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/* PCSX2 - PS2 Emulator for PCs
* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 PCSX2 Dev Team
* PCSX2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
* of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Found-
* ation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* PCSX2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
* without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
* PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PCSX2.
* If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ix86 core v0.9.0
* Original Authors (v0.6.2 and prior):
* linuzappz <linuzappz@pcsx.net>
* alexey silinov
* goldfinger
* zerofrog(@gmail.com)
* Authors of v0.9.0:
* Jake.Stine(@gmail.com)
* cottonvibes(@gmail.com)
* sudonim(1@gmail.com)
#include "PrecompiledHeader.h"
#include "internal.h"
// defined in tools.cpp
PCSX2_ALIGNED16_EXTERN( u64 g_globalXMMData[2*iREGCNT_XMM] );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Notes on Thread Local Storage:
// * TLS is pretty simple, and "just works" from a programmer perspective, with only
// some minor additional computational overhead (see performance notes below).
// * MSVC and GCC handle TLS differently internally, but behavior to the programmer is
// generally identical.
// Performance Considerations:
// * GCC's implementation involves an extra dereference from normal storage.
// * MSVC's implementation involves *two* extra dereferences from normal storage because
// it has to look up the TLS heap pointer from the Windows Thread Storage Area. (in
// generated ASM code, this dereference is denoted by access to the fs:[2ch] address).
// * However, in either case, the optimizer usually optimizes it to a register so the
// extra overhead is minimal over a series of instructions. (Note!! the Full Opt-
// imization [/Ox] option effectively disables TLS optimizations in MSVC, causing
// generally significant code bloat).
__threadlocal u8 *x86Ptr;
__threadlocal u8 *j8Ptr[32];
__threadlocal u32 *j32Ptr[32];
__threadlocal XMMSSEType g_xmmtypes[iREGCNT_XMM] = { XMMT_INT };
namespace x86Emitter {
__forceinline void xWrite8( u8 val )
xWrite( val );
__forceinline void xWrite16( u16 val )
xWrite( val );
__forceinline void xWrite32( u32 val )
xWrite( val );
__forceinline void xWrite64( u64 val )
xWrite( val );
const xAddressIndexerBase ptr;
const xAddressIndexer<u128> ptr128;
const xAddressIndexer<u64> ptr64;
const xAddressIndexer<u32> ptr32;
const xAddressIndexer<u16> ptr16;
const xAddressIndexer<u8> ptr8;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
template< typename OperandType > const xRegisterBase<OperandType> xRegisterBase<OperandType>::Empty;
const xAddressReg xAddressReg::Empty;
const xRegisterSSE
xmm0( 0 ), xmm1( 1 ),
xmm2( 2 ), xmm3( 3 ),
xmm4( 4 ), xmm5( 5 ),
xmm6( 6 ), xmm7( 7 );
const xRegisterMMX
mm0( 0 ), mm1( 1 ),
mm2( 2 ), mm3( 3 ),
mm4( 4 ), mm5( 5 ),
mm6( 6 ), mm7( 7 );
const xAddressReg
eax( 0 ), ebx( 3 ),
ecx( 1 ), edx( 2 ),
esp( 4 ), ebp( 5 ),
esi( 6 ), edi( 7 );
const xRegister16
ax( 0 ), bx( 3 ),
cx( 1 ), dx( 2 ),
sp( 4 ), bp( 5 ),
si( 6 ), di( 7 );
const xRegister8
al( 0 ),
dl( 2 ), bl( 3 ),
ah( 4 ), ch( 5 ),
dh( 6 ), bh( 7 );
const xRegisterCL cl;
const char *const x86_regnames_gpr8[8] =
"al", "cl", "dl", "bl",
"ah", "ch", "dh", "bh"
const char *const x86_regnames_gpr16[8] =
"ax", "cx", "dx", "bx",
"sp", "bp", "si", "di"
const char *const x86_regnames_gpr32[8] =
"eax", "ecx", "edx", "ebx",
"esp", "ebp", "esi", "edi"
const char *const x86_regnames_sse[8] =
"xmm0", "xmm1", "xmm2", "xmm3",
"xmm4", "xmm5", "xmm6", "xmm7"
const char *const x86_regnames_mmx[8] =
"mm0", "mm1", "mm2", "mm3",
"mm4", "mm5", "mm6", "mm7"
namespace Internal
template< typename T >
const char* xGetRegName( const xRegister<T>& src )
if( src.IsEmpty() ) return "empty";
switch( sizeof(T) )
case 1: return x86_regnames_gpr8[ src.Id ];
case 2: return x86_regnames_gpr16[ src.Id ];
case 4: return x86_regnames_gpr32[ src.Id ];
// Performance note: VC++ wants to use byte/word register form for the following
// ModRM/SibSB constructors when we use xWrite<u8>, and furthermore unrolls the
// the shift using a series of ADDs for the following results:
// add cl,cl
// add cl,cl
// add cl,cl
// or cl,bl
// add cl,cl
// ... etc.
