Attack Move that doesn't hit the turn it is played and doesn't allow for multiple uses on the same target. Examples are Future Sight or Doom Desire.
The ArenaTagType that will be placed on the field when the move is used
The Charging Animation used for the move
Charging Animation
The text to display when the move is used
Should this Move target the user?
Applies move attributes
Pokemon using the move
Pokemon target of the move
Move with this attribute
Set of unique arguments needed by this attribute
true if application of the ability succeeds
the MoveCondition or MoveConditionFunc for this Move
the string representing failure of this Move
Used by the Enemy AI to rank an attack based on a given target
Used by the Enemy AI to rank an attack based on a given user
Attack Move that doesn't hit the turn it is played and doesn't allow for multiple uses on the same target. Examples are Future Sight or Doom Desire.
Param: tagType
that will be placed on the field when the move is usedParam: chargeAnim
Charging Animation
used for the moveParam: chargeText
The text to display when the move is used