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Raw Normal View History

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
using BizHawk.Common;
using BizHawk.Emulation.Common;
using BizHawk.Client.Common;
2014-01-27 00:02:21 +00:00
using BizHawk.Bizware.BizwareGL;
namespace BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk
/// <summary>
/// A DisplayManager is destined forevermore to drive the PresentationPanel it gets initialized with.
/// Its job is to receive OSD and emulator outputs, and produce one single buffer (BitampBuffer? Texture2d?) for display by the PresentationPanel.
/// Details TBD
/// </summary>
public class DisplayManager : IDisposable
public DisplayManager(PresentationPanel presentationPanel)
GL = GlobalWin.GL;
this.presentationPanel = presentationPanel;
GraphicsControl = this.presentationPanel.GraphicsControl;
//it's sort of important for these to be initialized to something nonzero
currEmuWidth = currEmuHeight = 1;
Renderer = new GuiRenderer(GL);
VideoTextureFrugalizer = new TextureFrugalizer(GL);
LuaEmuTextureFrugalizer = new TextureFrugalizer(GL);
Video2xFrugalizer = new RenderTargetFrugalizer(GL);
using (var xml = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Resources.courier16px.fnt"))
using (var tex = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.Resources.courier16px_0.png"))
TheOneFont = new StringRenderer(GL, xml, tex);
using (var stream = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.DisplayManager.Filters.hq2x.glsl"))
var str = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();
RetroShader_Hq2x = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.RetroShader(GL, str);
2014-02-03 07:01:31 +00:00
using (var stream = typeof(Program).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.DisplayManager.Filters.BizScanlines.glsl"))
var str = new System.IO.StreamReader(stream).ReadToEnd();
RetroShader_BizScanlines = new Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.RetroShader(GL, str);
2014-02-03 07:01:31 +00:00
Bizware.BizwareGL.Drivers.OpenTK.RetroShader RetroShader_Hq2x, RetroShader_BizScanlines;
public bool Disposed { get; private set; }
public void Dispose()
if (Disposed) return;
Disposed = true;
//rendering resources:
StringRenderer TheOneFont;
GuiRenderer Renderer;
2012-07-15 07:38:36 +00:00
//layer resources
DisplaySurface luaEmuSurface = null;
PresentationPanel presentationPanel; //well, its the final layer's target, at least
GraphicsControl GraphicsControl; //well, its the final layer's target, at least
public bool NeedsToPaint { get; set; }
public void PreFrameUpdateLuaSource()
luaEmuSurface = luaEmuSurfaceSet.GetCurrent();
/// <summary>
/// these variables will track the dimensions of the last frame's (or the next frame? this is confusing) emulator native output size
/// </summary>
int currEmuWidth, currEmuHeight;
2012-07-15 09:13:46 +00:00
TextureFrugalizer VideoTextureFrugalizer, LuaEmuTextureFrugalizer;
RenderTargetFrugalizer Video2xFrugalizer;
/// <summary>
/// This will receive an emulated output frame from an IVideoProvider and run it through the complete frame processing pipeline
/// Then it will stuff it into the bound PresentationPanel
/// </summary>
public void UpdateSource(IVideoProvider videoProvider)
//wrap the videoprovider data in a BitmapBuffer (no point to refactoring that many IVidepProviders)
BitmapBuffer bb = new BitmapBuffer(videoProvider.BufferWidth, videoProvider.BufferHeight, videoProvider.GetVideoBuffer());
//record the size of what we received, since lua and stuff is gonna want to draw onto it
currEmuWidth = bb.Width;
currEmuHeight = bb.Height;
//now, acquire the data sent from the videoProvider into a texture
var videoTexture = VideoTextureFrugalizer.Get(bb);
//acquire the lua emu surface as a texture
Texture2d luaEmuTexture = null;
if (luaEmuSurface != null)
luaEmuTexture = LuaEmuTextureFrugalizer.Get(luaEmuSurface);
2014-02-03 07:01:31 +00:00
//apply filter chain (currently, over-simplified)
Texture2d currentTexture = videoTexture;
if (Global.Config.TargetDisplayFilter == 1 && RetroShader_Hq2x.Pipeline.Available)
var rt = Video2xFrugalizer.Get(videoTexture.IntWidth*2,videoTexture.IntHeight*2);
