
839 lines
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auto Z80::disassemble(uint16 pc) -> string {
Update to v101r27 release. byuu says: Changelog: - SMS: emulated the generic Sega memory mapper (none of the more limited forms of it yet) - (missing ROM shift, ROM write enable emulation -- no commercial games use either, though) - SMS: bus I/O returns 0xff instead of 0x00 so games don't think every key is being pressed at once - (this is a hack until I implement proper controller pad reading) - SMS: very limited protection against reading/writing past the end of ROM/RAM (todo: should mirror) - SMS: VDP background HSCROLL subtracts, rather than adds, to the offset (unlike VSCROLL) - SMS: VDP VSCROLL is 9-bit, modulates voffset+vscroll to 224 in 192-line mode (32x28 tilemap) - SMS: VDP tiledata for backgrounds and sprites use `7-(x&7)` rather than `(x&7)` - SMS: fix output color to be 6-bit rather than 5-bit - SMS: left clip uses register `#7`, not palette color `#7` - (todo: do we want `color[reg7]` or `color[16 + reg7]`?) - SMS: refined handling of 0xcb, 0xed prefixes in the Z80 core and its disassembler - SMS: emulated (0xfd, 0xdd) 0xcb opcodes 0x00-0x0f (still missing 0x10-0xff) - SMS: fixed 0xcb 0b-----110 opcodes to use direct HL and never allow (IX,IY)+d - SMS: fixed major logic bug in (IX,IY)+d displacement - (was using `read(x)` instead of `operand()` for the displacement byte fetch before) - icarus: fake there always being 32KiB of RAM in all SMS cartridges for the time being - (not sure how to detect this stuff yet; although I've read it's not even really possible `>_>`) TODO: remove processor/z80/dissassembler.cpp code block at line 396 (as it's unnecessary.) Lots of commercial games are starting to show trashed graphical output now.
2017-01-06 08:11:38 +00:00
string s, output;
s.append(hex(pc, 4L), " ");
uint8 prefix = 0x00;
auto code = bus->read(pc++);
if(code == 0xdd || code == 0xfd) {
prefix = code;
code = bus->read(pc++);
if(code == 0xdd || code == 0xfd) {
if(prefix == 0xdd) {
goto finish;
if(prefix == 0xfd) {
goto finish;
Update to v101r27 release. byuu says: Changelog: - SMS: emulated the generic Sega memory mapper (none of the more limited forms of it yet) - (missing ROM shift, ROM write enable emulation -- no commercial games use either, though) - SMS: bus I/O returns 0xff instead of 0x00 so games don't think every key is being pressed at once - (this is a hack until I implement proper controller pad reading) - SMS: very limited protection against reading/writing past the end of ROM/RAM (todo: should mirror) - SMS: VDP background HSCROLL subtracts, rather than adds, to the offset (unlike VSCROLL) - SMS: VDP VSCROLL is 9-bit, modulates voffset+vscroll to 224 in 192-line mode (32x28 tilemap) - SMS: VDP tiledata for backgrounds and sprites use `7-(x&7)` rather than `(x&7)` - SMS: fix output color to be 6-bit rather than 5-bit - SMS: left clip uses register `#7`, not palette color `#7` - (todo: do we want `color[reg7]` or `color[16 + reg7]`?) - SMS: refined handling of 0xcb, 0xed prefixes in the Z80 core and its disassembler - SMS: emulated (0xfd, 0xdd) 0xcb opcodes 0x00-0x0f (still missing 0x10-0xff) - SMS: fixed 0xcb 0b-----110 opcodes to use direct HL and never allow (IX,IY)+d - SMS: fixed major logic bug in (IX,IY)+d displacement - (was using `read(x)` instead of `operand()` for the displacement byte fetch before) - icarus: fake there always being 32KiB of RAM in all SMS cartridges for the time being - (not sure how to detect this stuff yet; although I've read it's not even really possible `>_>`) TODO: remove processor/z80/dissassembler.cpp code block at line 396 (as it's unnecessary.) Lots of commercial games are starting to show trashed graphical output now.
