-Fixed some headers for ImportVBM.
-Treated .VBM SGB movies as GB movies with an extra comment.
-Confirmed that real SGB movies from LSNES import properly.
-Noticed glitchy graphics during SGB movie playback...will investigate.
-ImportLSMV can now import GB(C) movies created with LSNES's gambatte core.
--It doesn't sync perfectly because of the subframes, but it does for a while, so the conversion is sane.
--GB(C) .LSMV files currently always have SRAM files packaged with it, which is a bug with LSNES.
---Ilari told me that a fix for now would be to ignore 0 byte SRAM files, so that's what I did.
---There are some cases in which the spurious SRAM files aren't 0 bytes, but that's on Ilari to fix, so I'll let this case fail. Yay, I contributed to LSNES!
-Fixed the controllers used code. The docs had the reserved byte and the controller flags backwards.
-Properly advanced past the savestate bytes. I was reading the wrong size.
--Fixed "controller in use" handling.
---Applied the same logic to ImportVBM, refactored ImportVMV to match.
--Prevented more than 2 controllers from crashing the controller types check for 1.51 and up.
--Showed warning messages for both mouses if enabled.
--Marked the controllers used just like I mentioned previously, though it seems to show that no controllers are plugged in...
--Went past the savestate data.
--Added Checksum / GameCode for ImportVBM because those seem more relevant.
-ImportVMV has problems with resets. Not a high priority, but still something worth looking into.
-Parsed the header for ImportZMV. The remainder looks pretty ugly...
--It doesn't seem like I have to worry about PCECD anymore.
--I also don't think I can validate the CRC32 for .SMV because I don't have the original ROM bytes. This was probably used to compare a ROM loaded by Snes9x with the movie. I added it to the movie header in case a core could utilize it.
--I don't think the "start data" of a .VBM is important. After looking at the docs again, it's clear that it's just another term for either the movie's savestate or SRAM, and that the related note about controller data is just an approximation.
-Added Platforms for Import functions that were missing them.
-Merged the ImportSMV functions all into one; most of the stuff is the same.
-Implemented .SMV 1.51 handling. My Arcade's Revenge run synced and beat the first level!
--This also seems to work for 1.52; 3295S finished Act 2.
--1.53 seems identical as well...3587S syncs all the way through.
-Next comes ImportZMV.
--Added platform name.
--Handled input.
---The input seems reasonable, but the frame counts were originally off by 2. Because the docs say "The controller data contains <number_of_frames + 1> frames," I connected the two and discarded the first frame read. I also noticed that Snes9x first accepts input at frame 0 whereas BizHawk does at frame 1, so that makes up for the other frame. I think this is correct.
--Apparently, Snes9x adds garbage bytes to the metadata when you play a movie. The stuff we want, however, is before a NULL character. As such, I refurbished RemoveNull into NullTerminated, which takes a string and returns everything before the first NULL character. Now the author will be displayed properly no matter what.
-Removed an unncessary dependence to Global.Emulator.SystemId in Get/SetControllersAsMnemonic which made it so that importing a movie without loading a game resulted in blank frames.
-ImportVBM now actually appends the frames it parses. Looks pretty good.
--Note that BizHawk cannot currently do anything with the platform (GB, GBC, GBA, SGB), nor are any of the "other" buttons handleable.
2) Ram Poke - fix poking of signed/hex values, set the signed value to the value of the address on load, other misc fixes regarding signed
3) Hex Editor - add Poke to menu/context menu and Ctrl+P hotkey
--I think the proper way to obtain this is through the metadata, which I still don't know how to handle.
-Fixed the savestate offset.
-Parsed out the CRC32 of the ROM, though I haven't done anything to validate this, which is probably a good idea.
--Handled authors, gametype, systemid, coreversion, rom.sha256, moviesram.*, savestate, and subtitles.
--Skipped port1, port2, controlsversion, projectid, saveframe, lagcounter, pollcounters, hostmemory, screenshot, sram.*, rrdata, starttime.*, savetime.*, and prefix.
---I don't think any of these are useful for us, at least not at this stage.
---The other *.sha256 files will be useful if / when BS-X, Sufami turbo, and SGB are implemented.
--Handled flags.
---Handled resets.
---Disallowed subframes and delayed resets.
-.LSMV is good enough for now. .SMV and .ZMV coming next.
--Haven't done anything with the flags because I don't know what they are supposed to do yet.
--Speedy Gonzales v2 doesn't sync after being converted, but I don't think that's my fault.
-Flags and other data will be parsed soon.
2. Changed StopOnEnd to StopOnFrame. This expands the functionality so that you can tell the emulator to run and then stop at a predetermined point.
3. Expanded the functionality of RewindToFrame to handle more cases. Now you can go back or even forward to a frame and it handles the execution and greenzone appropriately.
