* Implement Arceus Plates and Silvally Memories
* German localization for items
* Run linter on changes, add items to zh_TW localization
* linter cleanup
* Finish localization for other languages
Names for items sourced from Bulbapedia. Names for the items in Portuguese could not be reliably sourced, so they were as directly translated as possible.
* Add custom Blank Memory item
Currently does nothing, but the idea is that it would be used if the all-in-one form change item idea is followed through.
* Update item atlas
* Use move.type instead of type.value
The type effectiveness now works again.
* Update comments
* Fix type changing affecting only Silvally
* Condense switch cases down to a single line
As per Brain Frog's suggestion.
* Fix tinted caught icon false positive
* Remove unused import
* Rename and optimize
* Block comment
* Draft of evil team grunt pokemon pools
* Add graphics and music
* Add grunt spawn logic
* Add Giovanni
* Add team leader graphics
Giovanni and Ghetsis already have sprites, so they do not need added.
* Add teams for other evil team bosses
* Fix some typos and change hp bars to 2/2/2
* Fix sprites and add random team boss
* Add forced grunt encounter and update dialogue
* Update locales
* also lint en trainers
* More merge conflicts
* Deleted some duplicate images
* Correctly renamed the grunt files
* Forgot about team rocket
* New Magma Sprites
* Adjusted the trimming. Now they dont have as huge of a shadow bbelow them
* Fix grunt sprites
* Add real dialogue
* German Localization of the Dialogue
* Changes
* Tweak waves grunts spawn on
* Fix some typos in dialogue
* Y is canon
* Disable evil team spawns
* Fix another merge conflict
Co-authored-by: Madmadness65 <blaze.the.fireman@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Jannik Tappert <tappertjannik@googlemail.com>
* Add more legendary battle music; add music preference setting
* Replace BDSP tracks
"Souless", they say. Naysayers, I say.
* Update for settings menu refactor
* Remove unnecessary Reshiram/Zekrom music calls
The default legendary battle music is the Reshiram & Zekrom battle theme anyways, so removing these lines make it functionally identical.
* Update for settings menu refactor AGAIN
This also necessitated giving them unique front & back sprites too, even if they are currently just duplicates of the normal forms. This change will help players identify when they are using/have encountered a Partner Pikachu or Eevee.
* implement ice face ability
* remove showing ability bar
* fixes
* add documentations
* move code out of phases.ts
* add hardcoded eiscue check, localization
* add KO locale
* remove unnecessary constructor
* use && instead of || to specify ice form on eiscue
* [Bug] Female variant Rhyperior missing .json palette
Adds the missing variant back palette map. Taken from the male variant back.
* [Bug] Female variant Rhyperior missing .json palette
Adds the missing variant front palette map. Taken from the male variant.
* [Bug] Female variant Rhydon line missing .json palette
Lets the game know that variants, both front and back, for Rhydon, Rhyhorn, and Rhyperior exist.
* [Bug] Female variant Rhydon, Rhyperior missing .json palette
Adds the missing variant front palette maps. Taken from the male variants.
* [Bug] Female variant Rhydon, Rhyperior missing .json palette
Adds the missing variant back palette maps. Taken from the male variant backs.
* [Bug] Add variant Larvesta icons
The game wants them in pokemon_cons_5v.json, where they are currently not. All Solosis and Tympole_3 sprites placements adjusted for adequate spacing.
* [Bug] Add variant Larvesta icons
Adds the icons to the spritesheet, and moves around some other icons for optimal use of space and spacing.
* squased merge rebind_menu
* azerty to qwerty
* add a check to preven a crash in firefox
* reset navigation menu on quit
* removed dual lock mekanism
* navigation display update icons on new bind
* added submit binding
* removed attribute no longer used
* change protected to abstract
* remove last bind protection since action and cancel are protected + renamed default controller to controller
* removed default alt qwerty keys in config
* fix some errors for doc
* fix tests
* fix some more errors for docs
* fix some more errors for docs final ?
