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ShuriZma 2022-12-20 00:12:04 +01:00
parent 9d785d0cce
commit 83213ff2d4
16 changed files with 128107 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
# Variables
## Global
| Position | Variable | Description |
| 0 | <a name="gatePosition" style="all: unset">gatePosition</a> | Defines the position of the gate |
| 1 | <a name="zenSpawnPositions" style="all: unset">zenSpawnPositions</a><sup>[2](#spawnPositions)</sup> | Counter used for increasing the possible spawn positions over time |
| 3 | <a name="loopIterator" style="all: unset">loopIterator</a> | Used as counter for the current iteration of a loop |
| 4 | <a name="bigBossSpawnPositions" style="all: unset">bigBossSpawnPositions</a><sup>[2](#spawnPositions)</sup> | Defines the possible spawn positions for Orisa |
| 5 | <a name="playerSpawnPositions" style="all: unset">playerSpawnPositions</a><sup>[2](#spawnPositions)</sup> | Defines the possible spawn positions for players |
| 6 | <a name="gateHealthChase" style="all: unset">gateHealthChase</a> | Variable being chased in order to show the gate health bar |
| 7 | <a name="gateHealth" style="all: unset">gateHealth</a> | Current gate health |
| 8 | <a name="gateMaxHealth" style="all: unset">gateMaxHealth</a> | Max gate health |
| 9 | <a name="gateProgressBarColorCurrent" style="all: unset">gateProgressBarColorCurrent</a> | Contains the current color the gate health bar is supposed to have |
| 10 | <a name="gateProgressBarColorComponent" style="all: unset">gateProgressBarColorComponent</a> | Used to calculate the gateProgressBarColorCurrent |
| 11 | <a name="gateHealthEvent" style="all: unset">gateHealthEvent</a> | Contains the amount of health the gate has on the last event |
| 12 | <a name="bastionTargetPositions" style="all: unset">bastionTargetPositions</a><sup>[1](#targetPositions)</sup> | Defines target positions for Bastion |
| 13 | <a name="sniperPositions" style="all: unset">sniperPositions</a><sup>[2](#spawnPositions)</sup> | Defines spawn Positions for Widowmaker |
| 14 | <a name="ballSpawnPositions" style="all: unset">ballSpawnPositions</a><sup>[2](#spawnPositions)</sup> | Defines spawn Positions for Wreckingball |
| 15 | <a name="zenRespawnTime" style="all: unset">zenRespawnTime</a> | Defines Zenyattas respawn time |
| 16 | <a name="timeSeconds" style="all: unset">timeSeconds</a> | Contains the seconds part of the match timer |
| 17 | <a name="timeMinutes" style="all: unset">timeMinutes</a> | Contains the minutes part of the match timer |
| 18 | <a name="defaultCurrentBot" style="all: unset">defaultCurrentBot</a> | Contains the bot that will be destroyed/replaced next<br>Might be renamed soon |
| 19 | <a name="defaultHeroBotsPool" style="all: unset">defaultHeroBotsPool</a> | Defines the heroes being played by ai<br>Code around this could need some serious rework<br>Hukuta left us with a bunch of seriously unnecessary complexity |
| 20 | <a name="defaultHeroBotsPoolCurrentId" style="all: unset">defaultHeroBotsPoolCurrentId</a> | This is pretty much just an iteration counter for defaultHeroBotsPool |
| 21 | <a name="isDebug" style="all: unset">isDebug</a> | Determines if the debug mode is active |
| 22 | <a name="botOrisaParent" style="all: unset">botOrisaParent</a> | Contains the current Orisa Dummy |
| 24 | <a name="botOrisaChild" style="all: unset">botOrisaChild</a> | Contains the current Bastion Dummy being stuck onto botOrisaParent |
| 25 | <a name="gateRepairPosition" style="all: unset">gateRepairPosition</a> | Defines the position you have to look at when trying to repair the gate |
| 26 | <a name="botOrisaTargetPosition" style="all: unset">botOrisaTargetPosition</a><sup>[1](#targetPositions)</sup> | Defines the target position for Orisa |
| 27 | <a name="botEchoRespawnPosition" style="all: unset">botEchoRespawnPosition</a><sup>[2](#spawnPositions)</sup> | Defines the spawn/portal position for Echo |
