Commit Graph

448 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Tim Allen 8276700381 Update to v080r03 release.
byuu says:

Wow, nothing in 19 days. Anyway, I wanted to get Nick's logo back in on
the about screen. Adds 80kb to both the binary and source archive, but
eh. Gotta have some style. Nothing else new.
2011-07-23 20:14:47 +10:00
Tim Allen ec69109c0b Update to v080r02 release.
byuu says:

- added qstrlower and qstrupper; mainly for the sake of others wanting
  to patch bass
- added: string sha256(const uint8_t *data, unsigned size); for easier
  hash generation
- cleaned up the NEC DSP and Hitachi DSP XML mapping code; they are
  consistent now as well
- "necdsp" in paths.cfg is now "firmware", since it also affects the
  Hitachi DSP
- XML mapping was using program= for DSP-n/ST-001n and data= for Cx4;
  they both use firmware= now instead
- fixed icd2/interface casting issue for GCC 4.6.0 (thanks for the
  reminder, vEX)
- removed the last parts of code that used string << foo; and removed
  that from nall/string entirely
  - I need to do this for the debugger as well, I'll make sure that it
    compiles before v081 though
- converted all string(...) syntax to { ... } syntax that I could
  (obviously it won't cast to a function that takes const char* instead
  of const string&)

Probably some other tiny things. Just basic maintenance here.
2011-07-07 22:59:26 +10:00
Tim Allen 8ae6444af7 Update to v080r01 release.
byuu says:

There was one unfortunate aspect of the S-DD1 module: you had to give it
the DMA length and a target buffer, and it would do the entire
decompression at once. Real hardware would work by streaming the data
byte by byte. So with that, I went ahead and rewrote the code to handle
byte-based streaming.

This WIP is an important milestone for me personally. Up until now,
bsnes has always had code that was directly copy-pasted from other
authors. With all of the DSP and Cx4 chips rewritten in LLE, and the
SPC7110 algorithm already ported over from C, and archive decompression
code removed for a long time, the S-DD1 was the only module left like
this. It's obviously not that big of a deal. The code is basically still
a copy of the original. S-DD1 decomp from Andreas Naive, SPC7110 decomp
from neviksti, and S-DSP from blargg. And the rest of the emulator is of
course only possible because of code and research before it, although
everything else has no resemblance at all to code before it. The main
advantage, really, is absolute code consistency. I always use the same
variant of K&R, for instance. I dunno, I guess I just never really liked
the "Build-a-Bear Workshop" style of emulators, like is so prominent in
the Genesis scene: "My new Genesis emu (uses Starscream/Musashi 68K
core, Marat Fayzullin's Z80 core, YM2612 core from Game_Music_Emu, VDP
core from Gens, SVP core from picodrive)", sorry, but you wrote
a front-end, not an emulator :/

I also updated the SPC7110 decompression module: I merged the class
inside the SPC7110 class (not sure why it was separate before), and
replaced the morton lookup tables with for-loops. The morton tables were
added to be a tiny bit faster when I was more interested in speed than
code clarity. It may be a tiny bit slower (or faster due to less L2
cache usage), but you won't even notice an FPS drop, and it cuts out
a good chunk of code and some tables. Lastly, I added pinput_poll() to
video_refresh(). Forgot to remove Interface::input_poll() from the C++
side, will have to do that later.
2011-06-28 21:36:00 +10:00
Tim Allen 5fc86eae6d Update to v080 release.
byuu says:

This release adds low-level emulation of the Hitachi HG51B169 DSP, which
was used in Mega Man X2 and Mega Man X3 as the Cx4 chip. It also fixes
a regression in both the sound core and cheat engine.

You will now need the HG51B169 data ROM to play MMX2/MMX3.

Once again, Cx4 LLE could not have been possible without the help of Dr.
Decapitator, Jonas Quinn, Overload and Segher. Be sure to thank them,

* added Cx4 low-level emulation; removed Cx4 high-level emulation code
* fixed S-SMP synchronization to S-CPU on CPUIO writes
* controllers now have their own threads and classes
* serial controller is now emulated as an actual controller, rather than
  as a coprocessor
* added link coprocessor module for special chip research and homebrew
* fixed cheat codes that target mask ROM addresses [Cydrak]
* fixed compilation error with the latest GCC 4.6.0 beta releases
* added flexibility to XML memory mapping file format
* updated to mightymo's latest cheat pack (2011-06-20)
2011-06-26 22:51:37 +10:00
Tim Allen 927c97eb06 Update to v079r06 release.
byuu says:

It does add some more code to the CPU::step() function, so performance
probably went down actually, by about 1%. Removing the input.tick() call
didn't compensate as much as I'd hoped.
Hooked up Super Scope and Justifier support. The good news is that the
Justifier alignment doesn't get fucked up anymore when you go
off-screen. Never could fix that in the old version.
The bad news is that it takes a major speed hit for the time being.
I need to figure out how to run the CPU and input threads out of order.
Every time I try, the input gets thrown off by most of a scanline.
Right now, I'm forced to sync constantly to get the latching position
really accurate. But worst case, I can cut the syncs down by skipping
large chunks around the cursor position, +/-40 clock cycles. So it's
only temporarily slow.
Lastly, killed the old Input class, merged Controllers class into it.
I actually like Controllers as a name better, but it doesn't jive with
video/audio/input, so oh well.
2011-06-25 22:56:32 +10:00
Tim Allen cf09d41669 Update to v079r05 release.
byuu says:

- Fixed GCC-4.6 casting errors in ui/input/input.cpp.
- Fixed some of the opcode mnemonics specified in the HG51B169 core (was
  unable to speed up the code)
- Started on a new core input system: snes/controller. More on that

- Have not yet attempted to add threading support to the controllers, so
  serial is still there as a coprocessor.
- I'm going to move the Controllers {} class back to Input {} once all
  individual controllers have been ported over.