* added alt bind for menu navigation + update icons on delete/home
* [Bug] Fix rare shiny Cleffa using default icon
Rare shiny Cleffa's icon was showing up as the default colouration, or as shiny Lugia's icon.
This fixes that by adding it to the spritesheet pokemon_icons_2v and its .json, where the console log suggested it should belong.
* [Bug] Fix rare shiny Cleffa using default icon
Rare shiny Cleffa's icon was showing up as the default colouration, or as shiny Lugia's icon.
This fixes that by adding it to the spritesheet pokemon_icons_2v and its .json, where the console log suggested it should belong.
* Add Toxic Orb and Flame Orb
* Change Weighting Logic & Functions
* Adjust Party Filter during Weighting
* Add Dynamic Weight Ceilings
* Refactor for Performance/Cleanliness
* Adjust Party Filter to Check Status Applicability
* Cover Same & Different Status Cases
* Adjust Full Heal & Restore Weighting
* Cover Unwanted Status Case
* Fix Wrong Status Effect on Reload
* Initial Commit
* Update pbinfo_enemy_boss_stats.png
* Move to Separate Key
* Add Separate Mobile Control for Flyout
* Add Setting to Enable/Disable
* Add to the Tutorial
* Change to BUTTON.V
* Add korean locale without translation
* Translate ability,move,pokemon to Korean
* Translate miscellaneous to Korean
* Add Accuracy in the fight ui to Korean
* Apply nature,growth rate lang files to Korean
* Add missed file import to Korean config.ts
* Add font and its license for Korean then Apply it
pokemon-dppt from FontStruction and its license
* Translate any other lang file to Korean
* Cleanup Korean locale files
Indentation for pokemon and starter-select-ui-handler
Make config shoft
* Update Korean translation for the latest commits
ToggleSize dependency e4d3f73d,
+ Align togglesize locale text
Frisk description 6d73500a
Starter select UI 34a4f869, 74ee3329
Add ability triggers locale file 1c56efc8
Zippy Zap description 4e279224
* Implement locale font loading
Revert multiple font usage from style fe7fe845
Dynamic font loading on language changed
* Translate new localization parts to Korean
Return to title become save and quit
menu-ui-handler.ts ac2e7812
Generation text added
starter-select-ui-handler.ts afcffab9
Missing translations for learning move
battles.ts:countdownPoof, learnMoveAnd 44c0d29c
Weather & evolution texts translated
config.ts, weather.ts, menu.ts b8dff030
Added modifier type file for item translate
config.ts, modifier-type.ts b5ae8330, b82b8c31
Egg gatcha machine is now Korean
config.ts, egg.ts 975d1ed5
Add splash message literals to locales
config.ts, splash-messages.ts 8dce9fa2
Trainers are also localized
config.ts, trainers.ts b06190c4, 7f003d46, 364b19df
Double battle trainers appeared
battle.ts:trainerAppearedDouble f1e97f3b
* Small patches to Korean translations
Include generation consistency (learnMovePrompt, eggHatching),
wrong space (learnMoveReplaceQuestion),
missing word (learnMoveNotLearned),
match to modifier-type.ts (ivScannerUseQuestion),
and match to english and else (bossAppeared)
* Apply edits to Korean translation
Re-order config.ts 3f571a36
Fix splash message attribute to fixed config 429e6635
* Corrections and new text for Korean translations
Trainer misstypo correction 0cd305d7
BerryType localization 25014208
config.ts, berry.ts
IV scanner updated 96af567c
config.ts, battle-message-ui-handler.ts
Melt stat and type into info 3cc9c93
config.ts, modifier-type.ts pokemon-stat.ts -> pokemon-info.ts
* Update Korean locale up to date
Larry and Lance are now unique 93dee06e
Trainer names errors about 'poké' 49adedbc, 13f2cafe
Wrong text edit for maylene
Egg voucher translation 7216990d
config.ts, voucher.ts
Cleanup starter select ui handler ca1ae4b5, b95a59c0
Correct text overflow
* Modify loadFont to fit in nonExplicitSupportedLngs
'ko-KR' or 'ko' is loaded browser by browser, in any case font will be loaded.
