Add HW Hack that enables Framebuffer Conversion on the CPU instead of the GPU.
Can fix broken textures on games but at the cost of slower performance.
List of games: Harry Potter games, FIFA Street games.
Games like Call of Duty, Kung fu Panda might also be affected as well as others
especially on Direct3D.
Add HW Hack GUI option on Windows/Linux for 4-bit and 8-bit Framebuffer conversion hack
named "Frame Buffer Conversion".
Forgot to replace `IDC_TEXT` with `IDC_VALUE` macros, due to this the
text containing the name of the options was being updated with the
current value of the option instead of updating the text designated for
holding the values.
The shadeboost options text (Contrast, Brightness, Saturation) were not
grayed out when shadeboost was disabled, it was sort of inconsistent
compared to the behavior of external shader, so added grayouts to them
when shadeboost is disabled.
Also changed "OpenGL Very Advanced Custom Settings" to "OpenGL Advanced
Settings", the verbosity didn't help much in my opinion.
Adds merge sprite hack to GSDx hacks dialog
And ports merge sprite hack to Direct3D renderers.
Special thanks to my keyboards Ctrl, c and v buttons for all their hard
work in porting this hack.
Ports the "Unscale Point and Line" hack to the Direct3D11 Hardware renderer.
And enables the "Unscale Point and Line" hack for Custom Resolutions with Direct3D11 and OpenGL.
Adds Windows GUI elements of the split texture filtering options.
Bilinear Texture Filtering is moved to the top section of the main GSdx window,
and Trilinear Filtering is moved to Hacks.
Adds Texture Filtering Of Display option to the Shader dialog window Windows UI.
Updates the layouts of the Shader and OSD dialog windows to more closely resemble the Linux GUI.
Reorganizes Hacks dialog window.
Adds UI elements for the Memory Wrapping and HPO v2/Special commits
Adds advanced OpenGL functions "Geometry Shader" and "Image Load Store" to the Windows UI.
Renames "Configure Hacks" to "Advanced Settings and Hacks", to more closely resemble the Linux GUI.
Adds GS Memory Wrapping hack to Windows. Enabling the hack will fix cut-off cutscenes in Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit and Thrillville.
If a user switches renderer they also have to remember to change the CRC
hack level for the best user experience with the selected renderer.
This commit adds a new automatic CRC level that autoselects the
recommended CRC level for the selected renderer, so that a user doesn't
have to make the change manually.
coauthor: turtleli
Bilinear applies to all renderer
* Common code done in GSVertexTrace
* Extend it with forced but sprite (trade-off between linear/upscale glitches)
* Linux GUI option was moved at the top with the renderer selection
Trilinear is moved to OGL hack
Thanks to Flatout for the review and feedback.
It will take care to update the Window GUI :)
* Improve frame buffer height management on custom resolution. Width seems to be fine with the same size as scaled image output.
* Prevent offset issues on Persona 3 based on the data from merge circuit.
Note: Fixes custom resolution upscaling on ICO 50Hz/60Hz mode when large frame buffer is enabled. previously 60Hz mode only displayed half of the screen and 50Hz mode only worked due to the scissor hack.
"Enable Hardware Depth" removed from main dialog.
"Disable Depth Emulation" and "Fast Texture Invalidation" added to Hacks
And fix lots of whitespace issues.
GSDX: Improvements to the config interface.
- GSDX: Add new logos to dialog
- GSDX: Remove all the extra null renderers
- GSDX: Changes to renderer combobox
- Sort all the renderers in ascending order. (the fact that D3D11 was
above D3D9 really annoyed me >_<)
- Properly display usage of D3D10/D3D11 on the combobox.
- Use highest available version of DX by default.
- GSDX: gray out upscaling hacks at native resolution
- GSDX-PSX: Modifications to the dialog
- Add new logos
- Remove SDL renderer from combobox since it was removed long ago.
It would be on by default. Unsafe & fast path.
The hack is a security if someone encounters any issue
v2: update Windows gui file
v3: fix typo in tooltip and linux gui
The old implementation saved the current value of a GSSetting as uint in
a field called 'id'. The implementation of GSSettings suggests that
GSSettings could be saved in a database with id as primary key. This
would require a translation look up from id to value but could have all
advantages of a database. However the interface to GSSetting was never
implemented like that.
In the new implementation GSSetting has a 'value' field that stores an
int representative value of the desired state. Additionally the
constructor is 'overloaded' as template to reduce casting in the
consumer code. However all consumer values need to be castable to int.
Accordingly combobox initialization was adjusted.
The previous behaviour loaded the saved renderer config whenever the
adapter combobox was changed. The renderer will now only change if the
new adapter doesn't support the currently selected renderer (i.e
Direct3D11 might not be supported, so it'll revert to Direct3D 9).
1. Add GS_Renderer Enum
Replace all instances of int/uint32 renderer identifier by a strongly
typed enum and appropriate casts.
Only instances in GS[*].cpp/h classes were touched. GPU[*].cpp/h classes
do not to follow the same convention.
2. Add default renderer according to OS
The default renderer is OS dependent (Win -> Dx9HW, others -> OGLHW).
Consequently one should always check againt the appropriate default
value on config load.
The old behaviour was only - if a at all - problematic if the respective
element in the gsdx.ini was missing and probably even then didn't create
issues. The current implementation is still more stable and does not
depend on the implementation of GS.cpp -> GetConfig()
The following patch adds Mipmap option (software mode exclusive) and Preload Data Frame (Hardware mode exclusive) to the GSDX plugin settings for debug purposes.