Commit Graph

266 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
byuu 6c59a2f1b4 Update to bsnes v061 release.
Please keep in mind that bsnes v060 remains the current stable release. v061 has been released as a work-in-progress build. As such, it is only available at Google Code.
I am releasing this WIP to allow the public to test out and comment on the new XML mapping system, as well as the integration of mightymo's cheat code database into the cheat editor. I would greatly appreciate feedback on these two on the forums.
There are some important issues with this release. The biggest is the move to C++0x. This requires GCC 4.4.0 or newer to compile, thus it is not currently possible to build this on OS X using Xcode. Nor would it be possible on certain BSDs or older distros. If you have an older compiler, please stick with v060, or use a binary release where available.
Another issue is that TDM/GCC 4.4.1 for Windows crashes with an internal compiler error when attempting to generate a profile for the DSP-1 module. This is a bug in the compiler, and not in the code itself. The workaround is to simply omit profile-guided optimization for this one object.
Lastly, there's also a known bug in the memory mapping. If you load an SA-1 game, SuperFX games will not load properly afterward unless you restart the emulator. I'm looking into the cause now, but it didn't seem serious enough to hold up a WIP release.
So, yes. If you want a good gaming experience that's been fully tested and stable, please stick with v060. If you want to see some bleeding edge features, I'd appreciate feedback on v061. Thanks for reading this.
    - added mightymo's cheat code database, access via "Find Cheat Codes" button on cheat editor window
    - added an option to temporarily disable all cheat codes quickly
    - debugger now properly uses S-SMP IPLROM when needed for disassembling and tracing
    - indexed indirect read opcodes in the S-CPU were testing for IRQs one cycle too early [someone42]
    - fix an off-by-one array iteration in S-PPU OAM rendering [PiCiJi]
    - added some implicit linked libraries to linker flags for Fedora [belegdol]
    - moved from C++98 to C++0x, resulting in substantial code cleanups and simplifications
    - C++0x: implemented foreach() concept for linear container iteration
    - C++0x: implemented concept system using SFINAE and type traits
    - C++0x: utilized auto keyword to increase source readability
    - C++0x: moved to strongly-typed enumerators
    - C++0x: rewrote va_list-based code to use type-safe variadic templates
    - C++0x: replaced noncopyable class with deleted default copy functions
    - C++0x: replaced custom static_assert template class with built-in version
    - C++0x: utilized rvalue references to implement move semantics into string, array, vector and serialization classes
    - C++0x: utilized std::initializer_list for { ... } initialization support to lstring, array and vector classes
2010-03-07 02:17:46 +00:00
byuu a295c86c05 Update to bsnes v060r12 release.
Added concept support, vastly improved foreach to handle break
properly and only compute the size once (based off concepts), extended
it to work QList, and updated cheateditor.cpp to use foreach
everywhere now.

Added an "Enable Cheat Engine" checkbox to the bottom left of the
cheat editor window with a tooltip to help explain it more. It
essentially simulates the switch on the Game Genie. A way to quickly
toggle all codes on and off, without having to check/uncheck each one
individually. Useful for the codes that lock up games between levels
and such. It's bound to the existing keyboard shortcut that did this,
and they both update the check state and system status properly.
Hopefully the GUI option will make more people aware of this

Updated array, linear_vector, pointer_vector and lstring to support
std::initializer_list constructors. This allows:
lstring list = { "apple", "strawberry", 3.4, -27, true,
QString("why?") };
array<int> = { 3, 4, 9, 2 };

std::initializer_list is a pain in the pass, it lacks a subscript
operator, an at() function and a get() function. Forced to use
constant iterators to read out the contents.

[No archive available]
2010-03-06 08:11:35 +00:00
byuu a539f2f578 Update to bsnes v060r10 release.
Fuck, adding #include <iostream> grows the Windows binary by 300KB
pre-UPX, and 100KB post-UPX. And I'm only using std::cout to avoid the
very last call to printf(). I may just say fuck it and stick with
stdio.h instead.

Nothing really big in this one.

Added "Select All" + "Clear All" buttons to the cheat finder
Added move semantics to dictionary, array, linear_vector and
Killed class noncopyable and replaced it with proper class(const
class&) = delete; (inheriting noncopyable makes some classes non-POD)
Added type-safe variadic sprint() and print() functions, which are
designed to replace sprintf() and printf(), which I only use for bug-
testing anyway
Couple other small things like that

[No archive available]
2010-03-03 07:00:13 +00:00
byuu e710259611 Update to bsnes v060r09 release.
This release parses the 1.3MB cheats.xml file about 960x faster than
the last release, no exaggeration at all there. The tiny 5-10ms lag to
search now is probably more due to Qt than anything else. It also
won't eat up an extra 40MB of RAM, instead only using about 100KB now.

So yeah, please give it a try and let me know what you think of the
new cheat lookup system.

Aside from that, I fixed a tiny S-CPU typo bug where the IRQs were
being tested one cycle too early in op dp,x and op dp,y opcodes.

I also redid a bit of nall in C++0x. Most importantly, I've added move
semantics to nall::string, which should cut out ~20% of the memory
allocations bsnes needed before. I really wanted to write a variadic
template string::printf replacement, but I couldn't come up with a
syntax I liked, and I didn't want to write a sprintf clone because
that takes forever and is ugly. So I just said fuck it, removed
string::printf (and with it the very last vestige of va_list in all of
my code, good riddance), and updated the str* functions to take
template arguments to specify padding length and character. Both
optional, another fun C++0x only thing - default function template

Before: string foo = string::printf("%.4x", variable);  -- went
through raw sprintf(), va_list, and had a limited 4k buffer
After: string foo = strhex<4>(variable); -- manually built by hand, no
buffer issues

nall/utility.hpp got my own copies of std::move and std::forward. I
have no problem using the std:: ones, but the <move> header seems to
be missing, and I already have my own traits library, so that was easy
enough for now. Added a move-semantic swap as well. Using nall::sort
on an array of nall::string objects should be almost as fast as
sorting integers now.

The cheat code editor .. whenever you import into a new slot, or clear
that slot, it will uncheck the box now as well.

[No archive available]
2010-03-02 07:47:07 +00:00
byuu f1d1ab7ed1 Update to bsnes v060r08 release.
This version embeds mightymo's cheats.xml inside the bsnes executable.
It's about 1.3MB, but thankfully Qt compresses it heavily first, so
the binary only grows by 100kb. BZip2 doesn't fare as well,
surprisingly, and grows the source archive by 200kb. I think it's
worth it.

The cheat code editor window gets a new button, "Find Cheat Codes ..."
If you click it, it will match the SHA256 of the currently loaded game
to an entry in the database. No matches? It apologizes for letting you
down. But if it finds some, and there's a good chance it will with
~1500 entries, it gives you a list of them. Check the codes you want
and they are imported into the available slots. The way it works is
the first checked code goes to the first empty slot, the second
checked code to the second empty slot, and if there aren't any slots
left available (very unlikely), it won't import them.

It's incredible, actual innovation in the SNES scene.
- no more web searching for codes
- no more applying codes for the wrong revision, or the wrong country,
or whatever
- no more flat out broken codes
- no more having to name the codes yourself
- cheat grouping avoids the need to add and toggle multiple slots to
get a single effect

Anyone who likes this, please send a thank you PM to mightymo77 and
tukuyomi. They deserve all the credit for the amazing database that
makes this possible.

Now then: **major caveat, for the love of god read this first!** My
XML parser is ... brutal on this file. It has to allocate memory for
each attribute and each element. And ... it rapes the ever loving SHIT
out of malloc(). Oh my god. On my E8400, it takes a good 30 seconds to
parse the 1.3MB database on Linux. And on Windows, holy god, it has a
horrendous version of malloc. It takes at least 3-5 minutes.
Seriously, go make yourself a cup of coffee if you are running

I only have to parse the file one time per program run, and I only
parse it when you click the find cheat codes button for the first
time. But yes, it is painful. Very, very painful.

[No archive available]
2010-03-01 05:59:52 +00:00
byuu 1934197fb7 Update to bsnes v060r07 release.
Feeling amazing tonight. The low of fighting a bad cold for the past
week, blocked nose, bloody lips and wrist pain combined can't hold me

Two years of searching and I finally found the Midnight Panic EP, and
it's amazing. And from this WIP forward, bsnes now uses C++0x instead
of C++03. I feel like I've been given this new amazing language, and
there's all these wonderful new possibilities for cleaning up and
simplifying code.

foreach is the most amazing concept. The only reason I've made it this
long without it is because I never got to use it. You will pry this
one from my cold, dead hands. Already applied it to the cartridge and
memory classes. It's insane.

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < memory::wram.size(); i++) memory::wram[i]
    = config.cpu.wram_init_value;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < cartridge.mapping.size(); i++) {
    Cartridge::Mapping &m = cartridge.mapping[i];

    foreach(n, memory::wram) n = config.cpu.wram_init_value;
    foreach(m, cartridge.mapping) {

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
    char value[4];
    sprintf(value, "%.2x", shahash[i]);
    strcat(hash, value);

    foreach(n, shahash) hash << string::printf("%.2x", n);

And that's just the first thing! So many things I can do now. Can't
wait to come up with uses for all the new features to simplify code
even more.
- auto type inheritance
- variadic templates to nuke the last vestiges of va_list and its
associated horrors
- strongly typed enums (no more enum Mode { ModeOfRedundancyMode }
shit. enum class Mode : unsigned { Normal, BSX };
- _real_ static assertions with actual error messages instead of 40
pages of template errors
- default templates parameters to template functions (but still no
function partial template specialization, grrr)
- property class can be implemented natively without having to trick
GCC into using template friend classes
- rvalue references will allow my string class and such to implement
move semantics, no more useless copying
- uniform list initializers, lstring foo = { "a", "b", "c", ... };

And that's just what's there now, it's only half-way done. The
completed support will be even more awesome:
- lambda functions
- nullptr
- class variable initialization in the header instead of needing
- native functors to replace nall::function with
- string literals in UTF-8
- native multi-threading support
- and so much more

[No archive available]
2010-02-28 08:37:56 +00:00
byuu e1c8757a10 Update to bsnes v060r06 release.
Completely rewrote the syntax for all XML parsing, took over five
hours of nonstop work, holy fuck.

