The code was searching only at the default paths for cheats and cheats_ws.
Now it's possible to set UseDefaultCheats[WS] at PCSX2_ui.ini to 'disabled'
and set a custom value to Cheats and/or CheatsWS and PCSX2 will respect it.
EGL sometimes is not found. Checklib 1st does
string(TOLOWER ${lib} lower_lib)
pkg_search_module(${var} QUIET ${lower_lib})
Therefore this part should be equivalent since we always compare lower.
This part seems to not find anything and then it does.
find_library(${var}_LIBRARIES ${lib})
Here it also does not find anything since it tries to find libegl
while the library is called libEGL therefore I changed the name to upper.
to avoid
_internal_message("-- ${lib} not found (miss lib)")
It could fail in the unlikely event that someone renamed libEGL to libegl.
This bug is triggered when you combine crosscompiling from amd64 to
i386 with Debian multiarch paths. For other distros it should work with
pkg_search_module normally.
It was added recently to the xDG specs
It should improve the discoverability of pcsx2 for gnome shell users in any
distro and Ubuntu users at the very least. It's unrelated to the menu
hierarchy so it does not need a special hack for OpenSuse. Also it should
not break anything.
It's an optional entry but the "gnome guys" really want software to use it
It should be concise and not the name of the software so I just did
game;emulator; since for example gnome-chess uses game;strategy;.
The former was barely tested and doesn't compile with standard wx
The latter doesn't work at all
Note: I was very close to disable SDL2 too. If wxWidget was built with
SDL1 support it will crash
After a Console.Write/Writeln that uses colors a call to
ConsoleColorScope::LeaveScope() is made to restore m_old_color. This
restoration command stays buffered until a full line is printed. In the
meantime any console message that happens will use the old coloring
and if the program happens to crash the console would keep using the
color of the last colored text that was printed.
* game is working :)
Note1: I dissassemble the main exe to search all call of the allocation (unlikely to have more calls)
Note2: it is easier to use the return of the function so allocation is done in the tlb[array] cache