ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/2721/merge at ShuriZma/mgba from mirror 2024-09-19 19:53:38 +00:00
922dddb86f Merge 56f08ab6bab895ad4fb76976b538dba144fdce9f into 49fa1a30c581cd868365c76d6136885a1bdcf238
49fa1a30c5 Qt: Fix Windows shared build
f75f9fd5fd Appveyor: Use Windows 11 SDK
c64dbd6631 Qt: Make window corners square on Windows 11 (fixes #3285)
11787df6cd Res: Port NSO-gba-colors shader (closes #2834)
Compare 13 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/3069/merge at ShuriZma/mgba from mirror 2024-09-19 19:53:38 +00:00
b24e74bef8 Merge 5dca66ac5deacc153da32bf6fff1358c15a3a3e5 into 49fa1a30c581cd868365c76d6136885a1bdcf238
49fa1a30c5 Qt: Fix Windows shared build
f75f9fd5fd Appveyor: Use Windows 11 SDK
c64dbd6631 Qt: Make window corners square on Windows 11 (fixes #3285)
Compare 4 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/2137/merge at ShuriZma/melonDS from mirror 2024-09-19 19:43:37 +00:00
8f67267f4f Merge 094af17674a22d899168f669c371d6f4de863c3f into 2179ca2a417e356f23a09cd88707b20c1bcaf66f
2179ca2a41 Set the correct save type for Puzzler World USA (#2156)
Compare 2 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4215/head at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
ea313e76bb Merge branch 'beta' into doc/translation-tool-pontoon
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
51bb80cb66 [Bug][UI] Fix scrolling UIs not resetting properly and add Scrollbars (#4312)
605ae9e1c3 [Move] Improved damage forecasting for Shell Side Arm (#4310)
81ea1296b3 [Miscellaneous] Add new Lake and RUins biome BGM by Lmz (#4319)
Compare 22 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4215/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
9043348072 Merge ea313e76bb48bd97194096e8c73aadfee6114c06 into 5888a7758c85fa410eab68c71ee8503143896067
ea313e76bb Merge branch 'beta' into doc/translation-tool-pontoon
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
51bb80cb66 [Bug][UI] Fix scrolling UIs not resetting properly and add Scrollbars (#4312)
605ae9e1c3 [Move] Improved damage forecasting for Shell Side Arm (#4310)
Compare 11 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4228/head at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
1e2305141c Merge branch 'autot' of into autot
5156990339 Add nonnull after checking for null
e83a1d5366 Merge branch 'beta' into autot
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
Compare 10 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4228/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
3d7348f910 Merge 1e2305141cb45b8b152c5c07b967476b5d0e5025 into c4d5c923fc549750fef9af893cc07d3c5f856270
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
1e2305141c Merge branch 'autot' of into autot
5156990339 Add nonnull after checking for null
e83a1d5366 Merge branch 'beta' into autot
Compare 10 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4252/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
4caa49024e Merge 3cc560a95afc5de968acc47f15a5ae2161a13963 into 714630c9de1decb1993c414ef599ee216dc3b846
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
51bb80cb66 [Bug][UI] Fix scrolling UIs not resetting properly and add Scrollbars (#4312)
Compare 8 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4267/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
884f8bd23b Merge dee2b290b5fc95e91befff224bc35cfffaa9a5fb into 5888a7758c85fa410eab68c71ee8503143896067
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
51bb80cb66 [Bug][UI] Fix scrolling UIs not resetting properly and add Scrollbars (#4312)
605ae9e1c3 [Move] Improved damage forecasting for Shell Side Arm (#4310)
81ea1296b3 [Miscellaneous] Add new Lake and RUins biome BGM by Lmz (#4319)
Compare 6 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4272/head at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
6b9161b452 Merge branch 'beta' into hebrew-pr
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
Compare 9 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4272/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
1be050edc9 Merge 6b9161b4520d343c6d8ea5f360cc98bd9c17a7e5 into c4d5c923fc549750fef9af893cc07d3c5f856270
6b9161b452 Merge branch 'beta' into hebrew-pr
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
Compare 6 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4294/head at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
21b049d701 Merge branch 'beta' into qol/Modifiers-type-inference--mirror
5bf7b324de Merge pull request #21 from DayKev/4294-patch-1
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
7ae7f3a0db Replace relative imports with absolute imports in `modifier.ts`
51bb80cb66 [Bug][UI] Fix scrolling UIs not resetting properly and add Scrollbars (#4312)
Compare 15 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4294/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
a4b172cd7d Merge 21b049d7017e564d5de36ff2ac5116a3686f6779 into c4d5c923fc549750fef9af893cc07d3c5f856270
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
21b049d701 Merge branch 'beta' into qol/Modifiers-type-inference--mirror
Compare 14 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4302/head at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
516c9a7d62 Merge branch 'beta' into bgm-name-change-locales
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
278edf4766 Merge branch 'beta' into bgm-name-change-locales
Compare 6 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4302/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
a437deca72 Merge 516c9a7d62138c08f973048c9eac6e3bb64ef12e into c4d5c923fc549750fef9af893cc07d3c5f856270
516c9a7d62 Merge branch 'beta' into bgm-name-change-locales
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
Compare 7 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4303/head at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
dd12482180 Merge branch 'beta' into qol/interactive-create-test
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
51bb80cb66 [Bug][UI] Fix scrolling UIs not resetting properly and add Scrollbars (#4312)
605ae9e1c3 [Move] Improved damage forecasting for Shell Side Arm (#4310)
81ea1296b3 [Miscellaneous] Add new Lake and RUins biome BGM by Lmz (#4319)
Compare 10 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4303/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
f48c2e9841 Merge dd12482180aeda6ac63bf181d47160d756fef3b5 into c4d5c923fc549750fef9af893cc07d3c5f856270
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
dd12482180 Merge branch 'beta' into qol/interactive-create-test
Compare 6 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4311/head at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
316acc1d0d Merge branch 'beta' into nuzlocke-update
d381734aca Add a check for MEs on the X1 wave
b0c9fbe56b Change in-game EN name of "No Auto Heal" challenge to "No Free Heal"
c7df07715d Prevent `PartyHealPhase` from reviving pokemon in hardcore challenge
f292087d6c Consolidate identical variables
Compare 9 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4307/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
0950994598 Merge 18cd5a27c2428ca89addbdd6b5eb523ec2d27a2a into c4d5c923fc549750fef9af893cc07d3c5f856270
c4d5c923fc [Bug] Run History Not Saving Correctly (#4248)
714630c9de [Refactor] Renamed the HitsTagAttr back to how it was (#4324)
ce189c01da [Localization] French adjustments (+German) (#4323)
5888a7758c Mystery Encounter bug fixes and minor adjustments (#4299)
Compare 9 commits »
ShuriZma synced commits to refs/pull/4311/merge at ShuriZma/pokerogue from mirror 2024-09-19 16:13:43 +00:00
5a43a906cf Merge 316acc1d0d142cefe74b7d9d60bb0f9e5e5734a9 into 51bb80cb662ed87c631707ec4662d295d4b45a29
316acc1d0d Merge branch 'beta' into nuzlocke-update
d381734aca Add a check for MEs on the X1 wave
b0c9fbe56b Change in-game EN name of "No Auto Heal" challenge to "No Free Heal"
c7df07715d Prevent `PartyHealPhase` from reviving pokemon in hardcore challenge
Compare 9 commits »