx2 and gsdx's basic tasks.
Also hacked palette writes to not force a read-back in hw mode (added in previous rev), it hit render targets in a surprising large number of games.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4998 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* add a callback for GLERROR. Allow to breakpoint on GSDeviceOGL::DebugCallback (gdb is completely lost on amd driver, hope it is better on nvidia)
* Add some empty glsl convert to shutup some useless debugging error
* request an advance opengl context without pre 3.0 feature.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@4983 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Current goal is to implement the SW render with pure opengl instead of SDL.
I plan to use OpenGL4.2 capability (the latest actually) => need libglew1.7 and a Dx11 capable GPU/drivers.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/gsdx-ogl@4970 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* Gsopen2 support for GS plugins => Support of the PCSX2 GS window configuration panel. Support of all PCSX2 shortcut.
* new shortcut: shift-f12 to stole the input. ZZogl shortcut must be prefixed with ctrl
* onepad: Support/fix/improve of configuration gui, multiple key, mouse/wiimote for analog joystick, dualshock3/sixaxis (basic), dual pad and experimental forcefeedback
Note: it is advices to delete OnePAD.ini
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4731 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
- GSWnd is not implemented, no config dialogs either
- no output, just the null device
- threading classes were not tested (my first experience with pthread)
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4315 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* PCSX2: Added GSgetTileinfo2 and deprecated=removed GSgetTitleInfo
* GSdx: moved to the new GSgetTitleInfo2
* New PCSX2 with new GSdx will have the new functionality, all other combos remain with old functionality.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4073 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Here's his changelog:
GSdx, PCSX2: Fixed broken GS info at the title bar
* If the plugin doesn't support the API, PCSX2 will display only the image mode (progressive/interlaced field/frame), NON i18n!
* If the plugin does support the API, PCSX2 will not display the image mode, and instead display the info from the plugin
* GSdx now properly sends title info: resolution, image mode, deinterlace mode (weave - bff, etc)
* To enable the full GSdx title info as it used to work before it got broken: uncomment //#define GSTITLEINFO_API_FORCE_VERBOSE at GS.h of GSdx.
NOTE: When using an older pcsx2.exe with newer GS plugin, the title would contain duplicate image mode info. All other combos work fine.
* PCSX2 still displays the performance info, etc in the title bar.
Thanks a bunch for bringing this information back, Avih! :)
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@4070 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Move the dx11 check to GSInit, didn't like it only getting called on renderer changes in the middle of emulation.
Report the savestate version as hex if loading an incompatible state. Looks better than -19793434481 :p
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@3579 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* Implemented support for legacy GS plugins (considered anything prior to the Reordering merge).
* Added a lot of 'const' qualifiers to the GSgifTransfer functions in both GSdx and zzogl.
DevNote: GS plugins shouldn't be modifying the data provided to them from PCSX2 -- zzogl wasn't, GSdx was. I had to do a little bit of juggling to remove the mem modifications from GSdx's TEX0/TEX2 handlers. With luck, nothing's broken. ;)
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@3536 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
DevNote for zzOgl coders: Implementation of this callback can just double up on m_path[0]. I used a separate instance at m_path[3] mostly because it was easier than trying to fight around the existing PATH1 nloop hack, which is still needed for backward compat with existing and earlier versions of PCSX2.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@3454 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
GSDx: Reset device on save state load.
GSDx: Made GSRenderer::ResetDevice() actually do the main function in its name and implemented InvalidateTextureCache(). If anything breaks, it's because of this change.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@3067 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
GSdx: Removed OpenGL "support". Nobody showed any interest in getting this working.
GSdx: Removed PS1 GPU support. pcsx2 does not use this and it is unmaintained, likely broken, and frequently confuses intellisense.
GSDumpGUI: Use the correct export for the library name, was using the PS1 version.
If any of the above code is needed in the future, we have this wonderful technology called version control.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2754 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Fixed a little problem with the last commit. (I was pointing out of the string instead of the end. :P)
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2656 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Now the snapshots and gs dumps are correctly created in the snaps folder (or the one choose by the user). (GSDX was missing a check to understand if the directory passed by pcsx2 was or not slashed at the end. :P)
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2655 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
PCSX2: Added an optional PS2EsetEmuVersion callback for plugins, so that plugins (like GSdx) can alter behavior based on the version of emulator calling them.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2530 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Fixed a couple UI bugs: FirstTime Wizard display bug and the "Configure..." button in the plugin control panel grays out when it should.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2361 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
- Let's use dx10 software rendering for the F9 renderer switch, if it's available.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2307 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
I don't have DX10 so this is (as usual!) untested. I'll be adding support for it to PCSX2 soon.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2301 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* Disable GSdx's internal AspectRatio setting when using GSOpen2 (pcsx2 0.9.7 controls aspect ratios internally now)
* DX10 should be able to startup in fullscreen mode now, without needing to hit alt-enter (legacy 0.9.6 versions only)
* Added some comments for a failed attempt to disable DX10's default Alt-Enter behavior. If someone knows how to do that properly, please feel free to submit a patch because DX10/Com breaks my mind. (see GSDevice10.cpp)
* Remove DX11 for now since it's entirely unfinished anyway.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2279 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
* Software mode seems to work fine. Suspend and resume emulation work nicely, without flaws.
* Hardware DX9 mode suspends but displays only black after resuming.
* Hardware DX10 status is unknown.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/branches/GSopen2@1842 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Re-enabled capturing via F12 key. It was missing the callback entirely.
The videos I capture here turn out all blueish though. No idea why :p
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1635 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
- trying the dx10.1-only "gather" shader instruction for palletized lookups ("8-bit texture" mode), saves 4 instructions which isn't much but still... (not tested, don't have ati)
- may fix the intel gma "no output" bug (don't have gma either :P)
- and the usual small code optimizations
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1549 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
This patch by matsuri makes playing with vsync a lot nicer, so thanks for that one ;)
Note: For now its directx 10 only, due to dx9 needing a swapchain reset..
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1526 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Hacked in a way to make GSdx change the renderer on the fly.
When you press F11 it will switch to DX9 sowftware rendering.
Press it again to get back to the setting you were using before.
-For this change I had to modify a few lines in GSdx. If that's not acceptable
we can do more drastic measures and modify the gsdx.ini :p
-F11 is currently also used for doing gsstates in debug modes, it will likely be changed.
-When in dx10 hardware + fullscreen mode, pressing this key will crash GSdx. Sorry.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@689 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288
Added interface.cpp (plugin/pcsx2 interface) and savestate.cpp to SPU2ghz, to help clean up SPU2.cpp.
git-svn-id: http://pcsx2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@463 96395faa-99c1-11dd-bbfe-3dabce05a288