Note: Super Scope and Justifier do not have counter latching support
yet, so you can't really use them. The gamepad, multitap and mouse all
work great; and the SS/Justifier cursors work at least. I also colored
the SS cursor red, so that all three (SS, Justifier, chained secondary
Justifier) all have unique R/G/B colors now. Should prevent confusion
between the SS and one Justifier.
2011-06-24 20:43:29 +10:00
Tim Allen 724747ac9e Update to v079r04 release.
byuu says:

Back from vacation. We were successful in emulating the Cx4 using LLE
during my vacation. We finished on June 15th. And now that I'm back,
I've rewritten the code and merged it into bsnes official. With that,
the very last HLE emulation code in bsnes has now been purged.


The emulation is as minimal as possible. If I don't see an opcode or
feature actually used, I don't implement it. The one exception being
that I do support the vector override functionality. And there are also
dummy handlers for ld ?,$2e + loop, so that the chip won't stall out.
But things like "byte 4" on rdram/wrram, the two-bit destination
selections for all but ld, etc are treated as invalid opcodes, since we
aren't 100% sure if they are there and work as we hypothesize. I also
only map in known registers into the 256-entry register list. This
leaves 90% of the map empty.

The chip runs at 20MHz, and it will disable the ROM while running. DMA
does transfer one byte at a time against the clock and also locks out
the ROM. rdbus won't fetch from IRAM, only from ROM. DMA transfer only
reads from ROM, and only writes to RAM. Unless someone verifies that
they can do more, I'll leave it that way. I don't yet actually buffer
the program ROM into the internal program RAM just yet, but that is on
the to-do list. We aren't entirely sure how that works either, but my
plan is to just lock the Cx4 CPU and load in 512-bytes.

There's still a few unknown registers in $7f40-5f that I don't do
anything with yet. The secondary chip disable is going to be the
weirdest one, since MMX3 only has one chip. I'd really rather not have
to specify the ROM mapping as two separate chips on MMX2 and as one on
MMX3 just to support this, so I don't know yet.

Save state support is of course there already.

Speed hit is 118fps HLE -> 109fps LLE in most scenes. Not bad, honestly.
2011-06-22 23:27:55 +10:00
Tim Allen e1e275eb38 Update to v079r03 release.
byuu says:

This fixes the S-SMP synchronization on CPUIO writes that was broken by
improvements in v078.01. Terranigma will work now. Also adds the 'link'
coprocessor module that was added in v079.01, and improved in v079.02.
2011-06-13 22:26:48 +10:00
Tim Allen e30fcade43 Update to v079r02 release.
byuu says:

Added "unsigned link_run();" which acts as its own thread synchronized
against the S-CPU. Specify the frequency in the configuration file.
I intend to prototype the Cx4 LLE openly using the link module, and that
required timing support, so there we go.

It's very basic, and it synchronizes the CPU to the coprocessors and
vice versa after every call to link_run(). Meaning performance won't be
super exceptional at full 21MHz or higher, but then this is for
prototyping only. I didn't want to expose cothreading, yielding, calls
back into bsnes' core, calls to sync up the S-CPU, etc.
2011-06-13 22:22:06 +10:00
Tim Allen 42dbf73d18 Update to v079r01 release.
This version adds a "link" SNES coprocessor module, which just loads
a shared library. It was posted outside the v079 WIP thread, in this
2011-06-13 22:13:30 +10:00
Tim Allen 2a90e12999 Update to v079 release.
byuu says:

This release includes Nintendo Super System DIP switch emulation and
improved PPU rendering accuracy, among other things.

- added Nintendo Super System DIP switch emulation [requires XML setting
- emulated Super Game Boy $6001 VRAM offset selection port [ikari_01]
- fixed randomness initialization of S-SMP port registers [fixes
  DBZ:Hyper Dimension and Ninja Warriors]
- mosaic V-countdown caches BGOFS registers (fixes Super Turrican
  2 effect) [reported by zal16]
- non-mosaic BGOFS registers are always cached at H=60 (fixes NHL '94
  and Super Mario World flickering)
- fixed 2xSaI family of renderers on 64-bit systems
- cleaned up SMP source code
- phoenix: fixed a bug when closing bsnes while minimized

Please note that the mosaic BGOFS fix is only for the accuracy profile.
Unfortunately the older scanline-based compatibility renderer's code is
nearly unmaintainable at this point, so I haven't yet been able to
backport the fixes.

Also, I have written a new cycle-accurate SMP core that does not use
libco. The aim is to implement it into Snes9X v1.54. But it would of
course be prudent to test the new core first.

[...then in the next post...]

Decided to keep that Super Mario World part a surprise, so ... surprise!

Realized while working on the Super Turrican 2 mosaic fix, and from
looking at NHL '94 and Dai Kaijuu Monogatari 2's behavior, that BGOFS
registers must be cached between H=0 and H=88 for the entire scanline
... they can't work otherwise, and it'd be stupid for the PPU to re-add
the offset to the position on every pixel anyway. I chose H=60 for now.
Once I am set up with the RGB monitor and the North American cartridge
dumping is completed, I'll set it on getting exact timings for all these
things. It'll probably require a smallish speed hit to allow exact-cycle
timing events for everything in the PPU.
2011-06-05 13:45:04 +10:00
Tim Allen d129b72ced Update to v078r07 release.
byuu says:

Would appreciate testing on any games with mosaic, especially Mode7
mosaic.I have tested Super Turrican 2, Sim Earth, Contra III and SNES
Test Program.

This only applies to BG modes 0-6, and technically should not affect
Mode7 at all. I am not sure if Mode7 needs the same change made or not,
but given the way it fetches that could prove quite challenging. I also
simplified the background renderer a good bit. See eg the pixel copy
stuff in Background::run().

I've only fixed this in the accuracy renderer. I'm sorry, but the
compatibility renderer is a fucking mess. I haven't really touched it in
four or five years now.

