
175 lines
4.4 KiB
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2024-01-10 18:48:57 +00:00
#pragma once
#include <Nes_Emu.h>
#include <Nes_State.h>
#include <utils.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <utils.hpp>
#define _LOW_MEM_SIZE 0x800
#define _HIGH_MEM_SIZE 0x2000
class EmuInstance
typedef uint8_t inputType;
EmuInstance(const std::string& romFilePath, const std::string& stateFilePath)
// Creating new emulator
_nes = new Nes_Emu;
// Loading ROM
std::string romData;
loadStringFromFile(romData, romFilePath.c_str());
Mem_File_Reader romReader(romData.data(), (int)romData.size());
Auto_File_Reader romFile(romReader);
auto result = _nes->load_ines(romFile);
if (result != 0) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Could not initialize emulator with rom file: %s\n", romFilePath.c_str());
// Setting base memory pointers
_baseMem = _nes->low_mem();
_ppuNameTableMem = _nes->nametable_mem();
_highMem = _nes->high_mem();
// Getting state size to use
_stateSize = getStateSizeImpl();
// Loading state file, if specified
if (stateFilePath != "") loadStateFile(stateFilePath);
void loadStateFile(const std::string& stateFilePath)
// Loading state data
std::string stateData;
if (loadStringFromFile(stateData, stateFilePath.c_str()) == false) EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Could not find/read state file: %s\n", stateFilePath.c_str());
Mem_File_Reader stateReader(stateData.data(), (int)stateData.size());
Auto_File_Reader stateFile(stateReader);
// Loading state data into state object
Nes_State state;
// Loading state object into the emulator
inline size_t getStateSize() const { return _stateSize; }
void saveStateFile(const std::string& stateFilePath) const
std::string stateData;
saveStringToFile(stateData, stateFilePath.c_str());
void serializeState(uint8_t* state) const
Mem_Writer w(state, _stateSize, 0);
Auto_File_Writer a(w);
void deserializeState(const uint8_t* state)
Mem_File_Reader r(state, _stateSize);
Auto_File_Reader a(r);
// Controller input bits
// 0 - A / 1
// 1 - B / 2
// 2 - Select / 4
// 3 - Start / 8
// 4 - Up / 16
// 5 - Down / 32
// 6 - Left / 64
// 7 - Right / 128
// Move Format:
// ........
static inline inputType moveStringToCode(const std::string& move)
inputType moveCode = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < move.size(); i++) switch(move[i])
case 'U': moveCode |= 0b00010000; break;
case 'D': moveCode |= 0b00100000; break;
case 'L': moveCode |= 0b01000000; break;
case 'R': moveCode |= 0b10000000; break;
case 'S': moveCode |= 0b00001000; break;
case 's': moveCode |= 0b00000100; break;
case 'B': moveCode |= 0b00000010; break;
case 'A': moveCode |= 0b00000001; break;
case '.': break;
case '|': break;
default: EXIT_WITH_ERROR("Move provided cannot be parsed: '%s', unrecognized character: '%c'\n", move.c_str(), move[i]);
return moveCode;
static inline std::string moveCodeToString(const inputType move)
#ifndef _NES_PLAYER_2
std::string moveString = "|..|";
std::string moveString = "|..|........|";
if (move & 0b00010000) moveString += 'U'; else moveString += '.';
if (move & 0b00100000) moveString += 'D'; else moveString += '.';
if (move & 0b01000000) moveString += 'L'; else moveString += '.';
if (move & 0b10000000) moveString += 'R'; else moveString += '.';
if (move & 0b00001000) moveString += 'S'; else moveString += '.';
if (move & 0b00000100) moveString += 's'; else moveString += '.';
if (move & 0b00000010) moveString += 'B'; else moveString += '.';
if (move & 0b00000001) moveString += 'A'; else moveString += '.';
moveString += "|";
return moveString;
void advanceState(const std::string& move)
advanceState(moveStringToCode(move), 0);
void advanceState(const inputType controller1, const inputType controller2)
_nes->emulate_frame(controller1, controller2);
Nes_Emu* getInternalEmulator() const { return _nes; }
inline size_t getStateSizeImpl() const
// Using dry writer to just obtain the state size
Dry_Writer w;
Auto_File_Writer a(w);
return w.size();
// Emulator instance
Nes_Emu* _nes;
// Base low-memory pointer
uint8_t* _baseMem;
uint8_t* _ppuNameTableMem;
uint8_t* _highMem;
// State size for the given rom
size_t _stateSize;