2017-01-06 08:11:38 +00:00
if(code == 0xcb && prefix) {
auto d = (int8)code;
code = bus->read(pc++);
output = disassembleCBd(pc, prefix, d, code);
} else if(code == 0xcb) {
code = bus->read(pc++);
output = disassembleCB(pc, prefix, code);
} else if(code == 0xed) {
code = bus->read(pc++);
output = disassembleED(pc, prefix, code);
} else {
output = disassemble(pc, prefix, code);
s.append(pad(output, -18L, ' '));
s.append(" AF:", hex(, 4L));
s.append(" BC:", hex(r.bc.word, 4L));
s.append(" DE:", hex(, 4L));
s.append(" HL:", hex(r.hl.word, 4L));
s.append(" IX:", hex(r.ix.word, 4L));
s.append(" IY:", hex(r.iy.word, 4L));
s.append(" SP:", hex(r.sp, 4L));
return s;
#define op(id, name, ...) case id: return {name, " ", string_vector{__VA_ARGS__}.merge(",")};
#define N string{"$", hex(byte(), 2L)}
#define IN string{"(", N, ")"}
#define NN string{"$", hex(word(), 4L)}
#define INN string{"(", NN, ")"}
#define REL string{"$", hex(branch(), 4L)}
#define A "a"
#define F "f"
#define B "b"
#define C "c"
#define D "d"
#define E "e"
#define H prefix == 0xdd ? "ixh" : prefix == 0xfd ? "iyh" : "h"
#define L prefix == 0xdd ? "ixl" : prefix == 0xfd ? "iyl" : "l"
#define _H "h"
#define _L "l"
#define _HL "hl"
#define AF "af"
#define BC "bc"
#define DE "de"
#define HL prefix == 0xdd ? "ix" : prefix == 0xfd ? "iy" : "hl"
#define AF_ "af'"
#define BC_ "bc'"
#define DE_ "de'"
#define HL_ "hl'"
#define SP "sp"
#define PC "pc"
#define I "i"
#define R "r"
#define IC "(c)"
#define IBC "(bc)"
#define IDE "(de)"
#define IHL string{"(", HL, displace(), ")"}
#define ISP "(sp)"
Update to v101r27 release. byuu says: Changelog: - SMS: emulated the generic Sega memory mapper (none of the more limited forms of it yet) - (missing ROM shift, ROM write enable emulation -- no commercial games use either, though) - SMS: bus I/O returns 0xff instead of 0x00 so games don't think every key is being pressed at once - (this is a hack until I implement proper controller pad reading) - SMS: very limited protection against reading/writing past the end of ROM/RAM (todo: should mirror) - SMS: VDP background HSCROLL subtracts, rather than adds, to the offset (unlike VSCROLL) - SMS: VDP VSCROLL is 9-bit, modulates voffset+vscroll to 224 in 192-line mode (32x28 tilemap) - SMS: VDP tiledata for backgrounds and sprites use `7-(x&7)` rather than `(x&7)` - SMS: fix output color to be 6-bit rather than 5-bit - SMS: left clip uses register `#7`, not palette color `#7` - (todo: do we want `color[reg7]` or `color[16 + reg7]`?) - SMS: refined handling of 0xcb, 0xed prefixes in the Z80 core and its disassembler - SMS: emulated (0xfd, 0xdd) 0xcb opcodes 0x00-0x0f (still missing 0x10-0xff) - SMS: fixed 0xcb 0b-----110 opcodes to use direct HL and never allow (IX,IY)+d - SMS: fixed major logic bug in (IX,IY)+d displacement - (was using `read(x)` instead of `operand()` for the displacement byte fetch before) - icarus: fake there always being 32KiB of RAM in all SMS cartridges for the time being - (not sure how to detect this stuff yet; although I've read it's not even really possible `>_>`) TODO: remove processor/z80/dissassembler.cpp code block at line 396 (as it's unnecessary.) Lots of commercial games are starting to show trashed graphical output now.
2017-01-06 08:11:38 +00:00
