Adjust Spartan crc hack: Combine/ease the hacks in to one.
Only remove the glow/yellow bloom effect and don't skip any other effects that shouldn't be skipped. UI and some other post processing effects work properly now.
Add crc id CrashBandicootWoC RU.
Add some missing RU crc ids: Onimusha3, ICO, TombRaiderUnderworld, SoulReaver2, LegacyOfKainDefiance.
Removed crc id 7ACF7E03 and mentions of that id and it's duplicates. The id is from a multiloader when packing images, and not an actual crc id from a game(s).
Add FinalFightStreetwise RU, SoulCalibur3 RU. Correcting the wrong id TenchuFS RU (the elf was modified widescreen cheat, sorry). Delite Kunoichi RU (the elf was modified widescreen cheat, the original coincides with the EU).
Ease the crc hack and skip less effects, makes shadows and some other effects work properly.
The game experiences a bit more upscaling issues which can be resolved with Merge Sprite and Wild Arms offset HW hacks.
The following games in the crc list are not used anywhere so
we can clean this list up. If some are needed in the future then
they can be re added.
List of removed games:
This follows PR #2330.
Add some missing regions: Tomb Raider Legend JP,
StarWars Force Unleashed EU, SuperMan Returns EU, Valkyrie Profile 2 FR.
Rename GT3/Concept titles, they were incorrect.
Adjust Harley Davidson region id from NoRegion to US.
Add some missing regions to automatic mipmapping:
Reformat a few comments.
Add CRC id for FFXII US, SFEX3 EU,
GT4 CH and GT4 Online Beta US.
Adjust BullyCC region from US to EU.
Add Missing regions for Ratchet & Clank,
Ace Combat, Destroy All Humans and Soul Reaver
series to Automatic Mipmapping.
Removes GT4/Tourist Trophy CRC hacks. The hack had already been moved to
aggressive due to VRAM spike issues, but is no longer necessary at all
due to the in-game brightness/contrast setting issue being moved to
behind the frame buffer conversion hack for Direct3D and being resolved for OpenGL.
Adjust region id for BT2.
Move the sky texture(depth) hack back to Partial level only for the EU
regions. Effect is still not rendered correctly and causes a half
screen bottom issue.
Add R&C3 EU to Automatic Mipmapping.
Add missing CRC ids for Soul Calibur 2 and 3.
Move CRC hacks to DX level. They are not needed anymore on OpenGL since
Depth Emulation fixes depth issues (shadows).
Adds automatic HW mipmapping support.
It relies on CRC ids so if a game does
not have their CRC id but needs mipmapping
it will not work until the id is added.
Add GUI menu and tooltip for Automatic mipmap
"Automatic (Default)"
This option will be default option from now on.
Rename "Very Slow" text option to "Slow" for full mipmap
as it caused the text not to fit properly in the menu.
Credits also go to @RedPanda4552 and @ssakash for helping
with the code.
Moved a CRC hack to Aggressive that can cause or fix VRAM and RAM spikes.
This way people can switch between each config if they experience problems with either.
Varies on userconfig , game version and maybe hardware.
Added missing CRC game version for GT4 pal.
Note: The issue might be the same on GT3 and GTConcept , the code might
need to be removed for those games as well.
Hack was used to remove garbage data rectangles from popping up on screen when objects and characters were added to or removed from the world.
This issue is now being handled by OI_DoubleHalfClear in GSRendererHW.cpp, so the hack is no longe necessary and has been removed.
Removes Alpine Racer 3 hack. Issue has been resolved.
Moves NanoBreaker hack. Issue has been resolved for OpenGL and hack has
been moved to DX only.
Moves Tri-Ace games hacks. Hacks are also necessary for OpenGL with "Partial" CRC Hack Level to prevent massive slowdown.
Move Tales Of Legendia hack back as it's also necessary for OpenGL with "Partial" CRC Hack Level to prevent graphical issues.
Added PAL and NTSC-U CRC's for Ar tonelico II.