Adding initial version

This commit is contained in:
Sergio Martin 2024-01-08 20:11:49 +01:00
parent bab4370830
commit d9ae898b76
124 changed files with 19962 additions and 0 deletions

LICENSE Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
<signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

22 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
quickerNES is an attempt to modernizing and improving the performance of quickNES, the fastest NES emulator in the interwebs (as far as I know). The goals for this project are, in order of importance:
- Improve overall emulation performance even more
- Modernize the code base with best programming practices, including CI tests, benchmarks, and coverage analysis
- Add support for more mappers, controllers, and features supported by other emulators
- Improve accuracy, if possible
The main aim is to improve the exploration performance of my TASing bot, [JaffarPlus]( However, if this work might help with homebrew emulation and other people having more fun, then much better!
- quickNES was originally by Shay Green (a.k.a. [Blaarg]( under the GNU GPLv2 license. The source code is still located at [](
- The code was later improved and maintained by Christopher Snowhill (a.k.a. [kode54](
- I could trace further contributions (e.g., new mappers) by retrowertz, CaH4e3, some adaptations from the (FCEUX emulator)[] (see mapper021)
- The latest version of the code is maintained by Libretro's community at [](
All base code for this project was found under the GNU GPLv2 license, which I am preserving. Any non-credited work is unintentional and shall be immediately rectfied.

core/Blip_Buffer.cpp Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
// Blip_Buffer 0.4.0.
#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
int const buffer_extra = blip_widest_impulse_ + 2;
factor_ = LONG_MAX;
offset_ = 0;
buffer_ = 0;
buffer_size_ = 0;
sample_rate_ = 0;
reader_accum = 0;
bass_shift = 0;
clock_rate_ = 0;
bass_freq_ = 16;
length_ = 0;
extra_length = length_;
extra_offset = offset_;
extra_reader_accum = reader_accum;
memset(extra_buffer, 0, sizeof(extra_buffer));
if ( buffer_ )
free( buffer_ );
void Blip_Buffer::clear( int entire_buffer )
offset_ = 0;
reader_accum = 0;
if ( buffer_ )
long count = (entire_buffer ? buffer_size_ : samples_avail());
memset( buffer_, 0, (count + buffer_extra) * sizeof (buf_t_) );
const char *Blip_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long new_rate, int msec )
// start with maximum length that resampled time can represent
long new_size = (ULONG_MAX >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) - buffer_extra - 64;
if ( msec != blip_max_length )
long s = (new_rate * (msec + 1) + 999) / 1000;
if ( s < new_size )
new_size = s;
if ( buffer_size_ != new_size )
void* p = realloc( buffer_, (new_size + buffer_extra) * sizeof *buffer_ );
if ( !p )
return "Out of memory";
buffer_ = (buf_t_*) p;
buffer_size_ = new_size;
// update things based on the sample rate
sample_rate_ = new_rate;
length_ = new_size * 1000 / new_rate - 1;
if ( clock_rate_ )
clock_rate( clock_rate_ );
bass_freq( bass_freq_ );
return 0; // success
blip_resampled_time_t Blip_Buffer::clock_rate_factor( long clock_rate ) const
double ratio = (double) sample_rate_ / clock_rate;
long factor = (long) floor( ratio * (1L << BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) + 0.5 );
return (blip_resampled_time_t) factor;
void Blip_Buffer::bass_freq( int freq )
bass_freq_ = freq;
int shift = 31;
if ( freq > 0 )
shift = 13;
long f = (freq << 16) / sample_rate_;
while ( (f >>= 1) && --shift ) { }
bass_shift = shift;
void Blip_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t t )
offset_ += t * factor_;
void Blip_Buffer::remove_silence( long count )
offset_ -= (blip_resampled_time_t) count << BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
long Blip_Buffer::count_samples( blip_time_t t ) const
unsigned long last_sample = resampled_time( t ) >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
unsigned long first_sample = offset_ >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
return (long) (last_sample - first_sample);
blip_time_t Blip_Buffer::count_clocks( long count ) const
if ( count > buffer_size_ )
count = buffer_size_;
blip_resampled_time_t time = (blip_resampled_time_t) count << BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY;
return (blip_time_t) ((time - offset_ + factor_ - 1) / factor_);
void Blip_Buffer::remove_samples( long count )
if ( count )
remove_silence( count );
// copy remaining samples to beginning and clear old samples
long remain = samples_avail() + buffer_extra;
memmove( buffer_, buffer_ + count, remain * sizeof *buffer_ );
memset( buffer_ + remain, 0, count * sizeof *buffer_ );
// Blip_Synth_
Blip_Synth_::Blip_Synth_( short* p, int w ) :
impulses( p ),
width( w )
volume_unit_ = 0.0;
kernel_unit = 0;
buf = 0;
last_amp = 0;
delta_factor = 0;
// TODO: apparently this is defined elsewhere too
#define pi my_pi
static double const pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795029;
static void gen_sinc( float* out, int count, double oversample, double treble, double cutoff )
if ( cutoff >= 0.999 )
cutoff = 0.999;
if ( treble < -300.0 )
treble = -300.0;
if ( treble > 5.0 )
treble = 5.0;
double const maxh = 4096.0;
double const rolloff = pow( 10.0, 1.0 / (maxh * 20.0) * treble / (1.0 - cutoff) );
double const pow_a_n = pow( rolloff, maxh - maxh * cutoff );
double const to_angle = pi / 2 / maxh / oversample;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
double angle = ((i - count) * 2 + 1) * to_angle;
double c = rolloff * cos( (maxh - 1.0) * angle ) - cos( maxh * angle );
double cos_nc_angle = cos( maxh * cutoff * angle );
double cos_nc1_angle = cos( (maxh * cutoff - 1.0) * angle );
double cos_angle = cos( angle );
c = c * pow_a_n - rolloff * cos_nc1_angle + cos_nc_angle;
double d = 1.0 + rolloff * (rolloff - cos_angle - cos_angle);
double b = 2.0 - cos_angle - cos_angle;
double a = 1.0 - cos_angle - cos_nc_angle + cos_nc1_angle;
out [i] = (float) ((a * d + c * b) / (b * d)); // a / b + c / d
void blip_eq_t::generate( float* out, int count ) const
// lower cutoff freq for narrow kernels with their wider transition band
// (8 points->1.49, 16 points->1.15)
double oversample = blip_res * 2.25 / count + 0.85;
double half_rate = sample_rate * 0.5;
if ( cutoff_freq )
oversample = half_rate / cutoff_freq;
double cutoff = rolloff_freq * oversample / half_rate;
gen_sinc( out, count, blip_res * oversample, treble, cutoff );
// apply (half of) hamming window
double to_fraction = pi / (count - 1);
for ( int i = count; i--; )
out [i] *= 0.54 - 0.46 * cos( i * to_fraction );
void Blip_Synth_::adjust_impulse()
// sum pairs for each phase and add error correction to end of first half
int const size = impulses_size();
for ( int p = blip_res; p-- >= blip_res / 2; )
int p2 = blip_res - 2 - p;
long error = kernel_unit;
for ( int i = 1; i < size; i += blip_res )
error -= impulses [i + p ];
error -= impulses [i + p2];
if ( p == p2 )
error /= 2; // phase = 0.5 impulse uses same half for both sides
impulses [size - blip_res + p] += error;
//printf( "error: %ld\n", error );
//for ( int i = blip_res; i--; printf( "\n" ) )
// for ( int j = 0; j < width / 2; j++ )
// printf( "%5ld,", impulses [j * blip_res + i + 1] );
void Blip_Synth_::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
float fimpulse [blip_res / 2 * (blip_widest_impulse_ - 1) + blip_res * 2];
int const half_size = blip_res / 2 * (width - 1);
eq.generate( &fimpulse [blip_res], half_size );
int i;
// need mirror slightly past center for calculation
for ( i = blip_res; i--; )
fimpulse [blip_res + half_size + i] = fimpulse [blip_res + half_size - 1 - i];
// starts at 0
for ( i = 0; i < blip_res; i++ )
fimpulse [i] = 0.0f;
// find rescale factor
double total = 0.0;
for ( i = 0; i < half_size; i++ )
total += fimpulse [blip_res + i];
//double const base_unit = 44800.0 - 128 * 18; // allows treble up to +0 dB
//double const base_unit = 37888.0; // allows treble to +5 dB
double const base_unit = 32768.0; // necessary for blip_unscaled to work
double rescale = base_unit / 2 / total;
kernel_unit = (long) base_unit;
// integrate, first difference, rescale, convert to int
double sum = 0.0;
double next = 0.0;
int const impulses_size = this->impulses_size();
for ( i = 0; i < impulses_size; i++ )
impulses [i] = (short) floor( (next - sum) * rescale + 0.5 );
sum += fimpulse [i];
next += fimpulse [i + blip_res];
// volume might require rescaling
double vol = volume_unit_;
if ( vol )
volume_unit_ = 0.0;
volume_unit( vol );
void Blip_Synth_::volume_unit( double new_unit )
if ( new_unit != volume_unit_ )
// use default eq if it hasn't been set yet
if ( !kernel_unit )
treble_eq( -8.0 );
volume_unit_ = new_unit;
double factor = new_unit * (1L << blip_sample_bits) / kernel_unit;
if ( factor > 0.0 )
int shift = 0;
// if unit is really small, might need to attenuate kernel
while ( factor < 2.0 )
factor *= 2.0;
if ( shift )
kernel_unit >>= shift;
// keep values positive to avoid round-towards-zero of sign-preserving
// right shift for negative values
long offset = 0x8000 + (1 << (shift - 1));
long offset2 = 0x8000 >> shift;
for ( int i = impulses_size(); i--; )
impulses [i] = (short) (((impulses [i] + offset) >> shift) - offset2);
delta_factor = (int) floor( factor + 0.5 );
//printf( "delta_factor: %d, kernel_unit: %d\n", delta_factor, kernel_unit );
long Blip_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* out, long max_samples, int stereo )
long count = samples_avail();
if ( count > max_samples )
count = max_samples;
if ( count )
int const sample_shift = blip_sample_bits - 16;
int const bass_shift = this->bass_shift;
long accum = reader_accum;
buf_t_* in = buffer_;
if (out != NULL)
if ( !stereo )
for ( long n = count; n--; )
long s = accum >> sample_shift;
accum -= accum >> bass_shift;
accum += *in++;
*out++ = (blip_sample_t) s;
// clamp sample
if ( (blip_sample_t) s != s )
out [-1] = (blip_sample_t) (0x7FFF - (s >> 24));
for ( long n = count; n--; )
long s = accum >> sample_shift;
accum -= accum >> bass_shift;
accum += *in++;
*out = (blip_sample_t) s;
out += 2;
// clamp sample
if ( (blip_sample_t) s != s )
out [-2] = (blip_sample_t) (0x7FFF - (s >> 24));
//only run accumulator, do not output anything
for (long n = count; n--; )
accum -= accum >> bass_shift;
accum += *in++;
reader_accum = accum;
remove_samples( count );
return count;
void Blip_Buffer::mix_samples( blip_sample_t const* in, long count )
buf_t_* out = buffer_ + (offset_ >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY) + blip_widest_impulse_ / 2;
int const sample_shift = blip_sample_bits - 16;
int prev = 0;
while ( count-- )
long s = (long) *in++ << sample_shift;
*out += s - prev;
prev = s;
*out -= prev;
void Blip_Buffer::SaveAudioBufferState()
extra_length = length_;
extra_offset = offset_;
extra_reader_accum = reader_accum;
memcpy(extra_buffer, buffer_, sizeof(extra_buffer));
void Blip_Buffer::RestoreAudioBufferState()
length_ = extra_length;
offset_ = extra_offset;
reader_accum = extra_reader_accum;
memcpy(buffer_, extra_buffer, sizeof(extra_buffer));

core/Blip_Buffer.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
// Band-limited sound synthesis and buffering
// Blip_Buffer 0.4.0
// Time unit at source clock rate
typedef long blip_time_t;
// Output samples are 16-bit signed, with a range of -32768 to 32767
typedef short blip_sample_t;
enum { blip_sample_max = 32767 };
class Blip_Buffer {
// Set output sample rate and buffer length in milliseconds (1/1000 sec, defaults
// to 1/4 second), then clear buffer. Returns NULL on success, otherwise if there
// isn't enough memory, returns error without affecting current buffer setup.
const char *set_sample_rate( long samples_per_sec, int msec_length = 1000 / 4 );
// Set number of source time units per second
void clock_rate( long );
// End current time frame of specified duration and make its samples available
// (along with any still-unread samples) for reading with read_samples(). Begins
// a new time frame at the end of the current frame.
void end_frame( blip_time_t time );
// Read at most 'max_samples' out of buffer into 'dest', removing them from from
// the buffer. Returns number of samples actually read and removed. If stereo is
// true, increments 'dest' one extra time after writing each sample, to allow
// easy interleving of two channels into a stereo output buffer.
long read_samples( blip_sample_t* dest, long max_samples, int stereo = 0 );
// Additional optional features
// Current output sample rate
long sample_rate() const;
// Length of buffer, in milliseconds
int length() const;
// Number of source time units per second
long clock_rate() const;
// Set frequency high-pass filter frequency, where higher values reduce bass more
void bass_freq( int frequency );
// Number of samples delay from synthesis to samples read out
int output_latency() const;
// Remove all available samples and clear buffer to silence. If 'entire_buffer' is
// false, just clears out any samples waiting rather than the entire buffer.
void clear( int entire_buffer = 1 );
// Number of samples available for reading with read_samples()
long samples_avail() const;
// Remove 'count' samples from those waiting to be read
void remove_samples( long count );
// Experimental features
// Number of raw samples that can be mixed within frame of specified duration.
long count_samples( blip_time_t duration ) const;
// Mix 'count' samples from 'buf' into buffer.
void mix_samples( blip_sample_t const* buf, long count );
// Count number of clocks needed until 'count' samples will be available.
// If buffer can't even hold 'count' samples, returns number of clocks until
// buffer becomes full.
blip_time_t count_clocks( long count ) const;
// not documented yet
typedef unsigned long blip_resampled_time_t;
void remove_silence( long count );
blip_resampled_time_t resampled_duration( int t ) const { return t * factor_; }
blip_resampled_time_t resampled_time( blip_time_t t ) const { return t * factor_ + offset_; }
blip_resampled_time_t clock_rate_factor( long clock_rate ) const;
// Deprecated
typedef blip_resampled_time_t resampled_time_t;
const char *sample_rate( long r ) { return set_sample_rate( r ); }
const char *sample_rate( long r, int msec ) { return set_sample_rate( r, msec ); }
// noncopyable
Blip_Buffer( const Blip_Buffer& );
Blip_Buffer& operator = ( const Blip_Buffer& );
typedef long buf_t_;
unsigned long factor_;
blip_resampled_time_t offset_;
buf_t_* buffer_;
long buffer_size_;
long reader_accum;
int bass_shift;
long sample_rate_;
long clock_rate_;
int bass_freq_;
int length_;
friend class Blip_Reader;
//extra information necessary to load state to an exact sample
buf_t_ extra_buffer[32];
int extra_length;
long extra_reader_accum;
blip_resampled_time_t extra_offset;
void SaveAudioBufferState();
void RestoreAudioBufferState();
#include "config.h"
// Number of bits in resample ratio fraction. Higher values give a more accurate ratio
// but reduce maximum buffer size.
// Number bits in phase offset. Fewer than 6 bits (64 phase offsets) results in
// noticeable broadband noise when synthesizing high frequency square waves.
// Affects size of Blip_Synth objects since they store the waveform directly.
// Internal
typedef unsigned long blip_resampled_time_t;
int const blip_widest_impulse_ = 16;
int const blip_res = 1 << BLIP_PHASE_BITS;
class blip_eq_t;
class Blip_Synth_ {
double volume_unit_;
short* const impulses;
int const width;
long kernel_unit;
int impulses_size() const { return blip_res / 2 * width + 1; }
void adjust_impulse();
Blip_Buffer* buf;
int last_amp;
int delta_factor;
Blip_Synth_( short* impulses, int width );
void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
void volume_unit( double );
// Quality level. Start with blip_good_quality.
const int blip_med_quality = 8;
const int blip_good_quality = 12;
const int blip_high_quality = 16;
// Range specifies the greatest expected change in amplitude. Calculate it
// by finding the difference between the maximum and minimum expected
// amplitudes (max - min).
template<int quality,int range>
class Blip_Synth {
// Set overall volume of waveform
void volume( double v ) { impl.volume_unit( v * (1.0 / (range < 0 ? -range : range)) ); }
// Configure low-pass filter (see notes.txt)
void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { impl.treble_eq( eq ); }
// Get/set Blip_Buffer used for output
Blip_Buffer* output() const { return impl.buf; }
void output( Blip_Buffer* b ) { impl.buf = b; impl.last_amp = 0; }
// Update amplitude of waveform at given time. Using this requires a separate
// Blip_Synth for each waveform.
void update( blip_time_t time, int amplitude );
// Low-level interface
// Add an amplitude transition of specified delta, optionally into specified buffer
// rather than the one set with output(). Delta can be positive or negative.
// The actual change in amplitude is delta * (volume / range)
void offset( blip_time_t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
void offset( blip_time_t t, int delta ) const { offset( t, delta, impl.buf ); }
// Works directly in terms of fractional output samples. Contact author for more.
void offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* ) const;
// Same as offset(), except code is inlined for higher performance
void offset_inline( blip_time_t t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* buf ) const {
offset_resampled( t * buf->factor_ + buf->offset_, delta, buf );
void offset_inline( blip_time_t t, int delta ) const {
offset_resampled( t * impl.buf->factor_ + impl.buf->offset_, delta, impl.buf );
Blip_Synth() : impl( impulses, quality ) { }
typedef short imp_t;
imp_t impulses [blip_res * (quality / 2) + 1];
Blip_Synth_ impl;
// Low-pass equalization parameters
class blip_eq_t {
// Logarithmic rolloff to treble dB at half sampling rate. Negative values reduce
// treble, small positive values (0 to 5.0) increase treble.
blip_eq_t( double treble_db = 0 );
// See notes.txt
blip_eq_t( double treble, long rolloff_freq, long sample_rate, long cutoff_freq = 0 );
double treble;
long rolloff_freq;
long sample_rate;
long cutoff_freq;
void generate( float* out, int count ) const;
friend class Blip_Synth_;
int const blip_sample_bits = 30;
// Optimized inline sample reader for custom sample formats and mixing of Blip_Buffer samples
class Blip_Reader {
// Begin reading samples from buffer. Returns value to pass to next() (can
// be ignored if default bass_freq is acceptable).
int begin( Blip_Buffer& );
// Current sample
long read() const { return accum >> (blip_sample_bits - 16); }
// Current raw sample in full internal resolution
long read_raw() const { return accum; }
// Advance to next sample
void next( int bass_shift = 9 ) { accum += *buf++ - (accum >> bass_shift); }
// End reading samples from buffer. The number of samples read must now be removed
// using Blip_Buffer::remove_samples().
void end( Blip_Buffer& b ) { b.reader_accum = accum; }
const Blip_Buffer::buf_t_* buf;
long accum;
// End of public interface
// Compatibility with older version
const long blip_unscaled = 65535;
const int blip_low_quality = blip_med_quality;
const int blip_best_quality = blip_high_quality;
#define BLIP_FWD( i ) { \
long t0 = i0 * delta + buf [fwd + i]; \
long t1 = imp [blip_res * (i + 1)] * delta + buf [fwd + 1 + i]; \
i0 = imp [blip_res * (i + 2)]; \
buf [fwd + i] = t0; \
buf [fwd + 1 + i] = t1; }
#define BLIP_REV( r ) { \
long t0 = i0 * delta + buf [rev - r]; \
long t1 = imp [blip_res * r] * delta + buf [rev + 1 - r]; \
i0 = imp [blip_res * (r - 1)]; \
buf [rev - r] = t0; \
buf [rev + 1 - r] = t1; }
template<int quality,int range>
inline void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::offset_resampled( blip_resampled_time_t time,
int delta, Blip_Buffer* blip_buf ) const
// Fails if time is beyond end of Blip_Buffer, due to a bug in caller code or the
// need for a longer buffer as set by set_sample_rate().
delta *= impl.delta_factor;
int phase = (int) (time >> (BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY - BLIP_PHASE_BITS) & (blip_res - 1));
imp_t const* imp = impulses + blip_res - phase;
long* buf = blip_buf->buffer_ + (time >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY);
long i0 = *imp;
int const fwd = (blip_widest_impulse_ - quality) / 2;
int const rev = fwd + quality - 2;
if ( quality > 8 ) BLIP_FWD( 2 )
if ( quality > 12 ) BLIP_FWD( 4 )
int const mid = quality / 2 - 1;
long t0 = i0 * delta + buf [fwd + mid - 1];
long t1 = imp [blip_res * mid] * delta + buf [fwd + mid];
imp = impulses + phase;
i0 = imp [blip_res * mid];
buf [fwd + mid - 1] = t0;
buf [fwd + mid] = t1;
if ( quality > 12 ) BLIP_REV( 6 )
if ( quality > 8 ) BLIP_REV( 4 )
long t0 = i0 * delta + buf [rev];
long t1 = *imp * delta + buf [rev + 1];
buf [rev] = t0;
buf [rev + 1] = t1;
#undef BLIP_FWD
#undef BLIP_REV
template<int quality,int range>
void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::offset( blip_time_t t, int delta, Blip_Buffer* buf ) const
offset_resampled( t * buf->factor_ + buf->offset_, delta, buf );
template<int quality,int range>
void Blip_Synth<quality,range>::update( blip_time_t t, int amp )
int delta = amp - impl.last_amp;
impl.last_amp = amp;
offset_resampled( t * impl.buf->factor_ + impl.buf->offset_, delta, impl.buf );
inline blip_eq_t::blip_eq_t( double t ) :
treble( t ), rolloff_freq( 0 ), sample_rate( 44100 ), cutoff_freq( 0 ) { }
inline blip_eq_t::blip_eq_t( double t, long rf, long sr, long cf ) :
treble( t ), rolloff_freq( rf ), sample_rate( sr ), cutoff_freq( cf ) { }
inline int Blip_Buffer::length() const { return length_; }
inline long Blip_Buffer::samples_avail() const { return (long) (offset_ >> BLIP_BUFFER_ACCURACY); }
inline long Blip_Buffer::sample_rate() const { return sample_rate_; }
inline int Blip_Buffer::output_latency() const { return blip_widest_impulse_ / 2; }
inline long Blip_Buffer::clock_rate() const { return clock_rate_; }
inline void Blip_Buffer::clock_rate( long cps ) { factor_ = clock_rate_factor( clock_rate_ = cps ); }
inline int Blip_Reader::begin( Blip_Buffer& blip_buf )
buf = blip_buf.buffer_;
accum = blip_buf.reader_accum;
return blip_buf.bass_shift;
int const blip_max_length = 0;
int const blip_default_length = 250;

core/Data_Reader.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
// File_Extractor 1.0.0.
#include "Data_Reader.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include <errno.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Data_Reader
const char * Data_Reader::read( void* p, int n )
if ( n < 0 )
return "Internal usage bug";
if ( n <= 0 )
return 0;
if ( n > remain() )
return "Truncated file";
const char * err = read_v( p, n );
if ( !err )
remain_ -= n;
return err;
const char * Data_Reader::read_avail( void* p, int* n_ )
int n = min( (uint64_t)(*n_), remain() );
*n_ = 0;
if ( n < 0 )
return "Internal usage bug";
if ( n <= 0 )
return 0;
const char * err = read_v( p, n );
if ( !err )
remain_ -= n;
*n_ = n;
return err;
const char * Data_Reader::read_avail( void* p, long* n )
int i = STATIC_CAST(int, *n);
const char * err = read_avail( p, &i );
*n = i;
return err;
const char * Data_Reader::skip_v( int count )
char buf [512];
while ( count )
int n = min( count, (int) sizeof buf );
count -= n;
RETURN_ERR( read_v( buf, n ) );
return 0;
const char * Data_Reader::skip( int n )
if ( n < 0 )
return "Internal usage bug";
if ( n <= 0 )
return 0;
if ( n > remain() )
return "Truncated file";
const char * err = skip_v( n );
if ( !err )
remain_ -= n;
return err;
// File_Reader
// Mem_File_Reader
Mem_File_Reader::Mem_File_Reader( const void* p, long s ) :
begin( STATIC_CAST(const char*, p) )
set_size( s );
const char * Mem_File_Reader::read_v( void* p, int s )
memcpy( p, begin + tell(), s );
return 0;

core/Data_Reader.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Lightweight interface for reading data from byte stream
// File_Extractor 1.0.0
#include <stdint.h>
#include "blargg_common.h"
/* Some functions accept a long instead of int for convenience where caller has
a long due to some other interface, and would otherwise have to get a warning,
or cast it (and verify that it wasn't outside the range of an int).
To really support huge (>2GB) files, long isn't a solution, since there's no
guarantee it's more than 32 bits. We'd need to use long long (if available), or
something compiler-specific, and change all places file sizes or offsets are
used. */
// Supports reading and finding out how many bytes are remaining
class Data_Reader {
// Reads min(*n,remain()) bytes and sets *n to this number, thus trying to read more
// tham remain() bytes doesn't result in error, just *n being set to remain().
const char * read_avail( void* p, int* n );
const char * read_avail( void* p, long* n );
// Reads exactly n bytes, or returns error if they couldn't ALL be read.
// Reading past end of file results in blargg_err_file_eof.
const char * read( void* p, int n );
// Number of bytes remaining until end of file
uint64_t remain() const { return remain_; }
// Reads and discards n bytes. Skipping past end of file results in blargg_err_file_eof.
const char * skip( int n );
virtual ~Data_Reader() { }
// noncopyable
Data_Reader( const Data_Reader& );
Data_Reader& operator = ( const Data_Reader& );
// Derived interface
Data_Reader() : remain_( 0 ) { }
// Sets remain
void set_remain( uint64_t n ) { remain_ = n; }
// Do same as read(). Guaranteed that 0 < n <= remain(). Value of remain() is updated
// AFTER this call succeeds, not before. set_remain() should NOT be called from this.
virtual const char * read_v( void*, int n ) BLARGG_PURE( { (void)n; return 0; } )
// Do same as skip(). Guaranteed that 0 < n <= remain(). Default just reads data
// and discards it. Value of remain() is updated AFTER this call succeeds, not
// before. set_remain() should NOT be called from this.
virtual const char * skip_v( int n );
uint64_t remain_;
// Supports seeking in addition to Data_Reader operations
class File_Reader : public Data_Reader {
// Size of file
uint64_t size() const { return size_; }
// Current position in file
uint64_t tell() const { return size_ - remain(); }
// Derived interface
// Sets size and resets position
void set_size( uint64_t n ) { size_ = n; Data_Reader::set_remain( n ); }
void set_size( int n ) { set_size( STATIC_CAST(uint64_t, n) ); }
void set_size( long n ) { set_size( STATIC_CAST(uint64_t, n) ); }
// Sets reported position
void set_tell( uint64_t i ) { Data_Reader::set_remain( size_ - i ); }
// Implementation
File_Reader() : size_( 0 ) { }
uint64_t size_;
void set_remain(); // avoid accidental use of set_remain
// Treats range of memory as a file
class Mem_File_Reader : public File_Reader {
Mem_File_Reader( const void* begin, long size );
// Implementation
virtual const char * read_v( void*, int );
const char* const begin;

core/Effects_Buffer.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
// Game_Music_Emu 0.3.0.
#include "Effects_Buffer.h"
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
typedef long fixed_t;
#define TO_FIXED( f ) fixed_t ((f) * (1L << 15) + 0.5)
#define FMUL( x, y ) (((x) * (y)) >> 15)
const unsigned echo_size = 4096;
const unsigned echo_mask = echo_size - 1;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (echo_size & echo_mask) == 0 ); // must be power of 2
const unsigned reverb_size = 8192 * 2;
const unsigned reverb_mask = reverb_size - 1;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( (reverb_size & reverb_mask) == 0 ); // must be power of 2
pan_1 = -0.15f;
pan_2 = 0.15f;
reverb_delay = 88.0f;
reverb_level = 0.12f;
echo_delay = 61.0f;
echo_level = 0.10f;
delay_variance = 18.0f;
effects_enabled = false;
void Effects_Buffer::set_depth( double d )
float f = (float) d;
config_t c;
c.pan_1 = -0.6f * f;
c.pan_2 = 0.6f * f;
c.reverb_delay = 880 * 0.1f;
c.echo_delay = 610 * 0.1f;
if ( f > 0.5 )
f = 0.5; // TODO: more linear reduction of extreme reverb/echo
c.reverb_level = 0.5f * f;
c.echo_level = 0.30f * f;
c.delay_variance = 180 * 0.1f;
c.effects_enabled = (d > 0.0f);
config( c );
Effects_Buffer::Effects_Buffer( bool center_only ) : Multi_Buffer( 2 )
buf_count = center_only ? max_buf_count - 4 : max_buf_count;
echo_buf = NULL;
echo_pos = 0;
reverb_buf = NULL;
reverb_pos = 0;
stereo_remain = 0;
effect_remain = 0;
effects_enabled = false;
set_depth( 0 );
delete [] echo_buf;
delete [] reverb_buf;
const char *Effects_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
if ( !echo_buf )
echo_buf = new blip_sample_t [echo_size];
CHECK_ALLOC( echo_buf );
if ( !reverb_buf )
reverb_buf = new blip_sample_t [reverb_size];
CHECK_ALLOC( reverb_buf );
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
RETURN_ERR( bufs [i].set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
config( config_ );
return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( bufs [0].sample_rate(), bufs [0].length() );
void Effects_Buffer::clock_rate( long rate )
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].clock_rate( rate );
void Effects_Buffer::bass_freq( int freq )
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].bass_freq( freq );
void Effects_Buffer::clear()
stereo_remain = 0;
effect_remain = 0;
if ( echo_buf )
memset( echo_buf, 0, echo_size * sizeof *echo_buf );
if ( reverb_buf )
memset( reverb_buf, 0, reverb_size * sizeof *reverb_buf );
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].clear();
inline int pin_range( int n, int max, int min = 0 )
if ( n < min )
return min;
if ( n > max )
return max;
return n;
void Effects_Buffer::config( const config_t& cfg )
// clear echo and reverb buffers
if ( !config_.effects_enabled && cfg.effects_enabled && echo_buf )
memset( echo_buf, 0, echo_size * sizeof (blip_sample_t) );
memset( reverb_buf, 0, reverb_size * sizeof (blip_sample_t) );
config_ = cfg;
if ( config_.effects_enabled )
// convert to internal format
chans.pan_1_levels [0] = TO_FIXED( 1 ) - TO_FIXED( config_.pan_1 );
chans.pan_1_levels [1] = TO_FIXED( 2 ) - chans.pan_1_levels [0];
chans.pan_2_levels [0] = TO_FIXED( 1 ) - TO_FIXED( config_.pan_2 );
chans.pan_2_levels [1] = TO_FIXED( 2 ) - chans.pan_2_levels [0];
chans.reverb_level = TO_FIXED( config_.reverb_level );
chans.echo_level = TO_FIXED( config_.echo_level );
int delay_offset = int (1.0 / 2000 * config_.delay_variance * sample_rate());
int reverb_sample_delay = int (1.0 / 1000 * config_.reverb_delay * sample_rate());
chans.reverb_delay_l = pin_range( reverb_size -
(reverb_sample_delay - delay_offset) * 2, reverb_size - 2, 0 );
chans.reverb_delay_r = pin_range( reverb_size + 1 -
(reverb_sample_delay + delay_offset) * 2, reverb_size - 1, 1 );
int echo_sample_delay = int (1.0 / 1000 * config_.echo_delay * sample_rate());
chans.echo_delay_l = pin_range( echo_size - 1 - (echo_sample_delay - delay_offset),
echo_size - 1 );
chans.echo_delay_r = pin_range( echo_size - 1 - (echo_sample_delay + delay_offset),
echo_size - 1 );
// set up outputs
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < chan_count; i++ )
channel_t& o = channels [i];
if ( i < 2 )
{ = &bufs [i];
o.left = &bufs [3];
o.right = &bufs [4];
{ = &bufs [2];
o.left = &bufs [5];
o.right = &bufs [6];
// set up outputs
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < chan_count; i++ )
channel_t& o = channels [i]; = &bufs [0];
o.left = &bufs [1];
o.right = &bufs [2];
if ( buf_count < max_buf_count )
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < chan_count; i++ )
channel_t& o = channels [i];
o.left =;
o.right =;
void Effects_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t clock_count, bool stereo )
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].end_frame( clock_count );
if ( stereo && buf_count == max_buf_count )
stereo_remain = bufs [0].samples_avail() + bufs [0].output_latency();
if ( effects_enabled || config_.effects_enabled )
effect_remain = bufs [0].samples_avail() + bufs [0].output_latency();
effects_enabled = config_.effects_enabled;
long Effects_Buffer::samples_avail() const
return bufs [0].samples_avail() * 2;
long Effects_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* out, long total_samples )
long remain = bufs [0].samples_avail();
if ( remain > (total_samples >> 1) )
remain = (total_samples >> 1);
total_samples = remain;
while ( remain )
int active_bufs = buf_count;
long count = remain;
// optimizing mixing to skip any channels which had nothing added
if ( effect_remain )
if ( count > effect_remain )
count = effect_remain;
if ( stereo_remain )
mix_enhanced( out, count );
mix_mono_enhanced( out, count );
active_bufs = 3;
else if ( stereo_remain )
mix_stereo( out, count );
active_bufs = 3;
mix_mono( out, count );
active_bufs = 1;
out += count * 2;
remain -= count;
stereo_remain -= count;
if ( stereo_remain < 0 )
stereo_remain = 0;
effect_remain -= count;
if ( effect_remain < 0 )
effect_remain = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
if ( i < active_bufs )
bufs [i].remove_samples( count );
bufs [i].remove_silence( count ); // keep time synchronized
return total_samples * 2;
void Effects_Buffer::mix_mono( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
Blip_Reader c;
int shift = c.begin( bufs [0] );
// unrolled loop
for ( long n = count >> 1; n--; )
long cs0 =; shift );
long cs1 =; shift );
if ( (int16_t) cs0 != cs0 )
cs0 = 0x7FFF - (cs0 >> 24);
((uint32_t*) out) [0] = ((uint16_t) cs0) | (cs0 << 16);
if ( (int16_t) cs1 != cs1 )
cs1 = 0x7FFF - (cs1 >> 24);
((uint32_t*) out) [1] = ((uint16_t) cs1) | (cs1 << 16);
out += 4;
if ( count & 1 )
int s =; shift );
out [0] = s;
out [1] = s;
if ( (int16_t) s != s )
s = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24);
out [0] = s;
out [1] = s;
c.end( bufs [0] );
void Effects_Buffer::mix_stereo( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
Blip_Reader l; l.begin( bufs [1] );
Blip_Reader r; r.begin( bufs [2] );
Blip_Reader c;
int shift = c.begin( bufs [0] );
while ( count-- )
int cs =; shift );
int left = cs +;
int right = cs +; shift ); shift );
if ( (int16_t) left != left )
left = 0x7FFF - (left >> 24);
out [0] = left;
out [1] = right;
out += 2;
if ( (int16_t) right != right )
out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (right >> 24);
c.end( bufs [0] );
r.end( bufs [2] );
l.end( bufs [1] );
void Effects_Buffer::mix_mono_enhanced( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
Blip_Reader sq1; sq1.begin( bufs [0] );
Blip_Reader sq2; sq2.begin( bufs [1] );
Blip_Reader center;
int shift = center.begin( bufs [2] );
int echo_pos = this->echo_pos;
int reverb_pos = this->reverb_pos;
while ( count-- )
int sum1_s =;
int sum2_s =; shift ); shift );
int new_reverb_l = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [0] ) +
FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [0] ) +
reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_l) & reverb_mask];
int new_reverb_r = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [1] ) +
FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [1] ) +
reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_r) & reverb_mask];
fixed_t reverb_level = chans.reverb_level;
reverb_buf [reverb_pos] = FMUL( new_reverb_l, reverb_level );
reverb_buf [reverb_pos + 1] = FMUL( new_reverb_r, reverb_level );
reverb_pos = (reverb_pos + 2) & reverb_mask;
int sum3_s =; shift );
int left = new_reverb_l + sum3_s + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_l) & echo_mask] );
int right = new_reverb_r + sum3_s + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_r) & echo_mask] );
echo_buf [echo_pos] = sum3_s;
echo_pos = (echo_pos + 1) & echo_mask;
if ( (int16_t) left != left )
left = 0x7FFF - (left >> 24);
out [0] = left;
out [1] = right;
out += 2;
if ( (int16_t) right != right )
out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (right >> 24);
this->reverb_pos = reverb_pos;
this->echo_pos = echo_pos;
sq1.end( bufs [0] );
sq2.end( bufs [1] );
center.end( bufs [2] );
void Effects_Buffer::mix_enhanced( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
Blip_Reader l1; l1.begin( bufs [3] );
Blip_Reader r1; r1.begin( bufs [4] );
Blip_Reader l2; l2.begin( bufs [5] );
Blip_Reader r2; r2.begin( bufs [6] );
Blip_Reader sq1; sq1.begin( bufs [0] );
Blip_Reader sq2; sq2.begin( bufs [1] );
Blip_Reader center;
int shift = center.begin( bufs [2] );
int echo_pos = this->echo_pos;
int reverb_pos = this->reverb_pos;
while ( count-- )
int sum1_s =;
int sum2_s =; shift ); shift );
int new_reverb_l = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [0] ) +
FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [0] ) + +
reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_l) & reverb_mask];
int new_reverb_r = FMUL( sum1_s, chans.pan_1_levels [1] ) +
FMUL( sum2_s, chans.pan_2_levels [1] ) + +
reverb_buf [(reverb_pos + chans.reverb_delay_r) & reverb_mask]; shift ); shift );
fixed_t reverb_level = chans.reverb_level;
reverb_buf [reverb_pos] = FMUL( new_reverb_l, reverb_level );
reverb_buf [reverb_pos + 1] = FMUL( new_reverb_r, reverb_level );
reverb_pos = (reverb_pos + 2) & reverb_mask;
int sum3_s =; shift );
int left = new_reverb_l + sum3_s + + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_l) & echo_mask] );
int right = new_reverb_r + sum3_s + + FMUL( chans.echo_level,
echo_buf [(echo_pos + chans.echo_delay_r) & echo_mask] ); shift ); shift );
echo_buf [echo_pos] = sum3_s;
echo_pos = (echo_pos + 1) & echo_mask;
if ( (int16_t) left != left )
left = 0x7FFF - (left >> 24);
out [0] = left;
out [1] = right;
out += 2;
if ( (int16_t) right != right )
out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (right >> 24);
this->reverb_pos = reverb_pos;
this->echo_pos = echo_pos;
sq1.end( bufs [0] );
sq2.end( bufs [1] );
center.end( bufs [2] );
l1.end( bufs [3] );
r1.end( bufs [4] );
l2.end( bufs [5] );
r2.end( bufs [6] );