auto Z80::disassemble(uint16 pc, uint8 prefix, uint8 code) -> string {
auto byte = [&] {
return bus->read(pc++);
auto word = [&] {
uint16 data = byte() << 0;
return data | byte() << 8;
auto branch = [&] {
auto d = byte();
return pc + (int8)d;
auto displace = [&] {
if(!prefix) return string{};
auto d = (int8)byte();
return d >= 0 ? string{"+$", hex(d, 2L)} : string{"-$", hex(-d, 2L)};
switch(code) {
op(0x00, "nop ")
op(0x01, "ld ", BC, NN)
op(0x02, "ld ", IBC, A)
op(0x03, "inc ", BC)
op(0x04, "inc ", B)
op(0x05, "dec ", B)
op(0x06, "ld ", B, N)
op(0x07, "rlca")
op(0x08, "ex ", AF, AF_)
op(0x09, "add ", HL, BC)
op(0x0a, "ld ", A, IBC)
op(0x0b, "dec ", BC)
op(0x0c, "inc ", C)
op(0x0d, "dec ", C)
op(0x0e, "ld ", C, N)
op(0x0f, "rrca")
op(0x10, "djnz", REL)
op(0x11, "ld ", DE, NN)
op(0x12, "ld ", IDE, A)
op(0x13, "inc ", DE)
op(0x14, "inc ", D)
op(0x15, "dec ", D)
op(0x16, "ld ", E, N)
op(0x17, "rla ")
op(0x18, "jr ", REL)
op(0x19, "add ", HL, DE)
op(0x1a, "ld ", A, IDE)
op(0x1b, "dec ", DE)
op(0x1c, "inc ", E)
op(0x1d, "dec ", E)
op(0x1e, "ld ", E, N)
op(0x1f, "rra ")
op(0x20, "jr ", "nz", REL)
op(0x21, "ld ", HL, NN)
op(0x22, "ld ", INN, HL)
op(0x23, "inc ", HL)
op(0x24, "inc ", H)
op(0x25, "dec ", H)
op(0x26, "ld ", H, N)
op(0x27, "daa ")
op(0x28, "jr ", "z", REL)
op(0x29, "add ", HL, HL)
op(0x2a, "ld ", HL, INN)
op(0x2b, "dec ", HL)
op(0x2c, "inc ", L)
op(0x2d, "dec ", L)
op(0x2e, "ld ", L, N)
op(0x2f, "cpl ")
op(0x30, "jr ", "nc", REL)
op(0x31, "ld ", SP, NN)
op(0x32, "ld ", INN, A)
op(0x33, "inc ", SP)
op(0x34, "inc ", IHL)
op(0x35, "dec ", IHL)
op(0x36, "ld ", IHL, N)
op(0x37, "scf ")
op(0x38, "jr ", "c", REL)
op(0x39, "add ", HL, SP)
op(0x3a, "ld ", A, INN)
op(0x3b, "dec ", SP)
op(0x3c, "inc ", A)
op(0x3d, "dec ", A)
op(0x3e, "ld ", A, N)
op(0x3f, "ccf ")
op(0x40, "ld ", B, B)
op(0x41, "ld ", B, C)
op(0x42, "ld ", B, D)
op(0x43, "ld ", B, E)
op(0x44, "ld ", B, H)
op(0x45, "ld ", B, L)
op(0x46, "ld ", B, IHL)
op(0x47, "ld ", B, A)
op(0x48, "ld ", C, B)
op(0x49, "ld ", C, C)
op(0x4a, "ld ", C, D)
op(0x4b, "ld ", C, E)
op(0x4c, "ld ", C, H)
op(0x4d, "ld ", C, L)
op(0x4e, "ld ", C, IHL)
op(0x4f, "ld ", C, A)
op(0x50, "ld ", D, B)
op(0x51, "ld ", D, C)
op(0x52, "ld ", D, D)
op(0x53, "ld ", D, E)
op(0x54, "ld ", D, H)
op(0x55, "ld ", D, L)
op(0x56, "ld ", D, IHL)
op(0x57, "ld ", D, A)
op(0x58, "ld ", E, B)
op(0x59, "ld ", E, C)
op(0x5a, "ld ", E, D)
op(0x5b, "ld ", E, E)
op(0x5c, "ld ", E, H)
op(0x5d, "ld ", E, L)
op(0x5e, "ld ", E, IHL)
op(0x5f, "ld ", E, A)
op(0x60, "ld ", H, B)
op(0x61, "ld ", H, C)
op(0x62, "ld ", H, D)
op(0x63, "ld ", H, E)
op(0x64, "ld ", H, H)
op(0x65, "ld ", H, L)
op(0x66, "ld ", _H, IHL)
op(0x67, "ld ", H, A)
op(0x68, "ld ", L, B)
op(0x69, "ld ", L, C)
op(0x6a, "ld ", L, D)
op(0x6b, "ld ", L, E)
op(0x6c, "ld ", L, H)
op(0x6d, "ld ", L, L)
op(0x6e, "ld ", _L, IHL)
op(0x6f, "ld ", L, A)
op(0x70, "ld ", IHL, B)
op(0x71, "ld ", IHL, C)
op(0x72, "ld ", IHL, D)
op(0x73, "ld ", IHL, E)
op(0x74, "ld ", IHL, _H)
op(0x75, "ld ", IHL, _L)
op(0x76, "halt")
op(0x77, "ld ", IHL, A)
op(0x78, "ld ", A, B)
op(0x79, "ld ", A, C)
op(0x7a, "ld ", A, D)
op(0x7b, "ld ", A, E)
op(0x7c, "ld ", A, H)
op(0x7d, "ld ", A, L)
op(0x7e, "ld ", A, IHL)
op(0x7f, "ld ", A, A)
op(0x80, "add ", A, B)
op(0x81, "add ", A, C)
op(0x82, "add ", A, D)
