#1101# "Är du säker på att du vill nollställa genvägarna?\n\nDenna åtgärd går inte att ångra."
#1102# "Filmeny"
#1103# "Systemmeny"
#1104# "Alternativ"
#1105# "Sparningsplatser"
/*** Support window ***/
#1200# "Stöd Project64"
#1201# "Project64 är en fri Nintendo 64-emulator byggd på öppen källkod.\n\nDen låter dig spela riktiga N64-program på samma sätt som det skulle vara i den ursprunliga konsollen.\n\nJag är ledsen för att visa denna ruta men behöver be dig vänta några sekunder för att njuta av resultatet av hundratals timmars arbete.\n\nOm du kan och vill ge ditt stöd till Project64 eller att du har fått nytta av det så ge gärna ditt stöd till Project64 antingen som ett tack eller din önskan att ta bort denna ruta.\n\nOm du har gett ditt stöd till Project64:"
#1202# "Ange/begärd notifieringskod"
#1203# "Stöd Project64"
#1204# "Fortsätt"
#1205# "Ange supportkoden"
#1206# "Misslyckades med att validera koden\n\nFörsäkra dig om att koden i e-postmeddelandet matchar baserat på din maskin"
#1207# "Tack"
#1208# "Ange din supportkod"
#1209# "Ange koden som du fick i din e-post.\n\nE-postmeddelandet kommer att skickas till e-postadress som du använde för Project64.\n\nNotera att koden endast fungerar för en unik maskin. ID för denna dator är:"
#1210# "OK"
#1211# "Avbryt"
#1212# "Begär kod"
#1213# "Koden har skickats till dig via e-post"
#1214# "Misslyckades med att skicka koden. Försäkra dig om att din e-post är korrekt"
/*** Enhancements ***/
#1300# "Förbättringar"
/*** Messages ***/
#2000# "*** CPU PAUSAD ***"
#2001# "CPU återupptagen"
#2002# "I en permanent loop som inte kan avslutas.\nEmuleringen kommer nu att stoppas.\n\nVerifiera ROM och dess inställningar."
#2003# "Misslyckades att allokera minne"
#2004# "The default or selected video plugin is missing or invalid.\n\nYou need to go into Settings and select a video (graphics) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2005# "The default or selected audio plugin is missing or invalid.\n\nYou need to go into Settings and select a audio (sound) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2006# "The default or selected RSP plugin is missing or invalid.\n\nYou need to go into Settings and select a RSP (Reality Signal Processor) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2007# "The default or selected input plugin is missing or invalid.\n\nYou need to go into Settings and select an input (controller) plugin.\nCheck that you have at least one compatible plugin file in your plugin folder."
#2008# "Failed to load plugin:"
#2009# "Failed to load word.\n\nVerify ROM and its settings."
#2010# "Failed to open save file"
#2011# "Failed to open EEPROM"
#2012# "Failed to open flash RAM"
#2013# "Failed to open mempak"
#2014# "Attempt to open zip file failed.\n\nProbably a corrupt zip file - try unzipping ROM manually."
#2015# "Attempt to open file failed."
#2016# "Error occurred when trying to open zip file."
#2017# "File loaded does not appear to be a valid N64 ROM.\n\nVerify your ROMs with GoodN64."
#2023# "Executing from non-mapped space.\n\nVerify ROM and its settings."
#2024# "This saved state does not appear to match the running ROM.\n\nStates must be saved & loaded between 100% identical ROMs.\nIn particular, the REGION and VERSION need to be the same.\nLoading this state is likely to cause the game and/or emulator to crash.\n\nAre you sure you want to continue loading?"
#2026# "Copyright sequence not found in LUT. Game will no longer function."
#2027# "Copy Protection Failure"
#2028# "Changing a plugin requires Project64 to reset a running ROM.\nIf you don't want to lose your place, answer No and save the current state first.\n\nChange plugins and reset ROM now?"
#2029# "Change Plugins"
#2030# "Emulation ended"
#2031# "Emulation started"
#2032# "Kunde inte läsa in tillstånd"
#2033# "Läste in tillstånd"
#2034# "Saved current state to"
#2035# "State slot"
#2036# "Byte-swapping image"
#2037# "Väljer N64-avbildning"
#2038# "Läste in"
#2039# "Läser in avbildning"
#2040# "Cannot open a ROM because plugins have not successfully initialized."
#2041# "Är du säker på att du vill ta bort denna?"
#2042# "Ta bort fusk"
#2043# "Fusknamnet används redan."
#2044# "You have reached the maximum amount of cheats for this ROM."
#2045# "Plugin initializing"
#2046# "You have not selected a virtual key to assign to the menu item."
#2047# "You need to select a menu item to assign this key to."
#2048# "Short-cut has already been assigned to another menu item."
#2049# "No shortcut has been selected to be removed."
#2050# "ROM loaded. Waiting for emulation to start."
#2051# "Project64 beta versions are for members only.\n\nIf you have an account at www.pj64-emu.com, you should not be seeing this error!!\nPlease contact us on the site."
#2052# "Programfel"
#2053# "Failed to find filename in 7z file"
#2054# "Graphics Low-Level Emulation"
#2055# "Graphics LLE is not for general use!!!\nIt is advisable that you only use this for testing and not for playing games.\n\nChange to graphics LLE?"
#2056# "Audio High-Level Emulation"
#2057# "Audio HLE requires a third-party plugin!!!\nIf you do not use a third-party audio plugin that supports HLE, you will hear no sound.\n\nChange to audio HLE?"
#2058# "File loaded does not appear to be a valid 64DD IPL ROM.\n\nVerify your ROMs with GoodN64."
#2059# "Nintendo 64DD Japanese Retail IPL ROM not found.\nIt is required to play japanese region 64DD disk images.\n\nPlease select the required ROM in the Settings."
#2061# "Nintendo 64DD American Retail IPL ROM not found.\nIt is required to play american region 64DD disk images.\n\nPlease select the required ROM in the Settings."
#2062# "Nintendo 64DD Development IPL ROM not found.\nIt is required to play development 64DD disk images.\n\nPlease select the required ROM in the Settings."
#2063# "Failed to update cheat, it is invalid"
#2064# "Ogiltig fusk"
/*** Android ***/
#3000# "Inställningar"
#3001# "Hjälp/Forum"
#3002# "Rapportera fel"
#3003# "Om"
#3004# "Tidigare spelade"
#3005# "Spel"
#3006# "Spelkatalog"
#3007# "Välj en mapp att söka igenom"
#3008# "Inkludera underkataloger"
#3009# "Föräldramapp"
#3010# "Kataloger"
#3011# "Internt minne"
#3012# "Söker igenom..."
#3013# "OK"
#3014# "Avbryt"
#3015# "Information"
#3016# "Project64 för Android"
#3017# "Licens"
#3018# "Revision"
#3019# "Project64 för Android\u2122 är en portering av Windows-versionen av Project64. Android\u2122-versionen kan spela de flesta N64-spel."