ShuriZma 83213ff2d4 add DTC to repo 2022-12-20 00:12:04 +01:00
old_versions add DTC to repo 2022-12-20 00:12:04 +01:00 add DTC to repo 2022-12-20 00:12:04 +01:00
changelog add DTC to repo 2022-12-20 00:12:04 +01:00
latest.ow add DTC to repo 2022-12-20 00:12:04 +01:00



Position Variable Description
0 gatePosition Defines the position of the gate
1 zenSpawnPositions2 Counter used for increasing the possible spawn positions over time
3 loopIterator Used as counter for the current iteration of a loop
4 bigBossSpawnPositions2 Defines the possible spawn positions for Orisa
5 playerSpawnPositions2 Defines the possible spawn positions for players
6 gateHealthChase Variable being chased in order to show the gate health bar
7 gateHealth Current gate health
8 gateMaxHealth Max gate health
9 gateProgressBarColorCurrent Contains the current color the gate health bar is supposed to have
10 gateProgressBarColorComponent Used to calculate the gateProgressBarColorCurrent
11 gateHealthEvent Contains the amount of health the gate has on the last event
12 bastionTargetPositions1 Defines target positions for Bastion
13 sniperPositions2 Defines spawn Positions for Widowmaker
14 ballSpawnPositions2 Defines spawn Positions for Wreckingball
15 zenRespawnTime Defines Zenyattas respawn time
16 timeSeconds Contains the seconds part of the match timer
17 timeMinutes Contains the minutes part of the match timer
18 defaultCurrentBot Contains the bot that will be destroyed/replaced next
Might be renamed soon
19 defaultHeroBotsPool Defines the heroes being played by ai
Code around this could need some serious rework
Hukuta left us with a bunch of seriously unnecessary complexity
20 defaultHeroBotsPoolCurrentId This is pretty much just an iteration counter for defaultHeroBotsPool
21 isDebug Determines if the debug mode is active
22 botOrisaParent Contains the current Orisa Dummy
24 botOrisaChild Contains the current Bastion Dummy being stuck onto botOrisaParent
25 gateRepairPosition Defines the position you have to look at when trying to repair the gate
26 botOrisaTargetPosition1 Defines the target position for Orisa
27 botEchoRespawnPosition2 Defines the spawn/portal position for Echo
28 botEchoTeleportPositions Defines the player teleport positions for Echo
29 upgradeGateMaxHealthValue3 Contains the current amount of repaired gate health
30 upgradeGateMaxHealthHudId3 Contains the challenge HUD
31 upgradePlayerMaxHealthValue3 Contains the current amount of healed player health
32 upgradePlayerMaxHealthHudId3 Contains the challenge HUD
33 upgradeCriticalDamageValue3 Contains the current amount Widowmaker/Echo kills
34 upgradeCriticalDamageHudId3 Contains the challenge HUD
35 upgradeMaxAmmoValue3 Contains the current amount of Zenyatta kills
36 upgradeMaxAmmoHudId3 Contains the challenge HUD
37 upgradeMaxAmmoMaxValue3 Contains the value needed to finish the challenge
38 upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue3 Contains the value needed to finish the challenge
39 upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue3 Contains the value needed to finish the challenge
40 upgradeGateMaxHealthMaxValue3 Contains the value needed to finish the challenge
41 damageBoost Contains the damage % that is being put on top of the base damage
42 isDebugAINavigation
43 gameLogicCountOfUniqueHeroes
44 isNewWaveGameLogicProcessing
45 automaticRepair
46 upgradePerkSharpshooterValue
47 perk
48 maxHealthDone
49 startMoney
50 time5Minutes
51 selfNanoWorkshopSetting
52 shopCamPosition
53 shopBasePosition
54 shopPositionAngle
55 activeBoss
57 bossRotation
58 lastBoss
59 time10Minutes
60 moneyMultiplier
61 challengeCount
62 upgradeBossHealthValue
63 globalHUDs
64 baseStats
112 allPositions
113 allDirections
114 firstPosition
115 secondPosition
116 firstPoint
117 secondPoint
118 second
119 z
120 wallId
121 showWalls
122 isGrounded
123 beamType
125 nodePositions
126 nodeConnections
127 distanceMatrix

1: Target position variables can pretty much be merged

2: Spawn position variables can pretty much be merged

3: upgrade* variables can be merged into one


Position Variable Description
0 botSeePlayer
1 botDoesUniqueBehaviour
2 botEffects
3 botRayCastHitPosition
4 botEventPosition
5 currentHero
6 isDead
7 isRespawning
8 botBastionArtilleryDidShotsCount
9 botCounter
10 hasBadStatus
11 eventHealth
12 healOverTimeId
13 botIsOrisaChild
14 botEchoCapturedPlayer
15 botPlayersInRadius
16 botLoopIterator2
17 botWidowShotTime
18 botWidowTeleportTime
19 isNanoed
20 abilityHUD
21 lucioDashActive
22 lucioDashIcon
23 anaEntityID
24 abilities
25 money
26 heroTalentText
27 damageBoost
28 playerHealth
29 abilityCountdown
30 hpPool
31 effects
32 abilityProjectile
33 abilityEnd
34 abilityAvailable
35 moveSpeed
36 damageMod
37 critDamageBoost
38 soldierEspionage
39 healingDealt
41 chainReactionOn
42 chainReactionImmune
43 abilityActive
45 secondWindActive
46 isInMenu
48 playerFacing
49 isBoss
53 deathPosition
54 lastSecondWind
55 vote
105 filterPosition
106 lastSavedPosition
107 closestBodyPosition
108 fullBodyPosition
109 previousPositionIntersection
110 activeWall
111 closestWall
112 x
113 intersectionLength
114 thickness
115 botCancelPathFinding
116 botLoopIterator1
117 botTempArray
118 botTargetPlayer
119 botTargetPosition
120 botClosestNodeIdToTarget
121 botClosestNodeIdToBot
122 botPreviousNodeId
123 botNextNodeId
124 botNextNodePosition
125 botCurrentDistanceToTarget
126 botShortestDistanceToTarget
127 botIsPathFinding


Position Variable Description
0 BotBastionArtilleryDamage
2 BotBastionRespawn
3 GateProgressBarColor
4 BotZenyattaRespawn
5 BotWidowRespawn
6 BotBallRespawn
7 GameLogicAddNextHeroInGame
8 BotOrisaRespawn
9 BotLandingFromSky
10 BotEchoRespawn
11 BotEchoDetachPlayer
12 BotEchoFlyToPlayer
13 BotEchoFlyToPortal
14 GameLogicSetBotProperties
15 DisablePlayer
16 BotAppearFromUnderground
17 BotReinRespawn
18 PlayerInit
19 BotInit
20 PlayerRespawn
21 BotRespawn
22 BotWidowBadStatus
23 GameLogicWave0
24 Refund
25 EnablePlayer
26 GateRepair
27 CancelMomentum
28 UpdateDamage
124 BotStartPathFinding
125 BotGetClosestNodeIdToTarget
126 BotGetNextNodeIdAndPosition
127 BotResetPathFinding