op(0x83, "add ", A, E)
op(0x84, "add ", A, H)
op(0x85, "add ", A, L)
op(0x86, "add ", A, IHL)
op(0x87, "add ", A, A)
op(0x88, "adc ", A, B)
op(0x89, "adc ", A, C)
op(0x8a, "adc ", A, D)
op(0x8b, "adc ", A, E)
op(0x8c, "adc ", A, H)
op(0x8d, "adc ", A, L)
op(0x8e, "adc ", A, IHL)
op(0x8f, "adc ", A, A)
op(0x90, "sub ", A, B)
op(0x91, "sub ", A, C)
op(0x92, "sub ", A, D)
op(0x93, "sub ", A, E)
op(0x94, "sub ", A, H)
op(0x95, "sub ", A, L)
op(0x96, "sub ", A, IHL)
op(0x97, "sub ", A, A)
op(0x98, "sbc ", A, B)
op(0x99, "sbc ", A, C)
op(0x9a, "sbc ", A, D)
op(0x9b, "sbc ", A, E)
op(0x9c, "sbc ", A, H)
op(0x9d, "sbc ", A, L)
op(0x9e, "sbc ", A, IHL)
op(0x9f, "sbc ", A, A)
op(0xa0, "and ", A, B)
op(0xa1, "and ", A, C)
op(0xa2, "and ", A, D)
op(0xa3, "and ", A, E)
op(0xa4, "and ", A, H)
op(0xa5, "and ", A, L)
op(0xa6, "and ", A, IHL)
op(0xa7, "and ", A, A)
op(0xa8, "xor ", A, B)
op(0xa9, "xor ", A, C)
op(0xaa, "xor ", A, D)
op(0xab, "xor ", A, E)
op(0xac, "xor ", A, H)
op(0xad, "xor ", A, L)
op(0xae, "xor ", A, HL)
op(0xaf, "xor ", A, A)
op(0xb0, "or ", A, B)
op(0xb1, "or ", A, C)
op(0xb2, "or ", A, D)
op(0xb3, "or ", A, E)
op(0xb4, "or ", A, H)
op(0xb5, "or ", A, L)
op(0xb6, "or ", A, IHL)
op(0xb7, "or ", A, A)
op(0xb8, "cp ", A, B)
op(0xb9, "cp ", A, C)
op(0xba, "cp ", A, D)
op(0xbb, "cp ", A, E)
op(0xbc, "cp ", A, H)
op(0xbd, "cp ", A, L)
op(0xbe, "cp ", A, IHL)
op(0xbf, "cp ", A, A)
op(0xc0, "ret ", "nz")
op(0xc1, "pop ", BC)
op(0xc2, "jp ", "nz", NN)
op(0xc3, "jp ", NN)
op(0xc4, "call", "nz", NN)
op(0xc5, "push", BC)
op(0xc6, "add ", A, N)
op(0xc7, "rst ", "0")
op(0xc8, "ret ", "z")
op(0xc9, "ret ")
op(0xca, "jp ", "z", NN)
op(0xcb, "cb: ")
op(0xcc, "call", "z", NN)
op(0xcd, "call", NN)
op(0xce, "adc ", A, N)
op(0xcf, "rst ", "1")
op(0xd0, "ret ", "nc")
op(0xd1, "pop ", DE)
op(0xd2, "jp ", "nc", NN)
op(0xd3, "out ", IN, A)
op(0xd4, "call", "nc", NN)
op(0xd5, "push", DE)
op(0xd6, "sub ", A, N)
op(0xd7, "rst ", "2")
op(0xd8, "ret ", "c")
op(0xd9, "exx ")
op(0xda, "jp ", "c", NN)
op(0xdb, "in ", A, IN)
op(0xdc, "call", "c", NN)
op(0xdd, "ix: ")
op(0xde, "sbc ", A, N)
op(0xdf, "rst ", "3")
op(0xe0, "ret ", "po")
op(0xe1, "pop ", HL)
op(0xe2, "jp ", "po", NN)
op(0xe4, "call", "po", NN)
op(0xe5, "push", HL)
op(0xe6, "and ", A, N)
op(0xe7, "rst ", "4")
op(0xe8, "ret ", "pe")
op(0xe9, "jp ", HL) //officially jp (hl); but as read is not indirect, use jp hl
op(0xea, "jp ", "pe", NN)
op(0xeb, "ex ", DE, _HL)
op(0xec, "call", "pe", NN)
op(0xed, "ed: ")
op(0xee, "xor ", A, N)
op(0xef, "rst ", "5")
op(0xf0, "ret ", "p")
op(0xf1, "pop ", AF)
op(0xf2, "jp ", "p", NN)
op(0xf3, "di ")
op(0xf4, "call", "p", NN)
op(0xf5, "push", AF)
op(0xf6, "or ", A, N)
op(0xf7, "rst ", "6")
op(0xf8, "ret ", "m")
op(0xf9, "ld ", SP, HL)
op(0xfa, "jp ", "m", NN)
op(0xfb, "ei ")
op(0xfc, "call", "m", NN)
op(0xfd, "iy: ")
op(0xfe, "cp ", A, N)
op(0xff, "rst ", "7")
auto Z80::disassembleCB(uint16 pc, uint8 prefix, uint8 code) -> string {
auto byte = [&] {
return bus->read(pc++);
auto word = [&] {
uint16 data = byte() << 0;
return data | byte() << 8;
auto branch = [&] {
auto d = byte();
return pc + (int8)d;
auto displace = [&] {
if(!prefix) return string{};
auto d = (int8)byte();
return d >= 0 ? string{"+$", hex(d, 2L)} : string{"-$", hex(-d, 2L)};