Will probably just revert to the accuracy/SMP in the performance profile
for the next release since it's not being used otherwise. People can
toggle it on if they want to try it out.
2011-06-05 13:25:24 +10:00
Tim Allen bc0b86891a Update to v078r06 release.
byuu says:

This adds ikari_01's emulation of the ICD2 (Super Game Boy) $6001 register.

It basically removes a really ugly hack where I was intercepting the DMA
transfer destination address to determine while Game Boy tile row to
transfer.  This should make implementing SGB emulation in other
emulators easier, as said hooks were very emulator-specific.
2011-05-08 23:46:37 +10:00
Tim Allen 52443936e6 Update to v078r05 release.
byuu says:

This WIP adds Nintendo Super System emulation, at least of its DIP
switches.  This is done via XML mapping, like so:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cartridge region="NTSC">
	<map mode="linear" address="00-7f:8000-ffff"/>
	<map mode="linear" address="80-ff:8000-ffff"/>
	<setting name="Difficulty">
	  <option value="0000" name="Easy"/>
	  <option value="0001" name="Normal"/>
	  <option value="0002" name="Hard"/>
	  <option value="0003" name="Expert"/>
	<setting name="Lives">
	  <option value="0000" name="5 lives"/>
	  <option value="0004" name="4 lives"/>
	  <option value="0008" name="3 lives"/>
	  <option value="000c" name="2 lives"/>

The value field is a 16-bit value. All selected options are ORed
together to produce the final DIP switch values.  The number of options
per setting is unlimited, but there are only sixteen settings allowed
(you can't have more settings than you have switches, that's just

In the example above, d0-d1 controls difficulty, and d2-d3 controls # of
lives. d4-d15 appear to be unused, as far as I can tell.
2011-05-07 00:16:46 +10:00
Tim Allen 6694a1c986 Update to v078r04 release.
byuu says:

- file and slot load dialogs should now have perfectly square buttons
  that are based on the platform's default button height.
- cleaned up bsnes/Accuracy SMP source code (removed old !! stuff, stage
  3 timer is now uint4, memory access switch/case cleaned up,
  sSMPTimer->Timer, etc.)
- cleaned up bsnes/Accuracy memory access functions (read/writestack ->
  read/writesp, read/writeaddr -> read/write)
- minor optimization to bsnes/Performance SMP core in cycle-mode
2011-05-05 21:40:22 +10:00
Tim Allen 7ffaeb2ac1 Update to v078r03 release.
byuu says:

I apparently wasted two days writing that SMP core for nothing.  I had
a perfectly well-written and well-tested core in bsnes v045.  The old
opcode.b files that were a cycle-based markup language.

So I took that core, and wrote new parsers to generate both opcode-based
(one switch) and cycle-based (two switch) cores. Throw in a
little #define magic around CYCLE_ACCURATE, and it is compile-time

EWJ2's bug was due to not resetting the timer variables, and Bahamut
Lagoon's was due to dividing timer frequencies by 3, but failing to
remove the 0->1 transition phase (should have done the latter and
divided by two.)

Anyway, all fixed up.
2011-05-05 21:37:46 +10:00
Tim Allen 67e6a6e742 Update to v078r02 release.
byuu says:

New S-SMP core is feature-complete, but still buggy.  It's good enough
for perfect audio in Zelda 3 and Super Mario World, but there are plenty
of issues.  No audio in Bahamut Lagoon, deadlock in Earthworm Jim 2,

With this core, bsnes/Performance runs about 3-5% faster than with the
old one. That won't seem like much, because the S-SMP is the least
demanding portion of the SNES.  blargg's SMP core netted me a 5-8%
speedup the last time I tried it, so I'm sure there's still room to
speed things up.

The core is opcode-based, but has dummy op_io() calls (they compile to
nothing), so it is trivial to make it cycle-based if desired.  I'm not
convinced that is necessary, but we shall see once we get the opcode
bugs ironed out.
2011-05-03 19:58:12 +10:00
Tim Allen 9a3650c6ab Update to v078r01 release.
byuu says:

Started on a new SMP core for bsnes/Performance. I wanted to start
clean, and only copied over the debugger+disassembler portions from the
existing version.  I figured that if I took the existing one and tried
trimming it down, that it'd end up with too much old baggage.  But so
far, the opcodes are looking mostly the same anyway, only I'm
using #defines and a switch table in place of the template function

I have enough written now that I can run Zelda 3 at least (although it
gets stuck in a loop immediately after.) No real point in comparing
speed yet, because it'll definitely go down as it becomes more complete.
2011-05-02 23:53:16 +10:00
Tim Allen 0a3d6e4c53 Update to v078 release.
byuu says:

Finally, a new release. I have been very busy finishing up SNES box,
cartridge and PCB scanning plus cataloguing the data, however this
release still has some significant improvements.

Most notably would be randomization on startup. This will help match the
behavior of real hardware and uninitialized memory + registers. It
should help catch homebrew software that forgets to initialize things
properly. Of course, I was not able to test the complete library, so it
is possible that if I've randomized anything that should be constant,
that this could cause a regression. You can disable this randomization
for netplay or to work around any incompatibilities by editing bsnes.cfg
and setting snes.random to false.

The GUI also received some updates. Widget sizes are now computed based
on font sizes, giving it a perfectly native look (because it is native.)
I've also added a hotkey remapping screen to the input settings. Not
only can you remap inputs to controllers now, but those who did not know
the hotkey bindings can now quickly see which ones exist and what they
are mapped to.

