192 lines
5.6 KiB
192 lines
5.6 KiB
// Compressed file archive interface
// File_Extractor 1.0.0
#include "blargg_common.h"
#include "Data_Reader.h"
#include "fex.h"
struct fex_t : private Data_Reader {
virtual ~fex_t();
// Open/close
// Opens archive from custom data source. Keeps pointer until close().
blargg_err_t open( File_Reader* input, const char* path = NULL );
// Takes ownership of File_Reader* passed to open(), so that close()
// will delete it.
void own_file() { own_file_ = reader_; }
// See fex.h
blargg_err_t open( const char path [] );
fex_type_t type() const { return type_; }
void close();
// Scanning
// See fex.h
bool done() const { return done_; }
blargg_err_t next();
blargg_err_t rewind();
fex_pos_t tell_arc() const;
blargg_err_t seek_arc( fex_pos_t );
// Info
// See fex.h
const char* name() const { return name_; }
const wchar_t* wname() const { return wname_; }
blargg_err_t stat();
int size() const { assert( stat_called ); return size_; }
unsigned int dos_date() const { return date_; }
unsigned int crc32() const { return crc32_; }
// Extraction
// Data_Reader to current file's data, so standard Data_Reader interface can
// be used, rather than having to treat archives specially. stat() must have
// been called.
Data_Reader& reader() { assert( stat_called ); return *this; }
// See fex.h
blargg_err_t data( const void** data_out );
int tell() const { return size_ - remain(); }
// Derived interface
// Sets type of object
fex_t( fex_type_t );
// Path to archive file, or "" if none supplied
const char* arc_path() const { return path_.begin(); }
// Opens archive file if it's not already. If unbuffered is true, opens file
// without any buffering.
blargg_err_t open_arc_file( bool unbuffered = false );
// Archive file
File_Reader& arc() const { return *reader_; }
// Sets current file name
void set_name( const char name [], const wchar_t* wname = NULL );
// Sets current file information
void set_info( int size, unsigned date = 0, unsigned crc = 0 );
// User overrides
// Overrides must do indicated task. Non-pure functions have reasonable default
// implementation. Overrides should avoid calling public functions like
// next() and rewind().
// Open archive using file_path(). OK to delay actual file opening until later.
// Default just calls open_arc_file(), then open_v().
virtual blargg_err_t open_path_v();
// Open archive using file() for source data. If unsupported, return error.
virtual blargg_err_t open_v() BLARGG_PURE( ; )
// Go to next file in archive and call set_name() and optionally set_info()
virtual blargg_err_t next_v() BLARGG_PURE( ; )
// Go back to first file in archive
virtual blargg_err_t rewind_v() BLARGG_PURE( ; )
// Close archive. Called even if open_path_v() or open_v() return unsuccessfully.
virtual void close_v() BLARGG_PURE( ; )
// Clear any fields related to current file
virtual void clear_file_v() { }
// Call set_info() if not already called by next_v()
virtual blargg_err_t stat_v() { return blargg_ok; }
// Return value that allows later return to this file. Result must be >= 0.
virtual fex_pos_t tell_arc_v() const;
// Return to previously saved position
virtual blargg_err_t seek_arc_v( fex_pos_t );
// One or both of the following must be overridden
// Provide pointer to data for current file in archive
virtual blargg_err_t data_v( const void** out );
// Extract next n bytes
virtual blargg_err_t extract_v( void* out, int n );
// Implementation
fex_type_t const type_;
// Archive file
blargg_vector<char> path_;
File_Reader* reader_;
File_Reader* own_file_;
bool opened_;
// Position in archive
fex_pos_t tell_; // only used by default implementation of tell/seek
bool done_;
// Info for current file in archive
const char* name_;
const wchar_t* wname_;
unsigned date_;
unsigned crc32_;
int size_;
bool stat_called;
// Current file contents
void const* data_ptr_; // NULL if not read into memory
blargg_vector<char> own_data_;
bool opened() const { return opened_; }
void clear_file();
void close_();
blargg_err_t set_path( const char* path );
blargg_err_t rewind_file();
blargg_err_t next_();
// Data_Reader overrides
// TODO: override skip_v?
virtual blargg_err_t read_v( void* out, int n );
struct fex_type_t_
const char* extension;
File_Extractor* (*new_fex)();
const char* name;
blargg_err_t (*init)(); // Called by fex_init(). Can be NULL.
extern const fex_type_t_
fex_7z_type [1],
fex_gz_type [1],
fex_rar_type [1],
fex_zip_type [1],
fex_bin_type [1];
inline blargg_err_t File_Extractor::open_v() { return blargg_ok; }
inline blargg_err_t File_Extractor::next_v() { return blargg_ok; }
inline blargg_err_t File_Extractor::rewind_v() { return blargg_ok; }
inline void File_Extractor::close_v() { }
// Default to Std_File_Reader for archive access
#define FEX_FILE_READER Std_File_Reader