| 28 | <a name="botEchoTeleportPositions" style="all: unset">botEchoTeleportPositions | Defines the player teleport positions for Echo |
| 29 | <a name="upgradeGateMaxHealthValue" style="all: unset">upgradeGateMaxHealthValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the current amount of repaired gate health |
| 30 | <a name="upgradeGateMaxHealthHudId" style="all: unset">upgradeGateMaxHealthHudId</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the challenge HUD |
| 31 | <a name="upgradePlayerMaxHealthValue" style="all: unset">upgradePlayerMaxHealthValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the current amount of healed player health |
| 32 | <a name="upgradePlayerMaxHealthHudId" style="all: unset">upgradePlayerMaxHealthHudId</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the challenge HUD |
| 33 | <a name="upgradeCriticalDamageValue" style="all: unset">upgradeCriticalDamageValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the current amount Widowmaker/Echo kills |
| 34 | <a name="upgradeCriticalDamageHudId" style="all: unset">upgradeCriticalDamageHudId</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the challenge HUD |
| 35 | <a name="upgradeMaxAmmoValue" style="all: unset">upgradeMaxAmmoValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the current amount of Zenyatta kills |
| 36 | <a name="upgradeMaxAmmoHudId" style="all: unset">upgradeMaxAmmoHudId</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the challenge HUD |
| 37 | <a name="upgradeMaxAmmoMaxValue" style="all: unset">upgradeMaxAmmoMaxValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
| 38 | <a name="upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue" style="all: unset">upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
| 39 | <a name="upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue" style="all: unset">upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
| 40 | <a name="upgradeGateMaxHealthMaxValue" style="all: unset">upgradeGateMaxHealthMaxValue</a><sup>[3](#teamChallenges)</sup> | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
| 41 | <a name="damageBoost" style="all: unset">damageBoost</a> | Contains the damage % that is being put on top of the base damage |
| 42 | <a name="isDebugAINavigation" style="all: unset">isDebugAINavigation</a> | |
| 43 | <a name="gameLogicCountOfUniqueHeroes" style="all: unset">gameLogicCountOfUniqueHeroes</a> | |
| 44 | <a name="isNewWaveGameLogicProcessing" style="all: unset">isNewWaveGameLogicProcessing</a> | |
| 45 | <a name="automaticRepair" style="all: unset">automaticRepair</a> | |
| 46 | <a name="upgradePerkSharpshooterValue" style="all: unset">upgradePerkSharpshooterValue</a> | |
| 47 | <a name="perk" style="all: unset">perk</a> | |
| 48 | <a name="maxHealthDone" style="all: unset">maxHealthDone</a> | |
| 49 | <a name="startMoney" style="all: unset">startMoney</a> | |
| 50 | <a name="time5Minutes" style="all: unset">time5Minutes</a> | |
| 51 | <a name="selfNanoWorkshopSetting" style="all: unset">selfNanoWorkshopSetting</a> | |
| 52 | <a name="shopCamPosition" style="all: unset">shopCamPosition</a> | |
| 53 | <a name="shopBasePosition" style="all: unset">shopBasePosition</a> | |
| 54 | <a name="shopPositionAngle" style="all: unset">shopPositionAngle</a> | |
| 55 | <a name="activeBoss" style="all: unset">activeBoss</a> | |
| 57 | <a name="bossRotation" style="all: unset">bossRotation</a> | |
| 58 | <a name="lastBoss" style="all: unset">lastBoss</a> | |
| 59 | <a name="time10Minutes" style="all: unset">time10Minutes</a> | |
| 60 | <a name="moneyMultiplier" style="all: unset">moneyMultiplier</a> | |
| 61 | <a name="challengeCount" style="all: unset">challengeCount</a> | |
| 62 | <a name="upgradeBossHealthValue" style="all: unset">upgradeBossHealthValue</a> | |
| 63 | <a name="globalHUDs" style="all: unset">globalHUDs</a> | |
| 64 | <a name="baseStats" style="all: unset">baseStats</a> | |