Changelog (since v077):

- memory and most registers are now randomly initialized on power-up
- fixed auto joypad polling issue in Super Star Wars
- fixed .nec and .rtc file extensions (they were missing the dot) [krom]
- PPU/accuracy now clears overscan region on any frame when it is
- PPU/compatibility no longer auto-blends hires pixels (use NTSC filter
  for this)
- added hotkey remapping dialog to input settings window
- added a few new hotkeys, including quick-reset
- phoenix API now auto-sizes widgets based on font sizes
- file dialog once again remembers previously selected file when
2011-04-30 23:12:15 +10:00
Tim Allen 378b78dad7 Update to v077r05 release.
byuu says:

- fixed .nec and both .rtc file extensions (thanks krom)
- randomized most S-PPU registers, should trip up some broken homebrew
  that does not initialize all registers
- randomization is now seeded with time(0) rather than 'byuu'
- SNES::interface.video_refresh() now always receives
- PPU/accuracy scanline 0 does not render the screen back color anymore,
  fixes strange coloring look on first scanline in PAL TV mode in
  non-overscan games
- disabled hires blending in PPU/compatibility; all three cores act the
  same now
2011-04-27 18:57:31 +10:00
Tim Allen 721e0b1762 Update to v077r04 release.
byuu says:

- setGeometry is called after append(layout) now. This fixes the window
  sizing on Qt.
- removed enum Style {} code, as it's no longer necessary.
- removed Filter, Shader path selection code from the file load dialog,
  since that is menu-driven now.
- improved the file load dialog to remember last selected file when mode
  doesn't change (had to split a switch statement into two switches.)
- added Hotkeys port onto input settings window, allowing one to
  dynamically see and remap GUI shortcuts
- added power cycle / reset shortcuts

Still very minimal with the hotkeys, so I packed them all into one group
for now. A few more I'd like to add, but I don't want to get ridiculous
like with the Qt GUI.
2011-03-26 22:31:07 +11:00
Tim Allen 2bf3dbf375 Update to v077r03 release.
byuu says:

Fixed up the geometry calculation code. There is now minimumGeometry()
[returns minimum size needed to display a layout, treats MaximumSize as
MinimumSize], and minimumLayoutGeometry() [like minimumGeometry(), but
it will return MaximumSize if a single container item has that
attribute. Used mostly internally for layout sizing.]

It looks great on Windows, but it looks visually off on Qt. Not exactly
sure what's up there. When I make a test application, everything looks
great. Going to have to clone a bsnes window that's having a problem (eg
bsnes main debugger checkbox window), and see what's up.
2011-03-23 19:04:37 +11:00
Tim Allen 396003e7f6 Update to v077r02 release.
byuu says:

Wouldn't recommend using this, but it has bsnes ported to the new auto-size calculating phoenix API.

Known issues:
- minimumWidth/Height on layouts isn't working right, windows that use
  it are usually too small
- Windows gives 0,0 size for empty text string sizes, which messes up
  a lot of default sizes for LineEdit controls
2011-03-22 23:56:49 +11:00
Tim Allen a92a554d7b Update to v077r01 release.
byuu says:

- fixed auto joypad polling bug (fixes Super Star Wars start button
- added pseudo-random class; so far it is RAM only [WRAM, APURAM, VRAM,
- added new system configuration options to bsnes.cfg

The pseudo-random class is optional. For right now, I am defaulting it
to enabled. bsnes.cfg::snes.random = true.
You can of course turn it off if you want. This will break Death Brade
and Unnamed Euro Racer, no questions about it.
So I don't know if I want to leave this on or off by default. Leaving it
on will thwart emulator detection code and help to keep code that relies
on uninitialized memory from working, but leaving it off will increase
2011-03-21 00:57:55 +11:00
Tim Allen 9ea35ce569 Update to v077 release.
byuu says:

Changelog (since v076):
- video filters and shaders now populate inside main menu; no longer
  have to select them as files
- fixed 2xSaI, Super 2xSaI and Super Eagle on 32-bit platforms; still
  buggy on 64-bit Windows
- fixed linear mirroring issues (fixes Mega Man X dash bug)
- fixed RAM memory mapping bug in Sufami Turbo games
- home folder is now %APPDATA%/bsnes or ~/.config/bsnes
- added paths.cfg file, which will allow you to specify custom paths for
  any file types
- save states and cheat files for multi-slot games are based on slot
  names instead of BIOS names
- fixed compilation warning on OS X with nall::decimal
- fixed calculation bug in nall::fp
- Makefile now has options variable, example: make options=debugger
- configuration files and cheat database can now reside in the same
  folder as the binary itself
- updated to 2011-03-11 release of mightymo's cheat database
2011-03-17 23:49:46 +11:00
Tim Allen 348bace8ed Update to v076r07 release.
byuu says:

Rather than make the libsnes API incompatible with previous versions,
I just implemented path as return { basename, hint };
So you will still use the set basename function already there as before.
So either DSP/MSU1/Serial all go in the ROM folder, or they all go
somewhere else. You can be fancy and detect the gametype and override
the basename as you like, if you really want.

Bumped the API to 1.3, and added const char* snes_library_id(void); it
will return "bsnes v076.07" at the moment. The internal string is
static, but don't try caching it or modifying it anyway. You'll have to
split the name and version yourself if you want them separately. API is
backward-compatible to 1.0 still.

Also improved string::assign and string::append to take a variadic
number of arguments. To make this happen, I had to make to_string return
const char* so that infinite recursion did not happen.
2011-03-17 21:39:55 +11:00
Tim Allen 5cbf5b617b Update to v076r06 release.
byuu says:

- path code finished for ui/, just need to expose for ui-libsnes/ now
- filters and shaders use radio items now, so you know which is active
- smooth video was placed inside video mode (list is getting too long)
- .bsnes -> .config/bsnes in make install
- pixelshaders -> snesshader, added Makefile with make install target
- snesfilter, added Makefile with make install and make clean targets
- maybe other stuff
2011-03-17 21:20:51 +11:00
Tim Allen d5cd21eb0c Update to v076r05 release.
byuu says:

- QMenu::setVisible() does nothing, have to use
- improved path system, especially for ST games (states will be
  /path/to/slotA+notdir(slotB).ext, saves are per-game and per-path)
- paths are now valid when you load just the BS-X/ST/SGB BIOSes with no
  carts inserted; maybe useful for BS-X I guess
- removed video filter and pixel shader code from video settings dialog
- added Settings->Video Filter and Settings->Video Shader menu lists
- fixed the SaI family of filters in lores-mode only; although I don't
  really know how or why the change fixed them, the code is too vague

The menu list for the video filters and shaders are populated from
either base/filters and base/shaders, or user/.config/bsnes/filters and
user/.config/bsnes/shaders. It tries the first, and if it does not find
anything it tries the second, just like the configuration files.

