inputadapters: finish GBA mnemonic stuff, including power button. |P|UDLRsSBALR|
mainform: show informative warning when starting recording a GBA movie
--Added platform name.
--Handled input.
---The input seems reasonable, but the frame counts were originally off by 2. Because the docs say "The controller data contains <number_of_frames + 1> frames," I connected the two and discarded the first frame read. I also noticed that Snes9x first accepts input at frame 0 whereas BizHawk does at frame 1, so that makes up for the other frame. I think this is correct.
--Apparently, Snes9x adds garbage bytes to the metadata when you play a movie. The stuff we want, however, is before a NULL character. As such, I refurbished RemoveNull into NullTerminated, which takes a string and returns everything before the first NULL character. Now the author will be displayed properly no matter what.
-Removed an unncessary dependence to Global.Emulator.SystemId in Get/SetControllersAsMnemonic which made it so that importing a movie without loading a game resulted in blank frames.
-ImportVBM now actually appends the frames it parses. Looks pretty good.
--Note that BizHawk cannot currently do anything with the platform (GB, GBC, GBA, SGB), nor are any of the "other" buttons handleable.
2) Ram Poke - fix poking of signed/hex values, set the signed value to the value of the address on load, other misc fixes regarding signed
3) Hex Editor - add Poke to menu/context menu and Ctrl+P hotkey
-Made it so that each new search zeroes out the change count.
--This prevents all non-zero items from starting out with 1 change.
--A similar fix needs to be applied to Ram Watch (Filing issue...).
-Allowed changing data size, endian, and unaligned address setting in the middle of the search and maintaining valid values, fixing Issue 72 (The last open Ram Search issue until my "Difference" idea is hopefully accepted).
--Unlike my previous model, this does not align unaligned addresses; all it does is change the size / endian and PeekAddress.
--It does remove unaligned addresses, however, if you have it set to.
--This version converts System Bus instantly whereas the previous version stopped responding.
1. Added a list of save states to the movie log.
2. Added corresponding support functions for the save states.
3. Added double click to the list view to load a previous frame.
4. Added a context menu to the list view with insert and delete.
5. Fixed some issues with the green zone of valid state history.
6. Fixed an input bug that I had unwittingly created, as well as issues with the nes log format.
1. Hooked up Fast Forward, Fast Forward to End
2. Made a placeholder for Turbo Fast Forward.
3. Fixed rewind to not stomp on the previous frame with new input.
4. Fixed rewind to stop at the beginning of the movie instead of freaking out.
5. TAStudio now shows data from the most recent frame.
6. CommitFrame is called even if not recording so played back frames also show up in TAStudio.
7. Play mode only stops at the end of the movie if you tell it to. Your emulator normally continues to play with no input after the end of the movie.
8. TAStudio is now updated after a rewind (even though the rewind doesn't play a new frame).
9. Split the tools update into before and after updates.
10. Going into read-only mode adjusts the movie mode.
11. Implemented New, Open, Save, and Save As for TAStudio.
12. Fixed an issue where frames past the end of the log would default to the input from the last frame of the log.
13. Fixed a problem where you couldn't rewind to frame 0.
14. Fixed a scrolling issue in the TAStudio list view.
15. Fixed an issue with the TAStudio virtual NES controller not matching up with the log.
16. Fixed an issue where the NES reset button would get held in when rewinding.
17. Added/Modified a couple of button graphics.
-Fixed InputAdapters with regards to the Genesis 3-Button Controller. It previously did not have a flag placeholder.
Potential issues that I don't have the time to investigate right now:
-When importing 1937M, I get the error "6 button controllers are not supported." Is this a false positive?
-The result of importing 1731M seems sane, but has 2-player input. This run is classified as "One player in a multiplayer game". Is this input normal?
-Fixed some error and warning messages:
--Made it so that the first .FCM warning is shown instead of the last.
--Added an error for .FCM files that aren't version 2.
--Did the same for ImportVBM, but with version 1.
-Cleaned up comments / code throughout.
-Fixed the file format for GBx; it had an extra bar which made reading Player 1 impossible.
-Seemingly finished ImportVBM.
--The results seem same. I have no way of testing whether they sync up or not.
--As I can't actually handle additional controllers, I just skip the bytes for them.
--As I can't actually handle the miscellaneous buttons and commands (Ex. L, R, Reset), I just give warnings whenever they come up in the file.
TODO: ImportGMV, ImportVMV, ImportNMV, and maybe ImportSMV...I'm going to need a new assignment soon! :)
--Moved the command message in ImportText to this.
