Improve powershell notes in the dev manual.
I now know some things better about powershell. Signed-off-by: Rafael Kitover <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -196,10 +196,6 @@ For calling Windows APIs with strings, use the wide char `W` variants and the
### Windows Native Development Environment Setup
### Windows Native Development Environment Setup
Install Visual Studio 2019:
You just want the core and C++ packages.
Install the chocolatey package manager:
Install the chocolatey package manager:
- Press Win+X and open Windows PowerShell (administrator).
- Press Win+X and open Windows PowerShell (administrator).
@ -215,101 +211,58 @@ Close the administrator PowerShell window and open it again.
Install some chocolatey packages:
Install some chocolatey packages:
choco install ag dejavufonts git gpg4win hackfont microsoft-windows-terminal poshgit powershell-preview vim-tux zip unzip notepadplusplus openssh diffutils
choco install -y visualstudio2019community visualstudio2019-workload-nativedesktop ag dejavufonts git gpg4win hackfont microsoft-windows-terminal powershell-preview vim-tux zip unzip notepadplusplus openssh diffutils neovim
Launch the terminal and choose Settings from the tab drop-down, this will open
Launch the terminal and choose Settings from the tab drop-down, this will open
the settings json in visual studio.
the settings json in visual studio.
Add the Tango Dark Theme to the theme section:
Change the powershell (and not the "windows powershell") profile like so:
"background": "#000000",
"name": "PowerShell",
"black": "#000000",
"source": "Windows.Terminal.PowershellCore",
"blue": "#3465a4",
// If you want a background image, set the path here:
"brightBlack": "#555753",
//"backgroundImage": "file://c:/users/rkitover/Pictures/wallpapers/wallhaven-01ge81.jpg",
"brightBlue": "#729fcf",
"backgroundImageOpacity": 0.32,
"brightCyan": "#34e2e2",
"backgroundImageStretchMode": "uniformToFill",
"brightGreen": "#8ae234",
"fontFace": "Hack",
"brightPurple": "#ad7fa8",
"fontSize": 10,
"brightRed": "#ef2929",
"colorScheme": "Tango Dark",
"brightWhite": "#eeeeec",
"cursorShape": "filledBox"
"brightYellow": "#fce94f",
"cyan": "#06989a",
"foreground": "#d3d7cf",
"green": "#4e9a06",
"name": "Tango Dark",
"purple": "#75507b",
"red": "#cc0000",
"white": "#d3d7cf",
"yellow": "#c4a000"
Change the powershell profile like so:
Make sure it is set as the default profile.
You can use tab shortcuts to get a sort of tmux for powershell, using the same
bindings as kitty, add this to the "keybindings" section:
"acrylicOpacity": 0.5,
"command" : "newTab",
"closeOnExit": true,
"keys" :
"colorScheme": "Tango Dark",
"commandline": "C:\\Program Files\\PowerShell\\7-preview\\pwsh.exe",
"cursorColor": "#FFFFFF",
"cursorShape": "filledBox",
"fontFace": "Hack",
"fontSize": 10,
"command" : "nextTab",
"guid": "{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}",
"keys" :
"historySize": 30001,
"icon": "ms-appx:///ProfileIcons/{574e775e-4f2a-5b96-ac1e-a2962a402336}.png",
"backgroundImage": "ms-appdata:///roaming/wallhaven-127481.jpg",
"backgroundImageOpacity": 0.32,
"backgroundImageStretchMode": "uniformToFill",
"name": "PowerShell Core",
"command" : "prevTab",
"padding": "0, 0, 0, 0",
"keys" :
"snapOnInput": true,
"startingDirectory": "%USERPROFILE%",
"useAcrylic": false
Notice I have a background image, if you want to install one, follow this
Change the settings for the tab shortcuts if you want, I use the same config as
"command" : "newTab",
"keys" :
"command" : "nextTab",
"keys" :
"command" : "prevTab",
"keys" :
This works kind of like a tmux for powershell!
The keys to copy a mouse selection are `Ctrl-Shift-C` like in kitty, to paste
Now add some useful things to your powershell profile:
Now add some useful things to your powershell profile:
@ -318,92 +271,107 @@ Run:
notepad++ $profile
notepad++ $profile
Here's mine, most importantly the Visual Studio environment setup:
(or vim.)
Here's mine, most importantly the Visual Studio environment setup.