Sadly the expanded syntax greatly increases the parser complexity, the
SNES::Cartridge class is twice as big now, XML parsing for all special
chips takes up 20KB of space.

    void Cartridge::xml_parse_sdd1(xml_element *root) {
    has_sdd1 = true;

    foreach_element(node, root) {
    if(node->name == "mcu") {
    foreach_element(leaf, node) {
    if(leaf->name == "map") {
    Mapping m((Memory&)sdd1);
    foreach_attribute(attr, leaf) {
    if(attr->name == "address") xml_parse_address(m, attr->content);
    } else if(node->name == "mmio") {
    foreach_element(leaf, node) {
    if(leaf->name == "map") {
    Mapping m((MMIO&)sdd1);
    foreach_attribute(attr, leaf) {
    if(attr->name == "address") xml_parse_address(m, attr->content);

Of course, C++ doesn't have foreach(), that'd be too goddamned
convenient, right? So behold the spawn of satan himself:

    #define concat_(x, y) x ## y
    #define concat(x, y) concat_(x, y)

    #define foreach_element(iter, object) \
    unsigned concat(counter, __LINE__) = 0; \
    xml_element* iter; \
    while(concat(counter, __LINE__) < object->element.size() \
    && (iter = object->element[concat(counter, __LINE__)++]) != 0)

    #define foreach_attribute(iter, object) \
    unsigned concat(counter, __LINE__) = 0; \
    xml_attribute* iter; \
    while(concat(counter, __LINE__) < object->attribute.size() \
    && (iter = object->attribute[concat(counter, __LINE__)++]) != 0)

[No archive available]
2010-02-27 10:04:33 +00:00
byuu 768e9b589d Update to bsnes v060r05 release.
Forgot the -lXext thing, saw it when posting. It'll be in r06.

Updated the XML parser, will reject a lot more invalid stuff, and
it'll parse comments, <? and CDATA stuff. I haven't seen PCDATA
mentioned anywhere in the spec, so fuck that for now.

Went back to using offset= for SPC7110 data ROM. Thinking about it
more, using offset= allows you to put the data ROM anywhere in the
file, even before the program ROM. size= forces it to go at the end no
matter what. Now, ideally, you want to define both, but offset= should
be more important.

[No archive available]
2010-02-25 05:00:34 +00:00
byuu 582f17b330 Update to bsnes v060r04 release.
I wrote a dedicated XML parser for nall::string, and updated
SNES::cartridge to use that instead of the ad-hoc implementation. It's
still not W3C-quality with 100% standards-adherence, but it's at least
an order of magnitude better now.

The parser supports infinitely nested elements and attributes via
pointers to child nodes, supports both single-tag <eg /> and tag-with
content <eg>content</eg>, and properly handles and validates the
<?xml?> header.

It doesn't fully ignore comments yet, but you should be okay anyway.
Whitespace culling, especially inside tags, still needs a bit of work.
It will properly reject the entire document if there are unopened /
unclosed tags now.

All in all though, it's very small. Only 3KB for the whole parser.
Usage example:

    void Cartridge::parse_xml_cartridge(const char *data) {
    xml_element *document = xml_parse(data);
    if(document == 0) return;

    for(unsigned i = 0; i < document->element.size(); i++) {
    xml_element *head = document->element[i];
    if(head->name == "cartridge") {
    for(unsigned n = 0; n < head->attribute.size(); n++) {
    xml_attribute *attr = head->attribute[n];
    if(attr->name == "region") {
    if(attr->content == "NTSC") region = NTSC;
    else if(attr->content == "PAL") region = PAL;
    } else if(attr->name == "ram") {
    ram_size = strhex(attr->content);

    for(unsigned n = 0; n < head->element.size(); n++) {
    xml_element *node = head->element[n];
    if(node->name == "map") {


    delete document;

Also updated DSP-3 and DSP-4 to separate ::DR and ::SR, SPC7110 uses
size= for program ROM size calculation now (makes more sense than
using offset=), added PCB info to BS-X, Sufami Turbo and Game Boy
cartridges to give additional meta-data (SGB emulation will properly
size RAM / RTC files again), and updated snesreader with these

And for better or worse, I made the vector classes copyable. Not
actually used by anything at the moment. I wanted to do:
struct xml_element {
vector<xml_element> element;

But obviously that causes an infinite recursion when the vector's copy
constructor is called, hence why I had to use pointers.

[No archive available]
2010-02-23 08:21:20 +00:00
byuu 23866a348d Update to bsnes v060r03 release.
Okay, this should get 100% compatibility back up again. All special
chips map via XML, and I also support BS-X, ST and SGB games again.
Only regression is that SGB currently forces on SRAM size to 128KB for
each loaded game. I need to move that into snesreader, and hook it
into the cartridge interface. Too much work to do it tonight, but in
time ...

Given the extensiveness of this, heavy testing appreciated. Let me
know if you spot any broken titles please.

[No archive available]
2010-02-22 09:33:13 +00:00
byuu d0de306546 Update to bsnes v060r02 release.
This one is not for the faint of heart.

All header detection code has been removed from the official bsnes
binary. It can now only load games with a valid XML memory mapping
file. If you have /path/to/zelda.sfc, then you also need
/path/to/zelda.xml that describes how to load the cartridge.

The 'ext' archive above contains a new version of snesreader, as well
as its DLL. snesreader now contains header detection, as well as XML
mapping generation. If you have snesreader, and no XML file,
snesreader will create one for you. It won't store it on your hard
disk, it'll only be in memory. An XML on the hard disk always
overrides the snesreader's auto-generated XML file.

So far, only normal ROMs, S-RTC, S-DD1 and SPC7110 games are up and
running. Everything else is broken, I'll have to fix them one by one
by extending the id= attributes in the XML parser.

Here's some example XML files:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cartridge ram="2000">
    <title>The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past</title>
    <map mode="Linear" address="00-7f:8000-ffff" id="ROM"/>
    <map mode="Linear" address="70-7f:0000-7fff" id="RAM"/>
    <map mode="Linear" address="80-ff:8000-ffff" id="ROM"/>
    <map mode="Linear" address="f0-ff:0000-7fff" id="RAM"/>

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cartridge region="NTSC" ram="2000">
    <map mode="Direct" address="00-3f:4800-483f" id="SPC7110::MMIO"/>
    <map mode="Direct" address="80-bf:4800-483f" id="SPC7110::MMIO"/>

    <map mode="Direct" address="00-3f:4840-4842" id="SPC7110::RTC"/>
    <map mode="Direct" address="80-bf:4840-4842" id="SPC7110::RTC"/>

    <map mode="Linear" address="00:6000-7fff" id="SPC7110::RAM"/>
    <map mode="Linear" address="30:6000-7fff" id="SPC7110::RAM"/>

    <map mode="Shadow" address="00-0f:8000-ffff" id="ROM"/>
    <map mode="Shadow" address="80-8f:8000-ffff" id="ROM"/>

    <map mode="Direct" address="50:0000-ffff" id="SPC7110::DCU"/>
    <map mode="Linear" address="c0-cf:0000-ffff" id="ROM"/>
    <map mode="Direct" address="d0-ff:0000-ffff" id="SPC7110::MCU"/>

[No archive available]
2010-02-21 00:27:46 +00:00
byuu 2af60d0a13 Update to bsnes v060r01 release.
This WIP fixes the S-PPU overflow issue mentioned by PiCiJi. It won't
cause any difference in terms of accuracy, for reasons I explained
earlier the effect was transparent, but it's good to do things the
right way.

It also adds a new ExSPC7110 memory mapping mode that allows for a 2MB
program ROM. This is an absolute necessity for the Far East of Eden
Zero translation.

[No archive available]
2010-02-15 02:05:28 +00:00
byuu a8263afc24 Update to bsnes v060 release.
This is a long-term stable release. A full changelog will be available at the forum link below later in the day. Also, please note that I have merged all of the various distributions into two packages. The Windows binary package now contains both the profile-optimized (fast) build, and the debugger build. The source code package now contains sources for bsnes, snesreader, snesfilter and supergameboy.
    - added Direct3D HLSL pixel shader support [mudlord]
    - fixed a signal issue that caused loading games to take 1-2 seconds longer in v059
    - 21fx API revised to its final form, S-MSU (public documentation pending)
    - worked around QTBUG-7188 to fix multi-file 7-zip file listbox to update when scrolling
    - added scale max - normal, wide, and wide zoom modes to fullscreen mode
    - added overscan cropping tool (needed for wide zoom mode; useful for developers simulating games on a real TV)
    - added "go up one folder" button to file load dialog
    - added group (un)assignment to the input settings window
    - now honors input.allowInvalidInput setting; defaults to false [Jonas Quinn]
    - cheat code editor grays out empty slots
    - cheat code editor adds "clear selected" button to quickly erase multiple cheat codes
    - to load folders as game images, folders must end in .sfc, .bs, .st, .gb now
    - debugger: added S-CPU (H)DMA registers; S-SMP registers; S-DSP registers to properties list
    - snesfilter: HQ2x filter is now multi-threaded (scales infinitely: the more cores you have, the less overhead required)
    - pixelshaders: added screen curvature shader to simulate curved CRT tubes
    - source: lots of code cleanup, as always
2010-02-09 00:58:03 +00:00
byuu a9943ab4f4 Update to bsnes v059r07 release.
Fun WIP, lots of work put into this one.

First, I added .st, .bs, .gb, .sgb, .gbc folder-based loading. Works
the same as .sfc folders. So far, only .st shows additional preview
info (just the ROM size for now), but the base code is in place to
specialize .bs / .st / .(s)gb(c) cartridges next.