core/Effects_Buffer.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
// Multi-channel effects buffer with panning, echo and reverb
// Game_Music_Emu 0.3.0
#include <stdint.h>
#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
// Effects_Buffer uses several buffers and outputs stereo sample pairs.
class Effects_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
// If center_only is true, only center buffers are created and
// less memory is used.
Effects_Buffer( bool center_only = false );
// Channel Effect Center Pan
// ---------------------------------
// 0,5 reverb pan_1
// 1,6 reverb pan_2
// 2,7 echo -
// 3 echo -
// 4 echo -
// Channel configuration
struct config_t {
double pan_1; // -1.0 = left, 0.0 = center, 1.0 = right
double pan_2;
double echo_delay; // msec
double echo_level; // 0.0 to 1.0
double reverb_delay; // msec
double delay_variance; // difference between left/right delays (msec)
double reverb_level; // 0.0 to 1.0
bool effects_enabled; // if false, use optimized simple mixer
// Set configuration of buffer
virtual void config( const config_t& );
void set_depth( double );
const char *set_sample_rate( long samples_per_sec, int msec = blip_default_length );
void clock_rate( long );
void bass_freq( int );
void clear();
channel_t channel( int );
void end_frame( blip_time_t, bool was_stereo = true );
long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long );
long samples_avail() const;
typedef long fixed_t;
enum { max_buf_count = 7 };
Blip_Buffer bufs [max_buf_count];
enum { chan_count = 5 };
channel_t channels [chan_count];
config_t config_;
long stereo_remain;
long effect_remain;
int buf_count;
bool effects_enabled;
blip_sample_t* reverb_buf;
blip_sample_t* echo_buf;
int reverb_pos;
int echo_pos;
struct {
fixed_t pan_1_levels [2];
fixed_t pan_2_levels [2];
int echo_delay_l;
int echo_delay_r;
fixed_t echo_level;
int reverb_delay_l;
int reverb_delay_r;
fixed_t reverb_level;
} chans;
void mix_mono( blip_sample_t*, long );
void mix_stereo( blip_sample_t*, long );
void mix_enhanced( blip_sample_t*, long );
void mix_mono_enhanced( blip_sample_t*, long );
inline Effects_Buffer::channel_t Effects_Buffer::channel( int i ) {
return channels [i % chan_count];

core/Multi_Buffer.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
// Blip_Buffer 0.4.0.
#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
Multi_Buffer::Multi_Buffer( int spf ) : samples_per_frame_( spf )
length_ = 0;
sample_rate_ = 0;
channels_changed_count_ = 1;
channels_changed_count_save_ = 1;
const char * Multi_Buffer::set_channel_count( int )
return 0;
void Multi_Buffer::SaveAudioBufferStatePrivate()
channels_changed_count_save_ = channels_changed_count_;
void Multi_Buffer::RestoreAudioBufferStatePrivate()
channels_changed_count_ = channels_changed_count_save_;
Mono_Buffer::Mono_Buffer() : Multi_Buffer( 1 )
const char * Mono_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
RETURN_ERR( buf.set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( buf.sample_rate(), buf.length() );
void Mono_Buffer::SaveAudioBufferState()
void Mono_Buffer::RestoreAudioBufferState()
// Silent_Buffer
Silent_Buffer::Silent_Buffer() : Multi_Buffer( 1 ) // 0 channels would probably confuse
chan.left = NULL; = NULL;
chan.right = NULL;
void Silent_Buffer::SaveAudioBufferState()
void Silent_Buffer::RestoreAudioBufferState()
// Mono_Buffer
Mono_Buffer::channel_t Mono_Buffer::channel( int )
channel_t ch; = &buf;
ch.left = &buf;
ch.right = &buf;
return ch;
void Mono_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t t, bool )
buf.end_frame( t );
// Stereo_Buffer
Stereo_Buffer::Stereo_Buffer() : Multi_Buffer( 2 )
{ = &bufs [0];
chan.left = &bufs [1];
chan.right = &bufs [2];
const char * Stereo_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
RETURN_ERR( bufs [i].set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( bufs [0].sample_rate(), bufs [0].length() );
void Stereo_Buffer::clock_rate( long rate )
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].clock_rate( rate );
void Stereo_Buffer::bass_freq( int bass )
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].bass_freq( bass );
void Stereo_Buffer::clear()
stereo_added = false;
was_stereo = false;
for ( int i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].clear();
void Stereo_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t clock_count, bool stereo )
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < buf_count; i++ )
bufs [i].end_frame( clock_count );
stereo_added |= stereo;
long Stereo_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
count = (unsigned) count / 2;
long avail = bufs [0].samples_avail();
if ( count > avail )
count = avail;
if ( count )
if ( stereo_added || was_stereo )
mix_stereo( out, count );
bufs [0].remove_samples( count );
bufs [1].remove_samples( count );
bufs [2].remove_samples( count );
mix_mono( out, count );
bufs [0].remove_samples( count );
bufs [1].remove_silence( count );
bufs [2].remove_silence( count );
// to do: this might miss opportunities for optimization
if ( !bufs [0].samples_avail() ) {
was_stereo = stereo_added;
stereo_added = false;
return count * 2;
void Stereo_Buffer::mix_stereo( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
Blip_Reader left;
Blip_Reader right;
Blip_Reader center;
left.begin( bufs [1] );
right.begin( bufs [2] );
int bass = center.begin( bufs [0] );
if (out != NULL)
while ( count-- )
int c =;
long l = c +;
long r = c +; bass );
out [0] = l;
out [1] = r;
out += 2;
if ( (int16_t) l != l )
out [-2] = 0x7FFF - (l >> 24); bass ); bass );
if ( (int16_t) r != r )
out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (r >> 24);
//only run accumulators, do not output any audio
while (count--)
center.end( bufs [0] );
right.end( bufs [2] );
left.end( bufs [1] );
void Stereo_Buffer::mix_mono( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
Blip_Reader in;
int bass = in.begin( bufs [0] );
if (out != NULL)
while ( count-- )
long s =; bass );
out [0] = s;
out [1] = s;
out += 2;
if ( (int16_t) s != s ) {
s = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24);
out [-2] = s;
out [-1] = s;
while (count--)
in.end( bufs [0] );
void Stereo_Buffer::SaveAudioBufferState()
void Stereo_Buffer::RestoreAudioBufferState()

core/Multi_Buffer.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
// Multi-channel sound buffer interface, and basic mono and stereo buffers
// Blip_Buffer 0.4.0
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
// Interface to one or more Blip_Buffers mapped to one or more channels
// consisting of left, center, and right buffers.
class Multi_Buffer {
Multi_Buffer( int samples_per_frame );
virtual ~Multi_Buffer() { }
// Set the number of channels available
virtual const char* set_channel_count( int );
// Get indexed channel, from 0 to channel count - 1
struct channel_t {
Blip_Buffer* center;
Blip_Buffer* left;
Blip_Buffer* right;
virtual channel_t channel( int index ) = 0;
// See Blip_Buffer.h
virtual const char* set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length ) = 0;
virtual void clock_rate( long ) = 0;
virtual void bass_freq( int ) = 0;
virtual void clear() = 0;
long sample_rate() const;
// Length of buffer, in milliseconds
int length() const;
// See Blip_Buffer.h. For optimal operation, pass false for 'added_stereo'
// if nothing was added to the left and right buffers of any channel for
// this time frame.
virtual void end_frame( blip_time_t, bool added_stereo = true ) = 0;
// Number of samples per output frame (1 = mono, 2 = stereo)
int samples_per_frame() const;
// Count of changes to channel configuration. Incremented whenever
// a change is made to any of the Blip_Buffers for any channel.
unsigned channels_changed_count() { return channels_changed_count_; }
// See Blip_Buffer.h
virtual long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long ) = 0;
virtual long samples_avail() const = 0;
void channels_changed() { channels_changed_count_++; }
// noncopyable
Multi_Buffer( const Multi_Buffer& );
Multi_Buffer& operator = ( const Multi_Buffer& );
unsigned channels_changed_count_;
long sample_rate_;
int length_;
int const samples_per_frame_;
unsigned channels_changed_count_save_;
void SaveAudioBufferStatePrivate();
void RestoreAudioBufferStatePrivate();
virtual void SaveAudioBufferState() = 0;
virtual void RestoreAudioBufferState() = 0;
// Uses a single buffer and outputs mono samples.
class Mono_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
Blip_Buffer buf;
// Buffer used for all channels
Blip_Buffer* center() { return &buf; }
// See Multi_Buffer
const char* set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length );
void clock_rate( long );
void bass_freq( int );
void clear();
channel_t channel( int );
void end_frame( blip_time_t, bool unused = true );
long samples_avail() const;
long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long );
virtual void SaveAudioBufferState();
virtual void RestoreAudioBufferState();
// Uses three buffers (one for center) and outputs stereo sample pairs.
class Stereo_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
// Buffers used for all channels
Blip_Buffer* center() { return &bufs [0]; }
Blip_Buffer* left() { return &bufs [1]; }
Blip_Buffer* right() { return &bufs [2]; }
// See Multi_Buffer
const char* set_sample_rate( long, int msec = blip_default_length );
void clock_rate( long );
void bass_freq( int );
void clear();
channel_t channel( int index );
void end_frame( blip_time_t, bool added_stereo = true );
long samples_avail() const;
long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long );
enum { buf_count = 3 };
Blip_Buffer bufs [buf_count];
channel_t chan;
bool stereo_added;
bool was_stereo;
void mix_stereo( blip_sample_t*, long );
void mix_mono( blip_sample_t*, long );
virtual void SaveAudioBufferState();
virtual void RestoreAudioBufferState();
// Silent_Buffer generates no samples, useful where no sound is wanted
class Silent_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
channel_t chan;
const char* set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length );
void clock_rate( long ) { }
void bass_freq( int ) { }
void clear() { }
channel_t channel( int ) { return chan; }
void end_frame( blip_time_t, bool unused = true ) { }
long samples_avail() const { return 0; }
long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long ) { return 0; }
virtual void SaveAudioBufferState();
virtual void RestoreAudioBufferState();
// End of public interface
inline const char* Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
sample_rate_ = rate;
length_ = msec;
return 0;
inline const char* Silent_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( rate, msec );
inline int Multi_Buffer::samples_per_frame() const { return samples_per_frame_; }
inline long Stereo_Buffer::samples_avail() const { return bufs [0].samples_avail() * 2; }
inline Stereo_Buffer::channel_t Stereo_Buffer::channel( int ) { return chan; }
inline long Multi_Buffer::sample_rate() const { return sample_rate_; }
inline int Multi_Buffer::length() const { return length_; }
inline void Mono_Buffer::clock_rate( long rate ) { buf.clock_rate( rate ); }
inline void Mono_Buffer::clear() { buf.clear(); }
inline void Mono_Buffer::bass_freq( int freq ) { buf.bass_freq( freq ); }
inline long Mono_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* p, long s ) { return buf.read_samples( p, s ); }
inline long Mono_Buffer::samples_avail() const { return buf.samples_avail(); }

core/Nes_Apu.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7.
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
int const amp_range = 15;
Nes_Apu::Nes_Apu() :
square1( &square_synth ),
square2( &square_synth )
dmc.apu = this;
dmc.prg_reader = NULL;
irq_notifier_ = NULL;
oscs [0] = &square1;
oscs [1] = &square2;
oscs [2] = &triangle;
oscs [3] = &noise;
oscs [4] = &dmc;
output( NULL );
volume( 1.0 );
reset( false );
void Nes_Apu::treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq )
square_synth.treble_eq( eq );
triangle.synth.treble_eq( eq );
noise.synth.treble_eq( eq );
dmc.synth.treble_eq( eq );
void Nes_Apu::enable_nonlinear( double v )
dmc.nonlinear = true;
square_synth.volume( 1.3 * 0.25751258 / 0.742467605 * 0.25 / amp_range * v );
const double tnd = 0.48 / 202 * nonlinear_tnd_gain();
triangle.synth.volume( 3.0 * tnd );
noise.synth.volume( 2.0 * tnd );
dmc.synth.volume( tnd );
square1 .last_amp = 0;
square2 .last_amp = 0;
triangle.last_amp = 0;
noise .last_amp = 0;
dmc .last_amp = 0;
void Nes_Apu::volume( double v )
dmc.nonlinear = false;
square_synth.volume( 0.1128 / amp_range * v );
triangle.synth.volume( 0.12765 / amp_range * v );
noise.synth.volume( 0.0741 / amp_range * v );
dmc.synth.volume( 0.42545 / 127 * v );
void Nes_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buffer )
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
osc_output( i, buffer );
void Nes_Apu::reset( bool pal_mode, int initial_dmc_dac )
// to do: time pal frame periods exactly
frame_period = pal_mode ? 8314 : 7458;
dmc.pal_mode = pal_mode;
last_time = 0;
last_dmc_time = 0;
osc_enables = 0;
irq_flag = false;
earliest_irq_ = no_irq;
frame_delay = 1;
write_register( 0, 0x4017, 0x00 );
write_register( 0, 0x4015, 0x00 );
for ( nes_addr_t addr = start_addr; addr <= 0x4013; addr++ )
write_register( 0, addr, (addr & 3) ? 0x00 : 0x10 );
dmc.dac = initial_dmc_dac;
if ( !dmc.nonlinear )
triangle.last_amp = 15;
//if ( !dmc.nonlinear ) // to do: remove?
// dmc.last_amp = initial_dmc_dac; // prevent output transition
void Nes_Apu::irq_changed()
nes_time_t new_irq = dmc.next_irq;
if ( dmc.irq_flag | irq_flag ) {
new_irq = 0;
else if ( new_irq > next_irq ) {
new_irq = next_irq;
if ( new_irq != earliest_irq_ ) {
earliest_irq_ = new_irq;
if ( irq_notifier_ )
irq_notifier_( irq_data );
// frames
void Nes_Apu::run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( end_time > next_dmc_read_time() )
nes_time_t start = last_dmc_time;
last_dmc_time = end_time; start, end_time );
void Nes_Apu::run_until_( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( end_time == last_time )
if ( last_dmc_time < end_time )
nes_time_t start = last_dmc_time;
last_dmc_time = end_time; start, end_time );
while ( true )
// earlier of next frame time or end time
nes_time_t time = last_time + frame_delay;
if ( time > end_time )
time = end_time;
frame_delay -= time - last_time;
// run oscs to present last_time, time ); last_time, time ); last_time, time ); last_time, time );
last_time = time;
if ( time == end_time )
break; // no more frames to run
// take frame-specific actions
frame_delay = frame_period;
switch ( frame++ )
case 0:
if ( !(frame_mode & 0xc0) ) {
next_irq = time + frame_period * 4 + 1;
irq_flag = true;
// fall through
case 2:
// clock length and sweep on frames 0 and 2
square1.clock_length( 0x20 );
square2.clock_length( 0x20 );
noise.clock_length( 0x20 );
triangle.clock_length( 0x80 ); // different bit for halt flag on triangle
square1.clock_sweep( -1 );
square2.clock_sweep( 0 );
case 1:
// frame 1 is slightly shorter
frame_delay -= 2;
case 3:
frame = 0;
// frame 3 is almost twice as long in mode 1
if ( frame_mode & 0x80 )
frame_delay += frame_period - 6;
// clock envelopes and linear counter every frame
template<class T>
inline void zero_apu_osc( T* osc, nes_time_t time )
Blip_Buffer* output = osc->output;
int last_amp = osc->last_amp;
osc->last_amp = 0;
if ( output && last_amp )
osc->synth.offset( time, -last_amp, output );
void Nes_Apu::end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( end_time > last_time )
run_until_( end_time );
if ( dmc.nonlinear )
zero_apu_osc( &square1, last_time );
zero_apu_osc( &square2, last_time );
zero_apu_osc( &triangle, last_time );
zero_apu_osc( &noise, last_time );
zero_apu_osc( &dmc, last_time );
// make times relative to new frame
last_time -= end_time;
last_dmc_time -= end_time;
if ( next_irq != no_irq ) {
next_irq -= end_time;
if ( dmc.next_irq != no_irq ) {
dmc.next_irq -= end_time;
if ( earliest_irq_ != no_irq ) {
earliest_irq_ -= end_time;
if ( earliest_irq_ < 0 )
earliest_irq_ = 0;
// registers
static const unsigned char length_table [0x20] = {
0x0A, 0xFE, 0x14, 0x02, 0x28, 0x04, 0x50, 0x06,
0xA0, 0x08, 0x3C, 0x0A, 0x0E, 0x0C, 0x1A, 0x0E,
0x0C, 0x10, 0x18, 0x12, 0x30, 0x14, 0x60, 0x16,
0xC0, 0x18, 0x48, 0x1A, 0x10, 0x1C, 0x20, 0x1E
void Nes_Apu::write_register( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
// Ignore addresses outside range
if ( addr < start_addr || end_addr < addr )
run_until_( time );
if ( addr < 0x4014 )
// Write to channel
int osc_index = (addr - start_addr) >> 2;
Nes_Osc* osc = oscs [osc_index];
int reg = addr & 3;
osc->regs [reg] = data;
osc->reg_written [reg] = true;
if ( osc_index == 4 )
// handle DMC specially
dmc.write_register( reg, data );
else if ( reg == 3 )
// load length counter
if ( (osc_enables >> osc_index) & 1 )
osc->length_counter = length_table [(data >> 3) & 0x1f];
// reset square phase
if ( osc_index < 2 )
((Nes_Square*) osc)->phase = Nes_Square::phase_range - 1;
else if ( addr == 0x4015 )
// Channel enables
for ( int i = osc_count; i--; )
if ( !((data >> i) & 1) )
oscs [i]->length_counter = 0;
bool recalc_irq = dmc.irq_flag;
dmc.irq_flag = false;
int old_enables = osc_enables;
osc_enables = data;
if ( !(data & 0x10) ) {
dmc.next_irq = no_irq;
recalc_irq = true;
else if ( !(old_enables & 0x10) ) {
dmc.start(); // dmc just enabled
if ( recalc_irq )
else if ( addr == 0x4017 )
// Frame mode
frame_mode = data;
bool irq_enabled = !(data & 0x40);
irq_flag &= irq_enabled;
next_irq = no_irq;
// mode 1
frame_delay = (frame_delay & 1);
frame = 0;
if ( !(data & 0x80) )
// mode 0
frame = 1;
frame_delay += frame_period;
if ( irq_enabled )
next_irq = time + frame_delay + frame_period * 3;
int Nes_Apu::read_status( nes_time_t time )
run_until_( time - 1 );
int result = (dmc.irq_flag << 7) | (irq_flag << 6);
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
if ( oscs [i]->length_counter )
result |= 1 << i;
run_until_( time );
if ( irq_flag ) {
irq_flag = false;
return result;

core/Nes_Apu.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
// NES 2A03 APU sound chip emulator
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7
#ifndef NES_APU_H
#define NES_APU_H
typedef long nes_time_t; // CPU clock cycle count
typedef unsigned nes_addr_t; // 16-bit memory address
#include "Nes_Oscs.h"
struct apu_state_t;
class Nes_Buffer;
class Nes_Apu {
// Set buffer to generate all sound into, or disable sound if NULL
void output( Blip_Buffer* );
// Set memory reader callback used by DMC oscillator to fetch samples.
// When callback is invoked, 'user_data' is passed unchanged as the
// first parameter.
void dmc_reader( int (*callback)( void* user_data, nes_addr_t ), void* user_data = NULL );
// All time values are the number of CPU clock cycles relative to the
// beginning of the current time frame. Before resetting the CPU clock
// count, call end_frame( last_cpu_time ).
// Write to register (0x4000-0x4017, except 0x4014 and 0x4016)
enum { start_addr = 0x4000 };
enum { end_addr = 0x4017 };
void write_register( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data );
// Read from status register at 0x4015
enum { status_addr = 0x4015 };
int read_status( nes_time_t );
// Run all oscillators up to specified time, end current time frame, then
// start a new time frame at time 0. Time frames have no effect on emulation
// and each can be whatever length is convenient.
void end_frame( nes_time_t );
// Additional optional features (can be ignored without any problem)
// Reset internal frame counter, registers, and all oscillators.
// Use PAL timing if pal_timing is true, otherwise use NTSC timing.
// Set the DMC oscillator's initial DAC value to initial_dmc_dac without
// any audible click.
void reset( bool pal_timing = false, int initial_dmc_dac = 0 );
// Save/load exact emulation state
void save_state( apu_state_t* out ) const;
void load_state( apu_state_t const& );
// Set overall volume (default is 1.0)
void volume( double );
// Set treble equalization (see notes.txt)
void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& );
// Set sound output of specific oscillator to buffer. If buffer is NULL,
// the specified oscillator is muted and emulation accuracy is reduced.
// The oscillators are indexed as follows: 0) Square 1, 1) Square 2,
// 2) Triangle, 3) Noise, 4) DMC.
enum { osc_count = 5 };
void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* buffer );
// Set IRQ time callback that is invoked when the time of earliest IRQ
// may have changed, or NULL to disable. When callback is invoked,
// 'user_data' is passed unchanged as the first parameter.
void irq_notifier( void (*callback)( void* user_data ), void* user_data = NULL );
// Get time that APU-generated IRQ will occur if no further register reads
// or writes occur. If IRQ is already pending, returns irq_waiting. If no
// IRQ will occur, returns no_irq.
enum { no_irq = LONG_MAX / 2 + 1 };
enum { irq_waiting = 0 };
nes_time_t earliest_irq( nes_time_t ) const;
// Count number of DMC reads that would occur if 'run_until( t )' were executed.
// If last_read is not NULL, set *last_read to the earliest time that
// 'count_dmc_reads( time )' would result in the same result.
int count_dmc_reads( nes_time_t t, nes_time_t* last_read = NULL ) const;
// Time when next DMC memory read will occur
nes_time_t next_dmc_read_time() const;
// Run DMC until specified time, so that any DMC memory reads can be
// accounted for (i.e. inserting CPU wait states).
void run_until( nes_time_t );
// End of public interface.
friend class Nes_Nonlinearizer;
void enable_nonlinear( double volume );
static double nonlinear_tnd_gain() { return 0.75; }
friend struct Nes_Dmc;
// noncopyable
Nes_Apu( const Nes_Apu& );
Nes_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Apu& );
Nes_Osc* oscs [osc_count];
Nes_Square square1;
Nes_Square square2;
Nes_Noise noise;
Nes_Triangle triangle;
Nes_Dmc dmc;
nes_time_t last_time; // has been run until this time in current frame
nes_time_t last_dmc_time;
nes_time_t earliest_irq_;
nes_time_t next_irq;
int frame_period;
int frame_delay; // cycles until frame counter runs next
int frame; // current frame (0-3)
int osc_enables;
int frame_mode;
bool irq_flag;
void (*irq_notifier_)( void* user_data );
void* irq_data;
Nes_Square::Synth square_synth; // shared by squares
void irq_changed();
void state_restored();
void run_until_( nes_time_t );
// TODO: remove
friend class Nes_Core;
inline void Nes_Apu::osc_output( int osc, Blip_Buffer* buf )
oscs [osc]->output = buf;
inline nes_time_t Nes_Apu::earliest_irq( nes_time_t ) const
return earliest_irq_;
inline void Nes_Apu::dmc_reader( int (*func)( void*, nes_addr_t ), void* user_data )
dmc.prg_reader_data = user_data;
dmc.prg_reader = func;
inline void Nes_Apu::irq_notifier( void (*func)( void* user_data ), void* user_data )
irq_notifier_ = func;
irq_data = user_data;
inline int Nes_Apu::count_dmc_reads( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t* last_read ) const
return dmc.count_reads( time, last_read );
inline nes_time_t Nes_Dmc::next_read_time() const
if ( length_counter == 0 )
return Nes_Apu::no_irq; // not reading
return apu->last_dmc_time + delay + long (bits_remain - 1) * period;
inline nes_time_t Nes_Apu::next_dmc_read_time() const { return dmc.next_read_time(); }

core/Nes_Buffer.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Buffer.h"
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
/* Library Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This library is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Nes_Buffer
Nes_Buffer::Nes_Buffer() : Multi_Buffer( 1 ) { }
Nes_Buffer::~Nes_Buffer() { }
Multi_Buffer* set_apu( Nes_Buffer* buf, Nes_Apu* apu )
buf->set_apu( apu );
return buf;
void Nes_Buffer::enable_nonlinearity( bool b )
if ( b )
Nes_Apu* apu = nonlin.enable( b, &tnd );
apu->osc_output( 0, &buf );
apu->osc_output( 1, &buf );
const char * Nes_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
enable_nonlinearity( nonlin.enabled ); // reapply
RETURN_ERR( buf.set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
RETURN_ERR( tnd.set_sample_rate( rate, msec ) );
return Multi_Buffer::set_sample_rate( buf.sample_rate(), buf.length() );
void Nes_Buffer::clock_rate( long rate )
buf.clock_rate( rate );
tnd.clock_rate( rate );
void Nes_Buffer::bass_freq( int freq )
buf.bass_freq( freq );
tnd.bass_freq( freq );
void Nes_Buffer::clear()
Nes_Buffer::channel_t Nes_Buffer::channel( int i )
channel_t c; = &buf;
if ( 2 <= i && i <= 4 ) = &tnd; // only use for triangle, noise, and dmc
c.left =;
c.right =;
return c;
void Nes_Buffer::end_frame( blip_time_t length, bool )
buf.end_frame( length );
tnd.end_frame( length );
long Nes_Buffer::samples_avail() const
return buf.samples_avail();
long Nes_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
count = nonlin.make_nonlinear( tnd, count );
if ( count )
Blip_Reader lin;
Blip_Reader nonlin;
int lin_bass = lin.begin( buf );
int nonlin_bass = nonlin.begin( tnd );
if (out != NULL)
for ( int n = count; n--; )
int s = +; lin_bass ); nonlin_bass );
*out++ = s;
if ( (int16_t) s != s )
out [-1] = 0x7FFF - (s >> 24);
//only run accumulators, do not output audio
for (int n = count; n--; )
lin.end( buf );
nonlin.end( tnd );
buf.remove_samples( count );
tnd.remove_samples( count );
return count;
void Nes_Buffer::SaveAudioBufferState()
void Nes_Buffer::RestoreAudioBufferState()
// Nes_Nonlinearizer
apu = NULL;
enabled = true;
float const gain = 0x7fff * 1.3f;
// don't use entire range, so any overflow will stay within table
int const range = (int) (table_size * Nes_Apu::nonlinear_tnd_gain());
for ( int i = 0; i < table_size; i++ )
int const offset = table_size - range;
int j = i - offset;
float n = 202.0f / (range - 1) * j;
float d = 0;
// Prevent division by zero
if ( n )
d = gain * 163.67f / (24329.0f / n + 100.0f);
int out = (int) d;
table [j & (table_size - 1)] = out;
extra_accum = 0;
extra_prev = 0;
Nes_Apu* Nes_Nonlinearizer::enable( bool b, Blip_Buffer* buf )
apu->osc_output( 2, buf );
apu->osc_output( 3, buf );
apu->osc_output( 4, buf );
enabled = b;
if ( b )
apu->enable_nonlinear( 1.0 );
apu->volume( 1.0 );
return apu;
#define ENTRY( s ) table [(s) >> (blip_sample_bits - table_bits - 1) & (table_size - 1)]
long Nes_Nonlinearizer::make_nonlinear( Blip_Buffer& buf, long count )
long avail = buf.samples_avail();
if ( count > avail )
count = avail;
if ( count && enabled )
Blip_Buffer::buf_t_* p = buf.buffer_;
long accum = this->accum;
long prev = this->prev;
for ( unsigned n = count; n; --n )
long entry = ENTRY( accum );
accum += *p;
*p++ = (entry - prev) << (blip_sample_bits - 16);
prev = entry;
this->prev = prev;
this->accum = accum;
return count;
void Nes_Nonlinearizer::clear()
accum = 0;
prev = ENTRY( 86016000 ); // avoid thump due to APU's triangle dc bias
// TODO: still results in slight clicks and thumps
void Nes_Nonlinearizer::SaveAudioBufferState()
extra_accum = accum;
extra_prev = prev;
void Nes_Nonlinearizer::RestoreAudioBufferState()
accum = extra_accum;
prev = extra_prev;

core/Nes_Buffer.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
// NES non-linear audio buffer
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_BUFFER_H
#define NES_BUFFER_H
#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
class Nes_Apu;
class Nes_Nonlinearizer {
enum { table_bits = 11 };
enum { table_size = 1 << table_bits };
int16_t table [table_size];
Nes_Apu* apu;
long accum;
long prev;
long extra_accum;
long extra_prev;
bool enabled;
void clear();
void set_apu( Nes_Apu* a ) { apu = a; }
Nes_Apu* enable( bool, Blip_Buffer* tnd );
long make_nonlinear( Blip_Buffer& buf, long count );
void SaveAudioBufferState();
void RestoreAudioBufferState();
class Nes_Buffer : public Multi_Buffer {
// Setup APU for use with buffer, including setting its output to this buffer.
// If you're using Nes_Emu, this is automatically called for you.
void set_apu( Nes_Apu* apu ) { nonlin.set_apu( apu ); }
// Enable/disable non-linear output
void enable_nonlinearity( bool = true );
// Blip_Buffer to output other sound chips to
Blip_Buffer* buffer() { return &buf; }
// See Multi_Buffer.h
const char *set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length );
void clock_rate( long );
void bass_freq( int );
void clear();
channel_t channel( int );
void end_frame( blip_time_t, bool unused = true );
long samples_avail() const;
long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long );
Blip_Buffer buf;
Blip_Buffer tnd;
Nes_Nonlinearizer nonlin;
friend Multi_Buffer* set_apu( Nes_Buffer*, Nes_Apu* );
virtual void SaveAudioBufferState();
virtual void RestoreAudioBufferState();

core/Nes_Cart.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Cart.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
char const Nes_Cart::not_ines_file [] = "Not an iNES file";
prg_ = NULL;
chr_ = NULL;
void Nes_Cart::clear()
if ( prg_ )
free( prg_ );
prg_ = NULL;
if ( chr_ )
free( chr_ );
chr_ = NULL;
prg_size_ = 0;
chr_size_ = 0;
mapper = 0;
long Nes_Cart::round_to_bank_size( long n )
n += bank_size - 1;
return n - n % bank_size;
const char * Nes_Cart::resize_prg( long size )
if ( size != prg_size_ )
// padding allows CPU to always read operands of instruction, which
// might go past end of data
void* p = realloc( prg_, round_to_bank_size( size ) + 2 );
CHECK_ALLOC( p || !size );
prg_ = (uint8_t*) p;
prg_size_ = size;
return 0;
const char * Nes_Cart::resize_chr( long size )
if ( size != chr_size_ )
void* p = realloc( chr_, round_to_bank_size( size ) );
CHECK_ALLOC( p || !size );
chr_ = (uint8_t*) p;
chr_size_ = size;
return 0;
// iNES reading
struct ines_header_t {
uint8_t signature [4];
uint8_t prg_count; // number of 16K PRG banks
uint8_t chr_count; // number of 8K CHR banks
uint8_t flags; // MMMM FTBV Mapper low, Four-screen, Trainer, Battery, V mirror
uint8_t flags2; // MMMM --XX Mapper high 4 bits
uint8_t zero [8]; // if zero [7] is non-zero, treat flags2 as zero
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (ines_header_t) == 16 );
const char * Nes_Cart::load_ines( Auto_File_Reader in )
ines_header_t h;
RETURN_ERR( in->read( &h, sizeof h ) );
if ( 0 != memcmp( h.signature, "NES\x1A", 4 ) )
return not_ines_file;
if ( [7] ) // handle header defaced by a fucking idiot's handle
h.flags2 = 0;
set_mapper( h.flags, h.flags2 );
if ( h.flags & 0x04 ) // skip trainer
RETURN_ERR( in->skip( 512 ) );
RETURN_ERR( resize_prg( h.prg_count * 16 * 1024L ) );
RETURN_ERR( resize_chr( h.chr_count * 8 * 1024L ) );
RETURN_ERR( in->read( prg(), prg_size() ) );
RETURN_ERR( in->read( chr(), chr_size() ) );
return 0;

core/Nes_Cart.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
// NES cartridge data (PRG, CHR, mapper)
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_CART_H
#define NES_CART_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "abstract_file.h"
class Nes_Cart {
// Load iNES file
const char * load_ines( Auto_File_Reader );
static const char not_ines_file [];
// to do: support UNIF?
// True if data is currently loaded
bool loaded() const { return prg_ != NULL; }
// Free data
void clear();
// True if cartridge claims to have battery-backed memory
bool has_battery_ram() const;
// Size of PRG data
long prg_size() const { return prg_size_; }
// Size of CHR data
long chr_size() const { return chr_size_; }
// Change size of PRG (code) data
const char * resize_prg( long );
// Change size of CHR (graphics) data
const char * resize_chr( long );
// Set mapper and information bytes. LSB and MSB are the standard iNES header
// bytes at offsets 6 and 7.
void set_mapper( int mapper_lsb, int mapper_msb );
unsigned mapper_data() const { return mapper; }
// Initial mirroring setup
int mirroring() const { return mapper & 0x09; }
// iNES mapper code
int mapper_code() const;
// Pointer to beginning of PRG data
uint8_t * prg() { return prg_; }
uint8_t const* prg() const { return prg_; }
// Pointer to beginning of CHR data
uint8_t * chr() { return chr_; }
uint8_t const* chr() const { return chr_; }
// End of public interface
enum { bank_size = 8 * 1024L }; // bank sizes must be a multiple of this
uint8_t *prg_;
uint8_t *chr_;
long prg_size_;
long chr_size_;
unsigned mapper;
long round_to_bank_size( long n );
inline bool Nes_Cart::has_battery_ram() const { return mapper & 0x02; }
inline void Nes_Cart::set_mapper( int mapper_lsb, int mapper_msb )
mapper = mapper_msb * 0x100 + mapper_lsb;
inline int Nes_Cart::mapper_code() const { return ((mapper >> 8) & 0xf0) | ((mapper >> 4) & 0x0f); }

core/Nes_Core.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Core.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "Nes_State.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
extern const char unsupported_mapper [] = "Unsupported mapper";
bool const wait_states_enabled = true;
bool const single_instruction_mode = false; // for debugging irq/nmi timing issues
const int unmapped_fill = Nes_Cpu::page_wrap_opcode;
unsigned const low_ram_size = 0x800;
unsigned const low_ram_end = 0x2000;
unsigned const sram_end = 0x8000;
Nes_Core::Nes_Core() : ppu( this )
cart = NULL;
impl = NULL;
mapper = NULL;
memset( &nes, 0, sizeof nes );
memset( &joypad, 0, sizeof joypad );
const char * Nes_Core::init()
if ( !impl )
CHECK_ALLOC( impl = new impl_t );
impl->apu.dmc_reader( read_dmc, this );
impl->apu.irq_notifier( apu_irq_changed, this );
return 0;
void Nes_Core::close()
cart = NULL;
delete mapper;
mapper = NULL;
const char * Nes_Core::open( Nes_Cart const* new_cart )
RETURN_ERR( init() );
mapper = Nes_Mapper::create( new_cart, this );
if ( !mapper )
return unsupported_mapper;
RETURN_ERR( ppu.open_chr( new_cart->chr(), new_cart->chr_size() ) );
cart = new_cart;
memset( impl->unmapped_page, unmapped_fill, sizeof impl->unmapped_page );
reset( true, true );
return 0;
delete impl;
void Nes_Core::save_state( Nes_State_* out ) const
out->nes = nes;
out->nes_valid = true;
*out->cpu = cpu::r;
out->cpu_valid = true;
*out->joypad = joypad;
out->joypad_valid = true;
impl->apu.save_state( out->apu );
out->apu_valid = true;
ppu.save_state( out );
memcpy( out->ram, cpu::low_mem, out->ram_size );
out->ram_valid = true;
out->sram_size = 0;
if ( sram_present )
out->sram_size = sizeof impl->sram;
memcpy( out->sram, impl->sram, out->sram_size );
out->mapper->size = 0;
mapper->save_state( *out->mapper );
out->mapper_valid = true;
void Nes_Core::save_state( Nes_State* out ) const
save_state( reinterpret_cast<Nes_State_*>(out) );
void Nes_Core::load_state( Nes_State_ const& in )
error_count = 0;
if ( in.nes_valid )
nes = in.nes;
// always use frame count
ppu.burst_phase = 0; // avoids shimmer when seeking to same time over and over
nes.frame_count = in.nes.frame_count;
if ( (frame_count_t) nes.frame_count == invalid_frame_count )
nes.frame_count = 0;
if ( in.cpu_valid )
cpu::r = *in.cpu;
if ( in.joypad_valid )
joypad = *in.joypad;
if ( in.apu_valid )
impl->apu.load_state( *in.apu );
// prevent apu from running extra at beginning of frame
impl->apu.end_frame( -(int) nes.timestamp / ppu_overclock );
ppu.load_state( in );
if ( in.ram_valid )
memcpy( cpu::low_mem, in.ram, in.ram_size );
sram_present = false;
if ( in.sram_size )
sram_present = true;
memcpy( impl->sram, in.sram, min( (int) in.sram_size, (int) sizeof impl->sram ) );
enable_sram( true ); // mapper can override (read-only, unmapped, etc.)
if ( in.mapper_valid ) // restore last since it might reconfigure things
mapper->load_state( *in.mapper );
void Nes_Core::enable_prg_6000()
sram_writable = 0;
sram_readable = 0;
lrom_readable = 0x8000;
void Nes_Core::enable_sram( bool b, bool read_only )
sram_writable = 0;
if ( b )
if ( !sram_present )
sram_present = true;
memset( impl->sram, 0xFF, impl->sram_size );
sram_readable = sram_end;
if ( !read_only )
sram_writable = sram_end;
cpu::map_code( 0x6000, impl->sram_size, impl->sram );
sram_readable = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < impl->sram_size; i += cpu::page_size )
cpu::map_code( 0x6000 + i, cpu::page_size, impl->unmapped_page );
// Unmapped memory
#ifndef NDEBUG
static nes_addr_t last_unmapped_addr;
void Nes_Core::log_unmapped( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
inline void Nes_Core::cpu_adjust_time( int n )
ppu_2002_time -= n;
cpu_time_offset += n;
cpu::reduce_limit( n );
// I/O and sound
int Nes_Core::read_dmc( void* data, nes_addr_t addr )
Nes_Core* emu = (Nes_Core*) data;
int result = *emu->cpu::get_code( addr );
if ( wait_states_enabled )
emu->cpu_adjust_time( 4 );
return result;
void Nes_Core::apu_irq_changed( void* emu )
((Nes_Core*) emu)->irq_changed();
void Nes_Core::write_io( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
// sprite dma
if ( addr == 0x4014 )
ppu.dma_sprites( clock(), cpu::get_code( data * 0x100 ) );
cpu_adjust_time( 513 );
// joypad strobe
if ( addr == 0x4016 )
// if strobe goes low, latch data
if ( joypad.w4016 & 1 & ~data )
joypad.joypad_latches [0] = current_joypad [0];
joypad.joypad_latches [1] = current_joypad [1];
joypad.w4016 = data;
// apu
if ( unsigned (addr - impl->apu.start_addr) <= impl->apu.end_addr - impl->apu.start_addr )
impl->apu.write_register( clock(), addr, data );
if ( wait_states_enabled )
if ( addr == 0x4010 || (addr == 0x4015 && (data & 0x10)) )
impl->apu.run_until( clock() + 1 );
#ifndef NDEBUG
log_unmapped( addr, data );
int Nes_Core::read_io( nes_addr_t addr )
if ( (addr & 0xFFFE) == 0x4016 )
// to do: to aid with recording, doesn't emulate transparent latch,
// so a game that held strobe at 1 and read $4016 or $4017 would not get
// the current A status as occurs on a NES
unsigned long result = joypad.joypad_latches [addr & 1];
if ( !(joypad.w4016 & 1) )
joypad.joypad_latches [addr & 1] = (result >> 1) | 0x80000000;
return result & 1;
if ( addr == Nes_Apu::status_addr )
return impl->apu.read_status( clock() );
#ifndef NDEBUG
log_unmapped( addr );
return addr >> 8; // simulate open bus
// CPU
const int irq_inhibit_mask = 0x04;
nes_addr_t Nes_Core::read_vector( nes_addr_t addr )
uint8_t const* p = cpu::get_code( addr );
return p [1] * 0x100 + p [0];
void Nes_Core::reset( bool full_reset, bool erase_battery_ram )
if ( full_reset )
cpu::reset( impl->unmapped_page );
cpu_time_offset = -1;
clock_ = 0;
// Low RAM
memset( cpu::low_mem, 0xFF, low_ram_size );
cpu::low_mem [8] = 0xf7;
cpu::low_mem [9] = 0xef;
cpu::low_mem [10] = 0xdf;
cpu::low_mem [15] = 0xbf;
lrom_readable = 0;
sram_present = true;
enable_sram( false );
if ( !cart->has_battery_ram() || erase_battery_ram )
memset( impl->sram, 0xFF, impl->sram_size );
joypad.joypad_latches [0] = 0;
joypad.joypad_latches [1] = 0;
nes.frame_count = 0;
// to do: emulate partial reset
ppu.reset( full_reset );
cpu::r.pc = read_vector( 0xFFFC );
cpu::r.sp = 0xfd;
cpu::r.a = 0;
cpu::r.x = 0;
cpu::r.y = 0;
cpu::r.status = irq_inhibit_mask;
nes.timestamp = 0;
error_count = 0;
void Nes_Core::vector_interrupt( nes_addr_t vector )
cpu::push_byte( cpu::r.pc >> 8 );
cpu::push_byte( cpu::r.pc & 0xFF );
cpu::push_byte( cpu::r.status | 0x20 ); // reserved bit is set
cpu_adjust_time( 7 );
cpu::r.status |= irq_inhibit_mask;
cpu::r.pc = read_vector( vector );
inline nes_time_t Nes_Core::earliest_irq( nes_time_t present )
return min( impl->apu.earliest_irq( present ), mapper->next_irq( present ) );
void Nes_Core::irq_changed()
cpu_set_irq_time( earliest_irq( cpu_time() ) );
inline nes_time_t Nes_Core::ppu_frame_length( nes_time_t present )
nes_time_t t = ppu.frame_length();
if ( t > present )
return t;
ppu.render_bg_until( clock() ); // to do: why this call to clock() rather than using present?
return ppu.frame_length();
inline nes_time_t Nes_Core::earliest_event( nes_time_t present )
// PPU frame
nes_time_t t = ppu_frame_length( present );
// DMC
if ( wait_states_enabled )
t = min( t, impl->apu.next_dmc_read_time() + 1 );
// NMI
t = min( t, ppu.nmi_time() );
if ( single_instruction_mode )
t = min( t, present + 1 );
return t;
void Nes_Core::event_changed()
cpu_set_end_time( earliest_event( cpu_time() ) );
#define NES_EMU_CPU_HOOK( cpu, end_time ) cpu::run( end_time )
nes_time_t Nes_Core::emulate_frame_()
Nes_Cpu::result_t last_result = cpu::result_cycles;
int extra_instructions = 0;
while ( true )
// Add DMC wait-states to CPU time
if ( wait_states_enabled )
impl->apu.run_until( cpu_time() );
clock_ = cpu_time_offset;
nes_time_t present = cpu_time();
if ( present >= ppu_frame_length( present ) )
if ( ppu.nmi_time() <= present )
// NMI will occur next, so delayed CLI and SEI don't need to be handled.
// If NMI will occur normally ($2000.7 and $2002.7 set), let it occur
// next frame, otherwise vector it now.
if ( !(ppu.w2000 & 0x80 & ppu.r2002) )
/* vectored NMI at end of frame */
vector_interrupt( 0xFFFA );
present += 7;
return present;
if ( extra_instructions > 2 )
return present;
if ( last_result != cpu::result_cli && last_result != cpu::result_sei &&
(ppu.nmi_time() >= 0x10000 || (ppu.w2000 & 0x80 & ppu.r2002)) )
return present;
/* Executing extra instructions for frame */
extra_instructions++; // execute one more instruction
// NMI
if ( present >= ppu.nmi_time() )
vector_interrupt( 0xFFFA );
last_result = cpu::result_cycles; // most recent sei/cli won't be delayed now
// IRQ
nes_time_t irq_time = earliest_irq( present );
cpu_set_irq_time( irq_time );
if ( present >= irq_time && (!(cpu::r.status & irq_inhibit_mask) ||
last_result == cpu::result_sei) )
if ( last_result != cpu::result_cli )
/* IRQ vectored */
mapper->run_until( present );
vector_interrupt( 0xFFFE );
// CLI delays IRQ
cpu_set_irq_time( present + 1 );
// CPU
nes_time_t end_time = earliest_event( present );
if ( extra_instructions )
end_time = present + 1;
unsigned long cpu_error_count = cpu::error_count();
last_result = NES_EMU_CPU_HOOK( cpu, end_time - cpu_time_offset - 1 );
cpu_adjust_time( cpu::time() );
clock_ = cpu_time_offset;
error_count += cpu::error_count() - cpu_error_count;
nes_time_t Nes_Core::emulate_frame()
joypad_read_count = 0;
cpu_time_offset = ppu.begin_frame( nes.timestamp ) - 1;
ppu_2002_time = 0;
clock_ = cpu_time_offset;
// TODO: clean this fucking mess up
impl->apu.run_until_( emulate_frame_() );
clock_ = cpu_time_offset;
impl->apu.run_until_( cpu_time() );
nes_time_t ppu_frame_length = ppu.frame_length();
nes_time_t length = cpu_time();
nes.timestamp = ppu.end_frame( length );
mapper->end_frame( length );
impl->apu.end_frame( ppu_frame_length );
return ppu_frame_length;
void Nes_Core::add_mapper_intercept( nes_addr_t addr, unsigned size, bool read, bool write )
int end = (addr + size + (page_size - 1)) >> page_bits;
for ( int page = addr >> page_bits; page < end; page++ )
data_reader_mapped [page] |= read;
data_writer_mapped [page] |= write;