If you use my posh-git prompt, you'll need the git version of posh-git:
mkdir ~/source/repos
cd ~/source/repos
git clone
Alternately install "poshgit" from chocolatey.
chcp 65001 > $null
chcp 65001 > $null
Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope CurrentUser RemoteSigned
set-executionpolicy -scope currentuser remotesigned
Set-Culture en-US
set-culture en-US
$env:EDITOR = 'C:/Program\ Files/Vim/vim82/vim.exe'
ri env:TERM
$env:VBAM_NO_PAUSE = 1
$env:EDITOR = 'c:/tools/neovim/neovim/bin/nvim.exe'
set-alias -name vim -val /tools/neovim/neovim/bin/nvim
function megs {
function megs {
ls $args | select Name, @{Name="MegaBytes"; Expression={$_.Length / 1MB}}
gci $args | select mode, lastwritetime, @{name="MegaBytes"; expression = { [math]::round($_.length / 1MB, 2) }}, name
function cmconf {
function cmconf {
function sudo {
function pgrep {
ssh localhost $args
get-ciminstance win32_process -filter "name like '%$($args[0])%' OR commandline like '%$($args[0])%'" | select processid, name, commandline
Set-Alias -name notepad -val "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe"
function pkill {
Set-Alias -name which -val Get-Command
pgrep $args | select processid | stop-process
Set-Alias -name grep -val ag
function taskslog {
get-winevent 'Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational'
set-alias -name notepad -val '/program files/notepad++/notepad++'
set-alias -name which -val get-command
set-alias -name grep -val ag
# For vimdiff etc., install diffutils from choco.
# For vimdiff etc., install diffutils from choco.
if (Test-Path Alias:diff) {
if (test-path alias:diff) { remove-item -force alias:diff }
Remove-Item Alias:diff -force
# Load VS env only once.
# Load VS env only once.
if (-not $env:VSCMD_VER) {
if (-not $env:VSCMD_VER) {
pushd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build"
pushd '/program files (x86)/microsoft visual studio/2019/community/vc/auxiliary/build'
cmd /c "vcvars64.bat & set" | where { $_ -match '=' } | %{
cmd /c 'vcvars64.bat & set' | where { $_ -match '=' } | %{
$v = $_.split('=')
$var,$val = $_.split('=')
Set-Item -Force -Path ("ENV:"+$v[0]) -Value $v[1]
set-item -force "env:$var" -value $val
# Chocolatey profile
# Chocolatey profile
$ChocolateyProfile = "$env:ChocolateyInstall\helpers\chocolateyProfile.psm1"
$chocolatey_profile = "$env:chocolateyinstall\helpers\chocolateyprofile.psm1"
if (Test-Path($ChocolateyProfile)) {
Import-Module "$ChocolateyProfile"
if (test-path $chocolatey_profile) { import-module $chocolatey_profile }
import-module ~/source/repos/posh-git/src/posh-git.psd1
function global:PromptWriteErrorInfo() {
if ($global:gitpromptvalues.dollarquestion) {
else {
Import-Module 'C:\tools\poshgit\dahlbyk-posh-git-9bda399\src\posh-git.psd1'
$gitpromptsettings.defaultpromptabbreviatehomedirectory = $true
Import-Module PSReadLine
$gitpromptsettings.defaultpromptprefix.text = '$(PromptWriteErrorInfo) '
$HistoryFilePath = Join-Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('UserProfile')) .ps_history
$gitpromptsettings.defaultpromptwritestatusfirst = $false
$gitpromptsettings.defaultpromptbeforesuffix.text = "`n$env:USERNAME@$env:COMPUTERNAME "
$gitpromptsettings.defaultpromptbeforesuffix.foregroundcolor = 0x87CEFA
$gitpromptsettings.defaultpromptsuffix.foregroundcolor = 0xDC143C
Register-EngineEvent PowerShell.Exiting -Action { Get-History | Export-Clixml $HistoryFilePath } | out-null
import-module psreadline
if (Test-path $HistoryFilePath) { Import-Clixml $HistoryFilePath | Add-History }
if (-not (test-path ~/.ps_history)) {
new-item -itemtype file ~/.ps_history
Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs
register-engineevent powershell.exiting -action { get-history | export-clixml ~/.ps_history } | out-null
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -Function HistorySearchBackward
import-clixml ~/.ps_history | add-history *> $null
Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key DownArrow -Function HistorySearchForward
set-psreadlineoption -editmode emacs
set-psreadlinekeyhandler -key tab -function tabcompletenext
set-psreadlinekeyhandler -key uparrow -function historysearchbackward
You may want to add an alias for your favorite editor.
set-psreadlinekeyhandler -key downarrow -function historysearchforward
Relaunch the terminal.