Next, I added overscan configuration settings to the video settings
window. The reason for this is twofold:
1. testing your translation / hack without a real TV, you can set
overscan to 6% in all directions to ensure all the text is onscreen
2. for the smart video scale mode, noted below
Now, when in fullscreen mode, you get three additional scale settings:
Scale Max - Normal (keeps aspect ratio, maxes out height)
Scale Max - Fill (fills as much as the screen as possible, no
Scale Max - Smart (splits the crop and aspect ratio distortion, 50/50
on each; try it, it looks fairly decent in most titles)
No scale max - zoom, because that's just too much cropping; almost
nothing plays well with it

Note that cropping doesn't work so great right now for games that mix
lores and hires (Secret of Mana 2 textboxes, for instance.) I'm
working on it, but it's going to be very tough. All filters take solid
screen sizes quite well, which surprised me.

Also, scale max - smart is for widescreen monitors. It makes zero
sense to use it in portrait mode. I'll add some sort of special case,
just in case anyone crazy tries it, in a future build.

Lastly, I killed the separation of video.cpp and pixelshader.cpp, it's
all inside video.cpp now; and I cleaned up the object names in

Scale Max - Smart + Curvature pixel shader + NTSC filter - R/F +
Scanlines - 70% is an incredible sight to behold. So much processing,
yet still easy to get 60fps with perfectly synchronized video and
audio. Add that with the Xbox 360 gamepad, throw in a nice S-MSU CD-
quality soundtrack, and it's nirvana.

Please try out the Scale Max - Smart mode if you are using a
widescreen monitor and let me know what you think.

[No archive available]
2010-01-27 09:25:22 +00:00
byuu 46a1eb8cce Update to bsnes v059r06 release.
This is an experimental release, as such it is posted only to Google Code.
    - 21fx API moved to pre-finalized form as S-MSU1; more about this on the forum
    - OpenGL driver now uses GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER instead of GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE to support screen curvature shader
    - rewrote file open dialog; code is greatly simplified, interface is improved
    - all cheat code columns are now enquoted, and empty codes at the bottom of the file are omitted (format is compatible with previous releases still)
    - debugger: added missing DMA variables to S-CPU properties viewer
    - snesfilter: added OpenMP (multi-threading) support to HQ2x filter
    - lots of other miscellaneous code cleanup work
2010-01-24 23:21:38 +00:00
byuu 4517c0249f Update to bsnes v059r05 release.
Funny, much more effective changes but in a lot less time. The file
dialog is just a major pain in the ass, I guess. Had to sit and think
for at least two hours just to handle the differences between activate
(double-click an item) and accept (click accept button.) Eg if it's a
folder, double-clicking needs to go into the folder, but the accept
button needs to use that folder. But files act differently, load has
the open-folder thing that overrides the default entering of folders,
and saving doesn't have any such concept at all. Fun fun fun, but done

libqb (QbWindow, QbCheckAction, QbRadioAction) is dead; DiskBrowser is
dead; HexEditor is dead. They've all been merged into nall/qt now.
nall/Makefile-qt goes to the more logical nall/qt/Makefile. The last
thing to do is export style sheet defaults into nall/qt to get the
spacing of the new file dialog under control.

Improved the save dialog, instead of putting the entire path in the
box, it only puts the non-directory part, and pulls the directory from
the file system mode's root path. I decided not to allow .. and /
commands inside the save text box. I just strip all that out. Go to
the damn folder you want to save in, sheesh. And before anyone
complains about that, note that bsnes doesn't even use the save dialog
mode :P

Still have to hook up the new folder button to an actual dialog,
haven't bothered yet. Since there's plenty of room with the extended
width, I'm just going to leave them both visible.

nall/qt/hex-editor is pretty much a direct port, no changes. But I
intend to make the height programmable, and fork that into a stand-
alone, super light-weight hex editor to replace bless (so that I can
remove Mono.) Same for check-action and radio-action, direct ports.

nall/qt/window is a bit different, binds the geometry outside the
constructor. This fixes some issues where certain windows weren't
saving their geometry properly, like the debugger properties window.
And I think there's some other advantage to it not needing a
complicated constructor, but I don't recall what at the moment.

Modified GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE to GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER, so everyone can try
out the curvature pixel shader now. Added it to my pixelshaders pack,
but I haven't uploaded a new pack yet, so get it from the other thread
for now.

I mainly need testing on the new file dialog stuff. Please let me know
if something strange is broken, other than the new folder button.
2010-01-18 16:25:02 +00:00
byuu b538c13aad Update to bsnes v059r04 release.
Eight hours of non-stop work, for the sole purpose of trying to
separate the file browser underlying mechanics from the bsnes-specific

So far, it's going quite well. 95% of the functionality is there with
only 25% of the code size. Forked the underlying stuff to
nall/qt/file-dialog.moc.hpp, which is now designed to support
open+save+folder selection natively. Save mode adds a text box to
enter your own file name, and folder mode hides the filter drop-down
and all files automatically. The top bar now spans 100% of the width.
I like it more this way. I also killed the tree view in favor of a
list view, for the sole reason that I really can't stand how when you
go up a folder and the deeper tree is still open. Since the
QFileSystemModel is asynchronous, I can't close the tree nodes when
navigating up.

The simplifications were needed because it was getting damned-near
impossible to edit that mess of a file (diskbrowser.cpp.) Compare to
filebrowser.cpp, much cleaner. Now I should be able to add open-folder
concept for BS-X, ST and SGB games much easier. And of course, I
should be able to offer the base QFileDialog as an option, too.

After that, I'll probably export the hex editor to a generic class,
and then export the Qb stuff (window geometry save/restore, stock
check / radio menu buttons.)

Also, I just wiped out Windows XP and put Windows 7 back, just to fix
the video tearing issue relating to DWM and ... it works perfectly
fine. Zero tearing, zero skipping, zero audio popping. All I did was
start bsnes v059.04, set audio sync to the usual 31960, and it was
just fine. What the hell are people complaining about, exactly?
2010-01-18 00:55:50 +00:00
byuu d3d98f9f54 Update to bsnes v059r03 release.
For the emulator, I added some missing S-CPU variables to the
properties viewer: all eight DMA channel registers, and $420b/DMA
enable + $420c/HDMA enable. Should probably add the S-SMP timers in
the future.

Updated nall/Makefile-qt to take $(qtlibs) as input, eg qtlibs =
"QtCore QtGui QtOpenGL" and it does the rest to generate $(qtlib) and
$(qtinc) for you. Killed nall/Makefile::ifhas, as it was rather

I tried to bind the CPU/SMP/PPU/DSP modules inside of SNES::System,
but it turned out to be a major pain in the ass. I'll have to plan
that a lot more before trying to do that. The ultimate goal would be
having the entire emulator inside class SNES, so that you can
instantiate multiple copies or whatever.

I also updated snesfilter with a nice treat. Inspired by DOLLS'
phosphor code, I added OpenMP support to the HQ2x filter. I have a
dual core E8400 @ 3GHz. With no filtering, I get 177fps. With HQ2x, I
get 123fps. With HQ2x+OpenMP, I get 143fps. Pegs both CPUs to 100%,
heh. And other open applications will interfere with speed, eg
Audacious drops it to 138fps.

Not bad overall though. It should scale even higher on quad cores. And
before anyone asks, no I can't add it to the NTSC filter. I'd have to
talk to blargg about that, and it's already faster than HQ2x anyway.
This is really more a test for things like
HQ3x/HQ4x/Phosphor3x/Phosphor5x in the future. Also, it only works on
Linux at the moment. Need libgomp and libpthread, which I don't have
on Windows.

ZSNES took the approach of putting the filter in another thread while
the next frame is emulated; whereas bsnes forks off new threads when
rendering is hit. I believe the latter is a better approach: it avoids
a 16-20ms latency penalty, it's much simpler, and it can scale up to
240 cores (instead of being limited to two.)

So yeah, I easily have the fastest, smallest, most definitive version
of HQ2x possible right now; so long as you have a quad core :)

[No archive available]
2010-01-12 06:13:14 +00:00
byuu 1d5e09ef07 Update to bsnes v059r02 release.
    - added folder-up button to the file loading window
    - hid new-folder button except on path selection window
    - removed "Assign Modifiers as Keys" button; replaced with input.modifierEnable in the configuration file
    - fixed a Qt signal issue that was causing ROM loading to take an extra second or two longer than necessary
    - scale 5x setting will now maintain an exact multiple in both width and height for both NTSC and PAL modes
    - re-added group assignment and unassignment to the input settings window
    - re-wrote mouse capture code to be more intuitive, now uses buttons to set assignment
    - re-added input.allowInvalidInput check to stop up+down and left+right key combinations by default [Jonas Quinn]
    - split "Tools Dialog" menu option into separate items for each tool (Cheat Editor, Cheat Finder, State Manager)
    - added S-SMP and S-DSP property information readouts to the debugger
2010-01-11 02:13:12 +00:00
byuu 97a3a28d86 Update to bsnes v059 release.
**Known issues:**
- button menus do not show up with Windows Vista/7 theme
- snesreader's multi-file archive dialog box doesn't redraw itself on
Windows when you choose different games

Windows Qt is buggy as always. Nothing we can do but keep waiting. I'm
also going to hold off on including pixel shaders until Direct3D PS
support is in. It's just going to annoy the 98% of users who can't use
them if I include them now. Yes, Windows OpenGL support is that bad.

