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auto PPU::serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
Update to v106r42 release. byuu says: Changelog: - emulator: added `Thread::setHandle(cothread_t)` - icarus: added special heuristics support for the Tengai Maykou Zero fan translation - board identifier is: EXSPC7110-RAM-EPSONRTC (match on SPC7110 + ROM size=56mbit) - board ROM contents are: 8mbit program, 40mbit data, 8mbit expansion (sizes are fixed) - bsnes: show messages on game load, unload, and reset - bsnes: added support for BS Memory and Sufami Turbo games - bsnes: added support for region selection (Auto [default], NTSC, PAL) - bsnes: correct presentation window size from 223/239 to 224/240 - bsnes: add SA-1 internal RAM on cartridges with BS Memory slot - bsnes: fixed recovery state to store inside .bsz archive - bsnes: added support for custom manifests in both game pak and game ROM modes - bsnes: added icarus game database support (manifest → database → heuristics) - bsnes: added flexible SuperFX overclocking - bsnes: added IPS and BPS soft-patching support to all ROM types (sfc,smc,gb,gbc,bs,st) - can load patches inside of ZIP archives (matches first “.ips” or “.bps” file) - bsnes/ppu: cache interlace/overscan/vdisp (277 → 291fps with fast PPU) - hiro/Windows: faster painting of Label widget on expose - hiro/Windows: immediately apply LineEdit::setBackgroundColor changes - hiro/Qt: inherit Window backgroundColor when one is not assigned to Label Errata: - sfc/ppu-fast: remove `renderMode7Hires()` function (the body isn't in the codebase) - bsnes: advanced note label should probably use a lighter text color and/or smaller font size instead of italics I didn't test the soft-patching at all, as I don't have any patches on my dev box. If anyone wants to test, that'd be great. The Tengai Makyou Zero fan translation would be a great test case.
2018-06-26 03:17:26 +00:00
if(system.fastPPU()) {
return ppufast.serialize(s);
s.array(, vram.mask + 1);
Update to v103r13 release. byuu says: Changelog: - gb/interface: fix Game Boy Color extension to be "gbc" and not "gb" [hex\_usr] - ms/interface: move Master System hardware controls below controller ports - sfc/ppu: improve latching behavior of BGnHOFS registers (not hardware verified) [AWJ] - tomoko/input: rework port/device mapping to support non-sequential ports and devices¹ - todo: should add move() to inputDevice.mappings.append and inputPort.devices.append - note: there's a weird GCC 4.9 bug with brace initialization of InputEmulator; have to assign each field separately - tomoko: all windows sans the main presentation window can be dismissed with the escape key - icarus: the single file selection dialog ("Load ROM Image...") can be dismissed with the escape key - tomoko: do not pause emulation when FocusLoss/Pause is set during exclusive fullscreen mode - hiro/(windows,gtk,qt): implemented Window::setDismissable() function (missing from cocoa port, sorry) - nall/string: fixed printing of largest possible negative numbers (eg `INT_MIN`) [Sintendo] - only took eight months! :D ¹: When I tried to move the Master System hardware port below the controller ports, I ran into a world of pain. The input settings list expects every item in the `InputEmulator<InputPort<InputDevice<InputMapping>>>>` arrays to be populated with valid results. But these would be sparsely populated based on the port and device IDs from inside higan. And that is done so that the Interface::inputPoll can have O(1) lookup of ports and devices. This worked because all the port and device IDs were sequential (they left no gaps in the maps upon creating the lists.) Unfortunately by changing the expectation of port ID to how it appears in the list, inputs would not poll correctly. By leaving them alone and just moving Hardware to the third position, the Game Gear would be missing port IDs of 0 and 1 (the controller ports of the Master System). Even by trying to make separate MasterSystemHardware and GameGearHardware ports, things still fractured when the devices were no longer contigious. I got pretty sick of this and just decided to give up on O(1) port/device lookup, and moved to O(n) lookup. It only knocked the framerate down by maybe one frame per second, enough to be in the margin of error. Inputs aren't polled *that* often for loops that usually terminate after 1-2 cycles to be too detrimental to performance. So the new input system now allows non-sequential port and device IDs. Remember that I killed input IDs a while back. There's never any reason for those to need IDs ... it was easier to just order the inputs in the order you want to see them in the user interface. So the input lookup is still O(1). Only now, everything's safer and I return a maybe<InputMapping&>, and won't crash out the program trying to use a mapping that isn't found for some reason. Errata: the escape key isn't working on the browser/message dialogs on Windows, because of course nothing can ever just be easy and work for me. If anyone else wouldn't mind looking into that, I'd greatly appreciate it. Having the `WM_KEYDOWN` test inside the main `Application_sharedProc`, it seems to not respond to the escape key on modal dialogs. If I put the `WM_KEYDOWN` test in the main window proc, then it doesn't seem to get called for `VK_ESCAPE` at all, and doesn't get called period for modal windows. So I'm at a loss and it's past 4AM here >_>
2017-07-12 08:24:27 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
auto PPU::Mosaic::serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
auto PPU::Background::serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v068r12 release. (there was no r11 release posted to the WIP thread) byuu says: This took ten hours of mind boggling insanity to pull off. It upgrades the S-PPU dot-based renderer to fetch one tile, and then output all of its pixels before fetching again. It sounds easy enough, but it's insanely difficult. I ended up taking one small shortcut, in that rather than fetch at -7, I fetch at the first instance where a tile is needed to plot to x=0. So if you have {-3 to +4 } as a tile, it fetches at -3. That won't work so well on hardware, if two BGs fetch at the same X offset, they won't have time. I have had no luck staggering the reads at BG1=-7, BG3=-5, etc. While I can shift and fetch just fine, what happens is that when a new tile is fetched in, that gives a new palette, priority, etc; and this ends up happening between two tiles which results in the right-most edges of the screen ending up with the wrong colors and such. Offset-per-tile is cheap as always. Although looking at it, I'm not sure how BG3 could pre-fetch, especially with the way one or two OPT modes can fetch two tiles. There's no magic in Hoffset caching yet, so the SMW1 pixel issue is still there. Mode 7 got a bugfix, it was off-by-one horizontally from the mosaic code. After re-designing the BG mosaic, I ended up needing a separate mosaic for Mode7, and in the process I fixed that bug. The obvious change is that the Chrono Trigger Mode7->Mode2 transition doesn't cause the pendulum to jump anymore. Windows were simplified just a tad. The range testing is shared for all modes now. Ironically, it's a bit slower, but I'll take less code over more speed for the accuracy core. Speaking of speed, because there's so much less calculations per pixel for BGs, performance for the entire emulator has gone up by 30% in the accuracy core. Pretty neat overall, I can maintain 60fps in all but, yeah you can guess can't you?