Update to v101r27 release. byuu says: Changelog: - SMS: emulated the generic Sega memory mapper (none of the more limited forms of it yet) - (missing ROM shift, ROM write enable emulation -- no commercial games use either, though) - SMS: bus I/O returns 0xff instead of 0x00 so games don't think every key is being pressed at once - (this is a hack until I implement proper controller pad reading) - SMS: very limited protection against reading/writing past the end of ROM/RAM (todo: should mirror) - SMS: VDP background HSCROLL subtracts, rather than adds, to the offset (unlike VSCROLL) - SMS: VDP VSCROLL is 9-bit, modulates voffset+vscroll to 224 in 192-line mode (32x28 tilemap) - SMS: VDP tiledata for backgrounds and sprites use `7-(x&7)` rather than `(x&7)` - SMS: fix output color to be 6-bit rather than 5-bit - SMS: left clip uses register `#7`, not palette color `#7` - (todo: do we want `color[reg7]` or `color[16 + reg7]`?) - SMS: refined handling of 0xcb, 0xed prefixes in the Z80 core and its disassembler - SMS: emulated (0xfd, 0xdd) 0xcb opcodes 0x00-0x0f (still missing 0x10-0xff) - SMS: fixed 0xcb 0b-----110 opcodes to use direct HL and never allow (IX,IY)+d - SMS: fixed major logic bug in (IX,IY)+d displacement - (was using `read(x)` instead of `operand()` for the displacement byte fetch before) - icarus: fake there always being 32KiB of RAM in all SMS cartridges for the time being - (not sure how to detect this stuff yet; although I've read it's not even really possible `>_>`) TODO: remove processor/z80/dissassembler.cpp code block at line 396 (as it's unnecessary.) Lots of commercial games are starting to show trashed graphical output now.
2017-01-06 08:11:38 +00:00
if(prefix) {
auto d = (int8)code;
string ds = d >= 0 ? string{"+$", hex(d, 2L)} : string{"-$", hex(-d, 2L)};
return {"rlc (", HL, ds, ")"};
switch(code) {
op(0x00, "rlc ", B)
op(0x01, "rlc ", C)
op(0x02, "rlc ", D)
op(0x03, "rlc ", E)
op(0x04, "rlc ", H)
op(0x05, "rlc ", L)
op(0x06, "rlc ", IHL)
op(0x07, "rlc ", A)
op(0x08, "rrc ", B)
op(0x09, "rrc ", C)
op(0x0a, "rrc ", D)
op(0x0b, "rrc ", E)
op(0x0c, "rrc ", H)
op(0x0d, "rrc ", L)
op(0x0e, "rrc ", IHL)
op(0x0f, "rrc ", A)
op(0x10, "rl ", B)
op(0x11, "rl ", C)
op(0x12, "rl ", D)
op(0x13, "rl ", E)
op(0x14, "rl ", H)
op(0x15, "rl ", L)
op(0x16, "rl ", IHL)
op(0x17, "rl ", A)
op(0x18, "rr ", B)
op(0x19, "rr ", C)
op(0x1a, "rr ", D)
op(0x1b, "rr ", E)
op(0x1c, "rr ", H)
op(0x1d, "rr ", L)
op(0x1e, "rr ", IHL)
op(0x1f, "rr ", A)
op(0x20, "sla ", B)
op(0x21, "sla ", C)
op(0x22, "sla ", D)
op(0x23, "sla ", E)
op(0x24, "sla ", H)
op(0x25, "sla ", L)
op(0x26, "sla ", IHL)
op(0x27, "sla ", A)
op(0x28, "sra ", B)
op(0x29, "sra ", C)
op(0x2a, "sra ", D)
op(0x2b, "sra ", E)
op(0x2c, "sra ", H)
op(0x2d, "sra ", L)
op(0x2e, "sra ", IHL)
op(0x2f, "sra ", A)
op(0x30, "sll ", B)
op(0x31, "sll ", C)
op(0x32, "sll ", D)
op(0x33, "sll ", E)
op(0x34, "sll ", H)
op(0x35, "sll ", L)
op(0x36, "sll ", IHL)
op(0x37, "sll ", A)
op(0x38, "srl ", B)
op(0x39, "srl ", C)
op(0x3a, "srl ", D)
op(0x3b, "srl ", E)
op(0x3c, "srl ", H)
op(0x3d, "srl ", L)
op(0x3e, "srl ", IHL)
op(0x3f, "srl ", A)
op(0x40, "bit ", "0,", B)
op(0x41, "bit ", "0,", C)
op(0x42, "bit ", "0,", D)
op(0x43, "bit ", "0,", E)
op(0x44, "bit ", "0,", H)
op(0x45, "bit ", "0,", L)