* Update Korean translations
* Apply updated text
Berry pouch 8b4aa872
Acrobatics 0d614526
failedToLoadSaveData 32fadf8c
HoneyGather caeb22c2
* Apply added Text
Plates and Memories f914b8fe
trainerSendOut, moneyWon, partyFull 79af1152
gym_leader_double, champion_double, Double Names aaa95ebe
elite_four_female, champion_female ac2f7755
* Apply new locale category implement
Biomes de1c2b2b
config.ts, biome.ts
Trainer dialogue ac2f7755, d23d8356
config.ts, dialogue.ts
Statistics 6d2b8ef2
config.ts, game-stats-ui-handler
Info Container fb26b6d5
config.ts, pokemon-info-container.ts
* Recover coding style
include 2-space-indentation
* Add Korean Font
No more license text file
* Add missing config to Korean
* Fix ESLint failure on Korean
* Fix ESLint failure on Korean 2
* Update to Main Localization Changes
Co-authored-by: Benjamin Odom <bennybroseph@gmail.com>
A user reported [here](https://discord.com/channels/1125469663833370665/1238339524778790922/1244817919985061978) that "Shiny grafaiai keeps fading in and out of existence".
The presumed culprit is frame 17 being set to have a width and height of 3 pixels.
To fix this, the code from the non-shiny .json was used instead, which used dimensions of 66x55, somewhat more reasonable for the targeted slice of spritesheet.
Not tested, with due concern given to the abysmal odds of specifically encountering a shiny Grafaiai.
... but the change shouldn't break anything, I hope?
This adds Partner Eevee and Partner Pikachu, as well as all Cosplay Pikachu variants. Also included are some minor trainer-related formatting clean ups.
• Partner Pikachu and Eevee have their boosted base stats from the Let's Go games, but are otherwise identical in function and appearance to their regular variants.
• Cosplay Pikachus have their special moves as "evolution" moves and can be relearned if desired.
• Unlike the canon games, Partner Pikachu and Eevee are able to evolve like normal.
* Tate Animation was 5 times slower as the one from Liza. So i just shrunk down the file for it to have only every fifth frame
* Tates Animation is now smoother and more in sync with liza
* Added passives to the Summary Screen
Adds the ability to view passives on the Summary screen. Just like in the starter select, you can only see the passive once it is unlocked.
There is a small pixel button prompt which helps indicate you are able to press the button to view the passive. This buttons shows an A when gamepad support is enabled and a Z otherwise.
* Update summary-ui-handler.ts
* Updated for Legacy Support
* Added hyperlinks to Moves enum
Yes, I'm aware of what this looks like in the file itself, but it enables a nice neat little hyperlink shown below to the bulbapedia page when you hover over a move. I feel like the added convenience is worth making the file harder to read considering nobody is ever going to touch that file anyway. I plan on adding a python script to finish the rest of them, but didn't want to actually sink time into this if we absolutely despise it.
* Added Python Script
Created a python script to add comments with a url to abilities.ts, moves.ts, and species.ts using regex
* adds the ribbon asset, hooking it up
* works if override. need to add field on server side I imagine
* moves count to starterData, increments on win
* formatting
* increment works properly
* recursively check for prevolution
* cleaned up to use getRootSpeciesId()
* changes ribbon to gold medal version
* adds Akuma's ribbon achievements
* ribbons increment correctly
* missed ui handler update
* reorder achievements
* ribbon correct, vouchers not. currently investigating
* increments properly, but voucher reward phase not appearing
* some cleanup
* works great, need to better reflect who is getting ribbon in message and cry
* plays level fanfare, tabling cry for now
* reran items.bat
* Minor fixes
Co-authored-by: Flashfyre <flashfireex@gmail.com>
* Fixed Rounding Error For TargetHalfHpDamageAttr
Moves that deal half of a target's HP were not able to deal damage if the target had 1 HP. Used Math.max to ensure 1 is the lowest this value ever evaluates to.
