Also fixes addressing of MSAA samples 2 and 3 for 64bpp color render targets in the ROV RB implementation on Direct3D 12.
Additionally, with FSI/ROV, alpha test and alpha to coverage are done only if the render target 0 was dynamically written to (according to the Direct3D 9 rules for writing to color render targets, though not sure if they actually apply to the alpha tests on Direct3D 9, but for safety).
There is also some code cleanup for things spotted during the development of the feature.
- Handle compiler flags per-file. Removes ffmpeg warnings
- Switch to JoelLinn fork since original author stopped maintaining
and other forks don't seem to care about PRs
Uses a single `vpternlogd` to test for signed/unsigned
overflow/underflow. Then utilizes AVX512 mask operations to create
either `0x7FFFFFFF` or `0x80000000` arithmetically.
`vcvttps2udq` already saturates overflowing and unordered values to `0xFFFFFFFF`. Using mask registers, zeroes are written to negative values within the same instruction.
Use variable for Python version to make upgrading easier.
Update copyright date.
Add candidate paths.
Properly use found python executable.
More consistency with .bat.
Don't spew unnecessary errors, etc.
EOF newline.
For more optimal usage of exports and the parameter cache on the host regardless of how effective the optimizations in the host GPU driver are. Also reserve space for Vulkan/Metal/D3D11-specific HostVertexShaderTypes to use one more bit for the host vertex shader type in the shader modification bits, so that won't have to be done in the future as that would require invalidating shader storages (which are invalidated by this commit) again.
GPU traces in the trace viewer are accessed via the Storage Access Framework, which doesn't require the storage permissions. Games will be accessed using the SAF too (directories containing games as document trees with persistable URI permissions). The storage permissions are also not required for accessing the application's external or internal storage directory that will contain the save files.
Put all descriptors used by translated shaders in up to 4 descriptor sets, which is the minimum required, and the most common on Android, `maxBoundDescriptorSets` device limit value