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Mozilla Pontoon Self-Hosted Setup

Launching Pontoon Container

Follow the Developer Setup guide.

Prerequisites & Quickstart copy from 2024-09-13


  1. Install Docker <>_.

  2. Install Node.js 14 and npm 7 or later <>_.

  3. Install make <>_ using either your system's package manager (Linux) or Xcode command line developer tools (OSX). On Windows, you can use MozillaBuild <>_. Quickstart

  1. Clone the Pontoon repository <>_::

    $ git clone

    .. Note::

     To contribute changes to the project, you will need to
     `fork <>`_
     the repository under your own GitHub account.
  2. From the root of the repository, run::

    $ make build

    That will install Pontoon's JS dependencies, build the frontend packages, and build the server container.

    .. Note::

     If you want to share your development instance in your local network,
     set SITE_URL to bind the server to any address you like, e.g.
     ``make build SITE_URL=""``.
  3. Run the webapp::

    $ make run

    .. Note::

     The first time you run this, the PostgreSQL container needs to do
     some work before it becomes available to the server container. Hence,
     the server might not be able to perform things like migrations.
     You can simply wait for the postgresql container to report that it's
     ready, then abort the process, then restart it. That should let the
     server do all its setup as expected.
     Alternatively, you can run ``docker-compose up postgresql`` and wait
     until it reports that the database is ready, then stop that and run
     ``make run``.
  4. Finally, you need to run some setup steps, while the server is running::

    $ make setup

    This will ask you to create a superuser, and then will update your Firefox account settings.

The app should now be available at http://localhost:8000 or the custom SITE_URL.

And with that, you're ready to start :doc:contributing!

Adding You Project to Pontoon

Follow the Adding a new project to Pontoon guide

Copy from 2024-09-13

Adding a new project to Pontoon

When accessing your deployed app, your email address is your login in the Sign In page and your password is the one picked during setup. After you log in, access Pontoon Admin (/admin/), click ADD NEW PROJECT and fill out the following required fields:

  1. Name: name of the project to be displayed throughout Pontoon app. The following project names are reserved: Terminology, Tutorial, Pontoon Intro.
  2. Slug: used in URLs, will be generated automatically based on the Name.
  3. Locales: select at least one Localizable locale by clicking on it.
  4. Repository URL: enter your repository's SSH URL of the form
  5. Download prefix or path to TOML file: a URL prefix for downloading localized files. For GitHub repositories, select any localized file on GitHub, click Raw and replace locale code and the following bits in the URL with {locale_code}. If you use one, you need to select the project configuration file_ instead of a localized file.
  6. Click SAVE PROJECT at the bottom of the page.
  7. After the page reloads, click SYNC and wait for Pontoon to import strings. You can monitor the progress in the Sync log (/sync/log/).
  8. When the synchronization is finished, you should check the imported resources and the entities. If everything went okay, you can proceed to the next step.
  9. Go to the project's admin page and change the visibility option to make the project public. It's required because all new projects in Pontoon are private by default and aren't visible to localizers and locale managers.

For complete documentation of the Admin form, please refer to Mozilla's new project documentation_.

At this point you are ready to start localizing your project_ at /projects/SLUG/!

.. _new project documentation: .. _start localizing your project:

Data Source example

Without write access (https)

Pontoon Data Source example (no write access)

WITH write acess (github token)

  1. Go to the Github -> Settings -> Developer Settings -> Personal Access Token (PAT) -> Token (classic)
  2. Generate new token -> Generate new token (classic)
  3. Select repo and workflow for the permission.
    • For experiation choose what matches your needs
  4. Generate the token and copy it
  5. Next open the admin page of your pontoon project (/admin/projects/<PROJECT_NAME>/)
  6. Under Repositories in the URL field put the repo url + the previously generated PAT and put it in there like this
  7. Make sure to pick a seperate branch for it since pontoon will push to the given branch! E.g. translations, i18n or pontoon.
  8. Make sure to clean up the Public Repository Website input as you don't want to expose your PAT!
  9. Double check the Download prefix or path to TOML file.
    • It should look something like this for pokerogue: src/locales/{locale_code}
  10. Click Save Project
  11. Scroll back down and click Sync -> Any changes already made will now be pushed to the picked branch!
  12. Check on GitHub if the branch has (expected) changes.
  13. Done!


Admin UI acess

There is two admin UIs. One for pontoon and one for the server (django). Both have their relevance

Pontoon Admin UI

Accessible via the /admin path.

Pontoon Admin UI

Server (django) Admin UI

Accessible via the /a path.

Django Admin UI

Assigning Roles

I still havent figured this part fully out but you have to use the django admin UI for it.

  1. Go to /a/auth/user
  2. Select the user you want to edit and click on their email to open the update page.
  3. Scroll a bit down and you should see a huge Groups and User Permissions matrix.
    • pontoon-groups-permissions-matrix
  4. Go Wild!

Sync Process

See sync/