2017-04-25 16:06:50 +00:00
using System;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
namespace BizHawk.Emulation.Cores.Nintendo.Gameboy
2017-05-01 02:01:37 +00:00
public partial class GambatteLink : IEmulator, IBoardInfo
2017-04-25 16:06:50 +00:00
public IEmulatorServiceProvider ServiceProvider { get; }
public ControllerDefinition ControllerDefinition => DualGbController;
2017-05-02 01:09:11 +00:00
public void FrameAdvance(IController controller, bool render, bool rendersound = true)
2017-04-25 16:06:50 +00:00
foreach (var s in DualGbController.BoolButtons)
2017-05-02 01:09:11 +00:00
if (controller.IsPressed(s))
2017-04-25 16:06:50 +00:00
if (s.Contains("P1 "))
LCont.Set(s.Replace("P1 ", string.Empty));
else if (s.Contains("P2 "))
RCont.Set(s.Replace("P2 ", string.Empty));
2017-05-02 01:09:11 +00:00
bool cablediscosignalNew = controller.IsPressed("Toggle Cable");
2017-04-25 16:06:50 +00:00
if (cablediscosignalNew && !_cablediscosignal)
_cableconnected ^= true;
Console.WriteLine("Cable connect status to {0}", _cableconnected);
LinkConnected = _cableconnected;
_cablediscosignal = cablediscosignalNew;
2017-05-02 01:09:11 +00:00
2017-04-25 16:06:50 +00:00
fixed (int* leftvbuff = &VideoBuffer[0])
// use pitch to have both cores write to the same video buffer, interleaved
int* rightvbuff = leftvbuff + 160;
const int Pitch = 160 * 2;
fixed (short* leftsbuff = LeftBuffer, rightsbuff = RightBuffer)
const int Step = 32; // could be 1024 for GB
int nL = _overflowL;
int nR = _overflowR;
// slowly step our way through the frame, while continually checking and resolving link cable status
for (int target = 0; target < SampPerFrame;)
target += Step;
if (target > SampPerFrame)
target = SampPerFrame; // don't run for slightly too long depending on step
// gambatte_runfor() aborts early when a frame is produced, but we don't want that, hence the while()
while (nL < target)
uint nsamp = (uint)(target - nL);
if (LibGambatte.gambatte_runfor(L.GambatteState, leftsbuff + (nL * 2), ref nsamp) > 0)
LibGambatte.gambatte_blitto(L.GambatteState, leftvbuff, Pitch);
nL += (int)nsamp;
while (nR < target)
uint nsamp = (uint)(target - nR);
if (LibGambatte.gambatte_runfor(R.GambatteState, rightsbuff + (nR * 2), ref nsamp) > 0)
LibGambatte.gambatte_blitto(R.GambatteState, rightvbuff, Pitch);
nR += (int)nsamp;
// poll link cable statuses, but not when the cable is disconnected
if (!_cableconnected)
if (LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(L.GambatteState, 256) != 0) // ClockTrigger
LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(L.GambatteState, 257); // ack
int lo = LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(L.GambatteState, 258); // GetOut
int ro = LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(R.GambatteState, 258);
LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(L.GambatteState, ro & 0xff); // ShiftIn
LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(R.GambatteState, lo & 0xff); // ShiftIn
if (LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(R.GambatteState, 256) != 0) // ClockTrigger
LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(R.GambatteState, 257); // ack
int lo = LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(L.GambatteState, 258); // GetOut
int ro = LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(R.GambatteState, 258);
LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(L.GambatteState, ro & 0xff); // ShiftIn
LibGambatte.gambatte_linkstatus(R.GambatteState, lo & 0xff); // ShiftIn
_overflowL = nL - SampPerFrame;
_overflowR = nR - SampPerFrame;
if (_overflowL < 0 || _overflowR < 0)
throw new Exception("Timing problem?");
if (rendersound)
// copy extra samples back to beginning
for (int i = 0; i < _overflowL * 2; i++)
LeftBuffer[i] = LeftBuffer[i + (SampPerFrame * 2)];
for (int i = 0; i < _overflowR * 2; i++)
RightBuffer[i] = RightBuffer[i + (SampPerFrame * 2)];
IsLagFrame = L.IsLagFrame && R.IsLagFrame;
if (IsLagFrame)
public int Frame { get; private set; }
public string SystemId => "DGB";
public bool DeterministicEmulation => L.DeterministicEmulation && R.DeterministicEmulation;
public string BoardName => L.BoardName + '|' + R.BoardName;
public void ResetCounters()
Frame = 0;
LagCount = 0;
IsLagFrame = false;
public CoreComm CoreComm { get; }
public void Dispose()
if (!_disposed)
L = null;
R = null;
_blipLeft = null;
_blipRight = null;
_disposed = true;