That meant doing away with multiple folders for the shaders, so now the
shaders have a suffix to indicate what driver uses them, eg
"Curvature.OpenGL.shader" and "Sepia.Direct3D.shader" -- probably nicer
to use GLSL/HLSL, but using the driver name lets me sub in the currently
loaded video driver with no special casing. So the filter if you have eg
OpenGL loaded is "*.OpenGL.shader"; and for SDL you get "*.SDL.shader",
which will obviously not be there as the non-GL-based SDL driver doesn't
support shaders.

If there are no filters or no shaders available, the menu options do not
show up. The lists are not radio items with active item ticked states
just yet, but they will be.
2011-03-14 22:04:21 +11:00
Tim Allen 8b7dd89059 Update to v076r04 release.
byuu says:

- fixed Sufami Turbo ROM and RAM mapping bugs
- more paths work, definitely need to clean up parameter names and enum
  typenames now

I had to cheat just a bit on the ST SRAM. For now, I am specifying the
RAM size in the XML file.

The base XML isn't supposed to know about the slots though. What I need
to do is write an ST header parser to get actual RAM sizes, and then
from there generate an ST-specific XML file (like I do for the Game Boy)
to specify this info. Would also be nice for some BS-X info.

Added NECDSP, MSU1 and Serial paths. This eliminates
2011-03-08 22:23:47 +11:00
Tim Allen 6c4e3ec790 Update to v076r03 release.
byuu says:

- paths.cfg work completed
- save states/archives and cheat files for multi-slot games are more
  intelligent now

For paths.cfg, there are three types of entries. Each have different
special prefixes.

Folder paths: sfc, bs, st, gb, filter, shader
By default, bsnes will remember the last path you loaded a file of said
type from. It will be prefixed with "recent/" in the file. Specify an
explicit hard-coded path to override this.

BIOS paths: satellaviewBios, sufamiTurboBios, superGameBoyBios
Remembers an explicit hard-coded path to the BIOS you selected last.
I was thinking that a nice feature would be for the "Load Special"
windows to pop open the slot A load dialog if a BIOS was selected.
Select a game from this popup and it loads directly, cancel it to get
the regular window to override the BIOS.

Save paths: srm, rtc, bsa, bst, cht, log
Paths to write various files that the emulator generates. Note: srm
groups bsp, bss and sav for now. Was being lazy.
There are four special prefixes for these:

    "base/" -- gets replaced with the executable path
    "user/" -- gets replaced with the same folder where bsnes.cfg goes
	       (%APPDATA%/bsnes or ~/.config/bsnes) -- good for hiding
    "./"    -- gets replaced with the current ROM path
    "../"   -- gets replaced with the folder above the current ROM path

If you want to go up two folders or more, then use a hard-coded path. If
that's not good enough, kill yourself because God hates you.
2011-03-04 19:57:00 +11:00
Tim Allen 8d64f9b155 Update to v076r02 release.
byuu says:

- fixed a crashing bug when you toggle a cheat code and then load a save state
- added paths.cfg
- bsnes now remembers the most recent path per file-type, like bsnes/Qt
  used to do
- re-added -s to Linux linker flags
- fixed crash with libsnes/SGB XML parsing
2011-03-02 00:31:28 +11:00
Tim Allen bc5fd8c53c Update to v076r01 release.
byuu says:

- fixed linear mirroring issue in memory map (fixes dash in Mega Man X)
- home path for Windows is now %APPDATA%/bsnes (not %APPDATA%/.bsnes)
- home path for OS X and Linux is now ~/.config/bsnes (not ~/.bsnes)
- bsnes-geometry.cfg is now geometry.cfg; and it stores width,height
- I do not yet restore width, height; because the GTK+ and Qt APIs treat window
  resize as implying setMinimumSize
- added bsnes/ui/path; which I have some significant plans for
- fixed a bug in realpath (specified path is not always a folder, so we should
  not always append / as with userpath)
- bsnes.cfg, geometry.cfg and cheats.xml may now optionally exist in the same
  folder as the binary itself
- ruby only imports the nall namespace after including system headers (should
  fix OS X 'decimal' issue)
- nall::fp now uses atof (fixes nall::fp("0.05"))
- I split the CheatDatabase to a separate cheat-database.cpp file; it was
  pretty ugly packed into cheat-editor.cpp
- Makefile now has "options := " line; where you can add "debugger" if you
  like, and in the future maybe more options
  - also works via command-line: make options=debugger
2011-03-01 10:45:31 +11:00
Tim Allen 64072325c4 Update to v076 release.
byuu says:

Most notable in this release is that sound support has been added to my
own Super Game Boy emulation. The GUI toolkit, phoenix, has also
received a complete rewrite; with the most visible change there being
that windows are now resizable.

Changelog (since v075):
* added sound emulation to Game Boy core
* fixed Super Game Boy save state
* support added HexEdit widget to Windows and Qt targets; debugger can
  now be compiled on all platforms
* entering fullscreen now auto-hides mouse; and mouse capture is toggled
  otherwise by F12 key
* fullscreen command and geometry caching works much better on GTK+ and
  Qt targets
* phoenix rewritten from scratch; now supports resizable layout
* phoenix/Windows no longer relies on buggy SetParent API to reparent
2011-02-27 20:11:01 +11:00
Tim Allen 017f9926fc Update to v075r16 release.
byuu says:

This has my latest API enhancements, but there are some known issues:
- resize on Windows seems to not repaint the buttons properly in rare
  cases. I may just need to revert to flickering resize.
- GTK+ reports the wrong menu height, off by two pixels, prior to the
  window being realized (made visible)
  - this results in the main window moving up two pixels after each run
    of bsnes

The menu height bug was actually there previously, it was just that Qt
and GTK+ were computing the frame margins incorrectly (ignoring the menu
bar) before.

