* Tasedit: input history, undo (Ctrl-Z), redo (Ctrl-Y)
* Tasedit: greenzone reduces only from the point with actual differences were found
* Tasedit: history ListView, jumping to any position
* Tasedit: Config->Set max Undo levels (1-999, 100)
* Tasedit: View->Jump when making undo, undo hint line
* Tasedit: saving/loading history to .tas file
* Tasedit: special method of inserting frames
* Tasedit: progressbar updating when loading/saving large projects
* Tasedit: moved "Follow cursor" checkbox from View menu to main TASEdit window
* Tasedit: multitrack recording radio buttons (no multitracking yet)
* Tasedit: View->Show dot in empty cells
* Tasedit: ClearFrames (Del), Cut operation clears frames instead of deleting
* Tasedit: project name in window caption, star in window caption (changes)
* Tasedit: checking unsaved project on Exit and Open project
* now Tasedit operates with rerecords_counter, no more such thing as tweak_count, because new way of accounting tweaks resembles rerecords too much
* Config->Movie options->Always suggest Read-Only replay (for Replay dialog)
* Tasedit: auto clear "Disable speed throttling" and "Run in background", auto set "Set high-priority thread" when entering TASEdit; FCEUX runs in bg when TASEdit has focus
* Tasedit: Config->"Mute Turbo" check (same as in Config->Sound)
* fixed long "savestate" messages containing path
* Tasedit: new menu item "Config"
* Tasedit: Config->"Set greenzone capacity", auto-clearing old savestates
* Tasedit: pauseframe is shown by flashing color
* Tasedit: "Auto-restore last position" checkbox in playback controls; if checked: after every greenzone invalidation playback cursor tries to jump to last position
* Tasedit: copied "Insert number of Frames" from stray-click menu to context menu
* Tasedit: fixed item drawing method, no more flicker and slowdowns
* updated contents of changelog.txt and Authors.txt, changed version.h
* Added string "Tweak Count" to Replay loading dialog
* Tasedit: View - "Show Tweak count"
* Tasedit: rewrote project save/load functions
* Tasedit: fixed old bug caused by not initializing input ports
* Tasedit: checking movie fourscore flag when creating/opening project; only show columns for pads 3 and 4 if fourscore is attached
* fixed column widths
* frame_display can be shown in taseditor mode
* ">>" button now jumps to the end of greenzone
* some other hotkeys now also work in TAS Editor
Fixed hidden bug:
* user could change previous input by clicking on header (thus not changing currFrameCounter) and then continue greenzoning from irrelevant savestate with Frame Advance key
* how it was fixed: now currFrameCounter resets to last frame of greenzone