Add a more general purpose ./installdeps script to replace
./installdeps-msys2 that handles: Debian Linux, Arch Linux, MSYS2+MinGW,
Mac Homebrew, MacPorts and Fink for Mac. More OSes and distributions
will be added in the future, and the script may be generalized for use
in other projects.
Move Mac package manager setup code into MacPackageManagers.cmake and
greatly improve it. Handles Homebrew, MacPorts and Fink correctly.
Minor tweaks for FindSDL2.cmake: better include dir searching that works
on cygwin, fix flags for MinGW, and quiet pkg-config program errors.
Add MinGW cross-compilation toolchain files, they can be specified on
the cmake command line with:
these work for Cygwin and should work for MinGW on Linux as well.
Implement a Quartz 2D (aka Core Graphics) output renderer for the Wx
interface as a subclass of BasicDrawingPanel called
Split BasicDrawingPanel's DrawArea() into DrawArea() and DrawImage(),
with DrawImage() receiving both the wxPaintDC and the wxImage, the
wxImage is created with a direct pointer to the frame buffer when
possible (24bpp).
Implement Quartz2DDrawingPanel in based on the code here:
and here:
the GetData() method of wxImage is used to avoid copying the frame
Add RND_QUARTZ2D to the renderers enum and update all config stuff and
the XRC to support it. As well as the DrawingPanel instantiation code in
I'm not sure if this was changed in cmake recently, but "SYSCONFDIR" is incorrect. It should be SYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR.
As well CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX refers to /usr or /usr/local in linux, so installing it into ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/${SYSCONFDIR} would be incorrect. I've wrapped it in the existing IF( WIN32 ) to preserve the installation for windows, a window dev should fix that if it's incorrect.
Add ENABLE_LTO cmake option that defaults to ON except on GCC building
for AMD64 on Win32.
Also set the cmake variables AMD64 or X86_32 when one of these
architectures is detected.
Add support for Link Time Optimization (LTO) on gcc and Clang.
Link libssp only when it is on the system, some toolchains like Ubuntu's
do not require explicitly linking to libssp. On Win32 try to link it
In debug builds with GCC, use -ggdb3 -Og, otherwise use -g .
Two new cmake modules were written for this:
* FindSSP.cmake -- this is for finding libssp on the system.
* UseGCCBinUtilsWrappers.cmake -- this is for using gcc binutils
wrappers such as gcc-ar, which is required for gcc LTO to work.
These will be distributed separately as well.
* Bump minimum cmake required to 3.3.2, to make sure generator
expressions work.
* Force CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE to "Release" if unset, not sure if this
actually works.
* Merge the older compile flags block with the new one and use generator
expressions to make sure the relevant flags apply only to C, C++ or
* Add -lssp to the end of the link commands for the -fstack-protector*
options, this is only needed/done for gcc.
* Add -lversion and -limm32 to SDL2_LIBRARY (Zach asked for this.)
* Builds on msys2 again!
Remove some redundant nasm-related code and an outdated comment.
Objective-C++ code is now separated into an .mm file and nothing is done
to change the compiler invocation for it.
I maintain it here:
In terms of functionality, this version is pretty much the same as the
original, just nicer argument handling, a usage screen, etc.
Make ASM_CORE, ASM_SCALERS and ENABLE_MMX the defaults for 32bit builds
on intel hosts (the host can be AMD64, as long as the target is 32bits.)
Move mac nasm search into the mac section of the cmake code and stop
defaulting to /usr/bin/nasm, this was screwing up the build on msys2.
Fix src/filters/2xSaImmx.asm to compile and link correctly.
Add nasm to list of mingw deps for ./installdeps-msys2 .
Tested that msys2-built Wx binary runs, including with 2xSaI.
Keyboard doesn't work yet on msys2 builds, but that's a completely
different issue.
* Enable ffmpeg by default only on linux and msys2, it will be disabled
for normal windows builds and on mac.
* Set SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES only for normal non-msys2 windows builds,
because msys2 does not currently have static versions of the SFML
sub-libraries, e.g. system, network, etc.. Dynamic linking works fine
for now.
* Fix quoting for -DLOCALEDIR, on windows spaces were causing errors in
make on msys2.
* Update to upstream FindSFML.cmake .
* Add an ./installdeps-msys2 script to install all necessary tools and
libraries on msys2 for building both 64 and 32 bit windows Wx binaries.
* Add the dependencies/mingw-xaudio/include directory to
INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES so that XAudio compiles on msys2, as mingw-w64 does
not currently have XAudio headers. Also check that the user pulled the
git submodule in the process (the ./installdeps-msys2 script does this
for you.)
* Generalize ./installdeps to work on more platforms.
* Make console Wx app in debug mode so that debug prints will work.
* Fix game keyboard input for msys2 builds.
* Add HiDPI support for Windows.
* Fix the -D*DIR defines to have the correct paths on windows.
Replace bin2c.cmake script with one written in C and compiled as an
intermediate target.
The C version is roughly 12000 times faster.
On msys2, the cmake version takes 7.5 minutes on this system, while the
C version takes 0.037 seconds.
Add GetRealPixelClientSize() method to HiDPIAware and implement using
wx GetClientSize() in panel.cpp for the generic version, and using
convertSizeToBacking: in .
Add an AdjustViewport() method to GLDrawingPanel that sets glViewport()
using GetRealPixelClientSize(), and call it for the SIZE event. Debug
print the viewport size here instead of in DrawingPanelInit().
Build improvements:
* default to Cairo off for all platforms, currently libcairo2-dev does
not install on Ubuntu
* default to ON for ENABLE_LINK and ENABLE_FFMPEG (for game recording),
this will allow for more fully-featured default builds
* do not set SFML_STATIC_LIBRARIES on Mac because this is currently
* fix the Mac bundling/linking script to deal with links in dependent
libs that already use @rpath (very minor change.)
Pass the keyboard modifiers to process_key_press so that it only
registers a game key if the modifiers match. That is, if e.g. ENTER is a
game key, then ALT+ENTER gets passed to other Wx controls and does not
register as a game key.
Move Objective-C++ Mac code for Wx into with stub methods
in panel.cpp, and stop compiling all C++ as Objective-C++.
cmake -G Xcode # now works fine
Make a custom cstdint.h header file that includes <tr1/cstdint> if
<cstdint> is not available, because the clang 3.x used on Lion does not
have it. Change all references to <cstdint> to use it instead.
Add missing OpenGL header for older OS X in sdl/SDL.cpp .
When calling HiDPI methods, use respondsToSelector: to check if the
methods are available first.
Fix the bundling/linking script to support multiple copies of the same
dylib with different versions. Necessary to include both the Lion system
libpng and the brew libpng. Including the system libpng is necessary
because it is removed in later versions of OS X.