On the bright side, ui/settings/input.cpp has been improved by way of
the new multi-layout support. The window is no longer forced to an
awkward 640 pixels wide, as the mouse axes/buttons can overlap now. The
code is also simpler since I am using the Layout::setVisible command to
toggle groups on and off instead of doing it for each and every control.
2011-02-27 20:05:10 +11:00
Tim Allen c31543ea58 Update to v075r15 release.
byuu says:

phoenix/GTK+ rewrite completed. All three targets should now be 100%
operational with full resize support.
2011-02-24 20:27:21 +11:00
Tim Allen 7c3aaf12b0 Update to v075r14 release.
byuu says:

Adds the new phoenix/Windows. Testing would once again be appreciated,
as this is basically a rewrite of the entire core of the GUI.
2011-02-24 20:25:20 +11:00
Tim Allen 3fad0a0105 Update to v075r13 release.
byuu says (in the thread about rewriting Phoenix):

- added phoenix/reference; a dummy implementation that contains the 22KB
  of static boilerplate code needed to start a new target
- OS::setDefaultFont removed; problem is that objects in the global
  scope are constructed before you can call that function
- added Window::setWidgetFont, which is applied if your widgets have no
  custom font set already upon attaching them to the window with
  Window::setLayout, more understandable behavior
- renamed ListBox to ListView

byuu says (in the v075 WIP thread):

Found the source of lag on cartridge load. ListView::modify() was not
locking Qt messages, so it was causing a CheatEditor::refresh (copies
16MB of memory each call) for all 128 cheat items.

Final issue now is that nested submenus (menus inside of menus) are not
applying Window::setMenuFont yet.
2011-02-16 23:35:40 +11:00
Tim Allen 72a2967eeb Update to v075r12 release.
byuu says:

phoenix has been completely rewritten from scratch, and bsnes/ui + bsnes/ui-gameboy have been updated to use the new API. Debugger works too. Currently, only phoenix/Qt is completed, and there are two known issues:

1: font sizes of menu items are wrong, I can fix this easily enough
2: there's some sort of multi-second lag when loading games, not sure
   what's happening there yet

The new phoenix isn't exactly complete yet, still making some key
changes, and then I'll start on phoenix/Windows and phoenix/GTK+.

The most noticeable difference is that you don't have to give all of the
header paths and PHOENIX_PLATFORM defines when compiling individual GUI
object files. It's only needed for phoenix.cpp itself. The overall
structure of the phoenix source folder is much saner as well for

I'm really surprised things are working as well as they are for
a two-day power rewrite of an entire phoenix target. The other targets
won't be as bad insofar as the core stuff is completed this time. And
thank god for that, I was about ready to kill myself after writing
dozens of lines like this:

    HorizontalSlider::HorizontalSlider() : state(*new State),
    base_from_member<pHorizontalSlider&>(*new pHorizontalSlider(*this)),
    p(base_from_member<pHorizontalSlider&>::value) {}

But each platform does have some new, unique problems. phoenix/GTK+ was
acting screwy prior to the rewrite, and will most likely still have
issues. Even more important, one of the major points of this rewrite was
having the new phoenix/core cache widget settings/data, so that I can
destroy and recreate widgets rather than relying on SetParent. This
means that simple copying of the old phoenix/Windows won't work, and
this new method is significantly more involved.
2011-02-15 23:22:37 +11:00
Tim Allen a8ee35633c Update to v075r11 release.
byuu says:

Rewrote the way menus are attached, they act like layouts/widgets now.

All three phoenix targets once again work with both radio menu items and
radio widgets. Both GTK+ and Qt have built-in group controls right
inside the widgets, so I don't have to keep my own groups around
anymore. They do act screwy at widget creation though, have to jump
through some hoops to get it to work right. All I can say is, definitely
set all child widgets to the parent before trying to check any of them.

My long-term goal for the main window is to honor the fullscreen video
setting as a generic setting, and let the window scale auto-fit the best
possible size that matches your scale preference into the output window,
centered just like fullscreen. For now, I've just set it to a fixed
window size until I finish working on phoenix. The scale X settings will
just be to snap the window to an exact size in case you don't want any
black borders, they won't be radio items and the bsnes-geometry.cfg file
will save width/height information as well.

Simplified the sizing requirements for creating layouts and updated all
bsnes windows to support the new system. Layouts also expose their
minimum width/height values, which I use to create perfectly sized
windows on all three platforms. This will fix cut-off heights on the
last Windows WIP. Qt is being annoying though and forcing a minimum
window size of 300,100 despite me telling it to use a smaller window
size. Always have to fight with Qt, I swear to god.
2011-02-10 21:08:12 +11:00
Tim Allen 7dda70baa4 Update to v075r10 release.
byuu says:

phoenix/Windows and phoenix/Qt are mostly fully operational now. All
platforms support dynamic layout resizing. I tried WM_GETMINMAXINFO
(thanks, OV2), but it was acting kind of choppy on resize, and it would
get confused and go crazy if you snapped one direction to the minimum
height but not another, so for now I'm leaving it off.

phoenix/GTK+ will be missing some functionality in regards to window
geometry. The other two have a more coherent strategy now: geometry() is
the client area, and setGeometry moves the client area to where you ask
for. This makes truly centering your client area trivial.
frameGeometry() includes the borders, menu and status. There is no
setFrameGeometry(), not sure if I really even want that, but it could be
useful so who knows. All targets also support non-resizable windows.