core/Nes_Core.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
// Internal NES emulator
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_CORE_H
#define NES_CORE_H
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
#include "Nes_Cpu.h"
#include "Nes_Ppu.h"
class Nes_Mapper;
class Nes_Cart;
class Nes_State;
class Nes_Core : private Nes_Cpu {
typedef Nes_Cpu cpu;
const char * init();
const char * open( Nes_Cart const* );
void reset( bool full_reset = true, bool erase_battery_ram = false );
blip_time_t emulate_frame();
void close();
void save_state( Nes_State* ) const;
void save_state( Nes_State_* ) const;
void load_state( Nes_State_ const& );
void irq_changed();
void event_changed();
public: private: friend class Nes_Emu;
struct impl_t
enum { sram_size = 0x2000 };
uint8_t sram [sram_size];
Nes_Apu apu;
// extra byte allows CPU to always read operand of instruction, which
// might go past end of data
uint8_t unmapped_page [::Nes_Cpu::page_size + 1];
impl_t* impl; // keep large arrays separate
unsigned long error_count;
bool sram_present;
unsigned long current_joypad [2];
int joypad_read_count;
Nes_Cart const* cart;
Nes_Mapper* mapper;
nes_state_t nes;
Nes_Ppu ppu;
// noncopyable
Nes_Core( const Nes_Core& );
Nes_Core& operator = ( const Nes_Core& );
// Timing
nes_time_t ppu_2002_time;
void disable_rendering() { clock_ = 0; }
nes_time_t earliest_irq( nes_time_t present );
nes_time_t ppu_frame_length( nes_time_t present );
nes_time_t earliest_event( nes_time_t present );
// APU and Joypad
joypad_state_t joypad;
int read_io( nes_addr_t );
void write_io( nes_addr_t, int data );
static int read_dmc( void* emu, nes_addr_t );
static void apu_irq_changed( void* emu );
// CPU
unsigned sram_readable;
unsigned sram_writable;
unsigned lrom_readable;
nes_time_t clock_;
nes_time_t cpu_time_offset;
nes_time_t emulate_frame_();
nes_addr_t read_vector( nes_addr_t );
void vector_interrupt( nes_addr_t );
static void log_unmapped( nes_addr_t addr, int data = -1 );
void cpu_set_irq_time( nes_time_t t ) { cpu::set_irq_time_( t - 1 - cpu_time_offset ); }
void cpu_set_end_time( nes_time_t t ) { cpu::set_end_time_( t - 1 - cpu_time_offset ); }
nes_time_t cpu_time() const { return clock_ + 1; }
void cpu_adjust_time( int offset );
public: private: friend class Nes_Ppu;
void set_ppu_2002_time( nes_time_t t ) { ppu_2002_time = t - 1 - cpu_time_offset; }
public: private: friend class Nes_Mapper;
void enable_prg_6000();
void enable_sram( bool enabled, bool read_only = false );
nes_time_t clock() const { return clock_; }
void add_mapper_intercept( nes_addr_t start, unsigned size, bool read, bool write );
public: private: friend class Nes_Cpu;
int cpu_read_ppu( nes_addr_t, nes_time_t );
int cpu_read( nes_addr_t, nes_time_t );
void cpu_write( nes_addr_t, int data, nes_time_t );
void cpu_write_2007( int data );
unsigned char data_reader_mapped [page_count + 1]; // extra entry for overflow
unsigned char data_writer_mapped [page_count + 1];
int mem_differs( void const* p, int cmp, unsigned long s );

core/Nes_Cpu.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

core/Nes_Cpu.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
// NES 6502 CPU emulator
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_CPU_H
#define NES_CPU_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "blargg_common.h"
typedef long nes_time_t; // clock cycle count
typedef unsigned nes_addr_t; // 16-bit address
class Nes_Cpu {
// Clear registers, unmap memory, and map code pages to unmapped_page.
void reset( void const* unmapped_page = 0 );
// Map code memory (memory accessed via the program counter). Start and size
// must be multiple of page_size.
enum { page_bits = 11 };
enum { page_count = 0x10000 >> page_bits };
enum { page_size = 1L << page_bits };
void map_code( nes_addr_t start, unsigned size, void const* code );
// Access memory as the emulated CPU does.
int read( nes_addr_t );
void write( nes_addr_t, int data );
uint8_t* get_code( nes_addr_t ); // non-const to allow debugger to modify code
// Push a byte on the stack
void push_byte( int );
// NES 6502 registers. *Not* kept updated during a call to run().
struct registers_t {
long pc; // more than 16 bits to allow overflow detection
uint8_t a;
uint8_t x;
uint8_t y;
uint8_t status;
uint8_t sp;
//registers_t r;
// Reasons that run() returns
enum result_t {
result_cycles, // Requested number of cycles (or more) were executed
result_sei, // I flag just set and IRQ time would generate IRQ now
result_cli, // I flag just cleared but IRQ should occur *after* next instr
result_badop // unimplemented/illegal instruction
result_t run( nes_time_t end_time );
nes_time_t time() const { return clock_count; }
void reduce_limit( int offset );
void set_end_time_( nes_time_t t );
void set_irq_time_( nes_time_t t );
unsigned long error_count() const { return error_count_; }
// If PC exceeds 0xFFFF and encounters page_wrap_opcode, it will be silently wrapped.
enum { page_wrap_opcode = 0xF2 };
// One of the many opcodes that are undefined and stop CPU emulation.
enum { bad_opcode = 0xD2 };
uint8_t const* code_map [page_count + 1];
nes_time_t clock_limit;
nes_time_t clock_count;
nes_time_t irq_time_;
nes_time_t end_time_;
unsigned long error_count_;
enum { irq_inhibit = 0x04 };
void set_code_page( int, uint8_t const* );
void update_clock_limit();
registers_t r;
// low_mem is a full page size so it can be mapped with code_map
uint8_t low_mem [page_size > 0x800 ? page_size : 0x800];
inline uint8_t* Nes_Cpu::get_code( nes_addr_t addr )
return (uint8_t*) code_map [addr >> page_bits] + addr;
inline void Nes_Cpu::update_clock_limit()
nes_time_t t = end_time_;
if ( t > irq_time_ && !(r.status & irq_inhibit) )
t = irq_time_;
clock_limit = t;
inline void Nes_Cpu::set_end_time_( nes_time_t t )
end_time_ = t;
inline void Nes_Cpu::set_irq_time_( nes_time_t t )
irq_time_ = t;
inline void Nes_Cpu::reduce_limit( int offset )
clock_limit -= offset;
end_time_ -= offset;
irq_time_ -= offset;
inline void Nes_Cpu::push_byte( int data )
int sp = r.sp;
r.sp = (sp - 1) & 0xFF;
low_mem [0x100 + sp] = data;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Effects_Buffer.h"
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
Nes_Effects_Buffer::Nes_Effects_Buffer() :
Effects_Buffer( true ) // nes never uses stereo channels
config_t c;
c.effects_enabled = false;
config( c );
Nes_Effects_Buffer::~Nes_Effects_Buffer() { }
Multi_Buffer* set_apu( Nes_Effects_Buffer* buf, Nes_Apu* apu )
buf->set_apu( apu );
return buf;
void Nes_Effects_Buffer::enable_nonlinearity( bool b )
if ( b )
Nes_Apu* apu = nonlin.enable( b, channel( 2 ).center );
apu->osc_output( 0, channel( 0 ).center );
apu->osc_output( 1, channel( 1 ).center );
void Nes_Effects_Buffer::config( const config_t& in )
config_t c = in;
if ( !c.effects_enabled )
// effects must always be enabled to keep separate buffers, so
// set parameters to be equivalent to disabled
c.pan_1 = 0;
c.pan_2 = 0;
c.echo_level = 0;
c.reverb_level = 0;
c.effects_enabled = true;
Effects_Buffer::config( c );
const char * Nes_Effects_Buffer::set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec )
enable_nonlinearity( nonlin.enabled ); // reapply
return Effects_Buffer::set_sample_rate( rate, msec );
void Nes_Effects_Buffer::clear()
Nes_Effects_Buffer::channel_t Nes_Effects_Buffer::channel( int i )
return Effects_Buffer::channel( (2 <= i && i <= 4) ? 2 : i & 1 );
long Nes_Effects_Buffer::read_samples( blip_sample_t* out, long count )
count = 2 * nonlin.make_nonlinear( *channel( 2 ).center, count / 2 );
return Effects_Buffer::read_samples( out, count );
void Nes_Effects_Buffer::SaveAudioBufferState()
void Nes_Effects_Buffer::RestoreAudioBufferState()

core/Nes_Effects_Buffer.h Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
// Effects_Buffer with non-linear sound
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#include "Nes_Buffer.h"
#include "Effects_Buffer.h"
// Effects_Buffer uses several buffers and outputs stereo sample pairs.
class Nes_Effects_Buffer : public Effects_Buffer {
// Setup APU for use with buffer, including setting its output to this buffer.
// If you're using Nes_Emu, this is automatically called for you.
void set_apu( Nes_Apu* apu ) { nonlin.set_apu( apu ); }
// Enable/disable non-linear output
void enable_nonlinearity( bool = true );
// See Effects_Buffer.h for reference
const char *set_sample_rate( long rate, int msec = blip_default_length );
void config( const config_t& );
void clear();
channel_t channel( int );
long read_samples( blip_sample_t*, long );
void SaveAudioBufferState();
void RestoreAudioBufferState();
Nes_Nonlinearizer nonlin;
friend Multi_Buffer* set_apu( Nes_Effects_Buffer*, Nes_Apu* );

core/Nes_Emu.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Emu.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Nes_State.h"
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
int const sound_fade_size = 384;
// Constants are manually duplicated in Nes_Emu so their value can be seen
// directly, rather than having to look in Nes_Ppu.h. "0 +" converts to int.
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( Nes_Emu::image_width == 0 + Nes_Ppu::image_width );
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( Nes_Emu::image_height == 0 + Nes_Ppu::image_height );
Nes_Emu::equalizer_t const Nes_Emu::nes_eq = { -1.0, 80 };
Nes_Emu::equalizer_t const Nes_Emu::famicom_eq = { -15.0, 80 };
Nes_Emu::equalizer_t const Nes_Emu::tv_eq = { -12.0, 180 };
Nes_Emu::equalizer_t const Nes_Emu::flat_eq = { 0.0, 1 };
Nes_Emu::equalizer_t const Nes_Emu::crisp_eq = { 5.0, 1 };
Nes_Emu::equalizer_t const Nes_Emu::tinny_eq = { -47.0, 2000 };
frame_ = &single_frame;
buffer_height_ = Nes_Ppu::buffer_height + 2;
default_sound_buf = NULL;
sound_buf = &silent_buffer;
sound_buf_changed_count = 0;
equalizer_ = nes_eq;
channel_count_ = 0;
sound_enabled = false;
host_pixels = NULL;
single_frame.pixels = 0; = 0;
init_called = false;
set_palette_range( 0 );
memset( single_frame.palette, 0, sizeof single_frame.palette );
extra_fade_sound_in = false;
extra_fade_sound_out = false;
extra_sound_buf_changed_count = 0;
delete default_sound_buf;
const char * Nes_Emu::init_()
return emu.init();
inline const char * Nes_Emu::auto_init()
if ( !init_called )
RETURN_ERR( init_() );
init_called = true;
return 0;
inline void Nes_Emu::clear_sound_buf()
fade_sound_out = false;
fade_sound_in = true;
// Emulation
void Nes_Emu::close()
if ( cart() )
const char * Nes_Emu::set_cart( Nes_Cart const* new_cart )
RETURN_ERR( auto_init() );
RETURN_ERR( new_cart ) );
channel_count_ = Nes_Apu::osc_count + emu.mapper->channel_count();
RETURN_ERR( sound_buf->set_channel_count( channel_count() ) );
set_equalizer( equalizer_ );
enable_sound( true );
return 0;
void Nes_Emu::reset( bool full_reset, bool erase_battery_ram )
set_timestamp( 0 );
emu.reset( full_reset, erase_battery_ram );
void Nes_Emu::set_palette_range( int begin, int end )
// round up to alignment
emu.ppu.palette_begin = (begin + palette_alignment - 1) & ~(palette_alignment - 1);
host_palette_size = end - emu.ppu.palette_begin;
const char * Nes_Emu::emulate_skip_frame( int joypad1, int joypad2 )
char *old_host_pixels = host_pixels;
host_pixels = NULL;
const char *result = emulate_frame(joypad1, joypad2);
host_pixels = old_host_pixels;
return result;
const char * Nes_Emu::emulate_frame( int joypad1, int joypad2 )
emu.current_joypad [0] = (joypad1 |= ~0xFF);
emu.current_joypad [1] = (joypad2 |= ~0xFF);
emu.ppu.host_pixels = NULL;
unsigned changed_count = sound_buf->channels_changed_count();
bool new_enabled = (frame_ != NULL);
if ( sound_buf_changed_count != changed_count || sound_enabled != new_enabled )
sound_buf_changed_count = changed_count;
sound_enabled = new_enabled;
enable_sound( sound_enabled );
frame_t* f = frame_;
if ( f )
emu.ppu.max_palette_size = host_palette_size;
emu.ppu.host_palette = f->palette + emu.ppu.palette_begin;
// add black and white for emulator to use (unless emulator uses entire
// palette for frame)
f->palette [252] = 0x0F;
f->palette [254] = 0x30;
f->palette [255] = 0x0F;
if ( host_pixels )
emu.ppu.host_pixels = (uint8_t*) host_pixels +
emu.ppu.host_row_bytes * f->top;
if ( sound_buf->samples_avail() )
nes_time_t frame_len = emu.emulate_frame();
sound_buf->end_frame( frame_len, false );
f = frame_;
f->sample_count = sound_buf->samples_avail();
f->chan_count = sound_buf->samples_per_frame();
f->palette_begin = emu.ppu.palette_begin;
f->palette_size = emu.ppu.palette_size;
f->joypad_read_count = emu.joypad_read_count;
f->burst_phase = emu.ppu.burst_phase;
f->pitch = emu.ppu.host_row_bytes;
f->pixels = emu.ppu.host_pixels + f->left;
emu.ppu.max_palette_size = 0;
return 0;
// Extras
const char * Nes_Emu::load_ines( Auto_File_Reader in )
RETURN_ERR( private_cart.load_ines( in ) );
return set_cart( &private_cart );
const char * Nes_Emu::save_battery_ram( Auto_File_Writer out )
return out->write( emu.impl->sram, emu.impl->sram_size );
const char * Nes_Emu::load_battery_ram( Auto_File_Reader in )
emu.sram_present = true;
return in->read( emu.impl->sram, emu.impl->sram_size );
void Nes_Emu::load_state( Nes_State_ const& in )
emu.load_state( in );
void Nes_Emu::load_state( Nes_State const& in )
loading_state( in );
load_state( STATIC_CAST(Nes_State_ const&,in) );
const char * Nes_Emu::load_state( Auto_File_Reader in )
Nes_State* state = new Nes_State;
state->clear(); //initialize it
CHECK_ALLOC( state );
const char * err = state->read( in );
if ( !err )
load_state( *state );
delete state;
return err;
const char * Nes_Emu::save_state( Auto_File_Writer out ) const
Nes_State* state = new Nes_State;
CHECK_ALLOC( state );
save_state( state );
const char * err = state->write( out );
delete state;
return err;
void Nes_Emu::write_chr( void const* p, long count, long offset )
long end = offset + count;
memcpy( (uint8_t*) chr_mem() + offset, p, count );
emu.ppu.rebuild_chr( offset, end );
const char * Nes_Emu::set_sample_rate( long rate, class Nes_Buffer* buf )
extern Multi_Buffer* set_apu( class Nes_Buffer*, Nes_Apu* );
RETURN_ERR( auto_init() );
return set_sample_rate( rate, set_apu( buf, &emu.impl->apu ) );
const char * Nes_Emu::set_sample_rate( long rate, class Nes_Effects_Buffer* buf )
extern Multi_Buffer* set_apu( class Nes_Effects_Buffer*, Nes_Apu* );
RETURN_ERR( auto_init() );
return set_sample_rate( rate, set_apu( buf, &emu.impl->apu ) );
// Sound
void Nes_Emu::set_frame_rate( double rate )
sound_buf->clock_rate( (long) (1789773 / 60.0 * rate) );
const char * Nes_Emu::set_sample_rate( long rate, Multi_Buffer* new_buf )
RETURN_ERR( auto_init() );
emu.impl->apu.volume( 1.0 ); // cancel any previous non-linearity
RETURN_ERR( new_buf->set_sample_rate( rate, 1200 / frame_rate ) );
sound_buf = new_buf;
sound_buf_changed_count = 0;
if ( new_buf != default_sound_buf )
delete default_sound_buf;
default_sound_buf = NULL;
set_frame_rate( frame_rate );
return 0;
const char * Nes_Emu::set_sample_rate( long rate )
if ( !default_sound_buf )
CHECK_ALLOC( default_sound_buf = new Mono_Buffer );
return set_sample_rate( rate, default_sound_buf );
void Nes_Emu::set_equalizer( equalizer_t const& eq )
equalizer_ = eq;
if ( cart() )
blip_eq_t blip_eq( eq.treble, 0, sound_buf->sample_rate() );
emu.impl->apu.treble_eq( blip_eq );
emu.mapper->set_treble( blip_eq );
sound_buf->bass_freq( equalizer_.bass );
void Nes_Emu::enable_sound( bool enabled )
if ( enabled )
for ( int i = channel_count(); i-- > 0; )
Blip_Buffer* buf = sound_buf->channel( i ).center;
int mapper_index = i - Nes_Apu::osc_count;
if ( mapper_index < 0 )
emu.impl->apu.osc_output( i, buf );
emu.mapper->set_channel_buf( mapper_index, buf );
emu.impl->apu.output( NULL );
for ( int i = channel_count() - Nes_Apu::osc_count; i-- > 0; )
emu.mapper->set_channel_buf( i, NULL );
void Nes_Emu::fade_samples( blip_sample_t* p, int size, int step )
if ( size >= sound_fade_size )
if ( step < 0 )
p += size - sound_fade_size;
int const shift = 15;
int mul = (1 - step) << (shift - 1);
step *= (1 << shift) / sound_fade_size;
for ( int n = sound_fade_size; n--; )
*p = (*p * mul) >> 15;
mul += step;
long Nes_Emu::read_samples( short* out, long out_size )
long count = sound_buf->read_samples( out, out_size );
if ( fade_sound_in )
fade_sound_in = false;
if (out != NULL)
fade_samples( out, count, 1 );
if ( fade_sound_out )
fade_sound_out = false;
fade_sound_in = true; // next buffer should be faded in
if (out != NULL)
fade_samples( out, count, -1 );
return count;
Nes_Emu::rgb_t const Nes_Emu::nes_colors [color_table_size] =
// generated with nes_ntsc default settings
{102,102,102},{ 0, 42,136},{ 20, 18,168},{ 59, 0,164},
{ 92, 0,126},{110, 0, 64},{108, 7, 0},{ 87, 29, 0},
{ 52, 53, 0},{ 12, 73, 0},{ 0, 82, 0},{ 0, 79, 8},
{ 0, 64, 78},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{174,174,174},{ 21, 95,218},{ 66, 64,254},{118, 39,255},
{161, 27,205},{184, 30,124},{181, 50, 32},{153, 79, 0},
{108,110, 0},{ 56,135, 0},{ 13,148, 0},{ 0,144, 50},
{ 0,124,142},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{243,106,254},{254,110,205},{254,130,112},{235,159, 35},
{189,191, 0},{137,217, 0},{ 93,229, 48},{ 69,225,130},
{ 72,206,223},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{181,236,243},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{114, 83, 79},{ 0, 23,113},{ 32, 0,145},{ 71, 0,141},
{104, 0,103},{122, 0, 41},{120, 0, 0},{ 99, 10, 0},
{ 64, 34, 0},{ 24, 54, 0},{ 0, 63, 0},{ 0, 60, 0},
{ 0, 45, 54},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{190,148,143},{ 37, 69,187},{ 83, 38,228},{134, 13,224},
{177, 1,174},{200, 4, 92},{198, 24, 1},{170, 53, 0},
{124, 84, 0},{ 73,109, 0},{ 30,122, 0},{ 6,118, 19},
{ 9, 98,110},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{254,222,215},{122,142,254},{168,110,254},{220, 85,254},
{254, 72,247},{254, 76,164},{254, 96, 71},{254,125, 0},
{210,157, 0},{158,183, 0},{114,195, 7},{ 90,191, 89},
{ 93,172,182},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{203,202,202},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{ 75,106, 64},{ 0, 46, 98},{ 0, 22,130},{ 32, 3,126},
{ 65, 0, 88},{ 82, 0, 26},{ 80, 11, 0},{ 59, 34, 0},
{ 24, 58, 0},{ 0, 77, 0},{ 0, 86, 0},{ 0, 83, 0},
{ 0, 68, 39},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{136,180,122},{ 0,101,166},{ 29, 69,208},{ 80, 44,203},
{123, 32,153},{146, 36, 72},{144, 55, 0},{116, 84, 0},
{ 70,116, 0},{ 19,141, 0},{ 0,153, 0},{ 0,149, 0},
{ 0,130, 90},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{207,254,188},{ 51,183,233},{ 98,151,254},{150,126,254},
{193,113,220},{217,117,137},{214,137, 45},{186,166, 0},
{140,198, 0},{ 88,224, 0},{ 44,236, 0},{ 20,232, 63},
{ 23,213,155},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{201,202,201},{211,204,168},{210,212,130},{198,224, 99},
{180,237, 81},{159,247, 83},{141,252,104},{131,251,137},
{132,243,175},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{ 83, 83, 55},{ 0, 23, 89},{ 0, 0,121},{ 40, 0,117},
{ 73, 0, 79},{ 90, 0, 17},{ 88, 0, 0},{ 67, 10, 0},
{ 32, 34, 0},{ 0, 53, 0},{ 0, 63, 0},{ 0, 60, 0},
{ 0, 45, 30},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{147,148,110},{ 0, 69,154},{ 40, 38,196},{ 91, 12,191},
{134, 0,141},{157, 4, 60},{155, 23, 0},{127, 52, 0},
{ 81, 84, 0},{ 30,109, 0},{ 0,121, 0},{ 0,117, 0},
{ 0, 98, 78},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{221,222,173},{ 65,142,217},{112,110,254},{164, 84,255},
{208, 72,204},{231, 76,122},{229, 95, 29},{200,125, 0},
{154,157, 0},{102,182, 0},{ 58,195, 0},{ 34,191, 47},
{ 37,171,140},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{216,161,185},{225,163,152},{224,171,114},{213,183, 83},
{194,195, 66},{173,206, 68},{155,211, 88},{145,209,122},
{146,201,159},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{ 87, 87,133},{ 0, 26,167},{ 5, 2,198},{ 44, 0,195},
{ 77, 0,157},{ 95, 0, 94},{ 93, 0, 25},{ 71, 14, 0},
{ 36, 38, 0},{ 0, 57, 0},{ 0, 66, 0},{ 0, 63, 38},
{ 0, 49,108},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{153,153,216},{ 0, 74,254},{ 46, 43,254},{ 97, 17,254},
{140, 5,247},{164, 9,165},{161, 28, 74},{133, 57, 0},
{ 87, 89, 0},{ 36,114, 0},{ 0,126, 10},{ 0,122, 92},
{ 0,103,183},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{229,228,254},{ 74,148,254},{120,116,254},{172, 91,254},
{216, 78,254},{239, 82,254},{237,102,166},{208,131, 89},
{162,163, 46},{110,189, 51},{ 66,201,102},{ 42,197,184},
{ 45,178,254},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{154,208,254},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{ 90, 71, 97},{ 0, 11,130},{ 8, 0,162},{ 47, 0,158},
{ 80, 0,120},{ 98, 0, 58},{ 96, 0, 0},{ 74, 0, 0},
{ 39, 22, 0},{ 0, 42, 0},{ 0, 51, 0},{ 0, 48, 2},
{ 0, 33, 72},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{158,132,166},{ 4, 53,210},{ 50, 22,252},{101, 0,247},
{144, 0,197},{168, 0,116},{165, 7, 25},{137, 36, 0},
{ 91, 68, 0},{ 40, 93, 0},{ 0,105, 0},{ 0,101, 42},
{ 0, 82,134},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{234,201,246},{ 79,121,254},{125, 89,254},{177, 63,254},
{221, 51,254},{245, 55,195},{242, 74,102},{214,104, 24},
{167,136, 0},{115,161, 0},{ 71,174, 37},{ 48,170,120},
{ 50,150,213},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{160,180,232},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{ 66, 85, 88},{ 0, 25,121},{ 0, 1,153},{ 23, 0,149},
{ 56, 0,111},{ 74, 0, 49},{ 72, 0, 0},{ 51, 12, 0},
{ 16, 36, 0},{ 0, 55, 0},{ 0, 65, 0},{ 0, 62, 0},
{ 0, 47, 63},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{125,151,154},{ 0, 72,198},{ 17, 40,240},{ 69, 15,235},
{112, 3,185},{135, 7,104},{132, 26, 12},{104, 55, 0},
{ 59, 87, 0},{ 7,112, 0},{ 0,124, 0},{ 0,120, 30},
{ 0,101,121},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{192,225,230},{ 37,145,254},{ 83,114,254},{135, 88,254},
{179, 76,254},{202, 80,179},{200, 99, 86},{171,129, 8},
{125,160, 0},{ 73,186, 0},{ 29,198, 21},{ 5,194,104},
{ 8,175,197},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{118,205,216},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{ 69, 69, 69},{ 0, 16,110},{ 0, 0,142},{ 33, 0,138},
{ 66, 0,100},{ 84, 0, 38},{ 82, 0, 0},{ 60, 3, 0},
{ 25, 27, 0},{ 0, 46, 0},{ 0, 56, 0},{ 0, 53, 0},
{ 0, 38, 51},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{134,134,134},{ 0, 64,187},{ 35, 32,228},{ 86, 7,223},
{129, 0,174},{153, 0, 92},{150, 18, 1},{122, 47, 0},
{ 76, 79, 0},{ 25,104, 0},{ 0,116, 0},{ 0,112, 19},
{ 0, 93,110},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{207,207,207},{ 60,136,254},{107,104,254},{159, 79,254},
{203, 66,248},{226, 70,165},{224, 90, 72},{195,119, 0},
{149,151, 0},{ 97,177, 0},{ 53,189, 8},{ 29,185, 91},
{ 32,166,183},{ 79, 79, 79},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0},
{136,190,197},{184,184,184},{ 0, 0, 0},{ 0, 0, 0}
void Nes_Emu::SaveAudioBufferState()
extra_fade_sound_in = fade_sound_in;
extra_fade_sound_out = fade_sound_out;
extra_sound_buf_changed_count = sound_buf_changed_count;
void Nes_Emu::RestoreAudioBufferState()
fade_sound_in = extra_fade_sound_in;
fade_sound_out = extra_fade_sound_out;
sound_buf_changed_count = extra_sound_buf_changed_count;

core/Nes_Emu.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
// NES video game console emulator with snapshot support
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_EMU_H
#define NES_EMU_H
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "Multi_Buffer.h"
#include "Nes_Cart.h"
#include "Nes_Core.h"
class Nes_State;
// Register optional mappers included with Nes_Emu
void register_optional_mappers();
void register_extra_mappers();
extern const char unsupported_mapper []; // returned when cartridge uses unsupported mapper
class Nes_Emu {
virtual ~Nes_Emu();
// Basic setup
// Load iNES file into emulator and clear recording
const char * load_ines( Auto_File_Reader );
// Set sample rate for sound generation
const char * set_sample_rate( long );
// Size and depth of graphics buffer required for rendering. Note that this
// is larger than the actual image, with a temporary area around the edge
// that gets filled with junk.
enum { buffer_width = Nes_Ppu::buffer_width };
int buffer_height() const { return buffer_height_; }
enum { bits_per_pixel = 8 };
// Set graphics buffer to render pixels to. Pixels points to top-left pixel and
// row_bytes is the number of bytes to get to the next line (positive or negative).
void set_pixels( void* pixels, long row_bytes );
// Size of image generated in graphics buffer
enum { image_width = 256 };
enum { image_height = 240 };
// Basic emulation
// Emulate one video frame using joypad1 and joypad2 as input. Afterwards, image
// and sound are available for output using the accessors below.
virtual const char * emulate_frame( int joypad1, int joypad2 = 0 );
// Emulate one video frame using joypad1 and joypad2 as input, but skips drawing.
// Afterwards, audio is available for output using the accessors below.
virtual const char * emulate_skip_frame( int joypad1, int joypad2 = 0 );
// Maximum size of palette that can be generated
enum { max_palette_size = 256 };
// Result of current frame
struct frame_t
int joypad_read_count; // number of times joypads were strobed (read)
int burst_phase; // NTSC burst phase for frame (0, 1, or 2)
int sample_count; // number of samples (always a multiple of chan_count)
int chan_count; // 1: mono, 2: stereo
int top; // top-left position of image in graphics buffer
enum { left = 8 };
unsigned char* pixels; // pointer to top-left pixel of image
long pitch; // number of bytes to get to next row of image
int palette_begin; // first host palette entry, as set by set_palette_range()
int palette_size; // number of entries used for current frame
short palette [max_palette_size]; // [palette_begin to palette_begin+palette_size-1]
frame_t const& frame() const { return *frame_; }
// Read samples for the current frame. Returns number of samples read into buffer.
// Currently all samples must be read in one call.
virtual long read_samples( short* out, long max_samples );
// Additional features
// Use already-loaded cartridge. Retains pointer, so it must be kept around until
// closed. A cartridge can be shared among multiple emulators. After opening,
// cartridge's CHR data shouldn't be modified since a copy is cached internally.
const char * set_cart( Nes_Cart const* );
// Pointer to current cartridge, or NULL if none is loaded
Nes_Cart const* cart() const { return emu.cart; }
// Free any memory and close cartridge, if one was currently open. A new cartridge
// must be opened before further emulation can take place.
void close();
// Emulate powering NES off and then back on. If full_reset is false, emulates
// pressing the reset button only, which doesn't affect memory, otherwise
// emulates powering system off then on.
virtual void reset( bool full_reset = true, bool erase_battery_ram = false );
// Number of undefined CPU instructions encountered. Cleared after reset() and
// load_state(). A non-zero value indicates that cartridge is probably
// incompatible.
unsigned long error_count() const { return emu.error_count; }
// Sound
// Set sample rate and use a custom sound buffer instead of the default
// mono buffer, i.e. Nes_Buffer, Effects_Buffer, etc..
const char * set_sample_rate( long rate, Multi_Buffer* );
// Adjust effective frame rate by changing how many samples are generated each frame.
// Allows fine tuning of frame rate to improve synchronization.
void set_frame_rate( double rate );
// Number of sound channels for current cartridge
int channel_count() const { return channel_count_; }
// Frequency equalizer parameters
struct equalizer_t {
double treble; // 5.0 = extra-crisp, -200.0 = muffled
long bass; // 0 = deep, 20000 = tinny
// Current frequency equalization
equalizer_t const& equalizer() const { return equalizer_; }
// Change frequency equalization
void set_equalizer( equalizer_t const& );
// Equalizer presets
static equalizer_t const nes_eq; // NES
static equalizer_t const famicom_eq; // Famicom
static equalizer_t const tv_eq; // TV speaker
static equalizer_t const flat_eq; // Flat EQ
static equalizer_t const crisp_eq; // Crisp EQ (Treble boost)
static equalizer_t const tinny_eq; // Tinny EQ (Like a handheld speaker)
// File save/load
// Save emulator state
void save_state( Nes_State* s ) const { emu.save_state( s ); }
const char * save_state( Auto_File_Writer ) const;
// Load state into emulator
void load_state( Nes_State const& );
const char * load_state( Auto_File_Reader );
// True if current cartridge claims it uses battery-backed memory
bool has_battery_ram() const { return cart()->has_battery_ram(); }
// Save current battery RAM
const char * save_battery_ram( Auto_File_Writer );
// Load battery RAM from file. Best called just after reset() or loading cartridge.
const char * load_battery_ram( Auto_File_Reader );
// Graphics
// Number of frames generated per second
enum { frame_rate = 60 };
// Size of fixed NES color table (including the 8 color emphasis modes)
enum { color_table_size = 8 * 64 };
// NES color lookup table based on standard NTSC TV decoder. Use nes_ntsc.h to
// generate a palette with custom parameters.
struct rgb_t { unsigned char red, green, blue; };
static rgb_t const nes_colors [color_table_size];
// Hide/show/enhance sprites. Sprite mode does not affect emulation accuracy.
enum sprite_mode_t {
sprites_hidden = 0,
sprites_visible = 8, // limit of 8 sprites per scanline as on NES (default)
sprites_enhanced = 64 // unlimited sprites per scanline (no flickering)
void set_sprite_mode( sprite_mode_t n ) { emu.ppu.sprite_limit = n; }
// Set range of host palette entries to use in graphics buffer; default uses
// all of them. Begin will be rounded up to next multiple of palette_alignment.
// Use frame().palette_begin to find the adjusted beginning entry used.
enum { palette_alignment = 64 };
void set_palette_range( int begin, int end = 256 );
// Access to emulated memory, for viewer/cheater/debugger
// CHR
uint8_t const* chr_mem();
long chr_size() const;
void write_chr( void const*, long count, long offset );
// Nametable
uint8_t* nametable_mem() { return emu.ppu.impl->nt_ram; }
long nametable_size() const { return 0x1000; }
// Built-in 2K memory
enum { low_mem_size = 0x800 };
uint8_t* low_mem() { return emu.low_mem; }
// Optional 8K memory
enum { high_mem_size = 0x2000 };
uint8_t* high_mem() { return emu.impl->sram; }
// End of public interface
const char * set_sample_rate( long rate, class Nes_Buffer* );
const char * set_sample_rate( long rate, class Nes_Effects_Buffer* );
void irq_changed() { emu.irq_changed(); }
frame_t* frame_;
int buffer_height_;
bool fade_sound_in;
bool fade_sound_out;
virtual const char * init_();
virtual void loading_state( Nes_State const& ) { }
void load_state( Nes_State_ const& );
void save_state( Nes_State_* s ) const { emu.save_state( s ); }
int joypad_read_count() const { return emu.joypad_read_count; }
long timestamp() const { return emu.nes.frame_count; }
void set_timestamp( long t ) { emu.nes.frame_count = t; }
// noncopyable
Nes_Emu( const Nes_Emu& );
Nes_Emu& operator = ( const Nes_Emu& );
// sound
Multi_Buffer* default_sound_buf;
Multi_Buffer* sound_buf;
unsigned sound_buf_changed_count;
Silent_Buffer silent_buffer;
equalizer_t equalizer_;
int channel_count_;
bool sound_enabled;
void enable_sound( bool );
void clear_sound_buf();
void fade_samples( blip_sample_t*, int size, int step );
char* host_pixels;
int host_palette_size;
frame_t single_frame;
Nes_Cart private_cart;
Nes_Core emu; // large; keep at end
bool init_called;
const char * auto_init();
bool extra_fade_sound_in;
bool extra_fade_sound_out;
unsigned extra_sound_buf_changed_count;
void SaveAudioBufferState();
void RestoreAudioBufferState();
inline void Nes_Emu::set_pixels( void* p, long n )
host_pixels = (char*) p + n;
emu.ppu.host_row_bytes = n;
inline uint8_t const* Nes_Emu::chr_mem()
return cart()->chr_size() ? (uint8_t*) cart()->chr() : emu.ppu.impl->chr_ram;
inline long Nes_Emu::chr_size() const
return cart()->chr_size() ? cart()->chr_size() : emu.ppu.chr_addr_size;