Size outSize = new Size(videoTexture.IntWidth * 2, videoTexture.IntHeight * 2);
RetroShader_Hq2x.Run(videoTexture, videoTexture.Size, outSize, true);
currentTexture = rt.Texture2d;
if (Global.Config.TargetDisplayFilter == 2 && RetroShader_BizScanlines.Pipeline.Available)
2014-02-03 07:01:31 +00:00
var rt = Video2xFrugalizer.Get(videoTexture.IntWidth*2,videoTexture.IntHeight*2);
Size outSize = new Size(videoTexture.IntWidth * 2, videoTexture.IntHeight * 2);
RetroShader_BizScanlines.Pipeline["uIntensity"].Set(1.0f - Global.Config.TargetScanlineFilterIntensity / 256.0f);
RetroShader_BizScanlines.Run(videoTexture, videoTexture.Size, outSize, true);
currentTexture = rt.Texture2d;
//begin drawing to the PresentationPanel:
//1. clear it with the background color that the emulator specified
//2. begin 2d rendering
Renderer.Begin(GraphicsControl.Width, GraphicsControl.Height);
//3. figure out how to draw the emulator output content
var LL = new LetterboxingLogic(GraphicsControl.Width, GraphicsControl.Height, currentTexture.IntWidth, currentTexture.IntHeight);
//4. draw the emulator content
Renderer.Modelview.Translate(LL.dx, LL.dy);
if (Global.Config.DispBlurry)
//4.b draw the "lua emu surface" which is designed for art matching up exactly with the emulator output
if(luaEmuTexture != null) Renderer.Draw(luaEmuTexture);
//(should we draw native layer lua here? thats broken right now)
//5. draw the native layer OSD
MyBlitter myBlitter = new MyBlitter(this);
myBlitter.ClipBounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, GraphicsControl.Width, GraphicsControl.Height);
//6. finished drawing
//7. apply the vsync setting (should probably try to avoid repeating this)
bool vsync = Global.Config.VSyncThrottle || Global.Config.VSync;
//7. present and conclude drawing
NeedsToPaint = false; //??
SwappableDisplaySurfaceSet luaNativeSurfaceSet = new SwappableDisplaySurfaceSet();
public void SetLuaSurfaceNativePreOSD(DisplaySurface surface) { luaNativeSurfaceSet.SetPending(surface); }
public DisplaySurface GetLuaSurfaceNative()
int currNativeWidth = presentationPanel.NativeSize.Width;
int currNativeHeight = presentationPanel.NativeSize.Height;
return luaNativeSurfaceSet.AllocateSurface(currNativeWidth, currNativeHeight);
SwappableDisplaySurfaceSet luaEmuSurfaceSet = new SwappableDisplaySurfaceSet();
public void SetLuaSurfaceEmu(DisplaySurface surface) { luaEmuSurfaceSet.SetPending(surface); }
public DisplaySurface GetLuaEmuSurfaceEmu()
return luaEmuSurfaceSet.AllocateSurface(currEmuWidth, currEmuHeight);
//helper classes:
class MyBlitter : IBlitter
DisplayManager Owner;
public MyBlitter(DisplayManager dispManager)
Owner = dispManager;
class FontWrapper : IBlitterFont
public FontWrapper(StringRenderer font)
this.font = font;
public readonly StringRenderer font;
IBlitterFont IBlitter.GetFontType(string fontType) { return new FontWrapper(Owner.TheOneFont); }
void IBlitter.DrawString(string s, IBlitterFont font, Color color, float x, float y)
var stringRenderer = ((FontWrapper)font).font;
stringRenderer.RenderString(Owner.Renderer, x, y, s);
SizeF IBlitter.MeasureString(string s, IBlitterFont font)
var stringRenderer = ((FontWrapper)font).font;
return stringRenderer.Measure(s);
public Rectangle ClipBounds { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// applies letterboxing logic to figure out how to fit the source dimensions into the target dimensions.
/// In the future this could also apply rules like integer-only scaling, etc.
/// TODO - make this work with a output rect instead of float and dx/dy
/// </summary>
class LetterboxingLogic
public LetterboxingLogic(int targetWidth, int targetHeight, int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight)
float vw = (float)targetWidth;
float vh = (float)targetHeight;
float widthScale = vw / sourceWidth;
float heightScale = vh / sourceHeight;
finalScale = Math.Min(widthScale, heightScale);
dx = (int)((vw - finalScale * sourceWidth) / 2);
dy = (int)((vh - finalScale * sourceHeight) / 2);
/// <summary>
/// scale to be applied to both x and y
/// </summary>
public float finalScale;
/// <summary>
/// offset
/// </summary>
public float dx, dy;