
736 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
//TODO - consider bytebuffer for mirroring
//TODO - could stringpool the bootgod DB for a pedantic optimization
2013-11-14 13:15:41 +00:00
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.NES
partial class NES
public interface INESBoard : IDisposable
//base class pre-configuration
void Create(NES nes);
//one-time inherited classes configuration
bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin);
//one-time base class configuration (which can take advantage of any information setup by the more-informed Configure() method)
void PostConfigure();
//gets called once per PPU clock, for boards with complex behaviour which must be monitoring clock (i.e. mmc3 irq counter)
void ClockPPU();
//gets called once per CPU clock; typically for boards with M2 counters
void ClockCPU();
2012-11-02 19:28:00 +00:00
byte PeekCart(int addr);
byte ReadPRG(int addr);
byte ReadPPU(int addr); byte PeekPPU(int addr);
2011-06-06 10:27:42 +00:00
void AddressPPU(int addr);
byte ReadWRAM(int addr);
byte ReadEXP(int addr);
void WritePRG(int addr, byte value);
void WritePPU(int addr, byte value);
void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value);
void WriteEXP(int addr, byte value);
void NESSoftReset();
byte[] SaveRam { get; }
byte[] WRAM { get; set; }
byte[] VRAM { get; set; }
byte[] ROM { get; set; }
byte[] VROM { get; set; }
void SyncState(Serializer ser);
bool IRQSignal { get; }
//mixes the board's custom audio into the supplied sample buffer
void ApplyCustomAudio(short[] samples);
2013-09-02 23:54:32 +00:00
Dictionary<string, string> InitialRegisterValues { get; set; }
public abstract class NESBoardBase : INESBoard
2011-04-18 22:35:40 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// These are used by SetMirroring() to provide the base class nametable mirroring service.
/// Apparently, these are not used for internal build configuration logics
/// </summary>
public enum EMirrorType
Vertical, Horizontal,
OneScreenA, OneScreenB,
public virtual void Create(NES nes)
this.NES = nes;
2012-06-11 06:32:44 +00:00
public virtual void NESSoftReset()
Dictionary<string, string> _initialRegisterValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public Dictionary<string, string> InitialRegisterValues { get { return _initialRegisterValues; } set { _initialRegisterValues = value; } }
2013-09-02 23:54:32 +00:00
public abstract bool Configure(NES.EDetectionOrigin origin);
public virtual void ClockPPU() { }
public virtual void ClockCPU() { }
public CartInfo Cart { get { return NES.cart; } }
public NES NES { get; set; }
//this is set to true when SyncState is called, so that we know the base class SyncState was used
public bool SyncStateFlag = false;
public virtual void SyncState(Serializer ser)
ser.Sync("vram", ref vram, true);
ser.Sync("wram", ref wram, true);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) ser.Sync("mirroring" + i, ref mirroring[i]);
ser.Sync("irq_signal", ref irq_signal);
SyncStateFlag = true;
2012-06-23 08:52:12 +00:00
public virtual void SyncIRQ(bool flag)
IRQSignal = flag;
2012-06-23 08:52:12 +00:00
private bool irq_signal;
public bool IRQSignal { get { return irq_signal; } set { irq_signal = value; } }
public virtual void Dispose() { }
int[] mirroring = new int[4];
protected void SetMirroring(int a, int b, int c, int d)
mirroring[0] = a;
mirroring[1] = b;
mirroring[2] = c;
mirroring[3] = d;
protected void ApplyMemoryMapMask(int mask, ByteBuffer map)
byte bmask = (byte)mask;
2013-11-28 22:06:38 +00:00
for (int i = 0; i < map.Len; i++)
map[i] &= bmask;
//make sure you have bank-masked the map
protected int ApplyMemoryMap(int blockSizeBits, ByteBuffer map, int addr)
int bank = addr >> blockSizeBits;
int ofs = addr & ((1 << blockSizeBits) - 1);
bank = map[bank];
addr = (bank << blockSizeBits) | ofs;
return addr;
public static EMirrorType CalculateMirrorType(int pad_h, int pad_v)
if (pad_h == 0)
if (pad_v == 0)
return EMirrorType.OneScreenA;
else return EMirrorType.Horizontal;
if (pad_v == 0)
return EMirrorType.Vertical;
else return EMirrorType.OneScreenB;
protected void SetMirrorType(int pad_h, int pad_v)
SetMirrorType(CalculateMirrorType(pad_h, pad_v));
public void SetMirrorType(EMirrorType mirrorType)
switch (mirrorType)
case EMirrorType.Horizontal: SetMirroring(0, 0, 1, 1); break;
case EMirrorType.Vertical: SetMirroring(0, 1, 0, 1); break;
case EMirrorType.OneScreenA: SetMirroring(0, 0, 0, 0); break;
case EMirrorType.OneScreenB: SetMirroring(1, 1, 1, 1); break;
default: SetMirroring(-1, -1, -1, -1); break; //crash!