op(0x46, "bit ", "0,", IHL)
op(0x47, "bit ", "0,", A)
op(0x48, "bit ", "1,", B)
op(0x49, "bit ", "1,", C)
op(0x4a, "bit ", "1,", D)
op(0x4b, "bit ", "1,", E)
op(0x4c, "bit ", "1,", H)
op(0x4d, "bit ", "1,", L)
op(0x4e, "bit ", "1,", IHL)
op(0x4f, "bit ", "1,", A)
op(0x50, "bit ", "2,", B)
op(0x51, "bit ", "2,", C)
op(0x52, "bit ", "2,", D)
op(0x53, "bit ", "2,", E)
op(0x54, "bit ", "2,", H)
op(0x55, "bit ", "2,", L)
op(0x56, "bit ", "2,", IHL)
op(0x57, "bit ", "2,", A)
op(0x58, "bit ", "3,", B)
op(0x59, "bit ", "3,", C)
op(0x5a, "bit ", "3,", D)
op(0x5b, "bit ", "3,", E)
op(0x5c, "bit ", "3,", H)
op(0x5d, "bit ", "3,", L)
op(0x5e, "bit ", "3,", IHL)
op(0x5f, "bit ", "3,", A)
op(0x60, "bit ", "4,", B)
op(0x61, "bit ", "4,", C)
op(0x62, "bit ", "4,", D)
op(0x63, "bit ", "4,", E)
op(0x64, "bit ", "4,", H)
op(0x65, "bit ", "4,", L)
op(0x66, "bit ", "4,", IHL)
op(0x67, "bit ", "4,", A)
op(0x68, "bit ", "5,", B)
op(0x69, "bit ", "5,", C)
op(0x6a, "bit ", "5,", D)
op(0x6b, "bit ", "5,", E)
op(0x6c, "bit ", "5,", H)
op(0x6d, "bit ", "5,", L)
op(0x6e, "bit ", "5,", IHL)
op(0x6f, "bit ", "5,", A)
op(0x70, "bit ", "6,", B)
op(0x71, "bit ", "6,", C)
op(0x72, "bit ", "6,", D)
op(0x73, "bit ", "6,", E)
op(0x74, "bit ", "6,", H)
op(0x75, "bit ", "6,", L)
op(0x76, "bit ", "6,", IHL)
op(0x77, "bit ", "6,", A)
op(0x78, "bit ", "7,", B)
op(0x79, "bit ", "7,", C)
op(0x7a, "bit ", "7,", D)
op(0x7b, "bit ", "7,", E)
op(0x7c, "bit ", "7,", H)
op(0x7d, "bit ", "7,", L)
op(0x7e, "bit ", "7,", IHL)
op(0x7f, "bit ", "7,", A)
op(0x80, "res ", "0,", B)
op(0x81, "res ", "0,", C)
op(0x82, "res ", "0,", D)
op(0x83, "res ", "0,", E)
op(0x84, "res ", "0,", H)
op(0x85, "res ", "0,", L)
op(0x86, "res ", "0,", IHL)
op(0x87, "res ", "0,", A)
op(0x88, "res ", "1,", B)
op(0x89, "res ", "1,", C)
op(0x8a, "res ", "1,", D)
op(0x8b, "res ", "1,", E)
op(0x8c, "res ", "1,", H)
op(0x8d, "res ", "1,", L)
op(0x8e, "res ", "1,", IHL)
op(0x8f, "res ", "1,", A)
op(0x90, "res ", "2,", B)
op(0x91, "res ", "2,", C)
op(0x92, "res ", "2,", D)
op(0x93, "res ", "2,", E)
op(0x94, "res ", "2,", H)
op(0x95, "res ", "2,", L)
op(0x96, "res ", "2,", IHL)
op(0x97, "res ", "2,", A)
op(0x98, "res ", "3,", B)
op(0x99, "res ", "3,", C)
op(0x9a, "res ", "3,", D)
op(0x9b, "res ", "3,", E)
op(0x9c, "res ", "3,", H)
op(0x9d, "res ", "3,", L)
op(0x9e, "res ", "3,", IHL)
op(0x9f, "res ", "3,", A)
op(0xa0, "res ", "4,", B)
op(0xa1, "res ", "4,", C)
op(0xa2, "res ", "4,", D)
op(0xa3, "res ", "4,", E)
op(0xa4, "res ", "4,", H)
op(0xa5, "res ", "4,", L)
op(0xa6, "res ", "4,", IHL)
op(0xa7, "res ", "4,", A)
op(0xa8, "res ", "5,", B)
op(0xa9, "res ", "5,", C)
op(0xaa, "res ", "5,", D)
op(0xab, "res ", "5,", E)
op(0xac, "res ", "5,", H)
op(0xad, "res ", "5,", L)
op(0xae, "res ", "5,", IHL)
op(0xaf, "res ", "5,", A)
op(0xb0, "res ", "6,", B)
op(0xb1, "res ", "6,", C)
op(0xb2, "res ", "6,", D)
op(0xb3, "res ", "6,", E)
op(0xb4, "res ", "6,", H)
op(0xb5, "res ", "6,", L)
op(0xb6, "res ", "6,", IHL)
op(0xb7, "res ", "6,", A)
op(0xb8, "res ", "7,", B)
op(0xb9, "res ", "7,", C)
op(0xba, "res ", "7,", D)
op(0xbb, "res ", "7,", E)
op(0xbc, "res ", "7,", H)
op(0xbd, "res ", "7,", L)
op(0xbe, "res ", "7,", IHL)
op(0xbf, "res ", "7,", A)
op(0xc0, "set ", "0,", B)
op(0xc1, "set ", "0,", C)
op(0xc2, "set ", "0,", D)