Add the powershell community extensions, to get a port of less and some other goodies:
Find-Package pscx | Install-Package -Force -Scope CurrentUser -AllowClobber
and restart your shell.
Unrelated, but to get the up/down arrow history search behavior in bash, add
the following to your `~/.inputrc`:
## arrow up
## arrow down
To set notepad++ as the git commit editor, run this command:
To set notepad++ as the git commit editor, run this command:
@ -451,13 +419,6 @@ if (has('win32') || has('gui_win32')) && executable('pwsh')
To use neovim instead of vim, install the neovim chocolatey package and use this $profile setup:
$env:EDITOR = 'C:/tools/neovim/Neovim/bin/nvim.exe'
Set-Alias -name vim -val nvim
To use gvim instead of console vim, you could try this `$profile` set up:
To use gvim instead of console vim, you could try this `$profile` set up:
@ -484,11 +445,10 @@ endif
If you don't know how to use vim and want to learn, run `vimtutor`, it takes
If you don't know how to use vim and want to learn, run `vimtutor`, it takes
about half an hour.
about half an hour.
Now to set up gpg.
To set up gpg:
I recommend not using a passphrase so as not to deal with passphrase prompts,
I don't use a passphrase on my key, because gpg-agent constantly causes me
which are a huge pain and break both ssh and release automation. If you have a
grief, if you want to remove yours see:
passphrase and want to remove it see:
@ -504,8 +464,6 @@ Tell git to always sign commits:
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
git config --global commit.gpgsign true
Now your development/build environment is ready!
To set up ssh into your powershell environment, which allows doing builds
To set up ssh into your powershell environment, which allows doing builds
remotely etc., edit the registry as described here to set powershell-preview as
remotely etc., edit the registry as described here to set powershell-preview as
the default shell:
the default shell:
@ -533,6 +491,8 @@ For example:
alias | ag sort
alias | ag sort
The above $profile aliases grep to ag.
Powershell itself provides a nice way to do simple grep/sed operations:
Powershell itself provides a nice way to do simple grep/sed operations:
@ -544,35 +504,35 @@ cmd /c date /T | %{ $_ -replace '.*(\d\d)/(\d\d)/(\d\d\d\d).*','$3-$1-$2' }
For `ls -ltr` use:
For `ls -ltr` use:
ls | sort lastwritetime
gci | sort lastwritetime
You can use the `-Recurse` flag for `Get-ChildItem` (`ls`, `gci`) as a
You can use the `-Recurse` flag for `Get-ChildItem` (`ls`, `gci`) as a
substitute for `find`, e.g.:
substitute for `find`, e.g.:
ls -rec *.xrc
gci -rec *.xrc
Now combine this with the awesome powershell object pipeline to e.g. delete all
Now combine this with the awesome powershell object pipeline to e.g. delete all
vim undo files:
vim undo files:
ls -rec .*un~ | rm
gci -rec .*un~ | ri
You will notice that `Remove-Item` (`rm`) does not take multiple space
You will notice that `Remove-Item` (`rm, ri`) does not take multiple space
separated items, you must separate them by commas, eg.:
separated items, you must separate them by commas, eg.:
1..4 | %{ni foo$_; ni bar$_}
1..4 | %{ni foo$_; ni bar$_}
rm foo*, bar*
ri foo*, bar*
The equivalent of `rm -rf` to delete a directory is:
The equivalent of `rm -rf` to delete a directory is:
rm -rec -for dir
ri -rec -for dir
The best replacement for `sudo` is to set up the openssh server with the shell
The best replacement for `sudo` is to set up the openssh server with the shell
@ -580,11 +540,9 @@ in the registry pointing to powershell-preview, commands run over ssh are
elevated. For example:
elevated. For example:
ssh localhost choco upgrade all
ssh localhost choco upgrade -y all
the above `$profile` example has an alias for this.
It should not take you very long to learn enough basic usage for your dev
It should not take you very long to learn enough basic usage for your dev
workflow. There is a lot of good info on powershell out there on blogs and
workflow. There is a lot of good info on powershell out there on blogs and
stackoverflow/superuser etc..
stackoverflow/superuser etc..
Reference in New Issue