ListView Refreshes When Loading A Session From Recent
When Clicking On New Lua Session Option, It Now Cleans The CurrentLuaSession String. This Will Prevent Some Unwanted Results When Saving A Session.
-As you'll recall, the script has 3 methods of keeping track of input:
--1. Tracking the button counts in real time. This took some minor adjustments, but seems to work fine.
--2. Parsing the button presses from a loaded, read-only TAS file when starting the script, if possible.
---This works well enough after a good amount of refactoring, but I only have it rigged to work for NES.
---As always, note that this method is very slow for big movies, which is why we only use it once.
--3. Caching the counts when saving a state and loading them when loading a state.
---savestate.registerload and savestate.registersave are not currently supported by BizHawk, so this is not functioning at all.
-I propose that a function called movie.getframe(frame) be added that gets status of all of the buttons, just like joypad.get(), for a given frame of a movie.
--This makes the would make method 2 trivial and fast.
--It would allow me to generalize the function for all platforms easily.
---Certainly there might be some discrepancies about which buttons should be disallowed, if any (Is Reset a button press?), but still.
--If this method could somehow work for non-readonly movies, then I'd be able to use the movie to get the counts when I load a state that doesn't have cached data.
---Trust me when I tell you that this would be immensely useful for minimum button TASing. The process would be seamless, and all of these methods combined would provide perfect accuracy while being fairly efficient and only using intensive routines when absolutely necessary.
Note: Earlier, I came up with the idea for a function that lets you set what frame of the movie you are on, which would be useful for endless TASes like we've already discussed, adelikat. Do you still think this is worth having?
-Line count: 583.
TODO: The one I really didn't want to deal with...Gameboy. Why did you have to make this a NESControllerTemplate instead of a GameboyControllerTemplate[]?
--As it'd be obnoxious to make CONTROLS a string, object dictionary and have casts all over the place, I just made a TI83Controls string array to match CONTROLS["TI-83"].
--Positioned the fields as well as I could.
--The config for ( and ) were switched. Fixed. Yet another example of redundant code failing! :)
-Line count: 741.
-Started merging TI-83 to Do:
--This is going to be difficult because the field names are not the same as the label names, meaning that I'm going to have to use a dictionary for TI-83, if not for all of the controls.
--I have to create a formula that calculates the proper row / column for a given field to be placed. Sounds like fun.
-Because I have been advised not to convert the objects to dictionaries, and because using the equivalent of typedef seems confusing if it isn't outright impossible, I had to implement switch statements to handle certain aspects on a platform to platform basis.
-These will end up being much bigger than I would have hoped, but the entire file will be much, much smaller.
TODO: Implement all of the other platforms using these functions.
Note: It seems that the Enabled checkbox doesn't do anything other than persist its state. I checked the latest release, and the same issue was there, so I didn't break it!
--Created CONTROLS constant which contains all of the controls in one dictionary.
--Shrunk DoNES significantly.
-Shrink UpdateNES.
-Generalize both functions and apply to NES.
-Have all of the platform specific functions utilize these generalized functions.
-Combine all of the platforms.