
1084 lines
31 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// SSSS tt lll lll
// SS SS tt ll ll
// SS tttttt eeee ll ll aaaa
// SSSS tt ee ee ll ll aa
// SS tt eeeeee ll ll aaaaa -- "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
// SS SS tt ee ll ll aa aa
// SSSS ttt eeeee llll llll aaaaa
// Copyright (c) 1995-2010 by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony
// and the Stella Team
// See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
// this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
// $Id$
#include "bspf.hxx"
#include "Array.hxx"
#include "System.hxx"
#include "FSNode.hxx"
#include "DiStella.hxx"
#include "Debugger.hxx"
#include "CpuDebug.hxx"
#include "OSystem.hxx"
#include "Settings.hxx"
#include "CartDebug.hxx"
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CartDebug::CartDebug(Debugger& dbg, Console& console, const OSystem& osystem)
: DebuggerSystem(dbg, console),
myLabelLength(5) // longest pre-defined label
// Zero-page RAM is always present
addRamArea(0x80, 128, 0, 0);
// Add extended RAM
const RamAreaList& areas = console.cartridge().ramAreas();
for(RamAreaList::const_iterator i = areas.begin(); i != areas.end(); ++i)
addRamArea(i->start, i->size, i->roffset, i->woffset);
// Create bank information for each potential bank, and an extra one for ZP RAM
uInt16 banksize =
!BSPF_equalsIgnoreCase(myConsole.cartridge().name(), "Cartridge2K") ? 4096 : 2048;
BankInfo info;
for(int i = 0; i < myConsole.cartridge().bankCount(); ++i)
info.size = banksize; // TODO - get this from Cart class
info.size = 128; // ZP RAM
// We know the address for the startup bank right now
addLabel("START", myDebugger.dpeek(0xfffc));
// Add system equates
for(uInt16 addr = 0x00; addr <= 0x0F; ++addr)
mySystemAddresses.insert(make_pair(ourTIAMnemonicR[addr], addr));
for(uInt16 addr = 0x00; addr <= 0x3F; ++addr)
mySystemAddresses.insert(make_pair(ourTIAMnemonicW[addr], addr));
for(uInt16 addr = 0x280; addr <= 0x297; ++addr)
mySystemAddresses.insert(make_pair(ourIOMnemonic[addr-0x280], addr));
// Add settings for Distella
DiStella::settings.gfx_format =
myOSystem.settings().getInt("gfxformat") == 16 ? kBASE_16 : kBASE_2;
DiStella::settings.show_addresses =
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
for(uInt32 i = 0; i < myBankInfo.size(); ++i)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void CartDebug::addRamArea(uInt16 start, uInt16 size,
uInt16 roffset, uInt16 woffset)
// First make sure this area isn't already present
for(uInt32 i = 0; i < myState.rport.size(); ++i)
if(myState.rport[i] == start + roffset ||
myState.wport[i] == start + woffset)
// Otherwise, add a new area
for(uInt32 i = 0; i < size; ++i)
myState.rport.push_back(i + start + roffset);
myState.wport.push_back(i + start + woffset);
myOldState.rport.push_back(i + start + roffset);
myOldState.wport.push_back(i + start + woffset);
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const DebuggerState& CartDebug::getState()
for(uInt32 i = 0; i < myState.rport.size(); ++i)
return myState;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void CartDebug::saveOldState()
for(uInt32 i = 0; i < myOldState.rport.size(); ++i)
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void CartDebug::triggerReadFromWritePort(uInt16 addr)
myRWPortAddress = addr;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int CartDebug::readFromWritePort()
uInt16 addr = myRWPortAddress;
myRWPortAddress = 0;
// A read from the write port occurs when the read is actually in the write
// port address space AND the last access was actually a read (the latter
// differentiates between reads that are normally part of a write cycle vs.
