GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.STARTER_CHOICE
PokemonSpecies The pokemon to check the validity of.
Utils.BooleanHolder A BooleanHolder, the value gets set to false if the pokemon isn't allowed.
DexAttrProps The dex attributes of the pokemon.
boolean If true, allow it if it could become a valid pokemon.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify available total starter points.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.STARTER_POINTS
Utils.NumberHolder The amount of points you have available.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify the cost of a starter.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.STARTER_COST
Species The pokemon to change the cost of.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify a starter after selection.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.STARTER_MODIFY
Pokemon The starter pokemon to modify.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that what pokemon you can have in battle.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.POKEMON_IN_BATTLE
Pokemon The pokemon to check the validity of.
Utils.BooleanHolder A BooleanHolder, the value gets set to false if the pokemon isn't allowed.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify what fixed battles there are.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.FIXED_BATTLES
Number The current wave index.
FixedBattleConfig The battle config to modify.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify type effectiveness.
The current gameMode
The current effectiveness of the move.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify what level AI are.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.AI_LEVEL
Utils.NumberHolder The generated level of the pokemon.
Number The maximum level cap for the current wave.
Boolean Whether this is a trainer pokemon.
Boolean Whether this is a non-trainer boss pokemon.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify how many move slots the AI has.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.AI_MOVE_SLOTS
Pokemon The pokemon being considered.
Utils.NumberHolder The amount of move slots.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify whether a pokemon has its passive.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.PASSIVE_ACCESS
Pokemon The pokemon to modify.
Utils.BooleanHolder Whether it has its passive.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify the game modes settings.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.GAME_MODE_MODIFY
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify what level a pokemon can access a move.
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.MOVE_ACCESS
Pokemon What pokemon would learn the move.
MoveSourceType What source the pokemon would get the move from.
Moves The move in question.
Utils.NumberHolder The level threshold for access.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify what weight a pokemon gives to move generation
GameMode The current gameMode
ChallengeType ChallengeType.MOVE_WEIGHT
Pokemon What pokemon would learn the move.
MoveSourceType What source the pokemon would get the move from.
Moves The move in question.
Utils.NumberHolder The weight of the move.
True if any challenge was successfully applied.
Apply all challenges that modify starter choice.