* Fix Mobile PWA not showing in true Fullscreen
adding "fullscreen" to the display attribute wasn't enough, but adding it to the start_url attribute was. This does not appear to affect PC (which is good since it shouldn't).
* Allow any orientation for mobile PWA
remove the orientation restriction since it doesn't prevent fullscreen PWA from displaying properly.
Both abilities are still not fully functional yet (Battle Bond does not interact with Water Shuriken yet, Power Construct does not interact with 10% Power Construct Zygarde, and both forms do not revert after a battle yet), but this is a step to having them both completed.
Battle Bond Froakie line and Power Construct 50% Zygardes (as well as Aura Break 10% Zygardes) can now randomly appear in the wild.
Expect Battle Bond to potentially change to its Gen 9 version at some point in the future, rendering Ash-Greninja inaccessible.
...But not all evolution sweets. This way, you can get all the differently colored Alcremies without there being like ~60 different forms.
There currently is an unintended side-effect with Gigantamaxing, where the Alcremie flavor will always switch to Vanilla Cream when reverting to normal, but aside from that, it works fine.
Adds 3 separate form changing items to switch between the various Deoxys forms.
All Rotom forms can now know their respective typed moved at the start (and can be relearned via Memory Mushroom if you already have one).
• The volume of Pikachu's cry has been lowered by 10 dB.
• Tarountula's starter value has been lowered to 1.
• Altered Whitney and Chuck's signature Pokémon (swapped Whitney's Clefairy for Girafarig, and gave Chuck Mankey).
• The alternate forms in Flabébé's evolution line can now be encountered.
This adds Cut, Strength, Flash, Rock Smash, Rock Climb, and Defog as new potential TMs.
Also adds Spiky-eared Pichu into the game for implementation at a later time.
More work toward getting Ogerpon's unique Terastal forms functional. Also fixes the graphics for the Terastal Ogerpon forms, as they were scaled incorrectly.
This implements Chilling Neigh, Grim Neigh, and both As One abilities.
Also separates the Embody Aspect ability into four for later when it's implemented, and adds the graphics for Ogerpon's Terastallized forms.
Paldean Wooper was marked as having gender differences even though it has none (unlike regular Wooper). The duplicate graphics for it have been removed.
Requiring being in the Ruins to evolve was deemed too restrictive, so most Hisuian forms now require dusk or night to evolve. This also means the normal forms require dawn or day to evolve now as well. Hisui Lilligant being the outlier, was given a new evolution item instead, the Relic Band.
Since the DNA Splicers method to get Kyurem-Black and -White is so unreasonably hard, I gave an easier alternative to get them. The Splicers method will remain however, as it's still beneficial to transfer moves.
* First draft of usable G-Max forms
They are not fully usable yet, and still needs more work to reach that point.
* Fix Gigantamax on Pokémon with forms
Co-Authored-By: Samuel H <3542488+Flashfyre@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Samuel H <3542488+Flashfyre@users.noreply.github.com>
Replaces many of the non-standard (and frankly obscure) evolution methods with their intended evolution items.
Additionally, altered some time-based friendship evolutions to be more lenient.
Mostly implements Gouging Fire, Raging Bolt, Iron Boulder, and Iron Crown. They still require shiny sprites and cries, and have placeholders for now. Galarian Mr. Mime also removed as a starter (evolve Mime Jr. instead).
Add egg gacha system; remove certain mythical Pokemon from the wild pool as egg exclusive; add egg vouchers with UI; rework Shiny Charm odds; fix trainer Pokemon shiny odds not properly ignoring Shiny Charm modifier
Hydrapple and Archaludon are now able to be used. Dipplin also, as it was missing all it's graphics previously. Dragon Cheer is also in the TM pool now to accommodate this change.
New Pokémon, moves, learnsets, TMs, and evolution data added in various states of completeness. Until graphics are made for the new Pokémon, they cannot be used yet.