Anyway, from v058 wip10, the following changes were made:
- cheat code editor grays out the slot#s when they are empty. I can't
put "Empty" in the text boxes for various reasons.
- added "Clear Selected" button and multi-selection support to cheat
editor. This is meant to quickly erase all slots.
- settings and tools windows start at 600x360 when bsnes.cfg is not
found / empty
- fixed the emulationSpeed section to start with input. instead of
- open-folder concept requires the folders to end in .sfc to work now,
once again doesn't care what the ROM inside is named
(this is meant to mimic OS X .app folders)
- 21fx API extended to map to $2200, $2201 for now; mostly as a test
for A-bus access (21fx->VRAM DMA, etc)
(old $21fx registers remain for now)

I intend to release this on Saturday as-is even if a few small bugs
are reported. But if there's something major we can make another RC
2010-01-07 13:07:56 +00:00
byuu 6ec765f2c4 Update to bsnes v058 release.
We've tested the latest release on at least a dozen computers now, all seems to be in order for a release.
    - added 21fx support (more on this later)
    - added movie recording and playback support
    - added rewind support (enable under Settings->Configuration->Advanced, use backspace key to rewind)
    - added speedup (fast forward) and slowdown key bindings
    - audio no longer stutters on Windows when moving or resizing the main window
    - co-processors can now specify their own clock rates instead of sharing the S-CPU clock rate
    - Super Game Boy 2 now runs at the correct hardware speed, and not 2.4% faster like the Super Game Boy 1 does
    - added Vsync support to the Windows OpenGL driver (Intel graphics drivers do not support this option, because their engineers are lazy)
    - OpenGL driver no longer re-initializes when changing video synchronization, helps pixel shaders
    - refactored user interface compilation; now split into several object files, auto-generated MOC files placed under src/obj/
    - worked around a bug in the PulseAudio sound server that was causing the ALSA output driver to lock up [BearOso]
    - rewrote and simplified the save state manager, it is no longer a part of the core
    - S-DD1 and SPC7110 can now access up to 256MB via their MMCs
    - re-added background and OAM layer toggling under the tools dialog
    - added config file options to adjust emulation speed levels (config.system.speed*)
    - added snesreader, snesfilter and supergameboy support to the OS X port
    - added a really neat pixel shader that can perform point scaling to non-even multiples, eg it looks great even with aspect correction [Fes]
    - upgraded to Qt 4.6.0 official
Debugger changelog:
    - added memory export and import to the memory editor
    - added bus usage analyzer: logs opcodes, memory reads, memory writes and M/X states to usage.bin file
    - added disassembler that can trace both forward and backward from the current execution address
    - extended read/write breakpoints to the S-SMP
    - re-added trace masking option
Errata: there is one known bug in Qt 4.6.0 that affects the Windows port: menus attached to buttons show up as invisible on Windows Vista and above. I only use this on the file load dialog options button, and only to toggle the information pane on and off. Given that this is less severe than the bugs in the beta versions, I've upgraded anyway. I'll submit a bug report to the Qt team for this shortly. Also, my sincerest thanks to Bradley Hughes from the Qt development team for quickly fixing this show-stopper bug that greatly affected performance in bsnes v056.
2009-12-09 13:34:03 +00:00
byuu 54c7b4692d Update to bsnes v057 release.
I'm really sorry about this, but a major issue snuck into v056. It was caused by a bug in the newly released Qt 4.6.0 RC1. Whenever one moved the mouse cursor over the main window in the Windows port, the frame rate was immediately cut in half, which effectively ruined Mouse, Super Scope and Justifier support. As for how this could happen, well ... I'm ... really at a loss for words about this.
This release does not change the source code at all except to increment the version number, and it is built against Qt 4.6.0 beta 1 instead of 4.6.0 release candidate 1 as v055 was.
I will file an official bug complaint and post a link to it here during next week. Again, my apologies for any inconvenience. I incorrectly assumed it would be safe to update to RC1, and didn't spot the bug in time.
2009-11-23 13:24:03 +00:00
byuu 66067f0015 Update to bsnes v056 release.
This release adds a lot of new user interface features, and polishes Super Game Boy support.
Note that many pixel shaders need to be coded specifically for bsnes, eg ones designed for Pete's OpenGL2 plugin will not work. I will maintain a pixelshaders archive on the bsnes download page with a collection of working shaders. Right now, there are three: HDR TV, Scale2x and HQ2x; written by guest(r) and Pete, and ported by myself.
    - lowered Game Boy audio volume so that it matches SNES audio volume
    - fixed Super Game Boy multi-player support
    - fixed Super Game Boy swapped player bug
    - compressed Game Boy cartridges can now be loaded
    - added save state support for Super Game Boy games
    - blocked illegal Super Game Boy packets, fixes Zelda DX, Akumajou Dracula, etc palette issues
    - main window once again shrinks on size changes
    - joypads can now control the file loading window (support is very rudimentary)
    - cleaned up video and audio sliders, increased audio input frequency range for 59hz monitors
    - rewrote all of the input capture system from scratch
    - added dozens of additional GUI hotkey bindings to resize the main window, control synchronization, control speed, etc
    - it is now possible to map keyboard modifiers (shift, control, alt, super) to any input or hotkey; eg alt+enter = fullscreen
    - merged all input capture windows into the main settings panel
    - added turbo button support; hold down turbo buttons to send a 30hz input pulse
    - added asciiPad controller emulation; contains off/turbo/auto fire toggles and slow-motion mode
    - asciiPad support allows for quick switching between keyboard and gamepad input
    - merged scanline filter into the user interface (under Video Settings) to allow it to work on all filters; including the NTSC filter
    - killed off an evil QString <> string intermediary class called utf8; string class can convert to and from QString directly now
    - added fast BS-X, Sufami Turbo and Game Boy cartridge loading: use the filter list under "Load Cartridge" to bypass the BIOS selection screen
    - added pixel shader support to the OpenGL driver on Windows and Linux; note that it only really works well on Linux at the moment
    - added proper Vsync support to the OpenGL driver on Windows and Linux using GL extensions; again this really only works well on Linux
    - added unique path memory for shaders, folders, cartridges, BS-X, Sufami Turbo and Game Boy images
    - upgraded to Qt 4.6.0 release candidate 1; fixes an issue with the first checkbox in lists not updating when clicked
2009-11-22 14:48:58 +00:00
byuu 4c66de6f27 Update to bsnes v055 release.
Happy Halloween, this release adds full Super Game Boy support ... but is it a trick, or a treat? ;) ::cough::, lameness aside ...
The Game Boy emulation core is courtesy of gambatte, and excellent, accuracy-focused, open source, and lightning fast Game Boy Color emulator. Now I know what you're thinking, using a Game Boy Color emulator with the Super Game Boy? The truth is, gambatte was just such an amazingly perfect fit that nothing else compared. I fully believe that even as a CGB emulator, gambatte will do a better job than any pure DMG emulator could.
The emulation of the ICD2 chip (aka the Super Game Boy) was fully reverse engineered by myself. Eventually I'll get an updated document put up explaining how it works.
The next question might be, "why emulate the Super Game Boy when existing Game Boy emulators do?"; well, they can only simulate part of the SGB. Features such as custom SNES sound effects, hand-drawn borders, multi-tap support and custom SNES code execution can only be accomplished by a true SNES emulator. Space Invaders is perhaps the most impressive demonstration, as it contains an entire SNES game embedded inside the Game Boy cartridge.
bsnes' SGB emulation supports virtually every command, full sound mixing from both the SNES and Game Boy sides, both BIOS revisions, etc. The only thing that is not fully functional yet is the multi-player support, but it should be in due time. Save state support is also planned for a later date.
    - added Super Game Boy emulation (thanks to gambatte for the Game Boy core)
    - extended hybrid scanline/cycle PPU renderer to support Mode7 register caching; fixes scanline flickering on NHL '94 title screen
    - all windows (other than the main window) can be closed with the escape key now
    - file dialog path selection now accepts typed paths; can be used to access hidden directories and network shares
    - file dialog's game information panel can now be disabled
    - fixed a crashing issue when the file dialog was given an invalid path
    - fixed screenshot capture save location
    - added screenshot capture option to tools menu
    - state manager now auto-closes when loading a state; it can be reopened quickly with F3
    - fixed GZip archive loading
    - fixed NTSC off-by-one filter bug on hires screens
    - extended Scale2x, LQ2x and HQ2x to properly filter hires screens
    - added Pixellate2x filter
2009-11-01 14:30:51 +00:00
byuu 6a17b5ed4f Update to bsnes v054 release.
After a half-dozen hours of installing and compiling various combinations of MinGW and Qt, I've finally found a combination that once again allows for profile-guided optimizations: MinGW GCC 4.3.3 and Qt 4.6.0-beta 1. Though Qt 4.4 still has broken PGO, the latest Qt beta no longer has the process freeze issue upon termination.
This release is essentially the same as v053, but it's now at least as fast as v052 was, and ~10% faster than v053, which lacked profiling.
I did add in two quick changes, however: first, when starting in fullscreen mode, the video output size was being incorrectly set to the windowed size; second, by requiring save states to match the CRC32 of games, it made debugging with them impossible, so I've turned off the CRC32 matching.
2009-10-19 16:58:29 +00:00
byuu 8135dfdac9 Update to bsnes v053 release.
This release greatly polishes the user interface, adds a new cheat code search utility, adds the snesfilter library, and adds Qt-based GUI support to both snesfilter and snesreader. snesfilter gains 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and Super Eagle support, plus full configuration for both the NTSC and scanline filters; and snesreader gains support support for multi-file ROM archives (eg GoodMerge sets.)
Statically linking Qt to bsnes, snesfilter and snesreader would be too prohibitive size-wise (~10MB or so.) I have to link dynamically so that all three can share the same Qt runtime, which gets all of bsnes and its modules to ~1MB (including the debugger build); and Qt itself to about ~2.5MB.
However, there is some bad news. There's a serious bug in MinGW 4.4+, where it is not generating profile-guided input files (*.gcno files.) There is also a serious bug in Qt 4.5.2/Windows when using dynamic linking: the library is hanging indefinitely, forcing me to manually terminate the process upon exit. This prevents the creation of profile-guided output files (*.gcda files.) It would be tough enough to work around one, but facing both of these issues at once is too much.
I'm afraid I have no choice but to disable profile-guided optimizations until these issues can be addressed. I did not know about these bugs until trying to build the official v053 release, so it's too late to revert to an all-in-one binary now. And I'm simply not willing to stop releasing new builds because of bugs in third-party software. As soon as I can work around this, I'll post a new optimized binary. In the mean time, despite the fact that this release is actually more optimized, please understand that the Windows binary will run approximately ~10% slower than previous releases. I recommend keeping v052 for now if you need the performance. Linux and OS X users are unaffected.
    - save RAM is initialized to 0xff again to work around Ken Griffey Jr Baseball issue
    - libco adds assembly-optimized targets for Win64 and PPC-ELF [the latter courtesy of Kernigh]
    - libco/x86 and libco/amd64 use pre-assembled blocks now, obviates need for custom compilation flags
    - added a new cheat code search utility to the tools menu
    - separated filters from main bsnes binary to libsnesfilter / snesfilter.dll
    - added 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and Super Eagle filters [kode54]
    - added full configuration settings for NTSC and scanline filters (12+ new options)
    - further optimized HQ2x filter [blargg]
    - added Vsync support to the Mac OS X OpenGL driver
    - added folder creation button to custom file load dialog
    - fixed a few oddities with loading of "game folders" (see older news for an explanation on what this is)
    - updated to blargg's file_extractor v1.0.0
    - added full support for multi-file archives (eg GoodMerge sets)
    - split multi-cart loading again (BS-X, Sufami Turbo, etc) as required for multi-file support
    - cleaned up handling of file placement detection for save files (.srm, .cht, etc)
    - file load dialog now remembers your previous folder path across runs even without a custom games folder assigned
    - windows now save their exact positioning and size across runs, they no longer forcibly center
    - menus now have radio button and check box icons where appropriate
    - debugger's hex editor now has a working scrollbar widget
    - added resize splitter to settings and tools windows
    - worked around Qt style sheet bug where subclassed widgets were not properly applying style properties
2009-10-18 17:33:04 +00:00
byuu a0000c7846 Update to bsnes v052 release.
This is a maintenance release, which fixes a few important bugs. It also adds some graphical icons to soften the user interface. Note that if you have set any custom paths with v051, you'll need to set them again for the fix to work. As always, my apologies for releasing two versions so close together. I felt the bugs were important enough to warrant it.
    - fixed loading of files and folders containing non-ANSI characters (Chinese, Japanese, etc)
    - fixed a slight lag on startup due to the new file browser
    - fixed path selection setting, screenshots will now be saved to the correct directory
    - hid memory editor scrollbar since it does not work yet
    - disabled window positioning on Linux due to bugs in the Compiz compositor
    - added icons from the Tango icon library to the menus and panels
2009-09-29 12:25:41 +00:00
byuu b6a85353bf Update to bsnes v051 release.
Starting with this release, I wish to take bsnes in a new direction. It has always excelled in accuracy, as the only SNES emulator to offer a full 100% compatibility rate with all known commercial software. But over the years, it has also gained an impressive array of features and enhancements not found anywhere else. It is also the only actively developed SNES emulator with rapid, periodic releases. Its only achilles heel is the steep system requirements, which is quickly being overcome by aggressive new optimizations and steadily-increasing hardware speeds.
In an effort to make bsnes even more accessible to everyone, starting with this release, bsnes is now fully open source software, licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. I would like to work toward positioning bsnes as a truly general use emulator, and would welcome any help with this.
Specifically, I am looking for an interested Debian maintainer to package bsnes for Linux users; as well as for anyone interested in helping to optimize and improve bsnes as a whole. It also seems that many still do not know about bsnes, I'd appreciate advice and help on spreading the word. Please leave a message on my forum if you are interested.