// ones that are illegal)
if(mySystem.m6502().lastReadAddress() &&
(mySystem.getPageAccessType(addr) & System::PA_WRITE) == System::PA_WRITE)
return addr;
return 0;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::toString()
string result;
char buf[128];
uInt32 bytesPerLine;
case kBASE_16:
case kBASE_10:
bytesPerLine = 0x10;
case kBASE_2:
bytesPerLine = 0x04;
return DebuggerParser::red("invalid base, this is a BUG");
const CartState& state = (CartState&) getState();
const CartState& oldstate = (CartState&) getOldState();
uInt32 curraddr = 0, bytesSoFar = 0;
for(uInt32 i = 0; i < state.ram.size(); i += bytesPerLine, bytesSoFar += bytesPerLine)
// We detect different 'pages' of RAM when the addresses jump by
// more than the number of bytes on the previous line, or when 256
// bytes have been previously output
if(state.rport[i] - curraddr > bytesPerLine || bytesSoFar >= 256)
sprintf(buf, "%04x: (rport = %04x, wport = %04x)\n",
state.rport[i], state.rport[i], state.wport[i]);
buf[2] = buf[3] = 'x';
result += DebuggerParser::red(buf);
bytesSoFar = 0;
curraddr = state.rport[i];
sprintf(buf, "%.2x: ", curraddr & 0x00ff);
result += buf;
for(uInt8 j = 0; j < bytesPerLine; ++j)
result += myDebugger.invIfChanged(state.ram[i+j], oldstate.ram[i+j]);
result += " ";
if(j == 0x07) result += " ";
result += "\n";
return result;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool CartDebug::disassemble(const string& resolvedata, bool force)
// Test current disassembly; don't re-disassemble if it hasn't changed
// Also check if the current PC is in the current list
bool bankChanged = myConsole.cartridge().bankChanged();
uInt16 PC = myDebugger.cpuDebug().pc();
int pcline = addressToLine(PC);
bool pcfound = (pcline != -1) && ((uInt32)pcline < myDisassembly.list.size()) &&
(myDisassembly.list[pcline].disasm[0] != '.');
bool pagedirty = (PC & 0x1000) ? mySystem.isPageDirty(0x1000, 0x1FFF) :
mySystem.isPageDirty(0x80, 0xFF);
bool changed = (force || bankChanged || !pcfound || pagedirty);
// Are we disassembling from ROM or ZP RAM?
BankInfo& info = (PC & 0x1000) ? myBankInfo[getBank()] :
// If the offset has changed, all old addresses must be 'converted'
// For example, if the list contains any $fxxx and the address space is now
// $bxxx, it must be changed
uInt16 offset = (PC - (PC % 0x1000));
AddressList& addresses = info.addressList;
for(list<uInt16>::iterator i = addresses.begin(); i != addresses.end(); ++i)
*i = (*i & 0xFFF) + offset;
// Only add addresses when absolutely necessary, to cut down on the
// work that Distella has to do
// Distella expects the addresses to be unique and in sorted order
if(bankChanged || !pcfound)
AddressList::iterator i;
for(i = addresses.begin(); i != addresses.end(); ++i)
if(PC < *i)
addresses.insert(i, PC);
else if(PC == *i) // already present
// Otherwise, add the item at the end
if(i == addresses.end())
// Check whether to use the 'resolvedata' functionality from Distella
if(resolvedata == "never")
fillDisassemblyList(info, false, PC);
else if(resolvedata == "always")
fillDisassemblyList(info, true, PC);
else // 'auto'
// First try with resolvedata on, then turn off if PC isn't found
if(!fillDisassemblyList(info, true, PC))
fillDisassemblyList(info, false, PC);
return changed;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool CartDebug::fillDisassemblyList(BankInfo& info, bool resolvedata, uInt16 search)
bool found = false;
myDisassembly.fieldwidth = 10 + myLabelLength;
DiStella distella(*this, myDisassembly.list, info, resolvedata);
// Parts of the disassembly will be accessed later in different ways
// We place those parts in separate maps, to speed up access
for(uInt32 i = 0; i < myDisassembly.list.size(); ++i)
const DisassemblyTag& tag = myDisassembly.list[i];
// Only addresses marked as 'CODE' can possibly be in the program counter
if(tag.type == CODE)
// Create a mapping from addresses to line numbers
myAddrToLineList.insert(make_pair(tag.address, i));
// Did we find the search value?