2010-09-04 03:36:03 +00:00
for(auto& tile : tiles) {
auto PPU::Object::serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
for(auto& object : oam.object) {
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
for(auto p : range(2)) {
for(auto n : range(32)) {
for(auto n : range(34)) {
auto PPU::Window::serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00
Update to v068r12 release. (there was no r11 release posted to the WIP thread) byuu says: This took ten hours of mind boggling insanity to pull off. It upgrades the S-PPU dot-based renderer to fetch one tile, and then output all of its pixels before fetching again. It sounds easy enough, but it's insanely difficult. I ended up taking one small shortcut, in that rather than fetch at -7, I fetch at the first instance where a tile is needed to plot to x=0. So if you have {-3 to +4 } as a tile, it fetches at -3. That won't work so well on hardware, if two BGs fetch at the same X offset, they won't have time. I have had no luck staggering the reads at BG1=-7, BG3=-5, etc. While I can shift and fetch just fine, what happens is that when a new tile is fetched in, that gives a new palette, priority, etc; and this ends up happening between two tiles which results in the right-most edges of the screen ending up with the wrong colors and such. Offset-per-tile is cheap as always. Although looking at it, I'm not sure how BG3 could pre-fetch, especially with the way one or two OPT modes can fetch two tiles. There's no magic in Hoffset caching yet, so the SMW1 pixel issue is still there. Mode 7 got a bugfix, it was off-by-one horizontally from the mosaic code. After re-designing the BG mosaic, I ended up needing a separate mosaic for Mode7, and in the process I fixed that bug. The obvious change is that the Chrono Trigger Mode7->Mode2 transition doesn't cause the pendulum to jump anymore. Windows were simplified just a tad. The range testing is shared for all modes now. Ironically, it's a bit slower, but I'll take less code over more speed for the accuracy core. Speaking of speed, because there's so much less calculations per pixel for BGs, performance for the entire emulator has gone up by 30% in the accuracy core. Pretty neat overall, I can maintain 60fps in all but, yeah you can guess can't you?
2010-09-04 03:36:03 +00:00
auto PPU::Screen::serialize(serializer& s) -> void {
Update to v099r14 release. byuu says: Changelog: - (u)int(max,ptr) abbreviations removed; use _t suffix now [didn't feel like they were contributing enough to be worth it] - cleaned up nall::integer,natural,real functionality - toInteger, toNatural, toReal for parsing strings to numbers - fromInteger, fromNatural, fromReal for creating strings from numbers - (string,Markup::Node,SQL-based-classes)::(integer,natural,real) left unchanged - template<typename T> numeral(T value, long padding, char padchar) -> string for print() formatting - deduces integer,natural,real based on T ... cast the value if you want to override - there still exists binary,octal,hex,pointer for explicit print() formatting - lstring -> string_vector [but using lstring = string_vector; is declared] - would be nice to remove the using lstring eventually ... but that'd probably require 10,000 lines of changes >_> - format -> string_format [no using here; format was too ambiguous] - using integer = Integer<sizeof(int)*8>; and using natural = Natural<sizeof(uint)*8>; declared - for consistency with boolean. These three are meant for creating zero-initialized values implicitly (various uses) - R65816::io() -> idle() and SPC700::io() -> idle() [more clear; frees up struct IO {} io; naming] - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP use struct IO {} io; over struct (Status,Registers) {} (status,registers); now - still some CPU::Status status values ... they didn't really fit into IO functionality ... will have to think about this more - SFC CPU, PPU, SMP now use step() exclusively instead of addClocks() calling into step() - SFC CPU joypad1_bits, joypad2_bits were unused; killed them - SFC PPU CGRAM moved into PPU::Screen; since nothing else uses it - SFC PPU OAM moved into PPU::Object; since nothing else uses it - the raw uint8[544] array is gone. OAM::read() constructs values from the OAM::Object[512] table now - this avoids having to determine how we want to sub-divide the two OAM memory sections - this also eliminates the OAM::synchronize() functionality - probably more I'm forgetting The FPS fluctuations are driving me insane. This WIP went from 128fps to 137fps. Settled on 133.5fps for the final build. But nothing I changed should have affected performance at all. This level of fluctuation makes it damn near impossible to know whether I'm speeding things up or slowing things down with changes.
2016-07-01 11:50:32 +00:00