I would also welcome and support any forks that target specific areas: a speed-oriented version, a tool-assisted speedrun version, netplay bindings, and so on. As part of this targeting, I've also released a custom debugger-enabled version, which trades a bit of speed in turn for best-in-class debugging capabilities.
Please check back here over the following few days, I'll be writing up documentation explaining all of the various unique features of bsnes, as well as detailed compilation instructions for programmers.
    - corrected a small bug in HDMA processing; fixes College Football '97 flickering
    - corrected ROMBR and PBR SuperFX register masking; fixes Voxel demo [MooglyGuy]
    - DSP-4 driver AI bug fixed [Jonas Quinn]
    - added save state support to the S-DD1, S-RTC, DSP-1, DSP-2 and ST-0010 co-processors
    - fixed a freeze issue when the S-SMP encounters STOP and SLEEP opcodes
    - Cx4 save states no longer need floating-point values, and are thus fully portable now
    - added new custom file loading dialog; allows non-modal usage, screenshot previews and ROM info summary, among many other benefits
    - added support for IPS soft-patching
    - added blargg's File_Extractor library
    - added support for archives compressed using 7-zip, RAR and BZip2; which is in addition to existing support for Gzip, ZIP and JMA
    - state manager now properly updates the timestamp column on saves [FitzRoy]
    - added OpenGL renderer to OS X port
    - fixed system beep issue with keyboard input on OS X port
    - fixed menubar visibility issue on OS X port
    - fixed a Display handle leak on Linux port [snzzbk]
    - X-video driver now releases SHM memory properly upon exit [emon]
    - fixed Direct3D rendering issue that was blurring video on some cards [Fes]
    - enhanced window positioning code for all platforms
    - debugger is now GUI-driven instead of via command-line
    - memory hex editor is now fully usable
    - added PPU video RAM viewer to debugger
    - added S-CPU and S-SMP tracing capabilities to debugger
    - Qt version upgraded to 4.5.2, and compiled with optimizations enabled; runs faster but makes the binary slightly larger
    - too many code cleanups to list
2009-09-27 11:40:16 +00:00
byuu c2453cb634 Update to bsnes v050 release.
I always regret having to post new releases so quickly, but a semi-major bug crept into v049. I'd rather fix it now, before I start making major changes that will need testing again. The problem was that the S-PPU was not being synchronized as often as it should have been, resulting in titles such as F-Zero and Super Mario Kart showing flickering lines here and there. This release fixes that.
This release also adds savestate support for Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3, which utilize the Cx4 coprocessor; and it fixes a bug where input was still accepted even when the main window was minimized.
2009-08-25 16:00:26 +00:00
byuu 59b86cd3a8 Update to bsnes v049 release.
This is a maintenance release, but it offers a lot of bug-fixes and speed-ups, so it should be well worth the update. The debugger is not finished yet, so use it at your own risk. It is disabled in the binary release because breakpoint testing impacts performance. Once it is ready, I will release a separate binary with the debugger enabled.
    - Optimized S-PPU emulation, provides a ~10-15% speedup in normal games
    - Cleaned up cheat editor user interface
    - Added save state and export data path selections
    - Added workaround for a strange issue that caused PAL games to run at 60 fps sometimes
    - Fixed sprite caching issue; fixes SD F-1 Grand Prix
    - Fixed PPUcounter reset issue; fixes Bishoujo Janshi Suchie-Pai [Jonas Quinn]
    - Fixed scaling on scanline, Scale2x, LQ2x and HQ2x filters on hires and interlace screens
    - Fixed sizeof(bool) serialization issue for PowerPC architecture [Richard Bannister]
    - Fixed cheat code sort ordering
    - Fixed a bug with centering in fullscreen mode
    - Fixed an audio pitch bug when changing frequency
    - Fixed a volume adjust bug when frequency was exactly 32000hz
    - Fixed X-video RGB rendering bugs [thanks to tukuyomi for testing]
    - Fixed a file open dialog issue on Linux when using QGtkStyle [jensbw]
    - Fixed a memory corruption issue involving QApplication::main() [giovannibajo]
    - Added a preliminary debugger (disabled in binary releases due to associated speed hit)
    - Added S-CPU and S-SMP stepping and tracing support
    - Added read/write/execute breakpoint support
    - Added memory editor (currently it can only view memory)
    - Added screenshot capture support [kode54]
    - Save state archives are now ~60% smaller than before
    - Various code cleanup work, as usual (note: the debugger code is messy, as it is in-progress)
2009-08-22 12:09:19 +00:00
byuu c26f9d912a Update to bsnes v048 release.
The biggest feature of this new release is the addition of save state support. Note that this is only currently supported for normal games, and the SPC7110 and OBC-1 co-processors. Other special chips, such as the SuperFX and SA-1, cannot currently save and load state files. I will be adding support for other co-processors little by little in future releases.
    - Added save state support
    - Added SPC7110 and OBC1 save state support
    - Added new tools group, with new cheat code and save state managers
    - Lots of new UI shortcuts: quick save state, quick load state, show state manager, etc
    - Escape key will now close both the settings and tools group windows
    - Added major speed-ups to both SuperFX and SA-1 emulation; both now run ~15-25% faster than v047
    - Added new video filter, LQ2x; it's as fast as Scale2x while being almost as smooth as HQ2x
    - Re-wrote HQ2x algorithm; code size was reduced to less than 10% of its original size with virtually no speed loss
    - Corrected SuperFX2 cache access timing; fixes Stunt Race FX menus and slowdown in other titles
    - Relaxed palette write limitations for PGA Tour Golf [Jonas Quinn]
    - Fixed a slight timing issue that was breaking 'An Americal Tail - Feivel Goes West'
    - Turned off auto-save of SRAM as it was causing slowdowns when writing to flash memory; can be re-enabled via bsnes.cfg -> system.autoSaveMemory = true
    - Added bsnes.cfg -> system.autoHideMenus, defaults to false; when true, menu and status bars will be hidden upon entering fullscreen mode
    - Added skeletons for ST011 and ST018 support. Both Quick-move titles get in-game now
    - Re-wrote S-CPU and S-SMP processor cores to use templates, removed custom pre-processor
    - Split PPUcounter into a base class inherited by both PPU and CPU; allows both cores to run out-of-order
    - Split inline header functions to separate files, allows headers to be included in any order now
2009-07-12 09:45:57 +00:00
byuu 7b0e484c18 Update to bsnes v047 release.
The most notable feature for this release is the addition of SuperFX support. This enables an additional eight commercial games, and two unreleased betas, to run with full support. Most notably of these would be Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island and Starfox. Though timing is not quite perfect just yet, there should be no known issues with any titles at the time of this release. That means there should only be two official, commercially-released titles that are not compatible with bsnes at this time: Quick-move Shogi Match with Nidan Rank-holder Morita 1 and 2 (using the ST011 and ST018 co-processors, respectively.)
SuperFX support was the work of many people. GIGO was a great help by providing the source code to his SuperFX emulator (for reference; the implementation in bsnes is my own design), _Demo_ was very helpful in getting Starfox to work properly, and Jonas Quinn provided roughly a half-dozen very important bug fixes that affected nearly every SuperFX game. Without them, this release would not be possible. So please do thank them if you appreciate SuperFX support in bsnes.
Please note that SuperFX emulation is very demanding. I hate to have to repeat this, but once again: bsnes is a reference emulator. It exists to better understand the SNES hardware. It is written in such a manner as to be friendly to other developers (both emulator authors and game programmers), and the findings are meant to help improve other emulators. As far as I know, bsnes is the first emulator to fully support all SuperFX caching mechanisms (instruction cache, both pixel caches, ROM and RAM buffering caches, ...); as well as many other obscure features, such as full support for ROM / RAM access toggling between the SNES and SuperFX CPUs, and multiplier overhead timing. By emulating these, I was able to discover what additional components are needed to emulate Dirt Racer and Power Slide, two titles that no emulator has yet been able to run (they aren't very good games, you weren't missing much.) It should be possible to backport these fixes to faster emulators now.
That said, with a Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3GHz, on average I get ~100fps in Super Mario World 2, ~95fps in Starfox and ~85fps in Doom. Compare this to ~165fps in Zelda 3, a game that does not use the SuperFX chip. My binary releases also target 32-bit x86 architecture. For those capable of building 64-bit binaries, especially Linux users, that should provide an additional ~10% speedup. Be sure to profile the application if you build it yourself.
Lastly on the SuperFX front, note that Starfox 2 is fully playable, but that most images floating around have corrupted headers. I do not attempt to repair bad headers, so these images will not work. Please either use NSRT on the Japanese version, or use Gideon Zhi's English fan translation patch, if you are having trouble running this title.
With that out the way, a few other improvements have been made to this release: xinput1_3.dll is no longer required for the Windows port (though you will need it if you want to use an Xbox 360 controller), the video drivers in ruby now allocate the smallest texture size possible for blitting video, and the code has been updated with preliminary compilation support for Mac OS X. Note that I will not be releasing binaries for this: it is primarily meant for developers and for porting my other libraries to the platform. Richard Bannister maintains a much better OS X port with full EE support and a native Apple GUI that follows their interface guidelines much better than a Qt port ever could. He has also synced the Mac port with this release. You can find a link to that in the bsnes download section.
2009-06-07 11:57:05 +00:00
byuu f8e425ff49 Update to bsnes v046a release.
[No changelog available]
2009-05-12 02:33:49 +00:00
byuu 2a6a66f478 Update to bsnes v046 release.
Unfortunately, I was not able to include any actual Super Game Boy support in this release. I was however able to back-port all other changes since v045, as well as add a lot of new stuff. Though there are few visible changes from the last release, internally much has changed. I'm releasing this mostly as a point release whilst everything should be stable.
I've decided to support the Super Game Boy via external DLL (or SO for Linux users.) There are many reasons for this. Most notably is that the largest special chip in bsnes right now weighs in at ~30kb of code. Emulating an entire Game Boy, not including the SGB enhancements, would require an additional ~800kb of code, or nearly half the size of the entire SNES emulation core. Add to that potential issues with licensing, conflicts with the build process / namespace, a significant increase to build time, and a lack of flexibility over which Game Boy emulator to use, and it's pretty clear that this is something best left external. At least until we have a fully trimmed, fully working SGB emulator available.
The way this will work is bsnes will look for SuperGameBoy.(dll,so), and if present, it will call out to pre-defined functions. Users will need the SGB BIOS loaded, at which point they can select a Game Boy cartridge, and bsnes will use the DLL for actual emulation. Sadly I don't have a working DLL ready for this release, and even if I did, there's no sound bridge yet for the Game Boy audio.
Other than that, much of the core has been updated in an attempt to make the core more library-like. It still has a few major limitations: it requires libco (which is not portable) and nall (which is quite large), and only one instance can be instantiated as all of the base objects are pre-defined and inter-linked. Not that I can imagine any practical use for multiple simultaneous SNES emulators anyway ...
    - Save RAM is now automatically saved once per minute
    - Added delay to Super Scope / Justifier latching to fix X-Zone
    - Fixed an edge case in CPU<>PPU counter history
    - S-CPU can now run up to one full scanline ahead of S-PPU before syncing
    - Added interface for Super Game Boy support (no emulation yet)
    - Fixed a bug with path selection not adding trailing slash
    - All S-SMP opcodes re-written to use new pre-processor
    - Entire core encapsulated into SNES namespace
    - Core accepts files via memory only; zlib and libjma moved outside of core
    - Major Makefile restructuring: it's now possible to build with just "make" alone
    - Linux: libxtst / inputproto is no longer required for compilation
    - Lots of additional code cleanup
2009-05-10 11:01:02 +00:00
byuu 3c42e6caa0 Update to bsnes v045r09 release.
[No changelog available]
2009-04-30 20:58:39 +00:00
byuu 5f96547beb Update to bsnes v045 release.
This is a maintenance release to fix a crashing bug in S-DD1 games (Star Ocean, Street Fighter Alpha 2), and a video issue in games using the WAI instruction.
As always, my apologies for any inconvenience. SA-1 support required modification of a large amount of delicate code in the emulation core, and our limited testing team was not able to catch these in time before release.
2009-04-20 02:55:33 +00:00
byuu 44b5f1bf27 Update to bsnes v044 release.
This release adds full SA-1 support, with no known issues. All 26 games have been tested by myself and others, and a few have been beaten from start to finish. The latter include Super Mario RPG, Kirby's Dreamland 3, Kirby Super Star and Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius.
Please understand that the SA-1 is essentially four times faster than the SNES' main CPU, so system requirements will be very high for these games. For example, on an E8400 @ 3.0GHz, I average ~160fps in ordinary games. But for SA-1 emulation, this drops to ~90fps, with the worst case being ~80fps.
The following features are emulated:
    - 5a22 CPU core (bus-cycle accurate)
    - Memory access timing
    - SA-1 -> S-CPU interrupts (IRQ + CHDMA IRQ)
    - S-CPU -> SA-1 interrupts (IRQ + Timer IRQ + DMA IRQ + NMI)
    - SIV / SNV interrupt vector selection
    - Timer unit (linear and H/V)
    - Super MMC unit (ROM + BW-RAM)
    - BS-X flash cart slot mapping
    - Normal DMA
    - Character-conversion 1 DMA (2bpp + 4bpp + 8bpp)
    - Character-conversion 2 DMA (2bpp + 4bpp + 8bpp)
    - BW-RAM virtual bitmap mode (2bpp + 4bpp)
    - Arithmetic unit (multiplication + division + cumulative sum)
    - Variable-length bit processing (fixed and auto increment)
While the following features are not currently emulated, mostly due to lack of information:
    - SA-1 bus conflict delays
    - Write protection (BW-RAM + I-RAM)
    - SA-1 CPU priority for DMA transfers
    - DMA access timing
2009-04-19 21:34:23 +00:00
byuu b0a8de0208 Update to bsnes v043 release.
[No changelog available]
2009-04-18 17:13:29 +00:00
byuu 11e0a2ac18 Update to bsnes v042r05? release.
New WIP. Wasted two and a half hours trying to figure out why re-
implementing IRQs at home was failing in Parodius. Finally just
reverted to wip05 and started again, changing one line at a time.
Turns out I inverted the reset release flag by mistake for the SA-1
CPU. Fun.