op(0xc3, "set ", "0,", E)
op(0xc4, "set ", "0,", H)
op(0xc5, "set ", "0,", L)
op(0xc6, "set ", "0,", IHL)
op(0xc7, "set ", "0,", A)
op(0xc8, "set ", "1,", B)
op(0xc9, "set ", "1,", C)
op(0xca, "set ", "1,", D)
op(0xcb, "set ", "1,", E)
op(0xcc, "set ", "1,", H)
op(0xcd, "set ", "1,", L)
op(0xce, "set ", "1,", IHL)
op(0xcf, "set ", "1,", A)
op(0xd0, "set ", "2,", B)
op(0xd1, "set ", "2,", C)
op(0xd2, "set ", "2,", D)
op(0xd3, "set ", "2,", E)
op(0xd4, "set ", "2,", H)
op(0xd5, "set ", "2,", L)
op(0xd6, "set ", "2,", IHL)
op(0xd7, "set ", "2,", A)
op(0xd8, "set ", "3,", B)
op(0xd9, "set ", "3,", C)
op(0xda, "set ", "3,", D)
op(0xdb, "set ", "3,", E)
op(0xdc, "set ", "3,", H)
op(0xdd, "set ", "3,", L)
op(0xde, "set ", "3,", IHL)
op(0xdf, "set ", "3,", A)
op(0xe0, "set ", "4,", B)
op(0xe1, "set ", "4,", C)
op(0xe2, "set ", "4,", D)
op(0xe3, "set ", "4,", E)
op(0xe4, "set ", "4,", H)
op(0xe5, "set ", "4,", L)
op(0xe6, "set ", "4,", IHL)
op(0xe7, "set ", "4,", A)
op(0xe8, "set ", "5,", B)
op(0xe9, "set ", "5,", C)
op(0xea, "set ", "5,", D)
op(0xeb, "set ", "5,", E)
op(0xec, "set ", "5,", H)
op(0xed, "set ", "5,", L)
op(0xee, "set ", "5,", IHL)
op(0xef, "set ", "5,", A)
op(0xf0, "set ", "6,", B)
op(0xf1, "set ", "6,", C)
op(0xf2, "set ", "6,", D)
op(0xf3, "set ", "6,", E)
op(0xf4, "set ", "6,", H)
op(0xf5, "set ", "6,", L)
op(0xf6, "set ", "6,", IHL)
op(0xf7, "set ", "6,", A)
op(0xf8, "set ", "7,", B)
op(0xf9, "set ", "7,", C)
op(0xfa, "set ", "7,", D)
op(0xfb, "set ", "7,", E)
op(0xfc, "set ", "7,", H)
op(0xfd, "set ", "7,", L)
op(0xfe, "set ", "7,", IHL)
op(0xff, "set ", "7,", A)
Update to v101r27 release. byuu says: Changelog: - SMS: emulated the generic Sega memory mapper (none of the more limited forms of it yet) - (missing ROM shift, ROM write enable emulation -- no commercial games use either, though) - SMS: bus I/O returns 0xff instead of 0x00 so games don't think every key is being pressed at once - (this is a hack until I implement proper controller pad reading) - SMS: very limited protection against reading/writing past the end of ROM/RAM (todo: should mirror) - SMS: VDP background HSCROLL subtracts, rather than adds, to the offset (unlike VSCROLL) - SMS: VDP VSCROLL is 9-bit, modulates voffset+vscroll to 224 in 192-line mode (32x28 tilemap) - SMS: VDP tiledata for backgrounds and sprites use `7-(x&7)` rather than `(x&7)` - SMS: fix output color to be 6-bit rather than 5-bit - SMS: left clip uses register `#7`, not palette color `#7` - (todo: do we want `color[reg7]` or `color[16 + reg7]`?) - SMS: refined handling of 0xcb, 0xed prefixes in the Z80 core and its disassembler - SMS: emulated (0xfd, 0xdd) 0xcb opcodes 0x00-0x0f (still missing 0x10-0xff) - SMS: fixed 0xcb 0b-----110 opcodes to use direct HL and never allow (IX,IY)+d - SMS: fixed major logic bug in (IX,IY)+d displacement - (was using `read(x)` instead of `operand()` for the displacement byte fetch before) - icarus: fake there always being 32KiB of RAM in all SMS cartridges for the time being - (not sure how to detect this stuff yet; although I've read it's not even really possible `>_>`) TODO: remove processor/z80/dissassembler.cpp code block at line 396 (as it's unnecessary.) Lots of commercial games are starting to show trashed graphical output now.