core/Nes_File.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_File.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Nes_File_Writer
write_remain = 0;
depth_ = 0;
const char * Nes_File_Writer::begin( Auto_File_Writer dw, nes_tag_t tag )
out = dw;
RETURN_ERR( out.open_comp() );
return begin_group( tag );
const char * Nes_File_Writer::begin_group( nes_tag_t tag )
return write_header( tag, group_begin_size );
const char * Nes_File_Writer::write_header( nes_tag_t tag, long size )
nes_block_t h;
h.tag = tag;
h.size = size;
return out->write( &h, sizeof h );
const char * Nes_File_Writer::write_block( nes_tag_t tag, void const* data, long size )
RETURN_ERR( write_block_header( tag, size ) );
return write( data, size );
const char * Nes_File_Writer::write_block_header( nes_tag_t tag, long size )
write_remain = size;
return write_header( tag, size );
const char *Nes_File_Writer::write( void const* p, long s )
write_remain -= s;
return out->write( p, s );
const char * Nes_File_Writer::end()
return end_group();
const char * Nes_File_Writer::end_group()
return write_header( group_end_tag, 0 );
// Nes_File_Reader
h.tag = 0;
h.size = 0;
block_type_ = invalid;
depth_ = -1;
const char * Nes_File_Reader::read_block_data( void* p, long s )
long extra = remain();
if ( s > extra )
s = extra;
extra -= s;
RETURN_ERR( read( p, s ) );
if ( extra )
RETURN_ERR( skip( extra ) );
return 0;
const char * Nes_File_Reader::begin( Auto_File_Reader dr )
in = dr;
RETURN_ERR( read_header() );
if ( block_type() != group_begin )
return "File is wrong type";
return enter_group();
const char * Nes_File_Reader::read_header()
RETURN_ERR( in->read( &h, sizeof h ) );
block_type_ = data_block;
if ( h.size == group_begin_size )
block_type_ = group_begin;
h.size = 0;
if ( (long) h.tag == group_end_tag )
block_type_ = group_end;
h.tag = 0;
set_remain( h.size );
return 0;
const char * Nes_File_Reader::next_block()
switch ( block_type() )
case group_end:
return "Tried to go past end of blocks";
case group_begin: {
int d = 1;
RETURN_ERR( skip( h.size ) );
RETURN_ERR( read_header() );
if ( block_type() == group_begin )
if ( block_type() == group_end )
while ( d > 0);
case data_block:
RETURN_ERR( skip( h.size ) );
case invalid:
return read_header();
const char * Nes_File_Reader::enter_group()
block_type_ = invalid; // cause next_block() not to skip group
return 0;
const char * Nes_File_Reader::exit_group()
int d = 1;
while ( true )
if ( block_type() == group_end )
if ( block_type() == group_begin )
if ( d == 0 )
RETURN_ERR( skip( h.size ) );
RETURN_ERR( read_header() );
block_type_ = invalid; // cause next_block() to read past end block
return 0;
const char * Nes_File_Reader::skip_v( int s )
if ( (unsigned long) s > h.size )
return "Tried to skip past end of data";
h.size -= s;
set_remain( h.size );
return in->skip( s );
const char * Nes_File_Reader::read_v( void* p, int n )
if ( (unsigned long) n > h.size )
n = h.size;
h.size -= n;
set_remain( h.size );
return in->read( p, n );

core/Nes_File.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
// NES block-oriented file access
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_FILE_H
#define NES_FILE_H
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "abstract_file.h"
#include "nes_data.h"
// Writes a structured file
class Nes_File_Writer : public Data_Writer {
// Begin writing file with specified signature tag
const char * begin( Auto_File_Writer, nes_tag_t );
// Begin tagged group
const char * begin_group( nes_tag_t );
// Write tagged block
const char * write_block( nes_tag_t, void const*, long size );
// Write tagged block header. 'Size' bytes must be written before next block.
const char * write_block_header( nes_tag_t, long size );
// Write data to current block
const char *write( void const*, long );
// End tagged group
const char * end_group();
// End file
const char * end();
Auto_File_Writer out;
long write_remain;
int depth_;
const char * write_header( nes_tag_t tag, long size );
// Reads a structured file
class Nes_File_Reader : public Data_Reader {
// If true, verify checksums of any blocks that have them
void enable_checksums( bool = true );
// Begin reading file. Until next_block() is called, block_tag() yields tag for file.
const char * begin( Auto_File_Reader );
// Read header of next block in current group
const char * next_block();
// Type of current block
enum block_type_t {
block_type_t block_type() const { return block_type_; }
// Tag of current block
nes_tag_t block_tag() const { return h.tag; }
// Read at most s bytes from block and skip any remaining bytes
const char * read_block_data( void*, long s );
// Read at most 's' bytes from current block and return number of bytes actually read
virtual const char * read_v( void*, int n );
// Skip 's' bytes in current block
virtual const char * skip_v( int s );
// Read first sub-block of current group block
const char * enter_group();
// Skip past current group
const char * exit_group();
// Current depth, where 0 is top-level in file and higher is deeper
int depth() const { return depth_; }
// True if all data has been read
bool done() const { return depth() == 0 && block_type() == group_end; }
Auto_File_Reader in;
nes_block_t h;
block_type_t block_type_;
int depth_;
const char * read_header();
template<class T>
inline const char * read_nes_state( Nes_File_Reader& in, T* out )
const char * err = in.read_block_data( out, sizeof *out );
return err;
template<class T>
inline const char * write_nes_state( Nes_File_Writer& out, T& in )
const char * err = out.write_block( in.tag, &in, sizeof in );
return err;
template<class T>
inline const char * write_nes_state( Nes_File_Writer& out, const T& in )
T copy = in;
return out.write_block( copy.tag, &copy, sizeof copy );

core/Nes_Fme7_Apu.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Fme7_Apu.h"
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
void Nes_Fme7_Apu::reset()
last_time = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
oscs [i].last_amp = 0;
fme7_apu_state_t* state = this;
memset( state, 0, sizeof *state );
unsigned char Nes_Fme7_Apu::amp_table [16] =
#define ENTRY( n ) (unsigned char) (n * amp_range + 0.5)
ENTRY(0.0000), ENTRY(0.0078), ENTRY(0.0110), ENTRY(0.0156),
ENTRY(0.0221), ENTRY(0.0312), ENTRY(0.0441), ENTRY(0.0624),
ENTRY(0.0883), ENTRY(0.1249), ENTRY(0.1766), ENTRY(0.2498),
ENTRY(0.3534), ENTRY(0.4998), ENTRY(0.7070), ENTRY(1.0000)
#undef ENTRY
void Nes_Fme7_Apu::run_until( blip_time_t end_time )
for ( int index = 0; index < osc_count; index++ )
int mode = regs [7] >> index;
int vol_mode = regs [010 + index];
int volume = amp_table [vol_mode & 0x0f];
if ( !oscs [index].output )
if ( (mode & 001) | (vol_mode & 0x10) )
volume = 0; // noise and envelope aren't supported
// period
int const period_factor = 16;
unsigned period = (regs [index * 2 + 1] & 0x0f) * 0x100 * period_factor +
regs [index * 2] * period_factor;
if ( period < 50 ) // around 22 kHz
volume = 0;
if ( !period ) // on my AY-3-8910A, period doesn't have extra one added
period = period_factor;
// current amplitude
int amp = volume;
if ( !phases [index] )
amp = 0;
int delta = amp - oscs [index].last_amp;
if ( delta )
oscs [index].last_amp = amp;
synth.offset( last_time, delta, oscs [index].output );
blip_time_t time = last_time + delays [index];
if ( time < end_time )
Blip_Buffer* const osc_output = oscs [index].output;
int delta = amp * 2 - volume;
if ( volume )
delta = -delta;
synth.offset_inline( time, delta, osc_output );
time += period;
while ( time < end_time );
oscs [index].last_amp = (delta + volume) >> 1;
phases [index] = (delta > 0);
// maintain phase when silent
int count = (end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
phases [index] ^= count & 1;
time += (long) count * period;
delays [index] = time - end_time;
last_time = end_time;

core/Nes_Fme7_Apu.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
// Sunsoft FME-7 sound emulator
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_FME7_APU_H
#define NES_FME7_APU_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
struct fme7_apu_state_t
enum { reg_count = 14 };
uint8_t regs [reg_count];
uint8_t phases [3]; // 0 or 1
uint8_t latch;
uint16_t delays [3]; // a, b, c
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (fme7_apu_state_t) == 24 );
class Nes_Fme7_Apu : private fme7_apu_state_t {
// See Nes_Apu.h for reference
void reset();
void volume( double );
void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
void output( Blip_Buffer* );
enum { osc_count = 3 };
void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
void end_frame( blip_time_t );
void save_state( fme7_apu_state_t* ) const;
void load_state( fme7_apu_state_t const& );
// Mask and addresses of registers
enum { addr_mask = 0xe000 };
enum { data_addr = 0xe000 };
enum { latch_addr = 0xc000 };
// (addr & addr_mask) == latch_addr
void write_latch( int );
// (addr & addr_mask) == data_addr
void write_data( blip_time_t, int data );
// End of public interface
// noncopyable
Nes_Fme7_Apu( const Nes_Fme7_Apu& );
Nes_Fme7_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Fme7_Apu& );
static unsigned char amp_table [16];
struct {
Blip_Buffer* output;
int last_amp;
} oscs [osc_count];
blip_time_t last_time;
enum { amp_range = 192 }; // can be any value; this gives best error/quality tradeoff
Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> synth;
void run_until( blip_time_t );
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::volume( double v )
synth.volume( 0.38 / amp_range * v ); // to do: fine-tune
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
synth.treble_eq( eq );
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
oscs [i].output = buf;
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
osc_output( i, buf );
inline Nes_Fme7_Apu::Nes_Fme7_Apu()
output( NULL );
volume( 1.0 );
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::write_latch( int data ) { latch = data; }
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::write_data( blip_time_t time, int data )
if ( (unsigned) latch >= reg_count )
#ifdef dprintf
dprintf( "FME7 write to %02X (past end of sound registers)\n", (int) latch );
run_until( time );
regs [latch] = data;
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::end_frame( blip_time_t time )
if ( time > last_time )
run_until( time );
last_time -= time;
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::save_state( fme7_apu_state_t* out ) const
*out = *this;
inline void Nes_Fme7_Apu::load_state( fme7_apu_state_t const& in )
fme7_apu_state_t* state = this;
*state = in;
//Run sound channels for 0 cycles for clean audio after loading state

core/Nes_Mapper.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include <cstdio>
#include <string.h>
#include "Nes_Core.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
New mapping distribution by Sergio Martin (eien86)
#include "mappers/mapper000.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper001.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper002.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper003.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper004.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper005.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper007.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper009.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper010.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper011.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper015.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper019.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper021.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper022.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper023.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper024.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper025.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper026.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper030.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper032.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper033.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper034.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper060.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper066.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper069.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper070.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper071.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper073.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper075.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper078.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper079.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper085.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper086.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper087.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper088.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper089.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper093.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper094.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper097.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper113.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper140.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper152.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper154.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper156.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper180.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper184.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper190.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper193.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper206.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper207.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper232.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper240.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper241.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper244.hpp"
#include "mappers/mapper246.hpp"
emu_ = NULL;
static char c;
state = &c; // TODO: state must not be null?
state_size = 0;
// Sets mirroring, maps first 8K CHR in, first and last 16K of PRG,
// intercepts writes to upper half of memory, and clears registered state.
void Nes_Mapper::default_reset_state()
int mirroring = cart_->mirroring();
if ( mirroring & 8 )
else if ( mirroring & 1 )
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, 0 );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, 0 );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_16k, last_bank );
intercept_writes( 0x8000, 0x8000 );
memset( state, 0, state_size );
void Nes_Mapper::reset()
void mapper_state_t::write( const void* p, unsigned long s )
size = s;
memcpy( data, p, s );
int mapper_state_t::read( void* p, unsigned long s ) const
if ( (long) s > size )
s = size;
memcpy( p, data, s );
return s;
void Nes_Mapper::save_state( mapper_state_t& out )
out.write( state, state_size );
void Nes_Mapper::load_state( mapper_state_t const& in )
read_state( in );
void Nes_Mapper::read_state( mapper_state_t const& in )
memset( state, 0, state_size ); state, state_size );
// Timing
void Nes_Mapper::irq_changed() { emu_->irq_changed(); }
nes_time_t Nes_Mapper::next_irq( nes_time_t ) { return no_irq; }
void Nes_Mapper::a12_clocked() { }
void Nes_Mapper::run_until( nes_time_t ) { }
void Nes_Mapper::end_frame( nes_time_t ) { }
bool Nes_Mapper::ppu_enabled() const { return emu().ppu.w2001 & 0x08; }
// Sound
int Nes_Mapper::channel_count() const { return 0; }
void Nes_Mapper::set_channel_buf( int, Blip_Buffer* ) { }
void Nes_Mapper::set_treble( blip_eq_t const& ) { }
// Memory mapping
void Nes_Mapper::set_prg_bank( nes_addr_t addr, bank_size_t bs, int bank )
int bank_size = 1 << bs;
int bank_count = cart_->prg_size() >> bs;
if ( bank < 0 )
bank += bank_count;
if ( bank >= bank_count )
bank %= bank_count;
emu().map_code( addr, bank_size, cart_->prg() + (bank << bs) );
if ( unsigned (addr - 0x6000) < 0x2000 )
void Nes_Mapper::set_chr_bank( nes_addr_t addr, bank_size_t bs, int bank )
emu().ppu.render_until( emu().clock() );
emu().ppu.set_chr_bank( addr, 1 << bs, bank << bs );
void Nes_Mapper::set_chr_bank_ex( nes_addr_t addr, bank_size_t bs, int bank )
emu().ppu.render_until( emu().clock() );
emu().ppu.set_chr_bank_ex( addr, 1 << bs, bank << bs );
void Nes_Mapper::mirror_manual( int page0, int page1, int page2, int page3 )
emu().ppu.render_bg_until( emu().clock() );
emu().ppu.set_nt_banks( page0, page1, page2, page3 );
#ifndef NDEBUG
int Nes_Mapper::handle_bus_conflict( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
return data;
Nes_Mapper* Nes_Mapper::create( Nes_Cart const* cart, Nes_Core* emu )
// Getting cartdrige mapper code
auto mapperCode = cart->mapper_code();
// Storage for the mapper, NULL by default
Nes_Mapper* mapper = NULL;
// Now checking if the detected mapper code is supported
if (mapperCode == 0) mapper = new Mapper000();
if (mapperCode == 1) mapper = new Mapper001();
if (mapperCode == 2) mapper = new Mapper002();
if (mapperCode == 3) mapper = new Mapper003();
if (mapperCode == 4) mapper = new Mapper004();
if (mapperCode == 5) mapper = new Mapper005();
if (mapperCode == 7) mapper = new Mapper007();
if (mapperCode == 9) mapper = new Mapper009();
if (mapperCode == 10) mapper = new Mapper010();
if (mapperCode == 11) mapper = new Mapper011();
if (mapperCode == 15) mapper = new Mapper015();
if (mapperCode == 19) mapper = new Mapper019();
if (mapperCode == 21) mapper = new Mapper021();
if (mapperCode == 22) mapper = new Mapper022();
if (mapperCode == 23) mapper = new Mapper023();
if (mapperCode == 24) mapper = new Mapper024();
if (mapperCode == 25) mapper = new Mapper025();
if (mapperCode == 26) mapper = new Mapper026();
if (mapperCode == 30) mapper = new Mapper030();
if (mapperCode == 32) mapper = new Mapper032();
if (mapperCode == 33) mapper = new Mapper033();
if (mapperCode == 34) mapper = new Mapper034();
if (mapperCode == 60) mapper = new Mapper060();
if (mapperCode == 66) mapper = new Mapper066();
if (mapperCode == 69) mapper = new Mapper069();
if (mapperCode == 70) mapper = new Mapper070();
if (mapperCode == 71) mapper = new Mapper071();
if (mapperCode == 73) mapper = new Mapper073();
if (mapperCode == 75) mapper = new Mapper075();
if (mapperCode == 78) mapper = new Mapper078();
if (mapperCode == 79) mapper = new Mapper079();
if (mapperCode == 85) mapper = new Mapper085();
if (mapperCode == 86) mapper = new Mapper086();
if (mapperCode == 87) mapper = new Mapper087();
if (mapperCode == 88) mapper = new Mapper088();
if (mapperCode == 89) mapper = new Mapper089();
if (mapperCode == 93) mapper = new Mapper093();
if (mapperCode == 94) mapper = new Mapper094();
if (mapperCode == 97) mapper = new Mapper097();
if (mapperCode == 113) mapper = new Mapper113();
if (mapperCode == 140) mapper = new Mapper140();
if (mapperCode == 152) mapper = new Mapper152();
if (mapperCode == 154) mapper = new Mapper154();
if (mapperCode == 156) mapper = new Mapper156();
if (mapperCode == 180) mapper = new Mapper180();
if (mapperCode == 184) mapper = new Mapper184();
if (mapperCode == 190) mapper = new Mapper190();
if (mapperCode == 193) mapper = new Mapper193();
if (mapperCode == 206) mapper = new Mapper206();
if (mapperCode == 207) mapper = new Mapper207();
if (mapperCode == 232) mapper = new Mapper232();
if (mapperCode == 240) mapper = new Mapper240();
if (mapperCode == 241) mapper = new Mapper241();
if (mapperCode == 244) mapper = new Mapper244();
if (mapperCode == 246) mapper = new Mapper246();
// If no mapper was found, return null (error) now
if (mapper == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find mapper for code: %u\n", mapperCode);
return NULL;
// Assigning backwards pointers to cartdrige and emulator now
mapper->cart_ = cart;
mapper->emu_ = emu;
// Returning successfully created mapper
return mapper;

core/Nes_Mapper.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
// NES mapper interface
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_MAPPER
#define NES_MAPPER
#include "Nes_Cart.h"
#include "Nes_Cpu.h"
#include "nes_data.h"
#include "Nes_Core.h"
class Blip_Buffer;
class blip_eq_t;
class Nes_Core;
class Nes_Mapper {
// Register function that creates mapper for given code.
typedef Nes_Mapper* (*creator_func_t)();
static void register_mapper( int code, creator_func_t );
// Register optional mappers included with Nes_Emu
void register_optional_mappers();
// Create mapper appropriate for cartridge. Returns NULL if it uses unsupported mapper.
static Nes_Mapper* create( Nes_Cart const*, Nes_Core* );
virtual ~Nes_Mapper();
// Reset mapper to power-up state.
virtual void reset();
// Save snapshot of mapper state. Default saves registered state.
virtual void save_state( mapper_state_t& );
// Resets mapper, loads state, then applies it
virtual void load_state( mapper_state_t const& );
// I/O
// Read from memory
virtual int read( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t );
// Write to memory
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data ) = 0;
// Write to memory below 0x8000 (returns false if mapper didn't handle write)
virtual bool write_intercepted( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data );
// Timing
// Time returned when current mapper state won't ever cause an IRQ
enum { no_irq = LONG_MAX / 2 };
// Time next IRQ will occur at
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t present );
// Run mapper until given time
virtual void run_until( nes_time_t );
// End video frame of given length
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t length );
// Sound
// Number of sound channels
virtual int channel_count() const;
// Set sound buffer for channel to output to, or NULL to silence channel.
virtual void set_channel_buf( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
// Set treble equalization
virtual void set_treble( blip_eq_t const& );
// Misc
// Called when bit 12 of PPU's VRAM address changes from 0 to 1 due to
// $2006 and $2007 accesses (but not due to PPU scanline rendering).
virtual void a12_clocked();
// Services provided for derived mapper classes
// Register state data to automatically save and load. Be sure the binary
// layout is suitable for use in a file, including any byte-order issues.
// Automatically cleared to zero by default reset().
void register_state( void*, unsigned );
// Enable 8K of RAM at 0x6000-0x7FFF, optionally read-only.
void enable_sram( bool enabled = true, bool read_only = false );
// Cause CPU writes within given address range to call mapper's write() function.
// Might map a larger address range, which the mapper can ignore and pass to
// Nes_Mapper::write(). The range 0x8000-0xffff is always intercepted by the mapper.
void intercept_writes( nes_addr_t addr, unsigned size );
// Cause CPU reads within given address range to call mapper's read() function.
// Might map a larger address range, which the mapper can ignore and pass to
// Nes_Mapper::read(). CPU opcode/operand reads and low-memory reads always
// go directly to memory and cannot be intercepted.
void intercept_reads( nes_addr_t addr, unsigned size );
// Bank sizes for mapping
enum bank_size_t { // 1 << bank_Xk = X * 1024
bank_1k = 10,
bank_2k = 11,
bank_4k = 12,
bank_8k = 13,
bank_16k = 14,
bank_32k = 15
// Index of last PRG/CHR bank. Last_bank selects last bank, last_bank - 1
// selects next-to-last bank, etc.
enum { last_bank = -1 };
// Map 'size' bytes from 'PRG + bank * size' to CPU address space starting at 'addr'
void set_prg_bank( nes_addr_t addr, bank_size_t size, int bank );
// Map 'size' bytes from 'CHR + bank * size' to PPU address space starting at 'addr'
void set_chr_bank( nes_addr_t addr, bank_size_t size, int bank );
void set_chr_bank_ex( nes_addr_t addr, bank_size_t size, int bank );
// Set PPU mirroring. All mappings implemented using mirror_manual().
void mirror_manual( int page0, int page1, int page2, int page3 );
void mirror_single( int page );
void mirror_horiz( int page = 0 );
void mirror_vert( int page = 0 );
void mirror_full();
// True if PPU rendering is enabled. Some mappers watch PPU memory accesses to determine
// when scanlines occur, and can only do this when rendering is enabled.
bool ppu_enabled() const;
// Cartridge being emulated
Nes_Cart const& cart() const { return *cart_; }
// Must be called when next_irq()'s return value is earlier than previous,
// current CPU run can be stopped earlier. Best to call whenever time may
// have changed (no performance impact if called even when time didn't change).
void irq_changed();
// Handle data written to mapper that doesn't handle bus conflict arising due to
// PRG also reading data. Returns data that mapper should act as if were
// written. Currently always returns 'data' and just checks that data written is
// the same as byte in PRG at same address and writes debug message if it doesn't.
int handle_bus_conflict( nes_addr_t addr, int data );
// Reference to emulator that uses this mapper.
Nes_Core& emu() const { return *emu_; }
// Services derived classes provide
// Read state from snapshot. Default reads data into registered state, then calls
// apply_mapping().
virtual void read_state( mapper_state_t const& );
// Apply current mapping state to hardware. Called after reading mapper state
// from a snapshot.
virtual void apply_mapping() = 0;
// Called by default reset() before apply_mapping() is called.
virtual void reset_state() { }
// End of general interface
Nes_Core* emu_;
void* state;
unsigned state_size;
Nes_Cart const* cart_;
void default_reset_state();
#ifdef NDEBUG
inline int Nes_Mapper::handle_bus_conflict( nes_addr_t addr, int data ) { return data; }
inline void Nes_Mapper::mirror_horiz( int p ) { mirror_manual( p, p, p ^ 1, p ^ 1 ); }
inline void Nes_Mapper::mirror_vert( int p ) { mirror_manual( p, p ^ 1, p, p ^ 1 ); }
inline void Nes_Mapper::mirror_single( int p ) { mirror_manual( p, p, p, p ); }
inline void Nes_Mapper::mirror_full() { mirror_manual( 0, 1, 2, 3 ); }
inline void Nes_Mapper::register_state( void* p, unsigned s )
state = p;
state_size = s;
inline bool Nes_Mapper::write_intercepted( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int ) { return false; }
inline int Nes_Mapper::read( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t ) { return -1; } // signal to caller
inline void Nes_Mapper::intercept_reads( nes_addr_t addr, unsigned size )
emu().add_mapper_intercept( addr, size, true, false );
inline void Nes_Mapper::intercept_writes( nes_addr_t addr, unsigned size )
emu().add_mapper_intercept( addr, size, false, true );
inline void Nes_Mapper::enable_sram( bool enabled, bool read_only )
emu_->enable_sram( enabled, read_only );

core/Nes_Namco_Apu.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7.
#include "Nes_Namco_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
output( NULL );
volume( 1.0 );
void Nes_Namco_Apu::reset()
last_time = 0;
addr_reg = 0;
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < reg_count; i++ )
reg [i] = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
Namco_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
osc.delay = 0;
osc.last_amp = 0;
osc.wave_pos = 0;
void Nes_Namco_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
osc_output( i, buf );
void Nes_Namco_Apu::reflect_state( Tagged_Data& data )
reflect_int16( data, 'ADDR', &addr_reg );
static const char hex [17] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < reg_count; i++ )
reflect_int16( data, 'RG\0\0' + hex [i >> 4] * 0x100 + hex [i & 15], &reg [i] );
for ( i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
reflect_int32( data, 'DLY0' + i, &oscs [i].delay );
reflect_int16( data, 'POS0' + i, &oscs [i].wave_pos );
void Nes_Namco_Apu::end_frame( nes_time_t time )
if ( time > last_time )
run_until( time );
last_time -= time;
void Nes_Namco_Apu::run_until( nes_time_t nes_end_time )
int active_oscs = (reg [0x7F] >> 4 & 7) + 1;
for ( int i = osc_count - active_oscs; i < osc_count; i++ )
Namco_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
Blip_Buffer* output = osc.output;
if ( !output )
blip_resampled_time_t time =
output->resampled_time( last_time ) + osc.delay;
blip_resampled_time_t end_time = output->resampled_time( nes_end_time );
osc.delay = 0;
if ( time < end_time )
const uint8_t* osc_reg = &reg [i * 8 + 0x40];
if ( !(osc_reg [4] & 0xE0) )
int volume = osc_reg [7] & 15;
if ( !volume )
long freq = (osc_reg [4] & 3) * 0x10000 + osc_reg [2] * 0x100L + osc_reg [0];
if ( freq < 64 * active_oscs )
continue; // prevent low frequencies from excessively delaying freq changes
blip_resampled_time_t period =
output->resampled_duration( 983040 ) / freq * active_oscs;
int wave_size = 32 - (osc_reg [4] >> 2 & 7) * 4;
if ( !wave_size )
int last_amp = osc.last_amp;
int wave_pos = osc.wave_pos;
// read wave sample
int addr = wave_pos + osc_reg [6];
int sample = reg [addr >> 1] >> (addr << 2 & 4);
sample = (sample & 15) * volume;
// output impulse if amplitude changed
int delta = sample - last_amp;
if ( delta )
last_amp = sample;
synth.offset_resampled( time, delta, output );
// next sample
time += period;
if ( wave_pos >= wave_size )
wave_pos = 0;
while ( time < end_time );
osc.wave_pos = wave_pos;
osc.last_amp = last_amp;
osc.delay = time - end_time;
last_time = nes_end_time;
void Nes_Namco_Apu::save_state( namco_state_t* out ) const
out->addr = addr_reg;
for ( int r = 0; r < reg_count; r++ )
out->regs [ r ] = reg [ r ];
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
Namco_Osc const& osc = oscs [ i ];
out->delays [ i ] = osc.delay;
out->positions [ i ] = osc.wave_pos;
void Nes_Namco_Apu::load_state( namco_state_t const& in )
addr_reg = in.addr;
for ( int r = 0; r < reg_count; r++ )
reg [ r ] = in.regs [ r ];
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
Namco_Osc& osc = oscs [ i ];
osc.delay = in.delays [ i ];
osc.wave_pos = in.positions [ i ];
run_until( last_time );

core/Nes_Namco_Apu.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
// Namco 106 sound chip emulator
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7
#include <stdint.h>
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
struct namco_state_t;
class Nes_Namco_Apu {
// See Nes_Apu.h for reference.
void volume( double );
void treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& );
void output( Blip_Buffer* );
enum { osc_count = 8 };
void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
void reset();
void end_frame( nes_time_t );
// Read/write data register is at 0x4800
enum { data_reg_addr = 0x4800 };
void write_data( nes_time_t, int );
int read_data();
// Write-only address register is at 0xF800
enum { addr_reg_addr = 0xF800 };
void write_addr( int );
// to do: implement save/restore
void save_state( namco_state_t* out ) const;
void load_state( namco_state_t const& );
// noncopyable
Nes_Namco_Apu( const Nes_Namco_Apu& );
Nes_Namco_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Namco_Apu& );
struct Namco_Osc {
long delay;
Blip_Buffer* output;
short last_amp;
short wave_pos;
Namco_Osc oscs [osc_count];
nes_time_t last_time;
int addr_reg;
enum { reg_count = 0x80 };
uint8_t reg [reg_count];
Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,15> synth;
uint8_t& access();
void run_until( nes_time_t );
struct namco_state_t
uint8_t regs [0x80];
uint8_t addr;
uint8_t unused;
uint8_t positions [8];
uint32_t delays [8];
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (namco_state_t) == 172 );
inline uint8_t& Nes_Namco_Apu::access()
int addr = addr_reg & 0x7f;
if ( addr_reg & 0x80 )
addr_reg = (addr + 1) | 0x80;
return reg [addr];
inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::volume( double v ) { synth.volume( 0.10 / osc_count * v ); }
inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::treble_eq( const blip_eq_t& eq ) { synth.treble_eq( eq ); }
inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::write_addr( int v ) { addr_reg = v; }
inline int Nes_Namco_Apu::read_data() { return access(); }
inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
oscs [i].output = buf;
inline void Nes_Namco_Apu::write_data( nes_time_t time, int data )
run_until( time );
access() = data;

core/Nes_Oscs.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7.
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Nes_Osc
void Nes_Osc::clock_length( int halt_mask )
if ( length_counter && !(regs [0] & halt_mask) )
void Nes_Envelope::clock_envelope()
int period = regs [0] & 15;
if ( reg_written [3] ) {
reg_written [3] = false;
env_delay = period;
envelope = 15;
else if ( --env_delay < 0 ) {
env_delay = period;
if ( envelope | (regs [0] & 0x20) )
envelope = (envelope - 1) & 15;
int Nes_Envelope::volume() const
return length_counter == 0 ? 0 : (regs [0] & 0x10) ? (regs [0] & 15) : envelope;
// Nes_Square
void Nes_Square::clock_sweep( int negative_adjust )
int sweep = regs [1];
if ( --sweep_delay < 0 )
reg_written [1] = true;
int period = this->period();
int shift = sweep & shift_mask;
if ( shift && (sweep & 0x80) && period >= 8 )
int offset = period >> shift;
if ( sweep & negate_flag )
offset = negative_adjust - offset;
if ( period + offset < 0x800 )
period += offset;
// rewrite period
regs [2] = period & 0xff;
regs [3] = (regs [3] & ~7) | ((period >> 8) & 7);
if ( reg_written [1] ) {
reg_written [1] = false;
sweep_delay = (sweep >> 4) & 7;
// TODO: clean up
inline nes_time_t Nes_Square::maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
nes_time_t timer_period )
long remain = end_time - time;
if ( remain > 0 )
int count = (remain + timer_period - 1) / timer_period;
phase = (phase + count) & (phase_range - 1);
time += (long) count * timer_period;
return time;
void Nes_Square::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
const int period = this->period();
const int timer_period = (period + 1) * 2;
if ( !output )
delay = maintain_phase( time + delay, end_time, timer_period ) - end_time;
int offset = period >> (regs [1] & shift_mask);
if ( regs [1] & negate_flag )
offset = 0;
const int volume = this->volume();
if ( volume == 0 || period < 8 || (period + offset) >= 0x800 )
if ( last_amp ) {
synth.offset( time, -last_amp, output );
last_amp = 0;
time += delay;
time = maintain_phase( time, end_time, timer_period );
// handle duty select
int duty_select = (regs [0] >> 6) & 3;
int duty = 1 << duty_select; // 1, 2, 4, 2
int amp = 0;
if ( duty_select == 3 ) {
duty = 2; // negated 25%
amp = volume;
if ( phase < duty )
amp ^= volume;
int delta = update_amp( amp );
if ( delta )
synth.offset( time, delta, output );
time += delay;
if ( time < end_time )
Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
const Synth& synth = this->synth;
int delta = amp * 2 - volume;
int phase = this->phase;
do {
phase = (phase + 1) & (phase_range - 1);
if ( phase == 0 || phase == duty ) {
delta = -delta;
synth.offset_inline( time, delta, output );
time += timer_period;
while ( time < end_time );
last_amp = (delta + volume) >> 1;
this->phase = phase;
delay = time - end_time;
// Nes_Triangle
void Nes_Triangle::clock_linear_counter()
if ( reg_written [3] )
linear_counter = regs [0] & 0x7f;
else if ( linear_counter )
if ( !(regs [0] & 0x80) )
reg_written [3] = false;
inline int Nes_Triangle::calc_amp() const
int amp = phase_range - phase;
if ( amp < 0 )
amp = phase - (phase_range + 1);
return amp;
// TODO: clean up
inline nes_time_t Nes_Triangle::maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
nes_time_t timer_period )
long remain = end_time - time;
if ( remain > 0 )
int count = (remain + timer_period - 1) / timer_period;
phase = ((unsigned) phase + 1 - count) & (phase_range * 2 - 1);
time += (long) count * timer_period;
return time;
void Nes_Triangle::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
const int timer_period = period() + 1;
if ( !output )
time += delay;
delay = 0;
if ( length_counter && linear_counter && timer_period >= 3 )
delay = maintain_phase( time, end_time, timer_period ) - end_time;
// to do: track phase when period < 3
// to do: Output 7.5 on dac when period < 2? More accurate, but results in more clicks.
int delta = update_amp( calc_amp() );
if ( delta )
synth.offset( time, delta, output );
time += delay;
if ( length_counter == 0 || linear_counter == 0 || timer_period < 3 )
time = end_time;
else if ( time < end_time )
Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
int phase = this->phase;
int volume = 1;
if ( phase > phase_range ) {
phase -= phase_range;
volume = -volume;
do {
if ( --phase == 0 ) {
phase = phase_range;
volume = -volume;
else {
synth.offset_inline( time, volume, output );
time += timer_period;
while ( time < end_time );
if ( volume < 0 )
phase += phase_range;
this->phase = phase;
last_amp = calc_amp();
delay = time - end_time;
// Nes_Dmc
void Nes_Dmc::reset()
address = 0;
dac = 0;
buf = 0;
bits_remain = 1;
bits = 0;
buf_full = false;
silence = true;
next_irq = Nes_Apu::no_irq;
irq_flag = false;
irq_enabled = false;
period = 0x1ac;
void Nes_Dmc::recalc_irq()
nes_time_t irq = Nes_Apu::no_irq;
if ( irq_enabled && length_counter )
irq = apu->last_dmc_time + delay +
((length_counter - 1) * 8 + bits_remain - 1) * nes_time_t (period) + 1;
if ( irq != next_irq ) {
next_irq = irq;
int Nes_Dmc::count_reads( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t* last_read ) const
if ( last_read )
*last_read = time;
if ( length_counter == 0 )
return 0; // not reading
long first_read = next_read_time();
long avail = time - first_read;
if ( avail <= 0 )
return 0;
int count = (avail - 1) / (period * 8) + 1;
if ( !(regs [0] & loop_flag) && count > length_counter )
count = length_counter;
if ( last_read )
*last_read = first_read + (count - 1) * (period * 8) + 1;
return count;
static const short dmc_period_table [2] [16] = {
{0x1ac, 0x17c, 0x154, 0x140, 0x11e, 0x0fe, 0x0e2, 0x0d6, // NTSC
0x0be, 0x0a0, 0x08e, 0x080, 0x06a, 0x054, 0x048, 0x036},
{0x18e, 0x161, 0x13c, 0x129, 0x10a, 0x0ec, 0x0d2, 0x0c7, // PAL (totally untested)
0x0b1, 0x095, 0x084, 0x077, 0x062, 0x04e, 0x043, 0x032} // to do: verify PAL periods
inline void Nes_Dmc::reload_sample()
address = 0x4000 + regs [2] * 0x40;
length_counter = regs [3] * 0x10 + 1;
static const unsigned char dac_table [128] =
0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,
void Nes_Dmc::write_register( int addr, int data )
if ( addr == 0 )
period = dmc_period_table [pal_mode] [data & 15];
irq_enabled = (data & 0xc0) == 0x80; // enabled only if loop disabled
irq_flag &= irq_enabled;
else if ( addr == 1 )
int old_dac = dac;
dac = data & 0x7F;
// adjust last_amp so that "pop" amplitude will be properly non-linear
// with respect to change in dac
int faked_nonlinear = dac - (dac_table [dac] - dac_table [old_dac]);
if ( !nonlinear )
last_amp = faked_nonlinear;
void Nes_Dmc::start()
void Nes_Dmc::fill_buffer()
if ( !buf_full && length_counter )
buf = prg_reader( prg_reader_data, 0x8000u + address );
address = (address + 1) & 0x7FFF;
buf_full = true;
if ( --length_counter == 0 )
if ( regs [0] & loop_flag ) {
else {
apu->osc_enables &= ~0x10;
irq_flag = irq_enabled;
next_irq = Nes_Apu::no_irq;
void Nes_Dmc::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
int delta = update_amp( dac );
if ( !output )
silence = true;
else if ( delta )
synth.offset( time, delta, output );
time += delay;
if ( time < end_time )
int bits_remain = this->bits_remain;
if ( silence && !buf_full )
int count = (end_time - time + period - 1) / period;
bits_remain = (bits_remain - 1 + 8 - (count % 8)) % 8 + 1;
time += count * period;
Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
const int period = this->period;
int bits = this->bits;
int dac = this->dac;
if ( !silence )
int step = (bits & 1) * 4 - 2;
bits >>= 1;
if ( unsigned (dac + step) <= 0x7F ) {
dac += step;
synth.offset_inline( time, step, output );
time += period;
if ( --bits_remain == 0 )
bits_remain = 8;
if ( !buf_full ) {
silence = true;
else {
silence = false;
bits = buf;
buf_full = false;
if ( !output )
silence = true;
while ( time < end_time );
this->dac = dac;
this->last_amp = dac;
this->bits = bits;
this->bits_remain = bits_remain;
delay = time - end_time;
// Nes_Noise
static const short noise_period_table [16] = {
0x004, 0x008, 0x010, 0x020, 0x040, 0x060, 0x080, 0x0A0,
0x0CA, 0x0FE, 0x17C, 0x1FC, 0x2FA, 0x3F8, 0x7F2, 0xFE4
void Nes_Noise::run( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time )
int period = noise_period_table [regs [2] & 15];
if ( period < 8 )
period = 8;
if ( !output )
// TODO: clean up
time += delay;
delay = time + (end_time - time + period - 1) / period * period - end_time;
const int volume = this->volume();
int amp = (noise & 1) ? volume : 0;
int delta = update_amp( amp );
if ( delta )
synth.offset( time, delta, output );
time += delay;
if ( time < end_time )
const int mode_flag = 0x80;
if ( !volume )
// round to next multiple of period
time += (end_time - time + period - 1) / period * period;
// approximate noise cycling while muted, by shuffling up noise register
// to do: precise muted noise cycling?
if ( !(regs [2] & mode_flag) ) {
int feedback = (noise << 13) ^ (noise << 14);
noise = (feedback & 0x4000) | (noise >> 1);
Blip_Buffer* const output = this->output;
// using resampled time avoids conversion in synth.offset()
blip_resampled_time_t rperiod = output->resampled_duration( period );
blip_resampled_time_t rtime = output->resampled_time( time );
int noise = this->noise;
int delta = amp * 2 - volume;
const int tap = (regs [2] & mode_flag ? 8 : 13);
do {
int feedback = (noise << tap) ^ (noise << 14);
time += period;
if ( (noise + 1) & 2 ) {
// bits 0 and 1 of noise differ
delta = -delta;
synth.offset_resampled( rtime, delta, output );
rtime += rperiod;
noise = (feedback & 0x4000) | (noise >> 1);
while ( time < end_time );
last_amp = (delta + volume) >> 1;
this->noise = noise;
delay = time - end_time;

