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- MULU/MULS/DIVU/DIVS have funky timings.
- How many cycles does TRAP take to execute?
- How many cycles does it take to accept an interrupt?
- AND has some funky timings when it comes to immediates?
Ahhh! Real monsters - no sound
Adventures of Mighty Max - crashes memory mapper
Air Diver - palette issue - suffer from lack of 2cell vscroll
Alien Storm.... gfx glitches. control glitches?
Altered Beast: start with 0 health, 0 lives???
Another World .. broken.. (E) tho
Arcus Odyssey does UNHANDLED Z80 READs... is this a problem?
Awesome Possum - controls are wrong
Batman - flicker and music is messed
Batman Forever - significant gfx issues
Battle Squadron - crashes memory mapper woo!
Blood Shot - FPS game - some texture corruption
Bonkers - substantial gfx corruption
Buck Rogers crashes in a fun way
Burning Force - some gfx issues. works way better than it has in the past though!
Castle of Illusion - doesn't boot
Cheese Cat-astrophe - crashes renderer!!
Chester Cheetah - freezes when starting new game
Chuck Rock - Music messed up
Contra Hard Corps: Scrolling is messed up in level 1... used to work.
Crusader of Centy- Text boxes messed up
Dashin' Desperados .. bottom screen messed up
Death Duel crashes my renderer... (!)
Decap Attack - Item select screen messed up
Double Dragon doesn't boot
Devilish/Bad Omen - intro messed up.... interesting debug target
Dune... freezes in intro
Eternal Champions... GFX issues, immediately
Exile - Immediate gfx issues... Debug target.
Exo Squad - Doesn't boot at all
F1 World Championship... Gfx issue at bottom of screen... quite cool working game though!
Fatal Rewind - appears to do a read.w on FFFFFF... that would be an address error. read.l messes up too. Ergo: basically doesnt work.
Final Blow - Music messed up
Fire Shark - Messed up sound
Flavio's Raster FX Test.. doesnt work
Foreman for Real doent boot
Garfield... immediate gfx corruption. debug target.
Gargoyles... gameplay is nonfunctional
Gauntlet 4 .. title screen messed. gfx corruption. immediately - debug target.
Golden Axe - controls are jacked up
Golden Axe 3 intro.... weirder than before for sure
Grind Stormer
Herzog Zwei .. doesnt boot fully
Insector X .. title screen gfx issue
James Pond 3 crash in intro
Jim Power - gfx glitches
Jurassic Park 2 - crashes in intro
Lemmings: Sound is royally effed... gfx glitches.
Marvel Land .. holy shit thats psychadelic
Mega Bomberman....gfx glitches title screen
Mega Turrican some gfx glitches
Mortal Kombat...
MUSHA: Intro music starts too soon. Suffers from lack of 2-cell-vertical-scroll mode.
Out of This World... pretty substantially broken
Outrun 2019, much more significant gfx issues.
Outrun, minor gfx issue. maybe related to h-int timing?
Outrunners, some gfx issues... but not as bad as you might think!!! apparently doesnt use interlace mode?
Panorama Cotton still not working right
Power Monger messed up
Quackshot doesn't boot.
RamboIII - intro gfx corrupted - MAYBE GOOD DEBUGGING TARGET
Road Blasters: was working, now has gfx glitches.
Shining in the Darkness: Gfx glitches, pretty severe
Skitchin doesnt boot
Sonic 2: Aside from lack of interlace mode, the shadows in the special stage are white....?
Sonic 3 serious gfx glitches
Star Control - Shit gets crazy
Steel Empire - controls messed up. probably gfx issues also.
Sub-Terrania some gfx issues in intro
Super Fantasy Zone: Sound totally boned, missing graphics
TaleSpin - gfx glitches
The Humans
The Immortal
Truxton - Sound is jaaaacked.
Verytex - gfx issues
World of Illusion doesnt boot
Zero Tolerance - gfx bugs that didnt used to happen :(
Zombies At My Neighbors: doesnt boot really
Zoop doesnt boot
Things that read from VRAM work like 50%-90%, but not 100%. It's frustrating. Kid Chameleon and Eternal Champions are examples.
Some games flicker in the rightmost columns. Is this caused by mid-frame mode shifting(32/40 col modes?) Alisia Dragoon is one example.
--- Havent seen an example of this in a long time. Maybe it's a non-issue.
Fixed Issues: (listed for regression testing purposes)
(Sprites X/Y are 10-bit, but must be masked to 9-bit)
- Dragon's Revenge.... ball sprite seems missing? of all the sprites to not show up...
- Fire Shark - Sprites dont render... VERY similar to Truxton. Same engine?
- Truxton - Sprites do not appear to be rendering.
- Zero Wing - Sprites arent rendering.......
Flavio's DMA test... DMAs when it shouldnt!! - Masking off too much of the VDP command code
Fun-n-Games fails its fadeouts. -- Fixed CRAM reads. I failed math.
Sonic Spinball executes a VSRAM read -- Implemented VSRAM reads.
TODO: non-instant DMA emulation
TODO: Add 68000/VDP interrupt enable delay (one instruction, similar to After Burner/PCE)
TODO: H-Ints timing possibly not correct... Some game raster effects work, others don't work as expected. (could be HVC tho)
TODO: Test DMA/ VDP command words.... I'm not at all convinced that VRAM is always correct
TODO: Seems like the Window should be high-priority... or Sprites aren't getting masked or something. Sprites routinely draw over window.
Notable games:
Ghouls n Ghosts sets up the graphics planes backwards from normal, by setting the plane A to be low priority and Plane B to be high priority.
If you have a bug in your priority code this may find it.
Revenge of Shinobi will not play DAC sounds if YM2612 registers are not initialized to L/R channels enabled.
Ballz doesnt really initialize hardly any VDP registers, relies on VDP registers powered-on to the correct values
Contra appears to use VDP A0 set = byte-swap. Not sure if its important in anyway in that game, but the byte swap happens.
Games that use VRAM->VRAM Copy: D&D Warriors of the Eternal Sun, MUSHA, Devilish, Viewpoint
Games that require accurate VRAM fill emulation include Thunder Force IV,
Contra Hard Corps, Revenge of Shinobi, Taiga Drama, and Sword of Vermillion.
Sonic Spinball reads from VSRAM