Adds S-CPU -> SA-1 IRQs, DMA IRQs and NMIs + SA-1 -> S-CPU IRQs +
CH1DMA IRQs. Also slightly improves variable bit-length reading and
removes DPRIO mode for now until I can test it properly.

Parodius, SRW: Gaiden and Kirby: SS should all be fully playable now.

Mario RPG is damn close, but it freezes immediately after you exit the
level up bonus screen. I don't have any idea what it wants. The
graphics on the bonus screen don't show up either, as I don't support
char conversion modes 1 or 2 yet (it uses mode 1.)

How annoying ... first the graphics on the logo are bad. Add the ALU,
good. Now the title screen background is black. Fix the ALU MA
register reset, good. Now it freezes after the first intro scene. Add
SA-1 -> S-CPU IRQs. Now it freezes half-way through the intro. Fix
S-CPU /IRQ line holding from the SA-1. Now it freezes at the start of
the level up bonus screen. Add CHDMA IRQs. Now it freezes immediately
after the level up bonus screen.

I have no idea what the hell SIV / SNV are for. I'm guessing the SA-1
controller detects which processor activates SA-1 IRQs and uses that
vector address ...? It obviously can't over-ride the S-CPU's vector

Documentation is shit. It doesn't specify what vectors DMA / CHDMA
use, or what to do without specific general DMA / CHDMA IRQ enable
flags in the control registers, and on and on.

[No archive available]
2009-04-10 13:52:00 +00:00
byuu 3a6eb56cef Update to bsnes v042r04? release.
New WIP. Copy-paste:
> Working on SA-1, still a long way to go. Fixed a bug where I was
> clearing MA after multiplication / cumulative sum when I wasn't
> supposed to. Fixes Kirby 3 Pop Star scene.

> Added normal DMA, along with full support for DPRIO (allowing DMA to
> run alongside the SA-1 CPU) and blocking of invalid transfer types /
> modes. This fixes sprites in Marvelous.

> Also added BW-RAM bitmap mirroring to $[60-6f]:[0000-ffff], proper
> mapping for the bitmap mode to the $[00-3f|80-bf]:[6000-7fff]
> regions, variable-length bit read data port, and I now at least
> cache the register settings for IRQs (though I still do nothing with
> them.)

> I added support for BW-RAM and I-RAM write protection, but when it's
> enabled, most games will no longer load. So I'm forced to leave that
> off for now. Maybe the protection didn't actually work on the real
> hardware? Hmm ...