core/Nes_Oscs.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
// Private oscillators used by Nes_Apu
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7
#ifndef NES_OSCS_H
#define NES_OSCS_H
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
class Nes_Apu;
struct Nes_Osc
unsigned char regs [4];
bool reg_written [4];
Blip_Buffer* output;
int length_counter;// length counter (0 if unused by oscillator)
int delay; // delay until next (potential) transition
int last_amp; // last amplitude oscillator was outputting
void clock_length( int halt_mask );
int period() const {
return (regs [3] & 7) * 0x100 + (regs [2] & 0xff);
void reset() {
delay = 0;
last_amp = 0;
int update_amp( int amp ) {
int delta = amp - last_amp;
last_amp = amp;
return delta;
struct Nes_Envelope : Nes_Osc
int envelope;
int env_delay;
void clock_envelope();
int volume() const;
void reset() {
envelope = 0;
env_delay = 0;
// Nes_Square
struct Nes_Square : Nes_Envelope
enum { negate_flag = 0x08 };
enum { shift_mask = 0x07 };
enum { phase_range = 8 };
int phase;
int sweep_delay;
typedef Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> Synth;
Synth const& synth; // shared between squares
Nes_Square( Synth const* s ) : synth( *s ) { }
void clock_sweep( int adjust );
void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
void reset() {
sweep_delay = 0;
nes_time_t maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
nes_time_t timer_period );
// Nes_Triangle
struct Nes_Triangle : Nes_Osc
enum { phase_range = 16 };
int phase;
int linear_counter;
Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth;
int calc_amp() const;
void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
void clock_linear_counter();
void reset() {
linear_counter = 0;
phase = 1;
nes_time_t maintain_phase( nes_time_t time, nes_time_t end_time,
nes_time_t timer_period );
// Nes_Noise
struct Nes_Noise : Nes_Envelope
int noise;
Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth;
void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
void reset() {
noise = 1 << 14;
// Nes_Dmc
struct Nes_Dmc : Nes_Osc
int address; // address of next byte to read
int period;
//int length_counter; // bytes remaining to play (already defined in Nes_Osc)
int buf;
int bits_remain;
int bits;
bool buf_full;
bool silence;
enum { loop_flag = 0x40 };
int dac;
nes_time_t next_irq;
bool irq_enabled;
bool irq_flag;
bool pal_mode;
bool nonlinear;
int (*prg_reader)( void*, nes_addr_t ); // needs to be initialized to prg read function
void* prg_reader_data;
Nes_Apu* apu;
Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> synth;
void start();
void write_register( int, int );
void run( nes_time_t, nes_time_t );
void recalc_irq();
void fill_buffer();
void reload_sample();
void reset();
int count_reads( nes_time_t, nes_time_t* ) const;
nes_time_t next_read_time() const;

core/Nes_Ppu.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
// Timing and behavior of PPU
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Ppu.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Nes_State.h"
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "Nes_Core.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
// to do: remove unnecessary run_until() calls
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Timing
ppu_time_t const scanline_len = Nes_Ppu::scanline_len;
// if non-zero, report sprite max at fixed time rather than calculating it
nes_time_t const fixed_sprite_max_time = 0; // 1 * ((21 + 164) * scanline_len + 100) / ppu_overclock;
int const sprite_max_cpu_offset = 2420 + 3;
ppu_time_t const t_to_v_time = 20 * scanline_len + 302;
ppu_time_t const even_odd_time = 20 * scanline_len + 328;
ppu_time_t const first_scanline_time = 21 * scanline_len + 60; // this can be varied
ppu_time_t const first_hblank_time = 21 * scanline_len + 252;
ppu_time_t const earliest_sprite_max = sprite_max_cpu_offset * ppu_overclock;
ppu_time_t const earliest_sprite_hit = 21 * scanline_len + 339; // needs to be 22 * scanline_len when fixed_sprite_max_time is set
nes_time_t const vbl_end_time = 2272;
ppu_time_t const max_frame_length = 262 * scanline_len;
//ppu_time_t const max_frame_length = 320 * scanline_len; // longer frame for testing movie resync
nes_time_t const earliest_vbl_end_time = max_frame_length / ppu_overclock - 10;
// Scanline rendering
void Nes_Ppu::render_bg_until_( nes_time_t cpu_time )
ppu_time_t time = ppu_time( cpu_time );
ppu_time_t const frame_duration = scanline_len * 261;
if ( time > frame_duration )
time = frame_duration;
// one-time events
if ( frame_phase <= 1 )
if ( frame_phase < 1 )
// vtemp->vaddr
frame_phase = 1;
if ( w2001 & 0x08 )
vram_addr = vram_temp;
// variable-length scanline
if ( time <= even_odd_time )
next_bg_time = nes_time( even_odd_time );
frame_phase = 2;
if ( !(w2001 & 0x08) || emu.nes.frame_count & 1 )
if ( --frame_length_extra < 0 )
frame_length_extra = 2;
burst_phase = (burst_phase + 2) % 3;
// scanlines
if ( scanline_time < time )
int count = (time - scanline_time + scanline_len) / scanline_len;
// hblank before next scanline
if ( hblank_time < scanline_time )
hblank_time += scanline_len;
run_hblank( 1 );
scanline_time += count * scanline_len;
hblank_time += scanline_len * (count - 1);
int saved_vaddr = vram_addr;
int start = scanline_count;
scanline_count += count;
draw_background( start, count );
vram_addr = saved_vaddr; // to do: this is cheap
run_hblank( count - 1 );
// hblank after current scanline
ppu_time_t next_ppu_time = hblank_time;
if ( hblank_time < time )
hblank_time += scanline_len;
run_hblank( 1 );
next_ppu_time = scanline_time; // scanline will run next
// either hblank or scanline comes next
next_bg_time = nes_time( next_ppu_time );
void Nes_Ppu::render_until_( nes_time_t time )
// render bg scanlines then render sprite scanlines up to wherever bg was rendered to
render_bg_until( time );
next_sprites_time = nes_time( scanline_time );
if ( host_pixels )
int start = next_sprites_scanline;
int count = scanline_count - start;
if ( count > 0 )
next_sprites_scanline += count;
draw_sprites( start, count );
// Frame events
inline void Nes_Ppu::end_vblank()
// clear VBL, sprite hit, and max sprites flags first time after 20 scanlines
r2002 &= end_vbl_mask;
end_vbl_mask = ~0;
inline void Nes_Ppu::run_end_frame( nes_time_t time )
if ( !frame_ended )
// update frame_length
render_bg_until( time );
// set VBL when end of frame is reached
nes_time_t len = frame_length();
if ( time >= len )
r2002 |= 0x80;
frame_ended = true;
if ( w2000 & 0x80 )
nmi_time_ = len + 2 - (frame_length_extra >> 1);
// Sprite max
inline void Nes_Ppu::invalidate_sprite_max_()
next_sprite_max_run = earliest_sprite_max / ppu_overclock;
sprite_max_set_time = 0;
void Nes_Ppu::run_sprite_max_( nes_time_t cpu_time )
end_vblank(); // might get run outside $2002 handler
// 577.0 / 0x10000 ~= 1.0 / 113.581, close enough to accurately calculate which scanline it is
int start_scanline = next_sprite_max_scanline;
next_sprite_max_scanline = unsigned ((cpu_time - sprite_max_cpu_offset) * 577) / 0x10000u;
if ( !sprite_max_set_time )
if ( !(w2001 & 0x18) )
long t = recalc_sprite_max( start_scanline );
sprite_max_set_time = indefinite_time;
if ( t > 0 )
sprite_max_set_time = t / 3 + sprite_max_cpu_offset;
next_sprite_max_run = sprite_max_set_time;
//dprintf( "sprite_max_set_time: %d\n", sprite_max_set_time );
if ( cpu_time > sprite_max_set_time )
r2002 |= 0x20;
//dprintf( "Sprite max flag set: %d\n", sprite_max_set_time );
next_sprite_max_run = indefinite_time;
inline void Nes_Ppu::run_sprite_max( nes_time_t t )
if ( !fixed_sprite_max_time && t > next_sprite_max_run )
run_sprite_max_( t );
inline void Nes_Ppu::invalidate_sprite_max( nes_time_t t )
if ( !fixed_sprite_max_time && !(r2002 & 0x20) )
run_sprite_max( t );
// Sprite 0 hit
inline int Nes_Ppu_Impl::first_opaque_sprite_line()
// advance earliest time if sprite has blank lines at beginning
uint8_t const* p = map_chr( sprite_tile_index( spr_ram ) * 16 );
int twice = w2000 >> 5 & 1; // loop twice if double height is set
int line = 0;
for ( int n = 8; n--; p++ )
if ( p [0] | p [8] )
return line;
p += 8;
while ( !--twice );
return line;
void Nes_Ppu::update_sprite_hit( nes_time_t cpu_time )
ppu_time_t earliest = earliest_sprite_hit + spr_ram [0] * scanline_len + spr_ram [3];
//ppu_time_t latest = earliest + sprite_height() * scanline_len;
earliest += first_opaque_sprite_line() * scanline_len;
ppu_time_t time = ppu_time( cpu_time );
next_sprite_hit_check = indefinite_time;
if ( false )
if ( earliest < time )
r2002 |= 0x40;
if ( time < earliest )
next_sprite_hit_check = nes_time( earliest );
// within possible range; render scanline and compare pixels
int count_needed = 2 + (time - earliest_sprite_hit - spr_ram [3]) / scanline_len;
if ( count_needed > 240 )
count_needed = 240;
while ( scanline_count < count_needed )
render_bg_until( max( cpu_time, next_bg_time + 1 ) );
if ( sprite_hit_found < 0 )
return; // sprite won't hit
if ( !sprite_hit_found )
// check again next scanline
next_sprite_hit_check = nes_time( earliest_sprite_hit + spr_ram [3] +
(scanline_count - 1) * scanline_len );
// hit found
ppu_time_t hit_time = earliest_sprite_hit + sprite_hit_found - scanline_len;
if ( time < hit_time )
next_sprite_hit_check = nes_time( hit_time );
//dprintf( "Sprite hit x: %d, y: %d, scanline_count: %d\n",
// sprite_hit_found % 341, sprite_hit_found / 341, scanline_count );
r2002 |= 0x40;
// $2002
inline void Nes_Ppu::query_until( nes_time_t time )
// sprite hit
if ( time > next_sprite_hit_check )
update_sprite_hit( time );
// sprite max
if ( !fixed_sprite_max_time )
run_sprite_max( time );
else if ( time >= fixed_sprite_max_time )
r2002 |= (w2001 << 1 & 0x20) | (w2001 << 2 & 0x20);
int Nes_Ppu::read_2002( nes_time_t time )
nes_time_t next = next_status_event;
next_status_event = vbl_end_time;
int extra_clock = extra_clocks ? (extra_clocks - 1) >> 2 & 1 : 0;
if ( time > next && time > vbl_end_time + extra_clock )
query_until( time );
next_status_event = next_sprite_hit_check;
nes_time_t const next_max = fixed_sprite_max_time ?
fixed_sprite_max_time : next_sprite_max_run;
if ( next_status_event > next_max )
next_status_event = next_max;
if ( time > earliest_open_bus_decay() )
next_status_event = earliest_open_bus_decay();
update_open_bus( time );
if ( time > earliest_vbl_end_time )
if ( next_status_event > earliest_vbl_end_time )
next_status_event = earliest_vbl_end_time;
run_end_frame( time );
// special vbl behavior when read is just before or at clock when it's set
if ( extra_clocks != 1 )
if ( time == frame_length() )
nmi_time_ = indefinite_time;
//dprintf( "Suppressed NMI\n" );
else if ( time == frame_length() - 1 )
r2002 &= ~0x80;
frame_ended = true;
nmi_time_ = indefinite_time;
//dprintf( "Suppressed NMI\n" );
emu.set_ppu_2002_time( next_status_event );
int result = r2002;
second_write = false;
r2002 = result & ~0x80;
poke_open_bus( time, result, 0xE0 );
update_open_bus( time );
return ( result & 0xE0 ) | ( open_bus & 0x1F );
void Nes_Ppu::dma_sprites( nes_time_t time, void const* in )
//dprintf( "%d sprites written\n", time );
render_until( time );
invalidate_sprite_max( time );
memcpy( spr_ram + w2003, in, 0x100 - w2003 );
memcpy( spr_ram, (char*) in + 0x100 - w2003, w2003 );
// Read
inline int Nes_Ppu_Impl::read_2007( int addr )
int result = r2007;
if ( addr < 0x2000 )
r2007 = *map_chr( addr );
r2007 = get_nametable( addr ) [addr & 0x3ff];
if ( addr >= 0x3f00 )
return palette [map_palette( addr )] | ( open_bus & 0xC0 );
return result;
int Nes_Ppu::read( unsigned addr, nes_time_t time )
switch ( addr & 7 )
// status
case 2: // handled inline
return read_2002( time );
// sprite ram
case 4: {
int result = spr_ram [w2003];
if ( (w2003 & 3) == 2 )
result &= 0xe3;
poke_open_bus( time, result, ~0 );
return result;
// video ram
case 7: {
render_bg_until( time );
int addr = vram_addr;
int new_addr = addr + addr_inc;
vram_addr = new_addr;
if ( ~addr & new_addr & vaddr_clock_mask )
addr = vram_addr - addr_inc; // avoid having to save across func call
int result = read_2007( addr & 0x3fff );
poke_open_bus( time, result, ( ( addr & 0x3fff ) >= 0x3f00 ) ? 0x3F : ~0 );
return result;
/* Read from unimplemented PPU register */
update_open_bus( time );
return open_bus;
// Write
void Nes_Ppu::write( nes_time_t time, unsigned addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 7 )
case 0:{// control
int changed = w2000 ^ data;
if ( changed & 0x28 )
render_until( time ); // obj height or pattern addr changed
else if ( changed & 0x10 )
render_bg_until( time ); // bg pattern addr changed
else if ( ((data << 10) ^ vram_temp) & 0x0C00 )
render_bg_until( time ); // nametable changed
if ( changed & 0x80 )
if ( time > vbl_end_time + ((extra_clocks - 1) >> 2 & 1) )
end_vblank(); // to do: clean this up
if ( data & 0x80 & r2002 )
nmi_time_ = time + 2;
if ( time >= earliest_vbl_end_time )
run_end_frame( time - 1 + (extra_clocks & 1) );
// nametable select
vram_temp = (vram_temp & ~0x0C00) | ((data & 3) * 0x400);
if ( changed & 0x20 ) // sprite height changed
invalidate_sprite_max( time );
w2000 = data;
addr_inc = data & 4 ? 32 : 1;
case 1:{// sprites, bg enable
int changed = w2001 ^ data;
if ( changed & 0xE1 )
render_until( time + 1 ); // emphasis/monochrome bits changed
palette_changed = 0x18;
if ( changed & 0x14 )
render_until( time + 1 ); // sprite enable/clipping changed
else if ( changed & 0x0A )
render_bg_until( time + 1 ); // bg enable/clipping changed
if ( changed & 0x08 ) // bg enabled changed
emu.mapper->run_until( time );
if ( !(w2001 & 0x18) != !(data & 0x18) )
invalidate_sprite_max( time ); // all rendering just turned on or off
w2001 = data;
if ( changed & 0x08 )
case 3: // spr addr
w2003 = data;
poke_open_bus( time, w2003, ~0 );
case 4:
//dprintf( "%d sprites written\n", time );
if ( time > first_scanline_time / ppu_overclock )
render_until( time );
invalidate_sprite_max( time );
spr_ram [w2003] = data;
w2003 = (w2003 + 1) & 0xff;
case 5:
render_bg_until( time );
if ( (second_write ^= 1) )
pixel_x = data & 7;
vram_temp = (vram_temp & ~0x1f) | (data >> 3);
vram_temp = (vram_temp & ~0x73e0) |
(data << 12 & 0x7000) | (data << 2 & 0x03e0);
case 6:
render_bg_until( time );
if ( (second_write ^= 1) )
vram_temp = (vram_temp & 0xff) | (data << 8 & 0x3f00);
int changed = ~vram_addr & vram_temp;
vram_addr = vram_temp = (vram_temp & 0xff00) | data;
if ( changed & vaddr_clock_mask )
/* Wrote to unimplemented PPU register */
poke_open_bus( time, data, ~0 );
// Frame begin/end
nes_time_t Nes_Ppu::begin_frame( ppu_time_t timestamp )
// current time
int cpu_timestamp = timestamp / ppu_overclock;
extra_clocks = timestamp - cpu_timestamp * ppu_overclock;
// frame end
ppu_time_t const frame_end = max_frame_length - 1 - extra_clocks;
frame_length_ = (frame_end + (ppu_overclock - 1)) / ppu_overclock;
frame_length_extra = frame_length_ * ppu_overclock - frame_end;
// nmi
nmi_time_ = indefinite_time;
if ( w2000 & 0x80 & r2002 )
nmi_time_ = 2 - (extra_clocks >> 1);
// bg rendering
frame_phase = 0;
scanline_count = 0;
hblank_time = first_hblank_time;
scanline_time = first_scanline_time;
next_bg_time = nes_time( t_to_v_time );
// sprite rendering
next_sprites_scanline = 0;
next_sprites_time = 0;
// status register
frame_ended = false;
end_vbl_mask = ~0xE0;
next_status_event = 0;
sprite_hit_found = 0;
next_sprite_hit_check = 0;
next_sprite_max_scanline = 0;
decay_low += cpu_timestamp;
decay_high += cpu_timestamp;
//dprintf( "cpu_timestamp: %d\n", cpu_timestamp );
return cpu_timestamp;
ppu_time_t Nes_Ppu::end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
render_bg_until( end_time );
render_until( end_time );
query_until( end_time );
run_end_frame( end_time );
update_open_bus( end_time );
decay_low -= end_time;
decay_high -= end_time;
// to do: do more PPU RE to get exact behavior
if ( w2001 & 0x08 )
unsigned a = vram_addr + 2;
if ( (vram_addr & 0xff) >= 0xfe )
a = (vram_addr ^ 0x400) - 0x1e;
vram_addr = a;
if ( w2001 & 0x10 )
w2003 = 0;
return (end_time - frame_length_) * ppu_overclock + frame_length_extra;
void Nes_Ppu::poke_open_bus( nes_time_t time, int data, int mask )
open_bus = ( open_bus & ~mask ) | ( data & mask );
if ( mask & 0x1F ) decay_low = time + scanline_len * 100 / ppu_overclock;
if ( mask & 0xE0 ) decay_high = time + scanline_len * 100 / ppu_overclock;
nes_time_t Nes_Ppu::earliest_open_bus_decay()
return ( decay_low < decay_high ) ? decay_low : decay_high;

core/Nes_Ppu.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
// NES PPU emulator
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_PPU_H
#define NES_PPU_H
#include "Nes_Ppu_Rendering.h"
class Nes_Mapper;
class Nes_Core;
typedef long nes_time_t;
typedef long ppu_time_t; // ppu_time_t = nes_time_t * ppu_overclock
ppu_time_t const ppu_overclock = 3; // PPU clocks for each CPU clock
class Nes_Ppu : public Nes_Ppu_Rendering {
typedef Nes_Ppu_Rendering base;
Nes_Ppu( Nes_Core* );
// Begin PPU frame and return beginning CPU timestamp
nes_time_t begin_frame( ppu_time_t );
nes_time_t nmi_time() { return nmi_time_; }
void acknowledge_nmi() { nmi_time_ = LONG_MAX / 2 + 1; }
int read_2002( nes_time_t );
int read( unsigned addr, nes_time_t );
void write( nes_time_t, unsigned addr, int );
void render_bg_until( nes_time_t );
void render_until( nes_time_t );
// CPU time that frame will have ended by
int frame_length() const { return frame_length_; }
// End frame rendering and return PPU timestamp for next frame
ppu_time_t end_frame( nes_time_t );
// Do direct memory copy to sprite RAM
void dma_sprites( nes_time_t, void const* in );
int burst_phase;
Nes_Core& emu;
enum { indefinite_time = LONG_MAX / 2 + 1 };
void suspend_rendering();
int read_( unsigned addr, nes_time_t ); // note swapped arguments!
// NES<->PPU time conversion
int extra_clocks;
ppu_time_t ppu_time( nes_time_t t ) const { return t * ppu_overclock + extra_clocks; }
nes_time_t nes_time( ppu_time_t t ) const { return (t - extra_clocks) / ppu_overclock; }
// frame
nes_time_t nmi_time_;
int end_vbl_mask;
int frame_length_;
int frame_length_extra;
bool frame_ended;
void end_vblank();
void run_end_frame( nes_time_t );
// bg rendering
nes_time_t next_bg_time;
ppu_time_t scanline_time;
ppu_time_t hblank_time;
int scanline_count;
int frame_phase;
void render_bg_until_( nes_time_t );
void run_scanlines( int count );
// sprite rendering
ppu_time_t next_sprites_time;
int next_sprites_scanline;
void render_until_( nes_time_t );
// $2002 status register
nes_time_t next_status_event;
void query_until( nes_time_t );
// sprite hit
nes_time_t next_sprite_hit_check;
void update_sprite_hit( nes_time_t );
// open bus decay
void update_open_bus( nes_time_t );
void poke_open_bus( nes_time_t, int, int mask );
nes_time_t earliest_open_bus_decay();
// sprite max
nes_time_t next_sprite_max_run; // doesn't need to run until this time
nes_time_t sprite_max_set_time; // if 0, needs to be recalculated
int next_sprite_max_scanline;
void run_sprite_max_( nes_time_t );
void run_sprite_max( nes_time_t );
void invalidate_sprite_max_();
void invalidate_sprite_max( nes_time_t );
friend int nes_cpu_read_likely_ppu( class Nes_Core*, unsigned, nes_time_t );
inline void Nes_Ppu::suspend_rendering()
next_bg_time = indefinite_time;
next_sprites_time = indefinite_time;
extra_clocks = 0;
inline Nes_Ppu::Nes_Ppu( Nes_Core* e ) : emu( *e )
burst_phase = 0;
inline void Nes_Ppu::render_until( nes_time_t t )
if ( t > next_sprites_time )
render_until_( t );
inline void Nes_Ppu::render_bg_until( nes_time_t t )
if ( t > next_bg_time )
render_bg_until_( t );
inline void Nes_Ppu::update_open_bus( nes_time_t time )
if ( time >= decay_low ) open_bus &= ~0x1F;
if ( time >= decay_high ) open_bus &= ~0xE0;

core/Nes_Ppu_Bg.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
while ( true )
while ( count-- )
int attrib = attr_table [addr >> 2 & 0x07];
attrib >>= (addr >> 4 & 4) | (addr & 2);
unsigned long offset = (attrib & 3) * attrib_factor + this->palette_offset;
// draw one tile
cache_t const* lines = this->get_bg_tile( nametable [addr] + bg_bank );
uint8_t* p = pixels;
pixels += 8; // next tile
if ( !clipped )
// optimal case: no clipping
for ( int n = 4; n--; )
unsigned long line = *lines++;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [0].val = (line >> 4 & mask) + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [1].val = (line & mask) + offset;
p += row_bytes;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [0].val = (line >> 6 & mask) + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [1].val = (line >> 2 & mask) + offset;
p += row_bytes;
lines += fine_y >> 1;
if ( fine_y & 1 )
unsigned long line = *lines++;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [0].val = (line >> 6 & mask) + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [1].val = (line >> 2 & mask) + offset;
p += row_bytes;
for ( int n = height >> 1; n--; )
unsigned long line = *lines++;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [0].val = (line >> 4 & mask) + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [1].val = (line & mask) + offset;
p += row_bytes;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [0].val = (line >> 6 & mask) + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [1].val = (line >> 2 & mask) + offset;
p += row_bytes;
if ( height & 1 )
unsigned long line = *lines;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [0].val = (line >> 4 & mask) + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*) p) [1].val = (line & mask) + offset;
count = count2;
count2 = 0;
addr -= 32;
attr_table = attr_table - nametable + nametable2;
nametable = nametable2;
if ( !count )

core/Nes_Ppu_Impl.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Ppu_Impl.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include "Nes_State.h"
#include <stdint.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
int const cache_line_size = 128; // tile cache is kept aligned to this boundary
impl = NULL;
chr_data = NULL;
chr_size = 0;
tile_cache = NULL;
host_palette = NULL;
max_palette_size = 0;
tile_cache_mem = NULL;
ppu_state_t::unused = 0;
mmc24_enabled = false;
mmc24_latched[0] = 0;
mmc24_latched[1] = 0;
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !defined(PSP) && !defined(PS2)
// verify that unaligned accesses work
static unsigned char b [19] = { 0 };
static unsigned char b2 [19] = { 1,2,3,4,0,5,6,7,8,0,9,0,1,2,0,3,4,5,6 };
for ( int i = 0; i < 19; i += 5 )
*(volatile uint32_t*) &b [i] = *(volatile uint32_t*) &b2 [i];
delete impl;
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::all_tiles_modified()
any_tiles_modified = true;
memset( modified_tiles, ~0, sizeof modified_tiles );
const char *Nes_Ppu_Impl::open_chr( uint8_t const* new_chr, long chr_data_size )
if ( !impl )
impl = new impl_t;
CHECK_ALLOC( impl );
chr_ram = impl->chr_ram;
chr_data = new_chr;
chr_size = chr_data_size;
chr_is_writable = false;
if ( chr_data_size == 0 )
chr_data = impl->chr_ram;
chr_size = sizeof impl->chr_ram;
chr_is_writable = true;
// allocate aligned memory for cache
long tile_count = chr_size / bytes_per_tile;
tile_cache_mem = new uint8_t [tile_count * sizeof (cached_tile_t) * 2 + cache_line_size];
CHECK_ALLOC( tile_cache_mem );
tile_cache = (cached_tile_t*) (tile_cache_mem + cache_line_size -
(uintptr_t) tile_cache_mem % cache_line_size);
flipped_tiles = tile_cache + tile_count;
// rebuild cache
if ( !chr_is_writable )
any_tiles_modified = false;
rebuild_chr( 0, chr_size );
return 0;
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::close_chr()
delete [] tile_cache_mem;
tile_cache_mem = NULL;
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::set_chr_bank( int addr, int size, long data )
if ( data + size > chr_size )
data %= chr_size;
int count = (unsigned) size / chr_page_size;
int page = (unsigned) addr / chr_page_size;
while ( count-- )
chr_pages [page] = data - page * chr_page_size;
data += chr_page_size;
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::set_chr_bank_ex( int addr, int size, long data )
mmc24_enabled = true;
//check( !chr_is_writable || addr == data ); // to do: is CHR RAM ever bank-switched?
//dprintf( "Tried to set CHR RAM bank at %04X to CHR+%04X\n", addr, data );
if ( data + size > chr_size )
data %= chr_size;
int count = (unsigned) size / chr_page_size;
//assert( chr_page_size * count == size );
//assert( addr + size <= chr_addr_size );
int page = (unsigned) addr / chr_page_size;
while ( count-- )
chr_pages_ex [page] = data - page * chr_page_size;
data += chr_page_size;
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::save_state( Nes_State_* out ) const
*out->ppu = *this;
out->ppu_valid = true;
memcpy( out->spr_ram, spr_ram, out->spr_ram_size );
out->spr_ram_valid = true;
out->nametable_size = 0x800;
memcpy( out->nametable, impl->nt_ram, 0x800 );
if ( nt_banks [3] >= &impl->nt_ram [0xC00] )
// save extra nametable data in chr
out->nametable_size = 0x1000;
memcpy( out->chr, &impl->nt_ram [0x800], 0x800 );
out->chr_size = 0;
if ( chr_is_writable )
out->chr_size = chr_size;
memcpy( out->chr, impl->chr_ram, out->chr_size );
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::load_state( Nes_State_ const& in )
set_nt_banks( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
set_chr_bank( 0, 0x2000, 0 );
if ( in.ppu_valid )
STATIC_CAST(ppu_state_t&,*this) = *in.ppu;
if ( in.spr_ram_valid )
memcpy( spr_ram, in.spr_ram, sizeof spr_ram );
if ( in.nametable_size >= 0x800 )
if ( in.nametable_size > 0x800 )
memcpy( &impl->nt_ram [0x800], in.chr, 0x800 );
memcpy( impl->nt_ram, in.nametable, 0x800 );
if ( chr_is_writable && in.chr_size )
memcpy( impl->chr_ram, in.chr, in.chr_size );
static uint8_t const initial_palette [0x20] =
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::reset( bool full_reset )
w2000 = 0;
w2001 = 0;
r2002 = 0x80;
r2007 = 0;
open_bus = 0;
decay_low = 0;
decay_high = 0;
second_write = false;
vram_temp = 0;
pixel_x = 0;
if ( full_reset )
vram_addr = 0;
w2003 = 0;
memset( impl->chr_ram, 0xff, sizeof impl->chr_ram );
memset( impl->nt_ram, 0xff, sizeof impl->nt_ram );
memcpy( palette, initial_palette, sizeof palette );
set_nt_banks( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
set_chr_bank( 0, chr_addr_size, 0 );
memset( spr_ram, 0xff, sizeof spr_ram );
if ( max_palette_size > 0 )
memset( host_palette, 0, max_palette_size * sizeof *host_palette );
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::capture_palette()
if ( palette_size + palette_increment <= max_palette_size )
palette_offset = (palette_begin + palette_size) * 0x01010101;
short* out = host_palette + palette_size;
palette_size += palette_increment;
int i;
int emph = w2001 << 1 & 0x1C0;
int mono = (w2001 & 1 ? 0x30 : 0x3F);
for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
out [i] = (palette [i] & mono) | emph;
int bg = out [0];
for ( i = 4; i < 32; i += 4 )
out [i] = bg;
memcpy( out + 32, out, 32 * sizeof *out );
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::run_hblank( int count )
long addr = (vram_addr & 0x7be0) + (vram_temp & 0x41f) + (count * 0x1000);
if ( w2001 & 0x08 )
while ( addr >= 0x8000 )
int y = (addr + 0x20) & 0x3e0;
addr = (addr - 0x8000) & ~0x3e0;
if ( y == 30 * 0x20 )
y = 0x800;
addr ^= y;
vram_addr = addr;
#ifdef __MWERKS__
#pragma ppc_unroll_factor_limit 1 // messes up calc_sprite_max_scanlines loop
static int zero = 0;
const int zero = 0;
// Tile cache
inline unsigned long reorder( unsigned long n )
n |= n << 7;
return ((n << 14) | n);
inline void Nes_Ppu_Impl::update_tile( int index )
const uint8_t* in = chr_data + (index) * bytes_per_tile;
uint8_t* out = (uint8_t*) tile_cache [index];
uint8_t* flipped_out = (uint8_t*) flipped_tiles [index];
unsigned long bit_mask = 0x11111111 + zero;
for ( int n = 4; n--; )
// Reorder two lines of two-bit pixels. No bits are wasted, so
// reordered version is also four bytes.
// 12345678 to A0E4B1F5C2G6D3H7
unsigned long c =
((reorder( in [0] ) & bit_mask) << 0) |
((reorder( in [8] ) & bit_mask) << 1) |
((reorder( in [1] ) & bit_mask) << 2) |
((reorder( in [9] ) & bit_mask) << 3);
in += 2;
SET_BE32( out, c );
out += 4;
// make horizontally-flipped version
c = ((c >> 28) & 0x000f) |
((c >> 20) & 0x00f0) |
((c >> 12) & 0x0f00) |
((c >> 4) & 0xf000) |
((c & 0xf000) << 4) |
((c & 0x0f00) << 12) |
((c & 0x00f0) << 20) |
((c & 0x000f) << 28);
SET_BE32( flipped_out, c );
flipped_out += 4;
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::rebuild_chr( unsigned long begin, unsigned long end )
unsigned end_index = (end + bytes_per_tile - 1) / bytes_per_tile;
for ( unsigned index = begin / bytes_per_tile; index < end_index; index++ )
update_tile( index );
void Nes_Ppu_Impl::update_tiles( int first_tile )
int chunk = 0;
if ( !(uint32_t&) modified_tiles [chunk] )
chunk += 4;
int modified = modified_tiles [chunk];
if ( modified )
modified_tiles [chunk] = 0;
int index = first_tile + chunk * 8;
if ( modified & 1 )
update_tile( index );
while ( (modified >>= 1) != 0 );
while ( ++chunk & 3 );
while ( chunk < chr_tile_count / 8 );
// Sprite max
template<int height>
struct calc_sprite_max_scanlines
static unsigned long func( uint8_t const* sprites, uint8_t* scanlines, int begin )
unsigned long any_hits = 0;
unsigned long const offset = 0x01010101 + zero;
unsigned limit = 239 + height - begin;
for ( int n = 64; n; --n )
int top = *sprites;
sprites += 4;
uint8_t* p = scanlines + top;
if ( (unsigned) (239 - top) < limit )
unsigned long p0 = ((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [0].val + offset;
unsigned long p4 = ((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [1].val + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [0].val = p0;
any_hits |= p0;
((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [1].val = p4;
any_hits |= p4;
if ( height > 8 )
unsigned long p0 = ((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [2].val + offset;
unsigned long p4 = ((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [3].val + offset;
((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [2].val = p0;
any_hits |= p0;
((unaligned_uint32_t*)p) [3].val = p4;
any_hits |= p4;
return any_hits;
long Nes_Ppu_Impl::recalc_sprite_max( int scanline )
int const max_scanline_count = image_height;
uint8_t sprite_max_scanlines [256 + 16];
// recalculate sprites per scanline
memset( sprite_max_scanlines + scanline, 0x78, last_sprite_max_scanline - scanline );
unsigned long any_hits;
if ( w2000 & 0x20 )
any_hits = calc_sprite_max_scanlines<16>::func( spr_ram, sprite_max_scanlines, scanline );
any_hits = calc_sprite_max_scanlines<8 >::func( spr_ram, sprite_max_scanlines, scanline );
// cause search to terminate past max_scanline_count if none have 8 or more sprites
(uint32_t&) sprite_max_scanlines [max_scanline_count] = 0;
sprite_max_scanlines [max_scanline_count + 3] = 0x80;
// avoid scan if no possible hits
if ( !(any_hits & 0x80808080) )
return 0;
// find soonest scanline with 8 or more sprites
while ( true )
unsigned long const mask = 0x80808080 + zero;
// check four at a time
uint8_t* pos = &sprite_max_scanlines [scanline];
unsigned long n = ((unaligned_uint32_t*)pos)->val;
while ( 1 )
unsigned long x = n & mask;
pos += 4;
n = ((unaligned_uint32_t*)pos)->val;
if ( x )
int height = sprite_height();
int remain = 8;
int i = 0;
// find which of the four
pos -= 3 + (pos [-4] >> 7 & 1);
pos += 1 - (*pos >> 7 & 1);
pos += 1 - (*pos >> 7 & 1);
scanline = pos - sprite_max_scanlines;
if ( scanline >= max_scanline_count )
// find time that max sprites flag is set (or that it won't be set)
int relative = scanline - spr_ram [i];
i += 4;
if ( (unsigned) relative < (unsigned) height && !--remain )
// now use screwey search for 9th sprite
int offset = 0;
while ( i < 0x100 )
int relative = scanline - spr_ram [i + offset];
//dprintf( "Checking sprite %d [%d]\n", i / 4, offset );
i += 4;
offset = (offset + 1) & 3;
if ( (unsigned) relative < (unsigned) height )
//dprintf( "sprite max on scanline %d\n", scanline );
return scanline * scanline_len + (unsigned) i / 2;
while ( i < 0x100 );
return 0;

