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using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Atari.Atari2600
2012-10-30 22:14:31 +00:00
partial class Atari2600
class mDPC : MapperBase
private ulong totalCycles = 0;
private ulong elapsedCycles = 0;
private double FractionalClocks;
private int bank_4k = 0;
private IntBuffer Counters = new IntBuffer(8);
private ByteBuffer Flags = new ByteBuffer(8);
private IntBuffer Tops = new IntBuffer(8);
private IntBuffer Bottoms = new IntBuffer(8);
private ByteBuffer DisplayBank_2k = new ByteBuffer(2048);
private byte RandomNumber = 0;
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private bool[] MusicMode = new bool[3]; //TOOD: savestates
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public override byte PeekMemory(ushort addr)
return base.PeekMemory(addr); //TODO
public override void ClockCpu()
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public override byte ReadMemory(ushort addr)
addr &= 0x0FFF;
if (addr < 0x0040)
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byte result = 0;
int index = addr & 0x07;
int function = (addr >> 3) & 0x07;
// Update flag register for selected data fetcher
if ((Counters[index] & 0x00ff) == Tops[index])
Flags[index] = 0xff;
else if ((Counters[index] & 0x00ff) == Bottoms[index])
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Flags[index] = 0x00;
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switch (function)
result = 0;
case 0x00:
if (index < 4)
result = RandomNumber;
else //it's a music read
byte[] MusicAmplitudes = {
0x00, 0x04, 0x05, 0x09, 0x06, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0f
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//// Update the music data fetchers (counter & flag)
byte i = 0;
if(MusicMode[0] && Flags[5] > 0)
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i |= 0x01;
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if(MusicMode[1] && Flags[6] > 0)
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i |= 0x02;
if(MusicMode[2] && Flags[7] > 0)
i |= 0x04;
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result = MusicAmplitudes[i];
case 0x01:
result = DisplayBank_2k[2047 - Counters[index]];
case 0x02:
result = DisplayBank_2k[2047 - (Counters[index] & Flags[index])];
case 0x07:
result = Flags[index];
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// Clock the selected data fetcher's counter if needed
if ((index < 5) || ((index >= 5) && (!MusicMode[index - 5])))
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Counters[index] = (Counters[index] - 1) & 0x07ff;
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return result;
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return core.rom[(bank_4k << 12) + addr];
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public override void WriteMemory(ushort addr, byte value)
addr &= 0x0FFF;
// Clock the random number generator. This should be done for every
// cartridge access, however, we're only doing it for the DPC and
// hot-spot accesses to save time.
if ((addr >= 0x0040) && (addr < 0x0080))
// Get the index of the data fetcher that's being accessed
int index = addr & 0x07;
int function = (addr >> 3) & 0x07;
switch (function)
case 0x00: // DFx top count
Tops[index] = value;
Flags[index] = 0x00;
case 0x01: // DFx bottom count
Bottoms[index] = value;
case 0x02: // DFx counter low
if ((index >= 5) && MusicMode[index - 5])
Counters[index] = (Counters[index] & 0x0700) | Tops[index]; // Data fetcher is in music mode so its low counter value should be loaded from the top register not the poked value
// Data fetcher is either not a music mode data fetcher or it
// isn't in music mode so it's low counter value should be loaded
// with the poked value
Counters[index] = (Counters[index] & 0x0700) | value;
case 0x03: // DFx counter high
Counters[index] = ((value & 0x07) << 8) | (Counters[index] & 0x00ff);
// Execute special code for music mode data fetchers
if (index >= 5)
MusicMode[index - 5] = (value & 0x10) > 0 ? true : false;
// NOTE: We are not handling the clock source input for
// the music mode data fetchers. We're going to assume
// they always use the OSC input.
case 0x06: // Random Number Generator Reset
RandomNumber = 1;
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private void Address(ushort addr)
if (addr == 0x0FF8)
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bank_4k = 0;
else if (addr == 0x0FF9)
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bank_4k = 1;
public override void Dispose()
public override void SyncState(Serializer ser)
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ser.Sync("bank_4k", ref bank_4k);
ser.Sync("DisplayBank_2k", ref DisplayBank_2k);
ser.Sync("Flags", ref Flags);
ser.Sync("Counters", ref Counters);
ser.Sync("RandomNumber", ref RandomNumber);
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private void UpdateMusicModeDataFetchers()
// Calculate the number of cycles since the last update
//int cycles = mySystem->cycles() - mySystemCycles;
//mySystemCycles = mySystem->cycles();
ulong cycles = totalCycles - elapsedCycles;
elapsedCycles = totalCycles;
// Calculate the number of DPC OSC clocks since the last update
double clocks = ((20000.0 * cycles) / 1193191.66666667) + FractionalClocks;
int wholeClocks = (int)clocks;
FractionalClocks = clocks - (double)wholeClocks;
if (wholeClocks <= 0)
// Let's update counters and flags of the music mode data fetchers
for (int x = 5; x <= 7; ++x)
// Update only if the data fetcher is in music mode
if (MusicMode[x - 5])
int top = Tops[x] + 1;
int newLow = Counters[x] & 0x00ff;
if (Tops[x] != 0)
newLow -= (wholeClocks % top);
if (newLow < 0)
newLow += top;
newLow = 0;
// Update flag register for this data fetcher
if (newLow <= Bottoms[x])
Flags[x] = 0x00;
else if (newLow <= Tops[x])
Flags[x] = 0xff;
Counters[x] = (Counters[x] & 0x0700) | newLow;
private void ClockRandomNumberGenerator()
// Table for computing the input bit of the random number generator's
// shift register (it's the NOT of the EOR of four bits)
byte[] f = {
1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1
// Using bits 7, 5, 4, & 3 of the shift register compute the input
// bit for the shift register
byte bit = f[((RandomNumber >> 3) & 0x07) |
((RandomNumber & 0x80) > 0 ? 0x08 : 0x00)];
// Update the shift register
RandomNumber = (byte)(RandomNumber << 1 | bit);
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