4. Due to the change in structure some code was changed to check the index of the first and last saved states in the greenzone rather than relying on the size of the saved state list.
5. Changed the list of saved states in the movie log from a list of byte[] to a list of structures (the structure has an int for the index and byte[] for the state).
6. Saved an init state in the movie log. This is used to go back to the beginning if the beginning of the movie is no longer in the list of saved states.
7. Expanded the AddState and SetFrameAt logic in the movie log to account for the fact that the size of the saved state list is now capped.
8. Fixed a bug in the log interpretation for SMS.
9. Fixed a bug in the sms virtual controller, buttons 1 and 2 were hooked to the wrong objects.
10. Fixed the tastudio listview to show lag as pink.
-Made it so that each new search zeroes out the change count.
--This prevents all non-zero items from starting out with 1 change.
--A similar fix needs to be applied to Ram Watch (Filing issue...).
-Allowed changing data size, endian, and unaligned address setting in the middle of the search and maintaining valid values, fixing Issue 72 (The last open Ram Search issue until my "Difference" idea is hopefully accepted).
--Unlike my previous model, this does not align unaligned addresses; all it does is change the size / endian and PeekAddress.
--It does remove unaligned addresses, however, if you have it set to.
--This version converts System Bus instantly whereas the previous version stopped responding.
2. Fixed issues with the light blue current frame pointer in tastudio
3. Removed a totally useless index that was being kept seperately in the movie log.
4. Moved the tastudio update after the check to see if the rest of the saved state list is valid.
5. Changed some function/variable names related to the movie log for clarity.
1. Added a list of save states to the movie log.
2. Added corresponding support functions for the save states.
3. Added double click to the list view to load a previous frame.
4. Added a context menu to the list view with insert and delete.
5. Fixed some issues with the green zone of valid state history.
6. Fixed an input bug that I had unwittingly created, as well as issues with the nes log format.
1. Hooked up Fast Forward, Fast Forward to End
2. Made a placeholder for Turbo Fast Forward.
3. Fixed rewind to not stomp on the previous frame with new input.
4. Fixed rewind to stop at the beginning of the movie instead of freaking out.
5. TAStudio now shows data from the most recent frame.
6. CommitFrame is called even if not recording so played back frames also show up in TAStudio.
7. Play mode only stops at the end of the movie if you tell it to. Your emulator normally continues to play with no input after the end of the movie.
8. TAStudio is now updated after a rewind (even though the rewind doesn't play a new frame).
9. Split the tools update into before and after updates.
10. Going into read-only mode adjusts the movie mode.
11. Implemented New, Open, Save, and Save As for TAStudio.
12. Fixed an issue where frames past the end of the log would default to the input from the last frame of the log.
13. Fixed a problem where you couldn't rewind to frame 0.
14. Fixed a scrolling issue in the TAStudio list view.
15. Fixed an issue with the TAStudio virtual NES controller not matching up with the log.
16. Fixed an issue where the NES reset button would get held in when rewinding.
17. Added/Modified a couple of button graphics.
-No info on the control bytes, so I'm not dealing with them right now.
-It seems like there's an extra byte for at the beginning of input for NES that doesn't exist for PCE.
--I think it might be the "1 byte for power-on and reset" that the docs refer to, though I'm not sure why this would exist for NES and not PCE...because NES supports control commands and PCE doesn't?
--Perhaps this will become more apparent if I write the importers for SMS, GG, GB, and GBA. I'll need access to a Linux machine to do these, though.
--FDS commands in ImportFMV.
--Bad ROM checksums in ImportText. TaoTao: There's nothing wrong with using warningMsg; it just is limited to showing the first warning message that occurs.
--Nintendulator's Four Score recording is seemingly broken.
TODO: ImportMCM clean-up / expansion, Intellivision research.
-Finished ImportVMV:
--I'm not sure what the following comment means: "For the other control bytes, if a key from 1P to 4P (whichever one) is entirely ON, the following 4 bytes becomes the controller data." I'm going to assume this is a bad translation that is the equivalent of my 4 controllers = 4 bytes comment.
--Nesmock has a block of code that seems to handle, or at least account for, commands (Lines 207 - 239 of virtuanes.hh). I don't do anything about this, but it doesn't seem like Nesmock does much of anything about it either. I'll ignore this for now.
TODO: ImportNMV, clean up ImportMCM, and perhaps support other platforms for .MCM, although everyone thinks it's a waste...I like writing importers! I'm afraid of writing cores!
-Made it so that .tas is appended to the file path instead of changing the extension to it.
-Added default emu/MovieOrigin comments to the importers that don't have explicit ones.
-ImportVMV header / added blank frames
-Moved the MnemonicsGenerator declarations outside of the loops.
TODO: Finish ImportVMV (I don't think the provided documentation explains how the input works...) and figure out if my re-record count is off by one or if TASVideos.org is.