core/Nes_Ppu_Impl.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
// NES PPU misc functions and setup
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_PPU_IMPL_H
#define NES_PPU_IMPL_H
#include "nes_data.h"
class Nes_State_;
class Nes_Ppu_Impl : public ppu_state_t {
void reset( bool full_reset );
// Setup
const char * open_chr( const uint8_t*, long size );
void rebuild_chr( unsigned long begin, unsigned long end );
void close_chr();
void save_state( Nes_State_* out ) const;
void load_state( Nes_State_ const& );
enum { image_width = 256 };
enum { image_height = 240 };
enum { image_left = 8 };
enum { buffer_width = image_width + 16 };
enum { buffer_height = image_height };
int write_2007( int );
// Host palette
enum { palette_increment = 64 };
short* host_palette;
int palette_begin;
int max_palette_size;
int palette_size; // set after frame is rendered
// Mapping
enum { vaddr_clock_mask = 0x1000 };
void set_nt_banks( int bank0, int bank1, int bank2, int bank3 );
void set_chr_bank( int addr, int size, long data );
void set_chr_bank_ex( int addr, int size, long data );
// Nametable and CHR RAM
enum { nt_ram_size = 0x1000 };
enum { chr_addr_size = 0x2000 };
enum { bytes_per_tile = 16 };
enum { chr_tile_count = chr_addr_size / bytes_per_tile };
enum { mini_offscreen_height = 16 }; // double-height sprite
struct impl_t
uint8_t nt_ram [nt_ram_size];
uint8_t chr_ram [chr_addr_size];
union {
uint32_t clip_buf [256 * 2];
uint8_t mini_offscreen [buffer_width * mini_offscreen_height];
impl_t* impl;
enum { scanline_len = 341 };
uint8_t spr_ram [0x100];
void begin_frame();
void run_hblank( int );
int sprite_height() const { return (w2000 >> 2 & 8) + 8; }
protected: //friend class Nes_Ppu; private:
int addr_inc; // pre-calculated $2007 increment (based on w2001 & 0x04)
int read_2007( int addr );
enum { last_sprite_max_scanline = 240 };
long recalc_sprite_max( int scanline );
int first_opaque_sprite_line();
protected: //friend class Nes_Ppu_Rendering; private:
unsigned long palette_offset;
int palette_changed;
void capture_palette();
bool any_tiles_modified;
bool chr_is_writable;
void update_tiles( int first_tile );
typedef uint32_t cache_t;
typedef cache_t cached_tile_t [4];
cached_tile_t const& get_bg_tile( int index );
cached_tile_t const& get_sprite_tile( uint8_t const* sprite );
uint8_t* get_nametable( int addr ) { return nt_banks [addr >> 10 & 3]; };
static int map_palette( int addr );
int sprite_tile_index( uint8_t const* sprite ) const;
// Mapping
enum { chr_page_size = 0x400 };
long chr_pages [chr_addr_size / chr_page_size];
long chr_pages_ex [chr_addr_size / chr_page_size];
long map_chr_addr( unsigned a ) /*const*/
if (!mmc24_enabled)
return chr_pages [a / chr_page_size] + a;
int page = a >> 12 & 1;
int newval0 = (a & 0xff0) != 0xfd0;
int newval1 = (a & 0xff0) == 0xfe0;
long ret;
if (mmc24_latched[page])
ret = chr_pages_ex [a / chr_page_size] + a;
ret = chr_pages [a / chr_page_size] + a;
mmc24_latched[page] &= newval0;
mmc24_latched[page] |= newval1;
return ret;
uint8_t* nt_banks [4];
bool mmc24_enabled;
uint8_t mmc24_latched [2];
// CHR data
uint8_t const* chr_data; // points to chr ram when there is no read-only data
uint8_t* chr_ram; // always points to impl->chr_ram; makes write_2007() faster
long chr_size;
uint8_t const* map_chr( int addr ) { return &chr_data [map_chr_addr( addr )]; }
// CHR cache
cached_tile_t* tile_cache;
cached_tile_t* flipped_tiles;
uint8_t* tile_cache_mem;
union {
uint8_t modified_tiles [chr_tile_count / 8];
uint32_t align_;
void all_tiles_modified();
void update_tile( int index );
inline void Nes_Ppu_Impl::set_nt_banks( int bank0, int bank1, int bank2, int bank3 )
uint8_t* nt_ram = impl->nt_ram;
nt_banks [0] = &nt_ram [bank0 * 0x400];
nt_banks [1] = &nt_ram [bank1 * 0x400];
nt_banks [2] = &nt_ram [bank2 * 0x400];
nt_banks [3] = &nt_ram [bank3 * 0x400];
inline int Nes_Ppu_Impl::map_palette( int addr )
if ( (addr & 3) == 0 )
addr &= 0x0f; // 0x10, 0x14, 0x18, 0x1c map to 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x0c
return addr & 0x1f;
inline int Nes_Ppu_Impl::sprite_tile_index( uint8_t const* sprite ) const
int tile = sprite [1] + (w2000 << 5 & 0x100);
if ( w2000 & 0x20 )
tile = (tile & 1) * 0x100 + (tile & 0xfe);
return tile;
inline int Nes_Ppu_Impl::write_2007( int data )
int addr = vram_addr;
uint8_t * chr_ram = this->chr_ram; // pre-read
int changed = addr + addr_inc;
unsigned const divisor = bytes_per_tile * 8;
int mod_index = (unsigned) addr / divisor % (0x4000 / divisor);
vram_addr = changed;
changed ^= addr;
addr &= 0x3fff;
// use index into modified_tiles [] since it's calculated sooner than addr is masked
if ( (unsigned) mod_index < 0x2000 / divisor )
// Avoid overhead of checking for read-only CHR; if that is the case,
// this modification will be ignored.
int mod = modified_tiles [mod_index];
chr_ram [addr] = data;
any_tiles_modified = true;
modified_tiles [mod_index] = mod | (1 << ((unsigned) addr / bytes_per_tile % 8));
else if ( addr < 0x3f00 )
get_nametable( addr ) [addr & 0x3ff] = data;
data &= 0x3f;
uint8_t& entry = palette [map_palette( addr )];
int changed = entry ^ data;
entry = data;
if ( changed )
palette_changed = 0x18;
return changed;
inline void Nes_Ppu_Impl::begin_frame()
palette_changed = 0x18;
palette_size = 0;
palette_offset = palette_begin * 0x01010101;
addr_inc = w2000 & 4 ? 32 : 1;

core/Nes_Ppu_Rendering.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,464 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Ppu_Rendering.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stddef.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
#ifdef __MWERKS__
static unsigned zero = 0; // helps CodeWarrior optimizer when added to constants
const unsigned zero = 0; // compile-time constant on other compilers
// Nes_Ppu_Impl
inline Nes_Ppu_Impl::cached_tile_t const&
Nes_Ppu_Impl::get_sprite_tile( uint8_t const* sprite )
cached_tile_t* tiles = tile_cache;
if ( sprite [2] & 0x40 )
tiles = flipped_tiles;
int index = sprite_tile_index( sprite );
// use index directly, since cached tile is same size as native tile
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (cached_tile_t) == bytes_per_tile );
return *(Nes_Ppu_Impl::cached_tile_t*)
((uint8_t*) tiles + map_chr_addr( index * bytes_per_tile ));
inline Nes_Ppu_Impl::cached_tile_t const& Nes_Ppu_Impl::get_bg_tile( int index )
// use index directly, since cached tile is same size as native tile
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (cached_tile_t) == bytes_per_tile );
return *(Nes_Ppu_Impl::cached_tile_t*)
((uint8_t*) tile_cache + map_chr_addr( index * bytes_per_tile ));
// Fill
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::fill_background( int count )
ptrdiff_t const next_line = scanline_row_bytes - image_width;
uint32_t* pixels = (uint32_t*) scanline_pixels;
unsigned long fill = palette_offset;
if ( (vram_addr & 0x3f00) == 0x3f00 )
// PPU uses current palette entry if addr is within palette ram
int color = vram_addr & 0x1f;
if ( !(color & 3) )
color &= 0x0f;
fill += color * 0x01010101;
for ( int n = count; n--; )
for ( int n = image_width / 16; n--; )
pixels [0] = fill;
pixels [1] = fill;
pixels [2] = fill;
pixels [3] = fill;
pixels += 4;
pixels = (uint32_t*) ((uint8_t*) pixels + next_line);
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::clip_left( int count )
ptrdiff_t next_line = scanline_row_bytes;
uint8_t* p = scanline_pixels;
unsigned long fill = palette_offset;
for ( int n = count; n--; )
((uint32_t*) p) [0] = fill;
((uint32_t*) p) [1] = fill;
p += next_line;
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::save_left( int count )
ptrdiff_t next_line = scanline_row_bytes;
uint8_t* in = scanline_pixels;
uint32_t* out = impl->clip_buf;
for ( int n = count; n--; )
unsigned long in0 = ((uint32_t*) in) [0];
unsigned long in1 = ((uint32_t*) in) [1];
in += next_line;
out [0] = in0;
out [1] = in1;
out += 2;
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::restore_left( int count )
ptrdiff_t next_line = scanline_row_bytes;
uint8_t* out = scanline_pixels;
uint32_t* in = impl->clip_buf;
for ( int n = count; n--; )
unsigned long in0 = in [0];
unsigned long in1 = in [1];
in += 2;
((uint32_t*) out) [0] = in0;
((uint32_t*) out) [1] = in1;
out += next_line;
// Background
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::draw_background_( int remain )
// Draws 'remain' background scanlines. Does not modify vram_addr.
int vram_addr = this->vram_addr & 0x7fff;
uint8_t* row_pixels = scanline_pixels - pixel_x;
int left_clip = (w2001 >> 1 & 1) ^ 1;
row_pixels += left_clip * 8;
// scanlines until next row
int height = 8 - (vram_addr >> 12);
if ( height > remain )
height = remain;
// handle hscroll change before next scanline
int hscroll_changed = (vram_addr ^ vram_temp) & 0x41f;
int addr = vram_addr;
if ( hscroll_changed )
vram_addr ^= hscroll_changed;
height = 1; // hscroll will change after first line
remain -= height;
// increment address for next row
vram_addr += height << 12;
if ( vram_addr & 0x8000 )
int y = (vram_addr + 0x20) & 0x3e0;
vram_addr &= 0x7fff & ~0x3e0;
if ( y == 30 * 0x20 )
y = 0x800; // toggle vertical nametable
vram_addr ^= y;
// nametable change usually occurs in middle of row
uint8_t const* nametable = get_nametable( addr );
uint8_t const* nametable2 = get_nametable( addr ^ 0x400 );
int count2 = addr & 31;
int count = 32 - count2 - left_clip;
//if ( pixel_x )
uint8_t const* attr_table = &nametable [0x3c0 | (addr >> 4 & 0x38)];
int bg_bank = (w2000 << 4) & 0x100;
addr += left_clip;
// output pixels
ptrdiff_t const row_bytes = scanline_row_bytes;
uint8_t* pixels = row_pixels;
row_pixels += height * row_bytes;
unsigned long const mask = 0x03030303 + zero;
unsigned long const attrib_factor = 0x04040404 + zero;
if ( height == 8 )
// unclipped
addr &= 0x03ff;
int const fine_y = 0;
int const clipped = false;
#include "Nes_Ppu_Bg.h"
// clipped
int const fine_y = addr >> 12;
addr &= 0x03ff;
height -= fine_y & 1;
int const clipped = true;
#include "Nes_Ppu_Bg.h"
while ( remain );
// Sprites
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::draw_sprites_( int begin, int end )
// Draws sprites on scanlines begin through end - 1. Handles clipping.
int const sprite_height = this->sprite_height();
int end_minus_one = end - 1;
int begin_minus_one = begin - 1;
int index = 0;
uint8_t const* sprite = &spr_ram [index];
index += 4;
// find if sprite is visible
int top_minus_one = sprite [0];
int visible = end_minus_one - top_minus_one;
if ( visible <= 0 )
continue; // off bottom
// quickly determine whether sprite is unclipped
int neg_vis = visible - sprite_height;
int neg_skip = top_minus_one - begin_minus_one;
if ( (neg_skip | neg_vis) >= 0 ) // neg_skip >= 0 && neg_vis >= 0
int const skip = 0;
int visible = sprite_height;
#define CLIPPED 0
#include "Nes_Ppu_Sprites.h"
// clipped
if ( neg_vis > 0 )
visible -= neg_vis;
if ( neg_skip > 0 )
neg_skip = 0;
visible += neg_skip;
if ( visible <= 0 )
continue; // off top
int skip = -neg_skip;
//dprintf( "begin: %d, end: %d, top: %d, skip: %d, visible: %d\n",
// begin, end, top_minus_one + 1, skip, visible );
#define CLIPPED 1
#include "Nes_Ppu_Sprites.h"
while ( index < 0x100 );
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::check_sprite_hit( int begin, int end )
// Checks for sprite 0 hit on scanlines begin through end - 1.
// Updates sprite_hit_found. Background (but not sprites) must have
// already been rendered for the scanlines.
// clip
int top = spr_ram [0] + 1;
int skip = begin - top;
if ( skip < 0 )
skip = 0;
top += skip;
int visible = end - top;
if ( visible <= 0 )
return; // not visible
int height = sprite_height();
if ( visible >= height )
visible = height;
sprite_hit_found = -1; // signal that no more hit checking will take place
// pixels
ptrdiff_t next_row = this->scanline_row_bytes;
uint8_t const* bg = this->scanline_pixels + spr_ram [3] + (top - begin) * next_row;
cache_t const* lines = get_sprite_tile( spr_ram );
// left edge clipping
int start_x = 0;
if ( spr_ram [3] < 8 && (w2001 & 0x01e) != 0x1e )
if ( spr_ram [3] == 0 )
return; // won't hit
start_x = 8 - spr_ram [3];
// vertical flip
int final = skip + visible;
if ( spr_ram [2] & 0x80 )
skip += height - 1;
final = skip - visible;
// check each line
unsigned long const mask = 0x01010101 + zero;
// get pixels for line
unsigned long line = lines [skip >> 1];
unsigned long hit0 = ((unaligned_uint32_t*) bg) [0].val;
unsigned long hit1 = ((unaligned_uint32_t*) bg) [1].val;
bg += next_row;
line >>= skip << 1 & 2;
line |= line >> 1;
// check for hits
hit0 = ((hit0 >> 1) | hit0) & (line >> 4);
hit1 = ((hit1 >> 1) | hit1) & line;
if ( (hit0 | hit1) & mask )
// write to memory to avoid endian issues
uint32_t quads [3];
quads [0] = hit0;
quads [1] = hit1;
// find which pixel hit
int x = start_x;
if ( ((uint8_t*) quads) [x] & 1 )
x += spr_ram [3];
if ( x >= 255 )
break; // ignore right edge
if ( spr_ram [2] & 0x80 )
skip = height - 1 - skip; // vertical flip
int y = spr_ram [0] + 1 + skip;
sprite_hit_found = y * scanline_len + x;
while ( x++ < 7 );
if ( skip > final )
skip -= 2;
while ( skip != final );
// Draw scanlines
inline bool Nes_Ppu_Rendering::sprite_hit_possible( int scanline ) const
return !sprite_hit_found && spr_ram [0] <= scanline && (w2001 & 0x18) == 0x18;
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::draw_scanlines( int start, int count,
uint8_t* pixels, long pitch, int mode )
scanline_pixels = pixels + image_left;
scanline_row_bytes = pitch;
int const obj_mask = 2;
int const bg_mask = 1;
int draw_mode = (w2001 >> 3) & 3;
int clip_mode = (~w2001 >> 1) & draw_mode;
if ( !(draw_mode & bg_mask) )
// no background
clip_mode |= bg_mask; // avoid unnecessary save/restore
if ( mode & bg_mask )
fill_background( count );
if ( start == 0 && mode & 1 )
memset( sprite_scanlines, max_sprites - sprite_limit, 240 );
if ( (draw_mode &= mode) )
// sprites and/or background are being rendered
if ( any_tiles_modified && chr_is_writable )
any_tiles_modified = false;
update_tiles( 0 );
if ( draw_mode & bg_mask )
//dprintf( "bg %3d-%3d\n", start, start + count - 1 );
draw_background_( count );
if ( clip_mode == bg_mask )
clip_left( count );
if ( sprite_hit_possible( start + count ) )
check_sprite_hit( start, start + count );
if ( draw_mode & obj_mask )
// when clipping just sprites, save left strip then restore after drawing them
if ( clip_mode == obj_mask )
save_left( count );
//dprintf( "obj %3d-%3d\n", start, start + count - 1 );
draw_sprites_( start, start + count );
if ( clip_mode == obj_mask )
restore_left( count );
if ( clip_mode == (obj_mask | bg_mask) )
clip_left( count );
scanline_pixels = NULL;
void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::draw_background( int start, int count )
// always capture palette at least once per frame
if ( (start + count >= 240 && !palette_size) || (w2001 & palette_changed) )
palette_changed = false;
if ( host_pixels )
draw_scanlines( start, count, host_pixels + host_row_bytes * start, host_row_bytes, 1 );
else if ( sprite_hit_possible( start + count ) )
// not rendering, but still handle sprite hit using mini graphics buffer
int y = spr_ram [0] + 1;
int skip = min( count, max( y - start, 0 ) );
int visible = min( count - skip, sprite_height() );
if ( visible > 0 )
run_hblank( skip );
draw_scanlines( start + skip, visible, impl->mini_offscreen, buffer_width, 3 );

core/Nes_Ppu_Rendering.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
// NES PPU emulator graphics rendering
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#include "Nes_Ppu_Impl.h"
class Nes_Ppu_Rendering : public Nes_Ppu_Impl {
typedef Nes_Ppu_Impl base;
int sprite_limit;
uint8_t* host_pixels;
long host_row_bytes;
long sprite_hit_found; // -1: sprite 0 didn't hit, 0: no hit so far, > 0: y * 341 + x
void draw_background( int start, int count );
void draw_sprites( int start, int count );
void draw_scanlines( int start, int count, uint8_t* pixels, long pitch, int mode );
void draw_background_( int count );
// destination for draw functions; avoids extra parameters
uint8_t* scanline_pixels;
long scanline_row_bytes;
// fill/copy
void fill_background( int count );
void clip_left( int count );
void save_left( int count );
void restore_left( int count );
// sprites
enum { max_sprites = 64 };
uint8_t sprite_scanlines [image_height]; // number of sprites on each scanline
void draw_sprites_( int start, int count );
bool sprite_hit_possible( int scanline ) const;
void check_sprite_hit( int begin, int end );
inline Nes_Ppu_Rendering::Nes_Ppu_Rendering()
sprite_limit = 8;
host_pixels = NULL;
inline void Nes_Ppu_Rendering::draw_sprites( int start, int count )
draw_scanlines( start, count, host_pixels + host_row_bytes * start, host_row_bytes, 2 );

core/Nes_Ppu_Sprites.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
int sprite_2 = sprite [2];
// pixels
ptrdiff_t next_row = this->scanline_row_bytes;
uint8_t* out = this->scanline_pixels + sprite [3] +
(top_minus_one + skip - begin_minus_one) * next_row;
cache_t const* lines = get_sprite_tile( sprite );
int dir = 1;
uint8_t* scanlines = this->sprite_scanlines + 1 + top_minus_one + skip;
if ( sprite_2 & 0x80 )
// vertical flip
out -= next_row;
out += visible * next_row;
next_row = -next_row;
dir = -1;
scanlines += visible - 1;
int height = this->sprite_height();
skip = height - skip - visible;
// attributes
unsigned long offset = (sprite_2 & 3) * 0x04040404 + (this->palette_offset + 0x10101010);
unsigned long const mask = 0x03030303 + zero;
unsigned long const maskgen = 0x80808080 + zero;
#define DRAW_PAIR( shift ) { \
int sprite_count = *scanlines; \
CALC_FOUR( ((unaligned_uint32_t*) out) [0].val, (line >> (shift + 4)), out0 ) \
CALC_FOUR( ((unaligned_uint32_t*) out) [1].val, (line >> shift), out1 ) \
if ( sprite_count < this->max_sprites ) { \
((unaligned_uint32_t*) out) [0].val = out0; \
((unaligned_uint32_t*) out) [1].val = out1; \
} \
if ( CLIPPED ) visible--; \
out += next_row; \
*scanlines = sprite_count + 1; \
scanlines += dir; \
if ( CLIPPED && !visible ) break; \
if ( !(sprite_2 & 0x20) )
// front
unsigned long const maskgen2 = 0x7f7f7f7f + zero;
#define CALC_FOUR( in, line, out ) \
unsigned long out; \
{ \
unsigned long bg = in; \
unsigned long sp = line & mask; \
unsigned long bgm = maskgen2 + ((bg >> 4) & mask); \
unsigned long spm = (maskgen - sp) & maskgen2; \
unsigned long m = (bgm & spm) >> 2; \
out = (bg & ~m) | ((sp + offset) & m); \
lines += skip >> 1;
unsigned long line = *lines++;
if ( skip & 1 )
goto front_skip;
while ( true )
line = *lines++;
for ( int n = visible >> 1; n--; )
unsigned long line = *lines++;
#undef CALC_FOUR
// behind
unsigned long const omask = 0x20202020 + zero;
unsigned long const bg_or = 0xc3c3c3c3 + zero;
#define CALC_FOUR( in, line, out ) \
unsigned long out; \
{ \
unsigned long bg = in; \
unsigned long sp = line & mask; \
unsigned long bgm = maskgen - (bg & mask); \
unsigned long spm = maskgen - sp; \
out = (bg & (bgm | bg_or)) | (spm & omask) | \
(((offset & spm) + sp) & ~(bgm >> 2)); \
lines += skip >> 1;
unsigned long line = *lines++;
if ( skip & 1 )
goto back_skip;
while ( true )
line = *lines++;
for ( int n = visible >> 1; n--; )
unsigned long line = *lines++;
#undef CALC_FOUR
#undef CLIPPED
#undef DRAW_PAIR

core/Nes_State.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_State.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include "Nes_Emu.h"
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
int mem_differs( void const* p, int cmp, unsigned long s )
unsigned char const* cp = (unsigned char*) p;
while ( s-- )
if ( *cp++ != cmp )
return 1;
return 0;
Nes_State_::cpu = &this->cpu;
Nes_State_::joypad = &this->joypad;
Nes_State_::apu = &this->apu;
Nes_State_::ppu = &this->ppu;
Nes_State_::mapper = &this->mapper;
Nes_State_::ram = this->ram;
Nes_State_::sram = this->sram;
Nes_State_::spr_ram = this->spr_ram;
Nes_State_::nametable = this->nametable;
Nes_State_::chr = this->chr;
void Nes_State_::clear()
memset( &nes, 0, sizeof nes );
nes.frame_count = static_cast<unsigned>(invalid_frame_count);
nes_valid = false;
cpu_valid = false;
joypad_valid = false;
apu_valid = false;
ppu_valid = false;
mapper_valid = false;
ram_valid = false;
sram_size = 0;
spr_ram_valid = false;
nametable_size = 0;
chr_size = 0;
// write
const char * Nes_State_Writer::end( Nes_Emu const& emu )
Nes_State* state = new Nes_State;
CHECK_ALLOC( state );
emu.save_state( state );
const char * err = end( *state );
delete state;
return err;
const char * Nes_State_Writer::end( Nes_State const& ss )
RETURN_ERR( ss.write_blocks( *this ) );
return Nes_File_Writer::end();
const char * Nes_State::write( Auto_File_Writer out ) const
Nes_State_Writer writer;
RETURN_ERR( writer.begin( out ) );
return writer.end( *this );
const char * Nes_State_::write_blocks( Nes_File_Writer& out ) const
if ( nes_valid )
nes_state_t s = nes;
s.timestamp *= 5;
RETURN_ERR( write_nes_state( out, s ) );
if ( cpu_valid )
cpu_state_t s;
memset( &s, 0, sizeof s );
s.pc = cpu->pc;
s.s = cpu->sp;
s.a = cpu->a;
s.x = cpu->x;
s.y = cpu->y;
s.p = cpu->status;
RETURN_ERR( write_nes_state( out, s ) );
if ( ppu_valid )
ppu_state_t s = *ppu;
RETURN_ERR( write_nes_state( out, s ) );
if ( apu_valid )
apu_state_t s = *apu;
RETURN_ERR( write_nes_state( out, s ) );
if ( joypad_valid )
joypad_state_t s = *joypad;
RETURN_ERR( write_nes_state( out, s ) );
if ( mapper_valid )
RETURN_ERR( out.write_block( FOUR_CHAR('MAPR'), mapper->data, mapper->size ) );
if ( ram_valid )
RETURN_ERR( out.write_block( FOUR_CHAR('LRAM'), ram, ram_size ) );
if ( spr_ram_valid )
RETURN_ERR( out.write_block( FOUR_CHAR('SPRT'), spr_ram, spr_ram_size ) );
if ( nametable_size )
RETURN_ERR( out.write_block_header( FOUR_CHAR('NTAB'), nametable_size ) );
RETURN_ERR( out.write( nametable, 0x800 ) );
if ( nametable_size > 0x800 )
RETURN_ERR( out.write( chr, 0x800 ) );
if ( chr_size )
RETURN_ERR( out.write_block( FOUR_CHAR('CHRR'), chr, chr_size ) );
if ( sram_size )
RETURN_ERR( out.write_block( FOUR_CHAR('SRAM'), sram, sram_size ) );
return 0;
// read
Nes_State_Reader::Nes_State_Reader() { state_ = 0; owned = 0; }
Nes_State_Reader::~Nes_State_Reader() { delete owned; }
const char * Nes_State_Reader::begin( Auto_File_Reader dr, Nes_State* out )
state_ = out;
if ( !out )
CHECK_ALLOC( state_ = owned = new Nes_State );
RETURN_ERR( Nes_File_Reader::begin( dr ) );
if ( block_tag() != state_file_tag )
return "Not a state snapshot file";
return 0;
const char * Nes_State::read( Auto_File_Reader in )
Nes_State_Reader reader;
RETURN_ERR( reader.begin( in, this ) );
while ( !reader.done() )
RETURN_ERR( reader.next_block() );
return 0;
const char * Nes_State_Reader::next_block()
if ( depth() != 0 )
return Nes_File_Reader::next_block();
return state_->read_blocks( *this );
void Nes_State_::set_nes_state( nes_state_t const& s )
nes = s;
nes.timestamp /= 5;
nes_valid = true;
const char * Nes_State_::read_blocks( Nes_File_Reader& in )
while ( true )
RETURN_ERR( in.next_block() );
switch ( in.block_tag() )
case nes_state_t::tag:
memset( &nes, 0, sizeof nes );
RETURN_ERR( read_nes_state( in, &nes ) );
set_nes_state( nes );
case cpu_state_t::tag: {
cpu_state_t s;
memset( &s, 0, sizeof s );
RETURN_ERR( read_nes_state( in, &s ) );
cpu->pc = s.pc;
cpu->sp = s.s;
cpu->a = s.a;
cpu->x = s.x;
cpu->y = s.y;
cpu->status = s.p;
cpu_valid = true;
case ppu_state_t::tag:
memset( ppu, 0, sizeof *ppu );
RETURN_ERR( read_nes_state( in, ppu ) );
ppu_valid = true;
case apu_state_t::tag:
memset( apu, 0, sizeof *apu );
RETURN_ERR( read_nes_state( in, apu ) );
apu_valid = true;
case joypad_state_t::tag:
memset( joypad, 0, sizeof *joypad );
RETURN_ERR( read_nes_state( in, joypad ) );
joypad_valid = true;
mapper->size = in.remain();
RETURN_ERR( in.read_block_data( mapper->data, sizeof mapper->data ) );
mapper_valid = true;
spr_ram_valid = true;
RETURN_ERR( in.read_block_data( spr_ram, spr_ram_size ) );
nametable_size = in.remain();
RETURN_ERR( nametable, 0x800 ) );
if ( nametable_size > 0x800 )
RETURN_ERR( chr, 0x800 ) );
ram_valid = true;
RETURN_ERR( in.read_block_data( ram, ram_size ) );
chr_size = in.remain();
RETURN_ERR( in.read_block_data( chr, chr_max ) );
sram_size = in.remain();
RETURN_ERR( in.read_block_data( sram, sram_max ) );
return 0;

core/Nes_State.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
// NES state snapshot for saving and restoring emulator state
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#ifndef NES_STATE_H
#define NES_STATE_H
#include "Nes_File.h"
#include "Nes_Cpu.h"
class Nes_Emu;
class Nes_State;
typedef long frame_count_t;
// Writes state to a file
class Nes_State_Writer : public Nes_File_Writer {
// Begin writing file
const char * begin( Auto_File_Writer );
// Write emulator's current state to file and end
const char * end( Nes_Emu const& );
// Write state to file and end
const char * end( Nes_State const& );
// Reads state from a file
class Nes_State_Reader : public Nes_File_Reader {
// Begin reading state snapshot from file
const char * begin( Auto_File_Reader, Nes_State* = 0 );
// Go to next unrecognized block in file
const char * next_block();
// State as read from file. Only valid after all blocks have been read.
Nes_State const& state() const;
Nes_State* owned;
Nes_State* state_;
class Nes_State_ {
const char * write_blocks( Nes_File_Writer& ) const;
void set_nes_state( nes_state_t const& );
const char * read_blocks( Nes_File_Reader& );
enum { ram_size = 0x800 };
enum { sram_max = 0x2000 };
enum { spr_ram_size = 0x100 };
enum { nametable_max = 0x800 };
enum { chr_max = 0x2000 };
uint8_t *ram, *sram, *spr_ram, *nametable, *chr;
nes_state_t nes;
Nes_Cpu::registers_t* cpu;
joypad_state_t* joypad;
apu_state_t* apu;
ppu_state_t* ppu;
mapper_state_t* mapper;
bool nes_valid, cpu_valid, joypad_valid, apu_valid, ppu_valid;
bool mapper_valid, ram_valid, spr_ram_valid;
short sram_size, nametable_size, chr_size;
// Invalidate all state
void clear();
// Change timestamp
void set_timestamp( frame_count_t );
// Timestamp snapshot was taken at
frame_count_t timestamp() const;
// Snapshot of emulator state
class Nes_State : private Nes_State_ {
// Write snapshot to file
const char * write( Auto_File_Writer ) const;
// Read snapshot from file
const char * read( Auto_File_Reader );
Nes_Cpu::registers_t cpu;
joypad_state_t joypad;
apu_state_t apu;
ppu_state_t ppu;
mapper_state_t mapper;
uint8_t ram [ram_size];
uint8_t sram [sram_max];
uint8_t spr_ram [spr_ram_size];
uint8_t nametable [nametable_max];
uint8_t chr [chr_max];
friend class Nes_Emu;
friend class Nes_State_Writer;
friend class Nes_State_Reader;
frame_count_t const invalid_frame_count = LONG_MAX / 2 + 1; // a large positive value
int mem_differs( void const* in, int compare, unsigned long count );
inline Nes_State const& Nes_State_Reader::state() const
return *state_;
inline const char * Nes_State_Writer::begin( Auto_File_Writer dw )
return Nes_File_Writer::begin( dw, state_file_tag );
inline void Nes_State_::set_timestamp( frame_count_t t ) { nes.frame_count = t; }
inline frame_count_t Nes_State_::timestamp() const { return nes.frame_count; }

core/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7.
#include "Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
output( NULL );
volume( 1.0 );
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::reset()
last_time = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
Vrc6_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
for ( int j = 0; j < reg_count; j++ )
osc.regs [j] = 0;
osc.delay = 0;
osc.last_amp = 0;
osc.phase = 1;
osc.amp = 0;
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
osc_output( i, buf );
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::run_until( nes_time_t time )
run_square( oscs [0], time );
run_square( oscs [1], time );
run_saw( time );
last_time = time;
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::write_osc( nes_time_t time, int osc_index, int reg, int data )
run_until( time );
oscs [osc_index].regs [reg] = data;
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::end_frame( nes_time_t time )
if ( time > last_time )
run_until( time );
last_time -= time;
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::save_state( vrc6_apu_state_t* out ) const
out->saw_amp = oscs [2].amp;
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
Vrc6_Osc const& osc = oscs [i];
for ( int r = 0; r < reg_count; r++ )
out->regs [i] [r] = osc.regs [r];
out->delays [i] = osc.delay;
out->phases [i] = osc.phase;
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::load_state( vrc6_apu_state_t const& in )
oscs [2].amp = in.saw_amp;
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
Vrc6_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
for ( int r = 0; r < reg_count; r++ )
osc.regs [r] = in.regs [i] [r];
osc.delay = in.delays [i];
osc.phase = in.phases [i];
if ( !oscs [2].phase )
oscs [2].phase = 1;
//Run sound channels for 0 cycles for clean audio after loading state
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::run_square( Vrc6_Osc& osc, nes_time_t end_time )
Blip_Buffer* output = osc.output;
if ( !output )
int volume = osc.regs [0] & 15;
if ( !(osc.regs [2] & 0x80) )
volume = 0;
int gate = osc.regs [0] & 0x80;
int duty = ((osc.regs [0] >> 4) & 7) + 1;
int delta = ((gate || osc.phase < duty) ? volume : 0) - osc.last_amp;
nes_time_t time = last_time;
if ( delta )
osc.last_amp += delta;
square_synth.offset( time, delta, output );
time += osc.delay;
osc.delay = 0;
int period = osc.period();
if ( volume && !gate && period > 4 )
if ( time < end_time )
int phase = osc.phase;
if ( phase == 16 )
phase = 0;
osc.last_amp = volume;
square_synth.offset( time, volume, output );
if ( phase == duty )
osc.last_amp = 0;
square_synth.offset( time, -volume, output );
time += period;
while ( time < end_time );
osc.phase = phase;
osc.delay = time - end_time;
void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::run_saw( nes_time_t end_time )
Vrc6_Osc& osc = oscs [2];
Blip_Buffer* output = osc.output;
if ( !output )
int amp = osc.amp;
int amp_step = osc.regs [0] & 0x3F;
nes_time_t time = last_time;
int last_amp = osc.last_amp;
if ( !(osc.regs [2] & 0x80) || !(amp_step | amp) )
osc.delay = 0;
int delta = (amp >> 3) - last_amp;
last_amp = amp >> 3;
saw_synth.offset( time, delta, output );
time += osc.delay;
if ( time < end_time )
int period = osc.period() * 2;
int phase = osc.phase;
if ( --phase == 0 )
phase = 7;
amp = 0;
int delta = (amp >> 3) - last_amp;
if ( delta )
last_amp = amp >> 3;
saw_synth.offset( time, delta, output );
time += period;
amp = (amp + amp_step) & 0xFF;
while ( time < end_time );
osc.phase = phase;
osc.amp = amp;
osc.delay = time - end_time;
osc.last_amp = last_amp;

core/Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
// Konami VRC6 sound chip emulator
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7
#ifndef NES_VRC6_APU_H
#define NES_VRC6_APU_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
#include "Blip_Buffer.h"
struct vrc6_apu_state_t;
class Nes_Vrc6_Apu {
// See Nes_Apu.h for reference
void reset();
void volume( double );
void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
void output( Blip_Buffer* );
enum { osc_count = 3 };
void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
void end_frame( nes_time_t );
void save_state( vrc6_apu_state_t* ) const;
void load_state( vrc6_apu_state_t const& );
// Oscillator 0 write-only registers are at $9000-$9002
// Oscillator 1 write-only registers are at $A000-$A002
// Oscillator 2 write-only registers are at $B000-$B002
enum { reg_count = 3 };
enum { base_addr = 0x9000 };
enum { addr_step = 0x1000 };
void write_osc( nes_time_t, int osc, int reg, int data );
// noncopyable
Nes_Vrc6_Apu( const Nes_Vrc6_Apu& );
Nes_Vrc6_Apu& operator = ( const Nes_Vrc6_Apu& );
struct Vrc6_Osc
uint8_t regs [3];
Blip_Buffer* output;
int delay;
int last_amp;
int phase;
int amp; // only used by saw
int period() const
return (regs [2] & 0x0f) * 0x100L + regs [1] + 1;
Vrc6_Osc oscs [osc_count];
nes_time_t last_time;
Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,1> saw_synth;
Blip_Synth<blip_good_quality,1> square_synth;
void run_until( nes_time_t );
void run_square( Vrc6_Osc& osc, nes_time_t );
void run_saw( nes_time_t );
struct vrc6_apu_state_t
uint8_t regs [3] [3];
uint8_t saw_amp;
uint16_t delays [3];
uint8_t phases [3];
uint8_t unused;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (vrc6_apu_state_t) == 20 );
inline void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
oscs [i].output = buf;
inline void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::volume( double v )
double const factor = 0.0967 * 2;
saw_synth.volume( factor / 31 * v );
square_synth.volume( factor * 0.5 / 15 * v );
inline void Nes_Vrc6_Apu::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
saw_synth.treble_eq( eq );
square_synth.treble_eq( eq );

core/Nes_Vrc7.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "Nes_Vrc7.h"
#include "emu2413.h"
#include <string.h>
#define BYTESWAP(xxxx) {uint32_t _temp = (uint32_t)(xxxx);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[0] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 24);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[1] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 16);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[2] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 8);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[3] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 0);\
static bool IsLittleEndian()
int i = 42;
if (((char*)&i)[0] == 42)
return true;
return false;
opll = OPLL_new( 3579545 );
output( NULL );
volume( 1.0 );
OPLL_delete( ( OPLL * ) opll );
void Nes_Vrc7::reset()
last_time = 0;
count = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; ++i )
Vrc7_Osc& osc = oscs [i];
for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
osc.regs [j] = 0;
osc.last_amp = 0;
OPLL_reset( ( OPLL * ) opll );
void Nes_Vrc7::volume( double v )
synth.volume( v * 1. / 3. );
void Nes_Vrc7::treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& eq )
synth.treble_eq( eq );
void Nes_Vrc7::output( Blip_Buffer* buf )
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; i++ )
osc_output( i, buf );
void Nes_Vrc7::run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
nes_time_t time = last_time;
while ( time < end_time )
if ( ++count == 36 )
count = 0;
bool run = false;
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < osc_count; ++i )
Vrc7_Osc & osc = oscs [i];
if ( osc.output )
if ( ! run )
run = true;
OPLL_run( ( OPLL * ) opll );
int amp = OPLL_calcCh( ( OPLL * ) opll, i );
int delta = amp - osc.last_amp;
if ( delta )
osc.last_amp = amp;
synth.offset( time, delta, osc.output );
last_time = end_time;
void Nes_Vrc7::write_reg( int data )
OPLL_writeIO( ( OPLL * ) opll, 0, data );
void Nes_Vrc7::write_data( nes_time_t time, int data )
if ( ( unsigned ) ( ( ( OPLL * ) opll )->adr - 0x10 ) < 0x36 )
int type = ( ( OPLL * ) opll )->adr >> 4;
int chan = ( ( OPLL * ) opll )->adr & 15;
if ( chan < 6 ) oscs [chan].regs [type-1] = data;
run_until( time );
OPLL_writeIO( ( OPLL * ) opll, 1, data );
void Nes_Vrc7::end_frame( nes_time_t time )
if ( time > last_time )
run_until( time );
last_time -= time;
void Nes_Vrc7::save_snapshot( vrc7_snapshot_t* out )
out->latch = ( ( OPLL * ) opll )->adr;
memcpy( out->inst, ( ( OPLL * ) opll )->CustInst, 8 );
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
out->regs [i] [j] = oscs [i].regs [j];
out->count = count;
out->internal_opl_state_size = sizeof(OPLL_STATE);
if (!IsLittleEndian())
OPLL_serialize((OPLL*)opll, &(out->internal_opl_state));
void Nes_Vrc7::load_snapshot( vrc7_snapshot_t & in, int dataSize )
write_reg( in.latch );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < osc_count; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < 3; ++j )
oscs [i].regs [j] = in.regs [i] [j];
count = in.count;
for ( i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
OPLL_writeReg( ( OPLL * ) opll, i, in.inst [i] );
for ( i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
for ( int j = 0; j < 6; ++j )
OPLL_writeReg( ( OPLL * ) opll, 0x10 + i * 0x10 + j, oscs [j].regs [i] );
if (!IsLittleEndian())
if (in.internal_opl_state_size == sizeof(OPLL_STATE))
OPLL_deserialize((OPLL*)opll, &(in.internal_opl_state));
void Nes_Vrc7::update_last_amp()
for (unsigned i = 0; i < osc_count; ++i)
Vrc7_Osc & osc = oscs[i];
if (osc.output)
int amp = OPLL_calcCh((OPLL *)opll, i);
int delta = amp - osc.last_amp;
if (delta)
osc.last_amp = amp;
synth.offset(last_time, delta, osc.output);