protected int ApplyMirroring(int addr)
int block = (addr >> 10) & 3;
block = mirroring[block];
int ofs = addr & 0x3FF;
return (block << 10) | ofs;
protected byte HandleNormalPRGConflict(int addr, byte value)
byte old_value = value;
value &= ReadPRG(addr);
2012-06-19 21:23:24 +00:00
//Debug.Assert(old_value == value, "Found a test case of bus conflict. please report.");
//report: pinball quest (J). also: double dare
return value;
public virtual byte ReadPRG(int addr) { return ROM[addr]; }
public virtual void WritePRG(int addr, byte value) { }
2011-04-19 01:58:12 +00:00
public virtual void WriteWRAM(int addr, byte value)
if(wram != null)
wram[addr] = value;
private int wram_mask;
public virtual void PostConfigure()
wram_mask = (Cart.wram_size * 1024) - 1;
2011-04-19 01:58:12 +00:00
public virtual byte ReadWRAM(int addr) {
if (wram != null)
return wram[addr & wram_mask];
else return NES.DB;
2011-04-19 01:58:12 +00:00
public virtual void WriteEXP(int addr, byte value) { }
public virtual byte ReadEXP(int addr) {
return NES.DB;
public virtual void WritePPU(int addr, byte value)
if (addr < 0x2000)
if (VRAM != null)
VRAM[addr] = value;
NES.CIRAM[ApplyMirroring(addr)] = value;
2011-06-06 10:27:42 +00:00
public virtual void AddressPPU(int addr) { }
public virtual byte PeekPPU(int addr) { return ReadPPU(addr); }
protected virtual byte ReadPPUChr(int addr)
if (VROM != null)
return VROM[addr];
else return VRAM[addr];
public virtual byte ReadPPU(int addr)
if (addr < 0x2000)
if (VROM != null)
return VROM[addr];
else return VRAM[addr];
return NES.CIRAM[ApplyMirroring(addr)];
2012-11-02 19:28:00 +00:00
/// <summary>
/// derived classes should override this if they have peek-unsafe logic
/// </summary>
public virtual byte PeekCart(int addr)
byte ret;
if (addr >= 0x8000)
ret = ReadPRG(addr - 0x8000); //easy optimization, since rom reads are so common, move this up (reordering the rest of these elseifs is not easy)
else if (addr < 0x6000)
ret = ReadEXP(addr - 0x4000);
ret = ReadWRAM(addr - 0x6000);
return ret;
public virtual byte[] SaveRam
if (!Cart.wram_battery) return null;
return WRAM;
public byte[] WRAM { get { return wram; } set { wram = value; } }
public byte[] VRAM { get { return vram; } set { vram = value; } }
public byte[] ROM { get; set; }
public byte[] VROM { get; set; }
byte[] wram, vram;
protected void Assert(bool test, string comment, params object[] args)
if (!test) throw new Exception(string.Format(comment, args));
protected void Assert(bool test)
if (!test) throw new Exception("assertion failed in board setup!");
protected void AssertPrg(params int[] prg) { Assert_memtype(Cart.prg_size, "prg", prg); }
protected void AssertChr(params int[] chr) { Assert_memtype(Cart.chr_size, "chr", chr); }
protected void AssertWram(params int[] wram) { Assert_memtype(Cart.wram_size, "wram", wram); }
protected void AssertVram(params int[] vram) { Assert_memtype(Cart.vram_size, "vram", vram); }
protected void Assert_memtype(int value, string name, int[] valid)
2014-01-01 18:21:45 +00:00
// only disable vram and wram asserts, as UNIF knows its prg and chr sizes
if (DisableConfigAsserts && (name == "wram" || name == "vram")) return;
foreach (int i in valid) if (value == i) return;
Assert(false, "unhandled {0} size of {1}", name,value);
protected void AssertBattery(bool has_bat) { Assert(Cart.wram_battery == has_bat); }
public virtual void ApplyCustomAudio(short[] samples) { }
public bool DisableConfigAsserts = false;
