Yes, this commit is only to blame OSX and Mali. Through the former supports unsynchronized mappings, the latter supports *no* way to stream dynamic data at all. Let's try to make bad news, as they ignore friendly feature requests. Maybe we just need to make more noise...
We would want to improve the granularity here in the future, but for
now, this should avoid any performance loss from switching to the
VideoCommon shader cache.
tl;dr: This PR speedups dolphin on mobiles with the Mali GPU and ES 3.2
drivers by a factor of 10 by using the method with the biggest overhead.
Please keep care not to buy this shit!
The ARM driver team seems to care very well about their customers. But
bad luck, users and open source developers are *not* their customers. So
even device-independent feature requests are just ignored for *years*:
The bad point, they neither implement any of the other common ways to
stream dynamic content in unextented GL:
- They just ignore the GL_MAP_UNSYNCHRONIZED_BIT flag
- They don't support on-device buffer updates and just stall with
It seems like no benchmark is using any dynamic content - and like no
customer cares about anything but benchmarks, or users...
We have a flag to disable the glBufferSubData way, this PR adds the flag
to also disable the unsychronized mapping way. The second one is
available since their ES 3.2 update, but slow as hell.
So how to continue? The last remaining technical way to stream dynamic
content at all is to alloc a new buffer per draw call with glBufferData.
This is very gross, but still a factor 10 speedup compared to stalling
the GPU. Small tests shows that you can expect another 3-5 times speedup
with EXT_buffer_data, so Mali would be on pair with Adreno here. So if
you have bought such a device unfortunately, please try to make noise on
your vendor forums/support and ask for this extension. If you are going
to buy a new mobile, I'd recormend to avoid *any* mobile with a Mali GPU
in it.
We now differentiate between a resize event and surface change/destroyed
event, reducing the overhead for resizes in the Vulkan backend. It is
also now now safe to change the surface multiple times if the video thread
is lagging behind.
This could cause glReadPixels() calls which assume no buffer is bound
(e.g. CPU EFB access) to fail. The problem was limited to devices which
don't support persistent mapping, as the map path is not otherwise.
Both libusbhid (system library) and libhidapi (3rd party library)
provide a function called hid_init. Dolphin was being linked to both.
The WiimoteScannerHidapi constructor was calling hid_init without
arguments. libusbhid's hid_init expects one argument (a file path).
It was being called as if it was defined without arguments, which
resulted in a garbage path being passed in, and because of that,
the Qt GUI was failing to launch with the following error:
'dolphin-emu-qt2: @ : No such file or directory'
It seems it doesn't like modifying inout variables in place - so instead
use a temporary for ocol0/ocol1 and only write them once at the end of
the shader
This will generate one shader per copy format. For now, it is the same
shader with the colmat hard coded. So it should already improve the GPU
performance a bit, but a rewrite of the shader generator is suggested.
Half of the patch is done by linkmauve1:
VideoCommon: Reorganise the shader writes.
Also skips swapping the window system buffers in headless mode, as there
may not be a surface which can be swapped in the first place. Instead,
we call glFlush() at the end of a frame in this case.
Some lines of code in Dolphin just plainly grabbed the value of
g_ActiveConfig.iEFBScale, which resulted in Auto being treated as
0x rather than the actual automatically selected scale.
These rely on instance state, or are used within instance-based class
member functions, so they should belong to the instance itself instead
of being file statics.
If we allocate a large amount of memory (A), commit a smaller amount,
then allocate memory smaller than allocation A, we will have already
waited for these fences in A, but not used the space. In this case,
don't set m_free_iterator to a position before that which we know is
safe to use, which would result in waiting on the same fence(s) next
Currently, this is only the logic op bit, but this will be extended to
the framebuffer fetch/blend modes. In the future, when/if we move to
VideoCommon pipelines, this state will be part of the pipeline UID
anyway, and we can mask it out in the backend by using a two-level map,
so the shaders/programs are shared.
ImgTec's driver uses a major.minor@changeID versioning system
This is packed into a double so "1.9@4850625" becomes "109.4850625"
The next release brnach is expected to be 1.10, hence the need for 2
digits for the branch minor.
The changeID should be unique for each build, but is shared over all
branches, so only makes sense to compare withing a branch.
It's likely branch 'major' versions will be used for major hardware
revisions, and the drivers for both maintained in parallel. Thus it
may not make sense to compare versions between different major
verisons - if/when this happens we can hook up a DriverDetails::Family
as needed.
The class NonCopyable is, like the name says, supposed to disallow
copying. But should it allow moving?
For a long time, NonCopyable used to not allow moving. (It declared
a deleted copy constructor and assigment operator without declaring
a move constructor and assignment operator, making the compiler
implicitly delete the move constructor and assignment operator.)
That's fine if the classes that inherit from NonCopyable don't need
to be movable or if writing the move constructor and assignment
operator by hand is fine, but that's not the case for all classes,
as I discovered when I was working on the DirectoryBlob PR.
Because of that, I decided to make NonCopyable movable in c7602cc,
allowing me to use NonCopyable in DirectoryBlob.h. That was however
an unfortunate decision, because some of the classes that inherit
from NonCopyable have incorrect behavior when moved by default-
generated move constructors and assignment operators, and do not
explicitly delete the move constructors and assignment operators,
relying on NonCopyable being non-movable.
So what can we do about this? There are four solutions that I can
think of:
1. Make NonCopyable non-movable and tell DirectoryBlob to suck it.
2. Keep allowing moving NonCopyable, and expect that classes that
don't support moving will delete the move constructor and
assignment operator manually. Not only is this inconsistent
(having classes disallow copying one way and disallow moving
another way), but deleting the move constructor and assignment
operator manually is too easy to forget compared to how tricky
the resulting problems are.
3. Have one "MovableNonCopyable" and one "NonMovableNonCopyable".
It works, but it feels rather silly...
4. Don't have a NonCopyable class at all. Considering that deleting
the copy constructor and assignment operator only takes two lines
of code, I don't see much of a reason to keep NonCopyable. I
suppose that there was more of a point in having NonCopyable back
in the pre-C++11 days, when it wasn't possible to use "= delete".
I decided to go with the fourth one (like the commit title says).
The implementation of the commit is fairly straight-forward, though
I would like to point out that I skipped adding "= delete" lines
for classes whose only reason for being uncopyable is that they
contain uncopyable classes like File::IOFile and std::unique_ptr,
because the compiler makes such classes uncopyable automatically.
Improve bookkeeping around formats. Hopefully make code less confusing.
- Rename TlutFormat -> TLUTFormat to follow conventions.
- Use enum classes to prevent using a Texture format where an EFB Copy format
is expected or vice-versa.
- Use common EFBCopyFormat names regardless of depth and YUV configurations.
This way it allows us to use surfaceless contexts in EGL/GLX. It also
ensures that the shared context shares a similar setup to the main
context's framebuffer, potentially reducing the number of variants a
driver needs to generate.
This was mainly included for debugging, but could end up being confusing
for users, as well as polluting the GL program cache with a mix of uber
and specialized shaders if the option was changed.