| 112 | <a name="allPositions" style="all: unset">allPositions</a> | |
| 113 | <a name="allDirections" style="all: unset">allDirections</a> | |
| 114 | <a name="firstPosition" style="all: unset">firstPosition</a> | |
| 115 | <a name="secondPosition" style="all: unset">secondPosition</a> | |
| 116 | <a name="firstPoint" style="all: unset">firstPoint</a> | |
| 117 | <a name="secondPoint" style="all: unset">secondPoint</a> | |
| 118 | <a name="second" style="all: unset">second</a> | |
| 119 | <a name="z" style="all: unset">z</a> | |
| 120 | <a name="wallId" style="all: unset">wallId</a> | |
| 121 | <a name="showWalls" style="all: unset">showWalls</a> | |
| 122 | <a name="isGrounded" style="all: unset">isGrounded</a> | |
| 123 | <a name="beamType" style="all: unset">beamType</a> | |
| 125 | <a name="nodePositions" style="all: unset">nodePositions</a> | |
| 126 | <a name="nodeConnections" style="all: unset">nodeConnections</a> | |
| 127 | <a name="distanceMatrix" style="all: unset">distanceMatrix</a> | |
> <a name="targetPositions" style="all: unset">1</a>: Target position variables can pretty much be merged
> <a name="spawnPositions" style="all: unset">2</a>: Spawn position variables can pretty much be merged
> <a name="teamChallenges" style="all: unset">3</a>: upgrade* variables can be merged into one
## Player
| Position | Variable | Description |
| 0 | <a name="botSeePlayer" style="all: unset">botSeePlayer</a> | |
| 1 | <a name="botDoesUniqueBehaviour" style="all: unset">botDoesUniqueBehaviour</a> | |
| 2 | <a name="botEffects" style="all: unset">botEffects</a> | |
| 3 | <a name="botRayCastHitPosition" style="all: unset">botRayCastHitPosition</a> | |
| 4 | <a name="botEventPosition" style="all: unset">botEventPosition</a> | |
| 5 | <a name="currentHero" style="all: unset">currentHero</a> | |
| 6 | <a name="isDead" style="all: unset">isDead</a> | |
| 7 | <a name="isRespawning" style="all: unset">isRespawning</a> | |
| 8 | <a name="botBastionArtilleryDidShotsCount" style="all: unset">botBastionArtilleryDidShotsCount</a> | |
| 9 | <a name="botCounter" style="all: unset">botCounter</a> | |
| 10 | <a name="hasBadStatus" style="all: unset">hasBadStatus</a> | |
| 11 | <a name="eventHealth" style="all: unset">eventHealth</a> | |
| 12 | <a name="healOverTimeId" style="all: unset">healOverTimeId</a> | |
| 13 | <a name="botIsOrisaChild" style="all: unset">botIsOrisaChild</a> | |
| 14 | <a name="botEchoCapturedPlayer" style="all: unset">botEchoCapturedPlayer</a> | |
| 15 | <a name="botPlayersInRadius" style="all: unset">botPlayersInRadius</a> | |
| 16 | <a name="botLoopIterator2" style="all: unset">botLoopIterator2</a> | |
| 17 | <a name="botWidowShotTime" style="all: unset">botWidowShotTime</a> | |
| 18 | <a name="botWidowTeleportTime" style="all: unset">botWidowTeleportTime</a> | |
| 19 | <a name="isNanoed" style="all: unset">isNanoed</a> | |
| 20 | <a name="abilityHUD" style="all: unset">abilityHUD</a> | |
| 21 | <a name="lucioDashActive" style="all: unset">lucioDashActive</a> | |
| 22 | <a name="lucioDashIcon" style="all: unset">lucioDashIcon</a> | |
| 23 | <a name="anaEntityID" style="all: unset">anaEntityID</a> | |
| 24 | <a name="abilities" style="all: unset">abilities</a> | |
| 25 | <a name="money" style="all: unset">money</a> | |
| 26 | <a name="heroTalentText" style="all: unset">heroTalentText</a> | |
| 27 | <a name="damageBoost" style="all: unset">damageBoost</a> | |
| 28 | <a name="playerHealth" style="all: unset">playerHealth</a> | |
| 29 | <a name="abilityCountdown" style="all: unset">abilityCountdown</a> | |
| 30 | <a name="hpPool" style="all: unset">hpPool</a> | |
| 31 | <a name="effects" style="all: unset">effects</a> | |
| 32 | <a name="abilityProjectile" style="all: unset">abilityProjectile</a> | |
| 33 | <a name="abilityEnd" style="all: unset">abilityEnd</a> | |
| 34 | <a name="abilityAvailable" style="all: unset">abilityAvailable</a> | |
