1 07 Git survival guide
DigitalMajestic edited this page 2023-08-29 16:26:38 -07:00

There are lots of guides and documents on the internet, but there are too many and many are confusing. Here is a mini guide to use git with a minimal number of commands and parameters. You won't find any details or explanation of Git's internal mechanisms here.

Git guide

Remote Transfer or how to communicate with the world

  • Get a fresh repository: git clone <remote path>
  • Update current repository to latest: git fetch -v
  • Update current repository with commit from a fork: git fetch -v <remote path> <branch>
  • Send your new commit to the remote: git push <remote> <branch>

Commit or how to communicate with your local repository

  • Stage your change with dynamic selection: git add/rm -p <file>
  • Commit your change: git commit
  • Uncommit previous commit: git reset --soft HEAD~1
  • Unstage your change: git reset HEAD --
  • Discard your change forever with dynamic selection: git checkout -p -- <file>

Stash or how to save your precious work

Stash is very useful. For example, your will use it before/after (push/pop) merge/rebase action

  • Push pending update on the stack: git stash
  • Get back your update: git stash pop
  • view content of your stash: git stash show -p stash@\{0\}

Rebase or how to screw the history

Never rebase commits that were pushed remotely. Rebase can be used to improve your current patch set, or to fast-forward-merge after a fetch.

  • The rebase command: git rebase -i
  • Cancel it : git rebase --abort
  • Resolve conflict: git mergetool <file>
  • Continue rebase: git rebase --continue

Branch or how to separate your work by feature

Please note that master is actually the default branch

  • List branches: git branch -v
  • Switch to another branch: git checkout <branch>
  • Creates: git branch <branch>
  • Delete branches: git branch -d <branch>
  • Set the base reference of the branch (for rebase): git branch --set-upstream-to=<remote> <branch_name>

House keeping

  • Deletes all stale remote-tracking branches under <remote>: git remote prune <remote>
  • List merged branch (safe to delete): git branch --merged

Updating submodules

  • Clone with submodule: git clone --recursive -submodules
  • If already cloned: git submodule update --init --recursive

Git use case example

Branch management

Let's say you want to rebase your current branch topic-v1 to topic-v2 with new additions. Note: topic-v1 could also be master too.

  • Go to current branch: git checkout topic-v1
  • Create a new one: git branch topic-v2
  • Go into the new branch: git checkout topic-v2
  • Set the reference: git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master topic-v2
  • Rebase: git rebase -i
  • ...

Split commit

  • Copy your repository if you're not confident with this kind of operation: cp -a <repository> <repository backup>
  • Do a rebase: git rebase -i
  • Use edit on the commit that you want to split ... rebase on-going...
  • Uncommit: git reset --soft HEAD~1
  • Unstage: git reset HEAD --

At this stage of operation, you get all your changes in the local files, but nothing is ready to be committed.

Repeat the 2 next commands for each new commits that you want to create

  • Stage your change with dynamic selection: git add/rm -p <file>
  • Commit your change: git commit

Once you have finished to split your commit:

  • Finish the rebase: git rebase --continue