if(tag.address == search)
found = true;
return found;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int CartDebug::addressToLine(uInt16 address) const
map<uInt16, int>::const_iterator iter = myAddrToLineList.find(address);
return iter != myAddrToLineList.end() ? iter->second : -1;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::disassemble(uInt16 start, uInt16 lines) const
Disassembly disasm;
BankInfo info;
DiStella distella(*this, disasm.list, info, false);
// Fill the string with disassembled data
start &= 0xFFF;
ostringstream buffer;
// First find the lines in the range, and determine the longest string
uInt32 list_size = disasm.list.size();
uInt32 begin = list_size, end = 0, length = 0;
for(end = 0; end < list_size && lines > 0; ++end)
const CartDebug::DisassemblyTag& tag = disasm.list[end];
if((tag.address & 0xfff) >= start)
if(begin == list_size) begin = end;
length = BSPF_max(length, (uInt32)tag.disasm.length());
// Now output the disassembly, using as little space as possible
for(uInt32 i = begin; i < end; ++i)
const CartDebug::DisassemblyTag& tag = disasm.list[i];
buffer << uppercase << hex << setw(4) << setfill('0') << tag.address
<< ": " << tag.disasm << setw(length - tag.disasm.length() + 1)
<< setfill(' ') << " "
<< tag.ccount << " " << tag.bytes << endl;
return buffer.str();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool CartDebug::addDirective(CartDebug::DisasmType type,
uInt16 start, uInt16 end, int bank)
#define PRINT_TAG(tag) \
disasmTypeAsString(cerr, tag.type); \
cerr << ": start = " << tag.start << ", end = " << tag.end << endl;
#define PRINT_LIST(header) \
cerr << header << endl; \
for(DirectiveList::const_iterator d = list.begin(); d != list.end(); ++d) { \
PRINT_TAG((*d)); } \
cerr << endl;
if(end < start || start == 0 || end == 0)
return false;
if(bank < 0) // Do we want the current bank or ZP RAM?
bank = (myDebugger.cpuDebug().pc() & 0x1000) ? getBank() : myBankInfo.size()-1;
bank = BSPF_min(bank, bankCount());
BankInfo& info = myBankInfo[bank];
DirectiveList& list = info.directiveList;
DirectiveTag tag;
tag.type = type;
tag.start = start;
tag.end = end;
DirectiveList::iterator i;
// If the same directive and range is added, consider it a removal instead
for(i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)
if(i->type == tag.type && i->start == tag.start && i->end == tag.end)
return false;
// Otherwise, scan the list and make space for a 'smart' merge
// Note that there are 4 possibilities:
// 1: a range is completely inside the new range
// 2: a range is completely outside the new range
// 3: a range overlaps at the beginning of the new range
// 4: a range overlaps at the end of the new range
for(i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)
// Case 1: remove range that is completely inside new range
if(tag.start <= i->start && tag.end >= i->end)
i = list.erase(i);
// Case 2: split the old range
else if(tag.start >= i->start && tag.end <= i->end)
// Only split when necessary
if(tag.type == i->type)
return true; // node is fine as-is
// Create new endpoint
DirectiveTag tag2;
tag2.type = i->type;
tag2.start = tag.end + 1;
tag2.end = i->end;
// Modify startpoint
i->end = tag.start - 1;
// Insert new endpoint
list.insert(i, tag2);
break; // no need to go further; this is the insertion point
// Case 3: truncate end of old range
else if(tag.start >= i->start && tag.start <= i->end)
i->end = tag.start - 1;
// Case 4: truncate start of old range
else if(tag.end >= i->start && tag.end <= i->end)
i->start = tag.end + 1;
// We now know that the new range can be inserted without overlap
// Where possible, consecutive ranges should be merged rather than
// new nodes created
for(i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i)
if(tag.end < i->start) // node should be inserted *before* this one
bool createNode = true;
// Is the new range ending consecutive with the old range beginning?
// If so, a merge will suffice
if(i->type == tag.type && tag.end + 1 == i->start)
i->start = tag.start;
createNode = false; // a merge was done, so a new node isn't needed
// Can we also merge with the previous range (if any)?