| 35 | <a name="moveSpeed" style="all: unset">moveSpeed</a> | |
| 36 | <a name="damageMod" style="all: unset">damageMod</a> | |
| 37 | <a name="critDamageBoost" style="all: unset">critDamageBoost</a> | |
| 38 | <a name="soldierEspionage" style="all: unset">soldierEspionage</a> | |
| 39 | <a name="healingDealt" style="all: unset">healingDealt</a> | |
| 41 | <a name="chainReactionOn" style="all: unset">chainReactionOn</a> | |
| 42 | <a name="chainReactionImmune" style="all: unset">chainReactionImmune</a> | |
| 43 | <a name="abilityActive" style="all: unset">abilityActive</a> | |
| 45 | <a name="secondWindActive" style="all: unset">secondWindActive</a> | |
| 46 | <a name="isInMenu" style="all: unset">isInMenu</a> | |
| 48 | <a name="playerFacing" style="all: unset">playerFacing</a> | |
| 49 | <a name="isBoss" style="all: unset">isBoss</a> | |
| 53 | <a name="deathPosition" style="all: unset">deathPosition</a> | |
| 54 | <a name="lastSecondWind" style="all: unset">lastSecondWind</a> | |
| 55 | <a name="vote" style="all: unset">vote</a> | |
| 105 | <a name="filterPosition" style="all: unset">filterPosition</a> | |
| 106 | <a name="lastSavedPosition" style="all: unset">lastSavedPosition</a> | |
| 107 | <a name="closestBodyPosition" style="all: unset">closestBodyPosition</a> | |
| 108 | <a name="fullBodyPosition" style="all: unset">fullBodyPosition</a> | |
| 109 | <a name="previousPositionIntersection" style="all: unset">previousPositionIntersection</a> | |
| 110 | <a name="activeWall" style="all: unset">activeWall</a> | |
| 111 | <a name="closestWall" style="all: unset">closestWall</a> | |
| 112 | <a name="x" style="all: unset">x</a> | |
| 113 | <a name="intersectionLength" style="all: unset">intersectionLength</a> | |
| 114 | <a name="thickness" style="all: unset">thickness</a> | |
| 115 | <a name="botCancelPathFinding" style="all: unset">botCancelPathFinding</a> | |
| 116 | <a name="botLoopIterator1" style="all: unset">botLoopIterator1</a> | |
| 117 | <a name="botTempArray" style="all: unset">botTempArray</a> | |
| 118 | <a name="botTargetPlayer" style="all: unset">botTargetPlayer</a> | |
| 119 | <a name="botTargetPosition" style="all: unset">botTargetPosition</a> | |
| 120 | <a name="botClosestNodeIdToTarget" style="all: unset">botClosestNodeIdToTarget</a> | |
| 121 | <a name="botClosestNodeIdToBot" style="all: unset">botClosestNodeIdToBot</a> | |
| 122 | <a name="botPreviousNodeId" style="all: unset">botPreviousNodeId</a> | |
| 123 | <a name="botNextNodeId" style="all: unset">botNextNodeId</a> | |
| 124 | <a name="botNextNodePosition" style="all: unset">botNextNodePosition</a> | |
| 125 | <a name="botCurrentDistanceToTarget" style="all: unset">botCurrentDistanceToTarget</a> | |
| 126 | <a name="botShortestDistanceToTarget" style="all: unset">botShortestDistanceToTarget</a> | |
| 127 | <a name="botIsPathFinding" style="all: unset">botIsPathFinding</a> | |
## Subroutine
| Position | Variable | Description |
| 0 | <a name="BotBastionArtilleryDamage" style="all: unset">BotBastionArtilleryDamage</a> | |
| 2 | <a name="BotBastionRespawn" style="all: unset">BotBastionRespawn</a> | |
| 3 | <a name="GateProgressBarColor" style="all: unset">GateProgressBarColor</a> | |
| 4 | <a name="BotZenyattaRespawn" style="all: unset">BotZenyattaRespawn</a> | |
| 5 | <a name="BotWidowRespawn" style="all: unset">BotWidowRespawn</a> | |
| 6 | <a name="BotBallRespawn" style="all: unset">BotBallRespawn</a> | |
| 7 | <a name="GameLogicAddNextHeroInGame" style="all: unset">GameLogicAddNextHeroInGame</a> | |
| 8 | <a name="BotOrisaRespawn" style="all: unset">BotOrisaRespawn</a> | |
| 9 | <a name="BotLandingFromSky" style="all: unset">BotLandingFromSky</a> | |
| 10 | <a name="BotEchoRespawn" style="all: unset">BotEchoRespawn</a> | |
| 11 | <a name="BotEchoDetachPlayer" style="all: unset">BotEchoDetachPlayer</a> | |
| 12 | <a name="BotEchoFlyToPlayer" style="all: unset">BotEchoFlyToPlayer</a> | |
