Based off of pull request xenia-project#2047. Convert magic numbers numbers to enum to improve readability. Includes currently unused one for future use.
Splitted clases into:
- ImGuiNotification
- ImGuiHostNotification
- ImGuiGuestNotification
To differentiate between Xenia toast notifications and notifications from titles itself
Changed Screenshot into toast notification and switched from being binded to F10 to F12
Recording more unknown app messages for future reference.
Xam message 2B001 is called in Toy Story Mania!
Xmp messages 7002F and 70044 are called on the start of all dashboard versions before the Kinect update. When 70044 is set to return X_E_FAIL you can access the xbox music player but when it succeeds the emulator locks up and you are forced to close it manually (no crash). The music player can't be access at all past version 5787 and instead goes back to the previous screen as if it is closing itself down. 7002B (NXE and Kinect) and 70053 (Blades) are called when trying to access the music, picture, and video libraries.
Messenger is only called when using netplay with dashboard versions 5759 to 5787. After that an "xbox live is currently unavailable" messaged is displayed on 3 of the tabs (marketplace, xbox live, and games) blocking any internet related messages from appearing on versions 6683 to 6717.
Xlivebase message 5008C is called on the start of dashboard versions 1888 to 2858 and 50094 is called instead from versions 4532 to 4552. LogonGetHR is called on the startup of dashboard (netplay version)
XGI message B0036 is called after clicking on xbox live in the arcade library (v5759 to 5787) or from the game library (v6683 to v6717). B0021 is sent in the games Fatal Fury Special and Beijing 2008. B003D is used by UFC 2009 (netplay build).
Changing these options is only viable for r/w mounted host devices (Cache)
Changing attributes works only on windows
Changing timestamps is mocked and logged to see if there is any title that uses it
Added a screenshot functionality based on this pr and added some minor adjustments.
GUI wise, "take screenshot" is under the Display menu and the keyboard shortcut to take it is F10
The screenshots folder will save to where xenia.exe or xenia_canary.exe is located. As for save paths, it will only use the id of the game due to illegal characters in some titles.
Simplifies emission of the blocks themselves (including inserting blocks
into the function's block list in the correct order), as well as phi after
the branching.
Also fixes 64bpp storing with blending in the fragment shader interlock
render backend implementation (had a typo that caused the high 32 bits to
overwrite the low ones).
C++ relational operators are supposed to raise FE_INVALID if an argument is
NaN, use std::isless/greater[equal] instead where they were easy to locate
(though there are other places possibly, mostly min/max and clamp usage was
Also fixes a copy-paste error making the CPU shader interpreter execute
MINs as MAXs instead.
Hopefully prevents some potential #1971-like situations.
WAIT_REG_MEM's implementation also allowed the compiler to load the value
only once, which caused an infinite loop with the other changes in the
commit (even in debug builds), so it's now accessed as volatile. Possibly
it would be even better to replace it with some (acquire/release?) atomic
load/store some day at least for the registers actually seen as
participating in those waits.
Also fixes the endianness being handled only on the first wait iteration in
Accessing the same memory as different types (other than char) using
reinterpret_cast or a union is undefined behavior that has already caused
issues like #1971.
Also adds a XE_RESTRICT_VAR definition for declaring non-aliasing pointers
in performance-critical areas in the future.
I found a missing new line in xboxkrnl_video and corrected it. I also found the name of an unknown function in xam table. Here is my source for it.
Functional changes:
- Enable only actually used features, as drivers may take more optimal
paths when certain features are disabled.
- Fix the separateStencilMaskRef check doing the opposite.
- Support shaderRoundingModeRTEFloat32.
- Fix vkGetDeviceBufferMemoryRequirements pointer not passed to the Vulkan
Memory Allocator.
Stylistic changes:
- Move all device extensions, properties and features to one structure,
especially simplifying portability subset feature checks, and also making
it easier to request new extension functionality in the future.
- Remove extension suffixes from usage of promoted extensions.
Add information about available avpack video modes in config commentary. Information based on xenia-canary wiki page. Formatted just like in `license_mask`.
- Fixed incorrect X_USER_PROFILE_SETTING structure
- Added X_USER_PROFILE_SETTING_HEADER based on entries from console
X_USER_DATA is used also in Properties in exactly the same way
- Removed is_set in favor of X_USER_PROFILE_SETTING_SOURCE
- Prevent setting from storing settings longer than 0x3E8 bytes. Some games try to write bigger value which causes them to crash
Added support for autoload titles on boot with:
- Specific launch data
- Specific xex
- Restarting into packages: XamContentLaunchImageFromFileInternal
Since now modules and shaders are stored within cache_host directory.
This will require coping modules and shaders directories from previous directory to new one
* Add ifdef check before the Microsoft-specific movsq in
* Added ifdef before Microsoft-specific movsq and replaced with memcpy in other cases. In
* Update image_sha_bytes_ from 16 to 20 xex_module.h
The value 16 is less than the expected value 20, causing a buffer overflow during sha1 finalization.
* Update image_sha_bytes_ loop from 16 to 20 iterations
* Update Must resize file to map_length.
* Should not map nullptr with MAP_FIXED flag. Update
add typed guest pointer template
add X_KSPINLOCK, rework spinlock functions.
rework irql related code, use irql on pcr instead of on XThread
add guest linked list helper functions
renamed ProcessInfoBlock to X_KPROCESS
assigned names to many kernel structure fields
No more beeps, no more persistent warnings, no more insults, just a single silent disclaimer that also helps the user get started using games from their console.
Updated the archived format detection to add tar/gz, and updated the box to state that xenia does not support running archived games.
Stub XamVoiceSubmitPacket
Stubs for __CAP_Start_Profiling/End_Profiling/Enter_Function/Exit_Function
add a note about io_status_block in NtDeviceIoControlFile, change the param's type
move the X_IOCTL_ constants from NtDeviceIoControlFile's body into xbox.h
Implement XexLoadImageHeaders
Much more correct version of IoCreateDevice, properly initializes/allocates device extension data
Stub version of IoDeleteDevice
Open the quickstart guide in the browser the first time a user opens the emulator
Add some persistent flags that are stored in the registry on windows, not in the config. These are just used to indicate whether one-time tasks have run, like showing the quickstart guide. On non-windows platforms a default value is returned that skips any of these tasks so they don't run every single time.
If the user opens a .iso file, show a warning telling them that we do not condone or support piracy. If the user closes the messagebox within two seconds set a sticky flag that will show them the warning every time instead. Otherwise the warning is never shown again. The Beep function is used to spook them a bit, to hopefully make them less likely to skip the message
If a user opens an archive file, which we do not support, explain to them that they're dumb.
Removed messages intended to "catch" pirates. If they're out there, we don't want to know about them. A huge chunk of the discourse on our discord is now about piracy. Hopefully these changes will deter them from coming to us for now, but some of these messages may backfire
- Display xex filenames in title selection.
- Fixed fullscreen controller hotkeys executing from a non-UI thread.
- Fixed recent_titles_entry_amount not disabling if set to <= 0.
- Use RunTitle instead of LaunchPath which does more error checking.