if(i != list.begin())
DirectiveList::iterator p = i;
if(p->type == tag.type && p->end + 1 == tag.start)
if(createNode) // a merge with right-hand range didn't previously occur
p->end = tag.end;
createNode = false; // a merge was done, so a new node isn't needed
else // merge all three ranges
i->start = p->start;
i = list.erase(p);
createNode = false; // a merge was done, so a new node isn't needed
// Create the node only when necessary
i = list.insert(i, tag);
// Otherwise, add the tag at the end
if(i == list.end())
return true;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int CartDebug::getBank()
return myConsole.cartridge().bank();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int CartDebug::bankCount()
return myConsole.cartridge().bankCount();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::getCartType()
return myConsole.cartridge().name();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool CartDebug::addLabel(const string& label, uInt16 address)
// Only user-defined labels can be added or redefined
case ADDR_TIA:
return false;
myUserAddresses.insert(make_pair(label, address));
myUserLabels.insert(make_pair(address, label));
myLabelLength = BSPF_max(myLabelLength, (uInt16)label.size());
return true;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
bool CartDebug::removeLabel(const string& label)
// Only user-defined labels can be removed
LabelToAddr::iterator iter = myUserAddresses.find(label);
if(iter != myUserAddresses.end())
// Erase the label
// And also erase the address assigned to it
AddrToLabel::iterator iter2 = myUserLabels.find(iter->second);
if(iter2 != myUserLabels.end())
return true;
return false;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const string& CartDebug::getLabel(uInt16 addr, bool isRead, int places) const
static string result;
case ADDR_TIA:
return result =
(isRead ? ourTIAMnemonicR[addr&0x0f] : ourTIAMnemonicW[addr&0x3f]);
uInt16 idx = (addr&0xff) - 0x80;
if(idx < 24)
return result = ourIOMnemonic[idx];
case ADDR_RAM:
case ADDR_ROM:
// These addresses can never be in the system labels list
AddrToLabel::const_iterator iter;
if((iter = myUserLabels.find(addr)) != myUserLabels.end())
return iter->second;
if(places > -1)
ostringstream buf;
buf << "$" << setw(places) << hex << addr;
return result = buf.str();
return EmptyString;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int CartDebug::getAddress(const string& label) const
LabelToAddr::const_iterator iter;
if((iter = mySystemAddresses.find(label)) != mySystemAddresses.end())
return iter->second;
else if((iter = myUserAddresses.find(label)) != myUserAddresses.end())
return iter->second;
return -1;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::loadSymbolFile(string file)
// TODO - use similar load logic as loadconfig command
if(file == "")
file = myOSystem.romFile();
string::size_type spos;
if( (spos = file.find_last_of('.')) != string::npos )
file.replace(spos, file.size(), ".sym");
file += ".sym";
// TODO - rewrite this to use C++ streams
int pos = 0, lines = 0, curVal;
string curLabel;
char line[1024];
ifstream in(file.c_str());
return "Unable to read symbols from " + file;
while( !in.eof() )
curVal = 0;
curLabel = "";
int got = in.get();
if(got == -1 || got == '\r' || got == '\n' || pos == 1023) {
line[pos] = '\0';
pos = 0;
if(strlen(line) > 0 && line[0] != '-')
curLabel = extractLabel(line);
if((curVal = extractValue(line)) < 0)
return "invalid symbol file";
addLabel(curLabel, curVal);
line[pos++] = got;
return "loaded " + file + " OK";
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::loadConfigFile(string file)
FilesystemNode node(file);
if(file == "")
// There are three possible locations for loading config files
// (in order of decreasing relevance):
// 1) ROM dir based on properties entry name
// 2) ROM dir based on actual ROM name
// 3) CFG dir based on properties entry name
const string& propsname = + ".cfg";
// Case 1
FilesystemNode case1(FilesystemNode(myOSystem.romFile()).getParent().getPath() +
node = case1;
file = myOSystem.romFile();
string::size_type spos;
if((spos = file.find_last_of('.')) != string::npos )
file.replace(spos, file.size(), ".cfg");
file += ".cfg";
FilesystemNode case2(file);
node = case2;
else // Use global config file based on properties cart name
FilesystemNode case3(myOSystem.cfgDir() + propsname);
