//this wouldve been the ideal situation to learn protocol buffers, but since the number of messages here is so limited, it took less time to roll it by hand.
//todo - could optimize a lot of the apis once we decide to commit to this. will we? then we wont be able to debug bsnes as well
// well, we could refactor it a lot and let the debuggable static dll version be the one that does annoying workarounds
//todo - more intelligent use of buffers to avoid so many copies (especially framebuffer from bsnes? supply framebuffer to-be-used to libsnes? same for audiobuffer)
//todo - refactor to use a smarter set of pipe reader and pipe writer classes
//todo - combine messages / tracecallbacks into one system with a channel number enum additionally
//todo - consider refactoring bsnes to allocate memory blocks through the interface, and set ours up to allocate from a large arena of shared memory.
// this is a lot of work, but it will be some decent speedups. who wouldve ever thought to make an emulator this way? I will, from now on...
//todo - use a reader/writer ring buffer for communication instead of pipe
//todo - when exe wrapper is fully baked, put it into mingw so we can just have libsneshawk.exe without a separate dll. it hardly needs any debugging presently, it should be easy to maintain.
//space optimizations to deploy later (only if people complain about so many files)
//todo - put executables in zipfiles and search for them there; dearchive to a .cache folder. check timestamps to know when to freshen. this is weird.....
//todo - convey rom data faster than pipe blob (use shared memory) (WARNING: right now our general purpose shared memory is only 1MB. maybe wait until ring buffer IPC)
//todo - collapse input messages to one IPC operation. right now theresl ike 30 of them
//todo - collect all memory block names whenever a memory block is alloc/dealloced. that way we avoid the overhead when using them for gui stuff (gfx debugger, hex editor)
//make sure we've checked this exe for OKness.. the dry run should keep us from freezing up or crashing weirdly if the external process isnt correct
thrownewInvalidOperationException(string.Format("Couldn't launch {0} to run SNES core. Not sure why this would have happened. Try redownloading BizHawk first.",Path.GetFileName(exePath)));
//this approach is slower than having one big case. but, its easier to manage. once the code is stable, someone could clean it up (probably creating a delegate table would be best)