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using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.IO.Pipes;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.IO.MemoryMappedFiles;
using BizHawk.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.SNES
public unsafe partial class LibsnesApi : IDisposable
//this wouldve been the ideal situation to learn protocol buffers, but since the number of messages here is so limited, it took less time to roll it by hand.
//todo - could optimize a lot of the apis once we decide to commit to this. will we? then we wont be able to debug bsnes as well
// well, we could refactor it a lot and let the debuggable static dll version be the one that does annoying workarounds
//todo - more intelligent use of buffers to avoid so many copies (especially framebuffer from bsnes? supply framebuffer to-be-used to libsnes? same for audiobuffer)
//todo - refactor to use a smarter set of pipe reader and pipe writer classes
//todo - combine messages / tracecallbacks into one system with a channel number enum additionally
//todo - consider refactoring bsnes to allocate memory blocks through the interface, and set ours up to allocate from a large arena of shared memory.
// this is a lot of work, but it will be some decent speedups. who wouldve ever thought to make an emulator this way? I will, from now on...
//todo - use a reader/writer ring buffer for communication instead of pipe
//todo - when exe wrapper is fully baked, put it into mingw so we can just have libsneshawk.exe without a separate dll. it hardly needs any debugging presently, it should be easy to maintain.
2012-12-26 21:25:39 +00:00
//space optimizations to deploy later (only if people complain about so many files)
//todo - put executables in zipfiles and search for them there; dearchive to a .cache folder. check timestamps to know when to freshen. this is weird.....
//speedups to deploy later:
//todo - convey rom data faster than pipe blob (use shared memory) (WARNING: right now our general purpose shared memory is only 1MB. maybe wait until ring buffer IPC)
//todo - collapse input messages to one IPC operation. right now theresl ike 30 of them
//todo - collect all memory block names whenever a memory block is alloc/dealloced. that way we avoid the overhead when using them for gui stuff (gfx debugger, hex editor)
string InstanceName;
Process process;
NamedPipeServerStream pipe;
BinaryWriter bwPipe;
BinaryReader brPipe;
MemoryMappedFile mmf;
MemoryMappedViewAccessor mmva;
byte* mmvaPtr;
IPCRingBuffer rbuf, wbuf;
IPCRingBufferStream rbufstr, wbufstr;
SwitcherStream rstream, wstream;
bool bufio;
[DllImport("msvcrt.dll", EntryPoint = "memcpy", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl, SetLastError = false)]
public static unsafe extern void* CopyMemory(void* dest, void* src, ulong count);
static bool DryRun(string exePath)
ProcessStartInfo oInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(exePath, "Bongizong");
oInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath);
oInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
oInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
oInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
oInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
Process proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(oInfo);
string result = proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
//yongou chonganong nongo tong rongeadong
//pongigong chong hongi nonge songe
if (result == "Honga Wongkong" && proc.ExitCode == 0x16817)
return true;
return false;
static HashSet<string> okExes = new HashSet<string>();
public LibsnesApi(string exePath)
//make sure we've checked this exe for OKness.. the dry run should keep us from freezing up or crashing weirdly if the external process isnt correct
if (!okExes.Contains(exePath))
bool ok = DryRun(exePath);
if (!ok)
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Couldn't launch {0} to run SNES core. Not sure why this would have happened. Try redownloading BizHawk first.", Path.GetFileName(exePath)));
InstanceName = "libsneshawk_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
2013-11-25 20:51:26 +00:00
//use this to get a debug console with libsnes output
2013-11-25 20:51:26 +00:00
InstanceName = "console-" + InstanceName;
var pipeName = InstanceName;
mmf = MemoryMappedFile.CreateNew(pipeName, 1024 * 1024);
mmva = mmf.CreateViewAccessor();
mmva.SafeMemoryMappedViewHandle.AcquirePointer(ref mmvaPtr);
pipe = new NamedPipeServerStream(pipeName, PipeDirection.InOut, 1, PipeTransmissionMode.Byte, PipeOptions.None, 1024 * 1024, 1024);
process = new Process();
process.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(exePath);
process.StartInfo.FileName = exePath;
process.StartInfo.Arguments = pipeName;
process.StartInfo.ErrorDialog = true;
//TODO - start a thread to wait for process to exit and gracefully handle errors? how about the pipe?
rbuf = new IPCRingBuffer();
wbuf = new IPCRingBuffer();
rbufstr = new IPCRingBufferStream(rbuf);
wbufstr = new IPCRingBufferStream(wbuf);
rstream = new SwitcherStream();
wstream = new SwitcherStream();
brPipe = new BinaryReader(rstream);
bwPipe = new BinaryWriter(wstream);
public void Dispose()
process = null;
foreach (var smb in DeallocatedMemoryBlocks.Values)
public void BeginBufferIO()
bufio = true;
public void EndBufferIO()
if(!bufio) return;
bufio = false;
void WritePipeString(string str)
byte[] ReadPipeBlob()
int len = brPipe.ReadInt32();
var ret = new byte[len];
brPipe.Read(ret, 0, len);
return ret;
void WritePipeBlob(byte[] blob)
public int MessageCounter;
void WritePipeMessage(eMessage msg)
if(!bufio) MessageCounter++;
//Console.WriteLine("write pipe message: " + msg);
eMessage ReadPipeMessage()
return (eMessage)brPipe.ReadInt32();
string ReadPipeString()
int len = brPipe.ReadInt32();
var bytes = brPipe.ReadBytes(len);
return System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes);
void WaitForCompletion()
for (; ; )
var msg = ReadPipeMessage();
if (!bufio) MessageCounter++;
//Console.WriteLine("read pipe message: " + msg);
if (msg == eMessage.eMessage_BRK_Complete)
//this approach is slower than having one big case. but, its easier to manage. once the code is stable, someone could clean it up (probably creating a delegate table would be best)
if (Handle_SIG(msg)) continue;
if (Handle_BRK(msg)) continue;
2013-11-12 02:34:56 +00:00
public Action<uint> ReadHook, ExecHook;
public Action<uint, byte> WriteHook;
Dictionary<string, SharedMemoryBlock> SharedMemoryBlocks = new Dictionary<string, SharedMemoryBlock>();
Dictionary<string, SharedMemoryBlock> DeallocatedMemoryBlocks = new Dictionary<string, SharedMemoryBlock>();
snes_video_refresh_t video_refresh;
snes_input_poll_t input_poll;
snes_input_state_t input_state;
snes_input_notify_t input_notify;
snes_audio_sample_t audio_sample;
snes_scanlineStart_t scanlineStart;
snes_path_request_t pathRequest;
snes_trace_t traceCallback;
public void QUERY_set_video_refresh(snes_video_refresh_t video_refresh) { this.video_refresh = video_refresh; }
public void QUERY_set_input_poll(snes_input_poll_t input_poll) { this.input_poll = input_poll; }
public void QUERY_set_input_state(snes_input_state_t input_state) { this.input_state = input_state; }
public void QUERY_set_input_notify(snes_input_notify_t input_notify) { this.input_notify = input_notify; }
public void QUERY_set_path_request(snes_path_request_t pathRequest) { this.pathRequest = pathRequest; }
public delegate void snes_video_refresh_t(int* data, int width, int height);
public delegate void snes_input_poll_t();
public delegate ushort snes_input_state_t(int port, int device, int index, int id);
public delegate void snes_input_notify_t(int index);
public delegate void snes_audio_sample_t(ushort left, ushort right);
public delegate void snes_scanlineStart_t(int line);
public delegate string snes_path_request_t(int slot, string hint);
public delegate void snes_trace_t(string msg);
public void SPECIAL_Resume()