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# Project64 - Nintendo 64 Emulator
Project64 is a free and open-source emulator for the Nintendo 64 and Nintendo 64 Disk Drive written in C++ currently for Windows (planned support for other platforms in the future).
## System Requirements
* Operating System
* Windows XP and later
* Intel or AMD processor with at least SSE2 support
* 512MB or more
* Graphics card
* DirectX 8 capable (Jabo's Direct3D8)
* OpenGL 1.1 capable (Project64 Video)
* OpenGL 3.3 capable (GLideN64)
### Stable Builds
Installer for the latest stable release: https://www.pj64-emu.com/windows-downloads
Follow the instructions in the setup window to complete the installation.
If you would like to see the changelog: [Changelog here](https://github.com/project64/project64/blob/develop/Docs/CHANGELOG.md)
Download nightly builds here: https://www.pj64-emu.com/nightly-builds
AppVeyor (Windows x86/x64): [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/project64/project64/branch/develop)
<sub>Note: x64 builds are **NOT** recommended for regular use. They are incomplete and very experimental. Due to this, x64 builds are currently _slower_ than 32-bit builds.</sub>
## Support
[**Join the official Project64 Discord server**](https://discord.gg/Cg3zquF) to seek help from Project64 developers, contributors, and the community! Please ask questions here first and see if you should open an issue.
### Compiling
Visual Studio Community 2015 or later
Load .sln project file and compile.
See the [BUILDING.md](https://github.com/project64/project64/blob/develop/Docs/BUILDING.md) file for details.
## Contributing
Please read [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/project64/project64/blob/develop/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md) before contributing, opening issues or pull requests, or for other contributions.
## Versioning
We use semantic versioning for Project64. For the versions available, see the [tags on this repository](https://github.com/project64/project64/tags).
## Author / Contributors
* **Zilmar** - *Current maintainer* - [Zilmar](https://github.com/project64)
* **Jabo** - *Previous contributor* - Jabo
* **Smiff** - *Previous contributor* - Smiff
* **Gent** - *Previous contributor* - Gent
See also the list of [contributors](https://github.com/project64/project64/contributors) who participated in this project.
## License
This project is licensed under the GPLv2 License - see the [LICENSE.md](https://github.com/project64/project64/blob/develop/license.md) file for details.