2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
auto Z80::disassemble(uint16 pc) -> string {
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
string s;
s.append(hex(pc, 4L), " ");
uint8 prefix = 0x00;
while(true) {
auto code = bus->read(pc++);
if(code == 0xdd || code == 0xfd) {
prefix = code;
s.append(pad(disassemble__(pc, prefix, code), -18L, ' '));
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
s.append(" AF:", hex(r.af, 4L));
s.append(" BC:", hex(r.bc, 4L));
s.append(" DE:", hex(r.de, 4L));
s.append(" HL:", hex(r.hl, 4L));
s.append(" IX:", hex(r.ix, 4L));
s.append(" IY:", hex(r.iy, 4L));
s.append(" SP:", hex(r.sp, 4L));
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
return s;
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
#define op(id, name, ...) case id: return {name, " ", string_vector{__VA_ARGS__}.merge(",")};
#define N string{"$", hex(byte(), 2L)}
#define IN string{"(", N, ")"}
#define NN string{"$", hex(word(), 4L)}
#define INN string{"(", NN, ")"}
#define E string{"$", hex(branch(), 4L)}
#define H string{prefix == 0xdd ? "ixh" : prefix == 0xfd ? "iyh" : "h"}
#define L string{prefix == 0xdd ? "ixl" : prefix == 0xfd ? "iyl" : "l"}
#define HL string{prefix == 0xdd ? "ix" : prefix == 0xfd ? "iy" : "hl"}
#define IHL string{"(", HL, displace(), ")"}
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
auto Z80::disassemble__(uint16 pc, uint8 prefix, uint8 code) -> string {
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
auto byte = [&] {
return bus->read(pc++);
auto word = [&] {
uint16 data = byte() << 0;
return data | byte() << 8;
auto branch = [&] {
auto d = byte();
return pc + (int8)d;
auto displace = [&] {
if(!prefix) return string{};
auto d = (int8)byte();
return d >= 0 ? string{"+$", hex(d, 2L)} : string{"-$", hex(-d, 2L)};
if(code == 0xcb) return code = byte(), disassembleCB(pc, prefix, code);
if(code == 0xed) return code = byte(), disassembleED(pc, prefix, code);
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
switch(code) {
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
op(0x00, "nop ")
op(0x01, "ld ", "bc", NN)
op(0x06, "ld ", "b", N)
op(0x0e, "ld ", "c", N)
op(0x11, "ld ", "de", NN)
op(0x16, "ld ", "d", N)
op(0x18, "jr ", E)
op(0x1e, "ld ", "e", N)
op(0x20, "jr ", "nz", E)
op(0x21, "ld ", HL, NN)
op(0x26, "ld ", H, N)
op(0x28, "jr ", "z", E)
op(0x2e, "ld ", L, N)
op(0x30, "jr ", "nc", E)
op(0x31, "ld ", "sp", NN)
op(0x32, "ld ", INN, "a")
op(0x36, "ld ", IHL, N)
op(0x38, "jr ", "c", E)
op(0x3e, "ld ", "a", N)
op(0x70, "ld ", IHL, "b")
op(0x71, "ld ", IHL, "c")
op(0x72, "ld ", IHL, "d")
op(0x73, "ld ", IHL, "e")
op(0x74, "ld ", IHL, "h")
op(0x75, "ld ", IHL, "l")
op(0x77, "ld ", IHL, "a")
op(0xb8, "cp ", "b")
op(0xb9, "cp ", "c")
op(0xba, "cp ", "d")
op(0xbb, "cp ", "e")
op(0xbc, "cp ", H)
op(0xbd, "cp ", L)
op(0xbe, "cp ", IHL)
op(0xbf, "cp ", "a")
op(0xc2, "jp ", "nz", NN)
op(0xc3, "jp ", NN)
op(0xca, "jp ", "z", NN)
op(0xcb, "cb: ")
op(0xd2, "jp ", "nc", NN)
op(0xda, "jp ", "c", NN)
op(0xdb, "in ", "a", IN)
op(0xe2, "jp ", "po", NN)
op(0xea, "jp ", "pe", NN)
op(0xed, "ed: ")
op(0xf2, "jp ", "p", NN)
op(0xf3, "di ")
op(0xfa, "jp ", "m", NN)
op(0xfb, "ei ")
op(0xfe, "cp ", N)
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
return {"???: ", hex(code, 2L)};
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
auto Z80::disassembleCB(uint16 pc, uint8 prefix, uint8 code) -> string {
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
auto read = [&] { return bus->read(pc++); };
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
switch(code) {
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
return {"???: cb ", hex(code, 2L)};
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
auto Z80::disassembleED(uint16 pc, uint8 prefix, uint8 code) -> string {
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
auto read = [&] { return bus->read(pc++); };
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
switch(code) {
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
op(0x46, "im ", "0")
op(0x56, "im ", "1")
op(0x5e, "im ", "2")
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
return {"???: ed ", hex(code, 2L)};
2016-08-27 04:48:21 +00:00
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
#undef op
#undef N
#undef IN
#undef NN
#undef INN
#undef E
Update to v101r14 release.
byuu says:
- rewrote the Z80 core to properly handle 0xDD (IX0 and 0xFD (IY)
- added Processor::Z80::Bus as a new type of abstraction
- all of the instructions implemented have their proper T-cycle counts
- added nall/certificates for my public keys
The goal of `Processor::Z80::Bus` is to simulate the opcode fetches being
2-read + 2-wait states; operand+regular reads/writes being 3-read. For
now, this puts the cycle counts inside the CPU core. At the moment, I
can't think of any CPU core where this wouldn't be appropriate. But it's
certainly possible that such a case exists. So this may not be the
perfect solution.
The reason for having it be a subclass of Processor::Z80 instead of
virtual functions for the MasterSystem::CPU core to define is due to
naming conflicts. I wanted the core to say `in(addr)` and have it take
the four clocks. But I also wanted a version of the function that didn't
consume time when called. One way to do that would be for the core to
call `Z80::in(addr)`, which then calls the regular `in(addr)` that goes to
`MasterSystem::CPU::in(addr)`. But I don't want to put the `Z80::`
prefix on all of the opcodes. Very easy to forget it, and then end up not
consuming any time. Another is to use uglier names in the
`MasterSystem::CPU` core, like `read_`, `write_`, `in_`, `out_`, etc. But,
So ... yeah, this is an experiment. We'll see how it goes.
2016-09-03 11:26:04 +00:00
#undef H
#undef L
#undef HL
2016-09-04 13:51:27 +00:00
#undef IHL