//this will be used to track classes that implement boards
public class INESBoardImplAttribute : Attribute { }
//this tracks derived boards that shouldnt be used by the implementation scanner
public class INESBoardImplCancelAttribute : Attribute { }
static List<Type> INESBoardImplementors = new List<Type>();
//flags it as being priority, i.e. in the top of the list
public class INESBoardImplPriorityAttribute : Attribute { }
static INESBoard CreateBoardInstance(Type boardType)
var board = (INESBoard)Activator.CreateInstance(boardType);
lock (INESBoardImplementors)
//put the one we chose at the top of the list, for quicker access in the future
int x = INESBoardImplementors.IndexOf(boardType);
var temp = INESBoardImplementors[0];
INESBoardImplementors[0] = boardType;
INESBoardImplementors[x] = temp;
return board;
public string BoardName { get { return board.GetType().Name; } }
2012-11-06 03:05:43 +00:00
void BoardSystemHardReset()
INESBoard newboard;
// fds has a unique activation setup
if (board is FDS)
var newfds = new FDS();
var oldfds = board as FDS;
newfds.biosrom = oldfds.biosrom;
newboard = newfds;
newboard = CreateBoardInstance(board.GetType());
// i suppose the old board could have changed its initial register values, although it really shouldn't
// you can't use SyncSettings.BoardProperties here because they very well might be different than before
// in case the user actually changed something in the UI
newboard.InitialRegisterValues = board.InitialRegisterValues;
2012-11-06 03:05:43 +00:00
newboard.ROM = board.ROM;
newboard.VROM = board.VROM;
if (board.WRAM != null)
newboard.WRAM = new byte[board.WRAM.Length];
if (board.VRAM != null)
newboard.VRAM = new byte[board.VRAM.Length];
// the old board's sram must be restored
if (newboard is FDS)
var newfds = newboard as FDS;
var oldfds = board as FDS;
else if (board.SaveRam != null)
Buffer.BlockCopy(board.SaveRam, 0, newboard.SaveRam, 0, board.SaveRam.Length);
2012-11-11 17:23:05 +00:00
board = newboard;
2012-11-06 03:05:43 +00:00
static NES()
var highPriority = new List<Type>();
var normalPriority = new List<Type>();
//scan types in this assembly to find ones that implement boards to add them to the list
foreach (Type type in typeof(NES).Assembly.GetTypes())
var attrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(INESBoardImplAttribute), true);
if (attrs.Length == 0) continue;
if (type.IsAbstract) continue;
var cancelAttrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(INESBoardImplCancelAttribute), true);
if (cancelAttrs.Length != 0) continue;
var priorityAttrs = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(INESBoardImplPriorityAttribute), true);
if (priorityAttrs.Length != 0)
else normalPriority.Add(type);
/// <summary>
/// All information necessary for a board to set itself up
/// </summary>
public class CartInfo
public NESGameInfo game;
public GameInfo DB_GameInfo;
public short chr_size;
public short prg_size;
public short wram_size, vram_size;
public byte pad_h, pad_v, mapper;
public bool wram_battery;
public bool bad;
/// <summary>in [0,3]; combination of bits 0 and 3 of flags6. try not to use; will be null for bootgod-identified roms always</summary>
public int? inesmirroring;
public string board_type;
public string pcb;
public string sha1;
public string system;
public List<string> chips = new List<string>();