> No idea what the bitmap registers $2240-$224f are for, and I don't
> see how it's supposed to be possible to trigger IRQs as needed by
> Super Mario RPG and Parodius. But at least three of five games
> should now be fully playable with no issues. Speed remains the same
> as yesterday. No hit for the SA-1 CPU+DMA simultaneous transfer mode
> support.

Image Image

> I want pictures of SRW Gaiden!

Can always try it and see what happens ... after I get some sleep :D

[No archive available]
2009-04-08 12:22:00 +00:00
byuu 4c92d11d80 Update to bsnes v042r03? release.
I mentioned I wouldn't be posting a new WIP for a while so that I
could work on something in secret. That way in case it didn't work
out, nobody would be bummed out. Imagine my surprise when it only took
me two days to get this far ...

Image Image
Image Image
Image Image
(I removed the title-bar text for the sake of the screenshot
aesthetic. Check the WIP yourself if you don't believe it.)

Kirby's Dream Land 3 and Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension are fully
playable. Note that most games aren't playable, and most of the chip's
added features are missing.

Speed took a ~3-5% hit for non-SA1 games due to all the new co-
processor thread synchronization primitives that you can't really hide
from inlined, super-intensive sections of the scheduler code.

As of now, and this will change, SA-1 games run about ~60% slower than
normal games. Meaning you'll really want at least an E4500, but
preferrably an E8400; and no filters.

The most impressive part is that I emulate this at the bus/clock
level. Meaning if both the S-CPU and SA-1 access RAM at the same time,
they'll see the changes and stay perfectly in sync. I even emulated
the bus conflict resolution of the SA-1 memory controller. So in terms
of accuracy, this is akin to the cycle-level S-PPU. It's the
"theoretical worst case" for the most processor-intensive, lowest-
possible emulation achievable.

I believe it was _Demo_ who speculated that it'd take at least a 10GHz
processor to achieve this. Then again, it's been so long I could be
attributing the quote to the wrong person. Don't even remember the
exact words anymore. Anyone recall?

This gives us insight into the kind of performance we can expect from
the cycle-PPU (also runs at 10.74MHz) and SuperFX. For SA-1+cycle
S-PPU, it would appear that there is no processor on the market that
can maintain full speed with that combo yet, heh. By the time I get
around to S-PPU, there most likely will be though.

Lastly, don't bug me about SuperFX support because of this. This SA-1
support is a simple subclass of the core S-CPU that already existed in
cycle-perfect, bug-free form; plus a memory mapper and ALU. Lots more
to go, and even then, this is easily multiple times less work than the
SuperFX is going to be.

[No archive available]
2009-04-07 13:14:00 +00:00
byuu f3d1d10d3e Update to bsnes v042r02? release.
New WIP. The entire S-CPU opcode core has been re-written to use my
new pre-processor.

The downside is that it's actually slightly slower, by less than 1%.
Guessing that having almost twice the opcode implementations ends up
eating more valuable L1 cache, making it more painful than the two
conditionals per function I had before. But damn if it isn't more
readable now.

    ror_addrx(0x7e, ror) {
    1:aa.l = op_readpc();
    2:aa.h = op_readpc();
    4:rd.l = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w);
    5:if(!regs.p.m) rd.h = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 1);
      if(regs.p.m) { op_$1_b(); }
      else { op_$1_w();
    7:op_writedbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 1, rd.h); }
      op_writedbr(aa.w + regs.x.w,     rd.l);

    @macro op_adjust_addrx(name)
      void {class}::op_{name}_addrx_b() {
        aa.l = op_readpc();
        aa.h = op_readpc();
        rd.l = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w);
    {lc}op_writedbr(aa.w + regs.x.w, rd.l);

      void {class}::op_{name}_addrx_w() {
        aa.l = op_readpc();
        aa.h = op_readpc();
        rd.l = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 0);
        rd.h = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 1);
        op_writedbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 1, rd.h);
    {lc}op_writedbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 0, rd.l);

( note: {lc} is short-hand to 'hide' last_cycle(); )

Really worn out now, so don't expect a new WIP for quite a long time
I'm afraid. I'll worry about the S-SMP's core much later. Would
appreciate thorough testing. Given I rewrote all 256 opcodes by hand,
it's possible I made a mistake somewhere.

> Once Alt has been pressed to access the menubar (even just one
> time), the menu accelerator keys become functional even without
> pressing them together with Alt.

Wow ... that is quite alarming. Not sure why Qt is doing that. But
since I don't have a way of fixing it yet ... for now:

> Stop pressing alt.


[No archive available]
2009-04-06 04:13:00 +00:00
byuu 90aa780d57 Update to bsnes v042r01? release.
New WIP.

Updated centering code, it now just has per-platform centering code.
So it should look great with no flickering / movement on Windows or

Fixed the patching status thing so it won't say it patched when it
fails. But seems there's not enough safeties in nall::ups. A patch of
nothing but "UPS1" has a 50% chance of crashing the emulator.

Most importantly, I finally got around to writing my pre-processor,
which is intended to add macro support to both C++ and xkas. Calling
it bpp, for **b**yuu's **p**re-**p**rocessor.

I started rewriting the S-CPU opcodes to use the new pre-processor. 40
of 256 opcodes finished. I'm also separating the 8-bit and 16-bit
versions this time. Twice the code, but it's easier on the eyes.

    ldy_addrx(0xbc, ldy, regs.p.x),
    ora_addrx(0x1d, ora, regs.p.m),
    sbc_addrx(0xfd, sbc, regs.p.m) {
    1:aa.l = op_readpc();
    2:aa.h = op_readpc();
    3:op_io_cond4(aa.w, aa.w + regs.x.w);
    4:if($2) last_cycle();
      rd.l = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w);
      if($2) { op_$1_b(); end; }
      rd.h = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 1);

    @macro op_read_addrx(name)
      void {class}::op_{name}_addrx_b() {
        aa.l = op_readpc();
        aa.h = op_readpc();
        op_io_cond4(aa.w, aa.w + regs.x.w);
        rd.l = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w);

      void {class}::op_{name}_addrx_w() {
        aa.l = op_readpc();
        aa.h = op_readpc();
        op_io_cond4(aa.w, aa.w + regs.x.w);
        rd.l = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 0);
        rd.h = op_readdbr(aa.w + regs.x.w + 1);

    @global class sCPU
    @include "opcode_read.bpp"


Yes, I know the above can be done with the C pre-processor. Two major
reasons I avoided it:
1) I refuse to put \ after every line.
2) parameters are limited, eg MACRO(&=~, x += 2) would not work.

The important thing was making a more generic / flexible format. Will
allow me to kill off src/tool, though I'll still include the new
parser's source under src/lib/bpp.

May extend bpp in the future, who knows. @if/@else/@endif would be
nice, as would nested macros and static programming functions.

[No archive available]
2009-04-03 11:15:00 +00:00
byuu b5b21a4ec2 Update to bsnes v042 release.
A new release quite a bit faster than I was expecting, but a lot has changed. Most importantly is a new Windows input driver, "RawInput". The downside is that this makes bsnes require at least Windows XP, as Windows 2000 and earlier lack RawInput support. The upside is that input from multiple keyboards and mice can be distinguished from each other — very useful for dual-Justifier support in Lethal Enforcers. Users of previous versions of bsnes will need to manually select the new driver via Settings->Configuration->Advanced->Input driver, and will need to re-map all assigned input keys, including the default user interface hotkeys. Or alternatively, delete the configuration file under %APPDATA%\.bsnes or ~/.bsnes.
Also new is an XInput driver, which avoids the DirectInput driver limitation of being unable to distinguish the two shoulder trigger buttons. This makes bsnes require DirectX 9.0c or later for the necessary drivers. Note that Windows Vista SP0 does not ship with these, so if you haven't installed it yet, you'll need to do so. This driver is part of the "RawInput" driver mentioned above.
This part is important: if you receive an error regarding xinput1_3.dll, you need to download and install the DirectX 9.0c run-time.
For those on Windows 2000, or without DirectX 9.0c, it is still possible to compile and run bsnes with the older DirectInput driver only; but I won't be providing a binary myself for this — at least not at this time.
More bad news for some: hiro, my Win32 / GTK+ API wrapper, has been discontinued and removed from the source tree for this release. Qt 4.5.0+ is now required for the user interface. Very sorry to the Linux distros that do not have packages for QT 4.5 yet. You'll need to continue with v041 for now.
2009-03-30 18:21:47 +00:00
byuu 2b587de04b Update to bsnes v041r08? release.
Okay then, if everyone possible could test this _quickly_, I can post
a new release tonight. Especially the input mapping, and especially
there for gamepads / controllers.

No source, Windows only binary.

If you get an error about xinput1_3.dll, install the DirectX 9.0c

Changes from last WIP:

- I was able to reproduce FitzRoy's issue, and fix it. Really, really
crappy gamepads that send large phantom movements when the user isn't
even touching the axes may trigger the calibration window early; not
much I can do about that. None of my controllers do this at least.

- I updated the mouse button capture window. It now uses a framed
label (kind of like a groupbox but with text in the center), and you
have to release a mouse button inside the box for it to map.

- Screensaver / monitor power saving disabled on both Windows and

- More improvements to window centering.

> Btw, are you on SP1 like me?

No, I'm using Windows 7 beta 1.

[No archive available]
2009-03-29 22:04:00 +00:00
byuu 1e133eeb5e Update to bsnes v041r07? release.
New WIP.

Rewrote a large portion of the RawInput driver, cleaning it up
substantially. Each API is now its own separate class, and pInputRaw
(the ruby private implementation class) pulls data from each separate

For keyboards, I've added the fixes for print screen and

For joypads, I added XInput controller detection through RawInput's
RIDI_DEVICENAME, instead of that crazy ass COM + wbem shit from MSDN.
I also added a proper XInput driver, so now the left and right axes
can be mapped independently, and you can use both at the same time.
All in all, quite expensive and a lot of work, but it's the little
bits of polish that really make an application shine.