// This is unquestionably bad optimization by Core2 standard, an generates tons of
// register aliases and false dependencies. (although may have been ideal for early-
// brand P4s with a broken barrel shifter?). The workaround is to do our own manual
// x86Ptr access and update using a u32 instead of u8. Thanks to little endianness,
// the same end result is achieved and no false dependencies are generated. The draw-
// back is that it clobbers 3 bytes past the end of the write, which could cause a
// headache for someone who himself is doing some kind of headache-inducing amount of
// recompiler SMC. So we don't do a work-around, and just hope for the compiler to
// stop sucking someday instead. :)
// (btw, I know this isn't a critical performance item by any means, but it's
// annoying simply because it *should* be an easy thing to optimize)
static __forceinline void ModRM( uint mod, uint reg, uint rm )
xWrite8( (mod << 6) | (reg << 3) | rm );
static __forceinline void SibSB( u32 ss, u32 index, u32 base )
xWrite8( (ss << 6) | (index << 3) | base );
__forceinline void EmitSibMagic( uint regfield, const void* address )
ModRM( 0, regfield, ModRm_UseDisp32 );
xWrite<s32>( (s32)address );
// emitter helpers for xmm instruction with prefixes, most of which are using
// the basic opcode format (items inside braces denote optional or conditional
// emission):
// [Prefix] / 0x0f / [OpcodePrefix] / Opcode / ModRM+[SibSB]
// Prefixes are typically 0x66, 0xf2, or 0xf3. OpcodePrefixes are either 0x38 or
// 0x3a [and other value will result in assertion failue].
__emitinline void xOpWrite0F( u8 prefix, u16 opcode, int instId, const ModSibBase& sib )
SimdPrefix( prefix, opcode );
EmitSibMagic( instId, sib );
__emitinline void xOpWrite0F( u8 prefix, u16 opcode, int instId, const void* data )
SimdPrefix( prefix, opcode );
EmitSibMagic( instId, data );
__emitinline void xOpWrite0F( u16 opcode, int instId, const ModSibBase& sib )
xOpWrite0F( 0, opcode, instId, sib );
// returns TRUE if this instruction requires SIB to be encoded, or FALSE if the
// instruction ca be encoded as ModRm alone.
static __forceinline bool NeedsSibMagic( const ModSibBase& info )
// no registers? no sibs!
// (ModSibBase::Reduce always places a register in Index, and optionally leaves
// Base empty if only register is specified)
if( info.Index.IsEmpty() ) return false;
// A scaled register needs a SIB
if( info.Scale != 0 ) return true;
// two registers needs a SIB
if( !info.Base.IsEmpty() ) return true;
return false;
// Conditionally generates Sib encoding information!
// regfield - register field to be written to the ModRm. This is either a register specifier
// or an opcode extension. In either case, the instruction determines the value for us.
__noinline void EmitSibMagic( uint regfield, const ModSibBase& info )
pxAssert( regfield < 8, "Invalid x86 register identifier." );
int displacement_size = (info.Displacement == 0) ? 0 :
( ( info.IsByteSizeDisp() ) ? 1 : 2 );
if( !NeedsSibMagic( info ) )
// Use ModRm-only encoding, with the rm field holding an index/base register, if
// one has been specified. If neither register is specified then use Disp32 form,
// which is encoded as "EBP w/o displacement" (which is why EBP must always be
// encoded *with* a displacement of 0, if it would otherwise not have one).
if( info.Index.IsEmpty() )
EmitSibMagic( regfield, (void*)info.Displacement );
if( info.Index == ebp && displacement_size == 0 )
displacement_size = 1; // forces [ebp] to be encoded as [ebp+0]!
ModRM( displacement_size, regfield, info.Index.Id );
// In order to encode "just" index*scale (and no base), we have to encode
// it as a special [index*scale + displacement] form, which is done by
// specifying EBP as the base register and setting the displacement field
// to zero. (same as ModRm w/o SIB form above, basically, except the
// ModRm_UseDisp flag is specified in the SIB instead of the ModRM field).
if( info.Base.IsEmpty() )
ModRM( 0, regfield, ModRm_UseSib );
SibSB( info.Scale, info.Index.Id, ModRm_UseDisp32 );
xWrite<s32>( info.Displacement );
if( info.Base == ebp && displacement_size == 0 )
displacement_size = 1; // forces [ebp] to be encoded as [ebp+0]!
ModRM( displacement_size, regfield, ModRm_UseSib );
SibSB( info.Scale, info.Index.Id, info.Base.Id );
if( displacement_size != 0 )
if( displacement_size == 1 )
xWrite<s8>( info.Displacement );
xWrite<s32>( info.Displacement );
using namespace Internal;
const MovImplAll xMOV;
const xImpl_Test xTEST;
const xImpl_G1Logic<G1Type_AND,0x54> xAND;
const xImpl_G1Logic<G1Type_OR,0x56> xOR;
const xImpl_G1Logic<G1Type_XOR,0x57> xXOR;
const xImpl_G1Arith<G1Type_ADD,0x58> xADD;
const xImpl_G1Arith<G1Type_SUB,0x5c> xSUB;
const xImpl_Group1<G1Type_ADC> xADC;
const xImpl_Group1<G1Type_SBB> xSBB;
const xImpl_G1Compare xCMP;
const Group2ImplAll<G2Type_ROL> xROL;
const Group2ImplAll<G2Type_ROR> xROR;
const Group2ImplAll<G2Type_RCL> xRCL;
const Group2ImplAll<G2Type_RCR> xRCR;
const Group2ImplAll<G2Type_SHL> xSHL;
const Group2ImplAll<G2Type_SHR> xSHR;
const Group2ImplAll<G2Type_SAR> xSAR;
const xImpl_Group3<G3Type_NOT> xNOT;
const xImpl_Group3<G3Type_NEG> xNEG;
const xImpl_Group3<G3Type_MUL> xUMUL;
const xImpl_Group3<G3Type_DIV> xUDIV;
const xImpl_iDiv xDIV;
const xImpl_iMul xMUL;
const xImpl_IncDec<false> xINC;
const xImpl_IncDec<true> xDEC;
const MovExtendImplAll<false> xMOVZX;
const MovExtendImplAll<true> xMOVSX;
const DwordShiftImplAll<false> xSHLD;
const DwordShiftImplAll<true> xSHRD;
const xImpl_Group8<G8Type_BT> xBT;
const xImpl_Group8<G8Type_BTR> xBTR;
const xImpl_Group8<G8Type_BTS> xBTS;
const xImpl_Group8<G8Type_BTC> xBTC;
const xImpl_BitScan<0xbc> xBSF;
const xImpl_BitScan<0xbd> xBSR;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CMovImplGeneric xCMOV;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Above> xCMOVA;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_AboveOrEqual> xCMOVAE;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Below> xCMOVB;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_BelowOrEqual> xCMOVBE;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Greater> xCMOVG;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_GreaterOrEqual> xCMOVGE;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Less> xCMOVL;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_LessOrEqual> xCMOVLE;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Zero> xCMOVZ;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Equal> xCMOVE;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_NotZero> xCMOVNZ;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_NotEqual> xCMOVNE;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Overflow> xCMOVO;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_NotOverflow> xCMOVNO;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Carry> xCMOVC;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_NotCarry> xCMOVNC;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Signed> xCMOVS;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_Unsigned> xCMOVNS;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_ParityEven> xCMOVPE;
const CMovImplAll<Jcc_ParityOdd> xCMOVPO;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
const SetImplGeneric xSET;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Above> xSETA;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_AboveOrEqual> xSETAE;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Below> xSETB;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_BelowOrEqual> xSETBE;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Greater> xSETG;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_GreaterOrEqual> xSETGE;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Less> xSETL;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_LessOrEqual> xSETLE;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Zero> xSETZ;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Equal> xSETE;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_NotZero> xSETNZ;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_NotEqual> xSETNE;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Overflow> xSETO;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_NotOverflow> xSETNO;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Carry> xSETC;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_NotCarry> xSETNC;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Signed> xSETS;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_Unsigned> xSETNS;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_ParityEven> xSETPE;
const SetImplAll<Jcc_ParityOdd> xSETPO;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Assigns the current emitter buffer target address.
// This is provided instead of using x86Ptr directly, since we may in the future find
// a need to change the storage class system for the x86Ptr 'under the hood.'
__emitinline void xSetPtr( void* ptr )
x86Ptr = (u8*)ptr;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieves the current emitter buffer target address.
// This is provided instead of using x86Ptr directly, since we may in the future find
// a need to change the storage class system for the x86Ptr 'under the hood.'
__emitinline u8* xGetPtr()
return x86Ptr;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
__emitinline void xAlignPtr( uint bytes )
// forward align
x86Ptr = (u8*)( ( (uptr)x86Ptr + bytes - 1) & ~(bytes - 1) );
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
__emitinline void xAdvancePtr( uint bytes )
if( IsDevBuild )
// common debugger courtesy: advance with INT3 as filler.
for( uint i=0; i<bytes; i++ )
xWrite8( 0xcc );
x86Ptr += bytes;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Generates a 'reduced' ModSib form, which has valid Base, Index, and Scale values.
// Necessary because by default ModSib compounds registers into Index when possible.
// If the ModSib is in illegal form ([Base + Index*5] for example) then an assertion
// followed by an InvalidParameter Exception will be tossed around in haphazard
// fashion.
// Optimization Note: Currently VC does a piss poor job of inlining this, even though
// constant propagation *should* resove it to little or no code (VC's constprop fails
// on C++ class initializers). There is a work around [using array initializers instead]
// but it's too much trouble for code that isn't performance critical anyway.
// And, with luck, maybe VC10 will optimize it better and make it a non-issue. :D
void ModSibBase::Reduce()
if( Index.IsStackPointer() )
// esp cannot be encoded as the index, so move it to the Base, if possible.
// note: intentionally leave index assigned to esp also (generates correct
// encoding later, since ESP cannot be encoded 'alone')
pxAssert( Scale == 0 ); // esp can't have an index modifier!
pxAssert( Base.IsEmpty() ); // base must be empty or else!
Base = Index;
// If no index reg, then load the base register into the index slot.
if( Index.IsEmpty() )
Index = Base;
Scale = 0;
if( !Base.IsStackPointer() ) // prevent ESP from being encoded 'alone'
Base = xAddressReg::Empty;
// The Scale has a series of valid forms, all shown here:
switch( Scale )
case 0: break;
case 1: Scale = 0; break;
case 2: Scale = 1; break;
case 3: // becomes [reg*2+reg]
pxAssertDev( Base.IsEmpty(), "Cannot scale an Index register by 3 when Base is not empty!" );
Base = Index;
Scale = 1;
case 4: Scale = 2; break;
case 5: // becomes [reg*4+reg]
pxAssertDev( Base.IsEmpty(), "Cannot scale an Index register by 5 when Base is not empty!" );
Base = Index;
Scale = 2;
case 6: // invalid!
pxFail( "x86 asm cannot scale a register by 6." );
case 7: // so invalid!
pxFail( "x86 asm cannot scale a register by 7." );
case 8: Scale = 3; break;
case 9: // becomes [reg*8+reg]
pxAssertDev( Base.IsEmpty(), "Cannot scale an Index register by 9 when Base is not empty!" );
Base = Index;
Scale = 3;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Internal implementation of EmitSibMagic which has been custom tailored
// to optimize special forms of the Lea instructions accordingly, such
// as when a LEA can be replaced with a "MOV reg,imm" or "MOV reg,reg".
// preserve_flags - set to ture to disable use of SHL on [Index*Base] forms
// of LEA, which alters flags states.
template< typename OperandType >
static void EmitLeaMagic( xRegister<OperandType> to, const ModSibBase& src, bool preserve_flags )
typedef xRegister<OperandType> ToReg;
int displacement_size = (src.Displacement == 0) ? 0 :
( ( src.IsByteSizeDisp() ) ? 1 : 2 );
// See EmitSibMagic for commenting on SIB encoding.
if( !NeedsSibMagic( src ) )
// LEA Land: means we have either 1-register encoding or just an offset.
// offset is encodable as an immediate MOV, and a register is encodable
// as a register MOV.
if( src.Index.IsEmpty() )
xMOV( to, src.Displacement );
else if( displacement_size == 0 )
xMOV( to, ToReg( src.Index.Id ) );
if( !preserve_flags )
// encode as MOV and ADD combo. Make sure to use the immediate on the
// ADD since it can encode as an 8-bit sign-extended value.
xMOV( to, ToReg( src.Index.Id ) );
xADD( to, src.Displacement );
// note: no need to do ebp+0 check since we encode all 0 displacements as
// register assignments above (via MOV)
xWrite8( 0x8d );
ModRM( displacement_size, to.Id, src.Index.Id );
if( src.Base.IsEmpty() )
if( !preserve_flags && (displacement_size == 0) )
// Encode [Index*Scale] as a combination of Mov and Shl.
// This is more efficient because of the bloated LEA format which requires
// a 32 bit displacement, and the compact nature of the alternative.
// (this does not apply to older model P4s with the broken barrel shifter,
// but we currently aren't optimizing for that target anyway).
xMOV( to, ToReg( src.Index.Id ) );
xSHL( to, src.Scale );
xWrite8( 0x8d );
ModRM( 0, to.Id, ModRm_UseSib );
SibSB( src.Scale, src.Index.Id, ModRm_UseDisp32 );
xWrite32( src.Displacement );
if( src.Scale == 0 )
if( !preserve_flags )
if( src.Index == esp )
// ESP is not encodable as an index (ix86 ignores it), thus:
xMOV( to, ToReg( src.Base.Id ) ); // will do the trick!
if( src.Displacement ) xADD( to, src.Displacement );
else if( src.Displacement == 0 )
xMOV( to, ToReg( src.Base.Id ) );
xADD( to, ToReg( src.Index.Id ) );
else if( (src.Index == esp) && (src.Displacement == 0) )
// special case handling of ESP as Index, which is replaceable with
// a single MOV even when preserve_flags is set! :D
xMOV( to, ToReg( src.Base.Id ) );
if( src.Base == ebp && displacement_size == 0 )
displacement_size = 1; // forces [ebp] to be encoded as [ebp+0]!
xWrite8( 0x8d );
ModRM( displacement_size, to.Id, ModRm_UseSib );
SibSB( src.Scale, src.Index.Id, src.Base.Id );
if( displacement_size != 0 )
if( displacement_size == 1 )
xWrite<s8>( src.Displacement );
xWrite<s32>( src.Displacement );
__emitinline void xLEA( xRegister32 to, const ModSibBase& src, bool preserve_flags )
EmitLeaMagic( to, src, preserve_flags );
__emitinline void xLEA( xRegister16 to, const ModSibBase& src, bool preserve_flags )
xWrite8( 0x66 );
EmitLeaMagic( to, src, preserve_flags );
// Push / Pop Emitters
// Note: pushad/popad implementations are intentionally left out. The instructions are
// invalid in x64, and are super slow on x32. Use multiple Push/Pop instructions instead.
__emitinline void xPOP( const ModSibBase& from )
xWrite8( 0x8f );
EmitSibMagic( 0, from );
__emitinline void xPUSH( const ModSibBase& from )
xWrite8( 0xff );
EmitSibMagic( 6, from );
__forceinline void xPOP( xRegister32 from ) { xWrite8( 0x58 | from.Id ); }
__forceinline void xPUSH( u32 imm ) { xWrite8( 0x68 ); xWrite32( imm ); }
__forceinline void xPUSH( xRegister32 from ) { xWrite8( 0x50 | from.Id ); }
// pushes the EFLAGS register onto the stack
__forceinline void xPUSHFD() { xWrite8( 0x9C ); }
// pops the EFLAGS register from the stack
__forceinline void xPOPFD() { xWrite8( 0x9D ); }
__forceinline void xRET() { xWrite8( 0xC3 ); }
__forceinline void xCBW() { xWrite16( 0x9866 ); }
__forceinline void xCWD() { xWrite8( 0x98 ); }
__forceinline void xCDQ() { xWrite8( 0x99 ); }
__forceinline void xCWDE() { xWrite8( 0x98 ); }
__forceinline void xLAHF() { xWrite8( 0x9f ); }
__forceinline void xSAHF() { xWrite8( 0x9e ); }
__forceinline void xSTC() { xWrite8( 0xF9 ); }
__forceinline void xCLC() { xWrite8( 0xF8 ); }
// NOP 1-byte
__forceinline void xNOP() { xWrite8(0x90); }
__emitinline void xBSWAP( const xRegister32& to )
xWrite8( 0x0F );
xWrite8( 0xC8 | to.Id );
__emitinline void xStoreReg( const xRegisterSSE& src )
xMOVDQA( &g_globalXMMData[src.Id*2], src );
__emitinline void xRestoreReg( const xRegisterSSE& dest )
xMOVDQA( dest, &g_globalXMMData[dest.Id*2] );