.. | ||
old_versions | ||
README.md | ||
changelog | ||
customGameSettings.lobby | ||
latest.ostw | ||
latest.ow |
Position | Variable | Description |
0 | gatePosition | Defines the position of the gate |
1 | zenSpawnPositions2 | Counter used for increasing the possible spawn positions over time |
3 | loopIterator | Used as counter for the current iteration of a loop |
4 | bigBossSpawnPositions2 | Defines the possible spawn positions for Orisa |
5 | playerSpawnPositions2 | Defines the possible spawn positions for players |
6 | gateHealthChase | Variable being chased in order to show the gate health bar |
7 | gateHealth | Current gate health |
8 | gateMaxHealth | Max gate health |
9 | gateProgressBarColorCurrent | Contains the current color the gate health bar is supposed to have |
10 | gateProgressBarColorComponent | Used to calculate the gateProgressBarColorCurrent |
11 | gateHealthEvent | Contains the amount of health the gate has on the last event |
12 | bastionTargetPositions1 | Defines target positions for Bastion |
13 | sniperPositions2 | Defines spawn Positions for Widowmaker |
14 | ballSpawnPositions2 | Defines spawn Positions for Wreckingball |
15 | zenRespawnTime | Defines Zenyattas respawn time |
16 | timeSeconds | Contains the seconds part of the match timer |
17 | timeMinutes | Contains the minutes part of the match timer |
18 | defaultCurrentBot | Contains the bot that will be destroyed/replaced next Might be renamed soon |
19 | defaultHeroBotsPool | Defines the heroes being played by ai Code around this could need some serious rework Hukuta left us with a bunch of seriously unnecessary complexity |
20 | defaultHeroBotsPoolCurrentId | This is pretty much just an iteration counter for defaultHeroBotsPool |
21 | isDebug | Determines if the debug mode is active |
22 | botOrisaParent | Contains the current Orisa Dummy |
24 | botOrisaChild | Contains the current Bastion Dummy being stuck onto botOrisaParent |
25 | gateRepairPosition | Defines the position you have to look at when trying to repair the gate |
26 | botOrisaTargetPosition1 | Defines the target position for Orisa |
27 | botEchoRespawnPosition2 | Defines the spawn/portal position for Echo |
28 | botEchoTeleportPositions | Defines the player teleport positions for Echo |
29 | upgradeGateMaxHealthValue3 | Contains the current amount of repaired gate health |
30 | upgradeGateMaxHealthHudId3 | Contains the challenge HUD |
31 | upgradePlayerMaxHealthValue3 | Contains the current amount of healed player health |
32 | upgradePlayerMaxHealthHudId3 | Contains the challenge HUD |
33 | upgradeCriticalDamageValue3 | Contains the current amount Widowmaker/Echo kills |
34 | upgradeCriticalDamageHudId3 | Contains the challenge HUD |
35 | upgradeMaxAmmoValue3 | Contains the current amount of Zenyatta kills |
36 | upgradeMaxAmmoHudId3 | Contains the challenge HUD |
37 | upgradeMaxAmmoMaxValue3 | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
38 | upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue3 | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
39 | upgradePlayerMaxHealthMaxValue3 | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
40 | upgradeGateMaxHealthMaxValue3 | Contains the value needed to finish the challenge |
41 | damageBoost | Contains the damage % that is being put on top of the base damage |
42 | isDebugAINavigation | |
43 | gameLogicCountOfUniqueHeroes | |
44 | isNewWaveGameLogicProcessing | |
45 | automaticRepair | |
46 | upgradePerkSharpshooterValue | |
47 | perk | |
48 | maxHealthDone | |
49 | startMoney | |
50 | time5Minutes | |
51 | selfNanoWorkshopSetting | |
52 | shopCamPosition | |
53 | shopBasePosition | |
54 | shopPositionAngle | |
55 | activeBoss | |
57 | bossRotation | |
58 | lastBoss | |
59 | time10Minutes | |
60 | moneyMultiplier | |
61 | challengeCount | |
62 | upgradeBossHealthValue | |
63 | globalHUDs | |
64 | baseStats | |
112 | allPositions | |
113 | allDirections | |
114 | firstPosition | |
115 | secondPosition | |
116 | firstPoint | |
117 | secondPoint | |
118 | second | |
119 | z | |
120 | wallId | |
121 | showWalls | |
122 | isGrounded | |
123 | beamType | |
125 | nodePositions | |
126 | nodeConnections | |
127 | distanceMatrix |
1: Target position variables can pretty much be merged
2: Spawn position variables can pretty much be merged
3: upgrade* variables can be merged into one
Position | Variable | Description |
0 | BotBastionArtilleryDamage | |
2 | BotBastionRespawn | |
3 | GateProgressBarColor | |
4 | BotZenyattaRespawn | |
5 | BotWidowRespawn | |
6 | BotBallRespawn | |
7 | GameLogicAddNextHeroInGame | |
8 | BotOrisaRespawn | |
9 | BotLandingFromSky | |
10 | BotEchoRespawn | |
11 | BotEchoDetachPlayer | |
12 | BotEchoFlyToPlayer | |
13 | BotEchoFlyToPortal | |
14 | GameLogicSetBotProperties | |
15 | DisablePlayer | |
16 | BotAppearFromUnderground | |
17 | BotReinRespawn | |
18 | PlayerInit | |
19 | BotInit | |
20 | PlayerRespawn | |
21 | BotRespawn | |
22 | BotWidowBadStatus | |
23 | GameLogicWave0 | |
24 | Refund | |
25 | EnablePlayer | |
26 | GateRepair | |
27 | CancelMomentum | |
28 | UpdateDamage | |
124 | BotStartPathFinding | |
125 | BotGetClosestNodeIdToTarget | |
126 | BotGetNextNodeIdAndPosition | |
127 | BotResetPathFinding |