Do note that MinGW still doesn't ship with libxinput.a -- it's only
been out for four years now, after all. You'll need to take XInput.lib
from the DX9 SDK x86\lib folder, copy it to MinGW\lib, and rename it
to libxinput.a. I'm surprised that works, but it does. I tried to use
LoadLibrary("xinput1_3.dll") + GetProcAddress("XInputGetState"), but
the app kept crashing in bsnes when optimizations were enabled. gdb
showed it to crash in msvcrt!memcpy() from inside dinput8.dll. No idea
what the hell was going on there.

Non-XInput controllers will fall back on using DirectInput, of course.

Fixed the joypad indexing, so multiple joypads should work again. Got
the window centering hopefully right on WinXP so that windows opening
for the first time won't 'flicker' anymore. Added the mklib(gdi32)
entry, so you can compile with -mconsole again.

Re-did the mouse capture stuff. 'Assign Mouse Button' + 'Assign Mouse
Axis' are now buttons instead of menu buttons.

For button assignment, you are given a window with a large disabled
button named '(capture box)'. The instructions say to put whatever
mouse you want over this button and click the mouse button that you
want to assign. It'll assign upon release. Right now, assignment won't
work for 1-2 seconds to prevent instant assignment when you click.
I'll make a button mask in the future to avoid that delay. Also, it
only verifies you clicked a mouse button while the capture window was
active. I'll need to look into Qt's methods for mapping cursor clicks
to control regions onscreen. Good news is it's now much easier to
assign extended buttons like up+down ... you don't have to know what
button #s they are anymore.

For axis assignment, mapping based on mouse motion is too dangerous.
So you get a window with two buttons: 'X-axis' and 'Y-axis'. I can add
Z-axis if anyone wants (for the scroll wheel), but it seems kind of
useless. The instructions say to click the axis button you want, with
the mouse you want the axis assigned to.

Now I know the instructions will probably just confuse people with
only one mouse (~99% of users), so if everyone really thinks it'd be
better to leave multi-mouse users in the dark about how the capture
system works, I can take out the verbose notes.

Hoping your controller will work now, FitzRoy. Otherwise I have no
idea what's wrong. Be sure you manually set the driver to RawInput,
too. Will most likely require a config file with "version = 42",
otherwise reset to defaults, for the next release.

[No archive available]
2009-03-29 07:48:00 +00:00
byuu 9de4b1dea2 Update to bsnes v041r06? release.
New WIP. This version adds RawInput support.

I strongly recommend just deleting the old config file, because all
the old bindings won't work. You may also need to select the driver
manually from the advanced tab (it should be the default if no config
file is found.)

I now allow up to sixteen keyboards, sixteen mice and sixteen joypads
to be uniquely identified and independently mappable. So if anyone
wants to setup a 6-man-per tag-team game of N-warp Daisakusen, now you
can. And $50 for the first person to take a picture of said event for
me ;)

While ZSNES beat me to mouse support with ManyMouse, I win with
"ManyKeyboard" :P

And if anyone wants to get me one of those SNES barcode battler games
+ hardware, I'll try and emulate a generic USB HID barcode scanner.

Let's see ... currently the mouse assignment from the UI won't work.
You'll need to edit bsnes.cfg. The format is:

mouseNN.x, mouseNN.y, mouseNN.z, mouseNN.buttonXX
NN = 0 - 16, XX = 0 - 4

Need to plan how I want to design a mouse capture window, so that will
be a while still.

Also didn't get around to the screensaver disable code just yet. Took
me seven hours straight and I just barely finished the RawInput driver
in time.

Testing would be greatly appreciated.

[No archive available]
2009-03-26 14:57:00 +00:00
byuu 2b84d1ef37 Update to bsnes v041r05? release.
Meh, window is appearing on XP when placed at -1,-1. Changed that to
2560,1600 to stop that initial flicker before the windows appear
centered. Also from the WIP I made it use showNormal() so it'll show
windows even if they were previously minimized.

> Some people prefer baby seal meat.

I'm still not following your point. I've already added it. It took me
a few days but it's done. Everything that worked before is exactly the
same, but you now have the _option_ of doing more. Binary size is the
same, source code grew by ~2k (mostly due to extreme commenting.)

Not necessary, no; but I wanted it. Now we have it, and it's one more
bit of polish (along with infinite cheat codes, infinite length
descriptions in UTF-8, cheat code grouping and sorting, UPS support,
single or multi user modes, resizable config windows, flexible theming
and backdrop images, ...) that no other SNES emulator has yet :D

And tons of stuff I'm missing: savestates, rewind, SuperFX, SA-1,
speed, macros / key combos, movies, netplay, ...


This works well enough for Windows:

    class Application : public QApplication {
      #ifdef _WIN32
      bool winEventFilter(MSG *msg, long *result) {
        if(msg->message == WM_SYSCOMMAND) {
          if(msg->wParam == SC_SCREENSAVE || msg->wParam ==
            printf("blocked sleep\n");
            *result = 0;
            return true;

        return false;

      Application(int argc, char **argv) : QApplication(argc, argv) {}

Add XTestFakeKeyEvent sans XSync (to avoid X-Video stuttering issues
per BearOso) and screensaver disable should be taken care of -- at
least until someone works on the OS X port.

[No archive available]
2009-03-24 19:15:00 +00:00
byuu e2a44195cd Update to bsnes v041r04? release.
Okay, new WIP. That's the best I can possibly do.

For all six axes, I now ignore input until the state changes for the
first time. If it goes from 0 to > 24576 in a single poll, it
considers the axis to be a button. Otherwise it treats it as a stick.

Positive on a stick means down or right, so it's less likely users
will hit this first (up, left are more common for assignment as
they're first in the control lists.)

To minimize the damage of a bad map, I now map each axis to their own
value without regard for axis vs analog button indexing. Eg you will
have { axis00, axis01, analogbutton02, analogbutton03, axis04, axis05
} instead of { axis00, axis01, analogbutton00, analogbutton01, axis02,
axis03 }. That way if you do screw up the mapping and restart, the
indexes won't change on you. I don't do that on Linux to allow as many
axes + analog buttons as possible, and because it's not needed.

I had to choose what to bias, so I went with axes as they seem more
important overall. Eg -32768 to +24575 = stick; +24576 to +32767 =
button. That means it's easier to map a button as an axis than vice

It's unfortunately still quite easy to map these incorrectly, eg if
you slam down on a button or smack a stick as hard as you can down or
to the right.

But it was basically ... have a chance of mapping inputs wrong, or
don't let them be mappable at all. The former seems better in that

If _anyone_ has a proper solution for this problem, I'd greatly
appreciate it. In fact, let's put a bounty on it. I'll pitch in $20
for the solution (a way to get the true state of axes without
requiring the user to press a button first.)

I also used EnumObjects over all absolute axes to map them to -32768
to +32767. That should help with the Xbox 360 controller that defaults
to half that range or whatever (fuck you, XInput.)

Testing would be appreciated. Both for the Windows and Linux ports,
though I can't foresee there being any problems with the Linux one.


SDL on Win32 does the same thing ... not surprising since it just uses
DirectInput anyway.

    #include <SDL/SDL.h>
    SDL_Joystick *gamepad;

    int __stdcall WinMain(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int) {

      gamepad = SDL_JoystickOpen(0);
      while(true) {
        unsigned axes = SDL_JoystickNumAxes(gamepad);
        for(unsigned n = 0; n < axes; n++) {
          printf("%d = %6d; ", n, SDL_JoystickGetAxis(gamepad, n));

      return 0;

[No archive available]
2009-03-22 02:09:00 +00:00
byuu 9ac912d100 Update to bsnes v041r03? release.
New WIP.

This adds support for hats and analog buttons, and fixes the centering
code so that it never ends up minimized on Linux at startup. Just went
back to putting the window offscreen before centering, as thanks to
the delay in propagating window messages in Xorg, you don't even
notice the flicker on Linux.

You can now have up to 8 hats, 16 axes, 16 analog buttons and 96
digital buttons. Just to future proof things. If your controller has
more than that ... then I demand you send it to me before I'll support

SDL input for Linux should work fully: hats allow four unique inputs,
axes two and analog buttons one. It calibrates to tell the difference
when you start the emulator.

DirectInput doesn't work so well. The DIJOYSTATE2 struct has a ton of
analog inputs, but only lX/lY map to the first stick, and lRx/lRy to
the analog buttons. But I can't even detect those properly because for
some bastardized reason, polling them at startup returns 0, 0. It
isn't until the user presses at least one button that the controller
'snaps out of it' and returns the proper +32767,+32767 for the two

On the bright side, DI treats POV hats like POV hats. It allows up to
four, so that's what you get. You'll have to deal with that or the
first analog stick for Windows.

Unless there's a DirectInput expert here, not sure I can fix this. The
other inputs are not in DIJOYSTATE2 at all. Yet somehow the control
panel applet can sense them.

Mapping is fully inclusive, for joypad buttons and UI shortcuts, you
can use keyboard buttons, mouse buttons, joypad buttons, joypad axes,
joypad hats, joypad analog buttons. For mouse / super scope axes, you
can use mouse axes and joypad axes. Buttons aren't bi-directional and
lack the precision to support the mouse / SS / Justifier to any usable
degree, and analog buttons are uni-directional.

> Have you thought about rendering plugins for sound, input, video?

Would rather not. Cross-platform dynamic library support is terrible.

> Hmm must be "spin the black circle" as far as I can tell.

Yeah, here. I posted about it here a while back. Probably should've
mentioned the name.

> Yeah. That cheating nonsense discourages me from really playing any
> online games with top scores like that. It sucks all the fun out of
> it.

It's usually okay when it's painfully obvious. I cleared every level
at least a dozen times, and took advantage of every collision quirk
there was to get time there. For there to be a > 30 second leap
between #4 and #5 (and #1-4 all from the same person), it's pretty
obvious that he was cheating in some way.

I consider the best time to be 03:58, and 04:06 (edit: 4:01:97 now) is
close enough to make me happy :D

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2009-03-18 16:12:00 +00:00