- Finish refactoring and cleaning up TexCache (now renamed to “TextureCache”) and TexCacheItem (now renamed to “TextureStore”).
- TextureCache items are now evicted based on age and usage instead of arbitrarily.
- The 3D renderers are now responsible for managing the texture unpack buffers instead of relying on the TexCacheItem itself to do it.
- The OpenGL 3D renderer now uses a fixed 4MB buffer for unpacking textures, instead of maintaining extra copies of each unpacked texture in main memory even after they’ve been uploaded to the GPU.
- Rework TexCacheItem::GetTexture() so that instantiating a new object, dumping the packed data, and dumping the palette are performed as separate operations.
- Invalid OpenGL textures are now updated instead of being completely replaced.
- NDSTextureUnpack4x4() now uses the srcIndex pointer parameter instead of recalculating the palette address.
- Delete the now obsolete MemSpan-based texture unpacking functions.
- Texture items in cache are now searched using std::map instead of std::multimap.
- Texture item search keys now ignore the render-specific bits of the texture attributes (repeat mode, flip mode, and coordinate transformation mode bits are ignored). This is to help reduce the number of duplicate textures in the cache.
- Searching a texture and unpacking a texture are now performed as separate operations.
- Texture unpacking functions now use restrict pointers instead of normal pointers.
- Revert the last resort execution of workFunc in Task::Impl::finish(). Windows now has much better compliance with the behavior of pthread_cond_wait(), so the last resort execution is no longer necessary.
- Add additional checks for workFunc in Task::Impl::execute() and Task::Impl::finish() to make their reentrancy more robust on Windows.
- Add a last resort execution of workFunc in Task::Impl::finish() in the case where taskProc() misses the wake up signal from Task::Impl::execute() when running on Windows.
- EXPERIMENTAL: Revert task.cpp and pthreads.c to what they were back in r5538, but change scond_wait() to explicitly unlock the mutex before calling WaitForSingleObject().