- HACK: Drop the acknowledgment bits when writing the DISP3DCNT register. Fixes the title screen in “Planet Rescue: Animal Emergency”. (Regression from r5259. Fixes bug #1538.)
- Custom rendering is now determined on a per-scanline basis rather than on a per-framebuffer basis. This greatly improves rendering accuracy and fixes any remaining graphical glitches associated with rendering at custom sizes.
- Fix crashing bug that can occur if BMPAddress maps exactly to the head of the custom VRAM blank region, such as in Hotel Dusk: Room 215. (Regression from r5366.)
- Do some code cleanup.
- Fix crashing bug that can occur if BMPAddress maps into the custom VRAM blank region. (Regression from r5366.)
- Fix bug where a 128-width display capture would actually perform a 256-width capture in custom VRAM. (Regression from r5243.)
- Fix bug where if the display mode is Off or MainMemory, then the destination buffer may not always be the native buffer.
- Remove VRAM display mode’s dependence on the isCustomRenderingNeeded flag.
- Fix possible memory corruption with display capture, at the cost of some performance. (Regression from r5243.)
- Add a couple more rules for determining if the 3D framebuffer will be read directly for display capture.
- Keep track of render states that are updated while rendering, even when the frame isn’t rendered.
- Use the proper address when reading custom VRAM during a BG layer affine extended direct render. Fixes the pencil drawing background in the title screen of Super Mario 64 DS when rendering at a custom resolution.
- Fix bug where if converting the framebuffer on GPU is not supported, but PBO is still supported, then the resulting framebuffer would be flipped with incorrect colors. (Regression from r5359.)
- Read back the pixels in RGBA format instead of BGRA on OpenGL 3.2 devices, since such devices should natively support that type of pixel transfer.
- By default, do not create a separate RGBA6665 buffer for rendering. Instead, directly render to GPUEngineA’s RGBA6665 buffer.
- SoftRasterizer no longer needs to flush the RGBA6665 buffer now that it is rendered to directly.
- Fix the OpenGL renderer’s RGBA5551 buffer flushing on big-endian systems.
- Change the HUD font from Source Sans Pro Semibold to Source Sans Pro Bold.
- HUD text rendering is now more crisp and handles scaling better.
- HUD objects are now clamped to a minimum size.
- HUD objects now scale with the display window instead of remaining at a fixed size. Scaling is linear up to 2x, and then logarithmic up to 3x.
- HUD text now looks sharper on Retina displays.
- Fix bug where restoring full screen windows on startup would fail. (Regression from r5349.)
- Fix bug where the dock would fail to reappear when the last window exited full screen mode. (Regression from r5349.)
- Disable logging when EXPERIMENTAL_WIFI_COMM is disabled.
- Now that Nintendo has discontinued their WFC service, we will no longer block users from trying to connect to it.
- In the OpenGL blitter, use DMA texture uploads for all possible video source cases. Doing this removes a longstanding MAJOR performance bottleneck.
- Native-sized video sees up to a 15% performance improvement, while higher-resolution video can see up to a 100% performance improvement!!!!!
- Return to using Snow Leopard style Audio Components. Requires building with Xcode v7.2 or later, since Xcode v7.0 and v7.1 have bugs that will cause AudioUnits to crash. (Related to r5280.)
- Remove the other reference to the DISPCNT.BG0_Enable flag for determining when 3D rendering is enabled. Fixes minimap rendering at custom resolutions in Advance Wars: Dual Strike during some conversations. (Related to r5334.)
- Fix bug where 3D layers still needed to be rendered even when the DISPCNT.BG0_Enable flag is disabled. Fixes minimap rendering in Advance Wars: Dual Strike during some conversations. (Regression from r5255.)
- Begin the process of applying SSE2 optimizations to BG layer compositing.
- In this revision, only Text mode layers use the new SSE2 optimizations. Other BG layer modes have yet to be implemented.