Essentially, I'm telling the memory card to re-index itself with a
filter based on the game's disc serial every time a new executable boots
in the emulator.
This currently works for a lot of games, but fails in edge cases where
the game disc's serial does not match the game serial that is written to
the memory card as part of the save file's directory name. This affects
mostly (only?) games that have multiple discs. We could circumvent this
by adding a "save game serial" or something into the GameDatabase which
tells us what we should filter by for those cases.
Apart from this edge case, this appears to work surprisingly well. Try
it and see if you can find other issues!
FileMemoryCard: Log reads and writes so I know what kind of commands I have to deal with.
FolderMemoryCard: Create basic class/method outline based on FileMemoryCard.
FolderMemoryCard: Add a FolderMemoryCardAggregator so I don't have to write every method in a way that has to handle more than one memory ca
Also shuffle around the location of code because C++ cares about stuff
needing to be defined before they're usable.
FolderMemoryCard: Implement Open().
FolderMemoryCard: Implement GetSizeInfo().
FolderMemoryCard: Implement some basic structure of Read()
FolderMemoryCard: Implement parts of Read() and Save().
Shouldn't it be Write() or Load()? Anyway, this doesn't work yet, but it
gets part of the formatting procedure done which is at least something!
FolderMemoryCard: Add method to calculate ECC.
FolderMemoryCard: Start implementing the FAT.
MemoryCard: More logging.
FolderMemoryCard: Formatting works now!
Formatted memory card isn't actually recognized as formatted yet because I don't store folder metadata yet, but we're getting there!
FolderMemoryCard: Recognize when it's trying to access a data cluster.
FolderMemoryCard: Add directory/file entry support.
On further inspection this might not a be a good way to handle erasing.
FolderMemoryCard: Method to get a file entry and file path from a file's data cluster.
FolderMemoryCard: wxDirName is garbage, let's just use wxFileName for the folder too...
FolderMemoryCard: Fix Erase method.
FolderMemoryCard: Start implementing file writes.
This is still quite broken but we're getting somewhere here!
FolderMemoryCard: Load the data from the host file system into the memory card on emulation start.
Also store superblock to host file system on end.
FolderMemoryCard: Fix a few warnings.
FolderMemoryCard: Implement file reads.
FolderMemoryCard: Proper ECC reads.
FolderMemoryCard: Reads to unmapped locations should return all 0xFF.
FolderMemoryCard: Some sort of working WriteToFile.
(Note: Doesn't always work depending on what order data gets written...)
FolderMemoryCard: Forgot a 'b' for reading files in binary mode. Whoops.
FolderMemoryCard: Load timestamps from the host filesystem.
FolderMemoryCard: r+b needs the file to exist so create if it doesn't.
FolderMemoryCard: Failsafe to allow non-sequential writes.
FolderMemoryCard: Use a cache for writes. Does not flush to host FS yet!
FolderMemoryCard: Flush the data written to the cache to the host file system on exit.
FolderMemoryCard: Since we have a cache now, remove code related to formatting, it's no longer needed.
FolderMemoryCard: More binary file mode mistakes...
FolderMemoryCard: Make it actually possible to disable/eject cards.
FileMemoryCard: Revert changes made for logging data.
FolderMemoryCard: Remove excessive logging.
MemoryCard: Note that the superblock struct is no longer unused.
FolderMemoryCard: A disabled card shouldn't try writing data on exit.
FolderMemoryCard: Log when flushing data.
FolderMemoryCard: Replace plain constants with const variables.
Should make it easier in the future to change the memory card size, if
FolderMemoryCard: Sort of handle the case when the total size of files in the memory card folder exceed the size of the card.
Not elegant but prevents ugly errors. The file that caused the card to
"overflow" will be seen as corrupted data by the PS2 browser.
FolderMemoryCard: Some sanity checks.
FolderMemoryCard: superBlock member really should have that m_ too to be consistent.
MemoryCard: Switch back to FileMemoryCard for merging.
FolderMemoryCard: Implement GetCRC() via a timestamp of the last memory card write.
Regarding auto-ejecting on save load, I see that the current
implementation checks that by comparing memory card CRC and reinserting
if it mismatches. Since it's actually just about seeing if the memory
card state of the savestate and the current state match, my GetCRC() now
returns a millisecond timestamp of the last time the card was written
to. This should work out to the intended result, though I had to use
wxGetLocalTimeMillis() instead of wxGetUTCTimeMillis() since the latter
isn't available for some reason.
Fix GCC warnings and error.
MemoryCard: Switch implementations via a #define.
FolderMemoryCard: Add a NextFrame() method that should be called once per frame. Flushes written data to the host file system after a certain amout of frames have passed without any writes (currently 60).
MemoryCard: Add the NextFrame() method to the plugin API.
Counters: If the FolderMemoryCard is selected, inform it every frame in VSyncEnd() that a frame has passed.
VSyncEnd: Probably better to inform the memory card before the frame limiting.
Fix error when using wxWidgets >= 3.0.
FolderMemoryCard: Extract into its own .h/.cpp files.
FolderMemoryCard: Change cache to a map to reduce memory usage.
FolderMemoryCard: More gracefully handle lack of space when adding files.
Code is not yet enabled because it requires extensive test
The idea is to replace point by a 1 pixels sprite with the help of
a geometry shader. In 4x, point will be replaced by a 4x4 sprite.
Partially invalidate RT when there is a write in the middle of it (actually 2 pages below)
Code is not yet enabled because
1/ I want to stabilize latest update
2/ not sure of the impact of the code
3/ maybe it need a more generic version
When the GS plugin is suspended and resumed, PCSX2 will set GS frame
title using an uninitialised array, making it prone to crashing in
those situations. Initialise the array.
Frame is always 32 bits but game can reuse it later as a 16 bits RT.
Fix half screen issue with Ricky Ponting Cricket
Unfortunately it triggers texture shuffle wrongly. I hope there is no
Fix depth issue.
First issue: RT and Depth are located at the same address.
=> solution, just lookup the depth (done for any games)
Second issue: Instead to draw a X,Y rectangle, they draw a 32 pix, 4096 pix
rectangle with a FBW of 1.
=> solution, don't bother just write the depth directly
Please someone add some CRC to enable the code
// GL42 interact very badly with sw blending. GL42 uses the primitiveID to find the primitive
// that write the bad alpha value. Sw blending will force the draw to run primitive by primitive
// (therefore primitiveID will be constant to 1)
Configures the settings in include/wx/msw/setup.h.
Removes icons from include/wx/msw/wx.rc.
Deletes include/wx/msw/rcdefs.h (autogenerated by build process).
Updates .gitignore by including wxWidgets3.0 build files and adds a
missing '/' to build.
This configure the VS2013 files so that the now external libpng and
libjpeg libraries are used, and to place some of the common stuff into a
property sheet.
For deleted files, I've chosen to exclude from build instead of removing
them from the project file. It's less work to re-add them if they're
required at a later stage.