| 13 | <a name="BotEchoFlyToPortal" style="all: unset">BotEchoFlyToPortal</a> | |
| 14 | <a name="GameLogicSetBotProperties" style="all: unset">GameLogicSetBotProperties</a> | |
| 15 | <a name="DisablePlayer" style="all: unset">DisablePlayer</a> | |
| 16 | <a name="BotAppearFromUnderground" style="all: unset">BotAppearFromUnderground</a> | |
| 17 | <a name="BotReinRespawn" style="all: unset">BotReinRespawn</a> | |
| 18 | <a name="PlayerInit" style="all: unset">PlayerInit</a> | |
| 19 | <a name="BotInit" style="all: unset">BotInit</a> | |
| 20 | <a name="PlayerRespawn" style="all: unset">PlayerRespawn</a> | |
| 21 | <a name="BotRespawn" style="all: unset">BotRespawn</a> | |
| 22 | <a name="BotWidowBadStatus" style="all: unset">BotWidowBadStatus</a> | |
| 23 | <a name="GameLogicWave0" style="all: unset">GameLogicWave0</a> | |
| 24 | <a name="Refund" style="all: unset">Refund</a> | |
| 25 | <a name="EnablePlayer" style="all: unset">EnablePlayer</a> | |
| 26 | <a name="GateRepair" style="all: unset">GateRepair</a> | |
| 27 | <a name="CancelMomentum" style="all: unset">CancelMomentum</a> | |
| 28 | <a name="UpdateDamage" style="all: unset">UpdateDamage</a> | |
| 124 | <a name="BotStartPathFinding" style="all: unset">BotStartPathFinding</a> | |
| 125 | <a name="BotGetClosestNodeIdToTarget" style="all: unset">BotGetClosestNodeIdToTarget</a> | |
| 126 | <a name="BotGetNextNodeIdAndPosition" style="all: unset">BotGetNextNodeIdAndPosition</a> | |
| 127 | <a name="BotResetPathFinding" style="all: unset">BotResetPathFinding</a> | |

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
-> Reduced hammond speed
-> Increased manual repair amount if 4 players in team 1
-> deactivated spectators
-> Reduced amount of Zens in team 2
-> Added new workshop setting: Money Multiplicator
-> Increased money on kill by 5 for the following enemies:
-> Zenyatta
-> Reinhardt
-> Wrecking Ball
-> Widowmaker
-> Widow can't shoot right after teleporting
-> Reduced amount of needed Echo & Boss kills from 10 to 5
-> Fixed Mercy rez respawn position
-> Game now starts after 1 Player pressed Interact
-> Changed the notification of the unlocked optional ending from a big message to a hud text, that stays for 3 seconds
-> Decreased money on kill by 5 for reinhardt and zenyatta
-> Damage and health of all enemies increases all 5 + 10 Minutes (means all 10 minutes it actually increases twice)
-> Made widow shoot faster again
-> Added a circle at the spawn where you can change your hero anytime by pressing Interact
-> Fixed Huds being added when player switches hero using the circle at spawn
-> Fixed player spawn position when player switches hero using the circle at the spawn
-> refactor variable/rule names and case
-> fix hero switch station
-> fix condition for exfiltration
-> move spawn and hero switch station inside castle
-> fix mercy rez teleporting to spawn
-> change team challenge values
-> remove some disabled rules
-> merge rules with similar conditions
-> refactor repair rules
-> remove old "story heroes" from original mode
-> remove/merge old debug rules
-> rearrange and fix max ammo challenges
-> show current challengeCount in HUD
-> actually finally fix mercy rezz
-> remove "rein boss wave" messages
-> fix zen boss not giving more zen kills
-> removed all disabled rules/actions/conditions
-> merged all Player Dealt Damage/Healing rules
-> increased waits
This update is supposed to improve the performance.
Actual changes coming with the next update
-> make players in shop not being attacked
-> fix sombra being attacked while invis
-> remove most small/big messages
-> change effect visibility to team 1 only
-> add actual vote to start the mode
-> remove boss timer
-> allow echo to repair when duplicating rein
-> fix some effect bugs
-> add fixes i prepared ages ago
-> remove rein cancel (obsolete in ow2)

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff