DuckStation's Qt frontend now supports displaying cover images for games in a grid.
There is no auto downloading for covers, as DuckStation does not own the legal rights to the images. But you can add them yourself quite easily.
Click Tools -> Open Data Directory
. This will open the user directory, also where memory cards, save states, screenshots, etc are saved.
If you are using Android, this is located in the duckstation
directory of your phone's internal storage. Usually this is /sdcard/duckstation
or /storage/emulated/0/duckstation
. If you connect it via USB, you should find the duckstation
directory listed.
Navigate to the covers
Put your cover images in here. The name of this image should match either:
- The title of the game (you can get this from the game list, or properties dialog), assuming you have downloaded the redump db (e.g.
Crash Bandicoot (USA).png
). - The filename of the game (e.g.
). - The serial of the game (e.g.
After adding cover images, either restart DuckStation, or click View -> Refresh Covers
Both jpg and png images are supported.
After adding cover images, you can switch to the game view by selecting View -> Game Grid
. You can adjust the image size by holding control and scrolling the mouse wheel, or using CTRL and +
or CTRL and -