2017-01-06 08:11:38 +00:00
auto Z80::disassembleCBd(uint16 pc, uint8 prefix, int8 d, uint8 code) -> string {
auto displace = [&] {
return d >= 0 ? string{"+$", hex(d, 2L)} : string{"-$", hex(-d, 2L)};
switch(code) {
op(0x00, "rlc ", IHL, B)
op(0x01, "rlc ", IHL, C)
op(0x02, "rlc ", IHL, D)
op(0x03, "rlc ", IHL, E)
op(0x04, "rlc ", IHL, H)
op(0x05, "rlc ", IHL, L)
op(0x06, "rlc ", IHL)
op(0x07, "rlc ", IHL, A)
op(0x08, "rrc ", IHL, B)
op(0x09, "rrc ", IHL, C)
op(0x0a, "rrc ", IHL, D)
op(0x0b, "rrc ", IHL, E)
op(0x0c, "rrc ", IHL, H)
op(0x0d, "rrc ", IHL, L)
op(0x0e, "rrc ", IHL)
op(0x0f, "rrc ", IHL, A)
return {"???"};
auto Z80::disassembleED(uint16 pc, uint8 prefix, uint8 code) -> string {
auto byte = [&] {
return bus->read(pc++);
auto word = [&] {
uint16 data = byte() << 0;
return data | byte() << 8;
auto branch = [&] {
auto d = byte();
return pc + (int8)d;
auto displace = [&] {
if(!prefix) return string{};
auto d = (int8)byte();
return d >= 0 ? string{"+$", hex(d, 2L)} : string{"-$", hex(-d, 2L)};
switch(code) {
op(0x40, "in ", B, IC)
op(0x41, "out ", IC, B)
op(0x42, "sbc ", HL, BC)
op(0x43, "ld ", INN, BC)
op(0x44, "neg ")
op(0x45, "retn")
op(0x46, "im ", "0")
op(0x47, "ld ", I, A)
op(0x48, "in ", C, IC)
op(0x49, "out ", IC, C)
op(0x4a, "adc ", HL, BC)
op(0x4b, "ld ", BC, INN)
op(0x4c, "neg ")
op(0x4d, "reti")
op(0x4e, "im ", "0")
op(0x4f, "ld ", R, A)
op(0x50, "in ", D, IC)
op(0x51, "out ", IC, D)
op(0x52, "sbc ", HL, DE)
op(0x53, "ld ", INN, DE)
op(0x54, "neg ")
op(0x55, "retn")
op(0x56, "im ", "1")
op(0x57, "ld ", A, I)
op(0x58, "in ", E, IC)
op(0x59, "out ", IC, E)
op(0x5a, "adc ", HL, DE)
op(0x5b, "ld ", DE, INN)
op(0x5c, "neg ")
op(0x5d, "reti")
op(0x5e, "im ", "2")
op(0x5f, "ld ", A, R)
op(0x60, "in ", H, IC)
op(0x61, "out ", IC, H)
op(0x62, "sbc ", HL, HL)
op(0x63, "ld ", INN, HL)
op(0x64, "neg ")
op(0x65, "retn")
op(0x66, "im ", "0")
op(0x67, "rrd ")
op(0x68, "in ", L, IC)
op(0x69, "out ", IC, L)
op(0x6a, "adc ", HL, HL)
op(0x6b, "ld ", HL, INN)
op(0x6c, "neg ")
op(0x6d, "reti")
op(0x6e, "im ", "0")
op(0x6f, "rld ")
op(0x70, "in ", F, IC)
op(0x71, "out ", IC, F)
op(0x72, "sbc ", HL, SP)
op(0x73, "ld ", INN, SP)
op(0x74, "neg ")
op(0x75, "retn")
op(0x76, "im ", "1")
op(0x77, "nop ")
op(0x78, "in ", A, IC)
op(0x79, "out ", IC, A)
op(0x7a, "adc ", HL, SP)
op(0x7b, "ld ", SP, INN)
op(0x7c, "neg ")
op(0x7d, "reti")
op(0x7e, "im ", "2")
op(0x7f, "nop ")
op(0xa0, "ldi ")
op(0xa1, "cpi ")
op(0xa2, "ini ")
op(0xa3, "outi")
op(0xa8, "ldd ")
op(0xa9, "cpd ")
op(0xaa, "ind ")
op(0xab, "outd")
op(0xb0, "ldir")
op(0xb1, "cpir")
op(0xb2, "inir")
op(0xb3, "otir")
op(0xb8, "lddr")
op(0xb9, "cpdr")
op(0xba, "indr")
op(0xbb, "otdr")
return {"nop ", "(ed ", hex(code, 2L), ")"};
#undef op
#undef N
#undef IN
#undef NN
#undef INN
#undef REL
#undef A
#undef F
#undef B
#undef C
#undef D
#undef E
#undef H
#undef L
#undef _H
#undef _L
#undef _HL
#undef AF
#undef BC
#undef DE
#undef HL
#undef AF_
#undef BC_
#undef DE_
#undef HL_
#undef SP
#undef PC
#undef I
#undef R
#undef IC
#undef IBC
#undef IDE
#undef IHL
#undef ISP