X11 is of course horrendously poor with frame sizes, Qt and GTK+ don't
even pretend to simulate them, so they say the frame is 0x0 pixels in
size until your widget is fully realized and visible to the end user. So
for now, to get window positioning right, I have to wait until the
window appears and then reposition the window again, causing a slight
jump. My plan is to build some persistent caching support directly into
phoenix. From here, I can just have the window snap the very first time
you run your very first phoenix app. I'll then determine the frame size
information, and use that to create future windows. Once they spawn,
I'll recheck and update the frame size info in case it has changed (eg
user changed themes.) Saving settings into .config/phoenix will allow me
to avoid having to snap the window every time on first startup. If the
config file is missing or unwritable, too bad, happens every time then.

I'm thinking about renaming onResize to onSize, and getting rid of
Window::create(). Rather make it spawn like every other control in its
2011-02-07 20:20:07 +11:00
Tim Allen 2c61ce2522 Update to v075r09 release.
byuu says:

Ported phoenix/Windows and phoenix/GTK+ over to the new system. There
are some problems that need to be addressed:

- Windows ComboBox height setting needs widget creation height to
  properly scale itself (make Widget::setGeometry virtual and override
- Windows Canvas is completely broken
- GTK+ Canvas is slow as shit compared to Qt Canvas, probably nothing
  I can do about it, have to do a very costly conversion because GTK+ is
  stupid and uses BGR like Nintendo
- GTK+ listboxes are fucking insanely complicated to set up. Currently
  I just split the second-half of creation to the setHeaderText call,
  but when you don't call that, things explode
  - I'm probably going to have to completely destroy and recreate
    listboxes when changing the header text / column count
- Qt resize code is still impossible to get right, it's not letting me
  size a window > 2/3rds of the screen size (it's in their docs)
  - I swear, Qt is the most painful API in the world to move/size
    windows with
- now that Window is separate, it really needs geometry() and
  frameGeometry() as the two are quite different
- I need a way to toggle window resizability for fixed layouts, Qt is
  once again going to be a nightmare as it lacks a way to do this other
  than fixed layouts
- GTK+ currently explodes on bsnes, millions of console messages,
- plenty more I'm forgetting

One bit of really cool/good news though: I made
Fixed/Horizontal/Vertical layouts external to phoenix itself. The code
is included for all targets so that it's always there and compiled into
one object, but the great news is that you can easily write your own
layout widgets and they'll work on all toolkits instantly.

That resize issue with bsnes was so simple it's annoying: my FixedLayout
container was repositioning on geometry updates. Made it only do it once
at creation like it should.

bsnes now has a fancy resize, grow the window and get black borders,
shrink it and the video shrinks with it. I plan to make it fancier with
constraint settings (center, scale, stretch). Basically I want to turn
the fullscreen setting into a general setting that also applies to
windowed scaling. I will probably turn the video scale X sizes into
regular items instead of radio boxes, so you can easily reset to a fixed
size whenever you want. Update bsnes to remember width,height geometry
as well and it should be quite nice.
2011-02-07 20:18:01 +11:00
Tim Allen 266495b475 Update to v075r08 release.
byuu says:

Eleven hours of work. Window is now a base type (inherits from Object,
not Widget), same for Layout. FixedLayout still inherits from Layout.
Added HorizontalLayout and VerticalLayout types, that can append each
other to themselves to create box layouts. Layout margins are supported,
spacing is specified inline (I find this a much better way to fine-grain
spacing than Qt's single setSpacing function), and alignment is handled
strictly via padding widgets (insert a zero-sized label and it will
automatically grow to consume all extra space.)

Overall, my box packing model is slightly less powerful than Qt's, but
it is a good deal simpler and and easier to use in 90% of cases. The one
limitation I hit was with my input settings window, I'm not currently
able to embed two different layouts and toggle one on and the other off
to show only either { mouse x-axis, y-axis } or { mouse left, middle,
right }, so they instead just space out differently and I had to grow
the input window width a bit to compensate.

Resizing works great, pretty cool seeing that this is the first time
I've ever written my own resizer. I had to fight with Qt for several
hours to the point of potentially developing an aneurysm, but I finally
got it to properly handle geometry and sizing stuff. Some weird issue
with the bsnes viewport widget, I tell it to resize and for some reason
it doesn't. Cheap hack, I just make it constantly resize every video
refresh and it eventually takes. Wish I knew what was up with that.

All of bsnes now uses dynamic layouts sans the main window, so you can
resize them however you like.

This is still all Qt-only, I'm afraid. The other two ports are
2011-02-07 20:15:43 +11:00
Tim Allen 133d568f76 Update to v075r07 release.
byuu says:

This has the phoenix changes applied. Instead of widgets attaching
directly to windows, you now attach them to layouts, which can then be
attached to windows. Layouts are widgets themselves, so adding layouts
to layouts is trivial. It also allows for multi-widget show/hide, etc.

Right now there is only FixedLayout, but of course the plan is to
support a BoxLayout, that lets you add HorizontalLayout and
VerticalLayout containers to it, thus enabling auto-resize and simpler
form layout.

So far only phoenix/Qt is 100% moved over. phoenix/GTK+ has about 1/3rd
ported, and phoenix/Windows only has one control ported over as
a proof-of-concept.

On the user side, bsnes, bgameboy, snespurify and curse have been moved
to this new layout system. All of bsnes works great with it, as far as
I can tell. Fullscreen, debugger, etc are good.
2011-02-07 20:14:14 +11:00
Tim Allen b433838e9f Update to v075r06 release.
byuu says:

Removed the floating-point volume adjustments from the wave channel and
the left/right speaker mixers. Also, against my better judgment I'm
backing out of left/right computation when they are both turned off.
This basically makes non-stereo games run faster, but will make stereo
games appear to run slower. I don't like it when end-users experience
mystery slowdowns.