node = case3;
if(node.exists() && !node.isDirectory())
ifstream in(node.getPath().c_str());
return "Unable to load directives from " + node.getPath();
// Erase all previous directives
for(Common::Array<BankInfo>::iterator bi = myBankInfo.begin();
bi != myBankInfo.end(); ++bi)
int currentbank = 0;
// Skip leading space
int c = in.peek();
while(c == ' ' && c == '\t')
c = in.peek();
string line;
c = in.peek();
if(c == '/') // Comment, swallow line and continue
getline(in, line);
else if(c == '[')
getline(in, line, ']');
stringstream buf(line);
buf >> currentbank;
else // Should be commands from this point on
getline(in, line);
stringstream buf;
buf << line;
string directive;
uInt16 start = 0, end = 0;
buf >> directive;
if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(directive, "ORG"))
buf >> hex >> start;
// TODO - figure out what to do with this
else if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(directive, "SKIP"))
buf >> hex >> start;
buf >> hex >> end;
// addDirective(CartDebug::SKIP, start, end, currentbank);
else if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(directive, "CODE"))
buf >> hex >> start >> hex >> end;
addDirective(CartDebug::CODE, start, end, currentbank);
else if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(directive, "GFX"))
buf >> hex >> start >> hex >> end;
addDirective(CartDebug::GFX, start, end, currentbank);
else if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(directive, "DATA"))
buf >> hex >> start >> hex >> end;
addDirective(CartDebug::DATA, start, end, currentbank);
else if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(directive, "ROW"))
buf >> hex >> start;
buf >> hex >> end;
addDirective(CartDebug::ROW, start, end, currentbank);
return "loaded " + node.getRelativePath() + " OK";
return DebuggerParser::red("config file not found");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::saveConfigFile(string file)
FilesystemNode node(file);
const string& name =;
const string& md5 =;
if(file == "")
// There are two possible locations for saving config files
// (in order of decreasing relevance):
// 1) ROM dir based on properties entry name
// 2) ROM dir based on actual ROM name
// In either case, we're using the properties entry, since even ROMs that
// don't have a proper entry have a temporary one inserted by OSystem
node = FilesystemNode(FilesystemNode(
myOSystem.romFile()).getParent().getPath() + name + ".cfg");
ofstream out(node.getPath().c_str());
return "Unable to save directives to " + node.getPath();
// Store all bank information
out << "// \"" << name << "\"" << endl
<< "//MD5: " << md5 << endl
<< endl;
for(uInt32 b = 0; b < myConsole.cartridge().bankCount(); ++b)
out << "[" << b << "]" << endl;
getBankDirectives(out, myBankInfo[b]);
return "saved " + node.getRelativePath() + " OK";
return DebuggerParser::red("config file not found");
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::listConfig(int bank)
uInt32 startbank = 0, endbank = bankCount();
if(bank >= 0 && bank < bankCount())
startbank = bank;
endbank = startbank + 1;
ostringstream buf;
buf << "(items marked '*' are user-defined)" << endl;
for(uInt32 b = startbank; b < endbank; ++b)
BankInfo& info = myBankInfo[b];
buf << "[" << b << "]" << endl;
for(DirectiveList::const_iterator i = info.directiveList.begin();
i != info.directiveList.end(); ++i)
if(i->type != CartDebug::NONE)
buf << "(*) ";
disasmTypeAsString(buf, i->type);
buf << " " << HEX4 << i->start << " " << HEX4 << i->end << endl;
getBankDirectives(buf, info);
return buf.str();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::clearConfig(int bank)
uInt32 startbank = 0, endbank = bankCount();
if(bank >= 0 && bank < bankCount())
startbank = bank;
endbank = startbank + 1;
uInt32 count = 0;
for(uInt32 b = startbank; b < endbank; ++b)
count += myBankInfo[b].directiveList.size();
ostringstream buf;
if(count > 0)
buf << "removed " << dec << count << " directives from "
<< dec << (endbank - startbank) << " banks";
buf << "no directives present";
return buf.str();
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void CartDebug::getCompletions(const char* in, StringList& completions) const
// First scan system equates
for(uInt16 addr = 0x00; addr <= 0x0F; ++addr)
if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(ourTIAMnemonicR[addr], in))
for(uInt16 addr = 0x00; addr <= 0x3F; ++addr)
if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(ourTIAMnemonicW[addr], in))
for(uInt16 addr = 0; addr <= 0x297-0x280; ++addr)
if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(ourIOMnemonic[addr], in))
// Now scan user-defined labels
LabelToAddr::const_iterator iter;
for(iter = myUserAddresses.begin(); iter != myUserAddresses.end(); ++iter)
const char* l = iter->first.c_str();
if(BSPF_startsWithIgnoreCase(l, in))
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
CartDebug::AddrType CartDebug::addressType(uInt16 addr) const
// Determine the type of address to access the correct list
// These addresses were based on (and checked against) Kroko's 2600 memory
// map, found at
AddrType type = ADDR_ROM;
if(addr % 0x2000 < 0x1000)
uInt16 z = addr & 0x00ff;
if(z < 0x80)
type = ADDR_TIA;
switch(addr & 0x0f00)
case 0x000:
case 0x100:
case 0x400:
case 0x500:
case 0x800:
case 0x900:
case 0xc00:
case 0xd00:
type = ADDR_RAM;
case 0x200:
case 0x300:
case 0x600:
case 0x700:
case 0xa00:
case 0xb00:
case 0xe00:
case 0xf00:
type = ADDR_RIOT;
return type;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void CartDebug::getBankDirectives(ostream& buf, BankInfo& info) const
// Disassemble the bank, then scan it for an up-to-date description
DisassemblyList list;
DiStella distella(*this, list, info, true);
if(list.size() == 0)
// Start with the offset for this bank
buf << "ORG " << HEX4 << info.offset << endl;
DisasmType type = list[0].type;
uInt16 start = list[0].address, last = list[1].address;
if(start == 0) start = info.offset;
for(uInt32 i = 1; i < list.size(); ++i)
const DisassemblyTag& tag = list[i];
if(tag.type == CartDebug::NONE)
else if(tag.type != type) // new range has started
// If switching data ranges, make sure the endpoint is valid
// This is necessary because DATA sections don't always generate
// consecutive numbers/addresses for the range
last = tag.address - 1;
disasmTypeAsString(buf, type);
buf << " " << HEX4 << start << " " << HEX4 << last << endl;
type = tag.type;
start = last = tag.address;
last = tag.address;
// Grab the last directive, making sure it accounts for all remaining space
disasmTypeAsString(buf, type);
buf << " " << HEX4 << start << " " << HEX4 << (info.offset+info.end) << endl;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
void CartDebug::disasmTypeAsString(ostream& buf, DisasmType type) const
case CartDebug::SKIP: buf << "SKIP"; break;
case CartDebug::CODE: buf << "CODE"; break;
case CartDebug::GFX: buf << "GFX"; break;
case CartDebug::DATA: buf << "DATA"; break;
case CartDebug::ROW: buf << "ROW"; break;
default: break;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
string CartDebug::extractLabel(const char *c) const
string l = "";
while(*c != ' ')
l += *c++;
return l;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
int CartDebug::extractValue(const char *c) const
while(*c != ' ')
if(*c == '\0')
return -1;
while(*c == ' ')
if(*c == '\0')
return -1;
int ret = 0;
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
if(*c >= '0' && *c <= '9')
ret = (ret << 4) + (*c) - '0';
else if(*c >= 'a' && *c <= 'f')
ret = (ret << 4) + (*c) - 'a' + 10;
return -1;
return ret;
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const char* CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicR[16] = {
"INPT0", "INPT1", "INPT2", "INPT3", "INPT4", "INPT5", "$0E", "$0F"
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const char* CartDebug::ourTIAMnemonicW[64] = {
"COLUPF", "COLUBK", "CTRLPF", "REFP0", "REFP1", "PF0", "PF1", "PF2",
"RESP0", "RESP1", "RESM0", "RESM1", "RESBL", "AUDC0", "AUDC1", "AUDF0",
"AUDF1", "AUDV0", "AUDV1", "GRP0", "GRP1", "ENAM0", "ENAM1", "ENABL",
"HMP0", "HMP1", "HMM0", "HMM1", "HMBL", "VDELP0", "VDELP1", "VDELBL",
"RESMP0", "RESMP1", "HMOVE", "HMCLR", "CXCLR", "$2D", "$2E", "$2F",
"$30", "$31", "$32", "$33", "$34", "$35", "$36", "$37",
"$38", "$39", "$3A", "$3B", "$3C", "$3D", "$3E", "$3F"
// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
const char* CartDebug::ourIOMnemonic[24] = {
"SWCHA", "SWACNT", "SWCHB", "SWBCNT", "INTIM", "TIMINT", "$0286", "$0287",
"$0288", "$0289", "$028A", "$028B", "$028C", "$028D", "$028E", "$028F",
"$0290", "$0291", "$0292", "$0293", "TIM1T", "TIM8T", "TIM64T", "T1024T"