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("map={0},pr={1},ch={2},wr={3},vr={4},ba={5},pa={6}|{7},brd={8},sys={9}", mapper, prg_size, chr_size, wram_size, vram_size, wram_battery ? 1 : 0, pad_h, pad_v, board_type, system);
/// <summary>
/// Logical game information. May exist in form of several carts (different revisions)
/// </summary>
public class NESGameInfo
public string name;
public List<CartInfo> carts = new List<CartInfo>();
/// <summary>
/// finds a board class which can handle the provided cart
/// </summary>
static Type FindBoard(CartInfo cart, EDetectionOrigin origin, Dictionary<string, string> properties)
NES nes = new NES();
nes.cart = cart;
foreach (var type in INESBoardImplementors)
using (NESBoardBase board = (NESBoardBase)Activator.CreateInstance(type))
//unif demands that the boards set themselves up with expected legal values based on the board size
//except, i guess, for the rom/chr sizes. go figure.
//so, disable the asserts here
if (origin == EDetectionOrigin.UNIF)
board.DisableConfigAsserts = true;
2013-09-02 23:54:32 +00:00
board.InitialRegisterValues = properties;
if (board.Configure(origin))
return type;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// looks up from the bootgod DB
/// </summary>
2012-03-06 07:51:41 +00:00
CartInfo IdentifyFromBootGodDB(IEnumerable<string> hash_sha1)
2012-03-06 07:51:41 +00:00
foreach (var hash in hash_sha1)
List<CartInfo> choices = BootGodDB.Instance.Identify(hash);
//pick the first board for this hash arbitrarily. it probably doesn't make a difference
if (choices.Count != 0)
return choices[0];
return null;
/// <summary>
/// looks up from the game DB
/// </summary>
CartInfo IdentifyFromGameDB(string hash)
var gi = Database.CheckDatabase(hash);
if (gi == null) return null;
NESGameInfo game = new NESGameInfo();
CartInfo cart = new CartInfo();
//try generating a bootgod cart descriptor from the game database
var dict = gi.GetOptionsDict(); = gi.Name;
cart.DB_GameInfo = gi; = game;
if (!dict.ContainsKey("board"))
throw new Exception("NES gamedb entries must have a board identifier!");
cart.board_type = dict["board"];
if (dict.ContainsKey("system"))
cart.system = dict["system"];
cart.prg_size = -1;
cart.vram_size = -1;
cart.wram_size = -1;
cart.chr_size = -1;
if (dict.ContainsKey("PRG"))
cart.prg_size = short.Parse(dict["PRG"]);
if (dict.ContainsKey("CHR"))
cart.chr_size = short.Parse(dict["CHR"]);
cart.vram_size = short.Parse(dict["VRAM"]);
if (dict.ContainsKey("WRAM"))
cart.wram_size = short.Parse(dict["WRAM"]);
if (dict.ContainsKey("PAD_H"))
cart.pad_h = byte.Parse(dict["PAD_H"]);
if (dict.ContainsKey("PAD_V"))
cart.pad_v = byte.Parse(dict["PAD_V"]);
2012-06-20 22:24:56 +00:00
if (dict["MIR"] == "H")
cart.pad_v = 1; cart.pad_h = 0;
else if (dict["MIR"] == "V")
cart.pad_h = 1; cart.pad_v = 0;
if (dict.ContainsKey("BAD"))
cart.bad = true;
if (dict.ContainsKey("MMC3"))
if (dict.ContainsKey("PCB"))
cart.pcb = dict["PCB"];
return cart;
public class BootGodDB
bool validate = true;
public static BootGodDB Instance;
public static Func<byte[]> GetDatabaseBytes;
public static void Initialize()
if(Instance == null)
Instance = new BootGodDB();
int ParseSize(string str)
int temp = 0;
if(validate) if (!str.EndsWith("k")) throw new Exception();
int len=str.Length-1;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
temp *= 10;
temp += (str[i] - '0');
return temp;
public BootGodDB()
//notes: there can be multiple each of prg,chr,wram,vram
//we arent tracking the individual hashes yet.