Anyway, it appears that the audio calculation is really fucking
demanding. Knocks FPS from 800 down to 300. I thought it might be libco,
so I took it out and it only went up to 305fps o.O

There is also some sort of problem with bsnes/Super Game Boy audio. The
latency is really great when you first start, but it seems to drift
apart over time until it is well over 500ms, and then it either pops or
fades back to very low, sub-50ms latency again. The way I handle mixing
is that the coprocessor audio samples go into a resampler to the native
SNES rate, and fed to an output buffer. SNES audio samples go there
untouched. When there is a sample in each, I add them together and
average the result (I still don't understand why we divide by two since
these are signed integers), and output it immediately. It's just-in-time
sampling, so as long as DSP v Coprocessor do not drift very far, it
should have very low latency. And I make the CPU sync DSP and
Coprocessor once per scanline, which is something like 15 samples or so.
2011-02-03 22:17:35 +11:00
Tim Allen a3abe8ebaa Update to v075r05 release.
byuu says:

Added Game Boy sound emulation, all four channels.
It's really, really, really bad. Plenty of bugs, I don't even know what
the fuck a high-pass filter is so that isn't there. Hermite resampling
from 4MHz down to 44KHz. But it's tolerable.
I don't understand what sweep is for at all, and I'm sure I have that
insane recursive reload behavior wrong.

This is pretty much my own design. I referenced blargg's gb snd emu,
blargg's older gb apu ref, Cydrak's APU core, that lousy gbdev wiki
article, the completely and utterly worthless pandocs, and received
nothing but bad and wrong information that just wasted my time from

But I managed to pull it off. It's also painfully slow, like 250fps on
my machine slow. Countless optimizations are possible.
2011-02-02 21:38:28 +11:00
Tim Allen f88ef9e9a2 Update to v075r04 release.
byuu says:

- hooked up everything necessary for Game Boy sound emulation ...
- bgameboy and bsnes/SGB input 4MHz frequency, and output 44.1KHz
  frequency (produces soft static for now, to verify it is working)
- rewrote all of gameboy/apu, it now has a 4MHz worker thread, and
  separate classes/folders for each channel+master, and serializes

So it's basically all I can do without actual emulation code or
human-readable documentation/example code.
2011-02-02 21:37:31 +11:00
Tim Allen a136378a7b Update to v075r03 release.
byuu says:

- added full HexEditor widget to phoenix/Qt (has dynamic scrollbar like
  phoenix/GTK, but does not yet support page up/down scrolling)
- optimized debugger to look great with either phoenix/GTK or phoenix/Qt
- fixed phoenix/Qt fullscreen mode (had to allow resizing of the layout,
  and resize the container)
- fixed phoenix/Qt Window::setBackgroundColor() bug that was making
  statusbar invisible
- entering fullscreen now captures mouse, leaving fullscreen releases it
  - so by default, no cursor in fullscreen mode now
- F12 key was assigned the task of toggling mouse capture,
  Tools->Capture Mouse was removed
- above change allows toggling mouse capture in fullscreen if you like

It wasn't my idea, but toggling the mouse capture in fullscreen also hiding the mouse cursor is what I call genius design. Two birds with one stone, and very intuitive.

Also, the default GUI on Linux for bsnes and bgameboy is now Qt, instead
of GTK+. I did this because Qt's fullscreen is far more stable, and
I fixed up the remaining bugs anyway.
2011-02-02 21:35:15 +11:00
Tim Allen 012cdd4b14 Update to v075r02 release.
byuu says:

- added ui-libsnes directory back into source archive; make archive-all
  includes it now
- added basic HexEditor widget to phoenix/Windows
2011-02-02 21:33:35 +11:00
Tim Allen eecc085e42 Update to v075r01 release.
byuu says:

- fixed Super Game Boy save state support
- both SNES and GameBoy only initialize serialize size on cartridge load
  once now, just like I've already done with memory mapping
- added nall/public_cast.hpp for fun ... don't worry, I'm never actually
  going to use it in production code :D
2011-01-29 20:48:44 +11:00
Tim Allen 6b4104867f Update to v075 release.
byuu says:

This release brings improved Super Game Boy emulation, the final SHA256
hashes for the DSP-(1,1B,2,3,4) and ST-(0010,0011) coprocessors, user
interface improvements, and major internal code restructuring.

Changelog (since v074):
- completely rewrote memory sub-system to support 1-byte granularity in
  XML mapping
- removed Memory inheritance and MMIO class completely, any address can
  be mapped to any function now
- SuperFX: removed SuperFXBus : Bus, now implemented manually
- SA-1: removed SA1Bus : Bus, now implemented manually
- entire bus mapping is now static, happens once on cartridge load
- as a result, read/write handlers now handle MMC mapping; slower
  average case, far faster worst case
- namespace memory is no more, RAM arrays are stored inside the chips
  they are owned by now
- GameBoy: improved CPU HALT emulation, fixes Zelda: Link's Awakening
- GameBoy: added serial emulation (cannot connect to another GB yet),
  fixes Shin Megami Tensei - Devichil
- GameBoy: improved LCD STAT emulation, fixes Sagaia
- ui: added fullscreen support (F11 key), video settings allows for
  three scale settings
- ui: fixed brightness, contrast, gamma, audio volume, input frequency
  values on program startup
- ui: since Qt is dead, config file becomes bsnes.cfg once again
- Super Game Boy: you can now load the BIOS without a game inserted to
  see a pretty white box
- ui-gameboy: can be built without SNES components now
- libsnes: now a UI target, compile with 'make ui=ui-libsnes'
- libsnes: added WRAM, APURAM, VRAM, OAM, CGRAM access (cheat search,
- source: removed launcher/, as the Qt port is now gone
- source: Makefile restructuring to better support new ui targets
- source: lots of other internal code cleanup work
2011-01-27 19:52:34 +11:00