Add Game Shark and Action Replay Code GBA code handling. Action Replay MAX, Codebreaker, GameShark SP, and Xploder codes are not detected or handled, yet. Action Replay MAX does have a decryption key set.
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,18 +10,17 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
//Add Support/Handling for The Following Systems and Devices:
//GBA: GameShark, Action Replay (Same?), Code Breaker
//GB: Game Genie
//GameGear: Game Genie, Pro Action Replay
//NES: Pro Action Replay
//PSX: Code Breaker, Action Replay, Game Busters (What is that?!)
//GBA: Action Replay MAX, Code Breaker (That uses unique Encryption keys)
//NES: Pro Action Rocky (When someone asks)
//SNES: Possible Warning for Game Genie not working? Test fixed behaviors when ready.
//Clean up the checks to be more robust/less "hacky"
//They work but feel bad
//Verify all wording in the error reports
[ToolAttributes(released: true, supportedSystems: new[] { "GB", "GEN", "N64", "NES", "PSX", "SAT", "SMS", "SNES" })]
[ToolAttributes(released: true, supportedSystems: new[] { "GB", "GBA", "GEN", "N64", "NES", "PSX", "SAT", "SMS", "SNES" })]
public partial class GameShark : Form, IToolForm, IToolFormAutoConfig
#region " Game Genie Dictionary "
@ -124,9 +123,6 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
//Add GG/GB Game Genie Support.
//Look at the file GBGameGenie.CS
//We are using Memory Domains, so we NEED this.
private IMemoryDomains MemoryDomains { get; set; }
@ -380,23 +376,117 @@ namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
MessageBox.Show("An Error occured: " + ex.GetType().ToString(), "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private void GBA()
//Provided by mGBA and endrift
UInt32[] GBAGameSharkSeeds = { UInt32.Parse("09F4FBBD", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("9681884A", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("352027E9", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("F3DEE5A7", NumberStyles.HexNumber) };
UInt32[] GBAProActionReplaySeeds = { UInt32.Parse("7AA9648F", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("7FAE6994", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("C0EFAAD5", NumberStyles.HexNumber), UInt32.Parse("42712C57", NumberStyles.HexNumber) };
private void GBA()
//Nothing, yet
//Sample of Decryption Code from mGBA
//const uint32_t GBACheatGameSharkSeeds[4] = { 0x09F4FBBD, 0x9681884A, 0x352027E9, 0xF3DEE5A7 };
/* void GBACheatDecryptGameShark(uint32_t* op1, uint32_t* op2, const uint32_t* seeds) {
uint32_t sum = 0xC6EF3720;
Boolean blnNoCode = true;
//Clean the detection methods and improve/optimize code conversion.
testo = null;
//We have a Game Shark or Action Replay.
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 17 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") == 8)
parseString = txtCheat.Text;
UInt32 op1 = 0;
UInt32 op2 = 0;
UInt32 sum = 0xC6EF3720;
op1 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(8, 9), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
op2 = UInt32.Parse(parseString.Remove(0, 9), NumberStyles.HexNumber);
//Tiny Encryption Algorithm
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
*op2 -= ((*op1 << 4) + seeds[2]) ^ (*op1 + sum) ^ ((*op1 >> 5) + seeds[3]);
*op1 -= ((*op2 << 4) + seeds[0]) ^ (*op2 + sum) ^ ((*op2 >> 5) + seeds[1]);
op2 -= ((op1 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[2]) ^ (op1 + sum) ^ ((op1 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[3]);
op1 -= ((op2 << 4) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[0]) ^ (op2 + sum) ^ ((op2 >> 5) + GBAGameSharkSeeds[1]);
sum -= 0x9E3779B9;
//op1 has the Address
//op2 has the Value
//Sum, is pointless?
RAMAddress = string.Format("{0:X8}", op1);
RAMAddress = RAMAddress.Remove(0, 1);
RAMValue = string.Format("{0:X8}", op2);
if (RAMAddress.StartsWith("D4"))
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not supported by BizHawk.", "Emulator Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
parseString = RAMValue.Remove(4, 4);
//Is it a Word or Double Word?
if (parseString == "0000")
//We assume. Why not.
byteSize = 16;
RAMValue = RAMValue.Remove(0, 4);
else if (parseString != "0000")
byteSize = 32;
blnNoCode = false;
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 12)
MessageBox.Show("Encrypted Codebreaker/GameShark SP/Xploder codes are not supported by this tool.", "Tool error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
if (txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") != 8 && txtCheat.Text.Length != 12)
MessageBox.Show("ALL Codes for Action Replay, Action Replay MAX, Codebreaker, GameShark Advance, GameShark SP, Xploder have a Space after the 8th character.", "Input Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
//Decrypted Codebreaker, GameShark SP, Xploder
//Encypted Codebreaker, GameShark SP, Xploder is not handled, yet.
if (txtCheat.Text.Length == 13 && txtCheat.Text.IndexOf(" ") == 8)
//Get the first byte to deterime what kind of code it is.
testo = txtCheat.Text.Remove(1, 12);
case "3":
byteSize = 8;
case "8":
case "E":
byteSize = 16;
//What code is this?! It must be bad?
MessageBox.Show("The code you entered is not recognized as a decrypted Codebreaker, GameShark SP or Xploder Code.", "Unrecognized Code", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
blnNoCode = false;
//Now let's do some legit crazy
parseString = txtCheat.Text.Remove(0, 1);
RAMAddress = parseString.Remove(7, 5);
RAMValue = parseString.Remove(0, 8);
//We have a code
if (blnNoCode == false)
if (byteSize == 8)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), Watch.WatchSize.Byte, Watch.DisplayType.Hex, txtDescription.Text, false);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
else if (byteSize == 16)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), Watch.WatchSize.Word, Watch.DisplayType.Hex, txtDescription.Text, false);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
else if (byteSize == 32)
var watch = Watch.GenerateWatch(MemoryDomains["System Bus"], long.Parse(RAMAddress, NumberStyles.HexNumber), Watch.WatchSize.DWord, Watch.DisplayType.Hex, txtCheat.Text, false);
Global.CheatList.Add(new Cheat(watch, int.Parse(RAMValue, NumberStyles.HexNumber)));
private void GEN()
Reference in New Issue