//in anticipation of any slowness annoying people, and just for shits and giggles, i made a super fast parser
int state=0;
var xmlreader = XmlReader.Create(new MemoryStream(GetDatabaseBytes()));
NESGameInfo currGame = null;
CartInfo currCart = null;
while (xmlreader.Read())
switch (state)
case 0:
if (xmlreader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xmlreader.Name == "game")
currGame = new NESGameInfo(); = xmlreader.GetAttribute("name");
state = 1;
case 2:
if (xmlreader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xmlreader.Name == "board")
currCart.board_type = xmlreader.GetAttribute("type");
currCart.pcb = xmlreader.GetAttribute("pcb");
int mapper = int.Parse(xmlreader.GetAttribute("mapper"));
if (validate && mapper > 255) throw new Exception("didnt expect mapper>255!");
currCart.mapper = (byte)mapper;
state = 3;
case 3:
if (xmlreader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
case "prg":
currCart.prg_size += (short)ParseSize(xmlreader.GetAttribute("size"));
case "chr":
currCart.chr_size += (short)ParseSize(xmlreader.GetAttribute("size"));
case "vram":
currCart.vram_size += (short)ParseSize(xmlreader.GetAttribute("size"));
case "wram":
currCart.wram_size += (short)ParseSize(xmlreader.GetAttribute("size"));
if (xmlreader.GetAttribute("battery") != null)
currCart.wram_battery = true;
case "pad":
currCart.pad_h = byte.Parse(xmlreader.GetAttribute("h"));
currCart.pad_v = byte.Parse(xmlreader.GetAttribute("v"));
case "chip":
} else
if (xmlreader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && xmlreader.Name == "board")
state = 4;
case 4:
if (xmlreader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && xmlreader.Name == "cartridge")
currCart = null;
state = 5;
case 5:
case 1:
if (xmlreader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element && xmlreader.Name == "cartridge")
currCart = new CartInfo(); = currGame;
currCart.system = xmlreader.GetAttribute("system");
currCart.sha1 = "sha1:" + xmlreader.GetAttribute("sha1");
state = 2;
if (xmlreader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.EndElement && xmlreader.Name == "game")
currGame = null;
state = 0;
} //end xmlreader loop
foreach (NESGameInfo game in games)
foreach (CartInfo cart in game.carts)
List<NESGameInfo> games = new List<NESGameInfo>(); //maybe we dont need to track this
Bag<string, CartInfo> sha1_table = new Bag<string, CartInfo>();
public List<CartInfo> Identify(string sha1)
if (!sha1_table.ContainsKey(sha1)) return new List<CartInfo>();
return sha1_table[sha1];
public class MapperPropAttribute : Attribute
public string Name { get; private set; }
public MapperPropAttribute(string Name)
this.Name = Name;
public MapperPropAttribute()
this.Name = null;
public static class AutoMapperProps
public static void Apply(NES.INESBoard board)
var fields = board.GetType().GetFields();
foreach (var field in fields)
var attribs = field.GetCustomAttributes(false);
foreach (var attrib in attribs)
if (attrib is MapperPropAttribute)
string Name = ((MapperPropAttribute)attrib).Name ?? field.Name;
string Value;
if (board.InitialRegisterValues.TryGetValue(Name, out Value))
field.SetValue(board, Convert.ChangeType(Value, field.FieldType));
catch (Exception e)
if (e is InvalidCastException || e is FormatException || e is OverflowException)
throw new InvalidDataException("Auto Mapper Properties were in a bad format!", e);
throw e;