-Converted ImportVBM to use a MnemonicsGenerator.
--This should work, but I can't test as I still don't know for sure as the import fails and displays "Not a valid VBM platform type."
--I iterated through the buttons using a list and left-shifting. I applied this method to ConvertMMV, which works.
-Comment MovieImport.cs.
-Fix the exception that is thrown for Gameboy games.
-Get ImportVBM to actually work, scanning through the input to see if it seems sane.
-Figure out why pressing Pause on GameGear results in a "P" instead of a "p", and whether or not this is a factor in runs syncing.
--Note that I don't think that the calculator pad simulator is registering when I click 0, and that this doesn't seem to be related to any changes I made.
-Inadvertently fixed the seemingly broken Genesis 3-Button Controller mnemonics...the controllers weren't responding at all before. I guess refactoring and working with simplified code IS worth it. <_<
--That said, this is still really broken:
---Mnemonics don't show up while recording.
---Input goes past the frame length, and it's never labeled finished.
---Doesn't seem to sync at all.
---This exception:
Oh, no, a terrible thing happened!
System.Exception: unhandled opcode at pc=013648
at BizHawk.Emulation.CPUs.M68000.MC68000.ExecuteCycles(Int32 cycles) in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.Emulation\CPUs\68000\MC68000.cs:line 147
at BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Sega.Genesis.FrameAdvance(Boolean render) in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.Emulation\Consoles\Sega\Genesis\Genesis.cs:line 106
at BizHawk.MultiClient.MainForm.StepRunLoop_Core() in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.MultiClient\MainForm.cs:line 1676
at BizHawk.MultiClient.MainForm.ProgramRunLoop() in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.MultiClient\MainForm.cs:line 346
at BizHawk.MultiClient.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.MultiClient\Program.cs:line 47
System.Exception: unhandled opcode at pc=013648
at BizHawk.Emulation.CPUs.M68000.MC68000.ExecuteCycles(Int32 cycles) in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.Emulation\CPUs\68000\MC68000.cs:line 147
at BizHawk.Emulation.Consoles.Sega.Genesis.FrameAdvance(Boolean render) in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.Emulation\Consoles\Sega\Genesis\Genesis.cs:line 106
at BizHawk.MultiClient.MainForm.StepRunLoop_Core() in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.MultiClient\MainForm.cs:line 1676
at BizHawk.MultiClient.MainForm.ProgramRunLoop() in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.MultiClient\MainForm.cs:line 346
at BizHawk.MultiClient.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\Users\Administrator\Repo\bizhawk\BizHawk.MultiClient\Program.cs:line 47
--I don't think I broke anything...if anything, I fixed it slightly so that input is at least recognized in some way.
--Question: Is Genesis going to be properly supported by release time? If so, I might hold off a Genesis TAS until this is done. I hate Gens.
-Moved BUTTONS, COMMANDS, and new variable PLAYERS, which indicates how many players are for a given system, to Global.cs.
--If there's a better place for this, please let me know.
--That said, if there are places in the code that refer to the mnemonics of button names of a given system, we should definitely apply these variables for easier modification. Please let me know where these places might be.
-Fixed ImportText(). It now only reads as many controllers as the given system supports.
-Merge the TI-83 stuff.
-Mnemonic header.
-Fix the TI-83 mnemonics with the IRCs blessings.
-Port the new mnemonics to the wiki.
-Fix the importers.
--I don't think ImportMMV handles the Pause and Reset commands (Or buttons, I don't even know) covert.
-Made other commands lowercase.
-Added more mnemonics to the table.
-Added a command table. The writing of headers, as currently inconsistent, will probably be done manually, but it will still reference the table for easy modification.
-Create a mnemonic header using the tables (Format now seemingly agreed upon is "Mnemonic |UDLRsSBA|").
-Generate button handling using the table, sandwiching this simplified code with the command handlers.
-Fix the TI-83 mnemonics (It has at least two redundancies: 1 and 2).
-Port mnemonics table to wiki page.
-Convert the remainder of the importers, working or not, from the string building method to the mnemonic generating one.
-Start working on more importers!
-Realized that FixMnemonic is useless as GetControllersAsMnemonic() + WriteMovie() = Fixed.
-Finished the NES / PCE importers, now without string builders (Thanks zeromus)!
-Converted ImportMMV to this same method.
-Decide how's the best way to handle the mnemonic header and implement it. Apparently, anything other than a predefined header and a | is considered as a comment, so I might do something like:
comment Mnemonic format: