Accurate options do a better jobs. Technically it can still
be useful for old gpu/driver that doesn't support the GL4.5 extension.
On Windows, you can still rely on Dx
On linux, free driver support it (except Intel)
GS uses integer value and does integer operation too.
This commit trunc the sampled texture, the interpoled fragment color
and the product of the 2.
It impacts negatively the perf of about 3/4% (GPU) but it fixes rendering on
suikoden and potentially some others games too.
Code was completey bitrotten
Code was a partial test (and yet 500 lines already)
Shader is more and more complex and multithreading support greatly
reduce the cost of shader switch
It might help to fix a bit the color on a couple of games
accurate_fbmask = 1
Code uses GL4.5 extensions. So far it seems the effect is ony used a couple
of time and often in non-overlapping primitive. Speed impact will likely remain small
GS doesn't supports texture shuffle/swizzle so it is emulated in a
complex way.
The idea is to read/write the 32 bits color format as a 16 bit format.
This way, RG (16 lsb bits) or BA (16 msb bits) can be read or written with
square texture that targets pixels 1-8 or pixels 8-16.
However shuffle is limited. For example you can copy the green channel
to either the alpha channel or another green channel.
Note: Partial masking of channel is not yet implemented
V2: improve logging
V3: better support of green channel in shader
V4: improve detection of destination (issue due to rounding)
Please test it!
GS supports 3 formats for the output:
32 bits: normal case
=> no change
24 bits: like 32 bits but without alpha channel
=> mask alpha channel (ie don't write it anymore)
=> Always uses 1.0f as blending coefficient
16 bits: RGB5A1, emulated by a 32 bits openGL texture. I think it will be more correct to use
a real 16 bits GL texture. Unfortunately it would cost several (slow) target conversions.
Anyway as a current solution
=> apply a mask of 0xF8 on color when SW blending is used (improve Castlevania shadow)
unfortunately normal blending mode still uses the full range of colors!
This commit also corrects a couple of blending factor. 128/255 is equivalent to 1.0f in PS2, whereas GPU uses 1.0f. So the blending factor must be 255/128 instead of 2
Note: disable CRC hack and enable accurate_colclip to see Castlevania shadow ^^
(issue #380).
Note2: SW renderer is darker on Castlevania. I don't know why maybe linked to the 16 bits format poorly emulated
The purpose of the code is to support alpha channel
of RT uses as an index for a palette texure.
I'm afraid that code will likely break pure palette texture. Only used
if paltex is enabled
It fixes missing shadow in Star Ocean 3 (issue #374) in Native resolution
with filter = 0 (no filtering) or = 2 (normal fitering)
Rendering explanation:
The game emulates a stencil buffer with the alpha channel
The alpha channel of the RT can contains a palette texture index (format 4HH)
The idea is to have a gradient of value in the palette (16/32/48/...).
This way you can implement a +16/-16 and even wrap the alpha value every time
you hit the pixel.
Bilinear filtering breaks the rendering because it interpolates between counts
so you doesn't have the exact count
Upscaling breaks the rendering because the RT is reused as an input texture. It means
that we need to scale it down which again create some interpolations.
This way it will allow to implement all blendings operartion in FS.
Of course it will be slow, but it would be nice for debug and quickly check
game error rendering.
Much faster for small batch that write the alpha value. Code can
be enabled with accurate_date option.
Here a summary of all DATE possibilities:
1/ no overlap of primitive
=> texture barrier (pro no setup of stencil and single draw)
2/ alpha written
=> small batch => texture barrier (primitive by primitive). Done in N-primitive draw calls.
(based on GL_ARB_texture_barrier)
=> bigger batch => compute the first good primitive, slow but only 2 draw calls.
(based on GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store)
=> Otherwise there is the UserHacks_AlphaStencil but it is a hack!
3/ alpha written
=> full setup of stencil ( 2 draw calls)
If there is no overlap, it is allowed to directly read from the render target.
On SotC testcase with 6x scaling: 30fps -> 40fps
Note: it requires GL_ARB_texture_barrier extension so be sure to have a recent driver
Note2: it requires a lots of testing too
Open question: in case of complex date (written alpha)
Will it be faster to split the draw call into multiple call with no
primitive overlap
UserHacks_UnscaleSprite = 1 will unscale flat sprites
UserHacks_UnscaleSprite = 2 will unscale all sprites (don't work well so far)
The idea of the hack is to redo the interpolation of texture coordinate
based on the non-upscaled pixel position.
It avoids various glitches but sprites aren't upscaled anymore (so no
more anti-aliasing, potentially a coefficient can be added).