- Add polar coordinates to VirtualPadAnalogStick
- Update N64 pad Schema as VirtualPadAnalogStick is a bit larger
- Add Clamp method to NumberExtensions (allows a IComparable<T> value to be restriced between 2 specified other values)
- don't show chars between scrollbar and right label border
- don't add existing items to _secondaryHighlightedAddresses
- view scrolls after offscreen mouse selection
- spacing becomes more comprehensible
- display number of selected addresses if more than 1
GBA Cheats: Add Check for DEADFACE to return without conversion and issue warning about this. Add Skeleton for Action Replay MAX code conversion. Needs detection.
Add those 2 classes in order to help handling of external tools
- Also fix value setting in watches constructor
- Bugfix in loading externaltools (they loaded multiple times)
- Add new version of Hello World external tool
Whitespaces noise in RamWatch.cs... :s The code hasn't changed
Now fully use comparer class. That saves memory and offer extensibility
ItemCount property obsolete => Moved to Count property (which did the same thing)
Moved ConfigPersistAttribute.cs, IToolForm.cs, IToolFormAutoConfig.cs back to common
- save/load by slot number (select that branch if it exists)
- save/load current slot (selected branch)
- select branch by slot number
- select next/previous branch
- bind 2 default tastudio hotkeys
keep selection when branch gets removed.
select all is never used, select between markers is frequent, simplify the latter.
clone and delete are used in pair, give them similar shortcuts.
insert and clear are rare, but are simple enough to drop modifiers.
insert # of frames is even rarer, make it the hardest shortcut.
only enabled for branches and markers, since in tasview we use rightclick to start advance/rewind.
involved some hackery, like killing context menu while OnMouseDown of the given listview, then going back to InputRoll's OnMouseDown and actually selecting a new cell. can we figure out a hovered cell while context menu is still active? also, it'd make sense to do this for leftclick as well, but without context menu hiding, there doesn't seem to be a way to force updating of listviews from InputRoll.
it was forgetting to discard alpha, and when creating a bitmap it dropped anything but lua hud, since it does have alpha bits that nothing else has, and with no lua hud involved, it showed all normally, since it didn't have to drop colors with zero alpha. lol.
+ Moved WatchList.cs to specific directory (just a matter of ordering)
+ Mark some properties and methods in watchlist as obsolete
+ Create Comparer class that are used for sorting (Only domain and
address atm, other a still stored with linq). Unlike OrderBy in LINQ, it
doesn't create a new list for sorting (so it saves memory), furthermore,
it runs faster.
Finally, change to type of Watch.Address from nullable lon to regular
long (the rare times watch.Address.Value was used, there wasn't any
check of null and so, program would have crashed -
InvalidOperationException -)
both have buttons and context menu items.
if mass adding regular markers, give a warning for 50+.
marker with text can only be added one at a time.
Some improvement when you get Available types. Used to return a new
array each time you call the function. It has been transformed into an
IEnumrable and yield return.
DisplayType, PreviousType and Watchsize have been moved outside the
Watch Class
- added fceux and gens/snes9x pixelated fonts
- added gui.pixelFont() function for them (no resizing, so perfectly scalable)
- added background to drawText and pixelText (halo was painfully slow, so just a box)
- reordered fore and back colors for gui.text (no need to specify back every time we want to change fore). thought its back color was shadow, that is obsoleted by halo now, whose color we can't change. anyway, it's way slower than simple text functions, so they should be used mostly.
- option to toggle all scripts if none is selected. greatly reduces routine when heavily tweaking a script, and is just generally pretty.
So, I create a new dll named BizHawk.Client.ApiHawk and moved few stuff
to it.
Also moved some stuff to BizHawk.Client.Common. Don't think it can be
I started comment Watch and rearrange code (put some #region etc...
It compiles and it seems working :)
doesn't make much sense to add text to existing branches from lua, but highly useful to set some text to a new branch.
and we also have a default branch text variable now.
marker add called from MarkerControl doesn't check TasView selection anymore: current frame has higher priority, and if we don't want a marker on it, we use TasView's doubleclic or menu to mark selection.
sight MarkerControl cleanup.
- don't cut it on the left if tasview is narrow, push it right instead
- don't hide it instantly if it spawns right under the mouse cursor, hide it if mouse leaves *it*, not branch control
- keep consistent Y position