core/Nes_Vrc7.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
// Konami VRC7 sound chip emulator
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7. Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Shay Green. GNU LGPL license.
#ifndef NES_VRC7_H
#define NES_VRC7_H
#include "emu2413_state.h"
struct vrc7_snapshot_t;
class Nes_Vrc7 {
// See Nes_Apu.h for reference
void reset();
void volume( double );
void treble_eq( blip_eq_t const& );
void output( Blip_Buffer* );
enum { osc_count = 6 };
void osc_output( int index, Blip_Buffer* );
void end_frame( nes_time_t );
void save_snapshot(vrc7_snapshot_t*);
void load_snapshot(vrc7_snapshot_t &, int dataSize);
void update_last_amp();
void write_reg( int reg );
void write_data( nes_time_t, int data );
// noncopyable
Nes_Vrc7( const Nes_Vrc7& );
Nes_Vrc7& operator = ( const Nes_Vrc7& );
struct Vrc7_Osc
uint8_t regs [3];
Blip_Buffer* output;
int last_amp;
void * opll;
nes_time_t last_time;
Blip_Synth<blip_med_quality,2048*2> synth; // DB2LIN_AMP_BITS == 11, * 2
int count;
Vrc7_Osc oscs [osc_count];
void run_until( nes_time_t );
struct vrc7_snapshot_t
uint8_t latch;
uint8_t inst [8];
uint8_t regs [6] [3];
uint8_t count;
int internal_opl_state_size;
OPLL_STATE internal_opl_state;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (vrc7_snapshot_t) == 28 + 440 + 4 );
inline void Nes_Vrc7::osc_output( int i, Blip_Buffer* buf )
oscs [i].output = buf;

core/abstract_file.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#include "abstract_file.h"
#include "blargg_config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Shay Green. Permission is hereby granted, free of
charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software module and associated
documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify,
merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and
to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice
shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE
const char *Data_Writer::write( const void*, long ) { return 0; }
// Mem_Writer
Mem_Writer::Mem_Writer( void* p, long s, int b )
data_ = (char*) p;
size_ = 0;
allocated = s;
mode = b ? ignore_excess : fixed;
data_ = 0;
size_ = 0;
allocated = 0;
mode = expanding;
if ( ( mode == expanding ) && data_ )
free( data_ );
const char *Mem_Writer::write( const void* p, long s )
long remain = allocated - size_;
if ( s > remain )
if ( mode == fixed )
return "Tried to write more data than expected";
if ( mode == ignore_excess )
s = remain;
else // expanding
long new_allocated = size_ + s;
new_allocated += (new_allocated >> 1) + 2048;
void* p = realloc( data_, new_allocated );
if ( !p )
return "Out of memory";
data_ = (char*) p;
allocated = new_allocated;
memcpy( data_ + size_, p, s );
size_ += s;
return 0;
// Auto_File_Reader
const char* Auto_File_Reader::open()
return 0;
if ( path )
delete data;
// Auto_File_Writer
const char* Auto_File_Writer::open()
return 0;
const char* Auto_File_Writer::open_comp( int level )
return 0;

core/abstract_file.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
// Abstract file access interfaces
#include "Data_Reader.h"
// Supports writing
class Data_Writer {
Data_Writer() { }
virtual ~Data_Writer() { }
// Write 'n' bytes. NULL on success, otherwise error string.
virtual const char *write( const void*, long n ) = 0;
// noncopyable
Data_Writer( const Data_Writer& );
Data_Writer& operator = ( const Data_Writer& );
// Write data to memory
class Mem_Writer : public Data_Writer {
char* data_;
long size_;
long allocated;
enum { expanding, fixed, ignore_excess } mode;
// Keep all written data in expanding block of memory
// Write to fixed-size block of memory. If ignore_excess is false, returns
// error if more than 'size' data is written, otherwise ignores any excess.
Mem_Writer( void*, long size, int ignore_excess = 0 );
const char *write( const void*, long );
// Pointer to beginning of written data
char* data() { return data_; }
// Number of bytes written
long size() const { return size_; }
// Auto_File to use in place of Data_Reader&/Data_Writer&, allowing a normal
// file path to be used in addition to a Data_Reader/Data_Writer.
class Auto_File_Reader {
Auto_File_Reader() : data( 0 ), path( 0 ) { }
Auto_File_Reader( Data_Reader& r ) : data( &r ), path( 0 ) { }
Auto_File_Reader( Auto_File_Reader const& );
Auto_File_Reader& operator = ( Auto_File_Reader const& );
const char* open();
int operator ! () const { return !data; }
Data_Reader* operator -> () const { return data; }
Data_Reader& operator * () const { return *data; }
/* mutable */ Data_Reader* data;
const char* path;
class Auto_File_Writer {
Auto_File_Writer() : data( 0 ), path( 0 ) { }
Auto_File_Writer( Data_Writer& r ) : data( &r ), path( 0 ) { }
Auto_File_Writer( Auto_File_Writer const& );
Auto_File_Writer& operator = ( Auto_File_Writer const& );
const char* open();
const char* open_comp( int level = -1 ); // compress output if possible
int operator ! () const { return !data; }
Data_Writer* operator -> () const { return data; }
Data_Writer& operator * () const { return *data; }
/* mutable */ Data_Writer* data;
const char* path;
inline Auto_File_Reader& Auto_File_Reader::operator = ( Auto_File_Reader const& r )
data =;
path = r.path;
((Auto_File_Reader*) &r)->data = 0;
return *this;
inline Auto_File_Reader::Auto_File_Reader( Auto_File_Reader const& r ) { *this = r; }
inline Auto_File_Writer& Auto_File_Writer::operator = ( Auto_File_Writer const& r )
data =;
path = r.path;
((Auto_File_Writer*) &r)->data = 0;
return *this;
inline Auto_File_Writer::Auto_File_Writer( Auto_File_Writer const& r ) { *this = r; }

core/apu_state.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7.
#include "apu_state.h"
#include "Nes_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
template<int mode>
struct apu_reflection
#define REFLECT( apu, state ) (mode ? void (apu = state) : void (state = apu))
static void reflect_env( apu_state_t::env_t* state, Nes_Envelope& osc )
REFLECT( (*state) [0], osc.env_delay );
REFLECT( (*state) [1], osc.envelope );
REFLECT( (*state) [2], osc.reg_written [3] );
static void reflect_square( apu_state_t::square_t& state, Nes_Square& osc )
reflect_env( &state.env, osc );
REFLECT( state.delay, osc.delay );
REFLECT( state.length_counter, osc.length_counter );
REFLECT( state.phase, osc.phase );
REFLECT( state.swp_delay, osc.sweep_delay );
REFLECT( state.swp_reset, osc.reg_written [1] );
static void reflect_triangle( apu_state_t::triangle_t& state, Nes_Triangle& osc )
REFLECT( state.delay, osc.delay );
REFLECT( state.length_counter, osc.length_counter );
REFLECT( state.linear_counter, osc.linear_counter );
REFLECT( state.phase, osc.phase );
REFLECT( state.linear_mode, osc.reg_written [3] );
static void reflect_noise( apu_state_t::noise_t& state, Nes_Noise& osc )
reflect_env( &state.env, osc );
REFLECT( state.delay, osc.delay );
REFLECT( state.length_counter, osc.length_counter );
REFLECT( state.shift_reg, osc.noise );
static void reflect_dmc( apu_state_t::dmc_t& state, Nes_Dmc& osc )
REFLECT( state.delay, osc.delay );
REFLECT( state.remain, osc.length_counter );
REFLECT( state.buf, osc.buf );
REFLECT( state.bits_remain, osc.bits_remain );
REFLECT( state.bits, osc.bits );
REFLECT( state.buf_full, osc.buf_full );
REFLECT( state.silence, osc.silence );
REFLECT( state.irq_flag, osc.irq_flag );
if ( mode )
state.addr = osc.address | 0x8000;
osc.address = state.addr & 0x7fff;
void Nes_Apu::save_state( apu_state_t* state ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count * 4; i++ )
int index = i >> 2;
state->apu.w40xx [i] = oscs [index]->regs [i & 3];
//if ( index < 4 )
// state->length_counters [index] = oscs [index]->length_counter;
state->apu.w40xx [0x11] = dmc.dac;
state->apu.w4015 = osc_enables;
state->apu.w4017 = frame_mode;
state->apu.frame_delay = frame_delay;
state->apu.frame_step = frame;
state->apu.irq_flag = irq_flag;
typedef apu_reflection<1> refl;
Nes_Apu& apu = *(Nes_Apu*) this; // const_cast
refl::reflect_square ( state->square1, apu.square1 );
refl::reflect_square ( state->square2, apu.square2 );
refl::reflect_triangle( state->triangle, apu.triangle );
refl::reflect_noise ( state->noise, apu.noise );
refl::reflect_dmc ( state->dmc, apu.dmc );
void Nes_Apu::load_state( apu_state_t const& state )
write_register( 0, 0x4017, state.apu.w4017 );
write_register( 0, 0x4015, state.apu.w4015 );
osc_enables = state.apu.w4015; // DMC clears bit 4
for ( int i = 0; i < osc_count * 4; i++ )
int n = state.apu.w40xx [i];
int index = i >> 2;
oscs [index]->regs [i & 3] = n;
write_register( 0, 0x4000 + i, n );
//if ( index < 4 )
// oscs [index]->length_counter = state.length_counters [index];
frame_delay = state.apu.frame_delay;
frame = state.apu.frame_step;
irq_flag = state.apu.irq_flag;
typedef apu_reflection<0> refl;
apu_state_t& st = (apu_state_t&) state; // const_cast
refl::reflect_square ( st.square1, square1 );
refl::reflect_square ( st.square2, square2 );
refl::reflect_triangle( st.triangle, triangle );
refl::reflect_noise ( st.noise, noise );
refl::reflect_dmc ( st.dmc, dmc );
//force channels to have correct last_amp levels after load state, last_time);, last_time);, last_time);, last_time);, last_time);

core/apu_state.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
// NES APU state snapshot support
// Nes_Snd_Emu 0.1.7
#ifndef APU_STATE_H
#define APU_STATE_H
#include <stdint.h>
#include "blargg_common.h"
struct apu_state_t
typedef uint8_t env_t [3];
/*struct env_t {
uint8_t delay;
uint8_t env;
uint8_t written;
struct apu_t {
uint8_t w40xx [0x14]; // $4000-$4013
uint8_t w4015; // enables
uint8_t w4017; // mode
uint16_t frame_delay;
uint8_t frame_step;
uint8_t irq_flag;
} apu;
struct square_t {
uint16_t delay;
env_t env;
uint8_t length_counter;
uint8_t phase;
uint8_t swp_delay;
uint8_t swp_reset;
uint8_t unused2 [1];
square_t square1;
square_t square2;
struct triangle_t {
uint16_t delay;
uint8_t length_counter;
uint8_t phase;
uint8_t linear_counter;
uint8_t linear_mode;
} triangle;
struct noise_t {
uint16_t delay;
env_t env;
uint8_t length_counter;
uint16_t shift_reg;
} noise;
struct dmc_t {
uint16_t delay;
uint16_t remain;
uint16_t addr;
uint8_t buf;
uint8_t bits_remain;
uint8_t bits;
uint8_t buf_full;
uint8_t silence;
uint8_t irq_flag;
} dmc;
//uint8_t length_counters [4];
enum { tag = 0x41505552 }; // 'APUR'
void swap();
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (apu_state_t) == 72 );

core/blargg_common.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
// Sets up common environment for Shay Green's libraries.
// To change configuration options, modify blargg_config.h, not this file.
// File_Extractor 1.0.0
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
/* Pure virtual functions cause a vtable entry to a "called pure virtual"
error handler, requiring linkage to the C++ runtime library. This macro is
used in place of the "= 0", and simply expands to its argument. During
development, it expands to "= 0", allowing detection of missing overrides. */
#define BLARGG_PURE( def ) def
/* My code depends on ASCII anywhere a character or string constant is
compared with data read from a file, and anywhere file data is read and
treated as a string. */
#if '\n'!=0x0A || ' '!=0x20 || '0'!=0x30 || 'A'!=0x41 || 'a'!=0x61
#error "ASCII character set required"
/* My code depends on int being at least 32 bits. Almost everything these days
uses at least 32-bit ints, so it's hard to even find a system with 16-bit ints
to test with. The issue can't be gotten around by using a suitable blargg_int
everywhere either, because int is often converted to implicitly when doing
arithmetic on smaller types. */
#error "int must be at least 32 bits"
// In case compiler doesn't support these properly. Used rarely.
#define STATIC_CAST(T,expr) static_cast<T> (expr)
// User configuration can override the above macros if necessary
#include "blargg_config.h"
// BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( expr ): Generates compile error if expr is 0.
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// MSVC6 (_MSC_VER < 1300) fails for use of __LINE__ when /Zl is specified
#define BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( expr ) \
void blargg_failed_( int (*arg) [2 / (int)!!(expr) - 1] )
// Some other compilers fail when declaring same function multiple times in class,
// so differentiate them by line
#define BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( expr ) \
void blargg_failed_( int (*arg) [2 / !!(expr) - 1] [__LINE__] )
typedef struct
__attribute ((packed))
uint32_t val;

core/blargg_config.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
// Library configuration. Modify this file as necessary.
// File_Extractor 1.0.0
// Use standard config.h if present
#include "config.h"

core/blargg_endian.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
// CPU Byte Order Utilities
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0
#include "blargg_common.h"
// BLARGG_CPU_CISC: Defined if CPU has very few general-purpose registers (< 16)
#if defined (_M_IX86) || defined (_M_IA64) || defined (__i486__) || \
defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__ia64__)
#define BLARGG_CPU_X86 1
#if defined (__powerpc__) || defined (__ppc__) || defined (__POWERPC__) || defined (__powerc)
inline unsigned get_le16( void const* p ) {
return ((unsigned char*) p) [1] * 0x100u +
((unsigned char*) p) [0];
inline unsigned get_be16( void const* p ) {
return ((unsigned char*) p) [0] * 0x100u +
((unsigned char*) p) [1];
inline unsigned long get_le32( void const* p ) {
return ((unsigned char*) p) [3] * 0x01000000ul +
((unsigned char*) p) [2] * 0x00010000ul +
((unsigned char*) p) [1] * 0x00000100ul +
((unsigned char*) p) [0];
inline unsigned long get_be32( void const* p ) {
return ((unsigned char*) p) [0] * 0x01000000ul +
((unsigned char*) p) [1] * 0x00010000ul +
((unsigned char*) p) [2] * 0x00000100ul +
((unsigned char*) p) [3];
inline void set_le16( void* p, unsigned n ) {
((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) n;
inline void set_be16( void* p, unsigned n ) {
((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) n;
inline void set_le32( void* p, unsigned long n ) {
((unsigned char*) p) [3] = (unsigned char) (n >> 24);
((unsigned char*) p) [2] = (unsigned char) (n >> 16);
((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) n;
inline void set_be32( void* p, unsigned long n ) {
((unsigned char*) p) [0] = (unsigned char) (n >> 24);
((unsigned char*) p) [1] = (unsigned char) (n >> 16);
((unsigned char*) p) [2] = (unsigned char) (n >> 8);
((unsigned char*) p) [3] = (unsigned char) n;
// Optimized implementation if byte order is known
#ifdef MSB_FIRST
#define GET_BE16( addr ) (*(uint16_t*) (addr))
#define GET_BE32( addr ) (*(uint32_t*) (addr))
#define SET_BE16( addr, data ) (void) (*(uint16_t*) (addr) = (data))
#define SET_BE32( addr, data ) (void) (*(uint32_t*) (addr) = (data))
#define GET_LE16( addr ) (*(uint16_t*) (addr))
#define SET_LE16( addr, data ) (void) (*(uint16_t*) (addr) = (data))
#define SET_LE32( addr, data ) (void) (*(uint32_t*) (addr) = (data))
#if BLARGG_CPU_POWERPC && defined (__MWERKS__)
// PowerPC has special byte-reversed instructions
// to do: assumes that PowerPC is running in big-endian mode
// to do: implement for other compilers which don't support these macros
#define GET_LE16( addr ) (__lhbrx( (addr), 0 ))
#define SET_LE16( addr, data ) (__sthbrx( (data), (addr), 0 ))
#define SET_LE32( addr, data ) (__stwbrx( (data), (addr), 0 ))
#ifndef GET_LE16
#define GET_LE16( addr ) get_le16( addr )
#define SET_LE16( addr, data ) set_le16( addr, data )
#define SET_LE32( addr, data ) set_le32( addr, data )
#ifndef GET_BE16
#define GET_BE16( addr ) get_be16( addr )
#define GET_BE32( addr ) get_be32( addr )
#define SET_BE16( addr, data ) set_be16( addr, data )
#define SET_BE32( addr, data ) set_be32( addr, data )
// auto-selecting versions
inline void set_le( uint16_t* p, unsigned n ) { SET_LE16( p, n ); }
inline void set_le( uint32_t* p, unsigned long n ) { SET_LE32( p, n ); }
inline void set_be( uint16_t* p, unsigned n ) { SET_BE16( p, n ); }
inline void set_be( uint32_t* p, unsigned long n ) { SET_BE32( p, n ); }
inline unsigned get_be( uint16_t* p ) { return GET_BE16( p ); }
inline unsigned long get_be( uint32_t* p ) { return GET_BE32( p ); }

core/blargg_source.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
/* Included at the beginning of library source files, AFTER all other #include
lines. Sets up helpful macros and services used in my source code. Since this
is only "active" in my source code, I don't have to worry about polluting the
global namespace with unprefixed names. */
// File_Extractor 1.0.0
#ifndef BLARGG_COMMON_H // optimization only
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include <string.h> /* memcpy(), memset(), memmove() */
#include <stddef.h> /* offsetof() */
/* If expr yields non-NULL error string, returns it from current function,
otherwise continues normally. */
#define RETURN_ERR( expr ) \
do {\
const char *blargg_return_err_ = (expr);\
if ( blargg_return_err_ )\
return blargg_return_err_;\
} while ( 0 )
/* If ptr is NULL, returns out-of-memory error, otherwise continues normally. */
#define CHECK_ALLOC( ptr ) \
do {\
if ( !(ptr) )\
return "Out of memory";\
} while ( 0 )
/* The usual min/max functions for built-in types. */
template<typename T> T min( T x, T y ) { return x < y ? x : y; }
template<typename T> T max( T x, T y ) { return x > y ? x : y; }

core/emu2413.cpp Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

core/emu2413.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
#ifndef EMU2413_H
#define EMU2413_H
typedef signed int e_int;
typedef unsigned int e_uint;
typedef signed char e_int8;
typedef unsigned char e_uint8;
typedef signed short e_int16;
typedef unsigned short e_uint16;
typedef signed int e_int32;
typedef unsigned int e_uint32;
#define INLINE inline
/* Size of Sintable ( 8 -- 18 can be used. 9 recommended.)*/
#define PG_BITS 9
#define PG_WIDTH (1<<PG_BITS)
/* Phase increment counter */
#define DP_BITS 18
#define DP_WIDTH (1<<DP_BITS)
/* Dynamic range (Accuracy of sin table) */
#define DB_BITS 8
#define DB_STEP (48.0/(1<<DB_BITS))
#define DB_MUTE (1<<DB_BITS)
/* Dynamic range of envelope */
#define EG_STEP 0.375
#define EG_BITS 7
#define EG_MUTE (1<<EG_BITS)
/* Dynamic range of total level */
#define TL_STEP 0.75
#define TL_BITS 6
#define TL_MUTE (1<<TL_BITS)
/* Dynamic range of sustine level */
#define SL_STEP 3.0
#define SL_BITS 4
#define SL_MUTE (1<<SL_BITS)
/* Bits for Pitch and Amp modulator */
#define PM_PG_BITS 8
#define PM_PG_WIDTH (1<<PM_PG_BITS)
#define PM_DP_BITS 16
#define PM_DP_WIDTH (1<<PM_DP_BITS)
#define AM_PG_BITS 8
#define AM_PG_WIDTH (1<<AM_PG_BITS)
#define AM_DP_BITS 16
#define AM_DP_WIDTH (1<<AM_DP_BITS)
#ifdef EMU2413_DLL_EXPORTS
#define EMU2413_API __declspec(dllexport)
#elif defined(EMU2413_DLL_IMPORTS)
#define EMU2413_API __declspec(dllimport)
#define EMU2413_API
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
enum {OPLL_VRC7_TONE=0} ;
/* voice data */
typedef struct {
/* slot */
typedef struct {
e_int32 type ; /* 0 : modulator 1 : carrier */
/* OUTPUT */
e_int32 feedback ;
e_int32 output[2] ; /* Output value of slot */
/* for Phase Generator (PG) */
e_uint16 *sintbl ; /* Wavetable */
e_uint32 phase ; /* Phase */
e_uint32 dphase ; /* Phase increment amount */
e_uint32 pgout ; /* output */
/* for Envelope Generator (EG) */
e_int32 fnum ; /* F-Number */
e_int32 block ; /* Block */
e_int32 volume ; /* Current volume */
e_int32 sustine ; /* Sustine 1 = ON, 0 = OFF */
e_uint32 tll ; /* Total Level + Key scale level*/
e_uint32 rks ; /* Key scale offset (Rks) */
e_int32 eg_mode ; /* Current state */
e_uint32 eg_phase ; /* Phase */
e_uint32 eg_dphase ; /* Phase increment amount */
e_uint32 egout ; /* output */
/* Mask */
#define OPLL_MASK_CH(x) (1<<(x))
/* opll */
typedef struct {
e_uint32 adr ;
e_int32 out ;
#ifndef EMU2413_COMPACTION
e_uint32 realstep ;
e_uint32 oplltime ;
e_uint32 opllstep ;
e_int32 prev, next ;
/* Register */
e_uint8 LowFreq[6];
e_uint8 HiFreq[6];
e_uint8 InstVol[6];
e_uint8 CustInst[8];
e_int32 slot_on_flag[6 * 2] ;
/* Pitch Modulator */
e_uint32 pm_phase ;
e_int32 lfo_pm ;
/* Amp Modulator */
e_int32 am_phase ;
e_int32 lfo_am ;
e_uint32 quality;
/* Channel Data */
e_int32 patch_number[6];
e_int32 key_status[6] ;
/* Slot */
OPLL_SLOT slot[6 * 2] ;
e_uint32 mask ;
/* Input clock */
e_uint32 clk;
/* WaveTable for each envelope amp */
e_uint16 fullsintable[PG_WIDTH];
e_uint16 halfsintable[PG_WIDTH];
e_uint16 *waveform[2];
/* LFO Table */
e_int32 pmtable[PM_PG_WIDTH];
e_int32 amtable[AM_PG_WIDTH];
/* Phase delta for LFO */
e_uint32 pm_dphase;
e_uint32 am_dphase;
/* dB to Liner table */
e_int16 DB2LIN_TABLE[(DB_MUTE + DB_MUTE) * 2];
/* Liner to Log curve conversion table (for Attack rate). */
e_uint16 AR_ADJUST_TABLE[1 << EG_BITS];
/* Phase incr table for Attack */
e_uint32 dphaseARTable[16][16];
/* Phase incr table for Decay and Release */
e_uint32 dphaseDRTable[16][16];
/* KSL + TL Table */
e_uint32 tllTable[16][8][1 << TL_BITS][4];
e_int32 rksTable[2][8][2];
/* Phase incr table for PG */
e_uint32 dphaseTable[512][8][16];
} OPLL ;
/* Create Object */
EMU2413_API OPLL *OPLL_new(e_uint32 clk) ;
EMU2413_API void OPLL_delete(OPLL *) ;
/* Setup */
EMU2413_API void OPLL_reset(OPLL *) ;
//EMU2413_API void OPLL_set_rate(OPLL *opll, e_uint32 r) ;
/* Port/Register access */
EMU2413_API void OPLL_writeIO(OPLL *, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 val) ;
EMU2413_API void OPLL_writeReg(OPLL *, e_uint32 reg, e_uint32 val) ;
/* Synthsize */
EMU2413_API e_int16 OPLL_calc(OPLL *) ;
/* or */
EMU2413_API void OPLL_run(OPLL *) ;
EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_calcCh(OPLL *, e_uint32 ch) ;
/* Misc */
EMU2413_API void OPLL_forceRefresh(OPLL *) ;
/* Channel Mask */
EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_setMask(OPLL *, e_uint32 mask) ;
EMU2413_API e_uint32 OPLL_toggleMask(OPLL *, e_uint32 mask) ;
#ifdef __cplusplus

core/emu2413_state.cpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
#include "emu2413_state.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int OPLL_serialize_size()
return sizeof(OPLL_STATE);
void OPLL_serialize(const OPLL * opll, OPLL_STATE* state)
int i;
state->pm_phase = opll->pm_phase;
state->am_phase = opll->am_phase;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
OPLL_SLOT_STATE *slotState = &(state->slot[i]);
const OPLL_SLOT *slot= &(opll->slot[i]);
slotState->feedback = slot->feedback;
slotState->output[0] = slot->output[0];
slotState->output[1] = slot->output[1];
slotState->phase = slot->phase;
slotState->pgout = slot->pgout;
slotState->eg_mode = slot->eg_mode;
slotState->eg_phase = slot->eg_phase;
slotState->eg_dphase = slot->eg_dphase;
slotState->egout = slot->egout;
#define BYTESWAP(xxxx) {uint32_t _temp = (uint32_t)(xxxx);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[0] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 24);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[1] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 16);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[2] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 8);\
((uint8_t*)&(xxxx))[3] = (uint8_t)((_temp) >> 0);\
#define SET(xxxx,yyyy) { if ((xxxx) != (yyyy)) {\
(xxxx) = (yyyy);\
void OPLL_deserialize(OPLL * opll, const OPLL_STATE* state)
int i;
opll->pm_phase = state->pm_phase;
opll->am_phase = state->am_phase;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
const OPLL_SLOT_STATE *slotState = &(state->slot[i]);
OPLL_SLOT *slot = &(opll->slot[i]);
slot->feedback = slotState->feedback;
slot->output[0] = slotState->output[0];
slot->output[1] = slotState->output[1];
slot->phase = slotState->phase;
slot->pgout = slotState->pgout;
slot->eg_mode = slotState->eg_mode;
slot->eg_phase = slotState->eg_phase;
slot->eg_dphase = slotState->eg_dphase;
slot->egout = slotState->egout;
static bool IsLittleEndian()
int i = 42;
if (((char*)&i)[0] == 42)
return true;
return false;
void OPLL_state_byteswap(OPLL_STATE *state)
int i;
if (IsLittleEndian()) return;
for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
OPLL_SLOT_STATE *slotState = &(state->slot[i]);
#ifdef __cplusplus

core/emu2413_state.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#ifndef EMU2413_STATE_H
#define EMU2413_STATE_H
#include "emu2413.h"
typedef struct {
e_int32 feedback;
e_int32 output[2];
e_uint32 phase;
e_uint32 pgout;
e_int32 eg_mode;
e_uint32 eg_phase;
e_uint32 eg_dphase;
e_uint32 egout;
typedef struct {
e_uint32 pm_phase;
e_int32 am_phase;
OPLL_SLOT_STATE slot[6 * 2];
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
int OPLL_serialize_size();
void OPLL_serialize(const OPLL * opll, OPLL_STATE* state);
void OPLL_deserialize(OPLL * opll, const OPLL_STATE* state);
void OPLL_state_byteswap(OPLL_STATE *state);
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
#pragma once
// Common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
class Mapper000 : public Nes_Mapper {
Mapper000() { }
virtual void apply_mapping() { }
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int )
// empty

core/mappers/mapper001.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
#pragma once
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// MMC1
class Mapper001 : public Nes_Mapper, mmc1_state_t {
mmc1_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual void reset_state()
regs [0] = 0x0f;
regs [1] = 0x00;
regs [2] = 0x01;
regs [3] = 0x00;
virtual void apply_mapping()
enable_sram(); // early MMC1 always had SRAM enabled
register_changed( 0 );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( !(data & 0x80) )
buf |= (data & 1) << bit;
if ( bit >= 5 )
int reg = addr >> 13 & 3;
regs [reg] = buf & 0x1f;
bit = 0;
buf = 0;
register_changed( reg );
bit = 0;
buf = 0;
regs [0] |= 0x0c;
register_changed( 0 );
void register_changed( int reg )
// Mirroring
if ( reg == 0 )
int mode = regs [0] & 3;
if ( mode < 2 )
mirror_single( mode & 1 );
else if ( mode == 2 )
// CHR
if ( reg < 3 && cart().chr_size() > 0 )
if ( regs [0] & 0x10 )
set_chr_bank( 0x0000, bank_4k, regs [1] );
set_chr_bank( 0x1000, bank_4k, regs [2] );
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, regs [1] >> 1 );
// PRG
int bank = (regs [1] & 0x10) | (regs [3] & 0x0f);
if ( !(regs [0] & 0x08) )
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_32k, bank >> 1 );
else if ( regs [0] & 0x04 )
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, bank );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_16k, bank | 0x0f );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, bank & ~0x0f );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_16k, bank );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
#pragma once
// Common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
class Mapper002 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t bank;
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
enable_sram(); // at least one UNROM game needs sram (Bomberman 2)
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, bank );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
bank = handle_bus_conflict( addr, data );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, bank );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#pragma once
// Common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
class Mapper003 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t bank;
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, bank & 7 );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
bank = handle_bus_conflict( addr, data );
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, bank & 7 );

core/mappers/mapper004.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
#pragma once
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Nes_Core.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// 264 or less breaks Gargoyle's Quest II
// 267 or less breaks Magician
int const irq_fine_tune = 268;
nes_time_t const first_scanline = 20 * Nes_Ppu::scanline_len + irq_fine_tune;
nes_time_t const last_scanline = first_scanline + 240 * Nes_Ppu::scanline_len;
// MMC3
class Mapper004 : public Nes_Mapper, mmc3_state_t {
mmc3_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual void reset_state()
memcpy( banks, "\0\2\4\5\6\7\0\1", sizeof banks );
counter_just_clocked = 0;
next_time = 0;
mirror = 1;
/* Cart specified vertical mirroring */
if ( cart().mirroring() & 1 )
mirror = 0;
void start_frame() { next_time = first_scanline; }
virtual void apply_mapping()
write( 0, 0xA000, mirror );
write( 0, 0xA001, sram_mode );
void clock_counter()
if ( counter_just_clocked )
if ( !irq_ctr-- )
irq_ctr = irq_latch;
//if ( !irq_latch )
//dprintf( "MMC3 IRQ counter reloaded with 0\n" );
//dprintf( "%6d MMC3 IRQ clocked\n", time / ppu_overclock );
if ( irq_ctr == 0 )
//if ( irq_enabled && !irq_flag )
//dprintf( "%6d MMC3 IRQ triggered: %f\n", time / ppu_overclock, time / scanline_len.0 - 20 );
irq_flag = irq_enabled;
virtual void a12_clocked()
if ( irq_enabled )
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
run_until( end_time );
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t present )
run_until( present );
if ( !irq_enabled )
return no_irq;
if ( irq_flag )
return 0;
if ( !ppu_enabled() )
return no_irq;
int remain = irq_ctr - 1;
if ( remain < 0 )
remain = irq_latch;
long time = remain * 341L + next_time;
if ( time > last_scanline )
return no_irq;
return time / ppu_overclock + 1;
void run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
bool bg_enabled = ppu_enabled();
if (next_time < 0) next_time = 0;
end_time *= ppu_overclock;
while ( next_time < end_time && next_time <= last_scanline )
if ( bg_enabled )
next_time += Nes_Ppu::scanline_len;
void update_chr_banks()
int chr_xor = (mode >> 7 & 1) * 0x1000;
set_chr_bank( 0x0000 ^ chr_xor, bank_2k, banks [0] >> 1 );
set_chr_bank( 0x0800 ^ chr_xor, bank_2k, banks [1] >> 1 );
set_chr_bank( 0x1000 ^ chr_xor, bank_1k, banks [2] );
set_chr_bank( 0x1400 ^ chr_xor, bank_1k, banks [3] );
set_chr_bank( 0x1800 ^ chr_xor, bank_1k, banks [4] );
set_chr_bank( 0x1c00 ^ chr_xor, bank_1k, banks [5] );
void update_prg_banks()
set_prg_bank( 0xA000, bank_8k, banks [7] );
nes_addr_t addr = 0x8000 + 0x4000 * (mode >> 6 & 1);
set_prg_bank( addr, bank_8k, banks [6] );
set_prg_bank( addr ^ 0x4000, bank_8k, last_bank - 1 );
void write_irq( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xE001 )
case 0xC000:
irq_latch = data;
case 0xC001:
/* MMC3 IRQ counter pathological behavior triggered if
* counter_just_clocked is 1 */
counter_just_clocked = 2;
irq_ctr = 0;
case 0xE000:
irq_flag = false;
irq_enabled = false;
case 0xE001:
irq_enabled = true;
if ( irq_enabled )
void write( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xE001 )
case 0x8000: {
int changed = mode ^ data;
mode = data;
// avoid unnecessary bank updates
if ( changed & 0x80 )
if ( changed & 0x40 )
case 0x8001: {
int bank = mode & 7;
banks [bank] = data;
if ( bank < 6 )
case 0xA000:
mirror = data;
if ( !(cart().mirroring() & 0x08) )
if ( mirror & 1 )
case 0xA001:
sram_mode = data;
//dprintf( "%02X->%04X\n", data, addr );
// Startropics 1 & 2 use MMC6 and always enable low 512 bytes of SRAM
if ( (data & 0x3F) == 0x30 )
enable_sram( true );
enable_sram( data & 0x80, data & 0x40 );
run_until( time );
write_irq( addr, data );
nes_time_t next_time;
int counter_just_clocked; // used only for debugging

core/mappers/mapper005.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
#pragma once
// NES MMC5 mapper, currently only tailored for Castlevania 3 (U)
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "Nes_Core.h"
#include <string.h>
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
struct mmc5_state_t
enum { reg_count = 0x30 };
uint8_t regs [0x30];
uint8_t irq_enabled;
// to do: finalize state format
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (mmc5_state_t) == 0x31 );
// MMC5
class Mapper005 : public Nes_Mapper, mmc5_state_t {
mmc5_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual void reset_state()
irq_time = no_irq;
regs [0x00] = 2;
regs [0x01] = 3;
regs [0x14] = 0x7f;
regs [0x15] = 0x7f;
regs [0x16] = 0x7f;
regs [0x17] = 0x7f;
virtual void read_state( mapper_state_t const& in )
Nes_Mapper::read_state( in );
irq_time = no_irq;
enum { regs_addr = 0x5100 };
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t )
if ( irq_enabled & 0x80 )
return irq_time;
return no_irq;
virtual bool write_intercepted( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
int reg = addr - regs_addr;
if ( (unsigned) reg < reg_count )
regs [reg] = data;
switch ( reg )
case 0x05:
mirror_manual( data & 3, data >> 2 & 3,
data >> 4 & 3, data >> 6 & 3 );
case 0x15:
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, data >> 1 & 0x3f );
case 0x16:
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_8k, data & 0x7f );
case 0x17:
set_prg_bank( 0xE000, bank_8k, data & 0x7f );
case 0x20:
case 0x21:
case 0x22:
case 0x23:
case 0x28:
case 0x29:
case 0x2a:
case 0x2b:
set_chr_bank( ((reg >> 1 & 4) + (reg & 3)) * 0x400, bank_1k, data );
else if ( addr == 0x5203 )
irq_time = no_irq;
if ( data && data < 240 )
irq_time = (341 * 21 + 128 + (data * 341)) / 3;
if ( irq_time < time )
irq_time = no_irq;
else if ( addr == 0x5204 )
irq_enabled = data;
return false;
return true;
void apply_mapping()
static unsigned char list [] = {
0x05, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17,
0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23,
0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) sizeof list; i++ )
write_intercepted( 0, regs_addr + list [i], regs [list [i]] );
intercept_writes( 0x5100, 0x200 );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int ) { }
nes_time_t irq_time;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
#pragma once
// Common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
class Mapper007 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t bank;
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
int b = bank;
bank = ~b; // force update
write( 0, 0, b );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data )
int changed = bank ^ data;
bank = data;
if ( changed & 0x10 )
mirror_single( bank >> 4 & 1 );
if ( changed & 0x0f )
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_32k, bank & 7 );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "blargg_source.h"
// MMC2
class Mapper009: public Nes_Mapper
uint8_t regs[6]; // A,B,C,D,E,F
void mirror(uint8_t val)
if (val & 1)
register_state(regs, sizeof(regs));
virtual void reset_state()
std::memset(regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_prg_bank(0x8000, bank_8k, regs[0]);
set_prg_bank(0xa000, bank_8k, 13);
set_prg_bank(0xc000, bank_8k, 14);
set_prg_bank(0xe000, bank_8k, 15);
set_chr_bank(0x0000, bank_4k, regs[1]);
set_chr_bank(0x1000, bank_4k, regs[3]);
set_chr_bank_ex(0x0000, bank_4k, regs[2]);
set_chr_bank_ex(0x1000, bank_4k, regs[4]);
virtual void write(nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data)
switch (addr >> 12)
case 0xa: regs[0] = data; set_prg_bank(0x8000, bank_8k, data); break;
case 0xb: regs[1] = data; set_chr_bank(0x0000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xc: regs[2] = data; set_chr_bank_ex(0x0000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xd: regs[3] = data; set_chr_bank(0x1000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xe: regs[4] = data; set_chr_bank_ex(0x1000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xf: regs[5] = data; mirror(data); break;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
#pragma once
#include <cstring>
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "blargg_source.h"
// MMC4
class Mapper010: public Nes_Mapper
uint8_t regs[6]; // A,B,C,D,E,F
void mirror(uint8_t val)
if (val & 1)
register_state(regs, sizeof(regs));
virtual void reset_state()
std::memset(regs, 0, sizeof(regs));
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_prg_bank(0x8000, bank_16k, regs[0]);
set_chr_bank(0x0000, bank_4k, regs[1]);
set_chr_bank(0x1000, bank_4k, regs[3]);
set_chr_bank_ex(0x0000, bank_4k, regs[2]);
set_chr_bank_ex(0x1000, bank_4k, regs[4]);
virtual void write(nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data)
switch (addr >> 12)
case 0xa: regs[0] = data; set_prg_bank(0x8000, bank_16k, data); break;
case 0xb: regs[1] = data; set_chr_bank(0x0000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xc: regs[2] = data; set_chr_bank_ex(0x0000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xd: regs[3] = data; set_chr_bank(0x1000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xe: regs[4] = data; set_chr_bank_ex(0x1000, bank_4k, data); break;
case 0xf: regs[5] = data; mirror(data); break;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
#pragma once
// Optional less-common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Color Dreams
class Mapper011 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t bank;
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
int b = bank;
bank = ~b;
write( 0, 0, b );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data )
int changed = bank ^ data;
bank = data;
if ( changed & 0x0f )
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_32k, bank & 0x0f );
if ( changed & 0xf0 )
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, bank >> 4 );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2018.
* This module is free software; you
* can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
* module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
* more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 100-in-1 Contra Function 16
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
struct Mapper015_state_t
uint8_t prg_bank [ 4 ];
uint8_t mirroring;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (Mapper015_state_t) == 5 );
// K-1029, K-1030P
class Mapper015 : public Nes_Mapper, Mapper015_state_t {
i = 0;
Mapper015_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual void reset_state()
write( 0, 0x8000, 0 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_chr_bank ( 0, bank_8k, 0 );
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof prg_bank; i++ )
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000 + ( i * 0x2000 ), bank_8k, prg_bank [i] );
switch ( mirroring )
case 0: mirror_vert(); break;
case 1: mirror_horiz(); break;
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
uint8_t bank = ( data & 0x3F ) << 1;
uint8_t sbank = ( data >> 7 ) & 1;
mirroring = ( data >> 6 ) & 1;
switch ( addr & 3 )
case 0:
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof prg_bank; i++ )
prg_bank [ i ] = bank + i;
case 2:
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof prg_bank; i++ )
prg_bank [ i ] = bank | sbank;
case 1:
case 3:
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof prg_bank; i++ )
if ( i >= 2 && !( addr & 2 ) )
bank = 0x7E;
prg_bank [ i ] = bank + ( i & 1 );
unsigned long int i;

core/mappers/mapper019.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
#pragma once
// Namco 106 mapper
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include "Nes_Namco_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// to do: CHR mapping and nametable handling needs work
struct namco106_state_t
uint8_t regs [16];
uint16_t irq_ctr;
uint8_t irq_pending;
uint8_t unused1 [1];
namco_state_t sound_state;
void swap()
set_le16( &irq_ctr, irq_ctr );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof sound_state.delays / sizeof sound_state.delays [0]; i++ )
set_le16( &sound_state.delays [i], sound_state.delays [i] );
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (namco106_state_t) == 20 + sizeof (namco_state_t) );
// Namco106
class Mapper019 : public Nes_Mapper, namco106_state_t {
namco106_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual int channel_count() const { return sound.osc_count; }
virtual void set_channel_buf( int i, Blip_Buffer* b ) { sound.osc_output( i, b ); }
virtual void set_treble( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { sound.treble_eq( eq ); }
void reset_state()
regs [12] = 0;
regs [13] = 1;
regs [14] = last_bank - 1;
virtual void apply_mapping()
last_time = 0;
intercept_writes( 0x4800, 1 );
intercept_reads ( 0x4800, 1 );
intercept_writes( 0x5000, 0x1000 );
intercept_reads ( 0x5000, 0x1000 );
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) sizeof regs; i++ )
write( 0, 0x8000 + i * 0x800, regs [i] );
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t time )
if ( irq_pending )
return time;
if ( !(irq_ctr & 0x8000) )
return no_irq;
return 0x10000 - irq_ctr + last_time;
virtual void run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
long count = irq_ctr + (end_time - last_time);
if ( irq_ctr & 0x8000 )
if ( count > 0xffff )
count = 0xffff;
irq_pending = true;
else if ( count > 0x7fff )
count = 0x7fff;
irq_ctr = count;
last_time = end_time;
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( end_time > last_time )
run_until( end_time );
last_time -= end_time;
sound.end_frame( end_time );
virtual int read( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr )
if ( addr == 0x4800 )
return sound.read_data();
if ( addr == 0x5000 )
irq_pending = false;
return irq_ctr & 0xff;
if ( addr == 0x5800 )
irq_pending = false;
return irq_ctr >> 8;
return Nes_Mapper::read( time, addr );
virtual bool write_intercepted( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( addr == 0x4800 )
sound.write_data( time, data );
else if ( addr == 0x5000 )
irq_ctr = (irq_ctr & 0xff00) | data;
irq_pending = false;
else if ( addr == 0x5800 )
irq_ctr = (data << 8) | (irq_ctr & 0xff);
irq_pending = false;
return false;
return true;
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
int reg = addr >> 11 & 0x0F;
regs [reg] = data;
int prg_bank = reg - 0x0c;
if ( (unsigned) prg_bank < 3 )
if ( prg_bank == 0 && (data & 0x40) )
set_prg_bank( 0x8000 | (prg_bank << bank_8k), bank_8k, data & 0x3F );
else if ( reg < 8 )
set_chr_bank( reg * 0x400, bank_1k, data );
else if ( reg < 0x0c )
mirror_manual( regs [8] & 1, regs [9] & 1, regs [10] & 1, regs [11] & 1 );
sound.write_addr( data );
void swap()
set_le16( &irq_ctr, irq_ctr );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof sound_state.delays / sizeof sound_state.delays [0]; i++ )
set_le16( &sound_state.delays [i], sound_state.delays [i] );
void save_state( mapper_state_t& out )
sound.save_state( &sound_state );
Nes_Mapper::save_state( out );
void read_state( mapper_state_t const& in )
Nes_Mapper::read_state( in );
sound.load_state( sound_state );
Nes_Namco_Apu sound;
nes_time_t last_time;

core/mappers/mapper021.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green
* Copyright (C) 2007 CaH4e3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* General code is from FCEUX
* IRQ portion is from existing VRC6/VRC7 by Shay Green
* This mapper was ported by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 3-19-2018
* VRC-2/VRC-4 Konami
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
struct vrc2_state_t
uint8_t prg_banks [ 2 ];
uint8_t chr_banks [ 8 ];
uint8_t mirroring;
uint8_t prg_swap;
uint8_t irq_latch;
uint8_t irq_control;
// internal state
uint16_t next_time;
uint8_t irq_pending;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof ( vrc2_state_t ) == 18 );
template <bool type_a, bool type_b>
class Mapper_VRC2_4 : public Nes_Mapper, vrc2_state_t {
if (type_a && type_b) // mapper 21
is22 = 0;
reg1mask = 0x42;
reg2mask = 0x84;
else if (!type_a && type_b) // mapper 22
is22 = 1;
reg1mask = 2;
reg2mask = 1;
else if (!type_a && !type_b) // mapper 23
is22 = 0;
reg1mask = 0x15;
reg2mask = 0x2a;
else if (type_a && !type_b) // mapper 25
is22 = 0;
reg1mask = 0xa;
reg2mask = 0x5;
vrc2_state_t * state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof * state );
void reset_state()
void apply_mapping()
if ( !is22 ) enable_sram();
void reset_timer( nes_time_t present )
next_time = present + unsigned ( ( 0x100 - irq_latch ) * timer_period ) / 4;
virtual void run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( irq_control & 2 )
while ( next_time < end_time )
// printf( "%d timer expired\n", next_time );
irq_pending = true;
reset_timer( next_time );
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
run_until( end_time );
// to do: next_time might go negative if IRQ is disabled
next_time -= end_time;
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t present )
if ( irq_pending )
return present;
if ( irq_control & 2 )
return next_time + 1;
return no_irq;
void write_irq( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data );
void write( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
addr = ( addr & 0xF000 ) | !!( addr & reg2mask ) << 1 | !!( addr & reg1mask );
if( addr >= 0xB000 && addr <= 0xE003)
unsigned banknumber = ( ( addr >> 1 ) & 1 ) | ( ( addr - 0xB000 ) >> 11 );
unsigned offset = ( addr & 1 ) << 2;
chr_banks [ banknumber ] &= ( 0xF0 ) >> offset;
chr_banks [ banknumber ] |= ( data & 0xF ) << offset;
chr_banks [ banknumber ] |= ( offset ? ( ( data & 0x10 ) << 4 ) : 0 );
switch ( addr & 0xF003 )
case 0x8000:
case 0x8001:
case 0x8002:
case 0x8003:
prg_banks [ 0 ] = data & 0x1F;
case 0xA000:
case 0xA001:
case 0xA002:
case 0xA003:
prg_banks [ 1 ] = data & 0x1F;
case 0x9000:
case 0x9001:
mirroring = data;
case 0x9002:
case 0x9003:
prg_swap = data;
case 0xF000:
case 0xF001:
case 0xF002:
case 0xF003:
write_irq( time, addr, data );
unsigned is22, reg1mask, reg2mask;
enum { timer_period = 113 * 4 + 3 };
void set_mirroring()
switch ( mirroring & 3 )
case 0: mirror_vert(); break;
case 1: mirror_horiz(); break;
case 2:
case 3: mirror_single( mirroring & 1 ); break;
void update_prg()
if ( prg_swap & 2 )
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_8k, ( 0xFE ) );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_8k, prg_banks [ 0 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_8k, prg_banks [ 0 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_8k, ( 0xFE ) );
set_prg_bank( 0xA000, bank_8k, prg_banks [ 1 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0xE000, bank_8k, ( 0xFF ) );
void update_chr()
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) sizeof chr_banks; i++ )
set_chr_bank( i * 0x400, bank_1k, chr_banks [ i ] >> is22 );
template <bool type_a, bool type_b>
void Mapper_VRC2_4<type_a, type_b>::write_irq( nes_time_t time,
nes_addr_t addr, int data )
// IRQ
run_until( time );
//printf("%6d VRC2_4 [%d] A:%04x V:%02x\n", time, addr & 3, addr, data);
switch ( addr & 3 )
case 0:
irq_latch = ( irq_latch & 0xF0 ) | ( data & 0xF );
case 1:
irq_latch = ( irq_latch & 0x0F ) | ( ( data & 0xF ) << 4 );
case 2:
irq_pending = false;
irq_control = data & 3;
if ( data & 2 ) reset_timer( time );
case 3:
irq_pending = false;
irq_control = ( irq_control & ~2 ) | ( ( irq_control << 1 ) & 2 );
typedef Mapper_VRC2_4<true,true> Mapper021;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green
* Copyright (C) 2007 CaH4e3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* General code is from FCEUX
* IRQ portion is from existing VRC6/VRC7 by Shay Green
* This mapper was ported by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 3-19-2018
* VRC-2/VRC-4 Konami
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "mappers/mapper021.hpp"
typedef Mapper_VRC2_4<false,true> Mapper022;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green
* Copyright (C) 2007 CaH4e3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* General code is from FCEUX
* IRQ portion is from existing VRC6/VRC7 by Shay Green
* This mapper was ported by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 3-19-2018
* VRC-2/VRC-4 Konami
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
typedef Mapper_VRC2_4<false, false> Mapper023;

core/mappers/mapper024.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
// Konami VRC6 mapper
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include <string.h>
#include "Nes_Vrc6_Apu.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
struct vrc6_state_t
// written registers
uint8_t prg_16k_bank;
// could move sound regs int and out of vrc6_apu_state_t for state saving,
// allowing them to be stored here
uint8_t old_sound_regs [3] [3]; // to do: eliminate this duplicate
uint8_t mirroring;
uint8_t prg_8k_bank;
uint8_t chr_banks [8];
uint8_t irq_reload;
uint8_t irq_mode;
// internal state
uint16_t next_time;
uint8_t irq_pending;
uint8_t unused;
vrc6_apu_state_t sound_state;
void swap()
set_le16( &next_time, next_time );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof sound_state.delays / sizeof sound_state.delays [0]; i++ )
set_le16( &sound_state.delays [i], sound_state.delays [i] );
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (vrc6_state_t) == 26 + sizeof (vrc6_apu_state_t) );
template <int swapMask>
class Mapper_Vrc6 : public Nes_Mapper, vrc6_state_t {
Mapper_Vrc6( )
swap_mask = swapMask;
vrc6_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual int channel_count() const { return sound.osc_count; }
virtual void set_channel_buf( int i, Blip_Buffer* b ) { sound.osc_output( i, b ); }
virtual void set_treble( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { sound.treble_eq( eq ); }
virtual void reset_state()
prg_8k_bank = last_bank - 1;
virtual void save_state( mapper_state_t& out )
sound.save_state( &sound_state );
Nes_Mapper::save_state( out );
vrc6_state_t::swap(); // to do: kind of hacky to swap in place
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, prg_16k_bank );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_8k, prg_8k_bank );
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) sizeof chr_banks; i++ )
set_chr_bank( i * 0x400, bank_1k, chr_banks [i] );
write_bank( 0xb003, mirroring );
void reset_timer( nes_time_t present )
next_time = present + unsigned ((0x100 - irq_reload) * timer_period) / 4;
virtual void run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( irq_mode & 2 )
while ( next_time < end_time )
//dprintf( "%d timer expired\n", next_time );
irq_pending = true;
reset_timer( next_time );
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
run_until( end_time );
// to do: next_time might go negative if IRQ is disabled
next_time -= end_time;
sound.end_frame( end_time );
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t present )
if ( irq_pending )
return present;
if ( irq_mode & 2 )
return next_time + 1;
return no_irq;
virtual void write( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
int osc = unsigned (addr - sound.base_addr) / sound.addr_step;
if ( (addr + 1) & 2 ) // optionally swap 1 and 2
addr ^= swap_mask;
int reg = addr & 3;
if ( (unsigned) osc < sound.osc_count && reg < sound.reg_count )
sound.write_osc( time, osc, reg, data );
else if ( addr < 0xf000 )
write_bank( addr, data );
write_irq( time, addr, data );
int swap_mask;
Nes_Vrc6_Apu sound;
enum { timer_period = 113 * 4 + 3 };
void read_state( mapper_state_t const& in )
Nes_Mapper::read_state( in );
// to do: eliminate when format is updated
// old-style registers
static char zero [sizeof old_sound_regs] = { 0 };
if ( 0 != memcmp( old_sound_regs, zero, sizeof zero ) )
/* Using old VRC6 sound register format */
memcpy( sound_state.regs, old_sound_regs, sizeof sound_state.regs );
memset( old_sound_regs, 0, sizeof old_sound_regs );
sound.load_state( sound_state );
void write_irq( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
// IRQ
run_until( time );
//dprintf( "%d VRC6 IRQ [%d] = %02X\n", time, addr & 3, data );
switch ( addr & 3 )
case 0:
irq_reload = data;
case 1:
irq_pending = false;
irq_mode = data;
if ( data & 2 )
reset_timer( time );
case 2:
irq_pending = false;
irq_mode = (irq_mode & ~2) | ((irq_mode << 1) & 2);
void write_bank( nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xf003 )
case 0x8000:
prg_16k_bank = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, data );
case 0xb003: {
mirroring = data;
//dprintf( "Change mirroring %d\n", data );
// emu()->enable_sram( data & 0x80 ); // to do: needed?
int page = data >> 5 & 1;
if ( data & 8 )
mirror_single( ((data >> 2) ^ page) & 1 );
else if ( data & 4 )
mirror_horiz( page );
mirror_vert( page );
case 0xc000:
prg_8k_bank = data;
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_8k, data );
int bank = (addr >> 11 & 4) | (addr & 3);
if ( addr >= 0xd000 )
//dprintf( "change chr bank %d\n", bank );
chr_banks [bank] = data;
set_chr_bank( bank * 0x400, bank_1k, data );
typedef Mapper_Vrc6<0> Mapper024;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green
* Copyright (C) 2007 CaH4e3
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* General code is from FCEUX
* IRQ portion is from existing VRC6/VRC7 by Shay Green
* This mapper was ported by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 3-19-2018
* VRC-2/VRC-4 Konami
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
typedef Mapper_VRC2_4<true,false> Mapper025;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#pragma once
// Konami VRC6 mapper
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
typedef Mapper_Vrc6<3> Mapper026;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 3/24/18
* Unrom-512
* No flash and one screen mirroring support.
* Tested only on Troll Burner and Mystic Origins demo.
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// Unrom512
class Mapper030 : public Nes_Mapper {
Mapper030() { }
void reset_state() { }
void apply_mapping() { }
void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( ( addr & 0xF000 ) >= 0x8000 )
set_prg_bank(0x8000, bank_16k, data & 0x1F);
set_chr_bank(0x0000, bank_8k, (data >> 5) & 0x3);

core/mappers/mapper032.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 32 - Irem's G-101
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
struct mapper32_state_t
uint8_t chr_bank [ 8 ];
uint8_t prg_bank [ 2 ];
uint8_t prg_mode;
uint8_t mirr;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof ( mapper32_state_t ) == 12 );
// Irem_G101
class Mapper032 : public Nes_Mapper, mapper32_state_t {
mapper32_state_t * state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof * state );
virtual void reset_state()
prg_bank [ 0 ] = ~1;
prg_bank [ 1 ] = ~0;
virtual void apply_mapping()
if ( prg_mode == 0 )
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000, bank_8k, prg_bank [ 0 ] );
set_prg_bank ( 0xA000, bank_8k, prg_bank [ 1 ] );
set_prg_bank ( 0xC000, bank_8k, ~1 );
set_prg_bank ( 0xE000, bank_8k, ~0 );
set_prg_bank ( 0xC000, bank_8k, prg_bank [ 0 ] );
set_prg_bank ( 0xA000, bank_8k, prg_bank [ 1 ] );
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000, bank_8k, ~1 );
set_prg_bank ( 0xE000, bank_8k, ~0 );
for ( unsigned long int i = 0; i < sizeof chr_bank; i++)
set_chr_bank( ( i << 10 ), bank_1k, chr_bank [ i ] );
switch ( mirr )
case 0: mirror_vert(); break;
case 1: mirror_horiz(); break;
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xF000 )
case 0x8000:
prg_bank [ 0 ] = data;
switch ( prg_mode )
case 0: set_prg_bank ( 0x8000, bank_8k, data ); break;
case 1: set_prg_bank ( 0xC000, bank_8k, data ); break;
case 0x9000:
mirr = data & 1;
prg_mode = ( data >> 1 ) & 1;
switch ( data & 1 )
case 0: mirror_vert(); break;
case 1: mirror_horiz(); break;
case 0xA000:
prg_bank [ 1 ] = data;
set_prg_bank ( 0xA000, bank_8k, data );
switch ( addr & 0xF007 )
case 0xB000: case 0xB001: case 0xB002: case 0xB003:
case 0xB004: case 0xB005: case 0xB006: case 0xB007:
chr_bank [ addr & 0x07 ] = data;
set_chr_bank( ( addr & 0x07 ) << 10, bank_1k, data );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 33 - Taito TC0190
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
struct tc0190_state_t
uint8_t preg [ 2 ];
uint8_t creg [ 6 ];
uint8_t mirr;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof ( tc0190_state_t ) == 9 );
// TaitoTC0190
class Mapper033 : public Nes_Mapper, tc0190_state_t {
tc0190_state_t *state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual void reset_state()
{ }
virtual void apply_mapping()
for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000 + ( i << 13 ), bank_8k, preg [ i ] );
set_chr_bank ( 0x0000 + ( i << 11 ), bank_2k, creg [ i ] );
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
set_chr_bank ( 0x1000 + ( i << 10 ), bank_1k, creg [ 2 + i ] );
if ( mirr ) mirror_horiz();
else mirror_vert();
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xA003 )
case 0x8000:
preg [ 0 ] = data & 0x3F;
mirr = data >> 6;
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000, bank_8k, preg [ 0 ] );
if ( mirr ) mirror_horiz();
else mirror_vert();
case 0x8001:
preg [ 1 ] = data & 0x3F;
set_prg_bank ( 0xA000, bank_8k, preg [ 1 ] );
case 0x8002: case 0x8003:
addr &= 0x01;
creg [ addr ] = data;
set_chr_bank ( addr << 11, bank_2k, creg [ addr ] );
case 0xA000: case 0xA001:
case 0xA002: case 0xA003:
addr &= 0x03;
creg [ 2 + addr ] = data;
set_chr_bank ( 0x1000 | ( addr << 10 ), bank_1k, creg [ 2 + addr ] );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
#pragma once
// Optional less-common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Nina-1 (Deadly Towers only)
class Mapper034 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t bank;
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
write( 0, 0, bank );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data )
bank = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_32k, bank );

View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2018.
* This module is free software; you
* can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
* module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
* more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 4-in-1 Multicart ( Reset-based )
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// NROM-128 4-in-1 multicart
class Mapper060 : public Nes_Mapper {
last_game = 2;
register_state( &game_sel, 1 );
virtual void reset_state()
game_sel = last_game;
game_sel &= 3;
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000, bank_16k, game_sel );
set_prg_bank ( 0xC000, bank_16k, game_sel );
set_chr_bank ( 0, bank_8k, game_sel );
last_game = game_sel;
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data ) { }
uint8_t game_sel, last_game;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
#pragma once
// Optional less-common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
class Mapper066 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t bank;
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
int b = bank;
bank = ~b;
write( 0, 0, b );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data )
int changed = bank ^ data;
bank = data;
if ( changed & 0x30 )
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_32k, bank >> 4 & 3 );
if ( changed & 0x03 )
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, bank & 3 );

core/mappers/mapper069.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
#pragma once
// Sunsoft FME-7 mapper
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include "Nes_Fme7_Apu.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2005 Chris Moeller */
/* Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
struct fme7_state_t
// first 16 bytes in register order
uint8_t regs [13];
uint8_t irq_mode;
uint16_t irq_count;
uint8_t command;
uint8_t irq_pending;
fme7_apu_state_t sound_state; // only used when saving/restoring state
void swap()
set_le16( &irq_count, irq_count );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof sound_state.delays / sizeof sound_state.delays [0]; i++ )
set_le16( &sound_state.delays [i], sound_state.delays [i] );
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (fme7_state_t) == 18 + sizeof (fme7_apu_state_t) );
// Fme7
class Mapper069 : public Nes_Mapper, fme7_state_t {
fme7_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual int channel_count() const { return sound.osc_count; }
virtual void set_channel_buf( int i, Blip_Buffer* b ) { sound.osc_output( i, b ); }
virtual void set_treble( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { sound.treble_eq( eq ); }
virtual void reset_state()
regs [8] = 0x40; // wram disabled
irq_count = 0xFFFF;
virtual void save_state( mapper_state_t& out )
sound.save_state( &sound_state );
Nes_Mapper::save_state( out );
fme7_state_t::swap(); // to do: kind of hacky to swap in place
virtual void read_state( mapper_state_t const& in )
Nes_Mapper::read_state( in );
sound.load_state( sound_state );
virtual void apply_mapping()
last_time = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < (int) sizeof regs; i++ )
write_register( i, regs [i] );
virtual void run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
int new_count = irq_count - (end_time - last_time);
last_time = end_time;
if ( new_count <= 0 && (irq_mode & 0x81) == 0x81 )
irq_pending = true;
if ( irq_mode & 0x01 )
irq_count = new_count & 0xFFFF;
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t )
if ( irq_pending )
return 0;
if ( (irq_mode & 0x81) == 0x81 )
return last_time + irq_count + 1;
return no_irq;
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( end_time > last_time )
run_until( end_time );
last_time -= end_time;
sound.end_frame( end_time );
virtual void write( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xE000 )
case 0x8000:
command = data & 0x0F;
case 0xA000:
if ( command < 0x0D )
write_register( command, data );
write_irq( time, command, data );
case 0xC000:
sound.write_latch( data );
case 0xE000:
sound.write_data( time, data );
void write_irq( nes_time_t time, int index, int data )
run_until( time );
switch ( index )
case 0x0D:
irq_mode = data;
irq_pending = false;
case 0x0E:
irq_count = (irq_count & 0xFF00) | data;
case 0x0F:
irq_count = data << 8 | (irq_count & 0xFF);
void write_register( int index, int data )
regs [index] = data;
int prg_bank = index - 0x09;
if ( (unsigned) prg_bank < 3 ) // most common
set_prg_bank( 0x8000 | (prg_bank << bank_8k), bank_8k, data );
else if ( index == 0x08 )
enable_sram( (data & 0xC0) == 0xC0 );
if ( !(data & 0xC0) )
set_prg_bank( 0x6000, bank_8k, data & 0x3F );
else if ( index < 0x08 )
set_chr_bank( index * 0x400, bank_1k, data );
if ( data & 2 )
mirror_single( data & 1 );
else if ( data & 1 )
nes_time_t last_time;
Nes_Fme7_Apu sound;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 180 Crazy Climber
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// Mapper_74x161x162x32
template < int mapperId >
class Mapper_74x161x162x32 : public Nes_Mapper {
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void reset_state()
if ( mapperId == 86 )
bank = ~0;
virtual void apply_mapping()
if ( mapperId == 152 ) write( 0, 0, bank );
if ( mapperId == 70 ) write( 0, 0, bank );
if ( mapperId == 86 )
intercept_writes( 0x6000, 1 );
write_intercepted( 0, 0x6000, bank );
virtual bool write_intercepted( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( addr != 0x6000 ) return false;
if ( mapperId == 152 ) return false;
if ( mapperId == 70 ) return false;
bank = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_32k, ( bank >> 4 ) & 0x03 );
set_chr_bank( 0x0000, bank_8k, ( ( bank >> 4 ) & 0x04 ) | ( bank & 0x03 ) );
return true;
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( mapperId == 86) return;
bank = handle_bus_conflict (addr, data );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, ( bank >> 4 ) & 0x07 );
set_chr_bank( 0x0000, bank_8k, bank & 0x0F );
mirror_single( ( bank >> 7) & 0x01 );
uint8_t bank;
typedef Mapper_74x161x162x32<70> Mapper070;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
// Optional less-common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Camerica
class Mapper071 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t regs [3];
register_state( regs, sizeof regs );
virtual void apply_mapping()
write( 0, 0xc000, regs [0] );
if ( regs [1] & 0x80 )
write( 0, 0x9000, regs [1] );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( addr >= 0xc000 )
regs [0] = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, data );
else if ( (addr & 0xf000) == 0x9000 )
regs [1] = 0x80 | data;
mirror_single( (data >> 4) & 1 );

core/mappers/mapper073.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 3/24/18
* VRC-3 Konami, Salamander
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
struct vrc3_state_t
bool irq_enable;
bool irq_awk;
uint16_t irq_latch;
uint16_t irq_counter;
uint8_t irq_pending;
uint16_t next_time;
// VRC3
class Mapper073 : public Nes_Mapper, vrc3_state_t {
vrc3_state_t * state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof * state );
void reset_state()
void apply_mapping()
virtual void run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( irq_enable )
long counter = irq_counter + ( end_time - next_time );
if ( counter > 0xFFFF )
irq_pending = true;
irq_enable = irq_awk;
irq_counter = irq_latch;
irq_counter = counter;
next_time = end_time;
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( end_time > next_time )
run_until( end_time );
next_time -= end_time;
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t present )
if ( irq_pending )
return present;
if ( !irq_enable )
return no_irq;
return 0x10000 - irq_counter + next_time;
void write_irq_counter( int shift, int data )
irq_latch &= ~( 0xF << shift );
irq_latch |= data << shift;
void write( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
data &= 0xF;
switch ( addr >> 12 )
case 0xF: set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, data ); break;
case 0x8: write_irq_counter( 0, data ); break;
case 0x9: write_irq_counter( 4, data ); break;
case 0xA: write_irq_counter( 8, data ); break;
case 0xB: write_irq_counter( 12, data ); break;
case 0xC:
irq_pending = false;
irq_awk = data & 1;
irq_enable = data & 2;
if ( irq_enable )
irq_counter = irq_latch;
case 0xD:
irq_pending = false;
irq_enable = irq_awk;
// void register_vrc3_mapper();
// void register_vrc3_mapper()
// {
// register_mapper< Mapper073> ( 73 );
// }

core/mappers/mapper075.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
/* Copyright (C) 2018.
* This module is free software; you
* can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
* module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
* more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
* Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* VRC-1 Konami
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
struct vrc1_state_t
uint8_t prg_banks [ 3 ];
uint8_t chr_banks [ 2 ];
uint8_t chr_banks_hi [ 2 ];
uint8_t mirroring;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof ( vrc1_state_t ) == 8 );
// VRC1
class Mapper075 : public Nes_Mapper, vrc1_state_t {
vrc1_state_t * state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof * state );
void reset_state()
void apply_mapping()
void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xF000 )
case 0x8000:
prg_banks [ 0 ] = data & 0xF;
case 0x9000:
mirroring = data & 1;
chr_banks_hi [ 0 ] = ( data & 2 ) << 3;
chr_banks_hi [ 1 ] = ( data & 4 ) << 2;
case 0xa000:
prg_banks [ 1 ] = data & 0xF;
case 0xc000:
prg_banks [ 2 ] = data & 0xF;
case 0xe000:
chr_banks [ 0 ] = data & 0xF;
case 0xf000:
chr_banks [ 1 ] = data & 0xF;
void update_prg_banks()
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_8k, prg_banks [ 0 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0xa000, bank_8k, prg_banks [ 1 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0xc000, bank_8k, prg_banks [ 2 ] );
void update_chr_banks()
set_chr_bank( 0x0000, bank_4k, chr_banks [ 0 ] | chr_banks_hi [ 0 ] );
set_chr_bank( 0x1000, bank_4k, chr_banks [ 1 ] | chr_banks_hi [ 1 ] );
void update_mirroring()
switch ( mirroring & 1 )
case 1: mirror_horiz(); break;
case 0: mirror_vert(); break;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// Holy Diver and Uchuusen - Cosmo Carrier.
class Mapper078 : public Nes_Mapper {
// lower 8 bits are the reg at 8000:ffff
// next two bits are autodetecting type
// 0 = unknown 1 = cosmo carrier 2 = holy diver
int reg;
void writeinternal(int data, int changed)
reg &= 0x300;
reg |= data;
if (changed & 0x07)
set_prg_bank(0x8000, bank_16k, reg & 0x07);
if (changed & 0xf0)
set_chr_bank(0x0000, bank_8k, (reg >> 4) & 0x0f);
if (changed & 0x08)
// set mirroring based on memorized board type
if (reg & 0x100)
mirror_single((reg >> 3) & 1);
else if (reg & 0x200)
if (reg & 0x08)
// if you don't set something here, holy diver dumps with 4sc set will
// savestate as 4k NTRAM. then when you later set H\V mapping, state size mismatch.
register_state(&reg, 4);
virtual void reset_state()
reg = 0;
virtual void apply_mapping()
writeinternal(reg, 0xff);
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data)
// heuristic: if the first write ever to the register is 0,
// we're on holy diver, otherwise, carrier. it works for these two games...
if (!(reg & 0x300))
reg |= data ? 0x100 : 0x200;
writeinternal(data, 0xff);
writeinternal(data, reg ^ data);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 079
* Mapper 113
* Nina-03 / Nina-06
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#pragma once
template < bool multicart >
class Mapper_AveNina : public Nes_Mapper {
register_state( &regs, 1 );
void write_regs();
virtual void reset_state()
intercept_writes( 0x4000, 0x1000 );
intercept_writes( 0x5000, 0x1000 );
virtual void apply_mapping()
write_intercepted( 0, 0x4100, regs );
virtual bool write_intercepted( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr , int data )
if ( addr < 0x4100 || addr > 0x5FFF )
return false;
if ( addr & 0x100 )
regs = data;
return true;
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( multicart == 0 &&
( ( addr == 0x8000 ) || ( addr & 0xFCB0 ) == 0xFCB0 ) )
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, data & 0x07 );
uint8_t regs;
template < bool multicart >
void Mapper_AveNina< multicart >::write_regs()
if ( multicart == 0 )
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000, bank_32k, ( regs >> 3 ) & 0x01 );
set_chr_bank ( 0, bank_8k, regs & 0x07 );
set_prg_bank ( 0x8000, bank_32k, ( regs >> 3 ) & 0x07 );
set_chr_bank ( 0x0000, bank_8k, ( ( regs >> 3 ) & 0x08 ) | ( regs & 0x07 ) );
if ( regs & 0x80 ) mirror_vert();
else mirror_horiz();
typedef Mapper_AveNina<false> Mapper079;

core/mappers/mapper085.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
// Nes_Emu 0.5.4.
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
#include "Nes_Vrc7.h"
#include "blargg_endian.h"
#include <string.h>
#pragma once
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
struct vrc7_state_t
// written registers
uint8_t mirroring;
uint8_t prg_banks [3];
uint8_t chr_banks [8];
uint8_t irq_reload;
uint8_t irq_mode;
// internal state
uint16_t next_time;
uint8_t irq_pending;
uint8_t unused;
vrc7_snapshot_t sound_state;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (vrc7_state_t) == 20 + sizeof (vrc7_snapshot_t) );
// Vrc7
class Mapper085 : public Nes_Mapper, vrc7_state_t {
vrc7_state_t* state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual int channel_count() const { return sound.osc_count; }
virtual void set_channel_buf( int i, Blip_Buffer* b ) { sound.osc_output( i, b ); }
virtual void set_treble( blip_eq_t const& eq ) { sound.treble_eq( eq ); }
virtual void save_state( mapper_state_t & out )
sound.save_snapshot( &sound_state );
set_le16( &next_time, next_time );
Nes_Mapper::save_state( out );
virtual void load_state( mapper_state_t const& in )
Nes_Mapper::load_state( in );
next_time = get_le16( &next_time );
sound.load_snapshot( sound_state, in.size );
virtual void reset_state()
mirroring = 0;
memset( prg_banks, 0, sizeof prg_banks );
memset( chr_banks, 0, sizeof chr_banks );
memset( &sound_state, 0, sizeof sound_state );
irq_reload = 0;
irq_mode = 0;
irq_pending = false;
next_time = 0;
set_prg_bank( 0xE000, bank_8k, last_bank );
void write_prg_bank( int bank, int data )
prg_banks [bank] = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000 | ( bank << bank_8k ), bank_8k, data );
void write_chr_bank( int bank, int data )
//dprintf( "change chr bank %d\n", bank );
chr_banks [bank] = data;
set_chr_bank( bank * 0x400, bank_1k, data );
void write_mirroring( int data )
mirroring = data;
//dprintf( "Change mirroring %d\n", data );
enable_sram( data & 128, data & 64 );
if ( data & 2 )
mirror_single( data & 1 );
else if ( data & 1 )
void apply_mapping()
size_t i;
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof prg_banks; i++ )
write_prg_bank( i, prg_banks [i] );
for ( i = 0; i < sizeof chr_banks; i++ )
write_chr_bank( i, chr_banks [i] );
write_mirroring( mirroring );
void reset_timer( nes_time_t present )
next_time = present + unsigned ((0x100 - irq_reload) * timer_period) / 4;
virtual void run_until( nes_time_t end_time )
if ( irq_mode & 2 )
while ( next_time < end_time )
//dprintf( "%d timer expired\n", next_time );
irq_pending = true;
reset_timer( next_time );
virtual void end_frame( nes_time_t end_time )
run_until( end_time );
next_time -= end_time;
sound.end_frame( end_time );
virtual nes_time_t next_irq( nes_time_t present )
if ( irq_pending )
return present;
if ( irq_mode & 2 )
return next_time + 1;
return no_irq;
virtual void write( nes_time_t time, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
addr |= ( addr & 8 ) << 1;
if ( addr >= 0xe010 )
// IRQ
run_until( time );
//dprintf( "%d VRC6 IRQ [%d] = %02X\n", time, addr & 3, data );
switch ( addr & 0xf010 )
case 0xe010:
irq_reload = data;
case 0xf000:
irq_pending = false;
irq_mode = data;
if ( data & 2 )
reset_timer( time );
case 0xf010:
irq_pending = false;
irq_mode = (irq_mode & ~2) | ((irq_mode << 1) & 2);
else if ( ( unsigned ) ( addr - 0xa000 ) < 0x4000 )
write_chr_bank( ((addr >> 4) & 1) | (((addr - 0xa000) >> 11)&~1), data );
else switch ( addr & 0xf010 )
case 0x8000: write_prg_bank( 0, data ); break;
case 0x8010: write_prg_bank( 1, data ); break;
case 0x9000: write_prg_bank( 2, data ); break;
case 0xe000:
write_mirroring( data );
case 0x9010:
if ( addr & 0x20 ) sound.write_data( time, data );
else sound.write_reg( data );
Nes_Vrc7 sound;
enum { timer_period = 113 * 4 + 3 };

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
#pragma once
typedef Mapper_74x161x162x32<86> Mapper086;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
// Optional less-common simple mappers
// Nes_Emu 0.7.0.
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
/* Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Shay Green. This module is free software; you
can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser
General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This
module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for
more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
Public License along with this module; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */
#include "blargg_source.h"
// Jaleco/Konami/Taito
class Mapper087 : public Nes_Mapper {
uint8_t bank;
register_state( &bank, 1 );
void apply_mapping()
intercept_writes( 0x6000, 1 );
write( 0, 0x6000, bank );
bool write_intercepted( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
if ( addr != 0x6000 )
return false;
bank = data;
set_chr_bank( 0, bank_8k, data >> 1 );
return true;
void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int ) { }

core/mappers/mapper088.hpp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* 3/24/18
* Mapper 88
* Mapper 154
* Mapper 206
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
struct namco_34x3_state_t
uint8_t bank [ 8 ];
uint8_t mirr;
uint8_t mode;
BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT( sizeof (namco_34x3_state_t) == 10 );
template < bool _is154 >
class Mapper_Namco_34x3 : public Nes_Mapper, namco_34x3_state_t {
namco_34x3_state_t *state = this;
register_state( state, sizeof *state );
virtual void reset_state()
{ }
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_chr_bank( 0x0000, bank_2k, bank [ 0 ] );
set_chr_bank( 0x0800, bank_2k, bank [ 1 ] );
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
set_chr_bank( 0x1000 + ( i << 10 ), bank_1k, bank [ i + 2 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_8k, bank [ 6 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0xA000, bank_8k, bank [ 7 ] );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_8k, ~1 );
set_prg_bank( 0xE000, bank_8k, ~0 );
if ( _is154 )
mirror_single( mirr );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
switch ( addr & 0xE001 )
case 0x8000:
mode = data;
mirr = ( data >> 6 ) & 0x01;
if ( _is154 )
mirror_single( mirr );
case 0x8001:
mode &= 0x07;
switch ( mode )
case 0: case 1:
bank [ mode ] = data >> 1;
set_chr_bank( 0x0000 + ( mode << 11 ), bank_2k, bank [ mode ] );
case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5:
bank [ mode ] = data | 0x40;
set_chr_bank( 0x1000 + ( ( mode - 2 ) << 10 ), bank_1k, bank [ mode ] );
case 6: case 7:
bank [ mode ] = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000 + ( ( mode - 6 ) << 13 ), bank_8k, bank [ mode ] );
case 0xC000:
mirr = ( data >> 6 ) & 0x01;
if ( _is154 )
mirror_single( mirr );
typedef Mapper_Namco_34x3<false> Mapper088;
// void register_mapper_namco_34xx();
// void register_mapper_namco_34xx()
// {
// register_mapper< Mapper_Namco_34x3 <false> > ( 88 );
// register_mapper< Mapper_Namco_34x3 <true> > ( 154 );
// register_mapper< Mapper_Namco_34xx > ( 206 );
// }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 93 - Sunsoft-2
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// Sunsoft2b
class Mapper089 : public Nes_Mapper {
register_state( &regs, 1 );
virtual void reset_state()
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_16k, last_bank );
write( 0, 0x8000, regs );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
regs = handle_bus_conflict( addr, data );
set_chr_bank( 0x0000, bank_8k, ( ( data >> 4 ) & 0x08 ) | ( data & 0x07 ) );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, ( data >> 4 ) & 0x07 );
mirror_single( ( data >> 3 ) & 1 );
uint8_t regs;

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@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 93 - Sunsoft-2
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// Sunsoft2a
class Mapper093 : public Nes_Mapper {
register_state( &regs, 1 );
virtual void reset_state()
virtual void apply_mapping()
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_16k, last_bank );
write( 0, 0x8000, regs );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t addr, int data )
regs = handle_bus_conflict( addr, data );
set_chr_bank( 0x0000, bank_8k, data & 0x0F );
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, ( data >> 4 ) & 0x07 );
uint8_t regs;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 94 - HVC-UN1ROM
* Senjou no Ookami (Japanese version of Commando)
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// Un1rom
class Mapper094 : public Nes_Mapper {
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void reset_state()
{ }
virtual void apply_mapping()
write( 0, 0, bank );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data )
bank = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, bank >> 2 );
uint8_t bank;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 97 - Kaiketsu Yanchamaru
#pragma once
#include "Nes_Mapper.h"
// Irem_Tam_S1
class Mapper097 : public Nes_Mapper {
register_state( &bank, 1 );
virtual void reset_state()
bank = ~0;
virtual void apply_mapping()
write( 0, 0, bank );
virtual void write( nes_time_t, nes_addr_t, int data )
bank = data;
set_prg_bank( 0x8000, bank_16k, ~0 );
set_prg_bank( 0xC000, bank_16k, bank & 0x0F );
switch ( ( bank >> 6 ) & 0x03 )
case 1: mirror_horiz(); break;
case 2: mirror_vert(); break;
case 0:
case 3: mirror_single( bank & 0x01 ); break;
uint8_t bank;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
/* Copyright notice for this file:
* Copyright (C) 2018
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
* MA 02110-1301, USA.
* This mapper was added by retrowertz for Libretro port of QuickNES.
* Mapper 079
* Mapper 113
* Nina-03 / Nina-06
#pragma once
typedef Mapper_AveNina<true> Mapper113;

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